org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.DBOperations_C2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications Copyright 2012.
* and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import javolution.util.FastList;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import javolution.xml.XMLObjectReader;
import javolution.xml.XMLObjectWriter;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.map.api.smstpdu.CharacterSet;
import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.map.api.smstpdu.DataCodingScheme;
import org.mobicents.protocols.ss7.map.smstpdu.DataCodingSchemeImpl;
import org.mobicents.smsc.library.DbSmsRoutingRule;
import org.mobicents.smsc.library.SmType;
import org.mobicents.smsc.library.Sms;
import org.mobicents.smsc.library.SmsSet;
import org.mobicents.smsc.library.SmsSetCache;
import org.mobicents.smsc.library.TargetAddress;
import org.mobicents.smsc.smpp.TlvSet;
import com.cloudhopper.smpp.SmppConstants;
import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.Builder;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Host;
import com.datastax.driver.core.KeyspaceMetadata;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Metadata;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ProtocolVersion;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import com.datastax.driver.core.TableMetadata;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException;
* @author sergey vetyutnev
public class DBOperations_C2 {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DBOperations_C2.class);
public static final String TLV_SET = "tlvSet";
public static final UUID emptyUuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0 });
public static final int IN_SYSTEM_UNSENT = 0;
public static final int IN_SYSTEM_INPROCESS = 1;
public static final int IN_SYSTEM_SENT = 2;
public static final int CURRENT_DUE_SLOT = 0;
public static final int NEXT_MESSAGE_ID = 1;
public static final int NEXT_CORRELATION_ID = 2;
public static final long MAX_MESSAGE_ID = 10000000000L;
public static final long MESSAGE_ID_LAG = 1000;
public static final long DUE_SLOT_WRITING_POSSIBILITY_DELAY = 10;
private static final DBOperations_C2 instance = new DBOperations_C2();
// cassandra access
private Cluster cluster;
protected Session session;
// hardcored configuring data - for table structures
// multiTableModel: splitting database tables depending on dates
private boolean multiTableModel = true;
// length of the due_slot in milliseconds
private int slotMSecondsTimeArea = 1000;
// how many days one table carries (if value is <1 or >30 this means one
// month)
private int dataTableDaysTimeArea = 1;
// the date from which due_slots are calculated (01.01.2000)
private Date slotOrigDate = new Date(100, 0, 1);
// configurable configuring data - for table structures
private int ttlCurrent = 0;
// TTL for MESSAGES table (0 - no TTL)
private int ttlArchive = 0;
// timeout of finishing of writing on new income messages (in
// dueSlotWritingArray) (5 sec)
private int millisecDueSlotWritingTimeout = 5000;
// due_slot count for forward storing after current processing due_slot
private int dueSlotForwardStoring;
// due_slot count for which previous loaded records were revised
private int dueSlotReviseOnSmscStart;
// Timeout of life cycle of SmsSet in SmsSetCashe.ProcessingSmsSet in
// seconds
private int processingSmsSetTimeout;
// data for processing
private long currentDueSlot = 0;
private long messageId = 0;
private UUID currentSessionUUID;
private FastMap dataTableRead = new FastMap();
private FastMap dueSlotWritingArray = new FastMap();
// prepared general statements
private PreparedStatement selectCurrentSlotTable;
private PreparedStatement updateCurrentSlotTable;
private PreparedStatement getSmppSmsRoutingRule;
private PreparedStatement getSipSmsRoutingRule;
private PreparedStatement updateSmppSmsRoutingRule;
private PreparedStatement updateSipSmsRoutingRule;
private PreparedStatement deleteSmppSmsRoutingRule;
private PreparedStatement deleteSipSmsRoutingRule;
private PreparedStatement getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange;
private PreparedStatement getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange2;
private PreparedStatement getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange;
private PreparedStatement getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange2;
// private PreparedStatement getTableList;
private Date pcsDate;
private PreparedStatementCollection_C3[] savedPsc;
private volatile boolean started = false;
private boolean databaseAvailable = false;
protected DBOperations_C2() {
public static DBOperations_C2 getInstance() {
return instance;
// here are methods that contain code for cassandra access that is different between 2.* and 3.* cassandra versions
public static void setBoundStatementDate(BoundStatement boundStatement, String columnName, Date date) {
// drivers 3.0
boundStatement.setTimestamp(columnName, date);
// drivers 2.1
// boundStatement.setDate(columnName, date);
public static Date getRowDate(Row row, String columnName) {
// drivers 3.0
return row.getTimestamp(columnName);
// drivers 2.1
// return row.getDate(columnName);
public static ProtocolVersion getProtocolVersion(Cluster cluster) {
// drivers 3.0
return cluster.getConfiguration().getProtocolOptions().getProtocolVersion();
// drivers 2.1
// return cluster.getConfiguration().getProtocolOptions().getProtocolVersionEnum();
public boolean isStarted() {
return started;
public boolean isDatabaseAvailable() {
return databaseAvailable;
protected Session getSession() {
return this.session;
public void start(String hosts, int port, String keyspace, int secondsForwardStoring, int reviseSecondsOnSmscStart,
int processingSmsSetTimeout) throws Exception {
if (this.started) {
throw new Exception("DBOperations already started");
if (secondsForwardStoring < 3)
secondsForwardStoring = 3;
this.dueSlotForwardStoring = secondsForwardStoring * 1000 / slotMSecondsTimeArea;
this.dueSlotReviseOnSmscStart = reviseSecondsOnSmscStart * 1000 / slotMSecondsTimeArea;
this.processingSmsSetTimeout = processingSmsSetTimeout;
this.pcsDate = null;
currentSessionUUID = UUID.randomUUID();
Builder builder = Cluster.builder();
