org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jslee.ResourceCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jslee;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
import gnu.getopt.LongOpt;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.slee.management.ResourceAdaptorEntityState;
import javax.slee.resource.ConfigProperties;
import javax.slee.resource.ResourceAdaptorID;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandContext;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandException;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.Utils;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.op.AbstractOperation;
* @author baranowb
public class ResourceCommand extends AbstractSleeCommand {
public ResourceCommand() {
super("resource", "This command performs operations on JSLEE ResourceManagementMBean." );
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.slee.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#displayHelp()
public void displayHelp() {
PrintWriter out = context.getWriter();
out.println("usage: " + name + " <-operation[[arg] | [--option[=arg]]*]>");
out.println(" -b, --bind Creates bind between RA entity and link name, supports following options(mandatory):");
out.println(" --link-name Specifies link name to be used, requires argument. ");
out.println(" --entity-name Specifies RA entity name to be used, requires argument. ");
out.println(" -u, --unbind Unbinds a link name from a RA entity. Requires link name as argument.");
out.println(" -a, --activate Activate a RA entity. Requires entity name as argument.");
out.println(" -d, --deactivate Deactivate a RA entity. Requires entity name as argument.");
out.println(" -c, --create Creates a RA entity. Options specify mandatory arguments:");
out.println(" --entity-name Specifies RA entity name to be used, requires entity name as argument. ");
out.println(" --ra-id Specifies ResourceAdaptorID to be used, requires argument. ");
out.println(" --config Specifies ConfigurationProperties to be used, requires argument. ");
out.println(" -r, --remove Removes a RA entity. Requires RA entity name as argument.");
out.println(" -p, --update-config Update RA entity configuration. Options specify mandatory arguments:");
out.println(" --entity-name Specifies RA entity name to be used, requires argument. ");
out.println(" --config Specifies ConfigurationProperties to be used as new set, requires argument. ");
out.println(" -l, --list Lists result. Result content depends on passed options. One option is required, supported:");
out.println(" --ra-entities Marks list operation to list entity names. Without argument it will list all entities. If ");
out.println(" ResourceAdaptorID is passed as argument it will list entity names corresponding to argument. ");
out.println(" --ra-entities-in-state Marks list operation to list entity names of RAs in given state. Requires argument(ResourceAdaptorEntityState). ");
out.println(" --ra-entities-by-link Marks list operation to list entity name(s) of RAs bound to given link name(s). Requires argument which is a single link name or array. ");
out.println(" --links Marks list operation to list link names. Without argument it will list all links. If ");
out.println(" RA entity name is passed as argument it will list only corresponding link names. ");
out.println(" --sbbs Marks list operation to list SbbIDs bound to passed link name. Requires link name as argument ");
out.println(" -g, --get Fetches information from container based on passed option. One option is required, supported options:");
out.println(" --ra-id Retrieves ResourceAdaptorID. Requires entity name as argument, RA ID is fetched for this name. ");
out.println(" --state Retrieves state of RA. Requires entity name as argument. ");
out.println(" --config-by-id Retrieves ConfigurationProperties for given ResourceAdaptorID. Requires ResourceAdaptorID as argument.");
out.println(" --config-by-name Retrieves ConfigurationProperties for given RA entity name. Requires entity name as argument.");
//out.println(" --usage-mbean Retrieves ObjectName of ResourceAdaptorUsageMBean. Requires entity name as argument.");
out.println("NOTE: Config property has general form of: (name:java.type=value) and array has different form, than in components: [(cnf.prop),(cnf.prop)]");
out.println(" Configuration property array: [(remotePort:java.lang.Integer=40001),(localPort:java.lang.Integer=40000),(localHost:java.lang.String=,(remoteHost:java.lang.String=]");
out.println(" ResourceAdaptorEntityState: [INACTIVE|STOPPING|ACTIVE]");
out.println("Examples: ");
out.println(" 1. Create RA Entity:");
out.println("" + name + " -c --entity-name=SipRA --ra-id=ResourceAdaptorID[name=JainSipResourceAdaptor,vendor=net.java.slee.sip,version=1.2] --config=[(javax.sip.TRANSPORT:java.lang.String=UDP),(javax.sip.IP_ADDRESS:java.lang.String=),(javax.sip.PORT:java.lang.Integer=5060)]");
out.println(" 2. Bind RA Entity to Link:");
out.println("" + name + " -b --link-name=SipRALink --entity-name=SipRA");
out.println(" 3. Get state of RA Entity:");
out.println("" + name + " -g --state=SipRA");
out.println(" 4 List all RA Entities in container:");
out.println("" + name + " -l --ra-entities");
out.println(" 5. List all RA Entities created from specific ResourceAdaptorID:");
out.println("" + name + " -l --ra-entities=ResourceAdaptorID[name=JainSipResourceAdaptor,vendor=net.java.slee.sip,version=1.2]");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.slee.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#processArguments(java.lang.String[])
protected void processArguments(String[] args) throws CommandException {
String sopts = ":bu:a:d:cr:plg";
LongOpt[] lopts = {
new LongOpt("bind", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'b'),
//common options
new LongOpt("link-name", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, BindOperation.ra_link_name),
new LongOpt("entity-name", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, BindOperation.ra_entity_name),
new LongOpt("unbind", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'u'),
