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META-INF.mule-core-common.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy




                    Allow any third-parties to annotate these elements with global attributes.  All types for
                    top-level elements must extend this.

                    Allow any third-parties to annotate these elements with global attributes

                Either the root element of a Mule configuration, or a "top-level" element in a Spring configuration that contains further Mule elements.
                                Holds any kind of documentation that accompanies this configuration file. It is intended to be "human readable" only and is not used by the system.



                References a file with configuration to import. It will be loaded from the classpath of the artifact.

                            The location of the file with the mule configuration to use. It may be a location in the classpath or an absolute location.

                References a file with configuration properties. Each property has a key and a value. The key can be referenced
                from the mule configuration files using the following semantics:  ${key_name}. This allows to externalize configuration and change it based
                on the environment the application is being deployed to.

                            The location of the file with the configuration properties to use. It may be a location in the classpath or an absolute location. The file location
                            value may also contains references to properties that will only be resolved based on system properties or properties set at deployment time.

                A global property is a named string. It can be inserted in most attribute values using standard (ant-style) Spring placeholders.

                Specifies defaults and general settings for the Mule instance.

                Registers listeners for notifications and associates interfaces with particular events.

                A placeholder for arbitrary extensions as children of the 'mule' element or 'mule-domain'. Other transports and modules can extend this if they need to add global elements to the configuration (but consider the more specific elements like abstract-connector first).
                A placeholder for arbitrary extensions as children of the 'mule' element. Other transports and modules can extend this if they need to add global elements to the configuration (but consider the more specific elements like abstract-connector first).

                A placeholder for arbitrary extensions as children of the 'mule' element. Other transports and modules can extend this if they need to add global elements with mixed content to the configuration (but consider the more specific elements like abstract-connector first).

                A placeholder for connector elements. Connector elements allow properties to be configured across all message processors that use the same connector.
                A placeholder for connector elements. Connector elements allow properties to be configured across all message processors that use the same connector.
                            Identifies the connector so that other elements can reference it.

                @Deprecated since 4.0.
                A placeholder for global endpoint elements. Global endpoints are named templates that allow you to define an endpoint once and refer to it in several places. The same template can be used for both inbound and outbound endpoints.
                            Identifies the endpoint so that other elements can reference it. This name can also be referenced in the MuleClient.

                A placeholder for validator message processor elements.

                A placeholder for message processor elements.

                A placeholder for message processor elements.

                A placeholder for operator elements.
                                Adds an error mapping.
                Determines that an error thrown by this operation should be mapped to another.

                A placeholder for message processors that observe the message but do not mutate it used for exmaple for logging.

                        A message processor

                One of n routes in a router such as scatter-gather, first-successful or round-robin.

                                This can hold any kind of documentation related to the processor chain. It is intended to be "human readable" only and
                                is not used by the system.
                            Identifies the message processor in the registry.

                A placeholder for processors that can be defined as top level elements and referenced in flows.
                            Identifies the message processor in the registry.

                A chain of message processors declared globally that can be referenced and reused.
                                This can hold any kind of documentation related to the sub-flow. It is intended to be
                                "human readable" only and  is not used by the system.
                            Identifies the sub-flow in the registry.

                Element to declare a java object. Objects declared globally can be referenced from other parts of the
                configuration or recovered programmatically
                through org.mule.runtime.api.artifact.Registry.

                            @Deprecated since 4.0. Only meant to be used for backward compatibility.
                            Reference to another object defined in the mule configuration or any other provider of objects.
                            Name to use to reference this object.
                            Creates an instance of the class provided as argument.

                Processes the nested list of message processors asynchronously using a scheduler
                            Optional name that will be used to name the async scheduler.

                Performs logging using an expression that determines what should be logged. By default the current messages is
                logged using the DEBUG level to the 'org.mule.runtime.core.api.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor' category but the level and
                category can both be configured to suit your needs.
                            Message that will be logged.  Embedded expressions can be used to extract value from the current message.  If no message is
                            specified then the current message is used.
                            The logging level to be used. Default is DEBUG.
                            The log category to be used

                Processes the nested list of message processors, within a transaction and with it's own error handler if required.



                Transaction types supported. Availability will depend on the runtime version, though LOCAL is always available.

                A placeholder for message source elements.

                        A message source

                            The name of the property. This is used inside Spring placeholders.
                            The value of the property. This replaces each occurence of a Spring placeholder.