try {
String[] cassHostsArray = hosts.split(",");
this.cluster = builder.build().init();
} catch (Exception e) {
"Failure of connting to cassandra database. : host=%s, port=%d. SMSC GW will work without database support\n",
hosts, port), e);
this.started = true;
databaseAvailable = true;
Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata();
logger.info(String.format("Connected to cluster: %s\n", metadata.getClusterName()));
for (Host host : metadata.getAllHosts()) {
logger.info(String.format("Datacenter: %s; Host: %s; Rack: %s\n", host.getDatacenter(), host.getAddress(),
session = cluster.connect();
session.execute("USE \"" + keyspace + "\"");
String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE
+ "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=?;";
selectCurrentSlotTable = session.prepare(sa);
sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\", \""
+ Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT + "\") VALUES (?, ?);";
updateCurrentSlotTable = session.prepare(sa);
getSmppSmsRoutingRule = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS
+ "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\"=?;");
getSipSmsRoutingRule = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\"=? and \""
+ Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\"=?;");
updateSmppSmsRoutingRule = session.prepare("INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\", \""
+ Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME + "\") VALUES (?, ?, ?);");
updateSipSmsRoutingRule = session.prepare("INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\", \""
+ Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME + "\") VALUES (?, ?, ?);");
deleteSmppSmsRoutingRule = session.prepare("delete from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS
+ "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\"=?;");
deleteSipSmsRoutingRule = session.prepare("delete from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\"=? and \""
+ Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\"=?;");
int row_count = 100;
getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
+ "\" where token(\"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\") >= token(?) LIMIT " + row_count + ";");
getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange2 = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
+ "\" LIMIT " + row_count + ";");
getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
+ "\" where token(\"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\") >= token(?) LIMIT " + row_count + ";");
getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange2 = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
+ "\" LIMIT " + row_count + ";");
// getTableList = session.prepare("select * from system.schema_columnfamilies;");
try {
currentDueSlot = c2_getCurrentSlotTable(CURRENT_DUE_SLOT);
if (currentDueSlot == 0) {
// not yet set
long l1 = this.c2_getDueSlotForTime(new Date());
} else {
this.c2_setCurrentDueSlot(currentDueSlot - dueSlotReviseOnSmscStart);
messageId = c2_getCurrentSlotTable(NEXT_MESSAGE_ID);
messageId += MESSAGE_ID_LAG;
c2_setCurrentSlotTable(NEXT_MESSAGE_ID, messageId);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed reading a currentDueSlot !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
this.started = true;
public void stop() throws Exception {
if (!this.started)
if (cluster != null && !cluster.isClosed()) {
Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata();
logger.info(String.format("Disconnected from cluster: %s\n", metadata.getClusterName()));
this.started = false;
* Returns length of the due_slot in milliseconds
public long getSlotMSecondsTimeArea() {
return slotMSecondsTimeArea;
* Returns due_slot for the given time
public long c2_getDueSlotForTime(Date time) {
long a2 = time.getTime();
long a1 = this.slotOrigDate.getTime();
long diff = a2 - a1;
long res = diff / this.slotMSecondsTimeArea;
return res;
* Returns time for the given due_slot
public Date c2_getTimeForDueSlot(long dueSlot) {
long a1 = this.slotOrigDate.getTime() + dueSlot * this.slotMSecondsTimeArea;
Date date = new Date(a1);
return date;
* Returns due_slop that SMSC is processing now
public long c2_getCurrentDueSlot() {
return currentDueSlot;
* Set a new due_slop that SMSC "is processing now" and store it into the
* database
public void c2_setCurrentDueSlot(long newDueSlot) throws PersistenceException {
currentDueSlot = newDueSlot;
c2_setCurrentSlotTable(CURRENT_DUE_SLOT, newDueSlot);
* Returns a next messageId
* Every MESSAGE_ID_LAG messageId will be stored at cassandra database
public synchronized long c2_getNextMessageId() {
if (messageId >= MAX_MESSAGE_ID)
messageId = 1;
if (messageId % MESSAGE_ID_LAG == 0 && databaseAvailable) {
try {
c2_setCurrentSlotTable(NEXT_MESSAGE_ID, messageId);
} catch (PersistenceException e) {
logger.error("Exception when storing next messageId to the database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return messageId;
* Initial reading CURRENT_DUE_SLOT and NEXT_MESSAGE_ID when cassandra
* database access starting
* @return dead value
* @throws PersistenceException
protected long c2_getCurrentSlotTable(int key) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatement ps = selectCurrentSlotTable;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
long res2 = 0;
for (Row row : res) {
res2 = row.getLong(0);
return res2;
private void c2_setCurrentSlotTable(int key, long newVal) throws PersistenceException {
try {
PreparedStatement ps = updateCurrentSlotTable;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
boundStatement.bind(key, newVal);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed writing a c2_setCurrenrSlotTable !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
* Return due_slop for current time
public long c2_getIntimeDueSlot() {
return this.c2_getDueSlotForTime(new Date());
* Return due_slop for storing next incoming to SMSC message
public long c2_getDueSlotForNewSms() {
long res = c2_getIntimeDueSlot() + dueSlotForwardStoring;
return res;
// TODO: we can add here code incrementing of due_slot if current
// due_slot is overloaded
* Checking if dueSlot is possible to use for writing (it is not too soon).
