/* -*- Mode: java; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
package org.mozilla.javascript.ast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Node;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Token;
* A JavaScript function declaration or expression.
* Node type is {@link Token#FUNCTION}.
FunctionDeclaration :
* function Identifier ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody }
* FunctionExpression :
* function Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ) { FunctionBody }
* FormalParameterList :
* Identifier
* FormalParameterList , Identifier
* FunctionBody :
* SourceElements
* Program :
* SourceElements
* SourceElements :
* SourceElement
* SourceElements SourceElement
* SourceElement :
* Statement
* FunctionDeclaration
* JavaScript 1.8 introduces "function closures" of the form
* function ([params] ) Expression
* In this case the FunctionNode node will have no body but will have an expression.
public class FunctionNode extends ScriptNode {
* There are three types of functions that can be defined. The first is a function statement.
* This is a function appearing as a top-level statement (i.e., not nested inside some other
* statement) in either a script or a function.
* The second is a function expression, which is a function appearing in an expression except
* for the third type, which is...
The third type is a function expression where the expression is the top-level expression
* in an expression statement.
The three types of functions have different treatment and must be distinguished.
public static final int FUNCTION_STATEMENT = 1;
public static final int FUNCTION_EXPRESSION = 2;
public static final int FUNCTION_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT = 3;
public static final int ARROW_FUNCTION = 4;
public static enum Form {
private static final List NO_PARAMS = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>());
private Name functionName;
private List params;
private AstNode body;
private boolean isExpressionClosure;
private Form functionForm = Form.FUNCTION;
private int lp = -1;
private int rp = -1;
private boolean hasRestParameter;
public List getDefaultParams() {
return defaultParams;
public void putDefaultParams(Object left, Object right) {
if (defaultParams == null) {
defaultParams = new ArrayList<>();
public List getDestructuringRvalues() {
return destructuringRvalues;
public void putDestructuringRvalues(Node left, Node right) {
if (destructuringRvalues == null) {
destructuringRvalues = new ArrayList<>();
destructuringRvalues.add(new Node[] {left, right});
ArrayList defaultParams;
ArrayList destructuringRvalues;
// codegen variables
private int functionType;
private boolean needsActivation;
private boolean isGenerator;
private boolean isES6Generator;
private List generatorResumePoints;
private Map liveLocals;
private AstNode memberExprNode;
type = Token.FUNCTION;
public FunctionNode() {}
public FunctionNode(int pos) {
public FunctionNode(int pos, Name name) {
* Returns function name
* @return function name, {@code null} for anonymous functions
public Name getFunctionName() {
return functionName;
* Sets function name, and sets its parent to this node.
* @param name function name, {@code null} for anonymous functions
public void setFunctionName(Name name) {
functionName = name;
if (name != null) name.setParent(this);
* Returns the function name as a string
* @return the function name, {@code ""} if anonymous
public String getName() {
return functionName != null ? functionName.getIdentifier() : "";
* Returns the function parameter list
* @return the function parameter list. Returns an immutable empty list if there are no
* parameters.
public List getParams() {
return params != null ? params : NO_PARAMS;
* Sets the function parameter list, and sets the parent for each element of the list.
* @param params the function parameter list, or {@code null} if no params
public void setParams(List params) {
if (params == null) {
this.params = null;
} else {
if (this.params != null) this.params.clear();
for (AstNode param : params) addParam(param);
* Adds a parameter to the function parameter list. Sets the parent of the param node to this
* node.
* @param param the parameter
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if param is {@code null}
public void addParam(AstNode param) {
if (params == null) {
params = new ArrayList<>();
* Returns true if the specified {@link AstNode} node is a parameter of this Function node. This
* provides a way during AST traversal to disambiguate the function name node from the parameter
* nodes.
public boolean isParam(AstNode node) {
return params == null ? false : params.contains(node);
* Returns function body. Normally a {@link Block}, but can be a plain {@link AstNode} if it's a
* function closure.
* @return the body. Can be {@code null} only if the AST is malformed.
public AstNode getBody() {
return body;
* Sets function body, and sets its parent to this node. Also sets the encoded source bounds
* based on the body bounds. Assumes the function node absolute position has already been set,
* and the body node's absolute position and length are set.