                A placeholder for transaction manager elements, which are used to coordinate transactions.
                A placeholder for transaction manager elements that can be defined as shared resource, which are used to coordinate transactions.

                A placeholder for configuration elements.

                                The default reconnection strategy, used by connectors and sources. This can also be configured on connectors, in which case the connector configuration is used instead of this default.
                                Configuration about how should the runtime handle the expiration of dynamic configurations
                                Configuration of Mule Expression Language
                                Mule application configuration extensions. Extensions can be defined as child of the configuration elements and then accessed by each module that defines it.
                            The default period (ms) to wait for a synchronous response.
                            The default timeout (ms) for transactions. This can also be configured on transactions, in which case the transaction configuration is used instead of this default.
                            The default error handler for every flow. This must be a reference to a global error handler.
                            (As of Mule 2.2.2) The time in milliseconds to wait for any in-progress work to finish running before Mule shuts down. After this threshold has been reached, Mule starts stopping schedulers and interrupting threads, and messages can be lost. If you have a very large number of services in the same Mule instance, if you have components that take more than a couple seconds to process, or if you are using large payloads and/or slower transports, you should increase this value to allow more time for graceful shutdown. The value you specify is applied to services and separately to dispatchers, so the default value of 5000 milliseconds specifies that Mule has ten seconds to process and dispatch messages gracefully after shutdown is initiated.
                            The approximated maximum space in megabytes used by the transaction log files for transactional persistent queues. Take into account that this number applies both to the set of transaction log files for XA and for local transactions. If both type of transactions are used then the approximated maximum space used will be twice the configured value.
                            An optional reference to an ObjectSerializer to be used as the application's default

                A placeholder for arbitrary extensions as children of the 'configuration' element. Other transports and modules can extend this if they need to add elements to the configuration.

                                Associates an event with an interface. Listeners that implement the interface will receive instances of the event.
                                Blocks the association of an event with a particular interface. This filters events after the association with a particular interface (and so takes precedence).
                                Registers a bean as a listener with the notification system. Events are dispatched by reflection - the listener will receive all events associated with any interfaces it implements. The relationship between interfaces and events is configured by the notification and disable-notification elements.
                                        The bean that will receive notifications.
                                        An optional string that is compared with the event resource identifier. Only events with matching identifiers will be sent. If no value is given, all events are sent.
                            If the notification manager is dynamic, listeners can be registered dynamically at runtime via the MuleContext, and the configured notification can be changed. Otherwise, some parts of Mule will cache notification configuration for efficiency and will not generate events for newly enabled notifications or listeners. The default value is false.

                    The class associated with a notification event that will be delivered to the interface. This can be used instead of the 'event' attribute to specify a custom class.
                    The notification event to deliver.
                    The interface (class name) that will receive the notification event.
                    The interface that will receive the notification event.

                    The class associated with an event that will no longer be delivered to any interface. This can be used instead of the 'event' attribute to specify a custom class.
                    The event you no longer want to deliver.
                    The interface (class name) that will no longer receive the event.
                    The interface that will no longer receive the event.



                        Allows artifacts to define their own notifications, in format "[artifactID]:[NOTIFICATION-ID]".

                A placeholder for an exception strategy element. Exception strategies define how Mule should react to errors.

                A placeholder for an on-error element. These handlers define how Mule should react to errors.

                Base type for every exception strategy.

                Base type for every on error handler.
                            The full name of the error type to match against or a comma separated list of full names, to match against any of them.

                            The full name of the error type to match against or a comma separated list of full names, to match against any of them.
                                Used to match against any error type.
                                Occurs when there's a source that has a redelivery policy and the message has exceeded the maximum supported redelivery count.
                                Occurs when there's a transformation that fails.
                                Occurs when there's an error executing an expression.
                                Occurs when there's a security error.
                                Occurs when there's a security error related to security failures calling external endpoint.
                                Occurs when there's a security error related to security enforced within the mule runtime.
                                Occurs when there's an error executing a router.
                                Occurs when there's a connection error.
                                Specialization of CONNECTIVITY error, that occurs when all reconnection attempts have failed.
                                Occurs when timeout is produced.

                            Determines whether ExceptionNotifications will be fired from this strategy when an exception occurs. Default is true.
                            Name of the exception strategy that will be used in ref attribute of 'exception-strategy' element
                            The expression that will be evaluated to determine if this exception strategy should be executed. This should always be a boolean expression.
                            Determines whether the handled exception will be logged to its standard logger in the ERROR level before being handled.