* if possible - returns dueSlot
* if not - returns next possible dueSlot
public long c2_checkDueSlotWritingPossibility(long dueSlot) {
long first = this.c2_getCurrentDueSlot() + DUE_SLOT_WRITING_POSSIBILITY_DELAY;
if (dueSlot < first)
return first;
return dueSlot;
* Registering that thread starts writing to this due_slot
public void c2_registerDueSlotWriting(long dueSlot) {
synchronized (dueSlotWritingArray) {
Long ll = dueSlot;
DueSlotWritingElement el = dueSlotWritingArray.get(ll);
if (el == null) {
el = new DueSlotWritingElement(ll);
dueSlotWritingArray.put(ll, el);
el.writingCount = 1;
} else {
el.lastStartDate = new Date();
* Registering that thread finishes writing to this due_slot
public void c2_unregisterDueSlotWriting(long dueSlot) {
synchronized (dueSlotWritingArray) {
Long ll = dueSlot;
DueSlotWritingElement el = dueSlotWritingArray.get(ll);
if (el != null) {
if (el.writingCount == 0) {
* Checking if due_slot is not in writing state now Returns true if due_slot
* is not in writing now
public boolean c2_checkDueSlotNotWriting(long dueSlot) {
synchronized (dueSlotWritingArray) {
Long ll = dueSlot;
DueSlotWritingElement el = dueSlotWritingArray.get(ll);
if (el != null) {
Date d1 = el.lastStartDate;
Date d2 = new Date();
long diff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime();
if (diff > millisecDueSlotWritingTimeout) {
logger.warn("Timeout in millisecDueSlotWritingTimeout element");
return true;
} else
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Generate a table name depending on long dueSlot
protected String getTableName(long dueSlot) {
Date dt = this.c2_getTimeForDueSlot(dueSlot);
return getTableName(dt);
* Generate a table name depending on date
protected String getTableName(Date dt) {
if (multiTableModel) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(dt.getYear() + 1900);
int mn = dt.getMonth() + 1;
if (mn >= 10)
else {
if (this.dataTableDaysTimeArea < 1 || this.dataTableDaysTimeArea >= 30) {
} else {
int dy = dt.getDate();
int fNum;
if (this.dataTableDaysTimeArea == 1)
fNum = dy / this.dataTableDaysTimeArea;
fNum = dy / this.dataTableDaysTimeArea + 1;
if (fNum >= 10)
else {
return sb.toString();
} else
return "";
public PreparedStatementCollection_C3[] c2_getPscList() throws PersistenceException {
Date dt = new Date();
if (!this.isStarted())
return new PreparedStatementCollection_C3[0];
if (pcsDate != null && dt.getDate() == pcsDate.getDate()) {
return savedPsc;
} else {
return savedPsc;
private void createPscList() throws PersistenceException {
Date dt = new Date();
Date dtt = new Date(dt.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
String s1 = this.getTableName(dt);
String s2 = this.getTableName(dtt);
PreparedStatementCollection_C3[] res;
if (!s2.equals(s1)) {
res = new PreparedStatementCollection_C3[2];
res[0] = this.getStatementCollection(dtt);
res[1] = this.getStatementCollection(dt);
} else {
res = new PreparedStatementCollection_C3[1];
res[0] = this.getStatementCollection(dt);
savedPsc = res;
pcsDate = dt;
public long c2_getDueSlotForTargetId(String targetId) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3[] lstPsc = this.c2_getPscList();
for (PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc : lstPsc) {
long dueSlot = this.c2_getDueSlotForTargetId(psc, targetId);
if (dueSlot != 0)
return dueSlot;
return 0;
public long c2_getDueSlotForTargetId(PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc, String targetId)
throws PersistenceException {
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.getDueSlotForTargetId;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
long l = 0;
for (Row row : res) {
l = row.getLong(0);
return l;
} catch (Exception e1) {
// TODO: remove it
String msg = "Failed to execute getDueSlotForTargetId() !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
public void c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId(String targetId, long newDueSlot) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = this.getStatementCollection(newDueSlot);
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.createDueSlotForTargetId;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
boundStatement.bind(targetId, newDueSlot);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to execute createDueSlotForTargetId() !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
private void c2_clearDueSlotForTargetId(String targetId, long newDueSlot) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = this.getStatementCollection(newDueSlot);
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.createDueSlotForTargetId;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
boundStatement.bind(targetId, 0L);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to execute clearDueSlotForTargetId() !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
public void c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId_WithTableCleaning(String targetId, long newDueSlot)
throws PersistenceException {
// removing dueSlot for other time tables is any
PreparedStatementCollection_C3[] lstPsc = this.c2_getPscList();
if (lstPsc.length >= 2) {
String s1 = this.getTableName(newDueSlot);
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < lstPsc.length; i1++) {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = lstPsc[i1];
if (!psc.getTName().equals(s1)) {
long dueSlot = this.c2_getDueSlotForTargetId(psc, targetId);
if (dueSlot != 0) {
c2_clearDueSlotForTargetId(targetId, dueSlot);
c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId(targetId, newDueSlot);
* scheduler a message into a dueSlot that is already scheduled for all
* messages for this targetId or for a next available if no dueSlot has been
* scheduled for targetId
public void c2_scheduleMessage_ReschedDueSlot(Sms sms, boolean fastStoreAndForwordMode, boolean removeExpiredValidityPeriod) throws PersistenceException {
c2_scheduleMessage_ReschedDueSlot(sms, fastStoreAndForwordMode, 0, null, removeExpiredValidityPeriod);
private void c2_scheduleMessage_ReschedDueSlot(Sms sms, boolean fastStoreAndForwordMode, long preferredDueSlot, ArrayList lstFailured,
boolean removeExpiredValidityPeriod) throws PersistenceException {
if (sms.getStored()) {
long dueSlot = 0;
PreparedStatementCollection_C3[] lstPsc = this.c2_getPscList();
boolean done = false;
int cnt = 0;
while (!done && cnt < 5) {
SmType destType = sms.getSmsSet().getType();
if (destType == null || destType == SmType.SMS_FOR_SS7) {
for (PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc : lstPsc) {
dueSlot = this.c2_getDueSlotForTargetId(psc, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId());
if (dueSlot != 0)
if ((dueSlot == 0 || dueSlot <= this.c2_getCurrentDueSlot()) && preferredDueSlot > 0) {
dueSlot = preferredDueSlot;
this.c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId_WithTableCleaning(sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId(), dueSlot);
if (fastStoreAndForwordMode && dueSlot != 0) {
long dueSlot2 = c2_checkDueSlotWritingPossibility(dueSlot);
if (dueSlot2 != dueSlot) {
dueSlot = dueSlot2;
this.c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId_WithTableCleaning(sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId(), dueSlot);
if (dueSlot == 0 || dueSlot <= this.c2_getCurrentDueSlot()) {
dueSlot = this.c2_getDueSlotForNewSms();
this.c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId_WithTableCleaning(sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId(), dueSlot);
done = this.do_scheduleMessage(sms, dueSlot, lstFailured, fastStoreAndForwordMode, removeExpiredValidityPeriod);
if (!done) {
logger.warn("5 retries of c2_scheduleMessage fails for targetId=" + sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId());
