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org.mongodb.morphia.AdvancedDatastore Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.mongodb.morphia;

import com.mongodb.DBDecoderFactory;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBRef;
import com.mongodb.ReadPreference;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import com.mongodb.WriteResult;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import org.mongodb.morphia.aggregation.AggregationPipeline;
import org.mongodb.morphia.query.Query;
import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateOperations;

 * This interface exposes advanced {@link Datastore} features, like interacting with DBObject and low-level options. It implements matching
 * methods from the {@code Datastore} interface but with a specified kind (collection name), or raw types (DBObject).
 * @author ScottHernandez
public interface AdvancedDatastore extends Datastore {

     * Returns the DBDecoderFactory used by this Datastore
     * @return the decoder factory
     * @see DBDecoderFactory
    DBDecoderFactory getDecoderFact();

     * Sets the DBDecoderFactory to use in this Datastore
     * @param fact the DBDecoderFactory to use
    void setDecoderFact(DBDecoderFactory fact);

     * Returns an {@link AggregationPipeline} bound to the given collection and class.
     * @param collection the collection to query
     * @param clazz The class to create aggregation against
     * @return the aggregation pipeline
    AggregationPipeline createAggregation(String collection, Class clazz);

     * @param         The type of the entity
     * @param collection the collection to query
     * @param clazz      the class of objects to be returned
     * @return Query for the specified class clazz
     Query createQuery(String collection, Class clazz);

     * @param    The type of the entity
     * @param clazz the class of objects to be returned
     * @param q     the query which will be passed to a {@link org.mongodb.morphia.query.QueryFactory}
     * @return Query for the specified class clazz
     Query createQuery(Class clazz, DBObject q);

     * @param         The type of the entity
     * @param collection the collection to query
     * @param clazz      the class of objects to be returned
     * @param q          the query which will be passed to a {@link org.mongodb.morphia.query.QueryFactory}
     * @return Query for the specified class clazz
     Query createQuery(String collection, Class clazz, DBObject q);

     * Creates a reference to the entity (using the current DB -can be null-, the collectionName, and id)
     * @param clazz The type of the entity
     * @param id    The ID value of the entity
     * @param    The type of the entity
     * @param    The type of the ID value
     * @return the DBRef for the entity
     DBRef createRef(Class clazz, V id);

     * Creates a reference to the entity (using the current DB -can be null-, the collectionName, and id)
     * @param     The type of the entity
     * @param entity the entity to create a DBRef for
     * @return the DBRef for the entity
     DBRef createRef(T entity);

     * Creates an UpdateOperations instance for the given type.
     * @param   The type of the entity
     * @param type The type of the entity
     * @param ops  The operations to perform
     * @return the UpdateOperations instance
     UpdateOperations createUpdateOperations(Class type, DBObject ops);

     * Deletes an entity of the given type T, with the given {@code id}, from the collection with the name in the {@code kind} param.
     * Validates the {@code id}, checking it's the correct type for an ID for entities of type {@code T}. The entity type {@code clazz} is
     * used only for validation, not for filtering, therefore if you have entities of different types in the same collection ({@code
     * kind}),
     * this method will delete any entity with the given {@code id}, regardless of its type.
     * @param kind  the collection name
     * @param clazz the Class of the entity to delete
     * @param id    the value of the ID
     * @param    the entity type
     * @param    is the type of the ID, for example ObjectId
     * @return the result of this delete operation.
     WriteResult delete(String kind, Class clazz, V id);

     * Deletes an entity of the given type T, with the given {@code id}, from the collection with the name in the {@code kind} param.
     * Validates the {@code id}, checking it's the correct type for an ID for entities of type {@code T}. The entity type {@code clazz} is
     * used only for validation, not for filtering, therefore if you have entities of different types in the same collection ({@code
     * kind}),
     * this method will delete any entity with the given {@code id}, regardless of its type.
     * @param kind    the collection name
     * @param clazz   the Class of the entity to delete
     * @param id      the value of the ID
     * @param options the options to use when deleting
     * @param      the entity type
     * @param      is the type of the ID, for example ObjectId
     * @return the result of this delete operation.
     * @since 1.3
     WriteResult delete(String kind, Class clazz, V id, DeleteOptions options);