new LongOpt("activate", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'a'),
new LongOpt("deactivate", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'd'),
new LongOpt("create", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'c'),
//entity-name is covered
new LongOpt("ra-id", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, CreateOperation.ra_id),
new LongOpt("config", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, CreateOperation.config),
new LongOpt("remove", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'r'),
new LongOpt("update-config", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'p'),
//entity-name and config are already covered
new LongOpt("list", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'l'),
new LongOpt("ra-entities", LongOpt.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.ra_entities),
new LongOpt("ra-entities-in-state", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.ra_entities_in_state),
new LongOpt("ra-entities-by-link", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.ra_entities_by_link),
new LongOpt("links", LongOpt.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.links),
new LongOpt("sbbs", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.sbbs),
new LongOpt("get", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'g'),
//ra-id is covered
new LongOpt("state", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, GetOperation.state),
new LongOpt("config-by-id", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, GetOperation.config_by_id),
new LongOpt("config-by-name", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, GetOperation.config_by_name),
//new LongOpt("usage-mbean", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, GetOperation.usage_mbean),
Getopt getopt = new Getopt(null, args, sopts, lopts);
// getopt.setOpterr(false);
int code;
while ((code = getopt.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
case 'b':
super.operation = new BindOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'u':
super.operation = new UnBindOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'a':
super.operation = new ActivateOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'd':
super.operation = new DeactivateOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'c':
super.operation = new CreateOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'r':
super.operation = new RemoveOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'p':
super.operation = new UpdateConfigOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'l':
super.operation = new ListOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'g':
super.operation = new GetOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.slee.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#getBeanOName()
public ObjectName getBeanOName() throws MalformedObjectNameException, NullPointerException {
return new ObjectName(Utils.SLEE_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT);
private class BindOperation extends AbstractOperation
public static final char ra_link_name = 'v';
public static final char ra_entity_name = 'm';
private static final String OPERATION_bindLinkName = "bindLinkName";
private String linkName;
private String entityName;
public BindOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_bindLinkName;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case ra_link_name:
this.linkName = opts.getOptarg();
case ra_entity_name:
this.entityName = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (this.linkName == null || this.entityName == null) {
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects both \"--link-name\" and \"--entity-name\" to be present");
super.addArg(this.entityName, String.class, false);
super.addArg(this.linkName, String.class, false);
private class UnBindOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_unbindLinkName = "unbindLinkName";
public UnBindOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_unbindLinkName;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
super.addArg(opts.getOptarg(), String.class, false);
private class ActivateOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_activateResourceAdaptorEntity = "activateResourceAdaptorEntity";
public ActivateOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_activateResourceAdaptorEntity;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
super.addArg(opts.getOptarg(), String.class, false);
private class DeactivateOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_deactivateResourceAdaptorEntity = "deactivateResourceAdaptorEntity";
public DeactivateOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_deactivateResourceAdaptorEntity;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
super.addArg(opts.getOptarg(), String.class, false);
private class RemoveOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_removeResourceAdaptorEntity = "removeResourceAdaptorEntity";
public RemoveOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_removeResourceAdaptorEntity;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
super.addArg(opts.getOptarg(), String.class, false);
private class CreateOperation extends AbstractOperation
//TODO: make config param optional
private static final char config='i';
private static final char ra_id='j';
private static final String OPERATION_createResourceAdaptorEntity = "createResourceAdaptorEntity";
private String stringEntityName;
private String stringConfig;
private String stringRaID;
public CreateOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_createResourceAdaptorEntity;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case BindOperation.ra_entity_name:
this.stringEntityName = opts.getOptarg();
case config:
this.stringConfig = opts.getOptarg();
case ra_id:
this.stringRaID = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (this.stringEntityName == null || this.stringConfig == null || this.stringRaID == null) {
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects all \"--config\" ,\"--entity-name\" and \"--ra-id\" to be present");