* scheduler a message for a predefined dueSlot (for a next schedule time)
public void c2_scheduleMessage_NewDueSlot(Sms sms, long dueSlot, ArrayList lstFailured, boolean fastStoreAndForwordMode) throws PersistenceException {
if (sms.getStoringAfterFailure()) {
// the first store in ForwardAndStore mode - we store with other
// messages to this
c2_scheduleMessage_ReschedDueSlot(sms, fastStoreAndForwordMode, dueSlot, lstFailured, true);
} else {
if (sms.getStored()) {
if (fastStoreAndForwordMode) {
dueSlot = c2_checkDueSlotWritingPossibility(dueSlot);
this.c2_updateInSystem(sms, DBOperations_C2.IN_SYSTEM_SENT, fastStoreAndForwordMode);
this.c2_updateDueSlotForTargetId_WithTableCleaning(sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId(), dueSlot);
this.do_scheduleMessage(sms, dueSlot, lstFailured, fastStoreAndForwordMode, true);
} else {
protected boolean do_scheduleMessage(Sms sms, long dueSlot, ArrayList lstFailured, boolean fastStoreAndForwordMode, boolean removeExpiredValidityPeriod)
throws PersistenceException {
Date dt = this.c2_getTimeForDueSlot(dueSlot);
// special case for ScheduleDeliveryTime
Date schedTime = sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime();
if (schedTime != null && schedTime.after(dt)) {
dueSlot = this.c2_getDueSlotForTime(schedTime);
// checking validity date
if (sms.getValidityPeriod() != null && sms.getValidityPeriod().before(dt)) {
if (lstFailured != null)
return true;
if (fastStoreAndForwordMode) {
return doCreateRecordCurrent(sms, dueSlot);
} else {
try {
return doCreateRecordCurrent(sms, dueSlot);
} finally {
private boolean doCreateRecordCurrent(Sms sms, long dueSlot) throws PersistenceException {
if (dueSlot <= this.c2_getCurrentDueSlot()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public void c2_createRecordCurrent(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException {
long dueSlot = sms.getDueSlot();
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = getStatementCollection(dueSlot);
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.createRecordCurrent;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
setSmsFields(sms, dueSlot, boundStatement, false, psc.getShortMessageNewStringFormat(), psc.getAddedCorrId(), psc.getAddedNetworkId(),
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed createRecordCurrent !" + e1.getMessage();
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
public void c2_createRecordArchive(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException {
if (!this.databaseAvailable)
Date deliveryDate = sms.getDeliverDate();
if (deliveryDate == null)
deliveryDate = new Date();
long dueSlot = this.c2_getDueSlotForTime(deliveryDate);
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = getStatementCollection(deliveryDate);
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.createRecordArchive;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
setSmsFields(sms, dueSlot, boundStatement, true, psc.getShortMessageNewStringFormat(), psc.getAddedCorrId(), psc.getAddedNetworkId(),
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed createRecordArchive !" + e1.getMessage();
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
private void setSmsFields(Sms sms, long dueSlot, BoundStatement boundStatement, boolean archive, boolean shortMessageNewStringFormat, boolean addedCorrId,
boolean addedNetworkId, boolean addedOrigNetworkId) throws PersistenceException {
boundStatement.setUUID(Schema.COLUMN_ID, sms.getDbId());
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId());
if (addedNetworkId) {
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getNetworkId());
boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, dueSlot);
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM, IN_SYSTEM_UNSENT);
boundStatement.setUUID(Schema.COLUMN_SMSC_UUID, emptyUuid);
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddr());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddrTon());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddrNpi());
if (sms.getSourceAddr() != null) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, sms.getSourceAddr());
} else {
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, sms.getSourceAddrTon());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, sms.getSourceAddrNpi());
if (addedOrigNetworkId) {
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_NETWORK_ID, sms.getOrigNetworkId());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, sms.getSmsSet().getDueDelay());
if (sms.getSmsSet().getStatus() != null)
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, sms.getSmsSet().getStatus().getCode());
boundStatement.setBool(Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, sms.getSmsSet().isAlertingSupported());
boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, sms.getMessageId());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, sms.getMoMessageRef());
if (sms.getOrigEsmeName() != null) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, sms.getOrigEsmeName());
} else
if (sms.getOrigSystemId() != null) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, sms.getOrigSystemId());
} else
if (sms.getSubmitDate() != null) {
setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, sms.getSubmitDate());
} else
if (sms.getDeliverDate() != null) {
setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_DATE, sms.getDeliverDate());
} else
if (sms.getServiceType() != null) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, sms.getServiceType());
} else
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, sms.getEsmClass());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, sms.getProtocolId());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, sms.getPriority());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, sms.getRegisteredDelivery());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, sms.getReplaceIfPresent());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, sms.getDataCodingForDatabase());
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, sms.getDefaultMsgId());
if (shortMessageNewStringFormat) {
if (sms.getShortMessageText() != null) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_TEXT, sms.getShortMessageText());
} else
if (sms.getShortMessageBin() != null) {
boundStatement.setBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_BIN, ByteBuffer.wrap(sms.getShortMessageBin()));
} else
} else {
// convert to an old format
String msg = sms.getShortMessageText();
byte[] udhData = sms.getShortMessageBin();
byte[] textPart = null;
DataCodingScheme dcs = new DataCodingSchemeImpl(sms.getDataCoding());
switch (dcs.getCharacterSet()) {
case GSM7:
textPart = msg.getBytes();
case UCS2:
Charset ucs2Charset = Charset.forName("UTF-16BE");
ByteBuffer bb = ucs2Charset.encode(msg);
textPart = new byte[bb.limit()];
// we do not support this yet
byte[] data;
if (textPart != null) {
if (udhData != null) {
data = new byte[textPart.length + udhData.length];
System.arraycopy(udhData, 0, data, 0, udhData.length);
System.arraycopy(textPart, 0, data, udhData.length, textPart.length);
} else {
data = textPart;
} else {
if (udhData != null) {
data = udhData;
} else {
data = new byte[0];
boundStatement.setBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, ByteBuffer.wrap(data));
if (sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime() != null) {
setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime());
} else
if (sms.getValidityPeriod() != null) {
setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, sms.getValidityPeriod());
} else
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, sms.getDeliveryCount());
