org.mozilla.classfile.ConstantPool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* -*- Mode: java; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.classfile;
import java.util.HashMap;
final class ConstantPool {
ConstantPool(ClassFileWriter cfw) {
this.cfw = cfw;
itsTopIndex = 1; // the zero'th entry is reserved
itsPool = new byte[ConstantPoolSize];
itsTop = 0;
private static final int ConstantPoolSize = 256;
static final byte CONSTANT_Class = 7,
CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9,
CONSTANT_Methodref = 10,
CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11,
CONSTANT_String = 8,
CONSTANT_Integer = 3,
CONSTANT_Float = 4,
CONSTANT_Long = 5,
CONSTANT_Double = 6,
CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12,
CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1,
CONSTANT_MethodType = 16,
CONSTANT_MethodHandle = 15,
CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic = 18;
int write(byte[] data, int offset) {
offset = ClassFileWriter.putInt16((short) itsTopIndex, data, offset);
System.arraycopy(itsPool, 0, data, offset, itsTop);
offset += itsTop;
return offset;
int getWriteSize() {
return 2 + itsTop;
int addConstant(int k) {
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Integer;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt32(k, itsPool, itsTop);
itsPoolTypes.put(itsTopIndex, CONSTANT_Integer);
return (short) itsTopIndex++;
int addConstant(long k) {
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Long;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt64(k, itsPool, itsTop);
int index = itsTopIndex;
itsTopIndex += 2;
itsPoolTypes.put(index, CONSTANT_Long);
return index;
int addConstant(float k) {
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Float;
int bits = Float.floatToIntBits(k);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt32(bits, itsPool, itsTop);
itsPoolTypes.put(itsTopIndex, CONSTANT_Float);
return itsTopIndex++;
int addConstant(double k) {
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Double;
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(k);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt64(bits, itsPool, itsTop);
int index = itsTopIndex;
itsTopIndex += 2;
itsPoolTypes.put(index, CONSTANT_Double);
return index;
int addConstant(String k) {
int utf8Index = 0xFFFF & addUtf8(k);
int theIndex = itsStringConstHash.getOrDefault(utf8Index, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_String;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(utf8Index, itsPool, itsTop);
itsStringConstHash.put(utf8Index, theIndex);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_String);
return theIndex;
int addConstant(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short) {
return addConstant(((Number) value).intValue());
} else if (value instanceof Character) {
return addConstant(((Character) value).charValue());
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return addConstant(((Boolean) value).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0);
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return addConstant(((Float) value).floatValue());
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return addConstant(((Long) value).longValue());
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
return addConstant(((Double) value).doubleValue());
} else if (value instanceof String) {
return addConstant((String) value);
// } else if (value instanceof ClassFileWriter.MethodType) {
// return addMethodType((ClassFileWriter.MethodType) value);
} else if (value instanceof ClassFileWriter.MHandle) {
return addMethodHandle((ClassFileWriter.MHandle) value);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value " + value);
boolean isUnderUtfEncodingLimit(String s) {
int strLen = s.length();
if (strLen * 3 <= MAX_UTF_ENCODING_SIZE) {
return true;
} else if (strLen > MAX_UTF_ENCODING_SIZE) {
return false;
return strLen == getUtfEncodingLimit(s, 0, strLen);
* Get maximum i such that start <= i <= end
and s.substring(start, i)
* fits JVM UTF string encoding limit.
int getUtfEncodingLimit(String s, int start, int end) {
if ((end - start) * 3 <= MAX_UTF_ENCODING_SIZE) {
return end;
for (int i = start; i != end; i++) {
int c = s.charAt(i);
if (0 != c && c <= 0x7F) {
} else if (c < 0x7FF) {
limit -= 2;
} else {
limit -= 3;
if (limit < 0) {
return i;
return end;
short addUtf8(String k) {
int theIndex = itsUtf8Hash.getOrDefault(k, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
int strLen = k.length();
boolean tooBigString;
tooBigString = true;
} else {
tooBigString = false;
// Ask for worst case scenario buffer when each char takes 3
// bytes
ensure(1 + 2 + strLen * 3);
int top = itsTop;
itsPool[top++] = CONSTANT_Utf8;
top += 2; // skip length
char[] chars = cfw.getCharBuffer(strLen);
k.getChars(0, strLen, chars, 0);
for (int i = 0; i != strLen; i++) {
int c = chars[i];
if (c != 0 && c <= 0x7F) {
itsPool[top++] = (byte) c;
} else if (c > 0x7FF) {
itsPool[top++] = (byte) (0xE0 | (c >> 12));
itsPool[top++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F));
itsPool[top++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
} else {
itsPool[top++] = (byte) (0xC0 | (c >> 6));
itsPool[top++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3F));
int utfLen = top - (itsTop + 1 + 2);
tooBigString = true;
} else {
// Write back length
itsPool[itsTop + 1] = (byte) (utfLen >>> 8);
itsPool[itsTop + 2] = (byte) utfLen;
itsTop = top;
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsUtf8Hash.put(k, theIndex);
if (tooBigString) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too big string");
setConstantData(theIndex, k);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_Utf8);
return (short) theIndex;
private short addNameAndType(String name, String type) {
