org.mobicents.servlet.sip.message.SipServletRequestImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications
* Copyright 2011-2014, Telestax Inc and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
package org.mobicents.servlet.sip.message;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.DialogExt;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.TransactionExt;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.header.ims.PathHeader;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.message.MessageExt;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.message.SIPRequest;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.IllegalTransactionStateException;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.IllegalTransactionStateException.Reason;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPTransaction;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
import javax.servlet.sip.Address;
import javax.servlet.sip.AuthInfo;
import javax.servlet.sip.B2buaHelper;
import javax.servlet.sip.Parameterable;
import javax.servlet.sip.Proxy;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipSession.State;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipURI;
import javax.servlet.sip.TooManyHopsException;
import javax.servlet.sip.URI;
import javax.sip.ClientTransaction;
import javax.sip.Dialog;
import javax.sip.DialogState;
import javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException;
import javax.sip.ListeningPoint;
import javax.sip.ServerTransaction;
import javax.sip.SipException;
import javax.sip.SipProvider;
import javax.sip.Transaction;
import javax.sip.TransactionState;
import javax.sip.address.Hop;
import javax.sip.address.TelURL;
import javax.sip.header.AuthorizationHeader;
import javax.sip.header.CSeqHeader;
import javax.sip.header.ContactHeader;
import javax.sip.header.FromHeader;
import javax.sip.header.Header;
import javax.sip.header.MaxForwardsHeader;
import javax.sip.header.Parameters;
import javax.sip.header.ProxyAuthenticateHeader;
import javax.sip.header.ProxyAuthorizationHeader;
import javax.sip.header.RecordRouteHeader;
import javax.sip.header.RouteHeader;
import javax.sip.header.SubscriptionStateHeader;
import javax.sip.header.ToHeader;
import javax.sip.header.ViaHeader;
import javax.sip.header.WWWAuthenticateHeader;
import javax.sip.message.Message;
import javax.sip.message.Request;
import javax.sip.message.Response;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.mobicents.ext.javax.sip.dns.DNSAwareRouter;
import org.mobicents.ext.javax.sip.dns.DNSServerLocator;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.JainSipUtils;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.SipConnector;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.address.AddressImpl;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.address.AddressImpl.ModifiableRule;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.address.GenericURIImpl;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.address.SipURIImpl;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.address.TelURLImpl;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.address.URIImpl;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.ApplicationRoutingHeaderComposer;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.MobicentsExtendedListeningPoint;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.MobicentsSipServlet;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.RoutingState;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.SipApplicationDispatcher;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.SipNetworkInterfaceManager;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.b2bua.MobicentsB2BUAHelper;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.dispatchers.MessageDispatcher;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.message.MobicentsSipServletRequest;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.proxy.MobicentsProxy;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.session.MobicentsSipApplicationSession;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.session.MobicentsSipApplicationSessionKey;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.session.MobicentsSipSession;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.session.MobicentsSipSessionKey;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.core.session.SipRequestDispatcher;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.proxy.ProxyImpl;
import org.mobicents.servlet.sip.startup.StaticServiceHolder;
public abstract class SipServletRequestImpl extends SipServletMessageImpl implements
MobicentsSipServletRequest {
public static final String STALE = "stale";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SipServletRequestImpl.class);
private static final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "The context does not allow you to modify this request !";
public static final Set NON_INITIAL_SIP_REQUEST_METHODS = new HashSet();
static {
/* Linked request (for b2bua) */
private SipServletRequestImpl linkedRequest;
private boolean createDialog;
* Popped route header - when we are the UAS we pop and keep the route
* header
private AddressImpl poppedRoute;
private RouteHeader poppedRouteHeader;
/* Cache the application routing directive in the record route header */
private SipApplicationRoutingDirective routingDirective = SipApplicationRoutingDirective.NEW;
private RoutingState routingState;
private transient SipServletResponse lastFinalResponse;
private transient SipServletResponse lastInformationalResponse;
* Routing region.
private SipApplicationRoutingRegion routingRegion;
private transient URI subscriberURI;
private boolean isInitial;
private boolean isFinalResponseGenerated;
private boolean is1xxResponseGenerated;
private transient boolean isReadOnly;
// This field is only used in CANCEL requests where we need the INVITe transaction
private transient Transaction inviteTransactionToCancel;
// needed for externalizable
public SipServletRequestImpl () {}
protected SipServletRequestImpl(Request request, SipFactoryImpl sipFactoryImpl,
MobicentsSipSession sipSession, Transaction transaction, Dialog dialog,
boolean createDialog) {
super(request, sipFactoryImpl, transaction, sipSession, dialog);
this.createDialog = createDialog;
routingState = checkRoutingState(this, dialog);
if(RoutingState.INITIAL.equals(routingState)) {
isInitial = true;
isFinalResponseGenerated = false;
public ModifiableRule getModifiableRule(String headerName) {
ModifiableRule overriden = retrieveModifiableOverriden();
if ( overriden != null ) {
return overriden;
String hName = getFullHeaderName(headerName);
* Contact is a system header field in messages other than REGISTER
* requests and responses, 3xx and 485 responses, and 200/OPTIONS
* responses so it is not contained in system headers and as such
* as a special treatment
boolean isSystemHeader = JainSipUtils.SYSTEM_HEADERS.contains(hName);
if (isSystemHeader) {
return ModifiableRule.NotModifiable;
// Issue
// From and to Header are modifiable except the Tag parameter in a request that is not committed
if(headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(FromHeader.NAME)) {
if(!isCommitted()) {
return ModifiableRule.From;
} else {
return ModifiableRule.NotModifiable;
if(headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(ToHeader.NAME)) {
if (!isCommitted()) {
return ModifiableRule.To;
} else {
return ModifiableRule.NotModifiable;
if(hName.equals(ContactHeader.NAME)) {
Request request = (Request) this.message;
String method = request.getMethod();
if (method.equals(Request.REGISTER)) {
return ModifiableRule.ContactNotSystem;
} else {
return ModifiableRule.ContactSystem;
} else {
return ModifiableRule.Modifiable;
public SipServletRequest createCancel() {
if (!((Request) message).getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot create CANCEL for non invite " + message);
if (super.getTransaction() == null
|| super.getTransaction() instanceof ServerTransaction)
throw new IllegalStateException("No client transaction found! " + super.getTransaction());
if(RoutingState.FINAL_RESPONSE_SENT.equals(routingState) || lastFinalResponse != null) {
if(lastFinalResponse != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("final response already sent : " + lastFinalResponse);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("final response already sent!");
try {
Request cancelRequest = ((ClientTransaction) getTransaction())
SipServletRequestImpl newRequest = (SipServletRequestImpl) sipFactoryImpl.getMobicentsSipServletMessageFactory().createSipServletRequest(
cancelRequest, getSipSession(),
null, getTransaction().getDialog(), false);
newRequest.inviteTransactionToCancel = super.getTransaction();
return newRequest;
} catch (SipException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create cancel", ex);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#createResponse(int)
public SipServletResponse createResponse(int statusCode) {
return createResponse(statusCode, null, true, false);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#createResponse(int, java.lang.String)
public SipServletResponse createResponse(final int statusCode, final String reasonPhrase) {
return createResponse(statusCode, reasonPhrase, true, false);
public SipServletResponse createResponse(final int statusCode, final String reasonPhrase, boolean validate, boolean hasBeenReceived) {
final Transaction transaction = getTransaction();
if(RoutingState.CANCELLED.equals(routingState)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a response for the invite, a CANCEL has been received and the INVITE was replied with a 487!");
if(validate) {
if (transaction == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot create a response for request " + message + " transaction is null, a final error response has probably already been sent");
if(transaction instanceof ClientTransaction) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot create a response for request " + message + " not a server transaction " + transaction);
try {
final Request request = (Request) this.getMessage();
final Response response = SipFactoryImpl.messageFactory.createResponse(
statusCode, request);
if(reasonPhrase!=null) {
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final String requestMethod = getMethod();
//add a To tag for all responses except Trying (or trying too if it's a subsequent request)
if((statusCode > Response.TRYING || !isInitial()) && statusCode <= Response.SESSION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE) {
final ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) response
// If we already have a to tag, dont create new
if (toHeader.getTag() == null) {
// if a dialog has already been created
// reuse local tag
final Dialog dialog = transaction.getDialog();
if(session != null && dialog != null && dialog.getLocalTag() != null && dialog.getLocalTag().length() > 0
&& session.getKey().getToTag() != null && session.getKey().getToTag().length() >0) {
if(!dialog.getLocalTag().equals(session.getKey().getToTag())) {
// Issue 2354 : if the dialog to tag is different than the session to tag use the session to tag
// so that we send the forked response out with the correct to tag
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("setting session ToTag: " + session.getKey().getToTag());
} else {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("setting dialog LocalTag: " + dialog.getLocalTag());
} else if(session != null && session.getSipApplicationSession() != null) {
final MobicentsSipApplicationSessionKey sipAppSessionKey = session.getSipApplicationSession().getKey();
final MobicentsSipSessionKey sipSessionKey = session.getKey();
// Fix for Issue 1044 : javax.sip.SipException: Tag mismatch dialogTag during process B2B response
// make sure not to generate a new tag
synchronized (this) {
String toTag = sipSessionKey.getToTag();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("sipSessionKey ToTag : " + toTag);
if(toTag == null) {
toTag = ApplicationRoutingHeaderComposer.getHash(sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher(),sipSessionKey.getApplicationName(), sipAppSessionKey.getId());
//need to stay false for TCK Test com.bea.sipservlet.tck.agents.api.javax_servlet_sip.SipSessionListenerTest.testSessionDestroyed001
session.getKey().setToTag(toTag, false);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("setting ToTag: " + toTag);
} else {
//if the sessions are null, it means it is a cancel response
toHeader.setTag(Integer.toString(new Random().nextInt(10000000)));
// Following restrictions in JSR 289 Section 4.1.3 Contact Header Field
// + constraints from Issue 1687 : Contact Header is present in SIP Message where it shouldn't
boolean setContactHeader = true;
if ((statusCode >= 300 && statusCode < 400) || statusCode == 485
|| Request.REGISTER.equals(requestMethod) || Request.OPTIONS.equals(requestMethod)
|| Request.BYE.equals(requestMethod) || Request.CANCEL.equals(requestMethod)
|| Request.PRACK.equals(requestMethod) || Request.MESSAGE.equals(requestMethod)
|| Request.PUBLISH.equals(requestMethod)) {
// don't set the contact header in those case
setContactHeader = false;
if(setContactHeader) {
String outboundInterface = null;
if(session != null) {
outboundInterface = session.getOutboundInterface();
// Add the contact header for the dialog.