if (sms.getTlvSet().getOptionalParameterCount() > 0) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
XMLObjectWriter writer = XMLObjectWriter.newInstance(baos);
writer.write(sms.getTlvSet(), TLV_SET, TlvSet.class);
byte[] rawData = baos.toByteArray();
String serializedEvent = new String(rawData);
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, serializedEvent);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
String msg = "XMLStreamException when serializing optional parameters for '" + sms.getDbId() + "'!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
} else {
if (!archive) {
if (addedCorrId) {
if (sms.getSmsSet().getCorrelationId() != null) {
if (addedCorrId) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_CORR_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getCorrelationId());
} else {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_IMSI, sms.getSmsSet().getCorrelationId());
} else {
if (sms.getSmsSet().getLocationInfoWithLMSI() != null
&& sms.getSmsSet().getLocationInfoWithLMSI().getNetworkNodeNumber() != null) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_NNN_DIGITS, sms.getSmsSet().getLocationInfoWithLMSI()
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_NNN_AN, sms.getSmsSet().getLocationInfoWithLMSI().getNetworkNodeNumber()
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_NNN_NP, sms.getSmsSet().getLocationInfoWithLMSI().getNetworkNodeNumber()
} else {
if (sms.getSmsSet().getType() != null) {
boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_TYPE, sms.getSmsSet().getType().getCode());
} else {
if (addedCorrId) {
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_CORR_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getCorrelationId());
boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_IMSI, sms.getSmsSet().getImsi());
public ArrayList c2_getRecordList(long dueSlot) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = getStatementCollection(dueSlot);
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.getRecordData;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
for (Row row : res) {
SmsSet smsSet = this.createSms(row, null, psc.getShortMessageNewStringFormat(), psc.getAddedCorrId(), psc.getAddedNetworkId(),
if (smsSet != null)
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed getRecordList()";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
return result;
public SmsSet c2_getRecordListForTargeId(long dueSlot, String targetId) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = getStatementCollection(dueSlot);
SmsSet result = null;
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.getRecordData2;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
boundStatement.bind(dueSlot, targetId);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
for (Row row : res) {
result = this.createSms(row, result, psc.getShortMessageNewStringFormat(), psc.getAddedCorrId(), psc.getAddedNetworkId(),
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed getRecordListForTargeId()";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
return result;
protected SmsSet createSms(final Row row, SmsSet smsSet, boolean shortMessageNewStringFormat, boolean addedCorrId, boolean addedNetworkId,
boolean addedOrigNetworkId) throws PersistenceException {
if (row == null) {
return smsSet;
int inSystem = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM);
UUID smscUuid = row.getUUID(Schema.COLUMN_SMSC_UUID);
if (inSystem == IN_SYSTEM_SENT || inSystem == IN_SYSTEM_INPROCESS && smscUuid.equals(currentSessionUUID)) {
// inSystem it is in processing or processed - skip this
return smsSet;
Sms sms = new Sms();
if (addedOrigNetworkId) {
sms.setSubmitDate(getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE));
if (shortMessageNewStringFormat) {
ByteBuffer bb = row.getBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_BIN);
if (bb != null) {
byte[] buf = new byte[bb.limit() - bb.position()];
} else {
ByteBuffer bb = row.getBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE);
if (bb != null) {
byte[] buf = new byte[bb.limit() - bb.position()];
// convert to a new format
byte[] shortMessage = sms.getShortMessage();
byte[] textPart = shortMessage;
byte[] udhData = null;
boolean udhExists = false;
DataCodingScheme dcs = new DataCodingSchemeImpl(sms.getDataCoding());
String msg = null;
if (dcs.getCharacterSet() == CharacterSet.GSM8) {
udhData = shortMessage;
} else {
if ((sms.getEsmClass() & SmppConstants.ESM_CLASS_UDHI_MASK) != 0) {
udhExists = true;
if (udhExists && shortMessage != null && shortMessage.length > 2) {
// UDH exists
int udhLen = (shortMessage[0] & 0xFF) + 1;
if (udhLen <= shortMessage.length) {
textPart = new byte[shortMessage.length - udhLen];
udhData = new byte[udhLen];
System.arraycopy(shortMessage, udhLen, textPart, 0, textPart.length);
System.arraycopy(shortMessage, 0, udhData, 0, udhLen);
switch (dcs.getCharacterSet()) {
case GSM7:
msg = new String(textPart);
case UCS2:
Charset ucs2Charset = Charset.forName("UTF-16BE");
bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(textPart);
CharBuffer bf = ucs2Charset.decode(bb);
msg = bf.toString();
udhData = sms.getShortMessage();
sms.setScheduleDeliveryTime(getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME));
sms.setValidityPeriod(getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD));
String s = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS);
if (s != null) {
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes());
XMLObjectReader reader = XMLObjectReader.newInstance(bais);
TlvSet copy = reader.read(TLV_SET, TlvSet.class);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
String msg = "XMLStreamException when deserializing optional parameters for '" + sms.getDbId() + "'!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
if (smsSet == null) {
smsSet = new SmsSet();
String destAddr = null;
int destAddrTon = -1;
int destAddrNpi = -1;
destAddr = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS);
destAddrTon = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON);
destAddrNpi = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI);
if (destAddr == null || destAddrTon == -1 || destAddrNpi == -1) {
throw new PersistenceException("destAddr or destAddrTon or destAddrNpi is absent for ID='"
+ sms.getDbId() + "'");
if (addedNetworkId) {
} else {
String tagId = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID);
if (tagId != null) {
String[] ss = tagId.split("_");
if (ss.length == 4) {
String s1 = ss[3];
try {
int networkId = Integer.parseInt(s1);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (addedCorrId)
int dueDelay = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY);
if (dueDelay > smsSet.getDueDelay())
boolean alertingSupported = row.getBool(Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED);
if (alertingSupported)
return smsSet;
public ArrayList c2_sortRecordList(ArrayList sourceLst) {
FastMap res = new FastMap();
// aggregating messages for one targetId
for (SmsSet smsSet : sourceLst) {
SmsSet smsSet2 = null;
try {
smsSet2 = res.get(smsSet.getTargetId());
} catch (Throwable e) {
int dd = 0;
if (smsSet2 != null) {
if (smsSet2.getCorrelationId() == null) {
// filling correcationId if not all SmsSet are filled
} else {
res.put(smsSet.getTargetId(), smsSet);
// adding into SmsSetCashe
ArrayList res2 = new ArrayList();
// 60 min timeout
Date timeOutDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 30);
for (SmsSet smsSet : res.values()) {
TargetAddress lock = SmsSetCache.getInstance().addSmsSet(new TargetAddress(smsSet));
try {
SmsSet smsSet2;
synchronized (lock) {
smsSet2 = SmsSetCache.getInstance().getProcessingSmsSet(smsSet.getTargetId());
