org.modelfabric.sparql.api.SparqlConstruct.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.modelfabric.sparql.api
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpMethod, HttpMethods}
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.{BNode, IRI, Literal, Value}
object SparqlConstruct extends SparqlConstructFactory {
def apply(resourceIRIs: Seq[IRI] = Nil,
propertyIRIs: Seq[IRI] = Nil,
valueIRIs: Seq[IRI] = Nil,
graphIRIs: Seq[IRI] = Nil,
reasoningEnabled: Boolean = false)(
// JC why make _paging implicit?
implicit _paging: PagingParams = NoPaging
): SparqlConstruct = {
new SparqlConstruct()(PrefixMapping.standard) {
private val whereClause = {
| ${values("graphIri", graphIRIs)}
| GRAPH ?graphIri {
| ${values("resourceIri", resourceIRIs)}
| ${values("propertyIri", propertyIRIs)}
| ${values("value", valueIRIs)}
| ?resourceIri ?propertyIri ?value .
| }
// private val graphConstruct = {
// s"""
// | GRAPH ?graphIri {
// | ?resourceIri ?propertyIri ?value .
// | }
// |}
// |$whereClause
// |${pagingParams(_paging)}
// """.stripMargin.trim
// }
// this won't work when n-quads or n-triples are required to be returned via HTTP from the triple store.
// private val graphConstructViaSelect = {
// s"""
// |SELECT ?resourceIri ?propertyIri ?value ?graphIri
// |$whereClause
// |${pagingParams(_paging)}
// """.stripMargin.trim
// }
override val statement: String = build(graphConstructReified(whereClause, _paging))
override val reasoning: Boolean = reasoningEnabled
trait SparqlConstructFactory {
def unapply(construct: SparqlConstruct): Option[(HttpMethod, String, Boolean)] = {
Some((construct.httpMethod, construct.statement, construct.reasoning))
abstract class SparqlConstruct()(
implicit pm: PrefixMapping) extends SparqlStatement()(pm) {
override val httpMethod = HttpMethods.POST
def reasoning = false
protected def graphConstructReified (
whereClause: String,
_paging: PagingParams
): String = {
val pagingParams: String = {
|${ => s"OFFSET $o").getOrElse("")}
|${ => s"LIMIT $o").getOrElse("")}
| _:g rdf:subject ?resourceIri ;
| rdf:predicate ?propertyIri ;
| rdf:object ?value ;
| rdf:graph ?graphIri .
protected def values(binding: String, iris: Seq[IRI])(implicit pm: PrefixMapping): String = {
def mkIRIs(iris: Seq[IRI]): String = { => strInSparql(iri)).mkString(" ")
iris match {
case Nil => ""
case _ => s"VALUES ?$binding { ${mkIRIs(iris)} }"
protected def strInSparql(value: Value)(implicit pm: PrefixMapping): String = {
value match {
case _: IRI =>
val s = value.stringValue()
if (pm.isPrefixed(s)) s else s"<$s>"
case literal: Literal =>
val tpe = literal.getDatatype
case bn: BNode => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Should not use Blank Node as query parameter")