org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas;
* A CloudFormation MongoDB::Atlas::NetworkPeering
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "jsii-pacmak/1.94.0 (build b380f01)", date = "2024-02-05T16:04:31.857Z")
@software.amazon.jsii.Jsii(module = org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.$Module.class, fqn = "awscdk-resources-mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering")
public class CfnNetworkPeering extends software.amazon.awscdk.CfnResource {
protected CfnNetworkPeering(final software.amazon.jsii.JsiiObjectRef objRef) {
protected CfnNetworkPeering(final software.amazon.jsii.JsiiObject.InitializationMode initializationMode) {
static {
CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = software.amazon.jsii.JsiiObject.jsiiStaticGet(org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering.class, "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME", software.amazon.jsii.NativeType.forClass(java.lang.String.class));
* Create a new MongoDB::Atlas::NetworkPeering
* @param scope
- scope in which this resource is defined.
This parameter is required.
* @param id - scoped id of the resource.
This parameter is required.
* @param props - resource properties.
This parameter is required.
public CfnNetworkPeering(final @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull software.constructs.Construct scope, final @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull java.lang.String id, final @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeeringProps props) {
software.amazon.jsii.JsiiEngine.getInstance().createNewObject(this, new Object[] { java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(scope, "scope is required"), java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(id, "id is required"), java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(props, "props is required") });
* The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class.
public final static java.lang.String CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME;
* Attribute MongoDB::Atlas::NetworkPeering.ConnectionId
public @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull java.lang.String getAttrConnectionId() {
return software.amazon.jsii.Kernel.get(this, "attrConnectionId", software.amazon.jsii.NativeType.forClass(java.lang.String.class));
* Attribute MongoDB::Atlas::NetworkPeering.ErrorStateName
public @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull java.lang.String getAttrErrorStateName() {
return software.amazon.jsii.Kernel.get(this, "attrErrorStateName", software.amazon.jsii.NativeType.forClass(java.lang.String.class));
* Attribute MongoDB::Atlas::NetworkPeering.Id
public @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull java.lang.String getAttrId() {
return software.amazon.jsii.Kernel.get(this, "attrId", software.amazon.jsii.NativeType.forClass(java.lang.String.class));
* Attribute MongoDB::Atlas::NetworkPeering.StatusName
public @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull java.lang.String getAttrStatusName() {
return software.amazon.jsii.Kernel.get(this, "attrStatusName", software.amazon.jsii.NativeType.forClass(java.lang.String.class));
* Resource props.
public @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeeringProps getProps() {
return software.amazon.jsii.Kernel.get(this, "props", software.amazon.jsii.NativeType.forClass(org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeeringProps.class));
* A fluent builder for {@link org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering}.
public static final class Builder implements software.amazon.jsii.Builder {
* @return a new instance of {@link Builder}.
* @param scope - scope in which this resource is defined.
This parameter is required.
* @param id - scoped id of the resource.
This parameter is required.
public static Builder create(final software.constructs.Construct scope, final java.lang.String id) {
return new Builder(scope, id);
private final software.constructs.Construct scope;
private final java.lang.String id;
private final org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeeringProps.Builder props;
private Builder(final software.constructs.Construct scope, final java.lang.String id) {
this.scope = scope;
this.id = id;
this.props = new org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeeringProps.Builder();
* Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the MongoDB Cloud network container that contains the specified network peering connection.
* @return {@code this}
* @param containerId Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies the MongoDB Cloud network container that contains the specified network peering connection. This parameter is required.
public Builder containerId(final java.lang.String containerId) {
return this;
* Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project.
* @return {@code this}
* @param projectId Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string that identifies your project. This parameter is required.
public Builder projectId(final java.lang.String projectId) {
return this;
* Unique string that identifies the VPC on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that you want to peer with the MongoDB Cloud VPC.
* @return {@code this}
* @param vpcId Unique string that identifies the VPC on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that you want to peer with the MongoDB Cloud VPC. This parameter is required.
public Builder vpcId(final java.lang.String vpcId) {
return this;
* Amazon Web Services (AWS) region where the Virtual Peering Connection (VPC) that you peered with the MongoDB Cloud VPC resides.
* The resource returns null if your VPC and the MongoDB Cloud VPC reside in the same region.
* @return {@code this}
* @param accepterRegionName Amazon Web Services (AWS) region where the Virtual Peering Connection (VPC) that you peered with the MongoDB Cloud VPC resides. This parameter is required.
public Builder accepterRegionName(final java.lang.String accepterRegionName) {
return this;
* Unique twelve-digit string that identifies the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that owns the VPC that you peered with the MongoDB Cloud VPC.
* @return {@code this}
* @param awsAccountId Unique twelve-digit string that identifies the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that owns the VPC that you peered with the MongoDB Cloud VPC. This parameter is required.
public Builder awsAccountId(final java.lang.String awsAccountId) {
return this;
* The profile is defined in AWS Secret manager.
* See Secret Manager Profile setup.
* @return {@code this}
* @param profile The profile is defined in AWS Secret manager. This parameter is required.
public Builder profile(final java.lang.String profile) {
return this;
* Internet Protocol (IP) addresses expressed in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation of the VPC's subnet that you want to peer with the MongoDB Cloud VPC.
* @return {@code this}
* @param routeTableCidrBlock Internet Protocol (IP) addresses expressed in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation of the VPC's subnet that you want to peer with the MongoDB Cloud VPC. This parameter is required.
public Builder routeTableCidrBlock(final java.lang.String routeTableCidrBlock) {
return this;
* @return a newly built instance of {@link org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering}.
public org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering build() {
return new org.mongodb.awscdk.resources.mongodbatlas.CfnNetworkPeering(