org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jsleex.RouterStatsCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications
* Copyright 2011-2017, Telestax Inc and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jsleex;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
import gnu.getopt.LongOpt;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.slee.EventTypeID;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandContext;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandException;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.Utils;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.op.AbstractOperation;
* Command to interact with TimerFacilityConfiguration MBean
* @author baranowb
public class RouterStatsCommand extends AbstractSleeCommand {
public RouterStatsCommand() {
super("router.stats", "This command performs operations on Restcomm EventRouterStatistics MBean.");
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void displayHelp() {
PrintWriter out = context.getWriter();
out.println("usage: " + name + " <-operation[[arg] | [--option[=arg]]*]>");
out .println(" -m, --mapped-activities Returns number of mapped activities. Optionally it can take positive integer argument.");
out .println(" In case argument is present it indicates executor for which value should be returned.");
//public int getActivitiesMapped() throws ManagementException;
//public int getActivitiesMapped(int executor) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -a, --avg-time Returns avarage time spent in routing tasks. Without any option this returns avg time for all executors and events. ");
out.println(" Options may be used in any conjunctions: ");
out.println(" --eventTypeId Specifies EventTypeID for which avg time should be retrieved. Requires EventTypeID argument.");
out.println(" --executor Specifies executor for which avg time should be retrieved. Requires positive integer argument.");
//public long getAverageEventRoutingTime() throws ManagementException;
//public long getAverageEventRoutingTime(EventTypeID eventTypeID) throws ManagementException;
//public long getAverageEventRoutingTime(int executor) throws ManagementException;
//public long getAverageEventRoutingTime(int executor, EventTypeID eventTypeID) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -r, --events-routed Returns number of events routed. It requires \"--eventTypeId\" option to be present. ");
out.println(" Following options are supported: ");
out.println(" --eventTypeId Specifies EventTypeID for which avg time should be retrieved. Requires EventTypeID argument.");
out.println(" --executor Specifies executor for which avg time should be retrieved. Requires positive integer argument.");
//public long getEventsRouted(EventTypeID eventTypeID) throws ManagementException;
//public long getEventsRouted(int executor, EventTypeID eventTypeID) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -e, --executed-tasks Returns number of executed tasks. Optionally it can take positive integer argument.");
out.println(" In case argument is present it indicates executor for which value should be returned.");
//public long getExecutedTasks() throws ManagementException;
//public long getExecutedTasks(int executor) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -i, --idle-time Returns idle time for particular executor. Requires positive integer argument, which indicates executor.");
//public long getIdleTime(int executor) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -c, --misc-tasks Returns number of misc tasks(not routing) executed within container. Optionally it can take positive integer argument.");
out.println(" In case argument is present it indicates executor for which value should be returned.");
//public long getMiscTasksExecuted() throws ManagementException;
//public long getMiscTasksExecuted(int executor) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -t, --executing-time Returns total time spent in executor. Requires positive integer argument, which indicates executor.");
//public long getExecutingTime(int executor) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -x, --misc-executing-time Returns total time spent in executor(misc tasks). Requires positive integer argument, which indicates executor.");
//public long getMiscTasksExecutingTime(int executor) throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -o, --routing-time Returns total time spent on routing event type in particular executor. Requires both option to be present.");
out.println(" Following options are supported: ");
out.println(" --eventTypeId Specifies EventTypeID for which avg time should be retrieved. Requires EventTypeID argument.");
out.println(" --executor Specifies executor for which avg time should be retrieved. Requires positive integer argument.");
//public long getRoutingTime(int executor, EventTypeID eventTypeID) throws ManagementException;
//public String printAllStats() throws ManagementException;
out.println(" -p, print-all Prints all statistics. Does not require argument.");
out.println("Examples: ");
out.println(" 1. Get number of milliseconds spent on routing certain event type:");
out.println("" + name + " -r --eventTypeId=EventTypeID[name=javax.sip.message.Request.OPTIONS,vendor=net.java.slee,version=1.2]");
out.println(" 2. Get number of milliseconds spent on routing certain event type in certain executor:");
out.println("" + name + " -r --eventTypeId=EventTypeID[name=javax.sip.message.Request.OPTIONS,vendor=net.java.slee,version=1.2] --executor=2");
public ObjectName getBeanOName() throws MalformedObjectNameException, NullPointerException {
return new ObjectName(Utils.MC_EVENT_ROUTER_STATS);
protected void processArguments(String[] args) throws CommandException {
String sopts = ":m::are::i:c::t:x:op";
LongOpt[] lopts = {
new LongOpt("mapped-activities", LongOpt.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, null, 'm'),
new LongOpt("avg-time", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'a'),
// options
new LongOpt("eventTypeId", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, AvgTimeOperation.eventTypeId),
new LongOpt("executor", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, AvgTimeOperation.executor),
new LongOpt("events-routed", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'r'),
new LongOpt("executed-tasks", LongOpt.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, null, 'e'),
new LongOpt("idle-time", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'i'),
new LongOpt("misc-tasks", LongOpt.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, null, 'c'),
new LongOpt("executing-time", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 't'),
new LongOpt("misc-executing-time", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, 'x'),
new LongOpt("routing-time", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'o'),
new LongOpt("print-all", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'p')
Getopt getopt = new Getopt(null, args, sopts, lopts);
int code;
while ((code = getopt.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
case 'm':
super.operation = new MappedActivitiesOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'a':
super.operation = new AvgTimeOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'r':