short nameIndex = addUtf8(name);
short typeIndex = addUtf8(type);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_NameAndType;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(nameIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(typeIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
itsPoolTypes.put(itsTopIndex, CONSTANT_NameAndType);
return (short) itsTopIndex++;
short addClass(String className) {
int theIndex = itsClassHash.getOrDefault(className, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
String slashed = className;
if (className.indexOf('.') > 0) {
slashed = ClassFileWriter.getSlashedForm(className);
theIndex = itsClassHash.getOrDefault(slashed, -1);
if (theIndex != -1) {
itsClassHash.put(className, theIndex);
if (theIndex == -1) {
int utf8Index = addUtf8(slashed);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Class;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(utf8Index, itsPool, itsTop);
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsClassHash.put(slashed, theIndex);
if (!className.equals(slashed)) {
itsClassHash.put(className, theIndex);
setConstantData(theIndex, className);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_Class);
return (short) theIndex;
short addFieldRef(String className, String fieldName, String fieldType) {
FieldOrMethodRef ref = new FieldOrMethodRef(className, fieldName, fieldType);
int theIndex = itsFieldRefHash.getOrDefault(ref, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
short ntIndex = addNameAndType(fieldName, fieldType);
short classIndex = addClass(className);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Fieldref;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(classIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(ntIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsFieldRefHash.put(ref, theIndex);
setConstantData(theIndex, ref);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_Fieldref);
return (short) theIndex;
short addMethodRef(String className, String methodName, String methodType) {
FieldOrMethodRef ref = new FieldOrMethodRef(className, methodName, methodType);
int theIndex = itsMethodRefHash.getOrDefault(ref, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
short ntIndex = addNameAndType(methodName, methodType);
short classIndex = addClass(className);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_Methodref;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(classIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(ntIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsMethodRefHash.put(ref, theIndex);
setConstantData(theIndex, ref);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_Methodref);
return (short) theIndex;
short addInterfaceMethodRef(String className, String methodName, String methodType) {
short ntIndex = addNameAndType(methodName, methodType);
short classIndex = addClass(className);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(classIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(ntIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
FieldOrMethodRef r = new FieldOrMethodRef(className, methodName, methodType);
setConstantData(itsTopIndex, r);
itsPoolTypes.put(itsTopIndex, CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref);
return (short) itsTopIndex++;
short addInvokeDynamic(String methodName, String methodType, int bootstrapIndex) {
ConstantEntry entry =
new ConstantEntry(CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic, bootstrapIndex, methodName, methodType);
int theIndex = itsConstantHash.getOrDefault(entry, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
short nameTypeIndex = addNameAndType(methodName, methodType);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(bootstrapIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(nameTypeIndex, itsPool, itsTop);
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsConstantHash.put(entry, theIndex);
setConstantData(theIndex, methodType);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic);
return (short) theIndex;
short addMethodHandle(ClassFileWriter.MHandle mh) {
int theIndex = itsConstantHash.getOrDefault(mh, -1);
if (theIndex == -1) {
short ref;
if (mh.tag <= ByteCode.MH_PUTSTATIC) {
ref = addFieldRef(mh.owner, mh.name, mh.desc);
} else if (mh.tag == ByteCode.MH_INVOKEINTERFACE) {
ref = addInterfaceMethodRef(mh.owner, mh.name, mh.desc);
} else {
ref = addMethodRef(mh.owner, mh.name, mh.desc);
itsPool[itsTop++] = CONSTANT_MethodHandle;
itsPool[itsTop++] = mh.tag;
itsTop = ClassFileWriter.putInt16(ref, itsPool, itsTop);
theIndex = itsTopIndex++;
itsConstantHash.put(mh, theIndex);
itsPoolTypes.put(theIndex, CONSTANT_MethodHandle);
return (short) theIndex;
Object getConstantData(int index) {
return itsConstantData.get(index);
void setConstantData(int index, Object data) {
itsConstantData.put(index, data);
byte getConstantType(int index) {
return itsPoolTypes.getOrDefault(index, (byte) 0);
private void ensure(int howMuch) {
if (itsTop + howMuch > itsPool.length) {
int newCapacity = itsPool.length * 2;
if (itsTop + howMuch > newCapacity) {
newCapacity = itsTop + howMuch;
byte[] tmp = new byte[newCapacity];
System.arraycopy(itsPool, 0, tmp, 0, itsTop);
itsPool = tmp;
private ClassFileWriter cfw;
private static final int MAX_UTF_ENCODING_SIZE = 65535;
private final HashMap itsStringConstHash = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap itsUtf8Hash = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap itsFieldRefHash = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap itsMethodRefHash = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap itsClassHash = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap
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