package.dist.choropleth-0DsmaWsP.mjs Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import { t as go, $ as Bl, i as Gl, a0 as mo, a1 as vo, a2 as Hl, a3 as Ul, a4 as zl, a5 as Fl, a6 as Wl, a7 as yo, a8 as zr, a9 as en, g as T, p as qt, a as tn, C as Fr, aa as yt, w as wt, ab as Cn, H as Yt, E as Wr, ac as Eo, ad as ks, c as Xl, ae as ye, I as yi, K as Ei, e as ee, af as mn, ag as fe, f as me, x as ge, ah as jl, h as qe, O as Yl, ai as ke, z as vt, l as jt, aj as $t, ak as ql, M as Zl, al as So, y as _t, q as un, n as Gn, am as Us, an as Kl, ao as Jl, ap as Si, aq as Xr, A as Te, ar as jr, as as xo, at as Ql } from "./color-scale-utils-f3PWy_Op.mjs";
import { y as st, $ as x, N as xt, r as Se, q as Be, L as tc, A as Jt, m as tt, s as Oe, W as Ze, S as Mt, e as Y, Z as Ge, i as Ft, f as Yr, J as zs, d as ec, F as Hn, n as Fs, H as Ws, C as Xs, p as Un, b as qr, D as js, U as nc, x as we, a0 as zn, O as Ys } from "./axis-scales-CPuwbFQf.mjs";
import { R as it } from "./a11y-ePqvrObQ.mjs";
import { t as es, s as R, c as Zr, e as Le, f as oe, h as Kr, g as Gt, i as ns, j as Ke, m as qs, k as Jr, l as kt, n as Qr, o as sc, q as ic, u as lr, D as _, v as rc, w as xi, G as ta, x as cr, y as ac, a as oc, p as bt, r as ea, b as lc } from "./angle-utils-CGNI01fr.mjs";
import { b as bo, c as lt, a as ur, s as cc } from "./array-D7iT_STy.mjs";
function uc(s, t, e, n) {
for (var i = -1, r = s == null ? 0 : s.length; ++i < r; )
e = t(e, s[i], i, s);
return e;
function hc(s) {
return function(t) {
return s == null ? void 0 : s[t];
var dc = {
// Latin-1 Supplement block.
À: "A",
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
Ã: "A",
Ä: "A",
Å: "A",
à: "a",
á: "a",
â: "a",
ã: "a",
ä: "a",
å: "a",
Ç: "C",
ç: "c",
Ð: "D",
ð: "d",
È: "E",
É: "E",
Ê: "E",
Ë: "E",
è: "e",
é: "e",
ê: "e",
ë: "e",
Ì: "I",
Í: "I",
Î: "I",
Ï: "I",
ì: "i",
í: "i",
î: "i",
ï: "i",
Ñ: "N",
ñ: "n",
Ò: "O",
Ó: "O",
Ô: "O",
Õ: "O",
Ö: "O",
Ø: "O",
ò: "o",
ó: "o",
ô: "o",
õ: "o",
ö: "o",
ø: "o",
Ù: "U",
Ú: "U",
Û: "U",
Ü: "U",
ù: "u",
ú: "u",
û: "u",
ü: "u",
Ý: "Y",
ý: "y",
ÿ: "y",
Æ: "Ae",
æ: "ae",
Þ: "Th",
þ: "th",
ß: "ss",
// Latin Extended-A block.
Ā: "A",
Ă: "A",
Ą: "A",
ā: "a",
ă: "a",
ą: "a",
Ć: "C",
Ĉ: "C",
Ċ: "C",
Č: "C",
ć: "c",
ĉ: "c",
ċ: "c",
č: "c",
Ď: "D",
Đ: "D",
ď: "d",
đ: "d",
Ē: "E",
Ĕ: "E",
Ė: "E",
Ę: "E",
Ě: "E",
ē: "e",
ĕ: "e",
ė: "e",
ę: "e",
ě: "e",
Ĝ: "G",
Ğ: "G",
Ġ: "G",
Ģ: "G",
ĝ: "g",
ğ: "g",
ġ: "g",
ģ: "g",
Ĥ: "H",
Ħ: "H",
ĥ: "h",
ħ: "h",
Ĩ: "I",
Ī: "I",
Ĭ: "I",
Į: "I",
İ: "I",
ĩ: "i",
ī: "i",
ĭ: "i",
į: "i",
ı: "i",
Ĵ: "J",
ĵ: "j",
Ķ: "K",
ķ: "k",
ĸ: "k",
Ĺ: "L",
Ļ: "L",
Ľ: "L",
Ŀ: "L",
Ł: "L",
ĺ: "l",
ļ: "l",
ľ: "l",
ŀ: "l",
ł: "l",
Ń: "N",
Ņ: "N",
Ň: "N",
Ŋ: "N",
ń: "n",
ņ: "n",
ň: "n",
ŋ: "n",
Ō: "O",
Ŏ: "O",
Ő: "O",
ō: "o",
ŏ: "o",
ő: "o",
Ŕ: "R",
Ŗ: "R",
Ř: "R",
ŕ: "r",
ŗ: "r",
ř: "r",
Ś: "S",
Ŝ: "S",
Ş: "S",
Š: "S",
ś: "s",
ŝ: "s",
ş: "s",
š: "s",
Ţ: "T",
Ť: "T",
Ŧ: "T",
ţ: "t",
ť: "t",
ŧ: "t",
Ũ: "U",
Ū: "U",
Ŭ: "U",
Ů: "U",
Ű: "U",
Ų: "U",
ũ: "u",
ū: "u",
ŭ: "u",
ů: "u",
ű: "u",
ų: "u",
Ŵ: "W",
ŵ: "w",
Ŷ: "Y",
ŷ: "y",
Ÿ: "Y",
Ź: "Z",
Ż: "Z",
Ž: "Z",
ź: "z",
ż: "z",
ž: "z",
IJ: "IJ",
ij: "ij",
Œ: "Oe",
œ: "oe",
ʼn: "'n",
ſ: "s"
}, pc = hc(dc), fc = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g, gc = "\\u0300-\\u036f", mc = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", vc = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", yc = gc + mc + vc, Ec = "[" + yc + "]", Sc = RegExp(Ec, "g");
function xc(s) {
return s = go(s), s && s.replace(fc, pc).replace(Sc, "");
var bc = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g;
function Tc(s) {
return s.match(bc) || [];
var Oc = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/;
function wc(s) {
return Oc.test(s);
var To = "\\ud800-\\udfff", Lc = "\\u0300-\\u036f", Ac = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", Mc = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", _c = Lc + Ac + Mc, Oo = "\\u2700-\\u27bf", wo = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff", Cc = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7", kc = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf", Rc = "\\u2000-\\u206f", Ic = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000", Lo = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde", Dc = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", Ao = Cc + kc + Rc + Ic, Mo = "['’]", na = "[" + Ao + "]", Pc = "[" + _c + "]", _o = "\\d+", Nc = "[" + Oo + "]", Co = "[" + wo + "]", ko = "[^" + To + Ao + _o + Oo + wo + Lo + "]", $c = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", Vc = "(?:" + Pc + "|" + $c + ")", Bc = "[^" + To + "]", Ro = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", Io = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", Xe = "[" + Lo + "]", Gc = "\\u200d", sa = "(?:" + Co + "|" + ko + ")", Hc = "(?:" + Xe + "|" + ko + ")", ia = "(?:" + Mo + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?", ra = "(?:" + Mo + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?", Do = Vc + "?", Po = "[" + Dc + "]?", Uc = "(?:" + Gc + "(?:" + [Bc, Ro, Io].join("|") + ")" + Po + Do + ")*", zc = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])", Fc = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])", Wc = Po + Do + Uc, Xc = "(?:" + [Nc, Ro, Io].join("|") + ")" + Wc, jc = RegExp([
Xe + "?" + Co + "+" + ia + "(?=" + [na, Xe, "$"].join("|") + ")",
Hc + "+" + ra + "(?=" + [na, Xe + sa, "$"].join("|") + ")",
Xe + "?" + sa + "+" + ia,
Xe + "+" + ra,
].join("|"), "g");
function Yc(s) {
return s.match(jc) || [];
function qc(s, t, e) {
return s = go(s), t = t, t === void 0 ? wc(s) ? Yc(s) : Tc(s) : s.match(t) || [];
var Zc = "['’]", Kc = RegExp(Zc, "g");
function Jc(s) {
return function(t) {
return uc(qc(xc(t).replace(Kc, "")), s, "");
function Qc(s, t, e) {
return s === s && (e !== void 0 && (s = s <= e ? s : e), t !== void 0 && (s = s >= t ? s : t)), s;
function No(s, t, e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = t, t = void 0), e !== void 0 && (e = es(e), e = e === e ? e : 0), t !== void 0 && (t = es(t), t = t === t ? t : 0), Qc(es(s), t, e);
var tu = "Expected a function";
function eu(s, t, e) {
if (typeof s != "function")
throw new TypeError(tu);
return setTimeout(function() {
s.apply(void 0, e);
}, t);
var nu = Bl(function(s, t, e) {
return eu(s, es(t) || 0, e);
function su(s, t) {
var e = -1, n = Gl(s) ? Array(s.length) : [];
return bo(s, function(i, r, a) {
n[++e] = t(i, r, a);
}), n;
function iu(s, t) {
var e = vo(s) ? Hl : su;
return e(s, mo(t));
var ru = 1 / 0;
function au(s, t) {
return Ul(iu(s, t), ru);
function $o(s, t) {
return zl(s, t);
var He = Jc(function(s, t, e) {
return s + (e ? "-" : "") + t.toLowerCase();
function ou(s, t) {
var e;
return bo(s, function(n, i, r) {
return e = t(n, i, r), !e;
}), !!e;
function lu(s, t, e) {
var n = vo(s) ? Fl : ou;
return n(s, mo(t));
class Re {
constructor() {
this._partials = new Float64Array(32), this._n = 0;
add(t) {
const e = this._partials;
let n = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._n && i < 32; i++) {
const r = e[i], a = t + r, o = Math.abs(t) < Math.abs(r) ? t - (a - r) : r - (a - t);
o && (e[n++] = o), t = a;
return e[n] = t, this._n = n + 1, this;
valueOf() {
const t = this._partials;
let e = this._n, n, i, r, a = 0;
if (e > 0) {
for (a = t[--e]; e > 0 && (n = a, i = t[--e], a = n + i, r = i - (a - n), !r); )
e > 0 && (r < 0 && t[e - 1] < 0 || r > 0 && t[e - 1] > 0) && (i = r * 2, n = a + i, i == n - a && (a = n));
return a;
function* cu(s) {
for (const t of s)
yield* t;
function Vo(s) {
return Array.from(cu(s));
function uu(s) {
return s;
var ss = 1, is = 2, bi = 3, vn = 4, aa = 1e-6;
function hu(s) {
return "translate(" + s + ",0)";
function du(s) {
return "translate(0," + s + ")";
function pu(s) {
return (t) => +s(t);
function fu(s, t) {
return t = Math.max(0, s.bandwidth() - t * 2) / 2, s.round() && (t = Math.round(t)), (e) => +s(e) + t;
function gu() {
return !this.__axis;
function Rs(s, t) {
var e = [], n = null, i = null, r = 6, a = 6, o = 3, c = typeof window < "u" && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? 0 : 0.5, l = s === ss || s === vn ? -1 : 1, h = s === vn || s === is ? "x" : "y", d = s === ss || s === bi ? hu : du;
function u(p) {
var f = n ?? (t.ticks ? t.ticks.apply(t, e) : t.domain()), g = i ?? (t.tickFormat ? t.tickFormat.apply(t, e) : uu), m = Math.max(r, 0) + o, E = t.range(), y = +E[0] + c, v = +E[E.length - 1] + c, S = (t.bandwidth ? fu : pu)(t.copy(), c), b = p.selection ? p.selection() : p, O = b.selectAll(".domain").data([null]), I = b.selectAll(".tick").data(f, t).order(), k = I.exit(), G = I.enter().append("g").attr("class", "tick"), C ="line"), L ="text");
O = O.merge(O.enter().insert("path", ".tick").attr("class", "domain").attr("stroke", "currentColor")), I = I.merge(G), C = C.merge(G.append("line").attr("stroke", "currentColor").attr(h + "2", l * r)), L = L.merge(G.append("text").attr("fill", "currentColor").attr(h, l * m).attr("dy", s === ss ? "0em" : s === bi ? "0.71em" : "0.32em")), p !== b && (O = O.transition(p), I = I.transition(p), C = C.transition(p), L = L.transition(p), k = k.transition(p).attr("opacity", aa).attr("transform", function(B) {
return isFinite(B = S(B)) ? d(B + c) : this.getAttribute("transform");
}), G.attr("opacity", aa).attr("transform", function(B) {
var D = this.parentNode.__axis;
return d((D && isFinite(D = D(B)) ? D : S(B)) + c);
})), k.remove(), O.attr("d", s === vn || s === is ? a ? "M" + l * a + "," + y + "H" + c + "V" + v + "H" + l * a : "M" + c + "," + y + "V" + v : a ? "M" + y + "," + l * a + "V" + c + "H" + v + "V" + l * a : "M" + y + "," + c + "H" + v), I.attr("opacity", 1).attr("transform", function(B) {
return d(S(B) + c);
}), C.attr(h + "2", l * r), L.attr(h, l * m).text(g), b.filter(gu).attr("fill", "none").attr("font-size", 10).attr("font-family", "sans-serif").attr("text-anchor", s === is ? "start" : s === vn ? "end" : "middle"), b.each(function() {
this.__axis = S;
return u.scale = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (t = p, u) : t;
}, u.ticks = function() {
return e = Array.from(arguments), u;
}, u.tickArguments = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (e = p == null ? [] : Array.from(p), u) : e.slice();
}, u.tickValues = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (n = p == null ? null : Array.from(p), u) : n && n.slice();
}, u.tickFormat = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (i = p, u) : i;
}, u.tickSize = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (r = a = +p, u) : r;
}, u.tickSizeInner = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (r = +p, u) : r;
}, u.tickSizeOuter = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (a = +p, u) : a;
}, u.tickPadding = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (o = +p, u) : o;
}, u.offset = function(p) {
return arguments.length ? (c = +p, u) : c;
}, u;
function mu(s) {
return Rs(ss, s);
function vu(s) {
return Rs(is, s);
function hr(s) {
return Rs(bi, s);
function Bo(s) {
return Rs(vn, s);
const Ti = { capture: !0, passive: !1 };
function Oi(s) {
s.preventDefault(), s.stopImmediatePropagation();
function yu(s) {
var t = s.document.documentElement, e = R(s).on("dragstart.drag", Oi, Ti);
"onselectstart" in t ? e.on("selectstart.drag", Oi, Ti) : (t.__noselect =, = "none");
function Eu(s, t) {
var e = s.document.documentElement, n = R(s).on("dragstart.drag", null);
t && (n.on("click.drag", Oi, Ti), setTimeout(function() {
n.on("click.drag", null);
}, 0)), "onselectstart" in e ? n.on("selectstart.drag", null) : ( = e.__noselect, delete e.__noselect);
function Su(s, t) {
for (var e = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; ++n) e[n] = s(n / (t - 1));
return e;
const xu = (s) => +s, Zs = (s) => () => s;
function bu(s, {
sourceEvent: t,
target: e,
selection: n,
mode: i,
dispatch: r
}) {
Object.defineProperties(this, {
type: { value: s, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 },
sourceEvent: { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 },
target: { value: e, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 },
selection: { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 },
mode: { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 },
_: { value: r }
function Tu(s) {
function Ks(s) {
s.preventDefault(), s.stopImmediatePropagation();
var oa = { name: "drag" }, Js = { name: "space" }, Ue = { name: "handle" }, ze = { name: "center" };
const { abs: la, max: Rt, min: It } = Math;
function ca(s) {
return [+s[0], +s[1]];
function ua(s) {
return [ca(s[0]), ca(s[1])];
var rs = {
name: "x",
handles: ["w", "e"].map(ds),
input: function(s, t) {
return s == null ? null : [[+s[0], t[0][1]], [+s[1], t[1][1]]];
output: function(s) {
return s && [s[0][0], s[1][0]];
}, Qs = {
name: "y",
handles: ["n", "s"].map(ds),
input: function(s, t) {
return s == null ? null : [[t[0][0], +s[0]], [t[1][0], +s[1]]];
output: function(s) {
return s && [s[0][1], s[1][1]];
}, pe = {
overlay: "crosshair",
selection: "move",
n: "ns-resize",
e: "ew-resize",
s: "ns-resize",
w: "ew-resize",
nw: "nwse-resize",
ne: "nesw-resize",
se: "nwse-resize",
sw: "nesw-resize"
}, ha = {
e: "w",
w: "e",
nw: "ne",
ne: "nw",
se: "sw",
sw: "se"
}, da = {
n: "s",
s: "n",
nw: "sw",
ne: "se",
se: "ne",
sw: "nw"
}, Ou = {
overlay: 1,
selection: 1,
n: null,
e: 1,
s: null,
w: -1,
nw: -1,
ne: 1,
se: 1,
sw: -1
}, wu = {
overlay: 1,
selection: 1,
n: -1,
e: null,
s: 1,
w: null,
nw: -1,
ne: -1,
se: 1,
sw: 1
function ds(s) {
return { type: s };
function Lu(s) {
return !s.ctrlKey && !s.button;
function Au() {
var s = this.ownerSVGElement || this;
return s.hasAttribute("viewBox") ? (s = s.viewBox.baseVal, [[s.x, s.y], [s.x + s.width, s.y + s.height]]) : [[0, 0], [s.width.baseVal.value, s.height.baseVal.value]];
function Mu() {
return navigator.maxTouchPoints || "ontouchstart" in this;
function ti(s) {
for (; !s.__brush; ) if (!(s = s.parentNode)) return;
return s.__brush;
function _u(s) {
return s[0][0] === s[1][0] || s[0][1] === s[1][1];
function Go() {
return Cu(rs);
function Cu(s) {
var t = Au, e = Lu, n = Mu, i = !0, r = Wl("start", "brush", "end"), a = 6, o;
function c(m) {
var E ="__brush", g).selectAll(".overlay").data([ds("overlay")]);
E.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "overlay").attr("pointer-events", "all").attr("cursor", pe.overlay).merge(E).each(function() {
var v = ti(this).extent;
R(this).attr("x", v[0][0]).attr("y", v[0][1]).attr("width", v[1][0] - v[0][0]).attr("height", v[1][1] - v[0][1]);
}), m.selectAll(".selection").data([ds("selection")]).enter().append("rect").attr("class", "selection").attr("cursor", pe.selection).attr("fill", "#777").attr("fill-opacity", 0.3).attr("stroke", "#fff").attr("shape-rendering", "crispEdges");
var y = m.selectAll(".handle").data(s.handles, function(v) {
return v.type;
y.exit().remove(), y.enter().append("rect").attr("class", function(v) {
return "handle handle--" + v.type;
}).attr("cursor", function(v) {
return pe[v.type];
}), m.each(l).attr("fill", "none").attr("pointer-events", "all").on("mousedown.brush", u).filter(n).on("touchstart.brush", u).on("touchmove.brush", p).on("touchend.brush touchcancel.brush", f).style("touch-action", "none").style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)");
c.move = function(m, E, y) {
m.tween ? m.on("start.brush", function(v) {
h(this, arguments).beforestart().start(v);
}).on("interrupt.brush end.brush", function(v) {
h(this, arguments).end(v);
}).tween("brush", function() {
var v = this, S = v.__brush, b = h(v, arguments), O = S.selection, I = s.input(typeof E == "function" ? E.apply(this, arguments) : E, S.extent), k = yo(O, I);
function G(C) {
S.selection = C === 1 && I === null ? null : k(C),, b.brush();
return O !== null && I !== null ? G : G(1);
}) : m.each(function() {
var v = this, S = arguments, b = v.__brush, O = s.input(typeof E == "function" ? E.apply(v, S) : E, b.extent), I = h(v, S).beforestart();
zr(v), b.selection = O === null ? null : O,, I.start(y).brush(y).end(y);
}, c.clear = function(m, E) {
c.move(m, null, E);
function l() {
var m = R(this), E = ti(this).selection;
E ? (m.selectAll(".selection").style("display", null).attr("x", E[0][0]).attr("y", E[0][1]).attr("width", E[1][0] - E[0][0]).attr("height", E[1][1] - E[0][1]), m.selectAll(".handle").style("display", null).attr("x", function(y) {
return y.type[y.type.length - 1] === "e" ? E[1][0] - a / 2 : E[0][0] - a / 2;
}).attr("y", function(y) {
return y.type[0] === "s" ? E[1][1] - a / 2 : E[0][1] - a / 2;
}).attr("width", function(y) {
return y.type === "n" || y.type === "s" ? E[1][0] - E[0][0] + a : a;
}).attr("height", function(y) {
return y.type === "e" || y.type === "w" ? E[1][1] - E[0][1] + a : a;
})) : m.selectAll(".selection,.handle").style("display", "none").attr("x", null).attr("y", null).attr("width", null).attr("height", null);
function h(m, E, y) {
var v = m.__brush.emitter;
return v && (!y || !v.clean) ? v : new d(m, E, y);
function d(m, E, y) {
this.that = m, this.args = E, this.state = m.__brush, = 0, this.clean = y;
d.prototype = {
beforestart: function() {
return === 1 && (this.state.emitter = this, this.starting = !0), this;
start: function(m, E) {
return this.starting ? (this.starting = !1, this.emit("start", m, E)) : this.emit("brush", m), this;
brush: function(m, E) {
return this.emit("brush", m, E), this;
end: function(m, E) {
return === 0 && (delete this.state.emitter, this.emit("end", m, E)), this;
emit: function(m, E, y) {
var v = R(this.that).datum();
new bu(m, {
sourceEvent: E,
target: c,
