monifu.reactive.observers.BufferedObserver.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2014 by its authors. Some rights reserved.
* See the project homepage at
* http://www.monifu.org/
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package monifu.reactive.observers
import monifu.reactive.Observer
import monifu.reactive.Ack.{Cancel, Continue}
import monifu.concurrent.atomic.padded.Atomic
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import monifu.reactive.{BufferOverflowException, BufferPolicy, Ack}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Promise, Future}
import monifu.reactive.BufferPolicy.{BackPressured, OverflowTriggering, Unbounded}
import monifu.collection.mutable.ConcurrentQueue
* Interface describing [[monifu.reactive.Observer Observer]] wrappers
* that are thread-safe (can receive concurrent events) and that
* return an immediate `Continue` when receiving `onNext`
* events. Meant to be used by data sources that cannot uphold the
* no-concurrent events and the back-pressure related requirements
* (i.e. data-sources that cannot wait on `Future[Continue]` for
* sending the next event).
* Implementations of this interface have the following contract:
* - `onNext` / `onError` / `onComplete` of this interface MAY be
* called concurrently
* - `onNext` SHOULD return an immediate `Continue`, as long as the
* buffer is not full and the underlying observer hasn't signaled
* `Cancel` (N.B. due to the asynchronous nature, `Cancel` signaled
* by the underlying observer may be noticed later, so
* implementations of this interface make no guarantee about queued
* events - which could be generated, queued and dropped on the
* floor later)
* - `onNext` MUST return an immediate `Cancel` result, after it
* notices that the underlying observer signaled `Cancel` (due to
* the asynchronous nature of observers, this may happen later and
* queued events might get dropped on the floor)
* - in general the contract for the underlying Observer is fully
* respected (grammar, non-concurrent notifications, etc...)
* - when the underlying observer canceled (by returning `Cancel`),
* or when a concurrent upstream data source triggered an error,
* this SHOULD eventually be noticed and acted upon
* - as long as the buffer isn't full and the underlying observer
* isn't `Cancel`, then implementations of this interface SHOULD
* not lose events in the process
* - the buffer MAY BE either unbounded or bounded, in case of
* bounded buffers, then an appropriate policy needs to be set for
* when the buffer overflows - either an `onError` triggered in the
* underlying observer coupled with a `Cancel` signaled to the
* upstream data sources, or dropping events from the head or the
* tail of the queue, or attempting to apply back-pressure, etc...
* See [[monifu.reactive.BufferPolicy BufferPolicy]] for the buffer
* policies available.
trait BufferedObserver[-T] extends Observer[T]
object BufferedObserver {
def apply[T](observer: Observer[T], bufferPolicy: BufferPolicy = Unbounded)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): BufferedObserver[T] = {
bufferPolicy match {
case Unbounded =>
case OverflowTriggering(bufferSize) =>
SynchronousBufferedObserver.overflowTriggering(observer, bufferSize)
case BackPressured(bufferSize) =>
BackPressuredBufferedObserver(observer, bufferSize)
case _ =>
throw new NotImplementedError(s"BufferedObserver($bufferPolicy)")
* A highly optimized [[BufferedObserver]] implementation. It supports 2
* [[monifu.reactive.BufferPolicy buffer policies]] - unbounded or bounded and terminated
* with a [[monifu.reactive.BufferOverflowException BufferOverflowException]].
