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com.mongodb.spark.sql.MapFunctions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb.spark.sql

import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, NullType, StringType, TimestampType, _}
import org.bson._
import org.bson.types.Decimal128
import com.mongodb.spark.exceptions.MongoTypeConversionException
import com.mongodb.spark.sql.types.BsonCompatibility

private[spark] object MapFunctions {

  // scalastyle:off cyclomatic.complexity null
  def documentToRow(bsonDocument: BsonDocument, schema: StructType, requiredColumns: Array[String] = Array.empty[String]): Row = {
    val values: Array[(Any, StructField)] = =>
      bsonDocument.containsKey( match {
        case true  => (convertToDataType(bsonDocument.get(, field.dataType), field)
        case false => (null, field)

    val requiredValues = requiredColumns.nonEmpty match {
      case true =>
        val requiredValueMap = Map(values.collect({
          case (rowValue, rowField) if requiredColumns.contains( =>
            (, (rowValue, rowField))
        }): _*)
        requiredColumns.collect({ case name => requiredValueMap.getOrElse(name, null) })
      case false => values
    new GenericRowWithSchema(, DataTypes.createStructType(

  def rowToDocument(row: Row): BsonDocument = rowToDocumentMapper(row.schema, extendedBsonTypes = true)(row)

  private[spark] def rowToDocumentMapper(schema: StructType, extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): (Row) => BsonDocument = {
    // foreach field type, decide what function to use to map its value
    val mappers ={ field =>
      if (field.dataType == NullType) {
        (data: Any, document: BsonDocument) => document.append(, new BsonNull())
      } else {
        val mapper = wrappedDataTypeToBsonValueMapper(field.dataType, field.nullable, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Any, document: BsonDocument) => if (data != null) document.append(, mapper(data))

    (row: Row) => {
      val document = new BsonDocument()

      // foreach field of the row, add it to the BsonDocument by mapping with corresponding mapper
        case (mapper, i) =>
          val value = if (row.isNullAt(i)) null else row.get(i)
          mapper(value, document)


  private def wrappedDataTypeToBsonValueMapper(elementType: DataType, nullable: Boolean, extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): (Any) => BsonValue = {
    element =>
      Try(dataTypeToBsonValueMapper(elementType, nullable, extendedBsonTypes)(element)) match {
        case Success(bsonValue)                        => bsonValue
        case Failure(ex: MongoTypeConversionException) => throw ex
        case Failure(e)                                => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast $element into a $elementType")

  private def dataTypeToBsonValueMapper(elementType: DataType, nullable: Boolean, extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): (Any) => BsonValue = {
    val mapper: (Any) => BsonValue = elementType match {
      case BinaryType => (element: Any) => new BsonBinary(element.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
      case BooleanType => (element: Any) => new BsonBoolean(element.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
      case DateType => (element: Any) => new BsonDateTime(element.asInstanceOf[Date].getTime)
      case DoubleType => (element: Any) => new BsonDouble(element.asInstanceOf[Number].doubleValue())
      case FloatType => (element: Any) => new BsonDouble(element.asInstanceOf[Number].floatValue())
      case IntegerType => (element: Any) => new BsonInt32(element.asInstanceOf[Number].intValue())
      case ShortType => (element: Any) => new BsonInt32(element.asInstanceOf[Number].intValue())
      case ByteType => (element: Any) => new BsonInt32(element.asInstanceOf[Number].intValue())
      case LongType => (element: Any) => new BsonInt64(element.asInstanceOf[Number].longValue())
      case StringType => (element: Any) => new BsonString(element.asInstanceOf[String])
      case TimestampType => (element: Any) => new BsonDateTime(element.asInstanceOf[Timestamp].getTime)
      case arrayType: ArrayType => {
        val mapper = arrayTypeToBsonValueMapper(arrayType.elementType, arrayType.containsNull, extendedBsonTypes)
        (element: Any) => mapper(element.asInstanceOf[Seq[_]])
      case schema: StructType => {
        val mapper = structTypeToBsonValueMapper(schema, extendedBsonTypes)
        (element: Any) => mapper(element.asInstanceOf[Row])
      case mapType: MapType =>
        mapType.keyType match {
          case StringType => element =>
            mapTypeToBsonValueMapper(mapType.valueType, mapType.valueContainsNull, extendedBsonTypes)(element.asInstanceOf[Map[String, _]])
          case _ => element => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(
            s"Cannot cast $element into a BsonValue. MapTypes must have keys of StringType for conversion into a BsonDocument"
      case _ if elementType.typeName.startsWith("decimal") =>
        val jBigDecimal = (element: Any) => element match {
          case jDecimal: java.math.BigDecimal => jDecimal
          case _                              => element.asInstanceOf[BigDecimal].bigDecimal
        (element: Any) => new BsonDecimal128(new Decimal128(jBigDecimal(element)))
      case _ =>
        (element: Any) => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast $element into a BsonValue. $elementType has no matching BsonValue.")
    if (nullable) {
      (element: Any) => if (element == null) new BsonNull() else mapper(element)
    } else {