                A placeholder for a reconnection strategy element. Reconnection strategies define how Mule should attempt to handle a connection failure.
                If false, the reconnection strategy will run in a separate scheduler

                A placeholder for a reconnection notifier element. The RetryNotifier interface is a callback that allows actions to be performed after each reconnection attempt, e.g., firing server notification events on success or failure.

                Configures the default reconnection behaviour for a connected component.

                When the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to
                    true, deployment will fail if the test doesn't pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategy

                A reconnection strategy that allows the user to configure how many times a reconnection should be attempted and how long to wait between attempts.

                        How often (in ms) to reconnect
                        How many reconnection attempts to make

                A reconnection strategy that retries an infinite number of times at the specified frequency.

                        How often (in ms) to reconnect


                A placeholder for a flow construct element.
                            The name used to identify this flow construct.
                            Determines if the flow construct is abstract (ie a parent that will be inherited in concrete constructs).
                            Determines if the flow construct inherits part of its configuration from a parent construct.

                Base support for a flow construct.
                                This can hold any kind of documentation related to the flow construct. It is intended to be "human readable" only and is not used by the system.
                            The initial state of the flow. Usually a flow is started automatically ("started"), but this attribute can be used to disable initial startup ("stopped").

                A pipeline of message processors processed using a given processingStrategy.
                Called when a new message is received from a message source, a flow-ref, or programmatically.

                Allows a 'flow' to be referenced such that the message processing will continue in the referenced flow before returning.
                Message processing in the referenced 'flow' will occur within the context of the referenced flow and will therefore use its exception strategy etc.
                                Variable where to save processed payload
                                An expression that will be evaluated against the operation's output and the outcome of that expression will be stored in the target variable


                A placeholder for transaction elements. Transactions allow a series of operations to be grouped together.
                A placeholder for XA transaction elements. XA transactions allow a series of operations to be grouped together spanning different transports, such as JMS and JDBC.
                A placeholder for multi-transaction elements.
                Multi-transactions allow a series of operations to be grouped together spanning different
                transports, e.g. JMS and JDBC, but without the overhead of XA. The trade-off is that XA
                reliability guarantees aren't available, and services must be ready to handle duplicates.
                This is very similar to a 1.5 PC concept. EE-only feature.
                    The type of action the transaction should take, one of the following:
                    NONE - Never participate in a transaction.
                    ALWAYS_BEGIN - Always start a new transaction when receiving a message. An exception will be thrown if a transaction already exists.
                    BEGIN_OR_JOIN - If a transaction is already in progress when a message is received, join the transaction if possible. Otherwise, start a new transaction.
                    ALWAYS_JOIN - Always expects a transaction to be in progress when a message is received. If there is no transaction, an exception is thrown.
                    JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE - Join the current transaction if one is available. Otherwise, no transaction is created.
                    NOT_SUPPORTED - Execute outside any existent transaction
                    Timeout for the transaction (ms).


                An XA transaction.
                            If this is set to "true", Mule interacts with transactions begun outside of Mule.  E.g. if an external transaction is active, then BEGIN_OR_JOIN wil join it, and ALWAYS_BEGIN will cause an exception to be thrown.

                            An optional name for the transaction manager. The default value is "transactionManager".

                A placeholder for scheduling strategies

                A placeholder for scheduling strategies

                            Polling frequency in milliseconds. Default frequency is 1000ms (1s).
                            The time unit for the frequency value
                            The delay time in time units that sheduler needs to wait before start


                Source that schedules periodic execution of a flow. By default it will used a fixed frequency
                scheduling of 1 second.
                            If set to 'true', executions triggered while the flow is still running from a previous trigger will be ignored, effectively avoiding different triggers of the flow to run concurrently.


                            Cron scheduler expression
                            The ID of the time zone in which the expression will be based. Refer to java.util.TimeZone for the format and possible values of the timeZone ID.

                A placeholder for security filter elements, which control access to the system.

                Authenticates a message based on username and password expressions.

                            A Mule expression which extracts the username from the message. Defaults to #[mel:message.inboundProperties.username].
                            A Mule expression which extracts the password from the message. Defaults to #[mel:message.inboundProperties.password].

                Allows developers to configure custom security filters

                            The name of the security filter to use.


                A placeholder for an interceptor element.


