org.modeshape.jcr.query.engine.QuerySources Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ModeShape (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.modeshape.jcr.query.engine;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.jcr.query.qom.Constraint;
import org.modeshape.jcr.JcrLexicon;
import org.modeshape.jcr.NodeTypes;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReference;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.ChildReferences;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.NodeCache;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.NodeKey;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.RepositoryCache;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.NodeCacheIterator;
import org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.NodeCacheIterator.NodeFilter;
import org.modeshape.jcr.query.NodeSequence;
import org.modeshape.jcr.query.NodeSequence.Batch;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.Index;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.IndexConstraints;
import org.modeshape.jcr.spi.index.ResultWriter;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Path;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.Path.Segment;
import org.modeshape.jcr.value.ValueFactories;
* A factory for creating {@link NodeSequence} instances.
* @author Randall Hauch ([email protected])
public class QuerySources {
protected final RepositoryCache repo;
protected final String workspaceName;
protected final String systemWorkspaceName;
protected final boolean includeSystemContent;
protected final NodeFilter queryableFilter;
protected final NodeFilter queryableAndNonSystemFilter;
protected final NodeTypes nodeTypes;
* Construct a new instance.
* @param repository the repository cache; may not be null
* @param nodeTypes the node types cache; may not be null
* @param workspaceName the name of the main workspace to be queried; may not be null
* @param includeSystemContent true if the system content is to be included in the query results, or false otherwise
public QuerySources( RepositoryCache repository,
NodeTypes nodeTypes,
String workspaceName,
boolean includeSystemContent ) {
assert repository != null;
assert nodeTypes != null;
assert workspaceName != null;
this.repo = repository;
this.nodeTypes = nodeTypes;
this.workspaceName = workspaceName;
this.includeSystemContent = includeSystemContent;
this.systemWorkspaceName = includeSystemContent ? repo.getSystemWorkspaceName() : null;
this.queryableFilter = new NodeFilter() {
public final boolean includeNode( CachedNode node,
NodeCache cache ) {
// Include only queryable nodes ...
return node.isQueryable(cache);
public String toString() {
return "(queryable nodes)";
if (!this.includeSystemContent) {
final String systemWorkspaceKey = repo.getSystemWorkspaceKey();
this.queryableAndNonSystemFilter = new NodeFilter() {
public final boolean includeNode( CachedNode node,
NodeCache cache ) {
// Include only queryable nodes that are NOT in the system workspace ...
return node.isQueryable(cache) && !node.getKey().getWorkspaceKey().equals(systemWorkspaceKey);
public String toString() {
return "(queryable nodes not in workspace)";
} else {
this.queryableAndNonSystemFilter = queryableFilter;
public boolean includeSystemContent() {
return includeSystemContent;
public String getWorkspaceName() {
return workspaceName;
* Obtain a {@link NodeSequence} that returns all (queryable) nodes in the workspace, where each node is assigned the given
* score.
* @param score the score for each node
* @param nodeCount the number of nodes (or an estimate) that will be returned
* @return the sequence of nodes; never null
public NodeSequence allNodes( float score,
long nodeCount ) {
// Use a single batch for the workspace content ...
NodeCacheIterator iter = nodes(workspaceName, null);
assert iter != null;
Batch mainBatch = NodeSequence.batchOfKeys(iter, nodeCount, score, workspaceName, repo);
// Nothing else to use ...
return NodeSequence.withBatch(mainBatch);
* Obtain a {@link NodeSequence} that returns the (queryable) node at the given path in the workspace, where the node is
* assigned the given score.
* @param path the path of the node; may not be null
* @param score the score for the node
* @return the sequence of node(s); never null
public NodeSequence singleNode( Path path,
float score ) {
String workspaceName = getWorkspaceName(path);
// Get the node filter to use ...
NodeFilter nodeFilter = nodeFilterForWorkspace(workspaceName);
if (nodeFilter != null) {
// Find the node by path ...