     * Deletes an entity of the given type T, with the given {@code id}, from the collection with the name in the {@code kind} param.
     * Validates the {@code id}, checking it's the correct type for an ID for entities of type {@code T}. The entity type {@code clazz} is
     * used only for validation, not for filtering, therefore if you have entities of different types in the same collection ({@code
     * kind}),
     * this method will delete any entity with the given {@code id}, regardless of its type.
     * @param kind  the collection name
     * @param clazz the Class of the entity to delete
     * @param id    the value of the ID
     * @param wc    the WriteConcern for this operation
     * @param    the entity type
     * @param    is the type of the ID, for example ObjectId
     * @return the result of this delete operation.
     * @deprecated use {@link #delete(Class, Object, DeleteOptions)}
     WriteResult delete(String kind, Class clazz, V id, WriteConcern wc);

     * Ensures (creating if necessary) the index including the field(s) + directions on the given collection name; eg fields = "field1,
     * -field2" ({field1:1, field2:-1})
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param clazz      the class from which to get the index definitions
     * @param fields     the fields to index
     * @param         the type to index
     * @deprecated This method uses the legacy approach for defining indexes.  Switch to using annotations on entity classes or the
     * methods in the Java driver itself.
     * @see MongoCollection#createIndex(org.bson.conversions.Bson, com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions)
     * @see #ensureIndexes(String, Class)
     void ensureIndex(String collection, Class clazz, String fields);

     * Ensures (creating if necessary) the index including the field(s) + directions on the given collection name; eg fields = "field1,
     * -field2" ({field1:1, field2:-1})
     * @param collection       the collection to update
     * @param clazz            the class from which to get the index definitions
     * @param name             the name of the index to create
     * @param fields           the fields to index
     * @param unique           true if the index should enforce uniqueness on the fields indexed
     * @param dropDupsOnCreate This value is no longer supported.  Tells the unique index to drop duplicates silently when creating;
     *                         only the first will be kept
     * @param               the type to index
     * @deprecated This method uses the legacy approach for defining indexes.  Switch to using annotations on entity classes or the
     * methods in the Java driver itself.
     * @see MongoCollection#createIndex(org.bson.conversions.Bson, com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions)
     * @see #ensureIndexes(String, Class)
     void ensureIndex(String collection, Class clazz, String name,
                         String fields, boolean unique, boolean dropDupsOnCreate);

     * Ensures (creating if necessary) the indexes found during class mapping (using {@code @Indexed, @Indexes)} on the given collection
     * name.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param clazz      the class from which to get the index definitions
     * @param         the type to index
     void ensureIndexes(String collection, Class clazz);

     * Ensures (creating if necessary) the indexes found during class mapping (using {@code @Indexed, @Indexes)} on the given collection
     * name, possibly in the background
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param clazz      the class from which to get the index definitions
     * @param background if true, the index will be built in the background.  If false, the method will block until the index is created.
     * @param         the type to index
     void ensureIndexes(String collection, Class clazz, boolean background);

     * Checks that an entity exists for the given key or entity
     * @param keyOrEntity    the value to check for
     * @param readPreference Uses the supplied ReadPreference for the check.  If readPreference is null the preference is taken from the
     *                       annotation or uses the default preference.
     * @return the key if the entity exists
     * @see #exists(Object)
    Key exists(Object keyOrEntity, ReadPreference readPreference);

     * Find all instances by type in a different collection than what is mapped on the class given.
     * @param collection the collection to query against
     * @param clazz      the class to use for mapping the results
     * @param         the type to query
     * @return the query
     Query find(String collection, Class clazz);