ContactHeader contactHeader = JainSipUtils.createContactHeader(
super.sipFactoryImpl.getSipNetworkInterfaceManager(), request, null, null, outboundInterface);
String transport = "udp";
if(session != null && session.getTransport() != null) transport = session.getTransport();
SipConnector sipConnector = StaticServiceHolder.sipStandardService.findSipConnector(transport);
if(sipConnector != null && sipConnector.isUseStaticAddress()) {
if(session != null && session.getProxy() == null) {
boolean sipURI = contactHeader.getAddress().getURI().isSipURI();
if(sipURI) {
javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) contactHeader.getAddress().getURI();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("We're adding this contact header to our new response: '" + contactHeader + ", transport=" + JainSipUtils.findTransport(request));
// Issue 1355 Not RFC compliant :
// Application Routing : Adding the recorded route headers as route headers
// final ListIterator recordRouteHeaders = request.getHeaders(RecordRouteHeader.NAME);
// while (recordRouteHeaders.hasNext()) {
// RecordRouteHeader recordRouteHeader = (RecordRouteHeader) recordRouteHeaders
// .next();
// RouteHeader routeHeader = SipFactoryImpl.headerFactory.createRouteHeader(recordRouteHeader.getAddress());
// response.addHeader(routeHeader);
// }
if(session != null && session.getCopyRecordRouteHeadersOnSubsequentResponses() && !isInitial() && Request.INVITE.equals(requestMethod)) {
// Miss Record-Route in Response for non compliant Server in reINVITE
final ListIterator recordRouteHeaders = request.getHeaders(RecordRouteHeader.NAME);
while (recordRouteHeaders.hasNext()) {
RecordRouteHeader recordRouteHeader = (RecordRouteHeader) recordRouteHeaders
final SipServletResponseImpl newSipServletResponse = (SipServletResponseImpl) sipFactoryImpl.getMobicentsSipServletMessageFactory().createSipServletResponse(
validate ? (ServerTransaction) transaction : transaction, session, getDialog(), hasBeenReceived, false);
if(!Request.PRACK.equals(requestMethod) && statusCode >= Response.OK &&
statusCode <= Response.SESSION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE) {
isFinalResponseGenerated = true;
if(statusCode >= Response.TRYING &&
statusCode < Response.OK) {
is1xxResponseGenerated = true;
return newSipServletResponse;
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad status code " + statusCode,
public B2buaHelper getB2buaHelper() {
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
if (session.getProxy() != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Proxy already present");
MobicentsB2BUAHelper b2buaHelper = session.getB2buaHelper();
if (b2buaHelper != null)
return b2buaHelper;
b2buaHelper = new B2buaHelperImpl();
if(JainSipUtils.DIALOG_CREATING_METHODS.contains(getMethod())) {
this.createDialog = true; // flag that we want to create a dialog for outgoing request.
return b2buaHelper;
public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
return null;
public int getMaxForwards() {
return ((MaxForwardsHeader) ((Request) message)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#getPoppedRoute()
public Address getPoppedRoute() {
if((this.poppedRoute == null && poppedRouteHeader != null) ||
(poppedRoute != null && poppedRouteHeader != null && !poppedRoute.getAddress().equals(poppedRouteHeader.getAddress()))) {
this.poppedRoute = new AddressImpl(poppedRouteHeader.getAddress(), null, getTransaction() == null ? ModifiableRule.Modifiable : ModifiableRule.NotModifiable);
return poppedRoute;
public RouteHeader getPoppedRouteHeader() {
return poppedRouteHeader;
* Set the popped route
* @param routeHeader
* the popped route header to set
public void setPoppedRoute(RouteHeader routeHeader) {
this.poppedRouteHeader = routeHeader;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Proxy getProxy() throws TooManyHopsException {
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
if (session.getB2buaHelper() != null ) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot proxy request");
return getProxy(true);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Proxy getProxy(boolean create) throws TooManyHopsException {
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
if (session.getB2buaHelper() != null ) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot proxy request");
final MaxForwardsHeader mfHeader = (MaxForwardsHeader)this.message.getHeader(MaxForwardsHeader.NAME);
if(mfHeader.getMaxForwards()<=0) {
try {
this.createResponse(Response.TOO_MANY_HOPS, "Too many hops").send();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("could not send the Too many hops response out !", e);
throw new TooManyHopsException();
// For requests like PUBLISH dialogs(sessions) do not exist, but some clients
// attempt to send them in sequence as if they support dialogs and when such a subsequent request
// comes in it gets assigned to the previous request session where the proxy is destroyed.
// In this case we must create a new proxy. And we recoginze this case by additionally checking
// if this request is initial. TODO: Consider deleting the session contents too? JSR 289 says
// the session is keyed against the headers, not against initial/non-initial...
if (create) {
MobicentsProxy proxy = session.getProxy();
boolean createNewProxy = false;
if(isInitial() && proxy != null && proxy.getOriginalRequest() == null) {
createNewProxy = true;
if(proxy == null || createNewProxy) {
session.setProxy(new ProxyImpl(this, super.sipFactoryImpl));
return session.getProxy();
* {@inheritDoc}
public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException {
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public URI getRequestURI() {
Request request = (Request) super.message;
if (request.getRequestURI() instanceof javax.sip.address.SipURI)
return new SipURIImpl((javax.sip.address.SipURI) request
.getRequestURI(), ModifiableRule.Modifiable);
else if (request.getRequestURI() instanceof javax.sip.address.TelURL)
return new TelURLImpl((javax.sip.address.TelURL) request
// From horacimacias : Fix for Issue 2115 MSS unable to handle GenericURI URIs
return new GenericURIImpl(request.getRequestURI());
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isInitial() {
return isInitial && !isOrphan();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletMessage#isCommitted()
public boolean isCommitted() {
//the message is an incoming request for which a final response has been generated
if(getTransaction() instanceof ServerTransaction &&
(RoutingState.FINAL_RESPONSE_SENT.equals(routingState) || isFinalResponseGenerated)) {
return true;
//the message is an outgoing request which has been sent
if(getTransaction() instanceof ClientTransaction && this.isMessageSent) {
return true;
if(Request.ACK.equals((((Request)message).getMethod()))) {
return true;
return false;
protected void checkMessageState() {
if(isMessageSent || getTransaction() instanceof ServerTransaction) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Message already sent or incoming message");
* {@inheritDoc}
public void pushPath(Address uri) {
if(!Request.REGISTER.equalsIgnoreCase(((Request)message).getMethod())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot push a Path on a non REGISTER request !");
if(uri.getURI() instanceof TelURL) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot push a TelUrl as a path !");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Pushing path into message of value [" + uri + "]");
try {
javax.sip.header.Header p = SipFactoryImpl.headerFactory
.createHeader(PathHeader.NAME, uri.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while pushing path [" + uri + "]");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error pushing path ", e);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void pushRoute(Address address) {
if(address.getURI() instanceof TelURL) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot push a TelUrl as a route !");
javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) ((AddressImpl) address)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#pushRoute(javax.servlet.sip.SipURI)
public void pushRoute(SipURI uri) {
javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri = ((SipURIImpl) uri).getSipURI();
* Pushes a route header on initial request based on the jain sip sipUri given on parameter
* @param sipUri the jain sip sip uri to use to construct the route header to push on the request
private void pushRoute(javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri) {
if(!isInitial() && getSipSession().getProxy() == null) {
//as per JSR 289 Section 11.1.3 Pushing Route Header Field Values
// pushRoute can only be done on the initial requests.