super.operation = new EventsRoutedOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'e':
super.operation = new ExecutedTasksOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'i':
super.operation = new IdleTimeOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'c':
super.operation = new MiscTasksOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 't':
super.operation = new ExecutingTimeOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'x':
super.operation = new MiscTimeOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'o':
super.operation = new RoutingTimeOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'p':
super.operation = new PrintAllOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
private class MappedActivitiesOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getActivitiesMapped = "getActivitiesMapped";
public MappedActivitiesOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getActivitiesMapped;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// it may have arg
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
if (optArg != null) {
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(optArg), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
private class AvgTimeOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getAverageEventRoutingTime = "getAverageEventRoutingTime";
public AvgTimeOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getAverageEventRoutingTime;
public static final char eventTypeId = 'z';
public static final char executor = 'q';
private String stringEventTypeId;
private String stringExecutor;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case eventTypeId:
if (stringEventTypeId != null) {
throw new CommandException("Event Type can be specified only once.");
stringEventTypeId = opts.getOptarg();
case executor:
if (stringExecutor != null) {
throw new CommandException("Executor can be specified only once.");
stringExecutor = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (stringExecutor != null) {
// add arg
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(stringExecutor), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + stringExecutor + "\"", e);
if (stringEventTypeId != null) {
// add arg
try {
addArg(stringEventTypeId, EventTypeID.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse EventTypeID: \"" + stringEventTypeId + "\"", e);
private class EventsRoutedOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getEventsRouted = "getEventsRouted";
private String stringEventTypeId;
private String stringExecutor;
public EventsRoutedOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getEventsRouted;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case AvgTimeOperation.eventTypeId:
if (stringEventTypeId != null) {
throw new CommandException("Event Type can be specified only once.");
stringEventTypeId = opts.getOptarg();
case AvgTimeOperation.executor:
if (stringExecutor != null) {
throw new CommandException("Executor can be specified only once.");
stringExecutor = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (stringEventTypeId == null) {
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires \"--eventTypeId\"");
if (stringExecutor != null) {
// add arg
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(stringExecutor), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + stringExecutor + "\"", e);
if (stringEventTypeId != null) {
// add arg
try {
addArg(stringEventTypeId, EventTypeID.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse EventTypeID: \"" + stringEventTypeId + "\"", e);
private class ExecutedTasksOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getExecutedTasks = "getExecutedTasks";
public ExecutedTasksOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getExecutedTasks;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// it may have arg
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
if (optArg != null) {
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(optArg), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
private class IdleTimeOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getIdleTime = "getIdleTime";
public IdleTimeOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getIdleTime;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// it may have arg
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(optArg), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
private class MiscTasksOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getMiscTasksExecuted = "getMiscTasksExecuted";
public MiscTasksOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getMiscTasksExecuted;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// it may have arg
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
if (optArg != null) {
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(optArg), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
private class ExecutingTimeOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getExecutingTime = "getExecutingTime";
public ExecutingTimeOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getExecutingTime;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// it may have arg
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(optArg), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
private class MiscTimeOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getMiscTasksExecutingTime = "getMiscTasksExecutingTime";
public MiscTimeOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName =OPERATION_getMiscTasksExecutingTime;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// it may have arg
String optArg = opts.getOptarg();
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(optArg), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + optArg + "\"", e);
private class RoutingTimeOperation extends AbstractOperation {
private static final String OPERATION_getRoutingTime = "getRoutingTime";
private String stringEventTypeId;
private String stringExecutor;
public RoutingTimeOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_getRoutingTime;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case AvgTimeOperation.eventTypeId:
if (stringEventTypeId != null) {
throw new CommandException("Event Type can be specified only once.");
stringEventTypeId = opts.getOptarg();
case AvgTimeOperation.executor:
if (stringExecutor != null) {
throw new CommandException("Executor can be specified only once.");
stringExecutor = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if (stringEventTypeId == null) {
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires \"--eventTypeId\"");
if (stringExecutor == null) {
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires \"--executor\"");
// add arg
try {
addArg(Integer.parseInt(stringExecutor), int.class, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse Integer: \"" + stringExecutor + "\"", e);
// add arg
try {
addArg(stringEventTypeId, EventTypeID.class, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Failed to parse EventTypeID: \"" + stringEventTypeId + "\"", e);
private class PrintAllOperation extends AbstractOperation
private static final String OPERATION_printAllStats = "printAllStats";
public PrintAllOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_printAllStats;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
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