selection: s.output(this.state.selection),
mode: y,
dispatch: r
function u(m) {
if (o && !m.touches || !e.apply(this, arguments)) return;
var E = this, y =, v = (i && m.metaKey ? y = "overlay" : y) === "selection" ? oa : i && m.altKey ? ze : Ue, S = s === Qs ? null : Ou[y], b = s === rs ? null : wu[y], O = ti(E), I = O.extent, k = O.selection, G = I[0][0], C, L, B = I[0][1], D, A, w = I[1][0], V, N, P = I[1][1], $, X, F = 0, et = 0, J, ct = S && b && i && m.shiftKey, Q, j, Z = Array.from(m.touches || [m], (nt) => {
const St = nt.identifier;
return nt = en(nt, E), nt.point0 = nt.slice(), nt.identifier = St, nt;
var ut = h(E, arguments, !0).beforestart();
if (y === "overlay") {
k && (J = !0);
const nt = [Z[0], Z[1] || Z[0]];
O.selection = k = [[
C = s === Qs ? G : It(nt[0][0], nt[1][0]),
D = s === rs ? B : It(nt[0][1], nt[1][1])
], [
V = s === Qs ? w : Rt(nt[0][0], nt[1][0]),
$ = s === rs ? P : Rt(nt[0][1], nt[1][1])
]], Z.length > 1 && U(m);
} else
C = k[0][0], D = k[0][1], V = k[1][0], $ = k[1][1];
L = C, A = D, N = V, X = $;
var ht = R(E).attr("pointer-events", "none"), Et = ht.selectAll(".overlay").attr("cursor", pe[y]);
if (m.touches)
ut.moved = H, ut.ended = W;
else {
var Ut = R(m.view).on("mousemove.brush", H, !0).on("mouseup.brush", W, !0);
i && Ut.on("keydown.brush", zt, !0).on("keyup.brush", an, !0), yu(m.view);
}, ut.start(m,;
function H(nt) {
for (const St of nt.changedTouches || [nt])
for (const ie of Z)
ie.identifier === St.identifier && (ie.cur = en(St, E));
if (ct && !Q && !j && Z.length === 1) {
const St = Z[0];
la(St.cur[0] - St[0]) > la(St.cur[1] - St[1]) ? j = !0 : Q = !0;
for (const St of Z)
St.cur && (St[0] = St.cur[0], St[1] = St.cur[1]);
J = !0, Ks(nt), U(nt);
function U(nt) {
const St = Z[0], ie = St.point0;
var te;
switch (F = St[0] - ie[0], et = St[1] - ie[1], v) {
case Js:
case oa: {
S && (F = Rt(G - C, It(w - V, F)), L = C + F, N = V + F), b && (et = Rt(B - D, It(P - $, et)), A = D + et, X = $ + et);
case Ue: {
Z[1] ? (S && (L = Rt(G, It(w, Z[0][0])), N = Rt(G, It(w, Z[1][0])), S = 1), b && (A = Rt(B, It(P, Z[0][1])), X = Rt(B, It(P, Z[1][1])), b = 1)) : (S < 0 ? (F = Rt(G - C, It(w - C, F)), L = C + F, N = V) : S > 0 && (F = Rt(G - V, It(w - V, F)), L = C, N = V + F), b < 0 ? (et = Rt(B - D, It(P - D, et)), A = D + et, X = $) : b > 0 && (et = Rt(B - $, It(P - $, et)), A = D, X = $ + et));
case ze: {
S && (L = Rt(G, It(w, C - F * S)), N = Rt(G, It(w, V + F * S))), b && (A = Rt(B, It(P, D - et * b)), X = Rt(B, It(P, $ + et * b)));
N < L && (S *= -1, te = C, C = V, V = te, te = L, L = N, N = te, y in ha && Et.attr("cursor", pe[y = ha[y]])), X < A && (b *= -1, te = D, D = $, $ = te, te = A, A = X, X = te, y in da && Et.attr("cursor", pe[y = da[y]])), O.selection && (k = O.selection), Q && (L = k[0][0], N = k[1][0]), j && (A = k[0][1], X = k[1][1]), (k[0][0] !== L || k[0][1] !== A || k[1][0] !== N || k[1][1] !== X) && (O.selection = [[L, A], [N, X]],, ut.brush(nt,;
function W(nt) {
if (Tu(nt), nt.touches) {
if (nt.touches.length) return;
o && clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(function() {
o = null;
}, 500);
} else
Eu(nt.view, J), Ut.on("keydown.brush keyup.brush mousemove.brush mouseup.brush", null);
ht.attr("pointer-events", "all"), Et.attr("cursor", pe.overlay), O.selection && (k = O.selection), _u(k) && (O.selection = null,, ut.end(nt,;
function zt(nt) {
switch (nt.keyCode) {
case 16: {
ct = S && b;
case 18: {
v === Ue && (S && (V = N - F * S, C = L + F * S), b && ($ = X - et * b, D = A + et * b), v = ze, U(nt));
case 32: {
(v === Ue || v === ze) && (S < 0 ? V = N - F : S > 0 && (C = L - F), b < 0 ? $ = X - et : b > 0 && (D = A - et), v = Js, Et.attr("cursor", pe.selection), U(nt));
function an(nt) {
switch (nt.keyCode) {
case 16: {
ct && (Q = j = ct = !1, U(nt));
case 18: {
v === ze && (S < 0 ? V = N : S > 0 && (C = L), b < 0 ? $ = X : b > 0 && (D = A), v = Ue, U(nt));
case 32: {
v === Js && (nt.altKey ? (S && (V = N - F * S, C = L + F * S), b && ($ = X - et * b, D = A + et * b), v = ze) : (S < 0 ? V = N : S > 0 && (C = L), b < 0 ? $ = X : b > 0 && (D = A), v = Ue), Et.attr("cursor", pe[y]), U(nt));
function p(m) {
h(this, arguments).moved(m);
function f(m) {
h(this, arguments).ended(m);
function g() {
var m = this.__brush || { selection: null };
return m.extent = ua(t.apply(this, arguments)), m.dim = s, m;
return c.extent = function(m) {
return arguments.length ? (t = typeof m == "function" ? m : Zs(ua(m)), c) : t;
}, c.filter = function(m) {
return arguments.length ? (e = typeof m == "function" ? m : Zs(!!m), c) : e;
}, c.touchable = function(m) {
return arguments.length ? (n = typeof m == "function" ? m : Zs(!!m), c) : n;
}, c.handleSize = function(m) {
return arguments.length ? (a = +m, c) : a;
}, c.keyModifiers = function(m) {
return arguments.length ? (i = !!m, c) : i;
}, c.on = function() {
var m = r.on.apply(r, arguments);
return m === r ? c : m;
}, c;
const wi = Math.PI, Li = 2 * wi, Ae = 1e-6, ku = Li - Ae;
function Ho(s) {
this._ += s[0];
for (let t = 1, e = s.length; t < e; ++t)
this._ += arguments[t] + s[t];
function Ru(s) {
let t = Math.floor(s);
if (!(t >= 0)) throw new Error(`invalid digits: ${s}`);
if (t > 15) return Ho;
const e = 10 ** t;
return function(n) {
this._ += n[0];
for (let i = 1, r = n.length; i < r; ++i)
this._ += Math.round(arguments[i] * e) / e + n[i];
let dr = class {
constructor(t) {
this._x0 = this._y0 = // start of current subpath
this._x1 = this._y1 = null, this._ = "", this._append = t == null ? Ho : Ru(t);
moveTo(t, e) {
this._append`M${this._x0 = this._x1 = +t},${this._y0 = this._y1 = +e}`;
closePath() {
this._x1 !== null && (this._x1 = this._x0, this._y1 = this._y0, this._append`Z`);
lineTo(t, e) {
this._append`L${this._x1 = +t},${this._y1 = +e}`;
quadraticCurveTo(t, e, n, i) {
this._append`Q${+t},${+e},${this._x1 = +n},${this._y1 = +i}`;
bezierCurveTo(t, e, n, i, r, a) {
this._append`C${+t},${+e},${+n},${+i},${this._x1 = +r},${this._y1 = +a}`;
arcTo(t, e, n, i, r) {
if (t = +t, e = +e, n = +n, i = +i, r = +r, r < 0) throw new Error(`negative radius: ${r}`);
let a = this._x1, o = this._y1, c = n - t, l = i - e, h = a - t, d = o - e, u = h * h + d * d;
if (this._x1 === null)
this._append`M${this._x1 = t},${this._y1 = e}`;
else if (u > Ae) if (!(Math.abs(d * c - l * h) > Ae) || !r)
this._append`L${this._x1 = t},${this._y1 = e}`;
else {
let p = n - a, f = i - o, g = c * c + l * l, m = p * p + f * f, E = Math.sqrt(g), y = Math.sqrt(u), v = r * Math.tan((wi - Math.acos((g + u - m) / (2 * E * y))) / 2), S = v / y, b = v / E;
Math.abs(S - 1) > Ae && this._append`L${t + S * h},${e + S * d}`, this._append`A${r},${r},0,0,${+(d * p > h * f)},${this._x1 = t + b * c},${this._y1 = e + b * l}`;
arc(t, e, n, i, r, a) {
if (t = +t, e = +e, n = +n, a = !!a, n < 0) throw new Error(`negative radius: ${n}`);
let o = n * Math.cos(i), c = n * Math.sin(i), l = t + o, h = e + c, d = 1 ^ a, u = a ? i - r : r - i;
this._x1 === null ? this._append`M${l},${h}` : (Math.abs(this._x1 - l) > Ae || Math.abs(this._y1 - h) > Ae) && this._append`L${l},${h}`, n && (u < 0 && (u = u % Li + Li), u > ku ? this._append`A${n},${n},0,1,${d},${t - o},${e - c}A${n},${n},0,1,${d},${this._x1 = l},${this._y1 = h}` : u > Ae && this._append`A${n},${n},0,${+(u >= wi)},${d},${this._x1 = t + n * Math.cos(r)},${this._y1 = e + n * Math.sin(r)}`);
rect(t, e, n, i) {
this._append`M${this._x0 = this._x1 = +t},${this._y0 = this._y1 = +e}h${n = +n}v${+i}h${-n}Z`;
toString() {
return this._;
function Is() {
return new dr();
Is.prototype = dr.prototype;
var pt = 1e-6, Uo = 1e-12, at = Math.PI, Ht = at / 2, pa = at / 4, Wt = at * 2, Nt = 180 / at, Tt = at / 180, ft = Math.abs, zo = Math.atan, Ie = Math.atan2, gt = Math.cos, Iu = Math.exp, Du = Math.log, dt = Math.sin, be = Math.sign || function(s) {
return s > 0 ? 1 : s < 0 ? -1 : 0;
}, se = Math.sqrt, Pu = Math.tan;
function Nu(s) {
return s > 1 ? 0 : s < -1 ? at : Math.acos(s);
function Ee(s) {
return s > 1 ? Ht : s < -1 ? -Ht : Math.asin(s);
function Kt() {
function ps(s, t) {
s && ga.hasOwnProperty(s.type) && ga[s.type](s, t);
var fa = {
Feature: function(s, t) {
ps(s.geometry, t);
FeatureCollection: function(s, t) {
for (var e = s.features, n = -1, i = e.length; ++n < i; ) ps(e[n].geometry, t);
}, ga = {
Sphere: function(s, t) {
Point: function(s, t) {
s = s.coordinates, t.point(s[0], s[1], s[2]);
MultiPoint: function(s, t) {
for (var e = s.coordinates, n = -1, i = e.length; ++n < i; ) s = e[n], t.point(s[0], s[1], s[2]);
LineString: function(s, t) {
Ai(s.coordinates, t, 0);
MultiLineString: function(s, t) {
for (var e = s.coordinates, n = -1, i = e.length; ++n < i; ) Ai(e[n], t, 0);
Polygon: function(s, t) {
ma(s.coordinates, t);
MultiPolygon: function(s, t) {
for (var e = s.coordinates, n = -1, i = e.length; ++n < i; ) ma(e[n], t);
GeometryCollection: function(s, t) {
for (var e = s.geometries, n = -1, i = e.length; ++n < i; ) ps(e[n], t);
function Ai(s, t, e) {
var n = -1, i = s.length - e, r;
for (t.lineStart(); ++n < i; ) r = s[n], t.point(r[0], r[1], r[2]);
function ma(s, t) {
var e = -1, n = s.length;
for (t.polygonStart(); ++e < n; ) Ai(s[e], t, 1);
function je(s, t) {
s && fa.hasOwnProperty(s.type) ? fa[s.type](s, t) : ps(s, t);
function Mi(s) {
return [Ie(s[1], s[0]), Ee(s[2])];
function nn(s) {
var t = s[0], e = s[1], n = gt(e);
return [n * gt(t), n * dt(t), dt(e)];
function Fn(s, t) {
return s[0] * t[0] + s[1] * t[1] + s[2] * t[2];
function fs(s, t) {
return [s[1] * t[2] - s[2] * t[1], s[2] * t[0] - s[0] * t[2], s[0] * t[1] - s[1] * t[0]];
function ei(s, t) {
s[0] += t[0], s[1] += t[1], s[2] += t[2];
function Wn(s, t) {
return [s[0] * t, s[1] * t, s[2] * t];
function _i(s) {
var t = se(s[0] * s[0] + s[1] * s[1] + s[2] * s[2]);
s[0] /= t, s[1] /= t, s[2] /= t;
function Ci(s, t) {
function e(n, i) {
return n = s(n, i), t(n[0], n[1]);
return s.invert && t.invert && (e.invert = function(n, i) {
return n = t.invert(n, i), n && s.invert(n[0], n[1]);
}), e;
function ki(s, t) {
return ft(s) > at && (s -= Math.round(s / Wt) * Wt), [s, t];
ki.invert = ki;
function Fo(s, t, e) {
return (s %= Wt) ? t || e ? Ci(ya(s), Ea(t, e)) : ya(s) : t || e ? Ea(t, e) : ki;
function va(s) {
return function(t, e) {
return t += s, ft(t) > at && (t -= Math.round(t / Wt) * Wt), [t, e];
function ya(s) {
var t = va(s);
return t.invert = va(-s), t;
function Ea(s, t) {
var e = gt(s), n = dt(s), i = gt(t), r = dt(t);
function a(o, c) {
var l = gt(c), h = gt(o) * l, d = dt(o) * l, u = dt(c), p = u * e + h * n;
return [
Ie(d * i - p * r, h * e - u * n),
Ee(p * i + d * r)
return a.invert = function(o, c) {
var l = gt(c), h = gt(o) * l, d = dt(o) * l, u = dt(c), p = u * i - d * r;
return [
Ie(d * i + u * r, h * e + p * n),
Ee(p * e - h * n)
}, a;
function $u(s) {
s = Fo(s[0] * Tt, s[1] * Tt, s.length > 2 ? s[2] * Tt : 0);
function t(e) {
return e = s(e[0] * Tt, e[1] * Tt), e[0] *= Nt, e[1] *= Nt, e;
return t.invert = function(e) {
return e = s.invert(e[0] * Tt, e[1] * Tt), e[0] *= Nt, e[1] *= Nt, e;
}, t;
function Vu(s, t, e, n, i, r) {
if (e) {
var a = gt(t), o = dt(t), c = n * e;
i == null ? (i = t + n * Wt, r = t - c / 2) : (i = Sa(a, i), r = Sa(a, r), (n > 0 ? i < r : i > r) && (i += n * Wt));
for (var l, h = i; n > 0 ? h > r : h < r; h -= c)
l = Mi([a, -o * gt(h), -o * dt(h)]), s.point(l[0], l[1]);
function Sa(s, t) {
t = nn(t), t[0] -= s, _i(t);
var e = Nu(-t[1]);
return ((-t[2] < 0 ? -e : e) + Wt - pt) % Wt;
function Wo() {
var s = [], t;
return {
point: function(e, n, i) {
t.push([e, n, i]);
lineStart: function() {
s.push(t = []);
lineEnd: Kt,
rejoin: function() {
s.length > 1 && s.push(s.pop().concat(s.shift()));
result: function() {
var e = s;
return s = [], t = null, e;
function as(s, t) {
return ft(s[0] - t[0]) < pt && ft(s[1] - t[1]) < pt;
function Xn(s, t, e, n) {
this.x = s, this.z = t, this.o = e, this.e = n, this.v = !1, this.n = this.p = null;
function Xo(s, t, e, n, i) {
var r = [], a = [], o, c;
if (s.forEach(function(f) {
if (!((g = f.length - 1) <= 0)) {
var g, m = f[0], E = f[g], y;
if (as(m, E)) {
if (!m[2] && !E[2]) {
for (i.lineStart(), o = 0; o < g; ++o) i.point((m = f[o])[0], m[1]);
E[0] += 2 * pt;
r.push(y = new Xn(m, f, null, !0)), a.push(y.o = new Xn(m, null, y, !1)), r.push(y = new Xn(E, f, null, !1)), a.push(y.o = new Xn(E, null, y, !0));
}), !!r.length) {
for (a.sort(t), xa(r), xa(a), o = 0, c = a.length; o < c; ++o)
a[o].e = e = !e;
for (var l = r[0], h, d; ; ) {
for (var u = l, p = !0; u.v; ) if ((u = u.n) === l) return;
h = u.z, i.lineStart();
do {
if (u.v = u.o.v = !0, u.e) {
if (p)
for (o = 0, c = h.length; o < c; ++o) i.point((d = h[o])[0], d[1]);
n(u.x, u.n.x, 1, i);
u = u.n;
} else {
if (p)
for (h = u.p.z, o = h.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) i.point((d = h[o])[0], d[1]);
n(u.x, u.p.x, -1, i);
u = u.p;
u = u.o, h = u.z, p = !p;
} while (!u.v);
function xa(s) {
if (t = s.length) {
for (var t, e = 0, n = s[0], i; ++e < t; )
n.n = i = s[e], i.p = n, n = i;
n.n = i = s[0], i.p = n;
function ni(s) {
return ft(s[0]) <= at ? s[0] : be(s[0]) * ((ft(s[0]) + at) % Wt - at);
function Bu(s, t) {
var e = ni(t), n = t[1], i = dt(n), r = [dt(e), -gt(e), 0], a = 0, o = 0, c = new Re();
i === 1 ? n = Ht + pt : i === -1 && (n = -Ht - pt);
for (var l = 0, h = s.length; l < h; ++l)
if (u = (d = s[l]).length)
for (var d, u, p = d[u - 1], f = ni(p), g = p[1] / 2 + pa, m = dt(g), E = gt(g), y = 0; y < u; ++y, f = S, m = O, E = I, p = v) {
var v = d[y], S = ni(v), b = v[1] / 2 + pa, O = dt(b), I = gt(b), k = S - f, G = k >= 0 ? 1 : -1, C = G * k, L = C > at, B = m * O;
if (c.add(Ie(B * G * dt(C), E * I + B * gt(C))), a += L ? k + G * Wt : k, L ^ f >= e ^ S >= e) {
var D = fs(nn(p), nn(v));
var A = fs(r, D);
var w = (L ^ k >= 0 ? -1 : 1) * Ee(A[2]);
(n > w || n === w && (D[0] || D[1])) && (o += L ^ k >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
return (a < -pt || a < pt && c < -Uo) ^ o & 1;
function jo(s, t, e, n) {
return function(i) {
var r = t(i), a = Wo(), o = t(a), c = !1, l, h, d, u = {
point: p,
lineStart: g,
lineEnd: m,
polygonStart: function() {
u.point = E, u.lineStart = y, u.lineEnd = v, h = [], l = [];
polygonEnd: function() {
u.point = p, u.lineStart = g, u.lineEnd = m, h = Vo(h);
var S = Bu(l, n);
h.length ? (c || (i.polygonStart(), c = !0), Xo(h, Hu, S, e, i)) : S && (c || (i.polygonStart(), c = !0), i.lineStart(), e(null, null, 1, i), i.lineEnd()), c && (i.polygonEnd(), c = !1), h = l = null;
sphere: function() {
i.polygonStart(), i.lineStart(), e(null, null, 1, i), i.lineEnd(), i.polygonEnd();
function p(S, b) {
s(S, b) && i.point(S, b);
function f(S, b) {
r.point(S, b);
function g() {
u.point = f, r.lineStart();
function m() {
u.point = p, r.lineEnd();
function E(S, b) {
d.push([S, b]), o.point(S, b);
function y() {
o.lineStart(), d = [];
function v() {
E(d[0][0], d[0][1]), o.lineEnd();
var S = o.clean(), b = a.result(), O, I = b.length, k, G, C;
if (d.pop(), l.push(d), d = null, !!I) {
if (S & 1) {
if (G = b[0], (k = G.length - 1) > 0) {
for (c || (i.polygonStart(), c = !0), i.lineStart(), O = 0; O < k; ++O) i.point((C = G[O])[0], C[1]);
I > 1 && S & 2 && b.push(b.pop().concat(b.shift())), h.push(b.filter(Gu));
return u;
function Gu(s) {
return s.length > 1;
function Hu(s, t) {
return ((s = s.x)[0] < 0 ? s[1] - Ht - pt : Ht - s[1]) - ((t = t.x)[0] < 0 ? t[1] - Ht - pt : Ht - t[1]);
const ba = jo(
function() {
return !0;
[-at, -Ht]
function Uu(s) {
var t = NaN, e = NaN, n = NaN, i;
return {
lineStart: function() {
s.lineStart(), i = 1;
point: function(r, a) {
var o = r > 0 ? at : -at, c = ft(r - t);
ft(c - at) < pt ? (s.point(t, e = (e + a) / 2 > 0 ? Ht : -Ht), s.point(n, e), s.lineEnd(), s.lineStart(), s.point(o, e), s.point(r, e), i = 0) : n !== o && c >= at && (ft(t - n) < pt && (t -= n * pt), ft(r - o) < pt && (r -= o * pt), e = zu(t, e, r, a), s.point(n, e), s.lineEnd(), s.lineStart(), s.point(o, e), i = 0), s.point(t = r, e = a), n = o;
lineEnd: function() {
s.lineEnd(), t = e = NaN;
clean: function() {
return 2 - i;
function zu(s, t, e, n) {
var i, r, a = dt(s - e);
return ft(a) > pt ? zo((dt(t) * (r = gt(n)) * dt(e) - dt(n) * (i = gt(t)) * dt(s)) / (i * r * a)) : (t + n) / 2;
function Fu(s, t, e, n) {
var i;
if (s == null)
i = e * Ht, n.point(-at, i), n.point(0, i), n.point(at, i), n.point(at, 0), n.point(at, -i), n.point(0, -i), n.point(-at, -i), n.point(-at, 0), n.point(-at, i);
else if (ft(s[0] - t[0]) > pt) {
var r = s[0] < t[0] ? at : -at;
i = e * r / 2, n.point(-r, i), n.point(0, i), n.point(r, i);
} else
n.point(t[0], t[1]);
function Wu(s) {
var t = gt(s), e = 2 * Tt, n = t > 0, i = ft(t) > pt;
function r(h, d, u, p) {
Vu(p, s, e, u, h, d);
function a(h, d) {
return gt(h) * gt(d) > t;
function o(h) {
var d, u, p, f, g;
return {
lineStart: function() {
f = p = !1, g = 1;
point: function(m, E) {
var y = [m, E], v, S = a(m, E), b = n ? S ? 0 : l(m, E) : S ? l(m + (m < 0 ? at : -at), E) : 0;
if (!d && (f = p = S) && h.lineStart(), S !== p && (v = c(d, y), (!v || as(d, v) || as(y, v)) && (y[2] = 1)), S !== p)
g = 0, S ? (h.lineStart(), v = c(y, d), h.point(v[0], v[1])) : (v = c(d, y), h.point(v[0], v[1], 2), h.lineEnd()), d = v;
else if (i && d && n ^ S) {
var O;
!(b & u) && (O = c(y, d, !0)) && (g = 0, n ? (h.lineStart(), h.point(O[0][0], O[0][1]), h.point(O[1][0], O[1][1]), h.lineEnd()) : (h.point(O[1][0], O[1][1]), h.lineEnd(), h.lineStart(), h.point(O[0][0], O[0][1], 3)));
S && (!d || !as(d, y)) && h.point(y[0], y[1]), d = y, p = S, u = b;
lineEnd: function() {
p && h.lineEnd(), d = null;
// Rejoin first and last segments if there were intersections and the first
// and last points were visible.