if (smsSet2 != null) {
if (smsSet2.getLastUpdateTime().after(timeOutDate)) {
// for (int i1 = 0; i1 < smsSet.getSmsCount(); i1++) {
// Sms smsx = smsSet.getSms(i1);
// if (!smsSet2.checkSmsPresent(smsx)) {
// smsSet2.addSmsSet(smsx);
// }
// }
} else {
logger.warn("Timeout of SmsSet in ProcessingSmsSet: targetId=" + smsSet2.getTargetId()
+ ", messageCount=" + smsSet2.getSmsCount());
smsSet2 = smsSet;
SmsSetCache.getInstance().addProcessingSmsSet(smsSet2.getTargetId(), smsSet2,
} else {
smsSet2 = smsSet;
SmsSetCache.getInstance().addProcessingSmsSet(smsSet2.getTargetId(), smsSet2,
} finally {
return res2;
public boolean c2_checkProcessingSmsSet(SmsSet smsSet) {
Date timeOutDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 30);
TargetAddress lock = SmsSetCache.getInstance().addSmsSet(new TargetAddress(smsSet));
try {
synchronized (lock) {
SmsSet smsSet2 = SmsSetCache.getInstance().getProcessingSmsSet(smsSet.getTargetId());
if (smsSet2 != null) {
if (smsSet2.getLastUpdateTime().after(timeOutDate)) {
// for (int i1 = 0; i1 < smsSet.getSmsCount(); i1++) {
// Sms smsx = smsSet.getSms(i1);
// if (!smsSet2.checkSmsPresent(smsx)) {
// smsSet2.addSmsSet(smsx);
// }
// }
return false;
} else {
logger.warn("Timeout of SmsSet in ProcessingSmsSet: targetId=" + smsSet2.getTargetId() + ", messageCount=" + smsSet2.getSmsCount());
smsSet2 = smsSet;
SmsSetCache.getInstance().addProcessingSmsSet(smsSet2.getTargetId(), smsSet2, processingSmsSetTimeout);
} else {
smsSet2 = smsSet;
SmsSetCache.getInstance().addProcessingSmsSet(smsSet2.getTargetId(), smsSet2, processingSmsSetTimeout);
} finally {
return true;
public void c2_updateInSystem(Sms sms, int isSystemStatus, boolean fastStoreAndForwordMode) throws PersistenceException {
// if (sms.getStored() && (!fastStoreAndForwordMode ||
// sms.getInvokedByAlert() || )) {
if (sms.getStored()) {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = this.getStatementCollection(sms.getDueSlot());
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.updateInSystem;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
boundStatement.bind(isSystemStatus, currentSessionUUID, sms.getDueSlot(), sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId(), sms.getDbId());
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to execute updateInSystem() !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
public void c2_updateAlertingSupport(long dueSlot, String targetId, UUID dbId) throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = this.getStatementCollection(dueSlot);
try {
PreparedStatement ps = psc.updateAlertingSupport;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
boundStatement.bind(true, dueSlot, targetId, dbId);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to execute c2_updateAlertingSupport() !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
public void createArchiveMessage(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException {
// TODO: ......................
// .....................................
protected PreparedStatementCollection_C3 getStatementCollection(Date dt) throws PersistenceException {
String tName = this.getTableName(dt);
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = dataTableRead.get(tName);
if (psc != null)
return psc;
return doGetStatementCollection(tName);
protected PreparedStatementCollection_C3 getStatementCollection(long deuSlot) throws PersistenceException {
String tName = this.getTableName(deuSlot);
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = dataTableRead.get(tName);
if (psc != null)
return psc;
return doGetStatementCollection(tName);
private synchronized PreparedStatementCollection_C3 doGetStatementCollection(String tName)
throws PersistenceException {
PreparedStatementCollection_C3 psc = dataTableRead.get(tName);
if (psc != null)
return psc;
try {
try {
// checking if a datatable exists
String s1 = "SELECT * FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\";";
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s1);
} catch (InvalidQueryException e) {
// datatable does not exist
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE);
sb.append("\" (");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint");
sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\"");
String s2 = sb.toString();
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\" (");
sb.append("PRIMARY KEY ((\"");
sb.append("\"), \"");
sb.append("\", \"");
s2 = sb.toString();
ps = session.prepare(s2);
boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
res = session.execute(boundStatement);
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_MESSAGES);
sb.append("\" (");
sb.append("PRIMARY KEY ((\"");
sb.append("\"), \"");
s2 = sb.toString();
ps = session.prepare(s2);
boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + tName + "!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
psc = new PreparedStatementCollection_C3(this, tName, ttlCurrent, ttlArchive);
dataTableRead.putEntry(tName, psc);
return psc;
protected void addSmsFields(StringBuilder sb) {
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "uuid");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SMSC_UUID, "uuid");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_NETWORK_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, "boolean");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, "bigint");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_CLUSTER_NAME, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_ESME_NAME, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_SYSTEM_ID, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, "timestamp");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_DATE, "timestamp");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, "blob");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_TEXT, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_BIN, "blob");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, "timestamp");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, "timestamp");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IMSI, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_CORR_ID, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_DIGITS, "ascii");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_AN, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_NP, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_TYPE, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, "int");
private synchronized void checkCurrentSlotTableExists() throws PersistenceException {
try {
try {
// checking of CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE existence
String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE
+ "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=0;";
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sa);
} catch (InvalidQueryException e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"");
sb.append("\" (");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT, "bigint");
sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\"");
String s2 = sb.toString();
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
try {
try {
// checking of SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE_2 existence
String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS
+ "\"='' and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\"=0;";
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sa);
} catch (InvalidQueryException e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"");
sb.append("\" (");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME, "text");
sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\"");