                The timer interceptor (ported from 1.x).
                The logging interceptor (ported from 1.x).


                A filter that provides password-based encyption.
                            The name of the encryption strategy to use. This should be configured using the 'password-encryption-strategy' element, inside a 'security-manager' element at the top level.

                            The mime type of the value assigned to the property
                            The encoding of the value assigned to the property

                A processor that adds variables.

                A processor that remove variables by name or regular expression.

                A transformer that parses a template defined inline

                                Template to be processed
                            The location of the template. The order in which the transformer will attempt to load the file are: from the file system, from a URL or from the classpath.
                            Variable where to save processed payload
                            Expression to apply to the output when saved to a target

                A transformer that sets the payload with the provided value

                            The mime type of the value assigned to the payload
                            The encoding of the value assigned to the payload
                            The value to be set on the payload. Supports expressions.

                The expression to evaluate.

                The expression to evaluate.


                    A regular expression used to match against a source value. The regular expression should contain a capture group which value will be returned.
                    The enricher expression used to enrich the current message with the result the processing of the regular expression.
                    Determines if there should be an error in case the pattern is not matched by the source value.
                    The default value used to enrich the message when the source value does not match the pattern. Useful only when failIfNoMatch is false.


                A security manager is a container for security providers. More than one security manager may be configured; each contains providers from a particular module and has that module type. This element is abstract - a security-related module or transport will provide a suitable implementation.

                        An empty holder that can be extended by modules that want to provide security managers. Typically it will contain elements called 'module:type-security-provider', which extend securityProviderType where "module" might be "spring-security" and "type" might de "delegate", for example. It can also contain encryption strategies, which should follow a similar scheme and extend encryptionStrategyType.

                The default security manager.

                The default security manager (type 'defaultSecurityManagerType') provides basic support for security functions. Other modules (PGP, Spring Security) provide more advanced functionality.
                                A custom implementation of SecurityProvider.
                                A custom implementation of EncryptionStrategy.
                                Provides secret key-based encryption using JCE.
                                Provides password-based encryption using JCE. Users must specify a password and optionally a salt and iteration count as well. The default algorithm is PBEWithMD5AndDES, but users can specify any valid algorithm supported by JCE.

                A security provider is a source of specific security-related functionality.

                An encryption strategy provides support for a specific encryption algorithm.

                            The name of the security provider to use.

                            A reference to the encryption strategy (which may be a Spring bean that implements the EncryptionStrategy interface).

                            The password to use.
                            The salt to use (this helps prevent dictionary attacks).
                            The number of iterations to use.

                            The key to use. This and the 'keyFactory-ref' attribute are mutually exclusive.
                            The name of the key factory to use. This should implement the ObjectFactory interface and return a byte array. This and the 'key' attribute are mutually exclusive.


                Allows the definition of internal selective handlers. It will route the error to the first handler that matches it. If there's no match, then a default error handler will be executed.

                Error handler used to reference other ones.

                Error handler used to handle exceptions. It will commit any transaction as if the message was consumed successfully.

                Error handler used to propagate errors. It will rollback any transaction and not consume messages.

                            Name of the error handler that will be used in ref attribute of other 'error-handler' elements.
                            The name of the error handler to reuse.

                            The name of the 'on-error' to reuse.

                            Destination to which a MuleMessage with an ExceptionPayload will be sent; this could be any message processor.

                            Destination to which the message will be sent; this could be a router, or message processor.



                A placeholder for intercepting router elements.

                A placeholder for intercepting router elements.
                            Identifies the processor so that other elements can reference it. Required if the processor is defined at the global level.

                Ensures that only unique messages are received by a service by checking the unique ID of the incoming message. Note that the ID used can be generated from the message using an expression defined in the 'idExpression' attribute. Otherwise, a 'DUPLICATE_MESSAGE' error is generated.

                                Object store defined privately for message validation
                            Defines one or more expressions to use when extracting the ID from the message. If this property is not set, '#[id]' will be used by default.
                            Defines one or more expressions to use when extracting the value from the message.
                            The object store where the IDs of the processed events are going to be stored.
                            Defines the prefix of the object store names. This will only be used for the internally built object store.

                A placeholder for a redelivery policy.  Redelivery policies determine what action to take when the same message
                is redelivered repeatedly.