NodeCache cache = repo.getWorkspaceCache(workspaceName);
CachedNode node = getNodeAtPath(path, cache);
if (node != null && nodeFilter.includeNode(node, cache)) {
return NodeSequence.withNodes(Collections.singleton(node), score, workspaceName);
return NodeSequence.emptySequence(1);
* Obtain a {@link NodeSequence} that returns the (queryable) node with the given key in the workspace, where the node is
* assigned the given score.
* @param workspaceName the name of the workspace; may not be null
* @param identifier the {@link NodeKey#getIdentifier() identifier} of the node; may not be null
* @param score the score for the node
* @return the sequence of node(s); never null
public NodeSequence singleNode( String workspaceName,
String identifier,
float score ) {
// Get the node filter to use ...
NodeFilter nodeFilter = nodeFilterForWorkspace(workspaceName);
if (nodeFilter != null) {
// Find the node by path ...
NodeCache cache = repo.getWorkspaceCache(workspaceName);
if (NodeKey.isValidFormat(identifier)) {
NodeKey key = new NodeKey(identifier);
CachedNode node = cache.getNode(key);
if (node != null && nodeFilter.includeNode(node, cache)) {
return NodeSequence.withNodes(Collections.singleton(node), score, workspaceName);
// Try with the same source and workspace key as the root node ...
NodeKey key = cache.getRootKey().withId(identifier);
CachedNode node = cache.getNode(key);
if (node != null && nodeFilter.includeNode(node, cache)) {
return NodeSequence.withNodes(Collections.singleton(node), score, workspaceName);
return NodeSequence.emptySequence(1);
protected String getIdentifier( CachedNode node,
NodeKey workspaceRootKey ) {
NodeKey key = node.getKey();
if (!key.getSourceKey().equals(workspaceRootKey.getSourceKey())) {
// return the whole thing ...
return key.toString();
// return just the identifier part ...
return key.getIdentifier();
* Obtain a {@link NodeSequence} that returns the (queryable) children of the node at the given path in the workspace, where
* each child node is assigned the given score.
* @param parentPath the path of the parent node; may not be null
* @param score the score for the nodes
* @return the sequence of nodes; never null
public NodeSequence childNodes( Path parentPath,
float score ) {
String workspaceName = getWorkspaceName(parentPath);
// Get the node filter to use ...
NodeFilter nodeFilter = nodeFilterForWorkspace(workspaceName);
if (nodeFilter != null) {
// always append a shared nodes filter to the end of the workspace filter
// JCR #14.16 -If a query matches a descendant node of a shared set, it appears in query results only once.
NodeFilter compositeFilter = new CompositeNodeFilter(nodeFilter, sharedNodesFilter());
// Find the node by path ...
NodeCache cache = repo.getWorkspaceCache(workspaceName);
CachedNode parentNode = getNodeAtPath(parentPath, cache);
if (parentNode != null) {
// Only add those children that are queryable ...
ChildReferences childRefs = parentNode.getChildReferences(cache);
List results = new ArrayList((int)childRefs.size());
for (ChildReference childRef : childRefs) {
CachedNode child = cache.getNode(childRef);
if (compositeFilter.includeNode(child, cache)) {
return NodeSequence.withNodes(results, score, workspaceName);
return NodeSequence.emptySequence(1);
* Obtain a {@link NodeSequence} that returns the (queryable) descendants of the node at the given path in the workspace,
* where each descendant node is assigned the given score.
* @param ancestorPath the path of the ancestor of all descendants; may not be null
* @param score the score for the nodes
* @return the sequence of nodes; never null
public NodeSequence descendantNodes( Path ancestorPath,
float score ) {
String workspaceName = getWorkspaceName(ancestorPath);
// Get an iterator over all acceptable nodes in the workspace ...
NodeCacheIterator iter = nodes(workspaceName, ancestorPath);
if (iter != null) {
if (iter.hasNext()) {
// Skip the node at our path, which is to be excluded ...