clean: function() {
return g | (f && p) << 1;
function c(h, d, u) {
var p = nn(h), f = nn(d), g = [1, 0, 0], m = fs(p, f), E = Fn(m, m), y = m[0], v = E - y * y;
if (!v) return !u && h;
var S = t * E / v, b = -t * y / v, O = fs(g, m), I = Wn(g, S), k = Wn(m, b);
ei(I, k);
var G = O, C = Fn(I, G), L = Fn(G, G), B = C * C - L * (Fn(I, I) - 1);
if (!(B < 0)) {
var D = se(B), A = Wn(G, (-C - D) / L);
if (ei(A, I), A = Mi(A), !u) return A;
var w = h[0], V = d[0], N = h[1], P = d[1], $;
V < w && ($ = w, w = V, V = $);
var X = V - w, F = ft(X - at) < pt, et = F || X < pt;
if (!F && P < N && ($ = N, N = P, P = $), et ? F ? N + P > 0 ^ A[1] < (ft(A[0] - w) < pt ? N : P) : N <= A[1] && A[1] <= P : X > at ^ (w <= A[0] && A[0] <= V)) {
var J = Wn(G, (-C + D) / L);
return ei(J, I), [A, Mi(J)];
function l(h, d) {
var u = n ? s : at - s, p = 0;
return h < -u ? p |= 1 : h > u && (p |= 2), d < -u ? p |= 4 : d > u && (p |= 8), p;
return jo(a, o, r, n ? [0, -s] : [-at, s - at]);
function Xu(s, t, e, n, i, r) {
var a = s[0], o = s[1], c = t[0], l = t[1], h = 0, d = 1, u = c - a, p = l - o, f;
if (f = e - a, !(!u && f > 0)) {
if (f /= u, u < 0) {
if (f < h) return;
f < d && (d = f);
} else if (u > 0) {
if (f > d) return;
f > h && (h = f);
if (f = i - a, !(!u && f < 0)) {
if (f /= u, u < 0) {
if (f > d) return;
f > h && (h = f);
} else if (u > 0) {
if (f < h) return;
f < d && (d = f);
if (f = n - o, !(!p && f > 0)) {
if (f /= p, p < 0) {
if (f < h) return;
f < d && (d = f);
} else if (p > 0) {
if (f > d) return;
f > h && (h = f);
if (f = r - o, !(!p && f < 0)) {
if (f /= p, p < 0) {
if (f > d) return;
f > h && (h = f);
} else if (p > 0) {
if (f < h) return;
f < d && (d = f);
return h > 0 && (s[0] = a + h * u, s[1] = o + h * p), d < 1 && (t[0] = a + d * u, t[1] = o + d * p), !0;
var yn = 1e9, jn = -yn;
function ju(s, t, e, n) {
function i(l, h) {
return s <= l && l <= e && t <= h && h <= n;
function r(l, h, d, u) {
var p = 0, f = 0;
if (l == null || (p = a(l, d)) !== (f = a(h, d)) || c(l, h) < 0 ^ d > 0)
u.point(p === 0 || p === 3 ? s : e, p > 1 ? n : t);
while ((p = (p + d + 4) % 4) !== f);
u.point(h[0], h[1]);
function a(l, h) {
return ft(l[0] - s) < pt ? h > 0 ? 0 : 3 : ft(l[0] - e) < pt ? h > 0 ? 2 : 1 : ft(l[1] - t) < pt ? h > 0 ? 1 : 0 : h > 0 ? 3 : 2;
function o(l, h) {
return c(l.x, h.x);
function c(l, h) {
var d = a(l, 1), u = a(h, 1);
return d !== u ? d - u : d === 0 ? h[1] - l[1] : d === 1 ? l[0] - h[0] : d === 2 ? l[1] - h[1] : h[0] - l[0];
return function(l) {
var h = l, d = Wo(), u, p, f, g, m, E, y, v, S, b, O, I = {
point: k,
lineStart: B,
lineEnd: D,
polygonStart: C,
polygonEnd: L
function k(w, V) {
i(w, V) && h.point(w, V);
function G() {
for (var w = 0, V = 0, N = p.length; V < N; ++V)
for (var P = p[V], $ = 1, X = P.length, F = P[0], et, J, ct = F[0], Q = F[1]; $ < X; ++$)
et = ct, J = Q, F = P[$], ct = F[0], Q = F[1], J <= n ? Q > n && (ct - et) * (n - J) > (Q - J) * (s - et) && ++w : Q <= n && (ct - et) * (n - J) < (Q - J) * (s - et) && --w;
return w;
function C() {
h = d, u = [], p = [], O = !0;
function L() {
var w = G(), V = O && w, N = (u = Vo(u)).length;
(V || N) && (l.polygonStart(), V && (l.lineStart(), r(null, null, 1, l), l.lineEnd()), N && Xo(u, o, w, r, l), l.polygonEnd()), h = l, u = p = f = null;
function B() {
I.point = A, p && p.push(f = []), b = !0, S = !1, y = v = NaN;
function D() {
u && (A(g, m), E && S && d.rejoin(), u.push(d.result())), I.point = k, S && h.lineEnd();
function A(w, V) {
var N = i(w, V);
if (p && f.push([w, V]), b)
g = w, m = V, E = N, b = !1, N && (h.lineStart(), h.point(w, V));
else if (N && S) h.point(w, V);
else {
var P = [y = Math.max(jn, Math.min(yn, y)), v = Math.max(jn, Math.min(yn, v))], $ = [w = Math.max(jn, Math.min(yn, w)), V = Math.max(jn, Math.min(yn, V))];
Xu(P, $, s, t, e, n) ? (S || (h.lineStart(), h.point(P[0], P[1])), h.point($[0], $[1]), N || h.lineEnd(), O = !1) : N && (h.lineStart(), h.point(w, V), O = !1);
y = w, v = V, S = N;
return I;
const Ri = (s) => s;
var si = new Re(), Ii = new Re(), Yo, qo, Di, Pi, ve = {
point: Kt,
lineStart: Kt,
lineEnd: Kt,
polygonStart: function() {
ve.lineStart = Yu, ve.lineEnd = Zu;
polygonEnd: function() {
ve.lineStart = ve.lineEnd = ve.point = Kt, si.add(ft(Ii)), Ii = new Re();
result: function() {
var s = si / 2;
return si = new Re(), s;
function Yu() {
ve.point = qu;
function qu(s, t) {
ve.point = Zo, Yo = Di = s, qo = Pi = t;
function Zo(s, t) {
Ii.add(Pi * s - Di * t), Di = s, Pi = t;
function Zu() {
Zo(Yo, qo);
var sn = 1 / 0, gs = sn, kn = -sn, ms = kn, vs = {
point: Ku,
lineStart: Kt,
lineEnd: Kt,
polygonStart: Kt,
polygonEnd: Kt,
result: function() {
var s = [[sn, gs], [kn, ms]];
return kn = ms = -(gs = sn = 1 / 0), s;
function Ku(s, t) {
s < sn && (sn = s), s > kn && (kn = s), t < gs && (gs = t), t > ms && (ms = t);
var Ni = 0, $i = 0, En = 0, ys = 0, Es = 0, Je = 0, Vi = 0, Bi = 0, Sn = 0, Ko, Jo, le, ce, Zt = {
point: De,
lineStart: Ta,
lineEnd: Oa,
polygonStart: function() {
Zt.lineStart = th, Zt.lineEnd = eh;
polygonEnd: function() {
Zt.point = De, Zt.lineStart = Ta, Zt.lineEnd = Oa;
result: function() {
var s = Sn ? [Vi / Sn, Bi / Sn] : Je ? [ys / Je, Es / Je] : En ? [Ni / En, $i / En] : [NaN, NaN];
return Ni = $i = En = ys = Es = Je = Vi = Bi = Sn = 0, s;
function De(s, t) {
Ni += s, $i += t, ++En;
function Ta() {
Zt.point = Ju;
function Ju(s, t) {
Zt.point = Qu, De(le = s, ce = t);
function Qu(s, t) {
var e = s - le, n = t - ce, i = se(e * e + n * n);
ys += i * (le + s) / 2, Es += i * (ce + t) / 2, Je += i, De(le = s, ce = t);
function Oa() {
Zt.point = De;
function th() {
Zt.point = nh;
function eh() {
Qo(Ko, Jo);
function nh(s, t) {
Zt.point = Qo, De(Ko = le = s, Jo = ce = t);
function Qo(s, t) {
var e = s - le, n = t - ce, i = se(e * e + n * n);
ys += i * (le + s) / 2, Es += i * (ce + t) / 2, Je += i, i = ce * s - le * t, Vi += i * (le + s), Bi += i * (ce + t), Sn += i * 3, De(le = s, ce = t);
function tl(s) {
this._context = s;
tl.prototype = {
_radius: 4.5,
pointRadius: function(s) {
return this._radius = s, this;
polygonStart: function() {
this._line = 0;
polygonEnd: function() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart: function() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd: function() {
this._line === 0 && this._context.closePath(), this._point = NaN;
point: function(s, t) {
switch (this._point) {
case 0: {
this._context.moveTo(s, t), this._point = 1;
case 1: {
this._context.lineTo(s, t);
default: {
this._context.moveTo(s + this._radius, t), this._context.arc(s, t, this._radius, 0, Wt);
result: Kt
var Gi = new Re(), ii, el, nl, xn, bn, Rn = {
point: Kt,
lineStart: function() {
Rn.point = sh;
lineEnd: function() {
ii && sl(el, nl), Rn.point = Kt;
polygonStart: function() {
ii = !0;
polygonEnd: function() {
ii = null;
result: function() {
var s = +Gi;
return Gi = new Re(), s;
function sh(s, t) {
Rn.point = sl, el = xn = s, nl = bn = t;
function sl(s, t) {
xn -= s, bn -= t, Gi.add(se(xn * xn + bn * bn)), xn = s, bn = t;
let wa, Ss, La, Aa;
class Ma {
constructor(t) {
this._append = t == null ? il : ih(t), this._radius = 4.5, this._ = "";
pointRadius(t) {
return this._radius = +t, this;
polygonStart() {
this._line = 0;
polygonEnd() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd() {
this._line === 0 && (this._ += "Z"), this._point = NaN;
point(t, e) {
switch (this._point) {
case 0: {
this._append`M${t},${e}`, this._point = 1;
case 1: {
default: {
if (this._append`M${t},${e}`, this._radius !== La || this._append !== Ss) {
const n = this._radius, i = this._;
this._ = "", this._append`m0,${n}a${n},${n} 0 1,1 0,${-2 * n}a${n},${n} 0 1,1 0,${2 * n}z`, La = n, Ss = this._append, Aa = this._, this._ = i;
this._ += Aa;
result() {
const t = this._;
return this._ = "", t.length ? t : null;
function il(s) {
let t = 1;
this._ += s[0];
for (const e = s.length; t < e; ++t)
this._ += arguments[t] + s[t];
function ih(s) {
const t = Math.floor(s);
if (!(t >= 0)) throw new RangeError(`invalid digits: ${s}`);
if (t > 15) return il;
if (t !== wa) {
const e = 10 ** t;
wa = t, Ss = function(i) {
let r = 1;
this._ += i[0];
for (const a = i.length; r < a; ++r)
this._ += Math.round(arguments[r] * e) / e + i[r];
return Ss;
function rh(s, t) {
let e = 3, n = 4.5, i, r;
function a(o) {
return o && (typeof n == "function" && r.pointRadius(+n.apply(this, arguments)), je(o, i(r))), r.result();
return a.area = function(o) {
return je(o, i(ve)), ve.result();
}, a.measure = function(o) {
return je(o, i(Rn)), Rn.result();
}, a.bounds = function(o) {
return je(o, i(vs)), vs.result();
}, a.centroid = function(o) {
return je(o, i(Zt)), Zt.result();
}, a.projection = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (i = o == null ? (s = null, Ri) : (s = o).stream, a) : s;
}, a.context = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (r = o == null ? (t = null, new Ma(e)) : new tl(t = o), typeof n != "function" && r.pointRadius(n), a) : t;
}, a.pointRadius = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (n = typeof o == "function" ? o : (r.pointRadius(+o), +o), a) : n;
}, a.digits = function(o) {
if (!arguments.length) return e;
if (o == null) e = null;
else {
const c = Math.floor(o);
if (!(c >= 0)) throw new RangeError(`invalid digits: ${o}`);
e = c;
return t === null && (r = new Ma(e)), a;
}, a.projection(s).digits(e).context(t);
function pr(s) {
return function(t) {
var e = new Hi();
for (var n in s) e[n] = s[n];
return = t, e;
function Hi() {
Hi.prototype = {
constructor: Hi,
point: function(s, t) {, t);
sphere: function() {;
lineStart: function() {;
lineEnd: function() {;
polygonStart: function() {;
polygonEnd: function() {;
function fr(s, t, e) {
var n = s.clipExtent && s.clipExtent();
return s.scale(150).translate([0, 0]), n != null && s.clipExtent(null), je(e,, t(vs.result()), n != null && s.clipExtent(n), s;
function rl(s, t, e) {
return fr(s, function(n) {
var i = t[1][0] - t[0][0], r = t[1][1] - t[0][1], a = Math.min(i / (n[1][0] - n[0][0]), r / (n[1][1] - n[0][1])), o = +t[0][0] + (i - a * (n[1][0] + n[0][0])) / 2, c = +t[0][1] + (r - a * (n[1][1] + n[0][1])) / 2;
s.scale(150 * a).translate([o, c]);
}, e);
function ah(s, t, e) {
return rl(s, [[0, 0], t], e);
function oh(s, t, e) {
return fr(s, function(n) {
var i = +t, r = i / (n[1][0] - n[0][0]), a = (i - r * (n[1][0] + n[0][0])) / 2, o = -r * n[0][1];
s.scale(150 * r).translate([a, o]);
}, e);
function lh(s, t, e) {
return fr(s, function(n) {
var i = +t, r = i / (n[1][1] - n[0][1]), a = -r * n[0][0], o = (i - r * (n[1][1] + n[0][1])) / 2;
s.scale(150 * r).translate([a, o]);
}, e);
var _a = 16, ch = gt(30 * Tt);
function Ca(s, t) {
return +t ? hh(s, t) : uh(s);
function uh(s) {
return pr({
point: function(t, e) {
t = s(t, e),[0], t[1]);
function hh(s, t) {
function e(n, i, r, a, o, c, l, h, d, u, p, f, g, m) {
var E = l - n, y = h - i, v = E * E + y * y;
if (v > 4 * t && g--) {
var S = a + u, b = o + p, O = c + f, I = se(S * S + b * b + O * O), k = Ee(O /= I), G = ft(ft(O) - 1) < pt || ft(r - d) < pt ? (r + d) / 2 : Ie(b, S), C = s(G, k), L = C[0], B = C[1], D = L - n, A = B - i, w = y * D - E * A;
(w * w / v > t || ft((E * D + y * A) / v - 0.5) > 0.3 || a * u + o * p + c * f < ch) && (e(n, i, r, a, o, c, L, B, G, S /= I, b /= I, O, g, m), m.point(L, B), e(L, B, G, S, b, O, l, h, d, u, p, f, g, m));
return function(n) {
var i, r, a, o, c, l, h, d, u, p, f, g, m = {
point: E,
lineStart: y,
lineEnd: S,
polygonStart: function() {
n.polygonStart(), m.lineStart = b;
polygonEnd: function() {
n.polygonEnd(), m.lineStart = y;
function E(k, G) {
k = s(k, G), n.point(k[0], k[1]);
function y() {
d = NaN, m.point = v, n.lineStart();
function v(k, G) {
var C = nn([k, G]), L = s(k, G);
e(d, u, h, p, f, g, d = L[0], u = L[1], h = k, p = C[0], f = C[1], g = C[2], _a, n), n.point(d, u);
function S() {
m.point = E, n.lineEnd();
function b() {
y(), m.point = O, m.lineEnd = I;
function O(k, G) {
v(i = k, G), r = d, a = u, o = p, c = f, l = g, m.point = v;
function I() {
e(d, u, h, p, f, g, r, a, i, o, c, l, _a, n), m.lineEnd = S, S();
return m;
var dh = pr({
point: function(s, t) { * Tt, t * Tt);
function ph(s) {
return pr({
point: function(t, e) {
var n = s(t, e);
return[0], n[1]);
function fh(s, t, e, n, i) {
function r(a, o) {
return a *= n, o *= i, [t + s * a, e - s * o];
return r.invert = function(a, o) {
return [(a - t) / s * n, (e - o) / s * i];
}, r;
function ka(s, t, e, n, i, r) {
if (!r) return fh(s, t, e, n, i);
var a = gt(r), o = dt(r), c = a * s, l = o * s, h = a / s, d = o / s, u = (o * e - a * t) / s, p = (o * t + a * e) / s;
function f(g, m) {
return g *= n, m *= i, [c * g - l * m + t, e - l * g - c * m];
return f.invert = function(g, m) {
return [n * (h * g - d * m + u), i * (p - d * g - h * m)];
}, f;
function Ds(s) {
return al(function() {
return s;
function al(s) {
var t, e = 150, n = 480, i = 250, r = 0, a = 0, o = 0, c = 0, l = 0, h, d = 0, u = 1, p = 1, f = null, g = ba, m = null, E, y, v, S = Ri, b = 0.5, O, I, k, G, C;
function L(w) {
return k(w[0] * Tt, w[1] * Tt);
function B(w) {
return w = k.invert(w[0], w[1]), w && [w[0] * Nt, w[1] * Nt];
} = function(w) {
return G && C === w ? G : G = dh(ph(h)(g(O(S(C = w)))));
}, L.preclip = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (g = w, f = void 0, A()) : g;
}, L.postclip = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (S = w, m = E = y = v = null, A()) : S;
}, L.clipAngle = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (g = +w ? Wu(f = w * Tt) : (f = null, ba), A()) : f * Nt;
}, L.clipExtent = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (S = w == null ? (m = E = y = v = null, Ri) : ju(m = +w[0][0], E = +w[0][1], y = +w[1][0], v = +w[1][1]), A()) : m == null ? null : [[m, E], [y, v]];
}, L.scale = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (e = +w, D()) : e;
}, L.translate = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (n = +w[0], i = +w[1], D()) : [n, i];
}, = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (r = w[0] % 360 * Tt, a = w[1] % 360 * Tt, D()) : [r * Nt, a * Nt];
}, L.rotate = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (o = w[0] % 360 * Tt, c = w[1] % 360 * Tt, l = w.length > 2 ? w[2] % 360 * Tt : 0, D()) : [o * Nt, c * Nt, l * Nt];
}, L.angle = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (d = w % 360 * Tt, D()) : d * Nt;
}, L.reflectX = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (u = w ? -1 : 1, D()) : u < 0;
}, L.reflectY = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (p = w ? -1 : 1, D()) : p < 0;
}, L.precision = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (O = Ca(I, b = w * w), A()) : se(b);
}, L.fitExtent = function(w, V) {
return rl(L, w, V);
}, L.fitSize = function(w, V) {
return ah(L, w, V);
}, L.fitWidth = function(w, V) {
return oh(L, w, V);
}, L.fitHeight = function(w, V) {
return lh(L, w, V);
function D() {
var w = ka(e, 0, 0, u, p, d).apply(null, t(r, a)), V = ka(e, n - w[0], i - w[1], u, p, d);
return h = Fo(o, c, l), I = Ci(t, V), k = Ci(h, I), O = Ca(I, b), A();
function A() {
return G = C = null, L;
return function() {
return t = s.apply(this, arguments), L.invert = t.invert && B, D();
function ol(s) {
var t = 0, e = at / 3, n = al(s), i = n(t, e);
return i.parallels = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? n(t = r[0] * Tt, e = r[1] * Tt) : [t * Nt, e * Nt];
}, i;
function gh(s) {
var t = gt(s);
function e(n, i) {
return [n * t, dt(i) / t];
return e.invert = function(n, i) {
return [n / t, Ee(i * t)];
}, e;
function mh(s, t) {
var e = dt(s), n = (e + dt(t)) / 2;
if (ft(n) < pt) return gh(s);
var i = 1 + e * (2 * n - e), r = se(i) / n;
function a(o, c) {
var l = se(i - 2 * n * dt(c)) / n;
return [l * dt(o *= n), r - l * gt(o)];
return a.invert = function(o, c) {
var l = r - c, h = Ie(o, ft(l)) * be(l);
