Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# ModeShape (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
errorCreatingInstanceOfClass = Attempt to create instance of {0} resulted in error: {1}
errorCreatingInstanceOfClassUsingClassLoaders = Attempt to create instance of {0} using classloader path {1} resulted in error: {2}
errorSettingJavaBeanPropertyOnInstanceOfClass = Attempt to set {0} property on {1} instance resulted in error: {2}
pathExpressionIsInvalidOnSequencer = The path expression "{0}" is invalid on the "{1}" sequencer: {2}
unableToUseGarbageCollectionIntervalValue = Unable to use the garbage collection value of "{0}"; expected a long literal value
invalidStateString = Invalid state parameter "{0}"
serviceShutdowAndMayNotBeStarted = The {0} has been shutdown and may not be (re)started
serviceShutdowAndMayNotBePaused = The {0} has been shutdown and my not be paused
serviceNotShutdowAndMayNotBeTerminated = The {0} has not been shutdown and may not be terminated
unableToFindRepositoryInJndi = Unable to find a repository in JNDI at "{0}"
unableToRegisterRepositoryInJndi = Unable to register a repository in JNDI at "{0}"
unableToUnregisterRepositoryInJndi = Unable to unregister a repository at JNDI at "{0}"
unableToRemoveRepository = Unable to remove a repository named "{0}"
unableToFindRepositoryWithName = Unable to find a repository named "{0}"
errorProcessingEvents = Error processing events from {0}
errorFindingPropertyNameInPropertyAddedEvent = Error finding the name of the added property in the event path {0}
errorFindingPropertyNameInPropertyChangedEvent = Error finding the name of the changed property in the event path {0}
errorFindingPropertyNameInPropertyRemovedEvent = Error finding the name of the removed property in the event path {0}
repositoryServiceName = Repository Service
errorCollectingGarbageInSource = Error while collecting garbage in '{0}' source: {1}
clusteringServiceName = Clustering Service
clusteringConfigurationRequiresClusterName = Clustering configuration requires a non-blank 'clusterName' attribute. ModeShape instance will run in a local (non-clustered) mode.
unableToRegisterObserverOnUnstartedClusteringService = Unable to register an observer until the clustering service is started
unableToUnregisterObserverOnUnstartedClusteringService = Unable to unregister an observer until the clustering service is started
unableToNotifyObserversOnUnstartedClusteringService = Unable to notify observers until the clustering service is started
sequencingServiceName = Sequencing Service
unableToChangeExecutionContextWhileRunning = Unable to change the execution context while running
unableToStartSequencingServiceWithoutExecutionContext = Unable to start the Sequencing Service without an execution context
errorWhileSequencingNode = The '{0}' sequencer of repository '{1}' had an error while processing '{2}' in workspace '{3}' and generating output '{4}'
errorWhileSequencingNodeIntoWorkspace = The '{0}' sequencer of repository '{1}' had an error while processing '{2}' in workspace '{3}' and generating output '{4}' in workspace '{5}'
sequencersMayNotChangeThePrimaryTypeOfTheSelectedNode = Sequencers may not change the primary type of the selected node
problemsWhileSequencingNode = Problem(s) while sequencer {0} is sequencing node {1}
errorInRepositoryWhileSequencingNode = Error in repository while sequencer {0} is sequencing node {1}
errorInRepositoryWhileFindingSequencersToRunAgainstNode = Error in repository while finding sequencers to run against node {0}
errorFindingSequencersToRunAgainstNode = Error finding sequencers to run against node {0}
executionContextHasBeenClosed = This execution context has been closed and may not be used to create another session
unableToFindPropertyForSequencing = Unable to find the {0} property while sequencing node {1}
atLeastOneSequencerPathExpressionMustBeSpecified = At least one path expression must be defined on the '{1}' sequencer in the '{0}' repository
errorReadingPropertiesFromContainerNode = Error reading properties from property container node {0}
requiredPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringValue = The required {0} property on node {1} was expected to be a string value
optionalPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringValue = The optional {0} property on node {1} was expected to be a string value
requiredPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringArrayValue = The required {0} property on node {1} was expected to be a string array
optionalPropertyOnNodeWasExpectedToBeStringArrayValue = The optional {0} property on node {1} was expected to be a string array
requiredPropertyOnNodeCouldNotBeRead = The required {0} property on node {1} could not be read
optionalPropertyOnNodeCouldNotBeRead = The optional {0} property on node {1} could not be read
requiredPropertyIsMissingFromNode = The required {0} property is missing from node {1}
errorGettingRequiredPropertyFromNode = Error while getting the required property {0} from node {1}
errorGettingOptionalPropertyFromNode = Error while getting the optional property {0} from node {1}
errorClosingBinaryStreamForPropertyFromNode = Error while closing the binary stream for property {0} on node {1}
requiredNodeDoesNotExistRelativeToNode = The required node {0} does not exist relative to {1}
errorGettingNodeRelativeToNode = Error while getting the node {0} (relative to {1})
unknownPropertyValueType = Property value {0} is of a type ({1}) that is unknown
invalidArgumentExceptionWhileSettingProperty = Invalid argument invoking {0} with parameter {1} on object at {2} in configuration repository {3} in workspace {4}
illegalAccessExceptionWhileSettingProperty = IllegalAccessException invoking {0}.{1}
invocationTargetExceptionWhileSettingProperty = Error invoking {0} with parameter {1} on source at {2} in configuration repository {3} in workspace {4}
securityExceptionWhileSettingProperty = SecurityException invoking {0}.{1}
pathExpressionMayNotBeBlank = The path expression may not be blank
pathExpressionIsInvalid = The path expression {0} is not valid
pathExpressionHasInvalidSelect = Invalid select expression "{0}" in the path expression "{1}=>{2}"
pathExpressionHasInvalidMatch = Invalid match expression "{0}" in the path expression "{1}=>{2}"
errorUnregisteringWorkspaceListenerWhileShuttingDownObservationService = Error unregistering workspace listener while shutting down observation service
invalidRepositoryNodePath = The repository node path "{0}" is not valid: {1}
unableToLoadClass = Unable to load class "{0}"
unableToLoadClassUsingClasspath = Unable to load class "{0}" using classpath "{1}"
unableToInstantiateClassUsingClasspath = Unable to instantiate class "{0}" using classpath "{1}"
unableToAccessClassUsingClasspath = Unable to access class "{0}" using classpath "{1}"
errorStartingRepositoryService = Error while starting repository service
engineIsNotRunning = The engine is not running; make sure it was started.
errorsPreventStarting = The engine has {0} problem(s) that prevent starting the engine. Check the logs for the errors and warnings.
warningsWhileStarting = The engine has {0} warnings while starting.
errorVerifyingConfiguration = Error while verifying the engine's configuration: {0}
unableToLoadMimeTypeDetector = Cannot load mime-type detector "{0}" because: "{1}"
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