com.mongodb.spark.config.WriteConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mongodb.spark.config
import java.util
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.Try
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession}
import com.mongodb.{ConnectionString, WriteConcern}
import com.mongodb.spark.notNull
import org.bson.BsonDocument
import scala.collection.mutable
* The `WriteConfig` companion object
* @since 1.0
object WriteConfig extends MongoOutputConfig {
type Self = WriteConfig
private val DefaultReplaceDocument: Boolean = true
private val DefaultMaxBatchSize: Int = 512
private val DefaultForceInsert: Boolean = false
private val DefaultOrdered: Boolean = true
private val DefaultExtendedBsonTypes: Boolean = true
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig =
WriteConfig(databaseName, collectionName, None, DefaultReplaceDocument, DefaultMaxBatchSize, localThreshold,
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig =
apply(databaseName, collectionName, Some(connectionString), DefaultReplaceDocument, DefaultMaxBatchSize,
localThreshold, WriteConcernConfig(writeConcern))
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
* @since 2.1
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig =
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, DefaultReplaceDocument, DefaultMaxBatchSize, localThreshold,
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
* @since 2.1
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], replaceDocument: Boolean, localThreshold: Int,
writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig = {
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, DefaultMaxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
* @since 2.1
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig = {
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, WriteConcernConfig(writeConcern))
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @return the write config
* @since 2.1.2
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: Option[String]): WriteConfig = {
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern, shardKey,
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @return the write config
* @since 2.3
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: Option[String], forceInsert: Boolean): WriteConfig = {
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern,
shardKey, forceInsert, DefaultOrdered)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @param ordered configures if the bulk operation is ordered property.
* @return the write config
* @since 2.3
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: Option[String], forceInsert: Boolean, ordered: Boolean): WriteConfig = {
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern, shardKey,
forceInsert, ordered, DefaultExtendedBsonTypes)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @param ordered configures if the bulk operation is ordered property.
* @param extendedBsonTypes the data contains extended bson types and any datasets that contain structs that follow the extended bson
* types will automatically be converted into native bson types. For example the following `_id` field would be
* converted into an ObjectId: `{_id: {oid: "000000000000000000000000"}}`
* @return the write config
* @since 2.4.1
def apply(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: Option[String], replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: Option[String], forceInsert: Boolean, ordered: Boolean,
extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): WriteConfig = {
apply(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, WriteConcernConfig(writeConcern),
shardKey, forceInsert, ordered, extendedBsonTypes)
override def apply(options: collection.Map[String, String], default: Option[WriteConfig]): WriteConfig = {
val cleanedOptions = stripPrefix(options)
val cachedConnectionString = connectionString(cleanedOptions)
val defaultDatabase = default.map(conf => conf.databaseName).orElse(Option(cachedConnectionString.getDatabase))
val defaultCollection = default.map(conf => conf.collectionName).orElse(Option(cachedConnectionString.getCollection))
databaseName = databaseName(databaseNameProperty, cleanedOptions, defaultDatabase),
collectionName = collectionName(collectionNameProperty, cleanedOptions, defaultCollection),
connectionString = cleanedOptions.get(mongoURIProperty).orElse(default.flatMap(conf => conf.connectionString)),
replaceDocument = getBoolean(cleanedOptions.get(replaceDocumentProperty), default.map(conf => conf.replaceDocument),
defaultValue = DefaultReplaceDocument),
maxBatchSize = getInt(cleanedOptions.get(maxBatchSizeProperty), default.map(conf => conf.maxBatchSize),
localThreshold = getInt(cleanedOptions.get(localThresholdProperty), default.map(conf => conf.localThreshold),
writeConcernConfig = WriteConcernConfig(cleanedOptions, default.map(writeConf => writeConf.writeConcernConfig)),
shardKey = cleanedOptions.get(shardKeyProperty).orElse(default.flatMap(conf => conf.shardKey).orElse(None)),
forceInsert = getBoolean(cleanedOptions.get(forceInsertProperty), default.map(conf => conf.forceInsert),
defaultValue = DefaultForceInsert),
ordered = getBoolean(cleanedOptions.get(orderedProperty), default.map(conf => conf.ordered), DefaultOrdered),
extendedBsonTypes = getBoolean(cleanedOptions.get(extendedBsonTypesProperty), default.map(conf => conf.extendedBsonTypes),
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig = {
create(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, DefaultReplaceDocument, DefaultMaxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
* @since 2.1
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, replaceDocument: Boolean, localThreshold: Int,
writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig = {
create(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, DefaultMaxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @return the write config
* @since 2.1
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern): WriteConfig = {
notNull("databaseName", databaseName)
notNull("collectionName", collectionName)
notNull("replaceDocument", replaceDocument)
notNull("maxBatchSize", maxBatchSize)
notNull("localThreshold", localThreshold)
notNull("writeConcern", writeConcern)
new WriteConfig(databaseName, collectionName, Option(connectionString), replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold,
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @return the write config
* @since 2.2.2
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: String): WriteConfig = {
create(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern, shardKey,
DefaultForceInsert, DefaultOrdered)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @return the write config
* @since 2.3
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: String, forceInsert: Boolean): WriteConfig = {
create(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern, shardKey,
forceInsert, DefaultOrdered)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @param ordered configures if the bulk operation is ordered property.
* @return the write config
* @since 2.3
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: String, forceInsert: Boolean, ordered: Boolean): WriteConfig = {
create(databaseName, collectionName, connectionString, replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold, writeConcern, shardKey,
forceInsert, ordered, DefaultExtendedBsonTypes)
* Creates a WriteConfig
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcern the WriteConcern to use
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @param ordered configures if the bulk operation is ordered property.