return l * n < 0 && (h -= at * be(o) * be(l)), [h / n, Ee((i - (o * o + l * l) * n * n) / (2 * n))];
}, a;
function ll() {
return ol(mh).scale(155.424).center([0, 33.6442]);
function vh() {
return ll().parallels([29.5, 45.5]).scale(1070).translate([480, 250]).rotate([96, 0]).center([-0.6, 38.7]);
function gr(s, t) {
return [s, Du(Pu((Ht + t) / 2))];
gr.invert = function(s, t) {
return [s, 2 * zo(Iu(t)) - Ht];
function yh() {
return Eh(gr).scale(961 / Wt);
function Eh(s) {
var t = Ds(s), e =, n = t.scale, i = t.translate, r = t.clipExtent, a = null, o, c, l;
t.scale = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (n(d), h()) : n();
}, t.translate = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (i(d), h()) : i();
}, = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (e(d), h()) : e();
}, t.clipExtent = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (d == null ? a = o = c = l = null : (a = +d[0][0], o = +d[0][1], c = +d[1][0], l = +d[1][1]), h()) : a == null ? null : [[a, o], [c, l]];
function h() {
var d = at * n(), u = t($u(t.rotate()).invert([0, 0]));
return r(a == null ? [[u[0] - d, u[1] - d], [u[0] + d, u[1] + d]] : s === gr ? [[Math.max(u[0] - d, a), o], [Math.min(u[0] + d, c), l]] : [[a, Math.max(u[1] - d, o)], [c, Math.min(u[1] + d, l)]]);
return h();
function xs(s, t) {
return [s, t];
xs.invert = xs;
function Sh() {
return Ds(xs).scale(152.63);
function xh(s, t) {
var e = gt(s), n = s === t ? dt(s) : (e - gt(t)) / (t - s), i = e / n + s;
if (ft(n) < pt) return xs;
function r(a, o) {
var c = i - o, l = n * a;
return [c * dt(l), i - c * gt(l)];
return r.invert = function(a, o) {
var c = i - o, l = Ie(a, ft(c)) * be(c);
return c * n < 0 && (l -= at * be(a) * be(c)), [l / n, i - be(n) * se(a * a + c * c)];
}, r;
function bh() {
return ol(xh).scale(131.154).center([0, 13.9389]);
var Ln = 1.340264, An = -0.081106, Mn = 893e-6, _n = 3796e-6, bs = se(3) / 2, Th = 12;
function cl(s, t) {
var e = Ee(bs * dt(t)), n = e * e, i = n * n * n;
return [
s * gt(e) / (bs * (Ln + 3 * An * n + i * (7 * Mn + 9 * _n * n))),
e * (Ln + An * n + i * (Mn + _n * n))
cl.invert = function(s, t) {
for (var e = t, n = e * e, i = n * n * n, r = 0, a, o, c; r < Th && (o = e * (Ln + An * n + i * (Mn + _n * n)) - t, c = Ln + 3 * An * n + i * (7 * Mn + 9 * _n * n), e -= a = o / c, n = e * e, i = n * n * n, !(ft(a) < Uo)); ++r)
return [
bs * s * (Ln + 3 * An * n + i * (7 * Mn + 9 * _n * n)) / gt(e),
Ee(dt(e) / bs)
function Oh() {
return Ds(cl).scale(177.158);
function ul(s, t) {
var e = t * t, n = e * e;
return [
s * (0.8707 - 0.131979 * e + n * (-0.013791 + n * (3971e-6 * e - 1529e-6 * n))),
t * (1.007226 + e * (0.015085 + n * (-0.044475 + 0.028874 * e - 5916e-6 * n)))
ul.invert = function(s, t) {
var e = t, n = 25, i;
do {
var r = e * e, a = r * r;
e -= i = (e * (1.007226 + r * (0.015085 + a * (-0.044475 + 0.028874 * r - 5916e-6 * a))) - t) / (1.007226 + r * (0.015085 * 3 + a * (-0.044475 * 7 + 0.028874 * 9 * r - 5916e-6 * 11 * a)));
} while (ft(i) > pt && --n > 0);
return [
s / (0.8707 + (r = e * e) * (-0.131979 + r * (-0.013791 + r * r * r * (3971e-6 - 1529e-6 * r)))),
function wh() {
return Ds(ul).scale(175.295);
function Lh(s, t) {
return s.parent === t.parent ? 1 : 2;
function Ah(s) {
return s.reduce(Mh, 0) / s.length;
function Mh(s, t) {
return s + t.x;
function _h(s) {
return 1 + s.reduce(Ch, 0);
function Ch(s, t) {
return Math.max(s, t.y);
function kh(s) {
for (var t; t = s.children; ) s = t[0];
return s;
function Rh(s) {
for (var t; t = s.children; ) s = t[t.length - 1];
return s;
function Ih() {
var s = Lh, t = 1, e = 1, n = !1;
function i(r) {
var a, o = 0;
r.eachAfter(function(u) {
var p = u.children;
p ? (u.x = Ah(p), u.y = _h(p)) : (u.x = a ? o += s(u, a) : 0, u.y = 0, a = u);
var c = kh(r), l = Rh(r), h = c.x - s(c, l) / 2, d = l.x + s(l, c) / 2;
return r.eachAfter(n ? function(u) {
u.x = (u.x - r.x) * t, u.y = (r.y - u.y) * e;
} : function(u) {
u.x = (u.x - h) / (d - h) * t, u.y = (1 - (r.y ? u.y / r.y : 1)) * e;
return i.separation = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (s = r, i) : s;
}, i.size = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (n = !1, t = +r[0], e = +r[1], i) : n ? null : [t, e];
}, i.nodeSize = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (n = !0, t = +r[0], e = +r[1], i) : n ? [t, e] : null;
}, i;
function Dh(s) {
var t = 0, e = s.children, n = e && e.length;
if (!n) t = 1;
else for (; --n >= 0; ) t += e[n].value;
s.value = t;
function Ph() {
return this.eachAfter(Dh);
function Nh(s, t) {
let e = -1;
for (const n of this), n, ++e, this);
return this;
function $h(s, t) {
for (var e = this, n = [e], i, r, a = -1; e = n.pop(); )
if (, e, ++a, this), i = e.children)
for (r = i.length - 1; r >= 0; --r)
return this;
function Vh(s, t) {
for (var e = this, n = [e], i = [], r, a, o, c = -1; e = n.pop(); )
if (i.push(e), r = e.children)
for (a = 0, o = r.length; a < o; ++a)
for (; e = i.pop(); ), e, ++c, this);
return this;
function Bh(s, t) {
let e = -1;
for (const n of this)
if (, n, ++e, this))
return n;
function Gh(s) {
return this.eachAfter(function(t) {
for (var e = +s( || 0, n = t.children, i = n && n.length; --i >= 0; ) e += n[i].value;
t.value = e;
function Hh(s) {
return this.eachBefore(function(t) {
t.children && t.children.sort(s);
function Uh(s) {
for (var t = this, e = zh(t, s), n = [t]; t !== e; )
t = t.parent, n.push(t);
for (var i = n.length; s !== e; )
n.splice(i, 0, s), s = s.parent;
return n;
function zh(s, t) {
if (s === t) return s;
var e = s.ancestors(), n = t.ancestors(), i = null;
for (s = e.pop(), t = n.pop(); s === t; )
i = s, s = e.pop(), t = n.pop();
return i;
function Fh() {
for (var s = this, t = [s]; s = s.parent; )
return t;
function Wh() {
return Array.from(this);
function Xh() {
var s = [];
return this.eachBefore(function(t) {
t.children || s.push(t);
}), s;
function jh() {
var s = this, t = [];
return s.each(function(e) {
e !== s && t.push({ source: e.parent, target: e });
}), t;
function* Yh() {
var s = this, t, e = [s], n, i, r;
for (t = e.reverse(), e = []; s = t.pop(); )
if (yield s, n = s.children)
for (i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; ++i)
while (e.length);
function Pn(s, t) {
s instanceof Map ? (s = [void 0, s], t === void 0 && (t = Kh)) : t === void 0 && (t = Zh);
for (var e = new In(s), n, i = [e], r, a, o, c; n = i.pop(); )
if ((a = t( && (c = (a = Array.from(a)).length))
for (n.children = a, o = c - 1; o >= 0; --o)
i.push(r = a[o] = new In(a[o])), r.parent = n, r.depth = n.depth + 1;
return e.eachBefore(Qh);
function qh() {
return Pn(this).eachBefore(Jh);
function Zh(s) {
return s.children;
function Kh(s) {
return Array.isArray(s) ? s[1] : null;
function Jh(s) { !== void 0 && (s.value =, =;
function Qh(s) {
var t = 0;
s.height = t;
while ((s = s.parent) && s.height < ++t);
function In(s) { = s, this.depth = this.height = 0, this.parent = null;
In.prototype = Pn.prototype = {
constructor: In,
count: Ph,
each: Nh,
eachAfter: Vh,
eachBefore: $h,
find: Bh,
sum: Gh,
sort: Hh,
path: Uh,
ancestors: Fh,
descendants: Wh,
leaves: Xh,
links: jh,
copy: qh,
[Symbol.iterator]: Yh
function td(s) {
return s == null ? null : hl(s);
function hl(s) {
if (typeof s != "function") throw new Error();
return s;
function Ce() {
return 0;
function Ye(s) {
return function() {
return s;
const ed = 1664525, nd = 1013904223, Ra = 4294967296;
function sd() {
let s = 1;
return () => (s = (ed * s + nd) % Ra) / Ra;
function id(s) {
return typeof s == "object" && "length" in s ? s : Array.from(s);
function rd(s, t) {
let e = s.length, n, i;
for (; e; )
i = t() * e-- | 0, n = s[e], s[e] = s[i], s[i] = n;
return s;
function ad(s, t) {
for (var e = 0, n = (s = rd(Array.from(s), t)).length, i = [], r, a; e < n; )
r = s[e], a && dl(a, r) ? ++e : (a = ld(i = od(i, r)), e = 0);
return a;
function od(s, t) {
var e, n;
if (ri(t, s)) return [t];
for (e = 0; e < s.length; ++e)
if (Yn(t, s[e]) && ri(Tn(s[e], t), s))
return [s[e], t];
for (e = 0; e < s.length - 1; ++e)
for (n = e + 1; n < s.length; ++n)
if (Yn(Tn(s[e], s[n]), t) && Yn(Tn(s[e], t), s[n]) && Yn(Tn(s[n], t), s[e]) && ri(pl(s[e], s[n], t), s))
return [s[e], s[n], t];
throw new Error();
function Yn(s, t) {
var e = s.r - t.r, n = t.x - s.x, i = t.y - s.y;
return e < 0 || e * e < n * n + i * i;
function dl(s, t) {
var e = s.r - t.r + Math.max(s.r, t.r, 1) * 1e-9, n = t.x - s.x, i = t.y - s.y;
return e > 0 && e * e > n * n + i * i;
function ri(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; ++e)
if (!dl(s, t[e]))
return !1;
return !0;
function ld(s) {
switch (s.length) {
case 1:
return cd(s[0]);
case 2:
return Tn(s[0], s[1]);
case 3:
return pl(s[0], s[1], s[2]);
function cd(s) {
return {
x: s.x,
y: s.y,
r: s.r
function Tn(s, t) {
var e = s.x, n = s.y, i = s.r, r = t.x, a = t.y, o = t.r, c = r - e, l = a - n, h = o - i, d = Math.sqrt(c * c + l * l);
return {
x: (e + r + c / d * h) / 2,
y: (n + a + l / d * h) / 2,
r: (d + i + o) / 2
function pl(s, t, e) {
var n = s.x, i = s.y, r = s.r, a = t.x, o = t.y, c = t.r, l = e.x, h = e.y, d = e.r, u = n - a, p = n - l, f = i - o, g = i - h, m = c - r, E = d - r, y = n * n + i * i - r * r, v = y - a * a - o * o + c * c, S = y - l * l - h * h + d * d, b = p * f - u * g, O = (f * S - g * v) / (b * 2) - n, I = (g * m - f * E) / b, k = (p * v - u * S) / (b * 2) - i, G = (u * E - p * m) / b, C = I * I + G * G - 1, L = 2 * (r + O * I + k * G), B = O * O + k * k - r * r, D = -(Math.abs(C) > 1e-6 ? (L + Math.sqrt(L * L - 4 * C * B)) / (2 * C) : B / L);
return {
x: n + O + I * D,
y: i + k + G * D,
r: D
function Ia(s, t, e) {
var n = s.x - t.x, i, r, a = s.y - t.y, o, c, l = n * n + a * a;
l ? (r = t.r + e.r, r *= r, c = s.r + e.r, c *= c, r > c ? (i = (l + c - r) / (2 * l), o = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, c / l - i * i)), e.x = s.x - i * n - o * a, e.y = s.y - i * a + o * n) : (i = (l + r - c) / (2 * l), o = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, r / l - i * i)), e.x = t.x + i * n - o * a, e.y = t.y + i * a + o * n)) : (e.x = t.x + e.r, e.y = t.y);
function Da(s, t) {
var e = s.r + t.r - 1e-6, n = t.x - s.x, i = t.y - s.y;
return e > 0 && e * e > n * n + i * i;
function Pa(s) {
var t = s._, e =, n = t.r + e.r, i = (t.x * e.r + e.x * t.r) / n, r = (t.y * e.r + e.y * t.r) / n;
return i * i + r * r;
function qn(s) {
this._ = s, = null, this.previous = null;
function ud(s, t) {
if (!(r = (s = id(s)).length)) return 0;
var e, n, i, r, a, o, c, l, h, d, u;
if (e = s[0], e.x = 0, e.y = 0, !(r > 1)) return e.r;
if (n = s[1], e.x = -n.r, n.x = e.r, n.y = 0, !(r > 2)) return e.r + n.r;
Ia(n, e, i = s[2]), e = new qn(e), n = new qn(n), i = new qn(i), = i.previous = n, = e.previous = i, = n.previous = e;
t: for (c = 3; c < r; ++c) {
Ia(e._, n._, i = s[c]), i = new qn(i), l =, h = e.previous, d = n._.r, u = e._.r;
if (d <= u) {
if (Da(l._, i._)) {
n = l, = n, n.previous = e, --c;
continue t;
d += l._.r, l =;
} else {
if (Da(h._, i._)) {
e = h, = n, n.previous = e, --c;
continue t;
u += h._.r, h = h.previous;
while (l !==;
for (i.previous = e, = n, = n.previous = n = i, a = Pa(e); (i = !== n; )
(o = Pa(i)) < a && (e = i, a = o);
n =;
for (e = [n._], i = n; (i = !== n; ) e.push(i._);
for (i = ad(e, t), c = 0; c < r; ++c) e = s[c], e.x -= i.x, e.y -= i.y;
return i.r;
function hd(s) {
return Math.sqrt(s.value);
function dd() {
var s = null, t = 1, e = 1, n = Ce;
function i(r) {
const a = sd();
return r.x = t / 2, r.y = e / 2, s ? r.eachBefore(Na(s)).eachAfter(ai(n, 0.5, a)).eachBefore($a(1)) : r.eachBefore(Na(hd)).eachAfter(ai(Ce, 1, a)).eachAfter(ai(n, r.r / Math.min(t, e), a)).eachBefore($a(Math.min(t, e) / (2 * r.r))), r;
return i.radius = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (s = td(r), i) : s;
}, i.size = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (t = +r[0], e = +r[1], i) : [t, e];
}, i.padding = function(r) {
return arguments.length ? (n = typeof r == "function" ? r : Ye(+r), i) : n;
}, i;
function Na(s) {
return function(t) {
t.children || (t.r = Math.max(0, +s(t) || 0));
function ai(s, t, e) {
return function(n) {
if (i = n.children) {
var i, r, a = i.length, o = s(n) * t || 0, c;
if (o) for (r = 0; r < a; ++r) i[r].r += o;
if (c = ud(i, e), o) for (r = 0; r < a; ++r) i[r].r -= o;
n.r = c + o;
function $a(s) {
return function(t) {
var e = t.parent;
t.r *= s, e && (t.x = e.x + s * t.x, t.y = e.y + s * t.y);
function pd(s) {
s.x0 = Math.round(s.x0), s.y0 = Math.round(s.y0), s.x1 = Math.round(s.x1), s.y1 = Math.round(s.y1);
function fd(s, t, e, n, i) {
for (var r = s.children, a, o = -1, c = r.length, l = s.value && (n - t) / s.value; ++o < c; )
a = r[o], a.y0 = e, a.y1 = i, a.x0 = t, a.x1 = t += a.value * l;
function gd(s, t) {
return s.parent === t.parent ? 1 : 2;
function oi(s) {
var t = s.children;
return t ? t[0] : s.t;
function li(s) {
var t = s.children;
return t ? t[t.length - 1] : s.t;
function md(s, t, e) {
var n = e / (t.i - s.i);
t.c -= n, t.s += e, s.c += n, t.z += e, t.m += e;
function vd(s) {
for (var t = 0, e = 0, n = s.children, i = n.length, r; --i >= 0; )
r = n[i], r.z += t, r.m += t, t += r.s + (e += r.c);
function yd(s, t, e) {
return s.a.parent === t.parent ? s.a : e;
function os(s, t) {
this._ = s, this.parent = null, this.children = null, this.A = null, this.a = this, this.z = 0, this.m = 0, this.c = 0, this.s = 0, this.t = null, this.i = t;
os.prototype = Object.create(In.prototype);
function Ed(s) {
for (var t = new os(s, 0), e, n = [t], i, r, a, o; e = n.pop(); )
if (r = e._.children)
for (e.children = new Array(o = r.length), a = o - 1; a >= 0; --a)
n.push(i = e.children[a] = new os(r[a], a)), i.parent = e;
return (t.parent = new os(null, 0)).children = [t], t;
function Sd() {
var s = gd, t = 1, e = 1, n = null;
function i(l) {
var h = Ed(l);
if (h.eachAfter(r), h.parent.m = -h.z, h.eachBefore(a), n) l.eachBefore(c);
else {
var d = l, u = l, p = l;
l.eachBefore(function(y) {
y.x < d.x && (d = y), y.x > u.x && (u = y), y.depth > p.depth && (p = y);
var f = d === u ? 1 : s(d, u) / 2, g = f - d.x, m = t / (u.x + f + g), E = e / (p.depth || 1);
l.eachBefore(function(y) {
y.x = (y.x + g) * m, y.y = y.depth * E;
return l;
function r(l) {
var h = l.children, d = l.parent.children, u = l.i ? d[l.i - 1] : null;
if (h) {
var p = (h[0].z + h[h.length - 1].z) / 2;
u ? (l.z = u.z + s(l._, u._), l.m = l.z - p) : l.z = p;
} else u && (l.z = u.z + s(l._, u._));
l.parent.A = o(l, u, l.parent.A || d[0]);
function a(l) {
l._.x = l.z + l.parent.m, l.m += l.parent.m;
function o(l, h, d) {
if (h) {
for (var u = l, p = l, f = h, g = u.parent.children[0], m = u.m, E = p.m, y = f.m, v = g.m, S; f = li(f), u = oi(u), f && u; )
g = oi(g), p = li(p), p.a = l, S = f.z + y - u.z - m + s(f._, u._), S > 0 && (md(yd(f, l, d), l, S), m += S, E += S), y += f.m, m += u.m, v += g.m, E += p.m;
f && !li(p) && (p.t = f, p.m += y - E), u && !oi(g) && (g.t = u, g.m += m - v, d = l);
return d;
function c(l) {
l.x *= t, l.y = l.depth * e;
return i.separation = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (s = l, i) : s;
}, i.size = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (n = !1, t = +l[0], e = +l[1], i) : n ? null : [t, e];
}, i.nodeSize = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (n = !0, t = +l[0], e = +l[1], i) : n ? [t, e] : null;
}, i;
function xd(s, t, e, n, i) {
for (var r = s.children, a, o = -1, c = r.length, l = s.value && (i - e) / s.value; ++o < c; )
a = r[o], a.x0 = t, a.x1 = n, a.y0 = e, a.y1 = e += a.value * l;
var bd = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2;
function Td(s, t, e, n, i, r) {
for (var a = [], o = t.children, c, l, h = 0, d = 0, u = o.length, p, f, g = t.value, m, E, y, v, S, b, O; h < u; ) {
p = i - e, f = r - n;
m = o[d++].value;
while (!m && d < u);
for (E = y = m, b = Math.max(f / p, p / f) / (g * s), O = m * m * b, S = Math.max(y / O, O / E); d < u; ++d) {
