org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jslee.AlarmCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jslee;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
import gnu.getopt.LongOpt;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.slee.management.NotificationSource;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandContext;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandException;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.Utils;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.op.AbstractOperation;
* Class which invokes methods on JSLEE AlarmMBean
* @author baranowb
public class AlarmCommand extends AbstractSleeCommand {
* @param name
* @param desc
public AlarmCommand() {
super("alarm", "This command performs operations on JSLEE AlarmMBean. ");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.slee.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#displayHelp()
public void displayHelp() {
PrintWriter out = context.getWriter();
out.println("usage: " + name + " <-operation[[arg] | [--option[=arg]]*]>");
out.println(" -c, --clear Clears alarm which meets criteria. Option \"--id\" or \"--nsrc\" must be present. Following options are supported:");
out.println(" --id Specifies ID of alarm to be cleared. This option MUST NOT be used with any other options.");
out.println(" Expects parameter of String type.");
out.println(" --nsrc Specifies Notification source for which alarms will be cleared. It can be used in conjunction with \"--type\".");
out.println(" Expects parameter of NotificationSource type.");
out.println(" --type Type of alarm which will be cleared. It can be used in conjunction with \"--nsrc\".");
out.println(" Expects parameter of String type.");
out.println(" -l, --list Fetches list(id) of active alarms. If \"--nsrc\" option is used, alarm Ids are fetched for this Notification source.");
out.println(" --nsrc Notification source for which alarms Ids are fetched, its not mandatory.");
out.println(" Expects parameter of NotificationSource type.");
out.println(" -d, --descriptor Fetches descriptor of alarm, if passed argument is an array of alarm ids, it will return array of descriptors.");
out.println(" Expects parameter of String or array of Strings.");
out.println(" -a, --active Checks if alarm with matching id is active.");
out.println(" Expects parameter of String type. Passed argument must be id of alarm.");
out.println(" NotificationSource: ProfileTableNotification[table=xxx]");
out.println(" AlarmId array: alarmId1;alarmId2");
out.println("Examples: ");
out.println(" 1. Check if alarm with specific id is active or not:");
out.println("" + name + " -a415f719e-3a3d-42b4-acc1-4e84706f031a");
out.println("" + name + " --active=415f719e-3a3d-42b4-acc1-4e84706f031a");
out.println(" 2. List ids of active alarms:");
out.println("" + name + " -l");
out.println(" 3. List ids of active alarms originating from specific notification source:");
out.println("" + name + " -l --nsrc=RAEntityNotification[entity=LabRA]");
out.println(" 4. Clear all alarms of certain type originating from certain notification source:");
out.println("" + name + " -c --nsrc=RAEntityNotification[entity=LabRA] --type=application.trivial.com.org.net");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.slee.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#getBeanOName()
public ObjectName getBeanOName() throws MalformedObjectNameException, NullPointerException {
return new ObjectName(Utils.SLEE_ALARM);
protected void processArguments(String[] args) throws CommandException {
String sopts = ":cd:a:l"; // "-" is required to allow non option
// args(I think)!, ":" is for req,
// argument, lack of it after option
// means no args.