* @param extendedBsonTypes the data contains extended bson types and any datasets that contain structs that follow the extended bson
* types will automatically be converted into native bson types. For example the following `_id` field would be
* converted into an ObjectId: `{_id: {oid: "000000000000000000000000"}}`
* @return the write config
* @since 2.4.1
def create(databaseName: String, collectionName: String, connectionString: String, replaceDocument: Boolean, maxBatchSize: Int,
localThreshold: Int, writeConcern: WriteConcern, shardKey: String, forceInsert: Boolean, ordered: Boolean,
extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): WriteConfig = {
notNull("databaseName", databaseName)
notNull("collectionName", collectionName)
notNull("replaceDocument", replaceDocument)
notNull("maxBatchSize", maxBatchSize)
notNull("localThreshold", localThreshold)
notNull("writeConcern", writeConcern)
notNull("shardKey", shardKey)
notNull("forceInsert", forceInsert)
notNull("ordered", ordered)
notNull("extendedBsonTypes", extendedBsonTypes)
new WriteConfig(databaseName, collectionName, Option(connectionString), replaceDocument, maxBatchSize, localThreshold,
WriteConcernConfig(writeConcern), Option(shardKey), forceInsert, ordered, extendedBsonTypes)
override def create(javaSparkContext: JavaSparkContext): WriteConfig = {
notNull("javaSparkContext", javaSparkContext)
override def create(sparkConf: SparkConf): WriteConfig = {
notNull("sparkConf", sparkConf)
override def create(options: util.Map[String, String]): WriteConfig = {
notNull("options", options)
override def create(options: util.Map[String, String], default: WriteConfig): WriteConfig = {
notNull("options", options)
notNull("default", default)
apply(options.asScala, Some(default))
override def create(sparkConf: SparkConf, options: util.Map[String, String]): WriteConfig = {
notNull("sparkConf", sparkConf)
notNull("options", options)
apply(sparkConf, options.asScala)
override def create(sqlContext: SQLContext): WriteConfig = {
notNull("sqlContext", sqlContext)
override def create(sparkSession: SparkSession): WriteConfig = {
notNull("sparkSession", sparkSession)
* Write Configuration for writes to MongoDB
* @param databaseName the database name
* @param collectionName the collection name
* @param connectionString the optional connection string used in the creation of this configuration.
* @param replaceDocument replaces the whole document, when saving a Dataset that contains an `_id` field.
* If false only updates / sets the fields declared in the Dataset.
* @param maxBatchSize the maxBatchSize when performing a bulk update/insert. Defaults to 512.
* @param localThreshold the local threshold in milliseconds used when choosing among multiple MongoDB servers to send a request.
* Only servers whose ping time is less than or equal to the server with the fastest ping time plus the local
* threshold will be chosen.
* @param writeConcernConfig the write concern configuration
* @param shardKey an optional shardKey in extended json form: `"{key: 1, key2: 1}"`. Used when upserting DataSets in sharded clusters.
* @param forceInsert if true forces the writes to be inserts, even if a Dataset contains an `_id` field. Default `false`.
* @param ordered configures the bulk operation ordered property. Defaults to true.
* @param extendedBsonTypes the data contains extended bson types and any datasets that contain structs that follow the extended bson
* types will automatically be converted into native bson types. For example the following `_id` field would be
* converted into an ObjectId: `{_id: {oid: "000000000000000000000000"}}`
* @since 1.0
case class WriteConfig(
databaseName: String,
collectionName: String,
connectionString: Option[String] = None,
replaceDocument: Boolean = WriteConfig.DefaultReplaceDocument,
maxBatchSize: Int = WriteConfig.DefaultMaxBatchSize,
localThreshold: Int = MongoSharedConfig.DefaultLocalThreshold,
writeConcernConfig: WriteConcernConfig = WriteConcernConfig.Default,
shardKey: Option[String] = None,
forceInsert: Boolean = WriteConfig.DefaultForceInsert,
ordered: Boolean = WriteConfig.DefaultOrdered,
extendedBsonTypes: Boolean = true
) extends MongoCollectionConfig with MongoClassConfig {
require(maxBatchSize >= 1, s"maxBatchSize ($maxBatchSize) must be greater or equal to 1")
require(localThreshold >= 0, s"localThreshold ($localThreshold) must be greater or equal to 0")
require(Try(connectionString.map(uri => new ConnectionString(uri))).isSuccess, s"Invalid uri: '${connectionString.get}'")
require(Try(shardKey.map(json => BsonDocument.parse(json))).isSuccess, s"Invalid shardKey: '${shardKey.get}'")
type Self = WriteConfig
override def withOption(key: String, value: String): WriteConfig = WriteConfig(this.asOptions + (key -> value))
override def withOptions(options: collection.Map[String, String]): WriteConfig = WriteConfig(options, Some(this))
override def asOptions: collection.Map[String, String] = {
val options = mutable.Map("database" -> databaseName, "collection" -> collectionName,
WriteConfig.replaceDocumentProperty -> replaceDocument.toString,
WriteConfig.localThresholdProperty -> localThreshold.toString,
WriteConfig.forceInsertProperty -> forceInsert.toString,
WriteConfig.extendedBsonTypesProperty -> extendedBsonTypes.toString) ++ writeConcernConfig.asOptions
connectionString.map(uri => options += (WriteConfig.mongoURIProperty -> uri))
shardKey.map(json => options += (WriteConfig.shardKeyProperty -> json))
override def withOptions(options: util.Map[String, String]): WriteConfig = withOptions(options.asScala)
override def asJavaOptions: util.Map[String, String] = asOptions.asJava
* The `WriteConcern` that this config represents
* @return the WriteConcern
def writeConcern: WriteConcern = writeConcernConfig.writeConcern
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