Download mule-module-ibeans JAR file with all dependencies
mule-module-ibeans from group org.mule.modules (version 3.3.0-EA)
Exposes iBeans over endpoints allowing developers to poll iBean methods and invoke iBean methods as
part of an outbound flow
Artifact mule-module-ibeans
Group org.mule.modules
Version 3.3.0-EA
Last update 02. May 2012
Tags: methods over poll allowing ibean invoke endpoints outbound ibeans flow part developers exposes
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies ibeans-support, mule-core, mule-module-annotations, mule-module-spring-config, mule-transport-http, mule-module-cxf, mule-module-xml, mule-module-json, mockito-all,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.mule.modules
Version 3.3.0-EA
Last update 02. May 2012
Tags: methods over poll allowing ibean invoke endpoints outbound ibeans flow part developers exposes
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 9
Dependencies ibeans-support, mule-core, mule-module-annotations, mule-module-spring-config, mule-transport-http, mule-module-cxf, mule-module-xml, mule-module-json, mockito-all,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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