com.mongodb.spark.rdd.partitioner.BsonValueOrdering.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mongodb.spark.rdd.partitioner
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.bson._
import com.mongodb.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
* :: DeveloperApi ::
* Ordering implement for BsonValues
* @since 1.0
trait BsonValueOrdering extends Ordering[BsonValue] {
// scalastyle:off cyclomatic.complexity
private val bsonTypeComparisonMap: Map[BsonType, Int] = Map(
BsonType.MIN_KEY -> 1,
BsonType.NULL -> 2,
BsonType.INT32 -> 3,
BsonType.INT64 -> 3,
BsonType.DOUBLE -> 3,
BsonType.SYMBOL -> 4,
BsonType.STRING -> 4,
BsonType.DOCUMENT -> 5,
BsonType.ARRAY -> 6,
BsonType.BINARY -> 7,
BsonType.OBJECT_ID -> 8,
BsonType.BOOLEAN -> 9,
BsonType.DATE_TIME -> 10,
BsonType.TIMESTAMP -> 11,
BsonType.MAX_KEY -> 13
* Returns an integer whose sign communicates how x compares to y.
* The result sign has the following meaning:
* - negative if x < y
* - positive if x > y
* - zero otherwise (if x == y)
* When comparing values of different BSON types, MongoDB uses the following comparison order, from lowest to highest:
* 1. MinKey (internal type)
* 2. Null
* 3. Numbers (ints, longs, doubles)
* 4. Symbol, String
* 5. Object
* 6. Array
* 7. BinData
* 8. ObjectId
* 9. Boolean
* 10. Date
* 11. Timestamp
* 12. Regular Expression
* 13. MaxKey (internal type)
override def compare(x: BsonValue, y: BsonValue): Int = {
(x.getBsonType, y.getBsonType) match {
case (BsonType.MIN_KEY, BsonType.MIN_KEY) => 0
case (BsonType.NULL, BsonType.NULL) => 0
case (isBsonNumber(), isBsonNumber()) => compareNumbers(x.asNumber, y.asNumber)
case (isString(), isString()) => compareStrings(x, y)
case (BsonType.DOCUMENT, BsonType.DOCUMENT) => compareDocuments(x.asDocument, y.asDocument)
case (BsonType.ARRAY, BsonType.ARRAY) => compareArrays(x.asArray, y.asArray)
case (BsonType.BINARY, BsonType.BINARY) => compareBinary(x.asBinary, y.asBinary)
case (BsonType.OBJECT_ID, BsonType.OBJECT_ID) => x.asObjectId.getValue.compareTo(y.asObjectId.getValue)
case (BsonType.BOOLEAN, BsonType.BOOLEAN) => x.asBoolean.getValue.compareTo(y.asBoolean().getValue)
case (BsonType.DATE_TIME, BsonType.DATE_TIME) => x.asDateTime.getValue.compareTo(y.asDateTime().getValue)
case (BsonType.TIMESTAMP, BsonType.TIMESTAMP) => compareTimestamps(x.asTimestamp, y.asTimestamp)
compareRegularExpressions(x.asRegularExpression, y.asRegularExpression)
case (xType, yType) =>
val xSortScore = bsonTypeComparisonMap.getOrElse(x.getBsonType, 14) // scalastyle:ignore
val ySortScore = bsonTypeComparisonMap.getOrElse(y.getBsonType, 14) // scalastyle:ignore
private def compareDocuments(x: BsonDocument, y: BsonDocument): Int = {
val xKeyValues: Seq[(String, BsonValue)] = documentKeyValues(x)
val yKeyValues: Seq[(String, BsonValue)] = documentKeyValues(y)
compareKeyValues(xKeyValues zip yKeyValues) match {
case 0 => xKeyValues.length.compareTo(yKeyValues.length)
case v => v
private def compareArrays(x: BsonArray, y: BsonArray): Int = {
compareBsonValues(x.getValues.asScala zip y.getValues.asScala) match {
case 0 => x.getValues.size.compareTo(y.getValues.size)
case v => v
private def compareRegularExpressions(x: BsonRegularExpression, y: BsonRegularExpression): Int = {
x.getPattern.compareTo(y.getPattern) match {
case 0 => x.getOptions.compareTo(y.getOptions)
case v => v
private def compareBinary(x: BsonBinary, y: BsonBinary): Int = {
x.getData.length.compareTo(y.getData.length) match {
case 0 =>
x.getType.compareTo(y.getType) match {
case 0 => compareBytes(x.getData zip y.getData)
case v => v
case v => v