sb.append("\", \"");
String s2 = sb.toString();
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + Schema.FAMILY_SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
try {
try {
// checking of SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE_2 existence
String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS
+ "\"='' and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID + "\"=0;";
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sa);
} catch (InvalidQueryException e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"");
sb.append("\" (");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS, "text");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID, "int");
appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME, "text");
sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\"");
sb.append("\", \"");
String s2 = sb.toString();
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
} catch (Exception e1) {
String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + Schema.FAMILY_SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE + "!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1);
protected void appendField(StringBuilder sb, String name, String type) {
sb.append("\" ");
sb.append(", ");
private void appendIndex(String tName, String fieldName) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE INDEX ON \"");
sb.append("\" (\"");
String s2 = sb.toString();
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement);
* Returns the SMPP Cluster name for passed address. If not found returns
* null
* @param address
* @return
* @throws PersistenceException
public DbSmsRoutingRule c2_getSmppSmsRoutingRule(final String address, int networkId) throws PersistenceException {
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(getSmppSmsRoutingRule);
boundStatement.bind(address, networkId);
ResultSet result = session.execute(boundStatement);
Row row = result.one();
if (row == null) {
return null;
} else {
String name = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME);
DbSmsRoutingRule res = new DbSmsRoutingRule(SmsRoutingRuleType.SMPP, address, networkId, name);
return res;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to getSmppSmsRoutingRule for address=" + address + " networkId=" + networkId + " !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Returns SIP Cluster name for passed address. If not found returns null
* @param address
* @return
* @throws PersistenceException
public DbSmsRoutingRule c2_getSipSmsRoutingRule(final String address, int networkId) throws PersistenceException {
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(getSipSmsRoutingRule);
boundStatement.bind(address, networkId);
ResultSet result = session.execute(boundStatement);
Row row = result.one();
if (row == null) {
return null;
} else {
String name = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME);
DbSmsRoutingRule res = new DbSmsRoutingRule(SmsRoutingRuleType.SIP, address, networkId, name);
return res;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to getSipSmsRoutingRule for address=" + address + " networkId=" + networkId + " !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Updates the SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE table, sets the CLUSTER_NAME for passed
* @param dbSmsRoutingRule
* @throws PersistenceException
public void c2_updateSmppSmsRoutingRule(DbSmsRoutingRule dbSmsRoutingRule) throws PersistenceException {
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(updateSmppSmsRoutingRule);
boundStatement.bind(dbSmsRoutingRule.getAddress(), dbSmsRoutingRule.getNetworkId(), dbSmsRoutingRule.getClusterName());
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to updateSmppSmsRoutingRule for address=" + dbSmsRoutingRule.getAddress() + " networkId=" + dbSmsRoutingRule.getNetworkId() + " !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Updates the SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE table, sets the CLUSTER_NAME for passed
* @param dbSmsRoutingRule
* @throws PersistenceException
public void c2_updateSipSmsRoutingRule(DbSmsRoutingRule dbSmsRoutingRule) throws PersistenceException {
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(updateSipSmsRoutingRule);
boundStatement.bind(dbSmsRoutingRule.getAddress(), dbSmsRoutingRule.getNetworkId(), dbSmsRoutingRule.getClusterName());
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to updateSipSmsRoutingRule for address=" + dbSmsRoutingRule.getAddress() + " networkId=" + dbSmsRoutingRule.getNetworkId() + " !";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Deletes row corresponding to passed address from SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
* @param address
* @throws PersistenceException
public void c2_deleteSmppSmsRoutingRule(final String address, int networkId) throws PersistenceException {
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(deleteSmppSmsRoutingRule);
boundStatement.bind(address, networkId);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to deleteSmppSmsRoutingRule for '" + address + "-" + networkId + "'!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Deletes row corresponding to passed address from SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
* @param address
* @throws PersistenceException
public void c2_deleteSipSmsRoutingRule(final String address, int networkId) throws PersistenceException {
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(deleteSipSmsRoutingRule);
boundStatement.bind(address, networkId);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to deleteSipSmsRoutingRule for '" + address + "-" + networkId + "'!";
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Returns first 100 rows of SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
* @return
* @throws PersistenceException
public List c2_getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange() throws PersistenceException {
return c2_getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange(null);
* Returns 100 rows of SMPP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE starting from passed
* lastAdress. If lastAdress, first 100 rows are returned
* @param lastAdress
* @return
* @throws PersistenceException
public List c2_getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange(String lastAdress) throws PersistenceException {
List ress = new FastList();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = lastAdress != null ? getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange : getSmppSmsRoutingRulesRange2;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
if (lastAdress != null) {
ResultSet result = session.execute(boundStatement);
int i1 = 0;
for (Row row : result) {
String address = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS);
String name = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME);
int networkId = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID);
DbSmsRoutingRule res = new DbSmsRoutingRule(SmsRoutingRuleType.SMPP, address, networkId, name);
if (i1 == 0) {
i1 = 1;
if (lastAdress == null)
} else {
return ress;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to getSmsRoutingRule DbSmsRoutingRule for all records: " + e;
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Returns first 100 rows of SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE
* @return
* @throws PersistenceException
public List c2_getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange() throws PersistenceException {
return c2_getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange(null);
* Returns 100 rows of SIP_SMS_ROUTING_RULE starting from passed lastAdress.