if (m += l = o[d].value, l < E && (E = l), l > y && (y = l), O = m * m * b, v = Math.max(y / O, O / E), v > S) {
m -= l;
S = v;
a.push(c = { value: m, dice: p < f, children: o.slice(h, d) }), c.dice ? fd(c, e, n, i, g ? n += f * m / g : r) : xd(c, e, n, g ? e += p * m / g : i, r), g -= m, h = d;
return a;
const Od = function s(t) {
function e(n, i, r, a, o) {
Td(t, n, i, r, a, o);
return e.ratio = function(n) {
return s((n = +n) > 1 ? n : 1);
}, e;
function wd() {
var s = Od, t = !1, e = 1, n = 1, i = [0], r = Ce, a = Ce, o = Ce, c = Ce, l = Ce;
function h(u) {
return u.x0 = u.y0 = 0, u.x1 = e, u.y1 = n, u.eachBefore(d), i = [0], t && u.eachBefore(pd), u;
function d(u) {
var p = i[u.depth], f = u.x0 + p, g = u.y0 + p, m = u.x1 - p, E = u.y1 - p;
m < f && (f = m = (f + m) / 2), E < g && (g = E = (g + E) / 2), u.x0 = f, u.y0 = g, u.x1 = m, u.y1 = E, u.children && (p = i[u.depth + 1] = r(u) / 2, f += l(u) - p, g += a(u) - p, m -= o(u) - p, E -= c(u) - p, m < f && (f = m = (f + m) / 2), E < g && (g = E = (g + E) / 2), s(u, f, g, m, E));
return h.round = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (t = !!u, h) : t;
}, h.size = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (e = +u[0], n = +u[1], h) : [e, n];
}, h.tile = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (s = hl(u), h) : s;
}, h.padding = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? h.paddingInner(u).paddingOuter(u) : h.paddingInner();
}, h.paddingInner = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (r = typeof u == "function" ? u : Ye(+u), h) : r;
}, h.paddingOuter = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? h.paddingTop(u).paddingRight(u).paddingBottom(u).paddingLeft(u) : h.paddingTop();
}, h.paddingTop = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (a = typeof u == "function" ? u : Ye(+u), h) : a;
}, h.paddingRight = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (o = typeof u == "function" ? u : Ye(+u), h) : o;
}, h.paddingBottom = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (c = typeof u == "function" ? u : Ye(+u), h) : c;
}, h.paddingLeft = function(u) {
return arguments.length ? (l = typeof u == "function" ? u : Ye(+u), h) : l;
}, h;
function Ps(s) {
let t = 3;
return s.digits = function(e) {
if (!arguments.length) return t;
if (e == null)
t = null;
else {
const n = Math.floor(e);
if (!(n >= 0)) throw new RangeError(`invalid digits: ${e}`);
t = n;
return s;
}, () => new dr(t);
function Ld(s) {
return s.innerRadius;
function Ad(s) {
return s.outerRadius;
function Md(s) {
return s.startAngle;
function _d(s) {
return s.endAngle;
function Cd(s) {
return s && s.padAngle;
function kd(s, t, e, n, i, r, a, o) {
var c = e - s, l = n - t, h = a - i, d = o - r, u = d * c - h * l;
if (!(u * u < Gt))
return u = (h * (t - r) - d * (s - i)) / u, [s + u * c, t + u * l];
function Zn(s, t, e, n, i, r, a) {
var o = s - e, c = t - n, l = (a ? r : -r) / Ke(o * o + c * c), h = l * c, d = -l * o, u = s + h, p = t + d, f = e + h, g = n + d, m = (u + f) / 2, E = (p + g) / 2, y = f - u, v = g - p, S = y * y + v * v, b = i - r, O = u * g - f * p, I = (v < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Ke(ic(0, b * b * S - O * O)), k = (O * v - y * I) / S, G = (-O * y - v * I) / S, C = (O * v + y * I) / S, L = (-O * y + v * I) / S, B = k - m, D = G - E, A = C - m, w = L - E;
return B * B + D * D > A * A + w * w && (k = C, G = L), {
cx: k,
cy: G,
x01: -h,
y01: -d,
x11: k * (i / b - 1),
y11: G * (i / b - 1)
function Dn() {
var s = Ld, t = Ad, e = lt(0), n = null, i = Md, r = _d, a = Cd, o = null, c = Ps(l);
function l() {
var h, d, u = +s.apply(this, arguments), p = +t.apply(this, arguments), f = i.apply(this, arguments) - Kr, g = r.apply(this, arguments) - Kr, m = Jr(g - f), E = g > f;
if (o || (o = h = c()), p < u && (d = p, p = u, u = d), !(p > Gt)) o.moveTo(0, 0);
else if (m > ns - Gt)
o.moveTo(p * Le(f), p * oe(f)), o.arc(0, 0, p, f, g, !E), u > Gt && (o.moveTo(u * Le(g), u * oe(g)), o.arc(0, 0, u, g, f, E));
else {
var y = f, v = g, S = f, b = g, O = m, I = m, k = a.apply(this, arguments) / 2, G = k > Gt && (n ? +n.apply(this, arguments) : Ke(u * u + p * p)), C = qs(Jr(p - u) / 2, +e.apply(this, arguments)), L = C, B = C, D, A;
if (G > Gt) {
var w = Qr(G / u * oe(k)), V = Qr(G / p * oe(k));
(O -= w * 2) > Gt ? (w *= E ? 1 : -1, S += w, b -= w) : (O = 0, S = b = (f + g) / 2), (I -= V * 2) > Gt ? (V *= E ? 1 : -1, y += V, v -= V) : (I = 0, y = v = (f + g) / 2);
var N = p * Le(y), P = p * oe(y), $ = u * Le(b), X = u * oe(b);
if (C > Gt) {
var F = p * Le(v), et = p * oe(v), J = u * Le(S), ct = u * oe(S), Q;
if (m < Zr)
if (Q = kd(N, P, J, ct, F, et, $, X)) {
var j = N - Q[0], Z = P - Q[1], ut = F - Q[0], ht = et - Q[1], Et = 1 / oe(sc((j * ut + Z * ht) / (Ke(j * j + Z * Z) * Ke(ut * ut + ht * ht))) / 2), Ut = Ke(Q[0] * Q[0] + Q[1] * Q[1]);
L = qs(C, (u - Ut) / (Et - 1)), B = qs(C, (p - Ut) / (Et + 1));
} else
L = B = 0;
I > Gt ? B > Gt ? (D = Zn(J, ct, N, P, p, B, E), A = Zn(F, et, $, X, p, B, E), o.moveTo( + D.x01, + D.y01), B < C ? o.arc(,, B, kt(D.y01, D.x01), kt(A.y01, A.x01), !E) : (o.arc(,, B, kt(D.y01, D.x01), kt(D.y11, D.x11), !E), o.arc(0, 0, p, kt( + D.y11, + D.x11), kt( + A.y11, + A.x11), !E), o.arc(,, B, kt(A.y11, A.x11), kt(A.y01, A.x01), !E))) : (o.moveTo(N, P), o.arc(0, 0, p, y, v, !E)) : o.moveTo(N, P), !(u > Gt) || !(O > Gt) ? o.lineTo($, X) : L > Gt ? (D = Zn($, X, F, et, u, -L, E), A = Zn(N, P, J, ct, u, -L, E), o.lineTo( + D.x01, + D.y01), L < C ? o.arc(,, L, kt(D.y01, D.x01), kt(A.y01, A.x01), !E) : (o.arc(,, L, kt(D.y01, D.x01), kt(D.y11, D.x11), !E), o.arc(0, 0, u, kt( + D.y11, + D.x11), kt( + A.y11, + A.x11), E), o.arc(,, L, kt(A.y11, A.x11), kt(A.y01, A.x01), !E))) : o.arc(0, 0, u, b, S, E);
if (o.closePath(), h) return o = null, h + "" || null;
return l.centroid = function() {
var h = (+s.apply(this, arguments) + +t.apply(this, arguments)) / 2, d = (+i.apply(this, arguments) + +r.apply(this, arguments)) / 2 - Zr / 2;
return [Le(d) * h, oe(d) * h];
}, l.innerRadius = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (s = typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : s;
}, l.outerRadius = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (t = typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : t;
}, l.cornerRadius = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (e = typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : e;
}, l.padRadius = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (n = h == null ? null : typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : n;
}, l.startAngle = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (i = typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : i;
}, l.endAngle = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (r = typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : r;
}, l.padAngle = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (a = typeof h == "function" ? h : lt(+h), l) : a;
}, l.context = function(h) {
return arguments.length ? (o = h ?? null, l) : o;
}, l;
function mr(s) {
return s[0];
function vr(s) {
return s[1];
function Nn(s, t) {
var e = lt(!0), n = null, i = lr, r = null, a = Ps(o);
s = typeof s == "function" ? s : s === void 0 ? mr : lt(s), t = typeof t == "function" ? t : t === void 0 ? vr : lt(t);
function o(c) {
var l, h = (c = ur(c)).length, d, u = !1, p;
for (n == null && (r = i(p = a())), l = 0; l <= h; ++l)
!(l < h && e(d = c[l], l, c)) === u && ((u = !u) ? r.lineStart() : r.lineEnd()), u && r.point(+s(d, l, c), +t(d, l, c));
if (p) return r = null, p + "" || null;
return o.x = function(c) {
return arguments.length ? (s = typeof c == "function" ? c : lt(+c), o) : s;
}, o.y = function(c) {
return arguments.length ? (t = typeof c == "function" ? c : lt(+c), o) : t;
}, o.defined = function(c) {
return arguments.length ? (e = typeof c == "function" ? c : lt(!!c), o) : e;
}, o.curve = function(c) {
return arguments.length ? (i = c, n != null && (r = i(n)), o) : i;
}, o.context = function(c) {
return arguments.length ? (c == null ? n = r = null : r = i(n = c), o) : n;
}, o;
function yr(s, t, e) {
var n = null, i = lt(!0), r = null, a = lr, o = null, c = Ps(l);
s = typeof s == "function" ? s : s === void 0 ? mr : lt(+s), t = typeof t == "function" ? t : t === void 0 ? lt(0) : lt(+t), e = typeof e == "function" ? e : e === void 0 ? vr : lt(+e);
function l(d) {
var u, p, f, g = (d = ur(d)).length, m, E = !1, y, v = new Array(g), S = new Array(g);
for (r == null && (o = a(y = c())), u = 0; u <= g; ++u) {
if (!(u < g && i(m = d[u], u, d)) === E)
if (E = !E)
p = u, o.areaStart(), o.lineStart();
else {
for (o.lineEnd(), o.lineStart(), f = u - 1; f >= p; --f)
o.point(v[f], S[f]);
o.lineEnd(), o.areaEnd();
E && (v[u] = +s(m, u, d), S[u] = +t(m, u, d), o.point(n ? +n(m, u, d) : v[u], e ? +e(m, u, d) : S[u]));
if (y) return o = null, y + "" || null;
function h() {
return Nn().defined(i).curve(a).context(r);
return l.x = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (s = typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(+d), n = null, l) : s;
}, l.x0 = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (s = typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(+d), l) : s;
}, l.x1 = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (n = d == null ? null : typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(+d), l) : n;
}, l.y = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (t = typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(+d), e = null, l) : t;
}, l.y0 = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (t = typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(+d), l) : t;
}, l.y1 = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (e = d == null ? null : typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(+d), l) : e;
}, l.lineX0 = l.lineY0 = function() {
return h().x(s).y(t);
}, l.lineY1 = function() {
return h().x(s).y(e);
}, l.lineX1 = function() {
return h().x(n).y(t);
}, l.defined = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (i = typeof d == "function" ? d : lt(!!d), l) : i;
}, l.curve = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (a = d, r != null && (o = a(r)), l) : a;
}, l.context = function(d) {
return arguments.length ? (d == null ? r = o = null : o = a(r = d), l) : r;
}, l;
function Rd(s, t) {
return t < s ? -1 : t > s ? 1 : t >= s ? 0 : NaN;
function Id(s) {
return s;
function Dd() {
var s = Id, t = Rd, e = null, n = lt(0), i = lt(ns), r = lt(0);
function a(o) {
var c, l = (o = ur(o)).length, h, d, u = 0, p = new Array(l), f = new Array(l), g = +n.apply(this, arguments), m = Math.min(ns, Math.max(-ns, i.apply(this, arguments) - g)), E, y = Math.min(Math.abs(m) / l, r.apply(this, arguments)), v = y * (m < 0 ? -1 : 1), S;
for (c = 0; c < l; ++c)
(S = f[p[c] = c] = +s(o[c], c, o)) > 0 && (u += S);
for (t != null ? p.sort(function(b, O) {
return t(f[b], f[O]);
}) : e != null && p.sort(function(b, O) {
return e(o[b], o[O]);
}), c = 0, d = u ? (m - l * v) / u : 0; c < l; ++c, g = E)
h = p[c], S = f[h], E = g + (S > 0 ? S * d : 0) + v, f[h] = {
data: o[h],
index: c,
value: S,
startAngle: g,
endAngle: E,
padAngle: y
return f;
return a.value = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (s = typeof o == "function" ? o : lt(+o), a) : s;
}, a.sortValues = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (t = o, e = null, a) : t;
}, a.sort = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (e = o, t = null, a) : e;
}, a.startAngle = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (n = typeof o == "function" ? o : lt(+o), a) : n;
}, a.endAngle = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (i = typeof o == "function" ? o : lt(+o), a) : i;
}, a.padAngle = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (r = typeof o == "function" ? o : lt(+o), a) : r;
}, a;
var Pd = gl(lr);
function fl(s) {
this._curve = s;
fl.prototype = {
areaStart: function() {
areaEnd: function() {
lineStart: function() {
lineEnd: function() {
point: function(s, t) {
this._curve.point(t * Math.sin(s), t * -Math.cos(s));
function gl(s) {
function t(e) {
return new fl(s(e));
return t._curve = s, t;
function Nd(s) {
var t = s.curve;
return s.angle = s.x, delete s.x, s.radius = s.y, delete s.y, s.curve = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? t(gl(e)) : t()._curve;
}, s;
function $d() {
return Nd(Nn().curve(Pd));
class Vd {
constructor(t, e) {
this._context = t, this._x = e;
areaStart() {
this._line = 0;
areaEnd() {
this._line = NaN;
lineStart() {
this._point = 0;
lineEnd() {
(this._line || this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1) && this._context.closePath(), this._line = 1 - this._line;
point(t, e) {
switch (t = +t, e = +e, this._point) {
case 0: {
this._point = 1, this._line ? this._context.lineTo(t, e) : this._context.moveTo(t, e);
case 1:
this._point = 2;
default: {
this._x ? this._context.bezierCurveTo(this._x0 = (this._x0 + t) / 2, this._y0, this._x0, e, t, e) : this._context.bezierCurveTo(this._x0, this._y0 = (this._y0 + e) / 2, t, this._y0, t, e);
this._x0 = t, this._y0 = e;
function Bd(s) {
return new Vd(s, !0);
function Gd(s) {
return s.source;
function Hd(s) {
function Ud(s) {
let t = Gd, e = Hd, n = mr, i = vr, r = null, a = null, o = Ps(c);
function c() {
let l;
const h =, d = t.apply(this, h), u = e.apply(this, h);
if (r == null && (a = s(l = o())), a.lineStart(), h[0] = d, a.point(+n.apply(this, h), +i.apply(this, h)), h[0] = u, a.point(+n.apply(this, h), +i.apply(this, h)), a.lineEnd(), l) return a = null, l + "" || null;
return c.source = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (t = l, c) : t;
}, = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (e = l, c) : e;
}, c.x = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (n = typeof l == "function" ? l : lt(+l), c) : n;
}, c.y = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (i = typeof l == "function" ? l : lt(+l), c) : i;
}, c.context = function(l) {
return arguments.length ? (l == null ? r = a = null : a = s(r = l), c) : r;
}, c;
function zd() {
return Ud(Bd);
class ot {
constructor(t, e, n) {
if (this.type = "", this.renderType = st.HTML, = "", this.parent = void 0, this.configs = {}, this.model = t, = e, n && (this.configs = n, {
const i = T(this.model.getOptions(), "style", "prefix"); = `${i}--${}`;
this.parent || this.setParent(
init() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
console.error("Error: Component did not provide the required render function.");
destroy() {
// Used to pass down information to the components
setModel(t) {
this.model = t;
// Used to pass down information to the components
setServices(t) { = t;
setParent(t) {
var n;
const e = this.parent;
if (this.parent = t, !(e && e.node() === t.node()) && this.type) {
const i = T(this.model.getOptions(), "style", "prefix");
(n = this.parent) == null || n.classed(`${qt}--${i}--${this.type}`, !0), e && e.classed(`${qt}--${i}--${this.type}`, !1);
getParent() {
return this.parent;
getComponentContainer(t = { ariaLabel: null, isPresentational: !1, withinChartClip: !1 }) {
if (this.type) {
const e = T(this.model.getOptions(), "style", "prefix"), n = ? `#${}` : "", i = _.appendOrSelect(
`${this.renderType === st.SVG ? "svg" : "div"}${n}.${qt}--${e}--${this.type}`
if (t.ariaLabel && i.attr("aria-label", t.ariaLabel), t.isPresentational && i.attr("role", "presentation"), t.withinChartClip) {
const r = this.model.get("chartClipId");
if (r) {
const o = R(`#${r}`).select("rect");
o.size() !== 0 && parseFloat(o.attr("height")) > 0 && i.attr("clip-path", `url(#${r})`);
return i.attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%");
return this.parent;
* graphs used in combo charts share a model with global options but can receive their own local options.
