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package org.modelfabric.sparql.util
* HttpEndpoint construction factory
object HttpEndpoint {
* Get an HTTP endpoint bound to 'localhost' where a free port is automatically assigned
* and can be used to be bound to.
* The generated endpoint will be '''http://localhost:{assigned-port}{path}'''
* @param path the desired path part for the endpoint
* @return
def localhostWithAutomaticPort(path: String): HttpEndpoint =
new HttpEndpointBuilder(assignPortAutomatically = true, useResourcePath = path, authentication = None).endpoint
* Construct an endpoint from a string URL representation,
* which corresponds to '''[{protocol}://]{host}[:{port}][{path}]'''
* Protocol, port and path are optional. Default protocol is http://,
* default port is 80, the default path is empty.
* @param endpointString
* @return
def apply(endpointString: String): HttpEndpoint =
new HttpEndpointBuilder(Some(endpointString), false, "", None).endpoint
* Construct an endpoint from a string URL representation,
* which corresponds to '''[{protocol}://]{host}[:{port}][{path}]'''
* Protocol, port and path are optional. Default protocol is http://,
* default port is 80, the default path is empty.
* @param endpointString
* @return
def apply(endpointString: String, authentication: Option[Authentication]): HttpEndpoint =
new HttpEndpointBuilder(Some(endpointString), false, "", authentication).endpoint
* Construct an endpoint from individual parts.
* @param protocol
* @param host
* @param port
* @param path
* @return
def apply(protocol: String, host: String, port: Integer, path: String, authentication: Option[Authentication]): HttpEndpoint =
new HttpEndpoint(protocol, host, port, path, authentication)
* Construct an HTTP endpoint from individual parts.
* @param host
* @param port
* @return
def apply(host: String, port: Integer, authentication: Option[Authentication]): HttpEndpoint =
new HttpEndpoint(defaultProtocol, host, port, "", authentication)
* Construct an endpoint from individual parts with the desired path.
* @param host
* @param port
* @param path
* @return
// JC: really don't like the logic of this method. environmentEndpoint is matched with the EndpointRegex multiple times
// to extract different parts of the URL. should be done only once.
// Andy why not use URL class in Java?
//SSZ: yes, you are right, not optimal. Will make an effort to refactor this.
def apply(host: String, port: Integer, path: String, authentication: Option[Authentication] = None): HttpEndpoint =
new HttpEndpoint(defaultProtocol, host, port, path, authentication)
private val defaultProtocol: String = "http"
private val defaultHost: String = "localhost"
private sealed class HttpEndpointBuilder(
environmentEndpoint: Option[String] = None,
assignPortAutomatically: Boolean,
useResourcePath: String = "",
authentication: Option[Authentication] = None) {
private val EndpointRegex = "(http[s]{0,1}://)?([a-zA-Z\\-\\.0-9]+)(:\\d{1,6})?(/.+)?".r
val protocol = environmentEndpoint match {
case Some(EndpointRegex(protocol, _, _, _)) if protocol != null => protocol.replace("://", "")
case _ => defaultProtocol
private val defaultPort: Int = protocol match {
case "http" => 80
case "https" => 443
val host = environmentEndpoint match {
case Some(EndpointRegex(_, host, _, _)) if host != null => host
case _ => defaultHost
val port: Int = environmentEndpoint match {
case Some(EndpointRegex(_, _, port, _)) if port != null => port.replace(":","").toInt
case Some(EndpointRegex(_, _, null, _)) => defaultPort
case _ if assignPortAutomatically =>
val socket = new ServerSocket(0)
val p = socket.getLocalPort
case _ => defaultPort
val path: String = environmentEndpoint match {
case Some(EndpointRegex(_, _, _, path)) if path != null => path
case _ => useResourcePath
val endpoint = HttpEndpoint(protocol, host, port, path, authentication)
* Internal representation of an HttpEndpoint.
* @param protocol
* @param host
* @param port
* @param path
case class HttpEndpoint(protocol: String, host: String, port: Int, path: String, authentication: Option[Authentication]) {
* Shows the desired fully qualified URL of the endpoint built from the individual components
val url: String = s"$protocol://$host${
(protocol, port) match {
case ("http", 80) => ""
case ("https", 443) => ""
case (p, x) => s":$x"
* Internal representation of the HTTP endpoint's user authentication.
sealed trait Authentication
* Basic HTTP authentication credential (username & "cleartext" password) .
* @param username
* @param password
case class BasicAuthentication(username: String, password: String) extends Authentication