     * Find all instances by type in a different collection than what is mapped on the class given skipping some documents and returning a
     * fixed number of the remaining.
     * @param collection the collection to query against
     * @param clazz      the class to use for mapping the results
     * @param property   the document property to query against
     * @param value      the value to check for
     * @param offset     the number of results to skip
     * @param size       the maximum number of results to return
     * @param         the type to query
     * @param         the type to filter value
     * @return the query
     Query find(String collection, Class clazz, String property, V value, int offset, int size);

     * Find the given entity (by collectionName/id);
     * @param clazz the class to use for mapping
     * @param ref   the DBRef to use when querying
     * @param    the type to fetch
     * @return the entity referenced in the DBRef.  May be null.
     T get(Class clazz, DBRef ref);

     * Finds an entity in the named collection whose id matches the value given.
     * @param collection the collection to query
     * @param clazz      the class to use for mapping
     * @param id         the ID to query
     * @param         the type to fetch
     * @param         the type of the ID
     * @return the entity with the id.  May be null.
     T get(String collection, Class clazz, V id);

     * Gets the count this collection
     * @param collection the collection to count
     * @return the collection size
    long getCount(String collection);

     * Inserts an entity in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entity the entity to insert
     * @param     the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     Key insert(T entity);

     * Inserts an entity in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entity the entity to insert
     * @param wc     the WriteConcern to use when inserting
     * @param     the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     * @see WriteConcern
     * @deprecated use {@link #insert(Object, InsertOptions)}
     Key insert(T entity, WriteConcern wc);

     * Inserts an entity in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entity  the entity to insert
     * @param options the options to apply to the insert operation
     * @param      the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     * @since 1.3
     Key insert(T entity, InsertOptions options);

     * Inserts an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entity     the entity to insert
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     Key insert(String collection, T entity);

     * Inserts an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entity     the entity to insert
     * @param options    the options to apply to the insert operation
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     * @since 1.3
     Key insert(String collection, T entity, InsertOptions options);

     * Inserts entities in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entities the entities to insert
     * @param       the type of the entity
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     * @deprecated use {@link #insert(Iterable)} instead
     Iterable> insert(T... entities);

     * Inserts entities in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entities the entities to insert
     * @param       the type of the entities
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     Iterable> insert(Iterable entities);

     * Inserts entities in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entities the entities to insert
     * @param wc       the WriteConcern to use when inserting
     * @param       the type of the entity
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     * @deprecated use {@link #insert(Iterable, InsertOptions)}
     Iterable> insert(Iterable entities, WriteConcern wc);

     * Inserts entities in to the mapped collection.
     * @param entities the entities to insert
     * @param options  the options to apply to the insert operation
     * @param       the type of the entity
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     * @since 1.3
     Iterable> insert(Iterable entities, InsertOptions options);

     * Inserts an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entities   the entities to insert
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     * @see WriteConcern
     Iterable> insert(String collection, Iterable entities);

     * Inserts an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entities   the entities to insert
     * @param wc         the WriteConcern to use when inserting
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     * @see WriteConcern
     * @deprecated use {@link #insert(String, Iterable, InsertOptions)} instead
     Iterable> insert(String collection, Iterable entities, WriteConcern wc);

     * Inserts entities in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entities   the entities to insert
     * @param options    the options to apply to the insert operation
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new keys of the inserted entities
     * @since 1.3
     Iterable> insert(String collection, Iterable entities, InsertOptions options);

     * Returns a new query based on the example object
     * @param collection the collection to query
     * @param example    the example entity to use when building the query
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the query
     Query queryByExample(String collection, T example);

     * Saves an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entity     the entity to save
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     Key save(String collection, T entity);

     * Saves an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entity     the entity to save
     * @param wc         the WriteConcern to use when inserting
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     * @deprecated use {@link #save(String, Object, InsertOptions)} instead
     Key save(String collection, T entity, WriteConcern wc);

     * Saves an entity in to the named collection.
     * @param collection the collection to update
     * @param entity     the entity to save
     * @param options    the options to apply to the save operation
     * @param         the type of the entity
     * @return the new key of the inserted entity
     Key save(String collection, T entity, InsertOptions options);


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