// Subsequent requests within a dialog follow the route set.
// Any attempt to do a pushRoute on a subsequent request in a dialog
// MUST throw and IllegalStateException.
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot push route on subsequent requests, only intial ones");
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Pushing route into message of value [" + sipUri + "]");
try {
javax.sip.header.Header p = SipFactoryImpl.headerFactory
} catch (SipException e) {
logger.error("Error while pushing route [" + sipUri + "]");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error pushing route ", e);
public void setMaxForwards(int n) {
MaxForwardsHeader mfh = (MaxForwardsHeader) this.message
try {
if (mfh != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
String s = "Error while setting max forwards";
logger.error(s, ex);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s, ex);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#setRequestURI(javax.servlet.sip.URI)
public void setRequestURI(URI uri) {
Request request = (Request) message;
URIImpl uriImpl = (URIImpl) uri;
javax.sip.address.URI wrappedUri = uriImpl.getURI();
//TODO look through all contacts of the user and change them depending of if STUN is enabled
//and the request is aimed to the local network or outside
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#setRoutingDirective(javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationRoutingDirective, javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest)
public void setRoutingDirective(SipApplicationRoutingDirective directive,
SipServletRequest origRequest) throws IllegalStateException {
SipServletRequestImpl origRequestImpl = (SipServletRequestImpl) origRequest;
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
//@jean.deruelle Commenting this out, why origRequestImpl.isCommitted() is needed ?
// if ((directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.REVERSE || directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.CONTINUE)
// && (!origRequestImpl.isInitial() || origRequestImpl.isCommitted())) {
// If directive is CONTINUE or REVERSE, the parameter origRequest must be an
//initial request dispatched by the container to this application,
//i.e. origRequest.isInitial() must be true
if ((directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.REVERSE ||
directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.CONTINUE)){
if(origRequestImpl == null ||
!origRequestImpl.isInitial()) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("directive to set : " + directive);
logger.debug("Original Request Routing State : " + origRequestImpl.getRoutingState());
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Bad state -- cannot set routing directive");
} else {
//set AR State Info from previous request
//needed for application composition
currentApplicationName = origRequestImpl.getCurrentApplicationName();
//linking the requests
//FIXME one request can be linked to many more as for B2BUA
} else {
//This request must be a request created in a new SipSession
//or from an initial request, and must not have been sent.
//If any one of these preconditions are not met, the method throws an IllegalStateException.
Set ongoingTransactions = session.getOngoingTransactions();
if(!State.INITIAL.equals(session.getState()) && ongoingTransactions != null && ongoingTransactions.size() > 0) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("session state : " + session.getState());
logger.debug("numbers of ongoing transactions : " + ongoingTransactions.size());
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Bad state -- cannot set routing directive");
routingDirective = directive;
linkedRequest = origRequestImpl;
//@jean.deruelle Commenting this out, is this really needed ?
// RecordRouteHeader rrh = (RecordRouteHeader) request
// .getHeader(RecordRouteHeader.NAME);
// javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) rrh
// .getAddress().getURI();
// try {
// if (directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.NEW) {
// sipUri.setParameter("rd", "NEW");
// } else if (directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.REVERSE) {
// sipUri.setParameter("rd", "REVERSE");
// } else if (directive == SipApplicationRoutingDirective.CONTINUE) {
// sipUri.setParameter("rd", "CONTINUE");
// }
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// String s = "error while setting routing directive";
// logger.error(s, ex);
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(s, ex);
// }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getLocalName()
public String getLocalName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Locale getLocale() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Enumeration getLocales() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getParameter(java.lang.String)
public String getParameter(String name) {
// JSR 289 Section 5.6.1 Parameters :
// For initial requests where a preloaded Route header specified the application to be invoked, the parameters are those of the SIP or SIPS URI in that Route header.
// For initial requests where the application is invoked the parameters are those present on the request URI,
// if this is a SIP or a SIPS URI. For other URI schemes, the parameter set is undefined.
// For subsequent requests in a dialog, the parameters presented to the application are those that the application itself
// set on the Record-Route header for the initial request or response (see 10.4 Record-Route Parameters).
// These will typically be the URI parameters of the top Route header field but if the upstream SIP element is a
// "strict router" they may be returned in the request URI (see RFC 3261).
// It is the containers responsibility to recognize whether the upstream element is a strict router and determine the right parameter set accordingly.
if(this.getPoppedRoute() != null) {
return this.getPoppedRoute().getURI().getParameter(name);
} else {
return this.getRequestURI().getParameter(name);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getParameterNames()
public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
// JSR 289 Section 5.6.1 Parameters :
// For initial requests where a preloaded Route header specified the application to be invoked, the parameters are those of the SIP or SIPS URI in that Route header.
// For initial requests where the application is invoked the parameters are those present on the request URI,
// if this is a SIP or a SIPS URI. For other URI schemes, the parameter set is undefined.
// For subsequent requests in a dialog, the parameters presented to the application are those that the application itself
// set on the Record-Route header for the initial request or response (see 10.4 Record-Route Parameters).
// These will typically be the URI parameters of the top Route header field but if the upstream SIP element is a
// "strict router" they may be returned in the request URI (see RFC 3261).
// It is the containers responsibility to recognize whether the upstream element is a strict router and determine the right parameter set accordingly.
Vector retval = new Vector();
if(this.getPoppedRoute() != null) {
Iterator parameterNamesIt = this.getPoppedRoute().getURI().getParameterNames();
while (parameterNamesIt.hasNext()) {
String parameterName =;
} else {
Iterator parameterNamesIt = this.getRequestURI().getParameterNames();
while (parameterNamesIt.hasNext()) {
String parameterName =;
return retval.elements();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getParameterValues(java.lang.String)
public String[] getParameterValues(String name) {
// JSR 289 Section 5.6.1 Parameters :
// The getParameterValues method returns an array of String objects containing all the parameter values associated with a parameter name.
// The value returned from the getParameter method must always equal the first value in the array of String objects returned by getParameterValues.
// Note:Support for multi-valued parameters is defined mainly for HTTP because HTML forms may contain multi-valued parameters in form submissions.
return new String[] {getParameter(name)};
public String getRealPath(String arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getRemoteHost() {
if(getTransaction() != null) {
if(((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourceAddress() != null &&
((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourceAddress().getHostAddress() != null) {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourceAddress().getHostAddress();
} else {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerAddress();
} else {
ViaHeader via = (ViaHeader) message.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
if(via == null) {
return null;
} else {
return via.getHost();
* {@inheritDoc}
public javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String handler) {
MobicentsSipServlet sipServletImpl = (MobicentsSipServlet)
if(sipServletImpl == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(handler + " is not a valid servlet name");
return new SipRequestDispatcher(sipServletImpl);
public String getScheme() {
return ((Request)message).getRequestURI().getScheme();
public String getServerName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int getServerPort() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
* @return the routingDirective
public SipApplicationRoutingDirective getRoutingDirective() {
if(!isInitial()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("the request is not initial");
return routingDirective;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.servlet.sip.message.SipServletMessageImpl#send()
public void send() throws IOException {
// Cope with com.bea.sipservlet.tck.agents.api.javax_servlet_sip.SipServletMessageTest.testSend101
// make sure a message received cannot be sent out
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
final String requestMethod = getMethod();
final SipApplicationDispatcher sipApplicationDispatcher = sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher();
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final DNSServerLocator dnsServerLocator = sipApplicationDispatcher.getDNSServerLocator();
Hop hop = null;
// RFC 3263 support
if(dnsServerLocator != null) {
if(Request.CANCEL.equals(requestMethod)) {
// RFC 3263 Section 4 : a CANCEL for a particular SIP request MUST be sent to the same SIP
// server that the SIP request was delivered to.
TransactionApplicationData inviteTxAppData = ((TransactionApplicationData)inviteTransactionToCancel.getApplicationData());
if(inviteTxAppData != null && inviteTxAppData.getHops() != null) {
hop = inviteTxAppData.getHops().peek();
} else {
javax.sip.address.URI uriToResolve = request.getRequestURI();
RouteHeader routeHeader = (RouteHeader) request.getHeader(RouteHeader.NAME);
if(routeHeader != null) {
uriToResolve = routeHeader.getAddress().getURI();
} else {
// RFC5626 - see if we are to find a flow for this request.