private def compareTimestamps(x: BsonTimestamp, y: BsonTimestamp): Int = {
x.getTime.compareTo(y.getTime) match {
case 0 => x.getInc.compareTo(y.getInc)
case v => v
private def compareKeyValues(kvs: Seq[((String, BsonValue), (String, BsonValue))]): Int = {
kvs.headOption match {
case Some(kv) => compareKeyValues(kv._1, kv._2) match {
case 0 => compareKeyValues(kvs.tail)
case v => v
case None => 0
private def compareKeyValues(x: (String, BsonValue), y: (String, BsonValue)): Int = {
x._1.compareTo(y._1) match {
case 0 => compare(x._2, y._2)
case v => v
private def compareBsonValues(values: Seq[(BsonValue, BsonValue)]): Int = {
values.headOption match {
case Some(value) => compare(value._1, value._2) match {
case 0 => compareBsonValues(values.tail)
case v => v
case None => 0
private def compareBytes(values: Seq[(Byte, Byte)]): Int = {
values.headOption match {
case Some(value) => value._1.compareTo(value._2) match {
case 0 => compareBytes(values.tail)
case v => v
case None => 0
private def compareStrings(x: BsonValue, y: BsonValue): Int = {
val (xString, yString) = (x.getBsonType, y.getBsonType) match {
case (BsonType.STRING, BsonType.STRING) => (x.asString.getValue, y.asString.getValue)
case (BsonType.SYMBOL, BsonType.STRING) => (x.asSymbol.getSymbol, y.asString.getValue)
case (BsonType.STRING, BsonType.SYMBOL) => (x.asString.getValue, y.asSymbol.getSymbol)
case (BsonType.SYMBOL, BsonType.SYMBOL) => (x.asSymbol.getSymbol, y.asSymbol.getSymbol)
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Cannot compare $x with $y. Not string compatible types.")
compareBytes(xString.getBytes("utf-8") zip yString.getBytes("utf-8"))
private def compareNumbers(x: BsonNumber, y: BsonNumber): Int = {
(x.getBsonType, y.getBsonType) match {
case (BsonType.INT64, BsonType.DOUBLE) => compareLongToDouble(x.longValue, y.doubleValue)
case (BsonType.DOUBLE, BsonType.INT64) => -compareLongToDouble(y.longValue, x.doubleValue)
case _ => x.doubleValue.compareTo(y.doubleValue)
private def compareLongToDouble(x: Long, y: Double): Int = {
val END_OF_PRECISE_DOUBLES: Double = 1 << 53 // positive 2**63
val BOUND_OF_LONG_RANGE: Double = -Long.MinValue.toDouble
if (y.compareTo(Double.NaN) == 0) {
// All Longs are > NaN
// Ints with magnitude <= 2**53 can be precisely represented as doubles.
// Additionally, doubles outside of this range can't have a fractional component.
} else if (y >= BOUND_OF_LONG_RANGE) {
// Large magnitude doubles (including +/- Inf) are strictly > or < all Longs.
// Can't be represented in a Long.
} else if (y < -BOUND_OF_LONG_RANGE) {
1 // Can be represented in a Long.
} else {
// Remaining Doubles can have their integer component precisely represented as longs.
// If they have a fractional component, they must be strictly > or < lhs even after
// truncation of the fractional component since low-magnitude lhs were handled above.
private def documentKeyValues(document: BsonDocument): Seq[(String, BsonValue)] = {
val it = document.entrySet().iterator()
new Iterator[(String, BsonValue)] {
override def hasNext = it.hasNext
override def next() = {
val next = it.next()
(next.getKey, next.getValue)
private object isBsonNumber extends Serializable {
val bsonNumberTypes = Set(BsonType.INT32, BsonType.INT64, BsonType.DOUBLE)
def unapply(x: BsonType): Boolean = bsonNumberTypes.contains(x)
private object isString extends Serializable {
val bsonNumberTypes = Set(BsonType.SYMBOL, BsonType.STRING)
def unapply(x: BsonType): Boolean = bsonNumberTypes.contains(x)
// scalastyle:on cyclomatic.complexity
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