NodeKey key =;
assert ancestorPath.equals(path(workspaceName, key)) : "First node in results does not match the expected path";
// Finally create and add a batch for this workspace ...
return NodeSequence.withNodeKeys(iter, -1, score, workspaceName, repo);
return NodeSequence.emptySequence(1);
* Obtain a {@link NodeSequence} that uses the supplied index to find the node that satisfy the given constraints.
* @param index the index; may not be null
* @param constraints the constraints that apply to the index; may not be null or empty
* @param variables the immutable map of variable values keyed by their name; never null but possibly empty
* @param parameters the provider-specific index parameters; may not be null, but may be empty
* @param valueFactories the value factories; never null
* @param batchSize the ideal number of nodes that are to be included in each batch; always positive
* @return the sequence of nodes; never null
public NodeSequence fromIndex( final Index index,
final Collection constraints,
final Map variables,
final Map parameters,
final ValueFactories valueFactories,
final int batchSize ) {
final Index.Results operation = index.filter(new IndexConstraints() {
public boolean hasConstraints() {
return !constraints.isEmpty();
public Collection getConstraints() {
return constraints;
public Map getVariables() {
return variables;
public ValueFactories getValueFactories() {
return valueFactories;
public Map getParameters() {
return parameters;
return new NodeSequence() {
private BatchWriter writer;
private boolean more = true;
private long rowCount = 0L;
public int width() {
return 1;
public long getRowCount() {
if (!more) return rowCount;
return -1;
public boolean isEmpty() {
if (rowCount > 0) return false;
if (!more) return true; // rowCount was not > 0, but there are no more
return rowCount == 0;
public Batch nextBatch() {
if (writer == null) {
if (!more) return null;
if (writer != null) {
// Return a preloaded batch if there is one ...
Batch preloaded = writer.popPreloadedBatch();
if (preloaded != null) return preloaded;
try {
return writer.convertToBatch(!more);
} finally {
writer = null;
public void close() {
protected final void readBatch() {
if (writer == null) {
writer = new BatchWriter(batchSize, workspaceName, repo);
more = writer.consumeOperation(operation);
rowCount += writer.rowCount();
public String toString() {
return "(from-index " + index.getName() + " with " + constraints + ")";
protected static class BatchWriter implements ResultWriter {
private List keys;
private List scores;
private Float lastScore;
private LinkedList preloadedBatches;
private final RepositoryCache repo;
private final String workspaceName;
private final int batchSize;
protected BatchWriter( int batchSize,
String workspaceName,
RepositoryCache repository ) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
this.repo = repository;
this.workspaceName = workspaceName;
public void add( NodeKey nodeKey,
float score ) {
if (lastScore == null || lastScore.floatValue() != score) {
lastScore = Float.valueOf(score);
public void add( Iterable nodeKeys,
float score ) {
add(nodeKeys.iterator(), score);
public void add( Iterator nodeKeys,
float score ) {
final Float s = Float.valueOf(score);
while (nodeKeys.hasNext()) {
public Batch popPreloadedBatch() {
if (preloadedBatches == null || preloadedBatches.isEmpty()) return null;
return preloadedBatches.pop();
public long rowCount() {
return keys == null ? 0 : keys.size();
protected boolean consumeOperation( Index.Results operation ) {
if (keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) {
// We've already read some, but have to get ready to read more ...
Batch batch = convertToBatch(false);
if (batch.isEmpty()) return false;
if (preloadedBatches == null) preloadedBatches = new LinkedList<>();
keys = new ArrayList(batchSize);
scores = new ArrayList(batchSize);
return operation.getNextBatch(this, batchSize);
protected Batch convertToBatch( boolean isLast ) {
if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty()) {
return isLast ? null : NodeSequence.emptyBatch(workspaceName, batchSize);
try {
return NodeSequence.batchOfKeys(keys.iterator(), scores.iterator(), keys.size(), workspaceName, repo);
} finally {
keys = null;
scores = null;
protected static class CompositeNodeFilter implements NodeFilter {
private final List filters;
protected CompositeNodeFilter( NodeFilter... filters ) {
this.filters = Arrays.asList(filters);
public boolean includeNode( CachedNode node,
NodeCache cache ) {
for (NodeFilter filter : filters) {
if (!filter.includeNode(node, cache)) {
return false;
return true;
* Creates a node filter which doesn't include any of the nodes from the shared set in the query result. This is per
* JSR-283/#14.16: if a query matches a descendant node of a shared set, it appears in query results only once.