// Note: we should do this even if the "uriToResolve" is coming
// from a route header but since we currently have not implemented
// the correct things for a proxy scenario, only do it for UAS
// scenarios. At least this will minimize the potential for messing
// up right now...
uriToResolve = resolveSipOutbound(uriToResolve);
String uriToResolveTransport = ((javax.sip.address.SipURI)uriToResolve).getTransportParam();
boolean transportParamModified = false;
if(session.getProxy() == null && session.getTransport() != null && uriToResolve.isSipURI() && uriToResolveTransport == null &&
// no need to modify the Request URI for UDP which is the default transport
!session.getTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(ListeningPoint.UDP)) {
try {
transportParamModified = true;
} catch (ParseException e) {
// nothing to do here, will never happen
Queue hops = dnsServerLocator.locateHops(uriToResolve);
if(transportParamModified) {
// Issue
// Resetting the transport to what is was before the modification to avoid modifying the route set
if(uriToResolveTransport == null) {
} else {
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
// nothing to do here, will never happen
if(hops != null && hops.size() > 0) {
// RFC 3263 support don't remove the current hop, it will be the one to reuse for CANCEL and ACK to non 2xx transactions
hop = hops.peek();
* Check to see if the uri to resolve contains a "ob" parameter and if so, try
* and locate a "flow" for this uri.
* This is part of the RFC5626 implementation
* @param uriToResolve
* @return the flow uri or if no flow was found, the same uri
* that was passed into the method
private javax.sip.address.URI resolveSipOutbound(final javax.sip.address.URI uriToResolve) {
if (!uriToResolve.isSipURI()) {
return uriToResolve;
final javax.sip.address.SipURI sipURI = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) uriToResolve;
if (sipURI.getParameter(MessageDispatcher.SIP_OUTBOUND_PARAM_OB) == null) {
// no ob parameter, return
return uriToResolve;
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final javax.sip.address.SipURI flow = session.getFlow();
if (flow != null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Found a flow \"" + flow + "\" for the original uri \"" + uriToResolve + "\"");
return flow;
return uriToResolve;
public void send(Hop hop) throws IOException {
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
final String requestMethod = getMethod();
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final String sessionTransport = session.getTransport();
final SipNetworkInterfaceManager sipNetworkInterfaceManager = sipFactoryImpl.getSipNetworkInterfaceManager();
final MobicentsSipApplicationSession sipApplicationSession = session.getSipApplicationSession();
try {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("session transport is " + sessionTransport);
// Because proxy decides transport in different way, it allows inbound and outbound transport to be different.
if(session != null && session.getProxy() == null) {
if(Request.CANCEL.equals(requestMethod)) {
Transaction tx = inviteTransactionToCancel;
if(tx != null) {
// we rely on the transaction state to know if we send the cancel or not
if(tx.getState() == null || tx.getState().equals(TransactionState.CALLING) || tx.getState().equals(TransactionState.TRYING)) {
logger.debug("Can not send CANCEL. Will try to STOP retransmissions " + tx + " tx state " + tx.getState());
// We still haven't received any response on this call, so we can not send CANCEL,
// we will just stop the retransmissions
if(tx.getApplicationData() instanceof TransactionApplicationData) {
TransactionApplicationData tad = (TransactionApplicationData) tx.getApplicationData();
} else {
logger.debug("Can not send CANCEL because no responses arrived. " +
"Can not stop retransmissions. The transaction is null");
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("hop " + hop );
//Store the transport of the resolved hop to be used later
if(hop != null) {
// adding via header and update via branch if null
final String transport = JainSipUtils.findTransport(request);
if(sessionTransport == null) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("The found transport for sending request is '" + transport + "'");
MobicentsExtendedListeningPoint matchingListeningPoint = null;
// Issue 159 :
// Bad choice of connectors when multiple of the same transport are available
String outboundInterface = session.getOutboundInterface();
if(outboundInterface != null) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Trying to find listening point with outbound interface " + outboundInterface);
javax.sip.address.SipURI outboundInterfaceURI = null;
try {
outboundInterfaceURI = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) SipFactoryImpl.addressFactory.createURI(outboundInterface);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("couldn't parse the outbound interface " + outboundInterface, e);
matchingListeningPoint = sipNetworkInterfaceManager.findMatchingListeningPoint(outboundInterfaceURI, false);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Matching listening point " + matchingListeningPoint);
if(matchingListeningPoint == null) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Trying to find listening point with transport " + transport);
matchingListeningPoint = sipNetworkInterfaceManager.findMatchingListeningPoint(
transport, false);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Matching listening point " + matchingListeningPoint);
final SipProvider sipProvider = matchingListeningPoint.getSipProvider();
SipConnector sipConnector = matchingListeningPoint.getSipConnector();
//we update the via header after the sip connector has been found for the correct transport
checkViaHeaderUpdateOrForStaticExternalAddressUsage(matchingListeningPoint, hop);
if(Request.ACK.equals(requestMethod)) {
// DNS Route need to be added for ACK
// See RFC 3263 : "Because the ACK request for 2xx responses to INVITE constitutes a
// different transaction, there is no requirement that it be delivered
// to the same server that received the original request"
addDnsRoute(hop, request);
sendAck(transport, sipConnector, matchingListeningPoint);
boolean addDNSRoute = true;
//Added for initial requests only not for subsequent requests
if(isInitial()) {
// commented as this breaks AR for REGISTER
// && !Request.REGISTER.equalsIgnoreCase(requestMethod)) {
final SipApplicationRouterInfo routerInfo = sipFactoryImpl.getNextInterestedApplication(this);
if(routerInfo.getNextApplicationName() != null) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("routing back to the container " +
"since the following app is interested " + routerInfo.getNextApplicationName());
//add a route header to direct the request back to the container
//to check if there is any other apps interested in it
addInfoForRoutingBackToContainer(routerInfo, session.getSipApplicationSession().getKey().getId(), session.getKey().getApplicationName());
addDNSRoute = false;
if(addDNSRoute) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("routing outside the container " +
"since no more apps are interested.");
// Adding Route Header for LB if the request is initial or
// if we are in a HA configuration and the request is an out of dialog request
if(isInitial() || dialog == null) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("bypassLoadBalancer: " + session.getBypassLoadBalancer() + ", sipFactoryImpl UseLoadBalancer: " + sipFactoryImpl.isUseLoadBalancer()
+ ", matchingListeningPoint: " + matchingListeningPoint);
if(!session.getBypassLoadBalancer() && sipFactoryImpl.isUseLoadBalancer()) {
if(matchingListeningPoint != null && matchingListeningPoint.isUseLoadBalancer()) {
sipFactoryImpl.addLoadBalancerRouteHeader(request, matchingListeningPoint);
addDNSRoute = false;
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("adding route to Load Balancer since we are in a HA configuration " +
" and no more apps are interested.");
} else {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Not Using load balancer as it is not enabled for listeningPoint " + matchingListeningPoint);
else if(!session.getBypassProxy() && StaticServiceHolder.sipStandardService.getOutboundProxy() != null) {
sipFactoryImpl.addLoadBalancerRouteHeader(request, null);
addDNSRoute = false;
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("adding route to outbound proxy (no load balancer set) since we have outboundProxy configured " +
" and no more apps are interested.");
if(addDNSRoute) {
// we add the DNS Route only if we don't redirect back to the container or if there is no outgoing load balancer defined
addDnsRoute(hop, request);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
if (super.getTransaction() == null) {
setSystemContactHeader(sipConnector, matchingListeningPoint, transport);
* If we the next hop is in this container we optimize the traffic by directing it here instead of going through load balancers.
* This is must be done before creating the transaction, otherwise it will go to the host/port specified prior to the changes here.
if(!isInitial() && sipConnector != null && // Initial requests already use local address in RouteHeader.
sipConnector.isUseStaticAddress()) {
JainSipUtils.optimizeRouteHeaderAddressForInternalRoutingrequest(sipConnector, request, session, sipFactoryImpl, transport);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Getting new Client Tx for request " + request);
final ClientTransaction ctx = sipProvider.getNewClientTransaction(request);
JainSipUtils.setTransactionTimers((TransactionExt) ctx, sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher());
Dialog dialog = null;
if(session.getProxy() != null) {
// take care of the RRH
if(isInitial()) {
if(session.getProxy().getRecordRoute()) {
ListIterator li = request.getHeaders(RecordRouteHeader.NAME);
while(li.hasNext()) {
RecordRouteHeader rrh = (RecordRouteHeader);
if(rrh == null) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Unexpected RRH = null for this request" + request);
} else {
javax.sip.address.URI uri = rrh.getAddress().getURI();
if(uri.isSipURI()) {
javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) uri;
String serverId = sipUri.getParameter(MessageDispatcher.RR_PARAM_SERVER_NAME);
String nextApp = sipUri.getParameter(MessageDispatcher.RR_PARAM_APPLICATION_NAME);
final MobicentsSipApplicationSessionKey sipAppKey = getSipSession().getSipApplicationSession().getKey();
final String thisApp = sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().getHashFromApplicationName(sipAppKey.getApplicationName());
if(sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().getApplicationServerId().equalsIgnoreCase(serverId) && thisApp.equals(nextApp)) {
if(sipConnector != null && sipConnector.isUseStaticAddress()) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Updated the RRH with static server address " + sipUri);
} else {
// no dialogs in proxy
dialog = ctx.getDialog();
if (dialog == null && this.createDialog && JainSipUtils.DIALOG_CREATING_METHODS.contains(getMethod())) {
dialog = sipProvider.getNewDialog(ctx);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("new Dialog for request " + request + ", ref = " + dialog);
if(linkedRequest != null) {
updateLinkedRequestAppDataMapping(ctx, dialog);
// Make the dialog point here so that when the dialog event
// comes in we can find the session quickly.
if (dialog != null) {
// SIP Request is ALWAYS pointed to by the client tx.