* To create an instance using an unbounded policy: {{{
* // by default, the constructor for BufferedObserver is returning this unbounded variant
* BufferedObserver(observer)
* // or you can specify the Unbounded policy explicitly
* import monifu.reactive.BufferPolicy.Unbounded
* val buffered = BufferedObserver(observer, bufferPolicy = Unbounded)
* }}}
* To create a bounded buffered observable that triggers
* [[monifu.reactive.BufferOverflowException BufferOverflowException]]
* when over capacity: {{{
* import monifu.reactive.BufferPolicy.OverflowTriggering
* // triggers buffer overflow error after 10000 messages
* val buffered = BufferedObserver(observer, bufferPolicy = OverflowTriggering(bufferSize = 10000))
* }}}
* @param underlying is the underlying observer receiving the queued events
* @param bufferSize is the maximum buffer size, or zero if unbounded
final class SynchronousBufferedObserver[-T] private
(underlying: Observer[T], bufferSize: Int = 0)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
extends SynchronousObserver[T] with BufferedObserver[T] {
require(bufferSize >= 0, "bufferSize must be a positive number")
private[this] val queue = ConcurrentQueue.empty[T]
// to be modified only in onError, before upstreamIsComplete
private[this] var errorThrown: Throwable = null
// to be modified only in onError / onComplete
@volatile private[this] var upstreamIsComplete = false
// to be modified only by consumer
@volatile private[this] var downstreamIsDone = false
// for enforcing non-concurrent updates
private[this] val itemsToPush = Atomic(0)
def onNext(elem: T): Ack = {
if (!upstreamIsComplete && !downstreamIsDone) {
try {
catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
def onError(ex: Throwable) = {
if (!upstreamIsComplete && !downstreamIsDone) {
errorThrown = ex
upstreamIsComplete = true
def onComplete() = {
if (!upstreamIsComplete && !downstreamIsDone) {
upstreamIsComplete = true
private[this] def pushToConsumer(): Unit = {
val currentNr = itemsToPush.get
if (bufferSize == 0) {
// unbounded branch
if (!itemsToPush.compareAndSet(currentNr, currentNr + 1))
else if (currentNr == 0)
ec.execute(new Runnable {
def run() = fastLoop(0)
else {
// triggering overflow branch
if (currentNr >= bufferSize && !upstreamIsComplete) {
onError(new BufferOverflowException(
s"Downstream observer is too slow, buffer over capacity with a specified buffer size of $bufferSize and" +
s" $currentNr events being left for push"))
else if (!itemsToPush.compareAndSet(currentNr, currentNr + 1))
else if (currentNr == 0)
ec.execute(new Runnable {
def run() = fastLoop(0)
private[this] def rescheduled(processed: Int): Unit = {
private[this] def fastLoop(processed: Int): Unit = {
if (!downstreamIsDone) {
// errors have priority
val hasError = errorThrown ne null
val next = queue.poll()
if (next != null && !hasError) {
underlying.onNext(next) match {
case sync if sync.isCompleted =>
sync match {
case continue if continue == Continue || continue.value.get == Continue.IsSuccess =>
// process next
fastLoop(processed + 1)
case done if done == Cancel || done.value.get == Cancel.IsSuccess =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
case error if error.value.get.isFailure =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
case async =>
async.onComplete {
case Continue.IsSuccess =>
// re-run loop (in different thread)
rescheduled(processed + 1)
case Cancel.IsSuccess =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
case Failure(ex) =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
case other =>
// never happens, but to appease Scala's compiler
downstreamIsDone = true
underlying.onError(new MatchError(s"$other"))
else if (upstreamIsComplete || hasError) {
// Race-condition check, but if upstreamIsComplete=true is visible, then the queue should be fully published
// because there's a clear happens-before relationship between queue.offer() and upstreamIsComplete=true
// NOTE: errors have priority, so in case of an error seen, then the loop is stopped
if (!hasError && !queue.isEmpty) {
else {
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
queue.clear() // for GC purposes
if (errorThrown ne null)
else {
val remaining = itemsToPush.decrementAndGet(processed)
// if the queue is non-empty (i.e. concurrent modifications just happened)
// then start all over again
if (remaining > 0) fastLoop(0)
object SynchronousBufferedObserver {
