com.mongodb.spark.rdd.partitioner.PartitionerHelper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.mongodb.spark.rdd.partitioner
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.bson._
import com.mongodb.spark.MongoConnector
import com.mongodb.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import com.mongodb.spark.config.ReadConfig
* :: DeveloperApi ::
* Helper methods for partitioner implementations
* @since 1.0
object PartitionerHelper {
* Creates the upper and lower boundary query for the given key
* @param key the key that represents the values that can be partitioned
* @param lower the value of the lower bound
* @param upper the value of the upper bound
* @return the document containing the partition bounds
def createBoundaryQuery(key: String, lower: BsonValue, upper: BsonValue): BsonDocument = {
require(Option(lower).isDefined, "lower range partition key missing")
require(Option(upper).isDefined, "upper range partition key missing")
val queryBoundry = new BsonDocument()
if (!lower.isInstanceOf[BsonMinKey]) {
queryBoundry.append("$gte", lower)
if (!upper.isInstanceOf[BsonMaxKey]) {
queryBoundry.append("$lt", upper)
if (queryBoundry.isEmpty) {
} else {
new BsonDocument(key, queryBoundry)
* Creates partitions using a single Seq of documents representing the right handside of partitions
* @param partitionKey the key representing the partition most likely the `_id`.
* @param splitKeys the documents representing a split
* @param locations the optional server hostnames for the data
* @param addMinMax add min and maxkey query bounds.
* @return
def createPartitions(partitionKey: String, splitKeys: Seq[BsonValue], locations: Seq[String] = Nil, addMinMax: Boolean = true): Array[MongoPartition] = {
val minKeyMaxKeys = (new BsonMinKey(), new BsonMaxKey())
val minToMaxSplitKeys: Seq[BsonValue] = if (addMinMax) minKeyMaxKeys._1 +: splitKeys :+ minKeyMaxKeys._2 else splitKeys
val minToMaxKeysToPartition = if (minToMaxSplitKeys.length <= 1) minToMaxSplitKeys else minToMaxSplitKeys.tail
val partitionPairs: Seq[(BsonValue, BsonValue)] = minToMaxSplitKeys zip minToMaxKeysToPartition
if (partitionPairs.isEmpty) {
Array(MongoPartition(0, new BsonDocument(), locations))
} else {
case ((min: BsonValue, max: BsonValue), i: Int) => MongoPartition(i, createBoundaryQuery(partitionKey, min, max), locations)
* Get the locations of the Mongo hosts
* @param connector the MongoConnector
* @return the locations
def locations(connector: MongoConnector): Seq[String] =
connector.withMongoClientDo(mongoClient => mongoClient.getAllAddress.asScala.map(_.getHost).distinct)
* Runs the `collStats` command and returns the results
* @param connector the MongoConnector
* @param readConfig the readConfig
* @return the collStats result
def collStats(connector: MongoConnector, readConfig: ReadConfig): BsonDocument = {
val collStatsCommand: BsonDocument = new BsonDocument("collStats", new BsonString(readConfig.collectionName))
connector.withDatabaseDo(readConfig, { db => db.runCommand(collStatsCommand, readConfig.readPreference, classOf[BsonDocument]) })
* Returns the head `\$match` from a pipeline
* Removes any `\$exists` and `\$ne` queries as they cannot use an index.
* @param pipeline the users pipeline
* @return the head `\$match` or an empty `BsonDocument`.
def matchQuery(pipeline: Array[BsonDocument]): BsonDocument = {
val defaultQuery = new BsonDocument()
pipeline.headOption match {
case Some(document) => removeExistsAndNeChecks(document.getDocument("$match", defaultQuery)).asDocument()
case None => defaultQuery
private def removeExistsAndNeChecks(value: BsonValue): BsonValue = {
if (value.isDocument) {
val excludeKeys = List("$exists", "$ne")
val cleanedDocument = new BsonDocument()
value.asDocument().asScala.foreach {
case (k: String, v: BsonValue) =>
if (v.isDocument) {
val cleanedSubDocument = new BsonDocument()
case (sk: String, sv: BsonValue) =>
if (!excludeKeys.contains(sk)) {
cleanedSubDocument.put(sk, removeExistsAndNeChecks(sv))
if (!cleanedSubDocument.isEmpty) {
cleanedDocument.put(k, cleanedSubDocument)
} else {
cleanedDocument.put(k, v)
} else {
* Checks an aggregation pipeline to see if it starts with a range based query that is suitable for the `SplitVector` command.
* If it does it returns the `\$match` filter otherwise None
* @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline
* @return the min and max keys for the pipeline
* @since 2.1
def getSplitVectorRangeQuery(partitionKey: String, pipeline: Array[BsonDocument]): (BsonValue, BsonValue) = {
val filter = pipeline.headOption match {
case Some(document: BsonDocument) => getNestedDocument(Seq("$match", partitionKey), document)
case None => new BsonDocument()
(filter.get("$gte", new BsonMinKey()), filter.get("$lt", new BsonMaxKey()))
* Sets the final boundary to use `\$lte` rather than `\$lt` so that boundaries with users provided queries have the correct upper bound
* @param partitionKey the partition key
* @param partitions the partitions
* @return the updated partitions
* @since 2.1
def setLastBoundaryToLessThanOrEqualTo(partitionKey: String, partitions: Array[MongoPartition]): Array[MongoPartition] = {
if (partitions.length > 0) {
val lastPartition = partitions.reverse.head
val partitionQuery = lastPartition.queryBounds.getDocument(partitionKey)
partitionQuery.append("$lte", partitionQuery.remove("$lt"))
* Gets a nested document from a document
* @param keys the keys for the document fields
* @param document the document to do a nested document lookup
* @return the subDocument
private def getNestedDocument(keys: Seq[String], document: BsonDocument): BsonDocument = {
if (keys.nonEmpty && document.containsKey(keys.head)) {
val bsonValue = document.get(keys.head)
if (bsonValue.isDocument) {
val subDoc = bsonValue.asDocument()
if (keys.tail.isEmpty) subDoc else getNestedDocument(keys.tail, subDoc)
} else {
new BsonDocument()
} else {
new BsonDocument()
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