* If lastAdress, first 100 rows are returned
* @param lastAdress
* @return
* @throws PersistenceException
public List c2_getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange(String lastAdress) throws PersistenceException {
List ress = new FastList();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = lastAdress != null ? getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange : getSipSmsRoutingRulesRange2;
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
if (lastAdress != null) {
ResultSet result = session.execute(boundStatement);
int i1 = 0;
for (Row row : result) {
String address = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDRESS);
String name = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_CLUSTER_NAME);
int networkId = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID);
DbSmsRoutingRule res = new DbSmsRoutingRule(SmsRoutingRuleType.SIP, address, networkId, name);
if (i1 == 0) {
i1 = 1;
if (lastAdress == null)
} else {
return ress;
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to getSmsRoutingRule DbSmsRoutingRule for all records: " + e;
throw new PersistenceException(msg, e);
* Deleting live tables (DST_SLOT_TABLE_YYYY_MM_DD and
* SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE_YYYY_MM_DD) for a defined date. Before deleting
* checking is made for we can not delay table for future, today and 2 days
* before
* @param dt
* Date for a table
* @return true: success or perm failure, false: temporary failure, we need
* to retry
public boolean c2_deleteLiveTablesForDate(Date dt) {
// auto_snapshot option !!!
CheckDeletingDateResult res = checkDeletingDate(dt, "live cassandra tables");
switch (res) {
case permFailure:
return true;
case tempFailure:
return false;
String tName = "DST_SLOT_TABLE" + getTableName(dt);
tName = "SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE" + getTableName(dt);
String tName2 = this.getTableName(dt);
return true;
* Deleting live table (MESSAGES) for a defined date. Before deleting
* checking is made for we can not delay table for future, today and 2 days
* before
* @param dt
* Date for a table
* @return true: success or perm failure, false: temporary failure, we need
* to retry
public boolean c2_deleteArchiveTablesForDate(Date dt) {
// auto_snapshot option !!!
CheckDeletingDateResult res = checkDeletingDate(dt, "archive cassandra tables");
switch (res) {
case permFailure:
return true;
case tempFailure:
return false;
String tName = "MESSAGES" + getTableName(dt);
String tName2 = this.getTableName(dt);
return true;
private CheckDeletingDateResult checkDeletingDate(Date dt, String taskName) {
// checking date
int maxBackupsDays = 2;
Date curTime = new Date();
Date curDate = new Date(curTime.getYear(), curTime.getMonth(), curTime.getDate());
Date maxDate = new Date(curDate.getTime() - maxBackupsDays * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
if (!dt.before(maxDate)) {
logger.warn("Rejected an attempt of dropping of " + taskName + " for too late date: " + dt);
return CheckDeletingDateResult.permFailure;
// checking if this date is still in processing
Date procDate = this.c2_getTimeForDueSlot(this.c2_getCurrentDueSlot());
if (procDate.getYear() != curDate.getYear() || procDate.getMonth() != curDate.getMonth() || procDate.getDate() != curDate.getDate()) {
logger.warn("Rejected an attempt of dropping of " + taskName + " for old message data are still in processing: " + dt);
return CheckDeletingDateResult.tempFailure;
return CheckDeletingDateResult.success;
enum CheckDeletingDateResult {
success, permFailure, tempFailure;
private void doDeleteTable(String tName) {
try {
String sa = "select * from \"" + tName + "\" limit 1";
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sa);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.info("Can not drop cassandra table because it is absent: " + tName);
try {
String sb = "DROP TABLE \"" + tName + "\"";
PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sb);
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
logger.warn("Successfully dropped cassandra table: " + tName);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception when dropping cassandra table: " + tName, e);
public Date[] c2_getLiveTableList(String keyspace) {
String[] ss = this.c2_getTableList(keyspace);
FastMap res = new FastMap();
for (String s : ss) {
Date dt = null;
if (s.startsWith("DST_SLOT_TABLE_") && s.length() == 25) {
String sYear = s.substring(15, 19);
String sMon = s.substring(20, 22);
String sDay = s.substring(23, 25);
try {
int year = Integer.parseInt(sYear);
int mon = Integer.parseInt(sMon);
int day = Integer.parseInt(sDay);
dt = new Date(year - 1900, mon - 1, day);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (s.startsWith("SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE_") && s.length() == 30) {
String sYear = s.substring(20, 24);
String sMon = s.substring(25, 27);
String sDay = s.substring(28, 30);
try {
int year = Integer.parseInt(sYear);
int mon = Integer.parseInt(sMon);
int day = Integer.parseInt(sDay);
dt = new Date(year - 1900, mon - 1, day);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (dt != null) {
res.put(dt, dt);
Date[] dd = new Date[res.size()];
int i1 = 0;
for (Date dt : res.keySet()) {
dd[i1++] = dt;
return dd;
public Date[] c2_getArchiveTableList(String keyspace) {
String[] ss = this.c2_getTableList(keyspace);
FastMap res = new FastMap();
for (String s : ss) {
Date dt = null;
if (s.startsWith("MESSAGES_") && s.length() == 19) {
String sYear = s.substring(9, 13);
String sMon = s.substring(14, 16);
String sDay = s.substring(17, 19);
try {
int year = Integer.parseInt(sYear);
int mon = Integer.parseInt(sMon);
int day = Integer.parseInt(sDay);
dt = new Date(year - 1900, mon - 1, day);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (dt != null) {
res.put(dt, dt);
Date[] dd = new Date[res.size()];
int i1 = 0;
for (Date dt : res.keySet()) {
dd[i1++] = dt;
return dd;
public String[] c2_getTableList(String keyspace) {
List lst = this.cluster.getMetadata().getKeyspaces();
String[] ss = new String[0];
for (KeyspaceMetadata km : lst) {
if (km.getName().equals(keyspace)) {
Collection lstTableMetadata = km.getTables();
ss = new String[lstTableMetadata.size()];
int i1 = 0;
for (TableMetadata tm : lstTableMetadata) {
ss[i1++] = tm.getName();
return ss;
// ArrayList res = new ArrayList();
// try {
// BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(this.getTableList);
// ResultSet result = session.execute(boundStatement);
// for (Row row : result) {
// String keyspace1 = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAME);
// String tableName = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_SYSTEM_COLUMNFAMILY_NAME);
// if (keyspace.equals(keyspace1)) {
// res.add(tableName);
// }
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// logger.info("Can not get a cassandra table list");
// return new String[0];
// }
// String[] ss = new String[res.size()];
// res.toArray(ss);
// return ss;
private class DueSlotWritingElement {
public long dueSlot;
public int writingCount;
public Date lastStartDate;
public DueSlotWritingElement(long dueSlot) {
this.dueSlot = dueSlot;
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