MOEAFramework-3.7.test.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Copyright 2009-2023 David Hadka This file is part of the MOEA Framework. The MOEA Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MOEA Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the MOEA Framework. If not, see <>. Use of these build scripts requires Apache Ant to be installed. See <> for instructions on installing Apache Ant. --> <project name="MOEA Framework Testing" basedir="." default="test"> <!-- Loads properties from properties file and environment --> <property file="META-INF/" /> <property environment="env" /> <!-- The working folder for these Ant build targets --> <property name="build" value="build" /> <!-- The folder where compiled files ready for distribution are saved --> <property name="dist" value="dist" /> <!-- The folder where JUnit test results are saved --> <property name="results" value="test-results" /> <!-- Classpath of third-party libraries used by the MOEA Framework --> <path id="classpath"> <fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar" /> </path> <!-- List of files required in every distribution --> <path id="requiredfiles"> <fileset file="" /> <fileset file="COPYING" /> </path> <!-- Determines which dependencies are available --> <target name="check-dependencies"> <available classname="org.junit.Assert" classpathref="classpath" property="junit-exists" /> <!-- Commented to always force recompiling of the JAR --> <!--<available file="${dist}/${shortname}-${version}.jar" property="binary-exists" />--> </target> <!-- Conditionally builds the MOEA Framework JAR --> <target name="check-binary" depends="check-dependencies" unless="binary-exists"> <ant target="build-binary" /> </target> <!-- Displays message and fails build if JUnit is not available --> <target name="check-junit" depends="check-dependencies" unless="junit-exists"> <echo>==================================================================</echo> <echo> The JUnit library is missing from your classpath. Please</echo> <echo> download the latest JUnit 4 library from,</echo> <echo> and place the JAR in the lib/ folder.</echo> <echo>==================================================================</echo> <fail message="JUnit library missing"/> </target> <!-- Builds the MOEA Framework Test JAR --> <target name="build-tests" depends="check-dependencies,check-binary,check-junit"> <delete dir="${build}" /> <mkdir dir="${build}" /> <javac destdir="${build}" debug="${java.debug}" release="${java.major}" includeantruntime="false" encoding="UTF-8"> <src path="test" /> <src path="examples" /> <classpath> <path refid="classpath" /> <pathelement location="${dist}/${shortname}-${version}.jar" /> </classpath> </javac> <copy todir="${build}"> <fileset excludes="**/*.java" dir="test" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/META-INF"> <path refid="requiredfiles" /> </copy> <jar basedir="${build}" jarfile="${dist}/${shortname}-${version}-Test.jar" /> </target> <!-- Runs all JUnit tests --> <target name="run-tests" depends="build-tests"> <delete dir="${results}" /> <mkdir dir="${results}" /> <mkdir dir="${results}/raw" /> <junit haltonfailure="false" tempdir="${results}/raw" errorproperty="junit.failure" failureproperty="junit.failure" fork="true"> <classpath> <path refid="classpath" /> <fileset file="${dist}/${shortname}-${version}.jar" /> <fileset file="${dist}/${shortname}-${version}-Test.jar" /> </classpath> <sysproperty key="ON_CI" value="${ON_CI}"/> <batchtest todir="${results}/raw"> <formatter type="xml" /> <zipfileset src="${dist}/${shortname}-${version}-Test.jar"> <include name="**/*Test.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/algorithm/AlgorithmTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/indicator/IndicatorTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/analysis/collector/CollectorTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/operator/DistributionVariationTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/operator/MeanCentricVariationTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/operator/ParentCentricVariationTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/operator/ParentImmutabilityTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/operator/PointCrossoverTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/core/operator/TypeSafetyTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/problem/ProblemTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/LocalizationTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/sequence/SequenceTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/IntervalRatioStatisticalTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/KruskalWallisTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/MannWhitneyUTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/OrdinalStatisticalTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/SingleSampleTTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/StatisticalTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/TwoSampleTTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/statistics/WilcoxonSignedRanksTest.class" /> <exclude name="org/moeaframework/util/weights/WeightGeneratorTest.class" /> </zipfileset> </batchtest> <formatter type="plain" usefile="false" /> <formatter type="plain" /> </junit> <junitreport todir="${results}"> <fileset dir="${results}/raw"> <include name="TEST-*.xml"/> </fileset> <report format="frames" todir="${results}"/> </junitreport> </target> <!-- The main test target, running all JUnit tests and displaying the results --> <target name="test" depends="run-tests" if="junit.failure" description="Run the unit tests"> <echo>==================================================================</echo> <echo> One or more unit tests failed! Open test-results/index.html to</echo> <echo> see which tests failed.</echo> <echo> </echo> <echo> Note: due to the stochastic nature of the MOEA Framework, there</echo> <echo> is a small chance that some correct tests will fail. Please</echo> <echo> repeat the tests prior to notifying the developers.</echo> <echo>==================================================================</echo> <fail message="Unit test(s) failed. See reports!"/> </target> <!-- Setup a Maven project that can be tested by running 'mvn test' --> <target name="build-maven-tests"> <delete dir="${build}" /> <mkdir dir="${build}" /> <mkdir dir="${build}/src/main/java" /> <mkdir dir="${build}/src/main/resources" /> <mkdir dir="${build}/src/test/java" /> <mkdir dir="${build}/src/test/resources" /> <mkdir dir="${build}/examples" /> <copy tofile="${build}/pom.xml"> <fileset file="auxiliary/maven/pom.xml" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/src/main/resources/META-INF"> <fileset dir="META-INF" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/src/main/resources"> <fileset dir="src" excludes="**/*.java" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/src/main/java"> <fileset excludes="overview.html" dir="src" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/src/test/java"> <fileset dir="test" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/src/test/resources"> <fileset dir="test" excludes="**/*.java" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/examples"> <fileset dir="examples" /> </copy> <copy todir="${build}/pf"> <fileset dir="pf" /> </copy> </target> </project>
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