try {
super.addArg(this.stringRaID, ResourceAdaptorID.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse ResourceAdaptorID: \"" + stringRaID + "\"", e);
super.addArg(this.stringEntityName, String.class, false);
try {
super.addArg(this.stringConfig, ConfigProperties.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse ConfigProperties: \"" + stringConfig + "\"", e);
private class ListOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final char sbbs='s';
private static final char links='k';
private static final char ra_entities_by_link='e';
private static final char ra_entities_in_state='x';
private static final char ra_entities='q';
private static final String OPERATION_getBoundSbbs = "getBoundSbbs";
private static final String OPERATION_getLinkNames = "getLinkNames";
private static final String OPERATION_getResourceAdaptorEntities = "getResourceAdaptorEntities";
private static final String OPERATION_getResourceAdaptorEntity = "getResourceAdaptorEntity";
public ListOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
//operation is set based on arg.
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
if (super.operationName != null) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects only one option!");
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case sbbs:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getBoundSbbs;
String optArg = opts.getOptarg(); // arg is mandatory
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
case links:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getLinkNames;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be link name
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
case ra_entities:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getResourceAdaptorEntities;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be RA ID
try {
super.addArg(optArg, ResourceAdaptorID.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse ResourceAdaptorID: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
case ra_entities_by_link:
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
super.operationName = OPERATION_getResourceAdaptorEntities;
super.addArg(optArg.split(";"), String[].class, false);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getResourceAdaptorEntity;
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
case ra_entities_in_state:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getResourceAdaptorEntities;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
try {
super.addArg(optArg, ResourceAdaptorEntityState.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse ResourceAdaptorEntityState: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (super.operationName == null) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects one option!");
private class GetOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final char usage_mbean='z';
private static final char config_by_name='n';
private static final char config_by_id='m';
private static final char state='o';
private static final String OPERATION_getResourceAdaptor = "getResourceAdaptor";
private static final String OPERATION_getState = "getState";
private static final String OPERATION_getConfigurationProperties = "getConfigurationProperties";
private static final String OPERATION_getResourceUsageMBean = "getResourceUsageMBean";
public GetOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
//super.operationName = "removeResourceAdaptorEntity";
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
if (super.operationName != null) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects only one option!");
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case CreateOperation.ra_id:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getResourceAdaptor;
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be entity name
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
case state:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getState;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be entity name
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
//FIXME: decided to leave conf options listing as default, so its easier to copy/paste?
case config_by_id:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getConfigurationProperties;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be RA ID
try {
super.addArg(optArg, ResourceAdaptorID.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse ResourceAdaptorID: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
case config_by_name:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getConfigurationProperties;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be RA entity name
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
case usage_mbean:
super.operationName = OPERATION_getResourceUsageMBean;
optArg = opts.getOptarg();
//it must be RA entity name
super.addArg(optArg, String.class, false);
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (super.operationName == null) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects one option!");
private class UpdateConfigOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_updateConfigurationProperties = "updateConfigurationProperties";
private String stringEntityName;
private String stringConfig;
public UpdateConfigOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_updateConfigurationProperties;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case BindOperation.ra_entity_name:
this.stringEntityName = opts.getOptarg();
case CreateOperation.config:
this.stringConfig = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (this.stringEntityName == null || this.stringConfig == null ) {
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", expects both \"--config\" and \"--entity-name\" to be present");
super.addArg(this.stringEntityName, String.class, false);
try {
super.addArg(this.stringConfig, ConfigProperties.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse ConfigProperties: \"" + stringConfig + "\"", e);
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