* this function retrieves the global options and merges it with any options passed into this
* component's config.options object.
getOptions() {
return this.configs.options ? tn({}, this.model.getOptions(), this.configs.options) : this.model.getOptions();
/*! @license DOMPurify 3.1.6 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | */
const {
entries: ml,
setPrototypeOf: Va,
isFrozen: Fd,
getPrototypeOf: Wd,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Xd
} = Object;
let {
freeze: Vt,
seal: Qt,
create: vl
} = Object, {
apply: Ui,
construct: zi
} = typeof Reflect < "u" && Reflect;
Vt || (Vt = function(t) {
return t;
Qt || (Qt = function(t) {
return t;
Ui || (Ui = function(t, e, n) {
return t.apply(e, n);
zi || (zi = function(t, e) {
return new t(...e);
const Kn = Xt(Array.prototype.forEach), Ba = Xt(Array.prototype.pop), hn = Xt(Array.prototype.push), ls = Xt(String.prototype.toLowerCase), ci = Xt(String.prototype.toString), Ga = Xt(String.prototype.match), dn = Xt(String.prototype.replace), jd = Xt(String.prototype.indexOf), Yd = Xt(String.prototype.trim), ne = Xt(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), Pt = Xt(RegExp.prototype.test), pn = qd(TypeError);
function Xt(s) {
return function(t) {
for (var e = arguments.length, n = new Array(e > 1 ? e - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < e; i++)
n[i - 1] = arguments[i];
return Ui(s, t, n);
function qd(s) {
return function() {
for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++)
e[n] = arguments[n];
return zi(s, e);
function rt(s, t) {
let e = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : ls;
Va && Va(s, null);
let n = t.length;
for (; n--; ) {
let i = t[n];
if (typeof i == "string") {
const r = e(i);
r !== i && (Fd(t) || (t[n] = r), i = r);
s[i] = !0;
return s;
function Zd(s) {
for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t++)
ne(s, t) || (s[t] = null);
return s;
function Me(s) {
const t = vl(null);
for (const [e, n] of ml(s))
ne(s, e) && (Array.isArray(n) ? t[e] = Zd(n) : n && typeof n == "object" && n.constructor === Object ? t[e] = Me(n) : t[e] = n);
return t;
function fn(s, t) {
for (; s !== null; ) {
const n = Xd(s, t);
if (n) {
if (n.get)
return Xt(n.get);
if (typeof n.value == "function")
return Xt(n.value);
s = Wd(s);
function e() {
return null;
return e;
const Ha = Vt(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]), ui = Vt(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]), hi = Vt(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]), Kd = Vt(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]), di = Vt(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover", "mprescripts"]), Jd = Vt(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]), Ua = Vt(["#text"]), za = Vt(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "nonce", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "popover", "popovertarget", "popovertargetaction", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "wrap", "xmlns", "slot"]), pi = Vt(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "transform-origin", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]), Fa = Vt(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]), Jn = Vt(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]), Qd = Qt(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), tp = Qt(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), ep = Qt(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), np = Qt(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), sp = Qt(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), yl = Qt(
// eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
), ip = Qt(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), rp = Qt(
// eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
), El = Qt(/^html$/i), ap = Qt(/^[a-z][.\w]*(-[.\w]+)+$/i);
var Wa = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
const gn = {
element: 1,
attribute: 2,
text: 3,
cdataSection: 4,
entityReference: 5,
// Deprecated
entityNode: 6,
// Deprecated
progressingInstruction: 7,
comment: 8,
document: 9,
documentType: 10,
documentFragment: 11,
notation: 12
// Deprecated
}, op = function() {
return typeof window > "u" ? null : window;
}, lp = function(t, e) {
if (typeof t != "object" || typeof t.createPolicy != "function")
return null;
let n = null;
const i = "data-tt-policy-suffix";
e && e.hasAttribute(i) && (n = e.getAttribute(i));
const r = "dompurify" + (n ? "#" + n : "");
try {
return t.createPolicy(r, {
createHTML(a) {
return a;
createScriptURL(a) {
return a;
} catch {
return console.warn("TrustedTypes policy " + r + " could not be created."), null;
function Sl() {
let s = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : op();
const t = (K) => Sl(K);
if (t.version = "3.1.6", t.removed = [], !s || !s.document || s.document.nodeType !== gn.document)
return t.isSupported = !1, t;
let {
document: e
} = s;
const n = e, i = n.currentScript, {
DocumentFragment: r,
HTMLTemplateElement: a,
Node: o,
Element: c,
NodeFilter: l,
NamedNodeMap: h = s.NamedNodeMap || s.MozNamedAttrMap,
HTMLFormElement: d,
DOMParser: u,
trustedTypes: p
} = s, f = c.prototype, g = fn(f, "cloneNode"), m = fn(f, "remove"), E = fn(f, "nextSibling"), y = fn(f, "childNodes"), v = fn(f, "parentNode");
if (typeof a == "function") {
const K = e.createElement("template");
K.content && K.content.ownerDocument && (e = K.content.ownerDocument);
let S, b = "";
const {
implementation: O,
createNodeIterator: I,
createDocumentFragment: k,
getElementsByTagName: G
} = e, {
importNode: C
} = n;
let L = {};
t.isSupported = typeof ml == "function" && typeof v == "function" && O && O.createHTMLDocument !== void 0;
const {
} = Wa;
let {
} = Wa, F = null;
const et = rt({}, [...Ha, ...ui, ...hi, ...di, ...Ua]);
let J = null;
const ct = rt({}, [, ...pi, ...Fa, ...Jn]);
let Q = Object.seal(vl(null, {
tagNameCheck: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
value: null
attributeNameCheck: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
value: null
allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: {
writable: !0,
configurable: !1,
enumerable: !0,
value: !1
})), j = null, Z = null, ut = !0, ht = !0, Et = !1, Ut = !0, H = !1, U = !0, W = !1, zt = !1, an = !1, nt = !1, St = !1, ie = !1, te = !0, Tr = !1;
const kl = "user-content-";
let $s = !0, on = !1, Pe = {}, Ne = null;
const Or = rt({}, ["annotation-xml", "audio", "colgroup", "desc", "foreignobject", "head", "iframe", "math", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "plaintext", "script", "style", "svg", "template", "thead", "title", "video", "xmp"]);
let wr = null;
const Lr = rt({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]);
let Vs = null;
const Ar = rt({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "role", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]), $n = "", Vn = "", he = "";
let $e = he, Bs = !1, Gs = null;
const Rl = rt({}, [$n, Vn, he], ci);
let ln = null;
const Il = ["application/xhtml+xml", "text/html"], Dl = "text/html";
let Lt = null, Ve = null;
const Pl = e.createElement("form"), Mr = function(M) {
return M instanceof RegExp || M instanceof Function;
}, Hs = function() {
let M = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
if (!(Ve && Ve === M)) {
if ((!M || typeof M != "object") && (M = {}), M = Me(M), ln = // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
Il.indexOf(M.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) === -1 ? Dl : M.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE, Lt = ln === "application/xhtml+xml" ? ci : ls, F = ne(M, "ALLOWED_TAGS") ? rt({}, M.ALLOWED_TAGS, Lt) : et, J = ne(M, "ALLOWED_ATTR") ? rt({}, M.ALLOWED_ATTR, Lt) : ct, Gs = ne(M, "ALLOWED_NAMESPACES") ? rt({}, M.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, ci) : Rl, Vs = ne(M, "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR") ? rt(
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
) : Ar, wr = ne(M, "ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS") ? rt(
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
// eslint-disable-line indent
) : Lr, Ne = ne(M, "FORBID_CONTENTS") ? rt({}, M.FORBID_CONTENTS, Lt) : Or, j = ne(M, "FORBID_TAGS") ? rt({}, M.FORBID_TAGS, Lt) : {}, Z = ne(M, "FORBID_ATTR") ? rt({}, M.FORBID_ATTR, Lt) : {}, Pe = ne(M, "USE_PROFILES") ? M.USE_PROFILES : !1, ut = M.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== !1, ht = M.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== !1, Et = M.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, Ut = M.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR !== !1, H = M.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, U = M.SAFE_FOR_XML !== !1, W = M.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, nt = M.RETURN_DOM || !1, St = M.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, ie = M.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, an = M.FORCE_BODY || !1, te = M.SANITIZE_DOM !== !1, Tr = M.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1, $s = M.KEEP_CONTENT !== !1, on = M.IN_PLACE || !1, X = M.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || yl, $e = M.NAMESPACE || he, Q = M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}, M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Mr(M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (Q.tagNameCheck = M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Mr(M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (Q.attributeNameCheck = M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && typeof M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements == "boolean" && (Q.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = M.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), H && (ht = !1), St && (nt = !0), Pe && (F = rt({}, Ua), J = [], Pe.html === !0 && (rt(F, Ha), rt(J, za)), Pe.svg === !0 && (rt(F, ui), rt(J, pi), rt(J, Jn)), Pe.svgFilters === !0 && (rt(F, hi), rt(J, pi), rt(J, Jn)), Pe.mathMl === !0 && (rt(F, di), rt(J, Fa), rt(J, Jn))), M.ADD_TAGS && (F === et && (F = Me(F)), rt(F, M.ADD_TAGS, Lt)), M.ADD_ATTR && (J === ct && (J = Me(J)), rt(J, M.ADD_ATTR, Lt)), M.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && rt(Vs, M.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, Lt), M.FORBID_CONTENTS && (Ne === Or && (Ne = Me(Ne)), rt(Ne, M.FORBID_CONTENTS, Lt)), $s && (F["#text"] = !0), W && rt(F, ["html", "head", "body"]), F.table && (rt(F, ["tbody"]), delete j.tbody), M.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) {
if (typeof M.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createHTML != "function")
throw pn('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createHTML" hook.');
if (typeof M.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createScriptURL != "function")
throw pn('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createScriptURL" hook.');
} else
S === void 0 && (S = lp(p, i)), S !== null && typeof b == "string" && (b = S.createHTML(""));
Vt && Vt(M), Ve = M;
}, _r = rt({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]), Cr = rt({}, ["foreignobject", "annotation-xml"]), Nl = rt({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]), kr = rt({}, [...ui, ...hi, ...Kd]), Rr = rt({}, [...di, ...Jd]), $l = function(M) {
let z = v(M);
(!z || !z.tagName) && (z = {
namespaceURI: $e,
tagName: "template"
const q = ls(M.tagName), mt = ls(z.tagName);
return Gs[M.namespaceURI] ? M.namespaceURI === Vn ? z.namespaceURI === he ? q === "svg" : z.namespaceURI === $n ? q === "svg" && (mt === "annotation-xml" || _r[mt]) : !!kr[q] : M.namespaceURI === $n ? z.namespaceURI === he ? q === "math" : z.namespaceURI === Vn ? q === "math" && Cr[mt] : !!Rr[q] : M.namespaceURI === he ? z.namespaceURI === Vn && !Cr[mt] || z.namespaceURI === $n && !_r[mt] ? !1 : !Rr[q] && (Nl[q] || !kr[q]) : !!(ln === "application/xhtml+xml" && Gs[M.namespaceURI]) : !1;
}, re = function(M) {
hn(t.removed, {
element: M
try {
} catch {
}, Bn = function(M, z) {
try {
hn(t.removed, {
attribute: z.getAttributeNode(M),
from: z
} catch {
hn(t.removed, {
attribute: null,
from: z
if (z.removeAttribute(M), M === "is" && !J[M])
if (nt || St)
try {
} catch {
try {
z.setAttribute(M, "");
} catch {
}, Ir = function(M) {
let z = null, q = null;
if (an)
M = " " + M;
else {
const At = Ga(M, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
q = At && At[0];
ln === "application/xhtml+xml" && $e === he && (M = '' + M + "");
const mt = S ? S.createHTML(M) : M;
if ($e === he)
try {
z = new u().parseFromString(mt, ln);
} catch {
if (!z || !z.documentElement) {
z = O.createDocument($e, "template", null);
try {
z.documentElement.innerHTML = Bs ? b : mt;
} catch {
const Ct = z.body || z.documentElement;
return M && q && Ct.insertBefore(e.createTextNode(q), Ct.childNodes[0] || null), $e === he ?, W ? "html" : "body")[0] : W ? z.documentElement : Ct;
}, Dr = function(M) {
M.ownerDocument || M,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
}, Pr = function(M) {
return M instanceof d && (typeof M.nodeName != "string" || typeof M.textContent != "string" || typeof M.removeChild != "function" || !(M.attributes instanceof h) || typeof M.removeAttribute != "function" || typeof M.setAttribute != "function" || typeof M.namespaceURI != "string" || typeof M.insertBefore != "function" || typeof M.hasChildNodes != "function");
}, Nr = function(M) {
return typeof o == "function" && M instanceof o;
}, de = function(M, z, q) {
L[M] && Kn(L[M], (mt) => {, z, q, Ve);
}, $r = function(M) {
let z = null;
if (de("beforeSanitizeElements", M, null), Pr(M))
return re(M), !0;
const q = Lt(M.nodeName);
if (de("uponSanitizeElement", M, {
tagName: q,
allowedTags: F
}), M.hasChildNodes() && !Nr(M.firstElementChild) && Pt(/<[/\w]/g, M.innerHTML) && Pt(/<[/\w]/g, M.textContent) || M.nodeType === gn.progressingInstruction || U && M.nodeType === gn.comment && Pt(/<[/\w]/g,
return re(M), !0;
if (!F[q] || j[q]) {
if (!j[q] && Br(q) && (Q.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Pt(Q.tagNameCheck, q) || Q.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && Q.tagNameCheck(q)))
return !1;
if ($s && !Ne[q]) {
const mt = v(M) || M.parentNode, Ct = y(M) || M.childNodes;
if (Ct && mt) {
const At = Ct.length;
for (let Bt = At - 1; Bt >= 0; --Bt) {
const ae = g(Ct[Bt], !0);
ae.__removalCount = (M.__removalCount || 0) + 1, mt.insertBefore(ae, E(M));
return re(M), !0;
return M instanceof c && !$l(M) || (q === "noscript" || q === "noembed" || q === "noframes") && Pt(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, M.innerHTML) ? (re(M), !0) : (H && M.nodeType === gn.text && (z = M.textContent, Kn([B, D, A], (mt) => {
z = dn(z, mt, " ");
}), M.textContent !== z && (hn(t.removed, {
element: M.cloneNode()
}), M.textContent = z)), de("afterSanitizeElements", M, null), !1);
}, Vr = function(M, z, q) {
if (te && (z === "id" || z === "name") && (q in e || q in Pl))
return !1;
if (!(ht && !Z[z] && Pt(w, z))) {
if (!(ut && Pt(V, z))) {
if (!J[z] || Z[z]) {
if (
// First condition does a very basic check if a) it's basically a valid custom element tagname AND
// b) if the tagName passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
// and c) if the attribute name passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck
!(Br(M) && (Q.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Pt(Q.tagNameCheck, M) || Q.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && Q.tagNameCheck(M)) && (Q.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Pt(Q.attributeNameCheck, z) || Q.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && Q.attributeNameCheck(z)) || // Alternative, second condition checks if it's an `is`-attribute, AND
// the value passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
z === "is" && Q.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (Q.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Pt(Q.tagNameCheck, q) || Q.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && Q.tagNameCheck(q)))
) return !1;
} else if (!Vs[z]) {
if (!Pt(X, dn(q, P, ""))) {
if (!((z === "src" || z === "xlink:href" || z === "href") && M !== "script" && jd(q, "data:") === 0 && wr[M])) {
if (!(Et && !Pt(N, dn(q, P, "")))) {
if (q)
return !1;
return !0;
}, Br = function(M) {
return M !== "annotation-xml" && Ga(M, $);
}, Gr = function(M) {
de("beforeSanitizeAttributes", M, null);
const {
attributes: z
} = M;
if (!z)
const q = {
attrName: "",
attrValue: "",
keepAttr: !0,
allowedAttributes: J
let mt = z.length;
for (; mt--; ) {
const Ct = z[mt], {
name: At,
namespaceURI: Bt,
value: ae
} = Ct, cn = Lt(At);
let Dt = At === "value" ? ae : Yd(ae);
if (q.attrName = cn, q.attrValue = Dt, q.keepAttr = !0, q.forceKeepAttr = void 0, de("uponSanitizeAttribute", M, q), Dt = q.attrValue, U && Pt(/((--!?|])>)|<\/(style|title)/i, Dt)) {
Bn(At, M);
if (q.forceKeepAttr || (Bn(At, M), !q.keepAttr))
if (!Ut && Pt(/\/>/i, Dt)) {
Bn(At, M);
H && Kn([B, D, A], (Ur) => {
Dt = dn(Dt, Ur, " ");
const Hr = Lt(M.nodeName);
if (Vr(Hr, cn, Dt)) {
if (Tr && (cn === "id" || cn === "name") && (Bn(At, M), Dt = kl + Dt), S && typeof p == "object" && typeof p.getAttributeType == "function" && !Bt)
switch (p.getAttributeType(Hr, cn)) {
case "TrustedHTML": {
Dt = S.createHTML(Dt);
case "TrustedScriptURL": {
Dt = S.createScriptURL(Dt);
try {
Bt ? M.setAttributeNS(Bt, At, Dt) : M.setAttribute(At, Dt), Pr(M) ? re(M) : Ba(t.removed);
} catch {
de("afterSanitizeAttributes", M, null);
}, Vl = function K(M) {
let z = null;
const q = Dr(M);
for (de("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", M, null); z = q.nextNode(); )
de("uponSanitizeShadowNode", z, null), !$r(z) && (z.content instanceof r && K(z.content), Gr(z));
de("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", M, null);
return t.sanitize = function(K) {
let M = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, z = null, q = null, mt = null, Ct = null;
if (Bs = !K, Bs && (K = ""), typeof K != "string" && !Nr(K))
if (typeof K.toString == "function") {
if (K = K.toString(), typeof K != "string")
throw pn("dirty is not a string, aborting");
} else
throw pn("toString is not a function");
if (!t.isSupported)
return K;
if (zt || Hs(M), t.removed = [], typeof K == "string" && (on = !1), on) {
if (K.nodeName) {
const ae = Lt(K.nodeName);
if (!F[ae] || j[ae])
throw pn("root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place");
} else if (K instanceof o)
z = Ir(""), q = z.ownerDocument.importNode(K, !0), q.nodeType === gn.element && q.nodeName === "BODY" || q.nodeName === "HTML" ? z = q : z.appendChild(q);
else {
if (!nt && !H && !W && // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
K.indexOf("<") === -1)
return S && ie ? S.createHTML(K) : K;
if (z = Ir(K), !z)
return nt ? null : ie ? b : "";
z && an && re(z.firstChild);
const At = Dr(on ? K : z);
for (; mt = At.nextNode(); )
$r(mt) || (mt.content instanceof r && Vl(mt.content), Gr(mt));
if (on)
return K;
if (nt) {
if (St)
for (Ct =; z.firstChild; )
Ct = z;
return (J.shadowroot || J.shadowrootmode) && (Ct =, Ct, !0)), Ct;
let Bt = W ? z.outerHTML : z.innerHTML;
return W && F["!doctype"] && z.ownerDocument && z.ownerDocument.doctype && && Pt(El, && (Bt = "
` + Bt), H && Kn([B, D, A], (ae) => {
Bt = dn(Bt, ae, " ");
}), S && ie ? S.createHTML(Bt) : Bt;
}, t.setConfig = function() {
let K = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
Hs(K), zt = !0;
}, t.clearConfig = function() {
Ve = null, zt = !1;
}, t.isValidAttribute = function(K, M, z) {
Ve || Hs({});
const q = Lt(K), mt = Lt(M);
return Vr(q, mt, z);
}, t.addHook = function(K, M) {
typeof M == "function" && (L[K] = L[K] || [], hn(L[K], M));
}, t.removeHook = function(K) {
if (L[K])
return Ba(L[K]);
}, t.removeHooks = function(K) {
L[K] && (L[K] = []);
}, t.removeAllHooks = function() {
L = {};
}, t;
var Er = Sl();
const Qn = (s) => Er.sanitize(s, {
html: !0,
svg: !0,
svgFilters: !0
}), cp = (s) => Er.sanitize(s, {
html: !0,
svg: !0,
svgFilters: !0
}), ue = (s) => Er.sanitize(s, { ALLOWED_TAGS: [] }), _s = class _s extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "toolbar", this.renderType = st.HTML;
init() {
const t = () => this.updateOverflowMenu(!1);, () => {
this.renderOverflowMenu(), document.body.addEventListener("click", t);
}),, () => {
document.body.removeEventListener("click", t);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "toolbar"
}).attr("role", "group");
if (T(this.getOptions(), "data", "loading"))
e.html(""), this.overflowMenu = null;
else {
this.overflowMenu || (this.overflowMenu = e.append("div").attr(
"cds--overflow-menu-options cds--overflow-menu--flip cds--overflow-menu-options cds--overflow-menu--flip"
).attr("tabindex", -1).html("
const { buttonList: i, overflowMenuItemList: r } = this.getControlConfigs();
r && i.push(this.getOverflowButtonConfig());
const a = e.selectAll("div.toolbar-control").data(i, (l) =>;
const o = a.enter().append("div").attr("class", "toolbar-control cds--overflow-menu cds--overflow-menu"), c = this;
o.merge(a).classed("disabled", (l) => l.shouldBeDisabled()).attr("role", "button").attr("aria-disabled", (l) => l.shouldBeDisabled()).attr("aria-label", (l) => l.title).html((l) => `