  private def mapTypeToBsonValueMapper(valueType: DataType, valueContainsNull: Boolean, extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): (Map[String, Any]) => BsonValue = {
    val internalDataMapper = valueType match {
      case subDocuments: StructType => {
        val mapper = structTypeToBsonValueMapper(subDocuments, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Map[String, Any]) => => {
          val value = if (valueContainsNull && kv._2 == null) new BsonNull() else mapper(kv._2.asInstanceOf[Row])
          new BsonElement(kv._1, value)
      case subArray: ArrayType => {
        val mapper = arrayTypeToBsonValueMapper(subArray.elementType, subArray.containsNull, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Map[String, Any]) => => {
          val value = if (valueContainsNull && kv._2 == null) new BsonNull() else mapper(kv._2.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]])
          new BsonElement(kv._1, value)
      case _ => {
        val mapper = wrappedDataTypeToBsonValueMapper(valueType, valueContainsNull, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Map[String, Any]) => => new BsonElement(kv._1, mapper(kv._2)))

    data => new BsonDocument(internalDataMapper(data).toList.asJava)

  private def arrayTypeToBsonValueMapper(elementType: DataType, containsNull: Boolean, extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): (Seq[Any]) => BsonValue = {
    val bsonArrayValuesMapper = elementType match {
      case subDocuments: StructType => {
        val mapper = structTypeToBsonValueMapper(subDocuments, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Seq[Any]) => => if (containsNull && x == null) new BsonNull() else mapper(x.asInstanceOf[Row])).asJava
      case subArray: ArrayType => {
        val mapper = arrayTypeToBsonValueMapper(subArray.elementType, subArray.containsNull, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Seq[Any]) => => if (containsNull && x == null) new BsonNull() else mapper(x.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]])).asJava
      case _ => {
        val mapper = wrappedDataTypeToBsonValueMapper(elementType, containsNull, extendedBsonTypes)
        (data: Seq[Any]) => => if (containsNull && x == null) new BsonNull() else mapper(x)).asJava
    data => new BsonArray(bsonArrayValuesMapper(data))

  private def structTypeToBsonValueMapper(dataType: StructType, extendedBsonTypes: Boolean): (Row) => BsonValue = {
    if (extendedBsonTypes) {
      dataType match {
        case BsonCompatibility.ObjectId()            => BsonCompatibility.ObjectId.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.MinKey()              => BsonCompatibility.MinKey.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.MaxKey()              => BsonCompatibility.MaxKey.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.Timestamp()           => BsonCompatibility.Timestamp.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.JavaScript()          => BsonCompatibility.JavaScript.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.JavaScriptWithScope() => BsonCompatibility.JavaScriptWithScope.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.RegularExpression()   => BsonCompatibility.RegularExpression.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.Undefined()           => BsonCompatibility.Undefined.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.Binary()              => BsonCompatibility.Binary.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.Symbol()              => BsonCompatibility.Symbol.apply
        case BsonCompatibility.DbPointer()           => BsonCompatibility.DbPointer.apply
        case _                                       => rowToDocumentMapper(dataType, extendedBsonTypes)
    } else {
      rowToDocumentMapper(dataType, extendedBsonTypes)

  private def convertToDataType(element: BsonValue, elementType: DataType): Any = {
    (element.getBsonType, elementType) match {
      case (BsonType.DOCUMENT, mapType: MapType) => element.asDocument() => (kv._1, convertToDataType(kv._2, mapType.valueType))).toMap
      case (BsonType.ARRAY, arrayType: ArrayType) => element.asArray(), arrayType.elementType))
      case (BsonType.BINARY, BinaryType) => element.asBinary().getData
      case (BsonType.BOOLEAN, BooleanType) => element.asBoolean().getValue
      case (BsonType.DATE_TIME, DateType) => new Date(element.asDateTime().getValue)
      case (BsonType.DATE_TIME, TimestampType) => new Timestamp(element.asDateTime().getValue)
      case (BsonType.NULL, NullType) => null
      case (isBsonNumber(), DoubleType) => toDouble(element)
      case (isBsonNumber(), FloatType) => toFloat(element)
      case (isBsonNumber(), IntegerType) => toInt(element)
      case (isBsonNumber(), ShortType) => toShort(element)
      case (isBsonNumber(), ByteType) => toByte(element)
      case (isBsonNumber(), LongType) => toLong(element)
      case (isBsonNumber(), _) if elementType.typeName.startsWith("decimal") => toDecimal(element)
      case (notNull(), schema: StructType) => castToStructType(element, schema)
      case (_, StringType) => bsonValueToString(element)
      case _ =>
        if (element.isNull) {
        } else {
          throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${element.getBsonType} into a $elementType (value: $element)")

  private def bsonValueToString(element: BsonValue): String = {
    element.getBsonType match {
      case BsonType.STRING    => element.asString().getValue
      case BsonType.OBJECT_ID => element.asObjectId().getValue.toHexString
      case BsonType.INT64     => element.asInt64().getValue.toString
      case BsonType.INT32     => element.asInt32().getValue.toString
      case BsonType.DOUBLE    => element.asDouble().getValue.toString
      case BsonType.NULL      => null
      case _                  => BsonValueToJson(element)