// Notice that the tx appplication data is cached in the request
// copied over to the tx so it can be quickly accessed when response
// arrives.
} else if (Request.PRACK.equals(request.getMethod())) {
final ClientTransaction ctx = sipProvider.getNewClientTransaction(request);
JainSipUtils.setTransactionTimers((TransactionExt) ctx, sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher());
if(linkedRequest != null) {
updateLinkedRequestAppDataMapping(ctx, dialog);
// SIP Request is ALWAYS pointed to by the client tx.
// Notice that the tx appplication data is cached in the request
// copied over to the tx so it can be quickly accessed when response
// arrives.
} else {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Transaction is not null, where was it created? " + getTransaction());
//tells the application dispatcher to stop routing the linked request
// (in this case it would be the original request) since it has been relayed
if(linkedRequest != null &&
!SipApplicationRoutingDirective.NEW.equals(routingDirective)) {
if(!RoutingState.PROXIED.equals(linkedRequest.getRoutingState())) {
// Update Session state
session.updateStateOnSubsequentRequest(this, false);
// Issue 1481
// proxy should not add or remove subscription since there is no dialog associated with it
//updating the last accessed times
Dialog dialog = getDialog();
if(session.getProxy() != null) dialog = null;
if(request.getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL)) dialog = null;
// Issue 1791 : using a different classloader created outside the application loader
// to avoid leaks on startup/shutdown
final ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
final ClassLoader cl = sipApplicationSession.getSipContext().getClass().getClassLoader();
// If dialog does not exist or has no state.
if (dialog == null || dialog.getState() == null
// include UPDATE as well so it is sent indialog
|| (dialog.getState() == DialogState.EARLY && !Request.PRACK.equals(requestMethod) && !Request.UPDATE.equals(requestMethod))
|| Request.CANCEL.equals(requestMethod)) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Sending the request " + request);
((ClientTransaction) super.getTransaction()).sendRequest();
} else {
// This is a subsequent (an in-dialog) request.
// we don't redirect it to the container for now
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Sending the in dialog request " + request);
dialog.sendRequest((ClientTransaction) getTransaction());
sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().updateRequestsStatistics(request, false);
isMessageSent = true;
if(method.equals(Request.INVITE)) {
} finally {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// The second condition for SipExcpetion is to cover com.bea.sipservlet.tck.agents.spec.ProxyBranchTest.testCreatingBranchParallel() where they send a request twice, the second
// time it does a "Request already sent" jsip exception but the tx is going on and must not be destroyed
boolean skipTxTermination = false;
Transaction tx = getTransaction();
if((ex instanceof IllegalTransactionStateException && ((IllegalTransactionStateException)ex).getReason().equals(Reason.RequestAlreadySent)) || (tx != null && !(tx instanceof ClientTransaction))) {
skipTxTermination = true;
if(!skipTxTermination) {
// cleaning up the request to make sure it can be resent with some modifications in case of exception
if(transactionApplicationData.getHops() != null && transactionApplicationData.getHops().size() > 0) {
// retry directly on TCP
boolean nextHopVisited = visitNextHop();
if(nextHopVisited) {
message = (Request) request.clone();
if(ex.getCause() != null && ex.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) ex.getCause();
throw new IllegalStateException("Error sending request " + request,ex);
* @param hop
* @param request
private void addDnsRoute(Hop hop, final Request request)
throws ParseException, SipException {
if(hop != null && sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().isExternal(hop.getHost(), hop.getPort(), hop.getTransport())) {
javax.sip.address.SipURI nextHopUri = SipFactoryImpl.addressFactory.createSipURI(null, hop.getHost());
if(hop.getTransport() != null) {
// Deal with
nextHopUri.setParameter(DNSAwareRouter.DNS_ROUTE, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
final javax.sip.address.Address nextHopRouteAddress =
final RouteHeader nextHopRouteHeader =
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Adding next hop found by RFC 3263 lookups as route header" + nextHopRouteHeader);
private void checkViaHeaderAddition(Hop hop) throws ParseException {
final SipNetworkInterfaceManager sipNetworkInterfaceManager = sipFactoryImpl.getSipNetworkInterfaceManager();
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final MobicentsSipApplicationSession sipApplicationSession = session.getSipApplicationSession();
final MobicentsProxy proxy = session.getProxy();
ViaHeader viaHeader = (ViaHeader) request.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
if(!request.getMethod().equals(Request.CANCEL) && viaHeader == null) {
//Issue 112 fix by folsson
boolean addViaHeader = false;
if(proxy == null) {
addViaHeader = true;
} else if(isInitial) {
if(proxy.getRecordRoute()) {
addViaHeader = true;
} else if(proxy.getFinalBranchForSubsequentRequests() != null && proxy.getFinalBranchForSubsequentRequests().getRecordRoute()) {
addViaHeader = true;
if(addViaHeader) {
// Issue
viaHeader = JainSipUtils.createViaHeader(
sipNetworkInterfaceManager, request, null, session.getOutboundInterface());
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Added via Header" + viaHeader);
if(viaHeader.getBranch() == null) {
final String branch = JainSipUtils.createBranch(sipApplicationSession.getKey().getId(), sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().getHashFromApplicationName(session.getKey().getApplicationName()));
// modify the Via transport to match either the hop, the route or the request URI transport
String transportFromRouteOrRequestUri = JainSipUtils.findRouteOrRequestUriTransport((Request) message);
String hopTransport = null;
if(hop != null) {
hopTransport = hop.getTransport();
String viaTransport = viaHeader.getTransport();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("viaHeader transport " + viaTransport +
", hopTransport " + hopTransport + ", transportFromRouteOrRequestUri " + transportFromRouteOrRequestUri);
if(hopTransport != null && !viaTransport.equalsIgnoreCase(hopTransport)) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("updating via transport to hopTransport " + hopTransport);
} else if (transportFromRouteOrRequestUri != null && !viaTransport.equalsIgnoreCase(transportFromRouteOrRequestUri)) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("updating via transport to transportFromRouteOrRequestUri " + transportFromRouteOrRequestUri);
* @param mobicentsExtendedListeningPoint
* @param hop
* @throws ParseException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private void checkViaHeaderUpdateOrForStaticExternalAddressUsage(final MobicentsExtendedListeningPoint mobicentsExtendedListeningPoint, final Hop hop)
throws ParseException, InvalidArgumentException {
final SipConnector sipConnector = mobicentsExtendedListeningPoint.getSipConnector();
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
ViaHeader viaHeader = (ViaHeader) request.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
if(sipConnector != null) {
if(sipConnector.isUseStaticAddress() && !((MobicentsSipSession)getSession()).getBypassLoadBalancer() ) {
javax.sip.address.URI uri = request.getRequestURI();
RouteHeader route = (RouteHeader) request.getHeader(RouteHeader.NAME);
if(route != null) {
uri = route.getAddress().getURI();
if(uri.isSipURI()) {
javax.sip.address.SipURI sipUri = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) uri;
String host = sipUri.getHost();
int port = sipUri.getPort();
if(sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().isExternal(host, port, transport)) {
} else {
// Cope with set rport
// since we set the via header before request creation now, we make sure to update it based on the outbound destination before sending it out
String ipAddressToCheckAgainst = sipConnector.getIpAddress();
if(mobicentsExtendedListeningPoint.isAnyLocalAddress()) {
for(String lpIpAddress : mobicentsExtendedListeningPoint.getIpAddresses()) {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("AnyLocalAddress so checking the list of ip addresses " + lpIpAddress + " to see if one matches the destination hop" + hop.getHost());
if(lpIpAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(hop.getHost())) {
ipAddressToCheckAgainst = lpIpAddress;
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("AnyLocalAddress using ip address " + lpIpAddress + " matching the destination hop" + hop.getHost());
String outboundInterface = this.getSipSession().getOutboundInterface();
if(outboundInterface != null){
javax.sip.address.SipURI outboundInterfaceURI = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) SipFactoryImpl.addressFactory.createURI(outboundInterface);
ipAddressToCheckAgainst = ((gov.nist.javax.sip.address.SipUri)outboundInterfaceURI).getHost();
if(!viaHeader.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(ipAddressToCheckAgainst) ||
!viaHeader.getTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(sipConnector.getTransport()) ||
viaHeader.getPort() != sipConnector.getPort()) {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Via " + viaHeader + " different than outbound SIP Connector picked by the container " + sipConnector + " , updating it");
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Via updated to outbound SIP Connector picked by the container " + viaHeader);
* Keeping the transactions mapping in application data for CANCEL handling
* @param ctx
* @param dialog
private void updateLinkedRequestAppDataMapping(final ClientTransaction ctx,
Dialog dialog) {
final Transaction linkedTransaction = linkedRequest.getTransaction();
final Dialog linkedDialog = linkedRequest.getDialog();
//keeping the client transaction in the server transaction's application data
if(linkedTransaction != null && linkedTransaction.getApplicationData() != null) {
if(linkedDialog != null && linkedDialog.getApplicationData() != null) {
//keeping the server transaction in the client transaction's application data
if(dialog!= null && dialog.getApplicationData() != null) {
* @param session
* @throws SipException
private void checkSubscriptionStateHeaders(final MobicentsSipSession session)
throws SipException {
if(Request.NOTIFY.equals(getMethod()) && session.getProxy() == null) {
final SubscriptionStateHeader subscriptionStateHeader = (SubscriptionStateHeader)
// RFC 3265 : If a matching NOTIFY request contains a "Subscription-State" of "active" or "pending", it creates
// a new subscription and a new dialog (unless they have already been
// created by a matching response, as described above).
