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com.mongodb.spark.config.AggregationConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2018 MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb.spark.config

import java.util

import com.mongodb.client.model.{Collation, CollationAlternate, CollationCaseFirst, CollationMaxVariable, CollationStrength}
import com.mongodb.spark.notNull
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession}
import org.bson.{BsonArray, BsonDocument, BsonType, BsonValue}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Try

 * The `AggregationConfig` companion object.
 * @since 2.3
object AggregationConfig extends MongoInputConfig {
  private val defaultHint = new BsonDocument()
  private val defaultCollation = Collation.builder().build()
  private val defaultAllowDiskUse = true
  private val defaultPipeline = List.empty[BsonDocument]

  override type Self = AggregationConfig

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
  def apply(collation: Collation): AggregationConfig = apply(collation, defaultHint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
  def apply(hint: BsonDocument): AggregationConfig = apply(defaultCollation, hint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
  def apply(collation: Collation, hint: BsonDocument): AggregationConfig = {
    apply(defaultPipeline, collation, hint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def apply(pipeline: List[BsonDocument]): AggregationConfig = apply(pipeline, defaultCollation)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def apply(pipeline: List[BsonDocument], collation: Collation): AggregationConfig = apply(pipeline, collation, defaultHint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def apply(pipeline: List[BsonDocument], collation: Collation, hint: BsonDocument): AggregationConfig =
    apply(pipeline, collation, hint, defaultAllowDiskUse)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @param allowDiskUse enables writing to temporary files
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def apply(pipeline: List[BsonDocument], collation: Collation, hint: BsonDocument, allowDiskUse: Boolean): AggregationConfig = {
    val collationOption = if (defaultCollation.equals(collation)) None else Some(collation.asDocument().toJson)
    val hintOption = if (defaultHint.equals(hint)) None else Some(hint.toJson())
    val pipelineOption = if (pipeline.isEmpty) None else Some("[", ",", "]"))
    new AggregationConfig(collationOption, hintOption, pipelineOption, allowDiskUse)

  override def apply(options: collection.Map[String, String], default: Option[AggregationConfig]): AggregationConfig = {
    val aggregationConfig = Try({
      val cleanedOptions = stripPrefix(options)

      val defaultAggregationConfig: AggregationConfig = default.getOrElse(AggregationConfig())
      val collationString = cleanedOptions.get(collationProperty).orElse(defaultAggregationConfig.collationString)
      val hintString = cleanedOptions.get(hintProperty).orElse(defaultAggregationConfig.hintString)
      val pipelineString = cleanedOptions.get(pipelineProperty).orElse(defaultAggregationConfig.pipelineString)
      val allowDiskUse = getBoolean(cleanedOptions.get(allowDiskUseProperty), => conf.allowDiskUse), defaultAllowDiskUse)

      new AggregationConfig(collationString, hintString, pipelineString, allowDiskUse)

    require(aggregationConfig.isSuccess, s"Invalid Aggregation map $options:%n${aggregationConfig.failed.get}")
   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
  def create(collation: Collation): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("collation", collation)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
  def create(hint: BsonDocument): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("hint", hint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
  def create(collation: Collation, hint: BsonDocument): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("collation", collation)
    notNull("hint", hint)
    apply(collation, hint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def create(pipeline: util.List[BsonDocument]): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("pipeline", pipeline)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def create(pipeline: util.List[BsonDocument], collation: Collation): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("pipeline", pipeline)
    notNull("collation", collation)
    apply(pipeline.asScala.toList, collation)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def create(pipeline: util.List[BsonDocument], collation: Collation, hint: BsonDocument): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("pipeline", pipeline)
    notNull("collation", collation)
    notNull("hint", hint)
    apply(pipeline.asScala.toList, collation, hint)

   * Creates a new Aggregation Config
   * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to use
   * @param collation the collation to use
   * @param hint the hint to use
   * @param allowDiskUse enables writing to temporary files
   * @return the Aggregation config
   * @since 2.3.1
  def create(pipeline: util.List[BsonDocument], collation: Collation, hint: BsonDocument, allowDiskUse: Boolean): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("pipeline", pipeline)
    notNull("collation", collation)
    notNull("hint", hint)
    notNull("allowDiskUse", allowDiskUse)
    apply(pipeline.asScala.toList, collation, hint, allowDiskUse)

  override def create(sparkConf: SparkConf): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("sparkConf", sparkConf)

  override def create(options: util.Map[String, String]): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("options", options)

  override def create(options: util.Map[String, String], default: AggregationConfig): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("options", options)
    notNull("default", default)
    apply(options.asScala, Some(default))

  override def create(javaSparkContext: JavaSparkContext): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("javaSparkContext", javaSparkContext)

  override def create(sparkConf: SparkConf, options: util.Map[String, String]): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("sparkConf", sparkConf)
    notNull("options", options)
    apply(sparkConf, options.asScala)