`).each(function(l, h) {
R(this).select("svg").style("pointer-events", "none").style("will-change", "transform").style("width", l.iconSVG.width !== void 0 ? l.iconSVG.width : "20px").style("height", l.iconSVG.height !== void 0 ? l.iconSVG.height : "20px"), R(this).select("button").on("mouseover focus", function(d) {
const u = R(this);
u.classed("hovered", !0),, {
event: d,
hoveredElement: u,
content: l.title,
noWrap: !0,
placements: ["top", "bottom"]
}).on("mouseout blur", function() {;
}).on("click", (d) => {
l.shouldBeDisabled() || c.triggerFunctionAndEvent(l, d, this);
}).on("keydown", (d) => {
d.key && d.key === "Enter" || d.key === " " ? (d.preventDefault(), c.triggerFunctionAndEvent(l, d, this)) : d.key && d.key === "ArrowLeft" ? c.focusOnPreviousEnabledToolbarItem(h) : d.key && d.key === "ArrowRight" && c.focusOnNextEnabledToolbarItem(h);
}), this.overflowButton = this.getComponentContainer().select(
renderOverflowMenu() {
const { overflowMenuItemList: t } = this.getControlConfigs(), e ="ul").selectAll("li.cds--overflow-menu-options__option").data(t, (i) => T(i, "id"));
const n = e.enter().append("li").attr("id", (i) =>`control-${}`)).attr("class", "cds--overflow-menu-options__option cds--overflow-menu-options__option").attr("role", "menuitem").attr("tabindex", 1);
n.append("button").attr("class", "cds--overflow-menu-options__btn cds--overflow-menu-options__btn"), n.merge(e).classed("cds--overflow-menu-options__option--disabled", (i) => i.shouldBeDisabled()).classed("cds--overflow-menu-options__option--disabled", (i) => i.shouldBeDisabled()).attr("aria-disabled", (i) => i.shouldBeDisabled()).selectAll("button").text((i) => i.title);
isOverflowMenuOpen() {
return this.overflowMenu.classed("is-open");
// show/hide overflow menu
updateOverflowMenu(t) {
this.overflowMenu && (this.overflowMenu.classed("is-open", t), this.overflowButton && (this.overflowButton.attr("aria-expanded", t), R(this.overflowButton.node().parentNode).classed("cds--overflow-menu--open", t).classed("cds--overflow-menu--open", t)), t ? :;
// Toolbar controllers
focusOnPreviousEnabledToolbarItem(t) {
const e = this.getToolbarButtonItems();
let n = e.length;
for (let i = t - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!e[i].shouldBeDisabled()) {
n = i;
if (n < e.length) {
const i = R(
"focus" in i && i.focus();
focusOnNextEnabledToolbarItem(t) {
const e = this.getToolbarButtonItems();
let n = -1;
for (let i = t + 1; i < e.length; i++)
if (!e[i].shouldBeDisabled()) {
n = i;
if (n > -1) {
const i = R(
"focus" in i && i.focus();
focusOnPreviousEnabledMenuItem(t) {
const e = this.getOverflowMenuItems();
let n = e.length;
for (let i = t - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!e[i].shouldBeDisabled()) {
n = i;
if (n < e.length) {
const i = R(
)} button`
"focus" in i && i.focus();
focusOnNextEnabledMenuItem(t) {
const e = this.getOverflowMenuItems();
let n = -1;
for (let i = t + 1; i < e.length; i++)
if (!e[i].shouldBeDisabled()) {
n = i;
if (n > -1) {
const i = R(
)} button`
"focus" in i && i.focus();
toggleOverflowMenu(t) {
if (this.isOverflowMenuOpen())
else {
const e = this;
this.getOverflowMenuItems().forEach((i, r) => {
const a = R(
a !== null && (a.on("click", () => {
e.triggerFunctionAndEvent(i, t, a.node()), e.updateOverflowMenu(!1);
}), a.on("keydown", (o) => {
o && o.key === "Enter" ? e.triggerFunctionAndEvent(i, t, a.node()) : o && o.key === "ArrowUp" ? e.focusOnPreviousEnabledMenuItem(r) : o && o.key === "ArrowDown" ? e.focusOnNextEnabledMenuItem(r) : o && o.key === "Escape" && e.updateOverflowMenu(!1), o.preventDefault();
}), e.focusOnNextEnabledMenuItem(-1);
t && t.stopImmediatePropagation();
// Calls passed function && dispatches event
triggerFunctionAndEvent(t, e, n) {
typeof t.shouldBeDisabled == "function" && t.shouldBeDisabled() || (typeof t.clickFunction == "function" && t.clickFunction(e),, {
control: t,
event: e,
element: n
getControlConfigs() {
const t = T(this.getOptions(), "toolbar", "numberOfIcons") - 1, e = T(this.getOptions(), "toolbar", "controls"), n = [], i = [], r = [];
return e.forEach((a) => {
let o = null;
if (a.type === xt.CUSTOM)
T(a, "id") === null && ( = `toolbar-button-${_s.buttonID++}`), T(a, "shouldBeDisabled") === null && (a.shouldBeDisabled = () => !1), o = a;
else {
const c =;
a.type === xt.MAKE_FULLSCREEN && c ? a.type = xt.EXIT_FULLSCREEN : a.type === xt.EXIT_FULLSCREEN && !c && (a.type = xt.MAKE_FULLSCREEN), o = this.getControlConfigByType(a.type);
o && (o.text = a.text ? a.text : a.type,"toolbar-export") !== -1 ? n.push(o) : i.length < t ? T(o, "iconSVG", "content") === null ? r.push(o) : i.push(o) : r.push(o));
}), r.push(...n), r.length ? {
buttonList: i,
overflowMenuItemList: r
} : {
buttonList: i
getToolbarButtonItems() {
const { buttonList: t, overflowMenuItemList: e } = this.getControlConfigs();
return e && t.push(this.getOverflowButtonConfig()), t || [];
getOverflowMenuItems() {
const { overflowMenuItemList: t } = this.getControlConfigs();
return t || [];
// special button config for overflow button
getOverflowButtonConfig() {
const { moreOptions: t } = T(
return {
id: "toolbar-overflow-menu",
title: t,
shouldBeDisabled: () => !1,
iconSVG: {
content: `
clickFunction: (e) => this.toggleOverflowMenu(e)
getControlConfigByType(t) {
const e = && && !, n = this.model.getDisplayData(), i = this.model.getOptions(), {
exportAsCSV: r,
exportAsJPG: a,
exportAsPNG: o,
zoomIn: c,
zoomOut: l,
resetZoom: h,
makeFullScreen: d,
exitFullScreen: u,
showAsTable: p
} = T(i, "locale", "translations", "toolbar");
let f;
switch (t) {
case xt.ZOOM_IN:
e && (f = {
id: "toolbar-zoomIn",
title: c,
shouldBeDisabled: () =>,
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
clickFunction: () =>
case xt.ZOOM_OUT:
e && (f = {
id: "toolbar-zoomOut",
title: l,
shouldBeDisabled: () =>,
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
clickFunction: () =>
case xt.RESET_ZOOM:
e && (f = {
id: "toolbar-resetZoom",
title: h,
shouldBeDisabled: () =>,
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
clickFunction: () =>
f = {
id: "toolbar-makefullscreen",
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t),
width: "15px",
height: "15px"
title: d,
shouldBeDisabled: () => !1,
clickFunction: () => {;
f = {
id: "toolbar-exitfullscreen",
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t),
width: "15px",
height: "15px"
title: u,
shouldBeDisabled: () => !1,
clickFunction: () => {;
f = {
id: "toolbar-showasdatatable",
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
title: p,
shouldBeDisabled: () => n.length === 0,
clickFunction: () =>
case xt.EXPORT_CSV:
f = {
id: "toolbar-export-CSV",
title: r,
shouldBeDisabled: () => !1,
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
clickFunction: () => this.model.exportToCSV()
case xt.EXPORT_PNG:
f = {
id: "toolbar-export-PNG",
title: o,
shouldBeDisabled: () => !1,
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
clickFunction: () =>
case xt.EXPORT_JPG:
f = {
id: "toolbar-export-JPG",
title: a,
shouldBeDisabled: () => !1,
iconSVG: {
content: this.getControlIconByType(t)
clickFunction: () =>
throw Error("Not supported toolbar control type: " + t);
return f;
getControlIconByType(t) {
switch (t) {
case xt.ZOOM_IN:
return `
case xt.ZOOM_OUT:
return `
case xt.RESET_ZOOM:
return ' ';
return ' ';
return ' ';
return ' ';
case xt.EXPORT_CSV:
return ' ';
case xt.EXPORT_JPG:
return ' ';
case xt.EXPORT_PNG:
return ' ';
throw Error("Not supported toolbar control type: " + t);
_s.buttonID = 0;
let Xa = _s;
const Cs = class Cs extends ot {
constructor(t, e, n, i) {
super(t, e, i), this.type = "layout", this.configs = i, this.children = n, this._instanceID = Cs.instanceID++, this.init();
init() {
this.children.forEach((t) => {
t.components.forEach((e) => {
getPreferedAndFixedSizeSum() {
const t = this.parent;
let e = 0;
return t.selectAll(`div.layout-child-${this._instanceID}`).filter((n) => {
const i = T(n, "growth");
return i === Se.PREFERRED || i === Se.FIXED;
}).each(function(n) {
e += n.size;
}), e;
getNumOfStretchChildren() {
return this.parent.selectAll(`div.layout-child-${this._instanceID}`).filter((e) => T(e, "growth") === Se.STRETCH).size();
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.model.getOptions(), n = this.parent, { width: i, height: r } = _.getHTMLElementSize(n.node()), a = this.configs.direction === Be.ROW || this.configs.direction === Be.ROW_REVERSE, o = T(this.model.getOptions(), "style", "prefix"), c = n.classed(
this.configs.direction === Be.ROW
this.configs.direction === Be.ROW_REVERSE
this.configs.direction === Be.COLUMN
this.configs.direction === Be.COLUMN_REVERSE
this.configs.alignItems === tc.CENTER
).selectAll(`div.layout-child-${this._instanceID}`).data(this.children, (d) =>;
c.enter().append("div").merge(n.selectAll(`div.layout-child-${this._instanceID}`)).attr("class", (d) => `layout-child layout-child-${this._instanceID} ${}`).each(function(d) {
d.components.forEach((u) => {
var E;
const p = R(this), g = T(d, "renderType") === st.SVG;
g ? _.appendOrSelect(p, "svg.layout-svg-wrapper").attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%") : p
), g && !"svg.layout-svg-wrapper").attr("aria-label") &&"svg.layout-svg-wrapper").attr("aria-label", ((E = e == null ? void 0 : e.accessibility) == null ? void 0 : E.svgAriaLabel) || (e == null ? void 0 : e.title));
const m = T(d, "growth");
(m === Se.PREFERRED || m === Se.FIXED) && u.render(t);
}), n.selectAll(`div.layout-child-${this._instanceID}`).style("height", null).style("width", null).each(function(d) {
const u = T(d, "growth"), f = T(d, "renderType") === st.SVG ? _.getSVGElementSize(R(this).select("svg.layout-svg-wrapper"), {
useBBox: !0
}) : _.getHTMLElementSize(this);
if (u === Se.PREFERRED) {
const g = a ? f.width : f.height, m = a ? i : r;
d.size = g / m * 100;
}), c.exit().remove(), this.children.filter((d) => T(d, "growth") === Se.STRETCH).forEach((d) => {
d.size = (100 - +this.getPreferedAndFixedSizeSum()) / +this.getNumOfStretchChildren();
const h = n.selectAll(`div.layout-child-${this._instanceID}`).data(this.children, (d) =>;
a ?"width", (d) => `${d.size / 100 * i}px`).style("height", "100%") :"height", (d) => `${d.size / 100 * r}px`).style("width", "100%"), h.each(function(d) {
d.components.forEach((u) => {
T(d, "growth") === Se.STRETCH && u.render(t);
// Pass on model to children as well
setModel(t) {
super.setModel(t), this.children.forEach((e) => {
e.components.forEach((n) => n.setModel(t));
// Pass on essentials to children as well
setServices(t) {
super.setServices(t), this.children.forEach((e) => {
e.components.forEach((n) => n.setServices(t));
destroy() {
this.children.forEach((t) => {
t.components.forEach((e) => e.destroy());
Cs.instanceID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999);
let ja = Cs;
class h0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "spacer";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
isPresentational: !0
}).style("width", `${this.configs.size || Fr.default.size}px`).style("height", `${this.configs.size || Fr.default.size}px`).attr("opacity", 0);
var up = {
prefix: "bx",
selectorTabbable: `
a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]):not([tabindex='-1']),
iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex]:not([tabindex='-1']), *[contenteditable=true]
selectorFocusable: `
a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]),
iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable=true]
}, fi = up;
function hp(s, t, e) {
return Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function dp(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function pp(s) {
return vp(s) || mp(s) || gp(s) || fp();
function fp() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function gp(s, t) {
if (s) {
if (typeof s == "string") return Fi(s, t);
var e =, -1);
if (e === "Object" && s.constructor && (e =, e === "Map" || e === "Set") return Array.from(s);
if (e === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(e)) return Fi(s, t);
function mp(s) {
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && s[Symbol.iterator] != null || s["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(s);
function vp(s) {
if (Array.isArray(s)) return Fi(s);
function Fi(s, t) {
(t == null || t > s.length) && (t = s.length);
for (var e = 0, n = new Array(t); e < t; e++)
n[e] = s[e];
return n;
function xl(s) {
return s.reduce(function(t, e) {
return Array.isArray(e) ? t.push.apply(t, pp(xl(e))) : t.push(e), t;
}, []);
function yp() {
for (var s = arguments.length, t = new Array(s), e = 0; e < s; e++)
t[e] = arguments[e];
return xl(t).reduce(function(n, i) {
return i(n);
}, /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function n() {
dp(this, n);
return hp(n);
function Wi(s) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return Wi = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, Wi(s);
function Ep(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function Ya(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, n.key, n);
function Sp(s, t, e) {
return t && Ya(s.prototype, t), e && Ya(s, e), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function xp(s, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
s.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: s,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), t && Xi(s, t);
function Xi(s, t) {
return Xi = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, i) {
return n.__proto__ = i, n;
}, Xi(s, t);
function bp(s) {
var t = Op();
return function() {
var n = Ts(s), i;
if (t) {
var r = Ts(this).constructor;
i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, r);
} else
i = n.apply(this, arguments);
return Tp(this, i);
function Tp(s, t) {
if (t && (Wi(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function"))
return t;
if (t !== void 0)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return bl(s);
function bl(s) {
if (s === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return s;
function Op() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function") return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function Ts(s) {
return Ts = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
}, Ts(s);
function wp(s) {
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) {
xp(i, e);
var n = bp(i);
function i(r) {
var a, o = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
if (Ep(this, i), a =, r, o), a.children = [], !r || r.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
throw new TypeError("DOM element should be given to initialize this widget.");
return a.element = r, a.options = Object.assign(Object.create(a.constructor.options), o), a.constructor.components.set(a.element, bl(a)), a;
return Sp(i, [{
key: "release",
value: (
* Releases this component's instance from the associated element.
function() {
for (var a = this.children.pop(); a; a = this.children.pop())
return this.constructor.components.delete(this.element), null;
}], [{
key: "create",
value: function(a, o) {
return this.components.get(a) || new this(a, o);
}]), i;
return t;
function ji(s) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return ji = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, ji(s);
function Lp(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function Ap(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, n.key, n);
function Mp(s, t, e) {
return t && Ap(s.prototype, t), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function cs() {
return typeof Reflect < "u" && Reflect.get ? cs = Reflect.get : cs = function(t, e, n) {
var i = _p(t, e);
if (i) {
var r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, e);
return r.get ? < 3 ? t : n) : r.value;
}, cs.apply(this, arguments);
function _p(s, t) {
for (; !, t) && (s = rn(s), s !== null); )
return s;
function Cp(s, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
s.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: s,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), t && Yi(s, t);
function Yi(s, t) {
return Yi = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, i) {
return n.__proto__ = i, n;
}, Yi(s, t);
function kp(s) {
var t = Dp();
return function() {
var n = rn(s), i;
if (t) {
var r = rn(this).constructor;
i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, r);
} else
i = n.apply(this, arguments);
return Rp(this, i);
function Rp(s, t) {
if (t && (ji(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function"))
return t;
if (t !== void 0)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return Ip(s);
function Ip(s) {
if (s === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return s;
function Dp() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function") return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function rn(s) {
return rn = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
}, rn(s);
function Pp(s) {
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) {
Cp(i, e);
var n = kp(i);
function i() {
var r;
Lp(this, i);
for (var a = arguments.length, o = new Array(a), c = 0; c < a; c++)
o[c] = arguments[c];
return r =, [this].concat(o)), r.handles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), r;
return Mp(i, [{
key: "manage",
value: (
* Manages the given handle.
* @param {Handle} handle The handle to manage.
* @returns {Handle} The given handle.
function(a) {
return this.handles.add(a), a;
* Stop managing the given handle.
* @param {Handle} handle The handle to stop managing.
* @returns {Handle} The given handle.
}, {
key: "unmanage",
value: function(a) {
return this.handles.delete(a), a;
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
var a = this;
return this.handles.forEach(function(o) {
o.release(), a.handles.delete(o);
}), cs(rn(i.prototype), "release", this).call(this);
}]), i;
return t;
function On(s) {
for (var t = arguments.length, e = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), n = 1; n < t; n++)
e[n - 1] = arguments[n];
return s.addEventListener.apply(s, e), {
release: function() {
return s.removeEventListener.apply(s, e), null;
function qi(s) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return qi = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, qi(s);
function Np(s) {
return Gp(s) || Bp(s) || Vp(s) || $p();
function $p() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function Vp(s, t) {
if (s) {
if (typeof s == "string") return Zi(s, t);
var e =, -1);
if (e === "Object" && s.constructor && (e =, e === "Map" || e === "Set") return Array.from(s);
if (e === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(e)) return Zi(s, t);
function Bp(s) {
if (typeof Symbol < "u" && s[Symbol.iterator] != null || s["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(s);
function Gp(s) {
if (Array.isArray(s)) return Zi(s);
function Zi(s, t) {
(t == null || t > s.length) && (t = s.length);
for (var e = 0, n = new Array(t); e < t; e++)
n[e] = s[e];
return n;
function Hp(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function Up(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, n.key, n);
function zp(s, t, e) {
return t && Up(s.prototype, t), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function Fp(s, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
s.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: s,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), t && Ki(s, t);
function Ki(s, t) {
return Ki = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, i) {
return n.__proto__ = i, n;
}, Ki(s, t);
function Wp(s) {
var t = Yp();
return function() {
var n = Os(s), i;
if (t) {
var r = Os(this).constructor;
i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, r);
} else
i = n.apply(this, arguments);
return Xp(this, i);
function Xp(s, t) {
if (t && (qi(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function"))
return t;
if (t !== void 0)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return jp(s);
function jp(s) {
if (s === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return s;
function Yp() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function") return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function Os(s) {
return Os = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
}, Os(s);
function qp(s) {
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) {
Fp(i, e);
var n = Wp(i);
function i() {
return Hp(this, i), n.apply(this, arguments);
return zp(i, [{
key: "_changeState",
value: (
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/check-param-names */
* The internal implementation for {@link EventedState#changeState `.changeState()`}, performing actual change in state.
* @param {string} [state] The new state. Can be an omitted, which means toggling.
* @param {object} [detail]
* The object that should be put to event details that is fired before/after changing state.
* Can have a `group` property, which specifies what state to be changed.
* @param {EventedState~changeStateCallback} callback The callback called once changing state is finished or is canceled.