def unbounded[T](observer: Observer[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
new SynchronousBufferedObserver[T](observer)
def overflowTriggering[T](observer: Observer[T], bufferSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
new SynchronousBufferedObserver[T](observer, bufferSize)
final class BackPressuredBufferedObserver[-T] private
(underlying: Observer[T], bufferSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
extends BufferedObserver[T] { self =>
require(bufferSize > 0, "bufferSize must be a strictly positive number")
private[this] val queue = ConcurrentQueue.empty[T]
// to be modified only in onError, before upstreamIsComplete
private[this] var errorThrown: Throwable = null
// to be modified only in onError / onComplete
@volatile private[this] var upstreamIsComplete = false
// to be modified only by consumer
@volatile private[this] var downstreamIsDone = false
// for enforcing non-concurrent updates and back-pressure
// all access must be synchronized
private[this] val lock = new AnyRef
private[this] var itemsToPush = 0
private[this] var nextAckPromise = Promise[Ack]()
private[this] var appliesBackPressure = false
def onNext(elem: T): Future[Ack] = lock.synchronized {
if (!upstreamIsComplete && !downstreamIsDone) {
try {
catch {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
else {
def onError(ex: Throwable) = lock.synchronized {
if (!upstreamIsComplete && !downstreamIsDone) {
errorThrown = ex
upstreamIsComplete = true
def onComplete() = lock.synchronized {
if (!upstreamIsComplete && !downstreamIsDone) {
upstreamIsComplete = true
private[this] def pushToConsumer(): Future[Ack] = {
if (itemsToPush == 0) {
nextAckPromise = Promise[Ack]()
appliesBackPressure = false
itemsToPush += 1
ec.execute(new Runnable {
def run() = fastLoop(0)
else if (appliesBackPressure) {
itemsToPush += 1
else if (itemsToPush >= bufferSize) {
appliesBackPressure = true
itemsToPush += 1
else {
itemsToPush += 1
private[this] def rescheduled(processed: Int): Unit = {
private[this] def fastLoop(processed: Int): Unit = {
if (!downstreamIsDone) {
// errors have priority, in case an error happened, it is streamed immediately
val hasError = errorThrown ne null
val next: T = queue.poll()
if (next != null && !hasError)
underlying.onNext(next) match {
case sync if sync.isCompleted =>
sync match {
case continue if continue == Continue || continue.value.get == Continue.IsSuccess =>
// process next
fastLoop(processed + 1)
case done if done == Cancel || done.value.get == Cancel.IsSuccess =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
lock.synchronized {
itemsToPush = 0
case error if error.value.get.isFailure =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
try underlying.onError(error.value.get.failed.get) finally
lock.synchronized {
itemsToPush = 0
case async =>
async.onComplete {
case Continue.IsSuccess =>
// re-run loop (in different thread)
rescheduled(processed + 1)
case Cancel.IsSuccess =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
lock.synchronized {
itemsToPush = 0
case Failure(ex) =>
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
try underlying.onError(ex) finally
lock.synchronized {
itemsToPush = 0
case other =>
// never happens, but to appease Scala's compiler
downstreamIsDone = true
try underlying.onError(new MatchError(s"$other")) finally
lock.synchronized {
itemsToPush = 0
else if (upstreamIsComplete || hasError) {
// Race-condition check, but if upstreamIsComplete=true is visible, then the queue should be fully published
// because there's a clear happens-before relationship between queue.offer() and upstreamIsComplete=true
// NOTE: errors have priority, so in case of an error seen, then the loop is stopped
if (!hasError && !queue.isEmpty) {
fastLoop(processed) // re-run loop
else {
// ending loop
downstreamIsDone = true
try {
if (errorThrown ne null)
finally lock.synchronized {
queue.clear() // for GC purposes
itemsToPush = 0
else {
val remaining = lock.synchronized {
itemsToPush -= processed
if (itemsToPush <= 0) // this really has to be LESS-or-equal
// if the queue is non-empty (i.e. concurrent modifications might have happened)
// then start all over again
if (remaining > 0) fastLoop(0)
object BackPressuredBufferedObserver {
def apply[T](observer: Observer[T], bufferSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
new BackPressuredBufferedObserver[T](observer, bufferSize)
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