if (subscriptionStateHeader != null &&
(SubscriptionStateHeader.ACTIVE.equalsIgnoreCase(subscriptionStateHeader.getState()) ||
SubscriptionStateHeader.PENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(subscriptionStateHeader.getState()))) {
// A subscription is destroyed when a notifier sends a NOTIFY request
// with a "Subscription-State" of "terminated".
if (subscriptionStateHeader != null &&
SubscriptionStateHeader.TERMINATED.equalsIgnoreCase(subscriptionStateHeader.getState())) {
* @param sipConnector
* @param matchingListeningPoint
* @param transportForRequest
* @param sipConnector
* @param matchingListeningPoint
* @throws ParseException
private void setSystemContactHeader(final SipConnector sipConnector,
final MobicentsExtendedListeningPoint matchingListeningPoint, String transportForRequest)
throws ParseException {
final SipNetworkInterfaceManager sipNetworkInterfaceManager = sipFactoryImpl.getSipNetworkInterfaceManager();
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
final String requestMethod = getMethod();
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final MobicentsProxy proxy = session.getProxy();
ContactHeader contactHeader = (ContactHeader)request.getHeader(ContactHeader.NAME);
if(contactHeader != null && (((Parameters)contactHeader.getAddress().getURI()).getParameter("gruu") != null ||
((Parameters)contactHeader.getAddress().getURI()).getParameter("gr") != null)) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("not changing existing contact header " + contactHeader + " as it contains gruu");
if(contactHeader == null && !Request.REGISTER.equalsIgnoreCase(requestMethod) && JainSipUtils.CONTACT_HEADER_METHODS.contains(requestMethod) && proxy == null) {
final FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);
final javax.sip.address.URI fromUri = fromHeader.getAddress().getURI();
String fromName = null;
String displayName = fromHeader.getAddress().getDisplayName();
if(fromUri instanceof javax.sip.address.SipURI) {
fromName = ((javax.sip.address.SipURI)fromUri).getUser();
// Create the contact name address.
contactHeader =
JainSipUtils.createContactHeader(sipNetworkInterfaceManager, request, displayName, fromName, session.getOutboundInterface());
if(proxy == null && contactHeader != null) {
boolean sipURI = contactHeader.getAddress().getURI().isSipURI();
if(sipURI) {
javax.sip.address.SipURI contactSipUri = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) contactHeader.getAddress().getURI();
if(sipConnector != null && sipConnector.isUseStaticAddress() && !session.getBypassLoadBalancer()) {
// MSS overwrites host part of Contact Header in REGISTER requests
else if(JainSipUtils.CONTACT_HEADER_METHODS.contains(requestMethod)) {
String outboundInterface = this.getSipSession().getOutboundInterface();
if(outboundInterface != null){
javax.sip.address.SipURI outboundInterfaceURI = (javax.sip.address.SipURI) SipFactoryImpl.addressFactory.createURI(outboundInterface);
String outboundHost = ((gov.nist.javax.sip.address.SipUri)outboundInterfaceURI).getHost();
} else {
boolean usePublicAddress = JainSipUtils.findUsePublicAddress(
sipNetworkInterfaceManager, request, matchingListeningPoint);
// only set transport if not udp
if(transportForRequest != null) {
if(!ListeningPoint.UDP.equalsIgnoreCase(transportForRequest)) {
// If the transport for the request was changed in the last moment we need to update the header
String transportParam = contactSipUri.getTransportParam();
if(transportParam != null && !transportParam.equalsIgnoreCase(transportForRequest)) {
if(ListeningPoint.TLS.equalsIgnoreCase(transportForRequest)) {
final javax.sip.address.URI requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
// make the contact uri secure only if the request uri is secure to cope with issue
// Wrong Contact header scheme URI in case TLS call with 'sip:' scheme
if(requestURI.isSipURI() && ((javax.sip.address.SipURI)requestURI).isSecure()) {
} else if(requestURI.isSipURI() && !((javax.sip.address.SipURI)requestURI).isSecure() && contactSipUri.isSecure()) {
// if the Request URI is non secure but the contact is make sure to move it back to non secure to handle Microsoft OCS interop
* @return
public boolean visitNextHop() {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("visitNextHop txAppData " + transactionApplicationData);
if(transactionApplicationData != null) {
Queue nextHops = transactionApplicationData.getHops();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("visitNextHop nextHops " + nextHops);
if(nextHops != null) {
logger.debug("visitNextHop nextHops size " + nextHops.size());
if(sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().getDNSServerLocator() != null && nextHops != null && nextHops.size() > 1) {
Hop nextHop = nextHops.peek();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("visitNextHop nextHop " + nextHop);
if(nextHop != null) {
// If a failure occurs, the client SHOULD create a new request,
// which is identical to the previous, but
// has a different value of the Via branch ID than the previous (and
// therefore constitutes a new SIP transaction).
ViaHeader viaHeader = (ViaHeader) getMessage().getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
message = (Message) message.clone();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("sending request " + getMessage() + " to next hop " + nextHop + " discovered through RFC3263 mechanisms.");
// That request is sent to the next element in the list as specified by RFC 2782.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("unexpected IOException on sending " + getMessage() + " to next hop " + nextHop + "discovered through RFC3263 mechanisms.");
return false;
return true;
return false;
* @param transport
* @param sipConnector
* @param matchingListeningPoint
* @throws ParseException
* @throws SipException
private void sendAck(final String transport, final SipConnector sipConnector,
final MobicentsExtendedListeningPoint matchingListeningPoint)
throws ParseException, SipException {
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
final MobicentsSipApplicationSession sipApplicationSession = session.getSipApplicationSession();
// Issue 1791 : using a different classloader created outside the application loader
// to avoid leaks on startup/shutdown
final ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
final ClassLoader cl = sipApplicationSession.getSipContext().getClass().getClassLoader();
if(sipConnector != null && // Initial requests already use local address in RouteHeader.