                            The maximum number of times a message can be redelivered and processed unsuccessfully before triggering

                Defines a policy for processing the redelivery of the same message


                                Object store defined privately for message validation
                            Whether to use a secure hash algorithm to identify a redelivered message
                            The secure hashing algorithm to use. If not set, the default is SHA-256.
                            Defines one or more expressions to use to determine when a message has been redelivered.
                            This property may only be set if useSecureHash is false..
                            The object store where the redelivery counter for each message is going to be stored.

                The expression to evaluate.


                            An expression to that returns a java collection, object array, map or DOM nodes.
                            Partitions the collection in subcollections of the specified size.
                            Property name where the parent message is stored.
                            Property name used to store the number of message being iterated.

                Throws an error with the specified type and description.

                            The error type to raise.
                            The description of this error.


                A placeholder for intercepting router elements.


                Sends the message to the first message processor whose condition has been satisfied. If no conditions were satisfied, sends to the configured default message processor if configured, or throws an exception if not configured.



                Sends a message to a list of message processors until one processes it

                Attempts to route a message to the message processor it contains in an asynchronous manner.
                Routing is considered successful if no exception has been raised and, optionally, if the response matches an expression
                                Specifies the maximum number of processing retries that will be performed.
                                Specifies the minimum time interval between two process retries in milliseconds.
                                The actual time interval depends on the previous execution but should not exceed twice this number.
                                Default value is 60000 (one minute)

                Sends the same message to multiple message processors in parallel.
                                    Strategy that determines how multiple routes should be processed and how their results are aggregated.
                                Sets a timeout in milliseconds for each route. The default behaviour is that of no timeout.
                                The maximum concurrency. This value determines the maximum level of parallelism that will be used by this router. By default all routes will run in parallel (assuming available resources) but this can be limited or sequential behaviour achieved via the use of this attribute.
                                Variable where to save processed payload
                                An expression that will be evaluated against the operation's output and the outcome of that expression will be stored in the target variable

                A placeholder for route resolver elements, which return a set of routes.


                Send each message received to the next message processor in the circular list of targets


                A placeholder for route resolver elements, which return a set of routes.


                A placeholder for a bytes streaming strategy element. This element allows to configure repeatable streams behaviour

                This strategy uses an in-memory buffer to provide repeatable access to any input stream.
                It uses a buffer with an initial buffer size, which can be expanded up to a configurable threshold.
                This is the most performant way of providing repeatable access, as long as the size of all the concurrent
                stream contents fits into memory

                            This is the amount of memory that will be allocated in order to consume the stream and provide random
                            access to it. If the stream contains more data than can be fit into this buffer, then it will be expanded
                            by according to the bufferSizeIncrement attribute, with an upper limit of maxInMemorySize.
                            This is by how much will be buffer size by expanded if it exceeds its initial size. Setting a value of zero or
                            lower will mean that the buffer should not expand, meaning that a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error will be raised
                            when the buffer gets full.
                            This is the maximum amount of memory that will be used. If more than that is used then a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error will be raised.
                            A value lower or equal to zero means no limit.
                            The unit in which all these attributes are expressed

                This strategy only allows the input stream to be read. It will not allow to seek randomly
                which will limit the transformations that DW can perform on this stream.
                Use this option for use cases which just require moving data around from one system to another to get optimum performance.



                A placeholder for an object streaming strategy element. This element allows to configure repeatable streams behaviour

                This strategy uses an in-memory buffer to provide repeatable access to the object stream. It uses a buffer
                with an initial buffer size, which can be expanded up to a configurable threshold. This is the most performant way
                of providing repeatable access, as long as the size of all the concurrent stream contents fits into memory.

                            This is the amount of instances that will be initially be allowed to be kept in memory in order to
                            consume the stream and provide random access to it. If the stream contains more data than can fit
                            into this buffer, then it will be expanded according to the bufferSizeIncrement attribute, with an upper
                            limit of maxInMemorySize. Default value is 100 instances.
                            This is by how much will the buffer size by expanded if it exceeds its initial size. Setting a value of zero or
                            lower will mean that the buffer should not expand, meaning that a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error will be raised
                            when the buffer gets full. Default value is 100 instances.
                            This is the maximum amount of instances that will be kept in memory. If more than that are required,
                            then a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error will be raised. A value lower or equal to zero means no limit.
                            Default value is 500 instances.

                This strategy only allows the stream to be read once. It will not allow to seek randomly
                which will limit the transformations that DW can perform on this stream.
                Use this option for use cases which just require moving data around from one system to another to get optimum performance.