LongOpt[] lopts = {
new LongOpt("list", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'l'),
//Notification source for list
new LongOpt("nsrc", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ListAlarmsOperation.nsrc),
new LongOpt("descriptor", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'd'),
new LongOpt("active", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'a'),
new LongOpt("clear", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'c'),
//Opts for clear
new LongOpt("nsrc", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ClearAlarmsOperation.nsrc),
new LongOpt("type", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ClearAlarmsOperation.type),
new LongOpt("id", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ClearAlarmsOperation.id)
Getopt getopt = new Getopt(null, args, sopts, lopts);
int code;
while ((code = getopt.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[getopt.getOptind()-1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[getopt.getOptind()-1]);
case 'c':
super.operation = new ClearAlarmsOperation(super.context,super.log,this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'l':
//operationName = "getAlarms";
// we need one arg, notification source;
super.operation = new ListAlarmsOperation(super.context,super.log,this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'd':
// we need one arg, notification source;
super.operation = new GetDescriptorOperation(super.context,super.log,this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'a':
//operationName = "isActive";
super.operation = new IsActiveOperation(super.context,super.log,this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
throw new CommandException("Command: \""+getName()+"\", found unexpected opt: "+args[getopt.getOptind()-1]);
private class IsActiveOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_isActive = "isActive";
public IsActiveOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
this.operationName= OPERATION_isActive;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
if (optArg.contains(";")) {
// arrays for ServiceID
throw new CommandException("Array parameter is not supported by: "+args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
protected String prepareResultText() {
Boolean b = (Boolean) super.operationResult;
return "Alarm is active.";
return "Alarm is inactive.";
private class GetDescriptorOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_getDescriptors = "getDescriptors";
private static final String OPERATION_getDescriptor = "getDescriptor";
public GetDescriptorOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
//op name not set!
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
if (optArg.contains(";")) {
addArg(optArg.split(";"), String[].class, false);
operationName = OPERATION_getDescriptors;
} else {
operationName = OPERATION_getDescriptor;
addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
private class ListAlarmsOperation extends AbstractOperation {
public static final char nsrc = 'z';
private static final String OPERATION_getAlarms = "getAlarms";
public ListAlarmsOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getAlarms;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code = opts.getopt();
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case -1:
// this means its mbean attribute
case nsrc:
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
if (optArg.contains(";")) {
// arrays for ServiceID
throw new CommandException("Array parameter is not supported by: "+args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
addArg(optArg, NotificationSource.class, true);
}catch(Exception e)
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse NotificationSource: \""+optArg+"\"",e);
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
protected String prepareResultText() {
if(super.operationResult == null)
return "No Alarms present";
String[] alarms = (String[]) super.operationResult;
if(alarms.length == 0)
return "No Alarms present";
return super.prepareResultText();
private class ClearAlarmsOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_clearAlarms = "clearAlarms";
private static final String OPERATION_clearAlarm = "clearAlarm";
public static final char nsrc = 'v';
public static final char type = 'b';
public static final char id = 'x';
private String stringID;
private String stringNsrc;
private String stringType;
public ClearAlarmsOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
//name not set
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind()-1]+" --> "+opts.getOptopt());
case nsrc:
stringNsrc = opts.getOptarg();
super.operationName = OPERATION_clearAlarms;
case type:
stringType = opts.getOptarg();
super.operationName = OPERATION_clearAlarms;
case id:
stringID = opts.getOptarg();
super.operationName = OPERATION_clearAlarm;
throw new CommandException("Operation \""+this.operationName+"\" for command: \""+sleeCommand.getName()+"\", found unexpected opt: "+args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
if( (stringID == null && stringNsrc == null) || (stringID != null && stringNsrc != null) )
throw new CommandException("Operation \""+this.operationName+"\" for command: \""+sleeCommand.getName()+"\", expects either \"--nsrc\" or \"--id\" to be present");
if (stringID.contains(";")) {
// arrays for ServiceID
throw new CommandException("Array parameter is not supported by: "+args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
addArg(stringID, String.class, false);
//its alarms
if (stringNsrc.contains(";")) {
// arrays for ServiceID
throw new CommandException("Array parameter is not supported by: "+args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
addArg(stringNsrc, NotificationSource.class, true);
}catch(Exception e)
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse NotificationSource: \""+stringNsrc+"\"",e);
if (stringType.contains(";")) {
// arrays for ServiceID
throw new CommandException("Array parameter is not supported by: "+args[opts.getOptind()-1]);
addArg(stringType, String.class, false);
protected String prepareResultText() {
Boolean b = (Boolean) super.operationResult;
return "Alarm has been cleared.";
return "Alarm has not been cleared.";
//clearAlarms return int number of cleared alarms
return "Number of Alarms cleared: "+super.operationResult;
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