sipConnector.isUseStaticAddress()) {
JainSipUtils.optimizeRouteHeaderAddressForInternalRoutingrequest(sipConnector, request, session, sipFactoryImpl, transport);
//Issue 2588 : updating the last accessed times for ACK as well
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Sending the ACK request " + request);
sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().updateRequestsStatistics(request, false);
final Transaction transaction = getTransaction();
// transaction can be null in case of forking
if(transaction != null) {
final TransactionApplicationData tad = (TransactionApplicationData) transaction.getApplicationData();
final MobicentsB2BUAHelper b2buaHelperImpl = sipSession.getB2buaHelper();
// if(b2buaHelperImpl != null && tad != null) {
// // we unlink the originalRequest early to avoid keeping the messages in mem for too long
// b2buaHelperImpl.unlinkOriginalRequestInternal((SipServletRequestImpl)tad.getSipServletMessage(), false);
// }
if(b2buaHelperImpl == null) {
if(tad != null) {
// Issue 1468 : to handle forking, we shouldn't cleanup the app data since it is needed for the forked responses
boolean nullifyAppData = true;
if(((SipStackImpl)(sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().getSipStack())).getMaxForkTime() > 0) {
nullifyAppData = false;
if(nullifyAppData) {
if(b2buaHelperImpl == null && sipSession.getProxy() == null) {
final SipProvider sipProvider = matchingListeningPoint.getSipProvider();
// Issue 1468 : to handle forking, we shouldn't cleanup the app data since it is needed for the forked responses
if(((SipStackImpl)sipProvider.getSipStack()).getMaxForkTime() == 0 && transaction != null) {
} finally {
* Add a route header to route back to the container
* @param applicationName the application name that was chosen by the AR to route the request
* @throws ParseException
* @throws SipException
* @throws NullPointerException
private void addInfoForRoutingBackToContainer(SipApplicationRouterInfo routerInfo, String applicationSessionId, String applicationName) throws ParseException, SipException {
final Request request = (Request) super.message;
final javax.sip.address.SipURI sipURI = JainSipUtils.createRecordRouteURI(
if(getSipSession().getRegionInternal() != null) {
final javax.sip.address.Address routeAddress =
final RouteHeader routeHeader =
// adding the application router info to avoid calling the AppRouter twice
// See Issue 791 :
final MobicentsSipSession session = getSipSession();
public void setLinkedRequest(SipServletRequestImpl linkedRequest) {
this.linkedRequest = linkedRequest;
public SipServletRequestImpl getLinkedRequest() {
return this.linkedRequest;
* @return the routingState
public RoutingState getRoutingState() {
return routingState;
* @param routingState the routingState to set
public void setRoutingState(RoutingState routingState) throws IllegalStateException {
//JSR 289 Section 11.2.3 && 10.2.6
if(routingState.equals(RoutingState.CANCELLED) &&
(this.routingState.equals(RoutingState.FINAL_RESPONSE_SENT) ||
this.routingState.equals(RoutingState.PROXIED))) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot cancel final response already sent!");
routingState.equals(RoutingState.PROXIED)) && this.routingState.equals(RoutingState.CANCELLED)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cancel received and already replied with a 487!");
if(routingState.equals(RoutingState.SUBSEQUENT)) {
isInitial = false;
// Retried Request are not considered as initial
if(routingState.equals(RoutingState.INITIAL)) {
isInitial = true;
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("setting routing state to " + routingState);
this.routingState = routingState;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#addAuthHeader(javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse, javax.servlet.sip.AuthInfo)
public void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse,
AuthInfo authInfo) {
addAuthHeader(challengeResponse, authInfo, false);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#addAuthHeader(javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse,
String username, String password) {
addAuthHeader(challengeResponse, username, password, false);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequestExt#addAuthHeader(javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse, javax.servlet.sip.AuthInfo, boolean)
public void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse,
AuthInfo authInfo, boolean cacheCredentials) {
AuthInfoImpl authInfoImpl = (AuthInfoImpl) authInfo;
SipServletResponseImpl challengeResponseImpl =
(SipServletResponseImpl) challengeResponse;
Response response = (Response) challengeResponseImpl.getMessage();
// First check for WWWAuthentication headers
ListIterator authHeaderIterator =
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
WWWAuthenticateHeader wwwAuthHeader =
// Fix for Issue 1832 :
// Authorization header is growing when nonce become stale, don't take into account stale headers
// in the challenge request
// String uri = wwwAuthHeader.getParameter("uri");
AuthInfoEntry authInfoEntry = authInfoImpl.getAuthInfo(wwwAuthHeader.getRealm());
if(authInfoEntry == null) throw new SecurityException(
"Cannot add authorization header. No credentials for the following realm: " + wwwAuthHeader.getRealm());
if(cacheCredentials) {
getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().addCachedAuthInfo(wwwAuthHeader.getRealm(), authInfoEntry);
// Now check for Proxy-Authentication
authHeaderIterator =
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
ProxyAuthenticateHeader proxyAuthHeader =
// Fix for Issue 1832 :
// Authorization header is growing when nonce become stale, don't take into account stale headers
// in the challenge request
// String uri = wwwAuthHeader.getParameter("uri");
AuthInfoEntry authInfoEntry = authInfoImpl.getAuthInfo(proxyAuthHeader.getRealm());
if(authInfoEntry == null) throw new SecurityException(
"No credentials for the following realm: " + proxyAuthHeader.getRealm());
if(cacheCredentials) {
getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().addCachedAuthInfo(proxyAuthHeader.getRealm(), authInfoEntry);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequestExt#addAuthHeader(javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)
public void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse,
String username, String password, boolean cacheCredentials) {
SipServletResponseImpl challengeResponseImpl =
(SipServletResponseImpl) challengeResponse;
Response response = (Response) challengeResponseImpl.getMessage();
ListIterator authHeaderIterator =
// First
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
WWWAuthenticateHeader wwwAuthHeader =
// Fix for Issue 1832 :
// Authorization header is growing when nonce become stale, don't take into account stale headers
// in the challenge request
// String uri = wwwAuthHeader.getParameter("uri");
addChallengeResponse(wwwAuthHeader, username, password, this.getRequestURI().toString());
if(cacheCredentials) {
getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().addCachedAuthInfo(wwwAuthHeader.getRealm(), new AuthInfoEntry(response.getStatusCode(), username, password));
authHeaderIterator =
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
ProxyAuthenticateHeader proxyAuthHeader =
// Fix for Issue 1832 :
// Authorization header is growing when nonce become stale, don't take into account stale headers
// in the challenge request
String uri = proxyAuthHeader.getParameter("uri");
if(uri == null) uri = this.getRequestURI().toString();
addChallengeResponse(proxyAuthHeader, username, password, uri);
if(cacheCredentials) {
getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().addCachedAuthInfo(proxyAuthHeader.getRealm(), new AuthInfoEntry(response.getStatusCode(), username, password));
* Fix for Issue 1832 :
* Authorization header is growing when nonce become stale, don't take into account stale headers
* in the subsequent request
* From RFC 2617 : stale
* A flag, indicating that the previous request from the client was
* rejected because the nonce value was stale. If stale is TRUE
* (case-insensitive), the client may wish to simply retry the request
* with a new encrypted response, without reprompting the user for a
* new username and password. The server should only set stale to TRUE
* if it receives a request for which the nonce is invalid but with a
* valid digest for that nonce (indicating that the client knows the
* correct username/password). If stale is FALSE, or anything other
* than TRUE, or the stale directive is not present, the username
* and/or password are invalid, and new values must be obtained.
protected void removeStaleAuthHeaders(WWWAuthenticateHeader responseAuthHeader) {
String realm = responseAuthHeader.getRealm();
ListIterator authHeaderIterator =
if(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
AuthorizationHeader wwwAuthHeader =
if(realm != null && !realm.equalsIgnoreCase(wwwAuthHeader.getRealm())) {
authHeaderIterator =
if(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
ProxyAuthorizationHeader proxyAuthHeader =
if(realm != null && !realm.equalsIgnoreCase(proxyAuthHeader.getRealm())) {
private void addChallengeResponse(
WWWAuthenticateHeader wwwAuthHeader,
String username,
String password,
String uri) {
int nc = generateNcFromMessage(message);
AuthorizationHeader authorization = getSipSession().getSipApplicationSession().getSipContext().getDigestAuthenticator().getAuthorizationHeader(
"", // TODO: What is this entity-body?
* @return the finalResponse
public SipServletResponse getLastFinalResponse() {
return lastFinalResponse;
* @param response the finalResponse to set
public void setResponse(SipServletResponseImpl response) {
if(response.getStatus() >= 200 &&
(lastFinalResponse == null || lastFinalResponse.getStatus() < response.getStatus())) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("last final response " + response + " set on " + this);
this.lastFinalResponse = response;
// we keep the last informational response for noPrackReceived only
if(containsRel100(response.getMessage()) && (response.getStatus() > 100 && response.getStatus() < 200) &&
(lastInformationalResponse == null || lastInformationalResponse.getStatus() < response.getStatus())) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("last informational response " + lastInformationalResponse + " set on " + this);
this.lastInformationalResponse = response;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#getInitialPoppedRoute()
public Address getInitialPoppedRoute() {
return transactionApplicationData.getInitialPoppedRoute();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest#getRegion()
public SipApplicationRoutingRegion getRegion() {
return routingRegion;
* This method allows the application to set the region that the application
* is in with respect to this SipSession
* @param routingRegion the region that the application is in
public void setRoutingRegion(SipApplicationRoutingRegion routingRegion) {
this.routingRegion = routingRegion;
* {@inheritDoc}
public URI getSubscriberURI() {
return subscriberURI;
public void setSubscriberURI(URI uri) {
this.subscriberURI = uri;
* Method checking whether or not the sip servlet request in parameter is initial
* according to algorithm defined in JSR289 Appendix B
* @param sipServletRequest the sip servlet request to check
* @param dialog the dialog associated with this request
* @return true if the request is initial false otherwise
private static RoutingState checkRoutingState(SipServletRequestImpl sipServletRequest, Dialog dialog) {
// 2. Ongoing Transaction Detection - Employ methods of Section 17.2.3 in RFC 3261
//to see if the request matches an existing transaction.
//If it does, stop. The request is not an initial request.
if(dialog != null && DialogState.CONFIRMED.equals(dialog.getState())) {
return RoutingState.SUBSEQUENT;
// 3. Examine Request Method. If it is CANCEL, BYE, PRACK or ACK, stop.
//The request is not an initial request for which application selection occurs.
if(NON_INITIAL_SIP_REQUEST_METHODS.contains(sipServletRequest.getMethod())) {
return RoutingState.SUBSEQUENT;
// 4. Existing Dialog Detection - If the request has a tag in the To header field,
// the container computes the dialog identifier (as specified in section 12 of RFC 3261)
// corresponding to the request and compares it with existing dialogs.
// If it matches an existing dialog, stop. The request is not an initial request.
// The request is a subsequent request and must be routed to the application path
// associated with the existing dialog.
// If the request has a tag in the To header field,
// but the dialog identifier does not match any existing dialogs,
// the container must reject the request with a 481 (Call/Transaction Does Not Exist).
// Note: When this occurs, RFC 3261 says either the UAS has crashed or the request was misrouted.
// In the latter case, the misrouted request is best handled by rejecting the request.
// For the Sip Servlet environment, a UAS crash may mean either an application crashed
// or the container itself crashed. In either case, it is impossible to route the request
// as a subsequent request and it is inappropriate to route it as an initial request.