  @deprecated("As of Spark 2.0 SQLContext was replaced by SparkSession. Use the SparkSession method instead", "2.0.0")
  override def create(sqlContext: SQLContext): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("sqlContext", sqlContext)

  override def create(sparkSession: SparkSession): AggregationConfig = {
    notNull("sparkSession", sparkSession)

 * The aggregation configuration
 * @param collationString the optional collation config
 * @param hintString the optional hint document in extended json format
 * @param pipelineString the optional aggregation pipeline, either a list of documents in json syntax or a single document in json syntax
 * @param allowDiskUse enables writing to temporary files
case class AggregationConfig(
    private val collationString: Option[String] = None,
    private val hintString:      Option[String] = None,
    private val pipelineString:  Option[String] = None,
    allowDiskUse:                Boolean        = AggregationConfig.defaultAllowDiskUse
) extends MongoClassConfig {
  require(Try(hint).isSuccess, s"Invalid hint bson document")
  require(Try(collation).isSuccess, s"Invalid collation bson document")
  require(Try(pipeline).isSuccess, s"""Invalid pipeline option: ${pipelineString.get}.
       | It should be a list of pipeline stages (Documents) or a single pipeline stage (Document)""".stripMargin)

  type Self = AggregationConfig

  override def asOptions: collection.Map[String, String] = {
    val options: mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map() => if (!c.equals(AggregationConfig.defaultCollation)) options += AggregationConfig.collationProperty -> collationString.get) => if (!h.equals(AggregationConfig.defaultHint)) options += AggregationConfig.hintProperty -> hintString.get) => if (p.nonEmpty) options += AggregationConfig.pipelineProperty -> pipelineString.get)
    if (allowDiskUse != AggregationConfig.defaultAllowDiskUse) options += AggregationConfig.allowDiskUseProperty -> allowDiskUse.toString

  override def withOption(key: String, value: String): AggregationConfig = AggregationConfig(this.asOptions + (key -> value))

  override def withOptions(options: collection.Map[String, String]): AggregationConfig = AggregationConfig(options, Some(this))

  override def withOptions(options: util.Map[String, String]): AggregationConfig = withOptions(options.asScala)

  override def asJavaOptions: util.Map[String, String] = asOptions.asJava

   * The optional hint document
   * @return the bson hint document option
  @transient lazy val hint: Option[BsonDocument] =

   * @return the collation option
  @transient lazy val collation: Option[Collation] =

   * @return the pipeline option
  @transient lazy val pipeline: Option[List[BsonDocument]] = {{ pipelineJson: String =>
      BsonDocument.parse(s"{pipeline: $pipelineJson}").get("pipeline") match {
        case seq: BsonArray if seq.isEmpty => List.empty[BsonDocument]
        case seq: BsonArray if seq.get(0).getBsonType == BsonType.DOCUMENT =>
        case doc: BsonDocument => List(doc)
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Bson Type")

   * @return true if custom aggregation options have been defined.
  def isDefined: Boolean = pipelineString.isDefined || collationString.isDefined || hintString.isDefined || !allowDiskUse

  // scalastyle:off cyclomatic.complexity
  private def createCollation(collationString: String): Collation = {
    val collation = Try({
      val collationDocument = BsonDocument.parse(collationString)
      val builder = Collation.builder()
      collationDocument.entrySet(){ entry: util.Map.Entry[String, BsonValue] =>
          val value = entry.getValue
          entry.getKey match {
            case "alternate"       => builder.collationAlternate(CollationAlternate.fromString(value.asString.getValue))
            case "backwards"       => builder.backwards(value.asBoolean.getValue)
            case "caseFirst"       => builder.collationCaseFirst(CollationCaseFirst.fromString(value.asString.getValue))
            case "caseLevel"       => builder.caseLevel(value.asBoolean().getValue)
            case "locale"          => builder.locale(value.asString.getValue)
            case "maxVariable"     => builder.collationMaxVariable(CollationMaxVariable.fromString(value.asString.getValue))
            case "normalization"   => builder.normalization(value.asBoolean.getValue)
            case "numericOrdering" => builder.numericOrdering(value.asBoolean.getValue)
            case "strength"        => builder.collationStrength(CollationStrength.fromInt(value.asNumber.intValue()))
            case k: String         => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected collation key: $k")
    require(collation.isSuccess, s"Invalid Collation map $collationString:%n${collation.failed.get}")
  // scalastyle:on cyclomatic.complexity


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