                Configuration about how should the runtime handle the expiration of dynamic configurations

                    A scalar time value for how often should the platform check for expirable dynamic configs
                    A time unit that qualifies the frequency attribute

                Connection Providers are responsible for configuring, creating and managing

                Abstract type for ConnectionProvider elements.

                Configures the minimum amount of time that a dynamic configuration instance can remain idle
                before the runtime considers it eligible for expiration. This does not mean that the platform
                will expire the instance at the exact moment that it becomes eligible. The runtime will actually
                purge the instances when it sees it fit.

                    A scalar time value for the maximum amount of time a dynamic configuration instance should be allowed
                    to be idle before it's considered eligible for expiration
                    A time unit that qualifies the maxIdleTime attribute

                The type of joining action that operations can take
                regarding transactions. Possible values are:
                ALWAYS_JOIN - Always expects a transaction to be in progress when a message is received. If there is no
                transaction, an exception is thrown.
                JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE - Join the current transaction if one is available. Otherwise, no transaction is
                NOT_SUPPORTED - Execute outside any existent transaction.



                A pooling profile is used to configure the pooling behaviour of Mule components. Each component can have its own pooling profile.
                        Controls the maximum number of Mule components that can be borrowed from a session at one time. When set to a negative value, there is no limit to the number of components that may be active at one time. When maxActive is exceeded, the pool is said to be exhausted.
                        Controls the maximum number of Mule components that can sit idle in the pool at any time. When set to a negative value, there is no limit to the number of Mule components that may be idle at one time.
                        Determines how components in a pool should be initialized. The possible values are: INITIALISE_NONE (will not load any components into the pool on startup), INITIALISE_ONE (will load one initial component into the pool on startup), or INITIALISE_ALL (will load all components in the pool on startup)
                        Specifies the behavior of the Mule component pool when the pool is exhausted. Possible values are: "WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL", which will throw a NoSuchElementException, "WHEN_EXHAUSTED_WAIT", which will block by invoking Object.wait(long) until a new or idle object is available, or WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW, which will create a new Mule instance and return it, essentially making maxActive meaningless. If a positive maxWait value is supplied, it will block for at most that many milliseconds, after which a NoSuchElementException will be thrown. If 'maxWait' is a negative value, it will block indefinitely.
                        Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for a pooled component to become available when the pool is exhausted and the exhaustedAction is set to WHEN_EXHAUSTED_WAIT.
                        Specifies the number of milliseconds between runs of the object evictor. When non-positive, no object evictor is executed.
                        Determines the minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction. When non-positive, no objects will be evicted from the pool due to idle time alone.
                        Whether pooling should be disabled


                A type that defines a Java keystore.
                                The default Java KeyStore.  If no keystore type is specified, "jks" will be used.
                                Used by the Java Cryptography Extension
                            A format commonly used to store private keys.
                            Any other keystore type.

                A type that defines a Mule-style property placeholder.

                A custom xsd:NMTOKEN-like type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders and a leading "[".

                A custom xsd:string-like type that cannot be empty.

                A custom xsd:NMTOKEN type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:string type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:int type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders and restricts the int value to a valid port number.

                A custom xsd:int type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:decimal type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:dateTime type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:long type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:boolean type that also allows for Ant-style property placeholders.

                A custom xsd:string-like type that represents a MEL expression.
                Attributes should use this type to declare that they support expressions.
                It allows property placeholders and requires the value to not be blank.

                An embeddable expression that outputs a String

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Boolean

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs an Integer

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Long

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Double

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Decimal

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a generic object

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Collection type

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Map

                A non-embeddable expression that outputs a Date

                Supported time units enumeration

                Data units enumeration

                A map of Mule properties.

                            Sets a Mule property. This is a name/value pair that can be set on components, services, etc., and which provide a generic way of configuring the system. Typically, you shouldn't need to use a generic property like this, since almost all functionality is exposed via dedicated elements.






                            The mime type for the property
                            String encoding for the property.





                    The mime type, e.g. text/plain or application/json



                A placeholder for caching strategies elements.

                            The name of the caching strategy.

                A placeholder for global object store elements.Global means that any element can access it.
                Used for elements that reference an object-store but the implementation is in the connector

                Deprecated, use 'global-abstract-object-store' instead

                A placeholder for private object store elements.Private means that only the component that defines it will be able to access it.
                Used for elements that reference an object-store but the implementation is in the connector


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