* @return a new {@link org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document.NodeCacheIterator.NodeFilter} instance
protected NodeFilter sharedNodesFilter() {
return new NodeFilter() {
private final Set shareableNodeKeys = new HashSet<>();
public boolean includeNode( CachedNode node,
NodeCache cache ) {
if (nodeTypes.isShareable(node.getPrimaryType(cache), node.getMixinTypes(cache))) {
NodeKey key = node.getKey();
if (shareableNodeKeys.contains(key)) {
return false;
// we're seeing the original shareable node, so we need to process it
return true;
return true;
* Return an iterator over all nodes at or below the specified path in the named workspace, using the supplied filter.
* @param workspaceName the name of the workspace
* @param path the path of the root node of the subgraph, or null if all nodes in the workspace are to be included
* @return the iterator, or null if this workspace will return no nodes
protected NodeCacheIterator nodes( String workspaceName,
Path path ) {
// Determine which filter we should use based upon the workspace name. For the system workspace,
// all queryable nodes are included. For all other workspaces, all queryable nodes are included except
// for those that are actually stored in the system workspace (e.g., the "/jcr:system" nodes).
NodeFilter nodeFilterForWorkspace = nodeFilterForWorkspace(workspaceName);
if (nodeFilterForWorkspace == null) return null;
// always append a shared nodes filter to the end of the workspace filter,
// JCR #14.16 -If a query matches a descendant node of a shared set, it appears in query results only once.
NodeFilter compositeFilter = new CompositeNodeFilter(nodeFilterForWorkspace, sharedNodesFilter());
// Then create an iterator over that workspace ...
NodeCache cache = repo.getWorkspaceCache(workspaceName);
NodeKey startingNode = null;
if (path != null) {
CachedNode node = getNodeAtPath(path, cache);
if (node != null) startingNode = node.getKey();
} else {
startingNode = cache.getRootKey();
if (startingNode != null) {
return new NodeCacheIterator(cache, startingNode, compositeFilter);
return null;
protected NodeFilter nodeFilterForWorkspace( String workspaceName ) {
if (this.workspaceName.equals(workspaceName)) {
// This is the normal workspace ...
if (includeSystemContent) {
// We are querying the workspace AND the system content. This is actually quite typical.
// OPTIMIZATION: since the system workspace is already projected into the other workspace's
// node cache, we can actually just use all the queryable nodes (including the "/jcr:system" nodes)
// in the main workspace and completely ignore the system workspace. This is better because
// we have to only work with one workspace (rather than two) AND the filter is simpler ...
return this.queryableFilter;
// Otherwise, we are only querying the content in the main workspace but we need to exclude any nodes
// that actually live in the system workspace ...
return this.queryableAndNonSystemFilter;
// It must be the system workspace ...
return includeSystemContent ? this.queryableFilter : null;
protected CachedNode getNodeAtPath( Path path,
NodeCache cache ) {
CachedNode node = cache.getNode(cache.getRootKey());
for (Segment segment : path) {
ChildReference childRef = node.getChildReferences(cache).getChild(segment);
if (childRef == null) return null;
node = cache.getNode(childRef);
return node;
protected String getWorkspaceName( Path path ) {
if (includeSystemContent && path.size() > 1 && JcrLexicon.SYSTEM.equals(path.getSegment(0).getName())) {
// the path is actually in the system area ...
return systemWorkspaceName;
return workspaceName;
private Path path( String workspaceName,
NodeKey key ) {
NodeCache cache = repo.getWorkspaceCache(workspaceName);
return cache.getNode(key).getPath(cache);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("QuerySources(");
sb.append(" workspace='").append(workspaceName).append("'");
if (includeSystemContent) sb.append(" system='").append(systemWorkspaceName).append("'");
return sb.toString();
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