* @param body function body. Its parent is set to this node, and its position is updated to be
* relative to this node.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if body is {@code null}
public void setBody(AstNode body) {
this.body = body;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(body.getProp(Node.EXPRESSION_CLOSURE_PROP))) {
int absEnd = body.getPosition() + body.getLength();
this.setLength(absEnd - this.position);
setRawSourceBounds(this.position, absEnd);
/** Returns left paren position, -1 if missing */
public int getLp() {
return lp;
/** Sets left paren position */
public void setLp(int lp) {
this.lp = lp;
/** Returns right paren position, -1 if missing */
public int getRp() {
return rp;
/** Sets right paren position */
public void setRp(int rp) {
this.rp = rp;
/** Sets both paren positions */
public void setParens(int lp, int rp) {
this.lp = lp;
this.rp = rp;
/** Returns whether this is a 1.8 function closure */
public boolean isExpressionClosure() {
return isExpressionClosure;
/** Sets whether this is a 1.8 function closure */
public void setIsExpressionClosure(boolean isExpressionClosure) {
this.isExpressionClosure = isExpressionClosure;
* Return true if this function requires an Ecma-262 Activation object. The Activation object is
* implemented by {@link org.mozilla.javascript.NativeCall}, and is fairly expensive to create,
* so when possible, the interpreter attempts to use a plain call frame instead.
* @return true if this function needs activation. It could be needed if there is a lexical
* closure, or in a number of other situations.
public boolean requiresActivation() {
return needsActivation;
public void setRequiresActivation() {
needsActivation = true;
public boolean isGenerator() {
return isGenerator;
public void setIsGenerator() {
isGenerator = true;
public boolean isES6Generator() {
return isES6Generator;
public void setIsES6Generator() {
isES6Generator = true;
isGenerator = true;
// Generators always need activation, because their calling convention is always
// different. Make sure that this is set now, even if the generator does not
// have any "yield" statements.
needsActivation = true;
public boolean hasRestParameter() {
return hasRestParameter;
public void setHasRestParameter(boolean hasRestParameter) {
this.hasRestParameter = hasRestParameter;
public void addResumptionPoint(Node target) {
if (generatorResumePoints == null) generatorResumePoints = new ArrayList<>();
public List getResumptionPoints() {
return generatorResumePoints;
public Map getLiveLocals() {
return liveLocals;
public void addLiveLocals(Node node, int[] locals) {
if (liveLocals == null) liveLocals = new HashMap<>();
liveLocals.put(node, locals);
public int addFunction(FunctionNode fnNode) {
int result = super.addFunction(fnNode);
if (getFunctionCount() > 0) {
needsActivation = true;
return result;
/** Returns the function type (statement, expr, statement expr) */
public int getFunctionType() {
return functionType;
public void setFunctionType(int type) {
functionType = type;
public boolean isMethod() {
return functionForm == Form.GETTER
|| functionForm == Form.SETTER
|| functionForm == Form.METHOD;
public boolean isGetterMethod() {
return functionForm == Form.GETTER;
public boolean isSetterMethod() {
return functionForm == Form.SETTER;
public boolean isNormalMethod() {
return functionForm == Form.METHOD;
public void setFunctionIsGetterMethod() {
functionForm = Form.GETTER;
public void setFunctionIsSetterMethod() {
functionForm = Form.SETTER;
public void setFunctionIsNormalMethod() {
functionForm = Form.METHOD;
* Rhino supports a nonstandard Ecma extension that allows you to say, for instance, function
* a.b.c(arg1, arg) {...}, and it will be rewritten at codegen time to: a.b.c = function(arg1,
* arg2) {...} If we detect an expression other than a simple Name in the position where a
* function name was expected, we record that expression here.
* This extension is only available by setting the CompilerEnv option
* "isAllowMemberExprAsFunctionName" in the Parser.
public void setMemberExprNode(AstNode node) {
memberExprNode = node;
if (node != null) node.setParent(this);
public AstNode getMemberExprNode() {
return memberExprNode;
public String toSource(int depth) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isArrow = functionType == ARROW_FUNCTION;
if (!isMethod()) {
if (!isArrow) {
if (functionName != null) {
sb.append(" ");
if (params == null) {
sb.append("() ");
} else if (isArrow && lp == -1) {
// no paren
printList(params, sb);
sb.append(" ");
} else {
printList(params, sb);
if (getIntProp(TRAILING_COMMA, 0) == 1) {
sb.append(", ");
sb.append(") ");
if (isArrow) {
sb.append("=> ");
if (isExpressionClosure) {
AstNode body = getBody();
if (body.getLastChild() instanceof ReturnStatement) {
// omit "return" keyword, just print the expression
body = ((ReturnStatement) body.getLastChild()).getReturnValue();
if (functionType == FUNCTION_STATEMENT) {
} else {
// should never happen
sb.append(" ");
} else {
if (functionType == FUNCTION_STATEMENT || isMethod()) {
return sb.toString();
* Visits this node, the function name node if supplied, the parameters, and the body. If there
* is a member-expr node, it is visited last.
public void visit(NodeVisitor v) {
if (v.visit(this)) {
if (functionName != null) {
for (AstNode param : getParams()) {
if (!isExpressionClosure) {
if (memberExprNode != null) {