// Therefore, the only viable approach is to reject the request.
if(dialog != null && !DialogState.EARLY.equals(dialog.getState())) {
return RoutingState.SUBSEQUENT;
// 6. Detection of Requests Sent to Encoded URIs -
// Requests may be sent to a container instance addressed to a URI obtained by calling
// the encodeURI() method of a SipApplicationSession managed by this container instance.
// When a container receives such a request, stop. This request is not an initial request.
// Refer to section 15.11.1 Session Targeting and Application Selection
//for more information on how a request sent to an encoded URI is handled by the container.
//This part will be done in routeIntialRequest since this is where the Session Targeting retrieval is done
return RoutingState.INITIAL;
* @return the is1xxResponseGenerated
public boolean is1xxResponseGenerated() {
return is1xxResponseGenerated;
* @return the isFinalResponseGenerated
public boolean isFinalResponseGenerated() {
return isFinalResponseGenerated;
* @return the lastInformationalResponse
public SipServletResponse getLastInformationalResponse() {
return lastInformationalResponse;
public void setReadOnly(boolean isReadOnly) {
this.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
protected void checkReadOnly() {
if(isReadOnly) {
throw new IllegalStateException(EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
public void addAcceptLanguage(Locale locale) {
public void addAddressHeader(String name, Address addr, boolean first)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
super.addAddressHeader(name, addr, first);
public void addHeader(String name, String value) {
super.addHeader(name, value);
public void addParameterableHeader(String name, Parameterable param,
boolean first) {
super.addParameterableHeader(name, param, first);
public void removeAttribute(String name) {
public void removeHeader(String name) {
public void setAcceptLanguage(Locale locale) {
public void setAddressHeader(String name, Address addr) {
super.setAddressHeader(name, addr);
public void setAttribute(String name, Object o) {
super.setAttribute(name, o);
public void setCharacterEncoding(String enc)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public void setContent(Object content, String contentType)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
super.setContent(content, contentType);
public void setContentLanguage(Locale locale) {
public void setContentType(String type) {
public void setExpires(int seconds) {
public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
super.setHeader(name, value);
public void setHeaderForm(HeaderForm form) {
public void setParameterableHeader(String name, Parameterable param) {
super.setParameterableHeader(name, param);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getInitialRemoteAddr() {
// includes both ACK Support without tx and packet
// source ip address
if(getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(Request.ACK)) {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("ACK request trying to return the Via address as we don't have a transaction");
// replaced because wasn't giving correct info for ACK
if(message == null || ((SIPRequest)message).getPeerPacketSourceAddress() == null) {
return null;
return ((SIPRequest)message).getPeerPacketSourceAddress().getHostAddress();
} else if (message != null &&
message instanceof SIPRequest &&
((SIPRequest)message).getRemoteAddress() != null ) {
//take advantage of new message methods to extract addr from msg
return ((SIPRequest)message).getPeerPacketSourceAddress().getHostAddress();
} else if(getTransaction() != null) {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("transaction not null, returning packet source ip address");
if(((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourceAddress() != null) {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourceAddress().getHostAddress();
} else {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerAddress();
} else {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("transaction null, returning top via ip address");
ViaHeader via = (ViaHeader) message.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
if(via == null ||
// check if the via is container generated, if it is then it means
// this is an outgoing request or response and thus should return null
!sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().isViaHeaderExternal(via) ) {
return null;
} else {
return via.getHost();
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getInitialRemotePort() {
// includes both ACK Support without tx and packet
// source port
if(getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(Request.ACK)) {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("ACK request trying to return the Via port as we don't have a transaction");
// replaced because wasn't giving correct info for ACK
if(message == null ) {
return -1;
return ((SIPRequest)message).getPeerPacketSourcePort();
} else if (message != null &&
message instanceof SIPRequest ) {
//take advantage of new message methods to extract port from msg
return ((SIPRequest)message).getPeerPacketSourcePort();
} else if(getTransaction() != null) {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("transaction not null, returning packet source port");
if(((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourceAddress() != null) {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPacketSourcePort();
} else {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getPeerPort();
}else {
if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("transaction null, returning top via port");
ViaHeader via = (ViaHeader) message.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
if(via == null ||
// check if the via is container generated, if it is then it means
// this is an outgoing request or response and thus should return null
!sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().isViaHeaderExternal(via) ) {
return -1;
} else {
return via.getPort()<=0 ? 5060 : via.getPort();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getInitialTransport() {
if(getTransaction() != null) {
return ((SIPTransaction)getTransaction()).getTransport();
} else {
ViaHeader via = (ViaHeader) message.getHeader(ViaHeader.NAME);
if(via == null ||
// check if the via is container generated, if it is then it means
// this is an outgoing request or response and thus should return null
!sipFactoryImpl.getSipApplicationDispatcher().isViaHeaderExternal(via) ) {
return null;
} else {
return via.getTransport();
public void cleanUp() {
// super.cleanUp();
if(transactionApplicationData != null) {
transactionApplicationData = null;
poppedRoute =null;
poppedRouteHeader = null;
routingDirective =null;
routingRegion = null;
routingState = null;
subscriberURI = null;
// lastFinalResponse = null;
// lastInformationalResponse = null;
linkedRequest = null;
public void cleanUpLastResponses() {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("cleaning up last responses on " + this);
lastFinalResponse = null;
lastInformationalResponse = null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
String messageString = in.readUTF();
try {
message = SipFactoryImpl.messageFactory.createRequest(messageString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message " + messageString + " previously serialized could not be reparsed", e);
boolean isLinkedRequestSerialized = in.readBoolean();
if (isLinkedRequestSerialized) {
linkedRequest = (SipServletRequestImpl) in.readObject();
createDialog = in.readBoolean();
String routingDirectiveString = in.readUTF();
if(!routingDirectiveString.equals("")) {
routingDirective = SipApplicationRoutingDirective.valueOf(routingDirectiveString);
String routingStateString = in.readUTF();
if(!routingStateString.equals("")) {
routingState = RoutingState.valueOf(routingStateString);
boolean isRoutingRegionSet = in.readBoolean();
if(isRoutingRegionSet) {
routingRegion = (SipApplicationRoutingRegion) in.readObject();
isInitial = in.readBoolean();
isFinalResponseGenerated = in.readBoolean();
is1xxResponseGenerated = in.readBoolean();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
if(linkedRequest == null) {
} else {
if(routingDirective != null) {
} else {
if(routingState != null) {
} else {
if(routingRegion != null) {
} else {
private static int generateNcFromMessage(Message message) {
int nc = 1;
CSeqHeader cseq = (CSeqHeader) message.getHeader(CSeqHeader.NAME);
if (cseq != null) {
nc = (int) (cseq.getSeqNumber() % Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return nc;
* Added for Issue 2173
* Handle Header [Authentication-Info: nextnonce="xyz"] in sip authorization responses
public void updateAuthorizationHeaders(boolean useNextNonce) {
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Updating authorization headers with nextnonce " + getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().getNextNonce());
int nc = -1;
List authorizationHeaders = new ArrayList();
// First check for WWWAuthentication headers
ListIterator authHeaderIterator =
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
AuthorizationHeader wwwAuthHeader =
MobicentsAuthInfoEntry authInfoEntry = getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().getCachedAuthInfos().get(wwwAuthHeader.getRealm());
if(authInfoEntry != null) {
if(nc < 0) {
nc = generateNcFromMessage(message);
String nextNonce = null;
if(useNextNonce) {
nextNonce = getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().getNextNonce();
} else {
nextNonce = wwwAuthHeader.getNonce();
AuthorizationHeader authorization = getSipSession().getSipApplicationSession().getSipContext().getDigestAuthenticator().getAuthorizationHeader(
"", // TODO: What is this entity-body?
} else {
// Now check for Proxy-Authentication
authHeaderIterator =
while(authHeaderIterator.hasNext()) {
ProxyAuthorizationHeader proxyAuthHeader =
// String uri = wwwAuthHeader.getParameter("uri");
MobicentsAuthInfoEntry authInfoEntry = getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().getCachedAuthInfos().get(proxyAuthHeader.getRealm());
if(authInfoEntry != null) {
if(nc < 0) {
nc = generateNcFromMessage(message);
String nextNonce = null;
if(useNextNonce) {
nextNonce = getSipSession().getSipSessionSecurity().getNextNonce();
} else {
nextNonce = proxyAuthHeader.getNonce();
AuthorizationHeader authorization = getSipSession().getSipApplicationSession().getSipContext().getDigestAuthenticator().getAuthorizationHeader(
"", // TODO: What is this entity-body?
} else {
for(Header header : authorizationHeaders) {
// Issue 2354 : need to clone the original request to create the forked response
public Object clone() {
SipServletRequestImpl sipServletRequestImpl = (SipServletRequestImpl) sipFactoryImpl.getMobicentsSipServletMessageFactory().createSipServletRequest((Request)message, sipSession, getTransaction(), null, createDialog);
return sipServletRequestImpl;
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