  private def castToStructType(element: BsonValue, elementType: StructType): Any = {
    (element.getBsonType, elementType) match {
      case (BsonType.BINARY, BsonCompatibility.Binary()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.Binary(element.asInstanceOf[BsonBinary], elementType)
      case (BsonType.DOCUMENT, _) =>
        documentToRow(element.asInstanceOf[BsonDocument], elementType)
      case (BsonType.DB_POINTER, BsonCompatibility.DbPointer()) => BsonCompatibility.DbPointer(element.asInstanceOf[BsonDbPointer], elementType)
      case (BsonType.JAVASCRIPT, BsonCompatibility.JavaScript()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.JavaScript(element.asInstanceOf[BsonJavaScript], elementType)
      case (BsonType.JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE, BsonCompatibility.JavaScriptWithScope()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.JavaScriptWithScope(element.asInstanceOf[BsonJavaScriptWithScope], elementType)
      case (BsonType.MIN_KEY, BsonCompatibility.MinKey()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.MinKey(element.asInstanceOf[BsonMinKey], elementType)
      case (BsonType.MAX_KEY, BsonCompatibility.MaxKey()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.MaxKey(element.asInstanceOf[BsonMaxKey], elementType)
      case (BsonType.OBJECT_ID, BsonCompatibility.ObjectId()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.ObjectId(element.asInstanceOf[BsonObjectId], elementType)
      case (BsonType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION, BsonCompatibility.RegularExpression()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.RegularExpression(element.asInstanceOf[BsonRegularExpression], elementType)
      case (BsonType.SYMBOL, BsonCompatibility.Symbol()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.Symbol(element.asInstanceOf[BsonSymbol], elementType)
      case (BsonType.TIMESTAMP, BsonCompatibility.Timestamp()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.Timestamp(element.asInstanceOf[BsonTimestamp], elementType)
      case (BsonType.UNDEFINED, BsonCompatibility.Undefined()) =>
        BsonCompatibility.Undefined(element.asInstanceOf[BsonUndefined], elementType)
      case _ => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${element.getBsonType} into a $elementType (value: $element)")

  private object isBsonNumber {
    val bsonNumberTypes = Set(BsonType.INT32, BsonType.INT64, BsonType.DOUBLE, BsonType.DECIMAL128)
    def unapply(x: BsonType): Boolean = bsonNumberTypes.contains(x)

  private def toInt(bsonValue: BsonValue): Int = {
    bsonValue.getBsonType match {
      case BsonType.DECIMAL128 => bsonValue.asDecimal128().decimal128Value().bigDecimalValue().intValue()
      case BsonType.INT32      => bsonValue.asInt32().intValue()
      case BsonType.INT64      => bsonValue.asInt64().intValue()
      case BsonType.DOUBLE     => bsonValue.asDouble().intValue()
      case _                   => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a Int")
  private def toShort(bsonValue: BsonValue): Short = {
    Try(toInt(bsonValue).toShort) match {
      case Success(v) => v
      case Failure(_) => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a Short")

  private def toByte(bsonValue: BsonValue): Byte = {
    Try(toInt(bsonValue).toByte) match {
      case Success(v) => v
      case Failure(_) => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a Byte")

  private def toLong(bsonValue: BsonValue): Long = {
    bsonValue.getBsonType match {
      case BsonType.DECIMAL128 => bsonValue.asDecimal128().decimal128Value().bigDecimalValue().longValue()
      case BsonType.INT32      => bsonValue.asInt32().longValue()
      case BsonType.INT64      => bsonValue.asInt64().longValue()
      case BsonType.DOUBLE     => bsonValue.asDouble().longValue()
      case _                   => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a Long")

  private def toDouble(bsonValue: BsonValue): Double = {
    bsonValue.getBsonType match {
      case BsonType.DECIMAL128 => bsonValue.asDecimal128().decimal128Value().bigDecimalValue().doubleValue()
      case BsonType.INT32      => bsonValue.asInt32().doubleValue()
      case BsonType.INT64      => bsonValue.asInt64().doubleValue()
      case BsonType.DOUBLE     => bsonValue.asDouble().doubleValue()
      case _                   => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a Double")

  private def toFloat(bsonValue: BsonValue): Double = {
    Try(toDouble(bsonValue).toFloat) match {
      case Success(v) => v
      case Failure(_) => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a Float")

  private def toDecimal(bsonValue: BsonValue): BigDecimal = {
    bsonValue.getBsonType match {
      case BsonType.DECIMAL128 => bsonValue.asDecimal128().decimal128Value().bigDecimalValue()
      case BsonType.INT32      => BigDecimal(bsonValue.asInt32().intValue())
      case BsonType.INT64      => BigDecimal(bsonValue.asInt64().longValue())
      case BsonType.DOUBLE     => BigDecimal(bsonValue.asDouble().doubleValue())
      case _                   => throw new MongoTypeConversionException(s"Cannot cast ${bsonValue.getBsonType} into a BigDecimal")

  private object notNull {
    def unapply(x: BsonType): Boolean = x != BsonType.NULL

  // scalastyle:on cyclomatic.complexity null

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