* @private
function() {
throw new Error("_changeState() should be overridden to perform actual change in state.");
* Changes the state of this component.
* @param {string} [state] The new state. Can be an omitted, which means toggling.
* @param {object} [detail]
* The object that should be put to event details that is fired before/after changing state.
* Can have a `group` property, which specifies what state to be changed.
* @param {EventedState~changeStateCallback} [callback] The callback called once changing state is finished or is canceled.
}, {
key: "changeState",
value: function() {
for (var a = this, o = arguments.length, c = new Array(o), l = 0; l < o; l++)
c[l] = arguments[l];
var h = typeof c[0] == "string" ? c.shift() : void 0, d = Object(c[0]) === c[0] && typeof c[0] != "function" ? c.shift() : void 0, u = typeof c[0] == "function" ? c.shift() : void 0;
if (typeof this.shouldStateBeChanged == "function" && !this.shouldStateBeChanged(h, d)) {
u && u(null, !0);
var p = {
group: d &&,
state: h
}, f = [, h].filter(Boolean).join("-").split("-").map(function(S) {
return S[0].toUpperCase() + S.substr(1);
}).join(""), g = new CustomEvent(this.options["eventBefore".concat(f)], {
bubbles: !0,
cancelable: !0,
detail: d
}), m = d && d.delegatorNode || this.element, E = !m.dispatchEvent(g);
if (E) {
if (u) {
var y = new Error("Changing state (".concat(JSON.stringify(p), ") has been canceled."));
y.canceled = !0, u(y);
} else {
var v = [h, d].filter(Boolean);
this._changeState.apply(this, Np(v).concat([function() {
m.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(a.options["eventAfter".concat(f)], {
bubbles: !0,
cancelable: !0,
detail: d
})), u && u();
/* eslint-enable jsdoc/check-param-names */
* Tests if change in state should happen or not.
* Classes inheriting {@link EventedState `EventedState`} should override this function.
* @function EventedState#shouldStateBeChanged
* @param {string} [state] The new state. Can be an omitted, which means toggling.
* @param {object} [detail]
* The object that should be put to event details that is fired before/after changing state.
* Can have a `group` property, which specifies what state to be changed.
* @returns {boolean}
* `false` if change in state shouldn't happen, e.g. when the given new state is the same as the current one.
}]), i;
return t;
function Ji(s, t) {
var e =, n = s.currentTarget;
if (typeof e.matches == "function") {
if (e.matches(t))
return e;
if (e.matches("".concat(t, " *"))) {
var i = e.closest(t);
if ((n.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? n.documentElement : n).contains(i))
return i;
function qa(s) {
if (!s || typeof s == "function")
return {
launchingElement: null,
launchingEvent: null
var t = s.delegateTarget || s.currentTarget || s, e = s.currentTarget && s;
if (t && !t.nodeType)
throw new TypeError("DOM Node should be given for launching element.");
if (e && !e.type)
throw new TypeError("DOM event should be given for launching event.");
return {
launchingElement: t,
launchingEvent: e
function Qi(s) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return Qi = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, Qi(s);
function Zp(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function Kp(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, n.key, n);
function Jp(s, t, e) {
return t && Kp(s.prototype, t), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function Qp(s, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
s.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: s,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), t && tr(s, t);
function tr(s, t) {
return tr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, i) {
return n.__proto__ = i, n;
}, tr(s, t);
function tf(s) {
var t = sf();
return function() {
var n = ws(s), i;
if (t) {
var r = ws(this).constructor;
i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, r);
} else
i = n.apply(this, arguments);
return ef(this, i);
function ef(s, t) {
if (t && (Qi(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function"))
return t;
if (t !== void 0)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return nf(s);
function nf(s) {
if (s === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return s;
function sf() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function") return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function ws(s) {
return ws = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
}, ws(s);
function rf(s) {
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) {
Qp(i, e);
var n = tf(i);
function i() {
return Zp(this, i), n.apply(this, arguments);
return Jp(i, [{
key: "show",
value: (
* Switch to 'shown' state.
* @param [evtOrElem] The launching event or element.
* @param {EventedState~changeStateCallback} [callback] The callback.
function(a, o) {
(!a || typeof a == "function") && (o = a), this.changeState("shown", qa(a), o);
* Switch to 'hidden' state.
* @param [evtOrElem] The launching event or element.
* @param {EventedState~changeStateCallback} [callback] The callback.
}, {
key: "hide",
value: function(a, o) {
(!a || typeof a == "function") && (o = a), this.changeState("hidden", qa(a), o);
}]), i;
return t;
var af = [qp, rf];
function Tl(s) {
return s && s.__esModule &&, "default") ? s.default : s;
function of(s) {
if (s.__esModule) return s;
var t = s.default;
if (typeof t == "function") {
var e = function n() {
return this instanceof n ? Reflect.construct(t, arguments, this.constructor) : t.apply(this, arguments);
e.prototype = t.prototype;
} else e = {};
return Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.keys(s).forEach(function(n) {
var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, n);
Object.defineProperty(e, n, i.get ? i : {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return s[n];
}), e;
var Ol = function() {
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Ol = function(s, t, e) {
var n = arguments.length;
e = new Array(n > 2 ? n - 2 : 0);
for (var i = 2; i < n; i++)
e[i - 2] = arguments[i];
if (t === void 0)
throw new Error(
"`warning(condition, format, ...args)` requires a warning message argument"
if (t.length < 10 || /^[s\W]*$/.test(t))
throw new Error(
"The warning format should be able to uniquely identify this warning. Please, use a more descriptive format than: " + t
if (!s) {
var r = 0, a = "Warning: " + t.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return e[r++];
typeof console < "u" && console.error(a);
try {
throw new Error(a);
} catch {
var lf = Ol;
const cf = /* @__PURE__ */ Tl(lf);
function er(s) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return er = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, er(s);
function uf(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function hf(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, n.key, n);
function df(s, t, e) {
return e && hf(s, e), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function pf(s, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
s.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: s,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), t && nr(s, t);
function nr(s, t) {
return nr = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, i) {
return n.__proto__ = i, n;
}, nr(s, t);
function ff(s) {
var t = vf();
return function() {
var n = Ls(s), i;
if (t) {
var r = Ls(this).constructor;
i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, r);
} else
i = n.apply(this, arguments);
return gf(this, i);
function gf(s, t) {
if (t && (er(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function"))
return t;
if (t !== void 0)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return mf(s);
function mf(s) {
if (s === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return s;
function vf() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function") return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function Ls(s) {
return Ls = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
}, Ls(s);
function yf(s) {
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) {
pf(i, e);
var n = ff(i);
function i() {
return uf(this, i), n.apply(this, arguments);
return df(i, null, [{
key: "init",
value: (
* `true` suggests that this component is lazily initialized upon an action/event, etc.
* @type {boolean}
* Instantiates this component in the given element.
* If the given element indicates that it's an component of this class, instantiates it.
* Otherwise, instantiates this component by clicking on launcher buttons
* (buttons with attribute that `options.attribInitTarget` points to) of this component in the given node.
* @param {Node} target The DOM node to instantiate this component in. Should be a document or an element.
* @param {object} [options] The component options.
* @param {string} [options.selectorInit] The CSS selector to find this component.
* @param {string} [options.attribInitTarget] The attribute name in the launcher buttons to find target component.
* @returns {Handle} The handle to remove the event listener to handle clicking.
function() {
var a = this, o = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : document, c = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, l = Object.assign(Object.create(this.options), c);
if (!o || o.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE && o.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
throw new TypeError("DOM document or DOM element should be given to search for and initialize this widget.");
if (o.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && o.matches(l.selectorInit))
this.create(o, c);
else {
var h = {
return On(o, d, function(u) {
var p = Ji(u, "[".concat(l.attribInitTarget, "]"));
if (p) {
u.delegateTarget = p;
var f = p.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll(p.getAttribute(l.attribInitTarget));
if (f.length > 1)
throw new Error("Target widget must be unique.");
if (f.length === 1) {
p.tagName === "A" && u.preventDefault();
var g = a.create(f[0], c);
typeof g.createdByLauncher == "function" && g.createdByLauncher(u);
return {
release: function() {
for (var u = h.pop(); u; u = h.pop())
return "";
}]), i.forLazyInit = !0, i;
return t;
function sr(s) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return sr = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, sr(s);
function Ef(s, t) {
if (!(s instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function Za(s, t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, n.key, n);
function Sf(s, t, e) {
return t && Za(s.prototype, t), e && Za(s, e), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), s;
function xf(s, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
s.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: s,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(s, "prototype", {
writable: !1
}), t && ir(s, t);
function ir(s, t) {
return ir = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, i) {
return n.__proto__ = i, n;
}, ir(s, t);
function bf(s) {
var t = wf();
return function() {
var n = As(s), i;
if (t) {
var r = As(this).constructor;
i = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, r);
} else
i = n.apply(this, arguments);
return Tf(this, i);
function Tf(s, t) {
if (t && (sr(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function"))
return t;
if (t !== void 0)
throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined");
return Of(s);
function Of(s) {
if (s === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return s;
function wf() {
if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function") return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch {
return !1;
function As(s) {
return As = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
}, As(s);
var Lf = /* @__PURE__ */ function(s) {
xf(e, s);
var t = bf(e);
function e(n, i) {
var r;
return Ef(this, e), r =, n, i), r._handleFocusinListener = void 0, r._handleKeydownListener = void 0, r._handleFocusin = function(a) {
var o = r.element.querySelector(r.options.selectorModalContainer) || r.element;
r.element.classList.contains(r.options.classVisible) && !o.contains( && r.options.selectorsFloatingMenus.every(function(c) {
return !Ji(a, c);
}) && r.element.querySelector(fi.selectorTabbable).focus();
}, r._hookCloseActions(), r;
return Sf(e, [{
key: "createdByLauncher",
value: (
* A method that runs when `.init()` is called from `initComponentByLauncher`.
* @param {Event} evt The event fired on the launcher button.
function(i) {;
* Determines whether or not to emit events and callback function when `.changeState()` is called from `eventedState`.
* @param {string} state The new state.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the given `state` is different from current state.
}, {
key: "shouldStateBeChanged",
value: function(i) {
return i === "shown" ? !this.element.classList.contains(this.options.classVisible) : this.element.classList.contains(this.options.classVisible);
* Changes the shown/hidden state.
* @private
* @param {string} state The new state.
* @param {object} detail The detail data to be included in the event that will be fired.
* @param {Function} callback Callback called when change in state completes.
}, {
key: "_changeState",
value: function(i, r, a) {
var o = this, c, l = function() {
if (c && (c = o.unmanage(c).release()), i === "shown" && o.element.offsetWidth > 0 && o.element.offsetHeight > 0) {
o.previouslyFocusedNode = o.element.ownerDocument.activeElement;
var p = o.element.querySelector(o.options.selectorPrimaryFocus) || o.element.querySelector(fi.selectorTabbable);
p.focus(), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && cf(p, "Modals need to contain a focusable element by either using " + "`".concat(o.options.selectorPrimaryFocus, "` or settings.selectorTabbable."));
if (this._handleFocusinListener && (this._handleFocusinListener = this.unmanage(this._handleFocusinListener).release()), i === "shown") {
var h = "onfocusin" in this.element.ownerDocument.defaultView, d = h ? "focusin" : "focus";
this._handleFocusinListener = this.manage(On(this.element.ownerDocument, d, this._handleFocusin, !h));
i === "hidden" ? (this.element.classList.toggle(this.options.classVisible, !1), this.element.ownerDocument.body.classList.toggle(this.options.classBody, !1), (this.options.selectorFocusOnClose || this.previouslyFocusedNode) && (this.element.ownerDocument.querySelector(this.options.selectorFocusOnClose) || this.previouslyFocusedNode).focus()) : i === "shown" && (this.element.classList.toggle(this.options.classVisible, !0), this.element.ownerDocument.body.classList.toggle(this.options.classBody, !0)), c = this.manage(On(this.element, "transitionend", l));
}, {
key: "_hookCloseActions",
value: function() {
var i = this;
this.manage(On(this.element, "click", function(r) {
var a = Ji(r, i.options.selectorModalClose);
a && (r.delegateTarget = a), (a || === i.element) && i.hide(r);
})), this._handleKeydownListener && (this._handleKeydownListener = this.unmanage(this._handleKeydownListener).release()), this._handleKeydownListener = this.manage(On(this.element.ownerDocument.body, "keydown", function(r) {
r.which === 27 && i.shouldStateBeChanged("hidden") && (r.stopPropagation(), i.hide(r));
* Handles `focusin` (or `focus` depending on browser support of `focusin`) event to do wrap-focus behavior.
* @param {Event} evt The event.
* @private
}], [{
key: "options",
get: (
* The component options.
* If `options` is specified in the constructor, {@linkcode Modal.create .create()}, or {@linkcode Modal.init .init()},
* properties in this object are overridden for the instance being create and how {@linkcode Modal.init .init()} works.
* @member Modal.options
* @type {object}
* @property {string} selectorInit The CSS class to find modal dialogs.
* @property {string} [selectorModalClose] The selector to find elements that close the modal.
* @property {string} [selectorPrimaryFocus] The CSS selector to determine the element to put focus when modal gets open.
* @property {string} [selectorFocusOnClose] The CSS selector to determine the element to put focus when modal closes.
* If undefined, focus returns to the previously focused element prior to the modal opening.
* @property {string} [selectorModalContainer] The CSS selector for the content container of the modal for focus wrap feature.
* @property {string} attribInitTarget The attribute name in the launcher buttons to find target modal dialogs.
* @property {string[]} [selectorsFloatingMenu]
* The CSS selectors of floating menus.
* Used for detecting if focus-wrap behavior should be disabled temporarily.
* @property {string} [classVisible] The CSS class for the visible state.
* @property {string} [classBody] The CSS class for `` with open modal.
* @property {string} [classNoScroll] The CSS class for hiding scroll bar in body element while modal is shown.
* @property {string} [eventBeforeShown]
* The name of the custom event fired before this modal is shown.
* Cancellation of this event stops showing the modal.
* @property {string} [eventAfterShown]
* The name of the custom event telling that modal is sure shown
* without being canceled by the event handler named by `eventBeforeShown` option (`modal-beingshown`).
* @property {string} [eventBeforeHidden]
* The name of the custom event fired before this modal is hidden.
* Cancellation of this event stops hiding the modal.
* @property {string} [eventAfterHidden]
* The name of the custom event telling that modal is sure hidden
* without being canceled by the event handler named by `eventBeforeHidden` option (`modal-beinghidden`).
function() {
var i = fi.prefix;
return {
selectorInit: "[data-modal]",
selectorModalClose: "[data-modal-close]",
selectorPrimaryFocus: "[data-modal-primary-focus]",
selectorsFloatingMenus: [".".concat(i, "--overflow-menu-options"), ".".concat(i, "--tooltip"), ".flatpickr-calendar"],
selectorModalContainer: ".".concat(i, "--modal-container"),
classVisible: "is-visible",
classBody: "".concat(i, "--body--with-modal-open"),
attribInitTarget: "data-modal-target",
initEventNames: ["click"],
eventBeforeShown: "modal-beingshown",
eventAfterShown: "modal-shown",
eventBeforeHidden: "modal-beinghidden",
eventAfterHidden: "modal-hidden"
}]), e.components = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), e;
}(yp(wp, yf, af, Pp));
class d0 extends ot {
constructor(t, e, n) {
super(t, e, n), this.type = "modal", this.isEventListenerAdded = !1, this.handleShowModal = () => {
const i =;
this.modal.attr("data-modal", !0).attr("class", "cds--modal").attr("role", "dialog").attr("aria-modal", !0).attr("aria-labelledby", `${i}__modal-title`).attr("aria-describedby", `${i}__modal-description`).attr("tabindex", -1), this.modal.html(this.getModalHTML()),"div.cds--modal-footer button.cds--btn").on("click", () => this.model.exportToCSV()), Lf.create(this.modal.node()).show(), document.addEventListener("modal-hidden", this.handleHideModal);
}, this.handleHideModal = () => {
this.modal.attr("role", null).attr("aria-modal", null).attr("aria-labelledby", null).attr("aria-describedby", null).attr("tabindex", null), document.removeEventListener("modal-hidden", this.handleHideModal);
}, this.init();
addEventListeners() {, this.handleShowModal);
removeEventListeners() {, this.handleShowModal);
getModalHTML() {
const t =, e = this.model.getOptions(), { title: n, downloadAsCSV: i } = T(e, "locale", "translations", "tabularRep"), r = T(e, "style", "prefix"), a = this.model.getTabularDataArray();
return `
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = this.model.getOptions();
if (!this.isEventListenerAdded) {
const n = R(, i = T(e, "style", "prefix");
this.modal = _.appendOrSelect(n, `div.${qt}--${i}--modal`), this.addEventListeners(), this.isEventListenerAdded = !0;
destroy() {
this.removeEventListeners(), this.isEventListenerAdded = !1;
class Af extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "title", this.renderType = st.HTML;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer(), n = T(this.getOptions(), "title"), i = e.selectAll("p.title").data([n]);
if (i.enter().append("p").classed("title", !0).attr("role", "heading").attr("aria-level", 2).merge(i).html((r) => ue(r)), i.node() && i.node().offsetWidth < i.node().scrollWidth) {
const r = this;
i.on("mouseover", function(a) {, {
event: a,
hoveredElement: i,
content: i.text()
}).on("mousemove", function(a) {, {
event: a
}).on("mouseout", function() {;
* Truncates title creating ellipses and attaching tooltip for exposing full title.
truncateTitle(t, e) {
if (e <= 0)
const n = t.text();
if (t.node().getComputedTextLength() > e) {
const i = _.appendOrSelect(t, "tspan").node().getComputedTextLength(), r = t.text(), a = this.getSubstringIndex(
r.length - 1,
e - i
t.html(r.substring(0, a - 1)).append("tspan").text("...");
const o = this;
t.on("mouseover", function(c) {, {
event: c,
hoveredElement: t,
content: n
}).on("mousemove", function(c) {, {
event: c
}).on("mouseout", function() {;
// computes the maximum space a title can take
getMaxTitleWidth() {
return _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent.node(), {
useAttrs: !0
* Returns the index for a maximum length substring that is less than the width parameter.
* @param title the title node used for getting the text lengths of substrings
* @param start the start index for the binary search
* @param end the end index for the binary search
* @param width the width of the svg container that holds the title
getSubstringIndex(t, e, n, i) {
const r = Math.floor((n + e) / 2);
return t.getSubStringLength(0, r) > i ? this.getSubstringIndex(t, e, r, i) : t.getSubStringLength(0, r) < i ? t.getSubStringLength(0, r + 1) > i ? r : this.getSubstringIndex(t, r, n, i) : r;
class Mf extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "legend", this.renderType = st.HTML;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = this.getOptions(), n = T(e, "legend"), i = T(n, "alignment"), r = T(e, "legend", "orientation");
let a = this.model.getDataGroups();
const { DISABLED: o } = wt.items.status, c = a.some((y) => y.status === o), l = T(n, "order"), h = this.getComponentContainer().classed("center-aligned", i === Jt.CENTER).classed("right-aligned", i === Jt.RIGHT).classed(r, !0).classed("has-deactivated-items", c).attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("aria-label", "Data groups").attr("data-name", "legend-items");
l && (a = this.sortDataGroups(a, l));
const d = h.selectAll("div.legend-item").data(a, (y) =>, u = d.enter().append("div").attr("class", "legend-item");
u.merge(h.selectAll("div.legend-item")).classed("active", function(y) {
return y.status === wt.items.status.ACTIVE;
const p = T(this.getOptions(), "legend", "clickable");
h.classed("clickable", p && a.length > 1);
const f = wt.checkbox.radius, g = u.append("div").classed("checkbox", !0), m = g.merge("div.checkbox")).attr("role", it.CHECKBOX).attr("tabindex", p ? 0 : -1).attr(
(y, v) =>`legend-datagroup-${v}-title`)
).attr("aria-checked", ({ status: y }) => y === wt.items.status.ACTIVE).attr("width", f * 2).attr("height", f * 2).attr(
(y) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.BACKGROUND],
originalClassName: "checkbox"
(y) => y.status === wt.items.status.ACTIVE ? this.model.getFillColor( || this.model.getStrokeColor( : null
).classed("active", function(y) {
return y.status === wt.items.status.ACTIVE;
g.append("svg").attr("focusable", !1).attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet").attr("xmlns", "").attr("width", "11").attr("height", "11").attr("viewBox", "0 0 31 28").attr("aria-hidden", !0).style("will-change", "transform").append("path").attr("d", "M13 21.2l-7.1-7.1-1.4 1.4 7.1 7.1L13 24 27.1 9.9l-1.4-1.5z"), u.append("p").merge("p"));
const E = T(e, "legend", "additionalItems");
if (E && a.length) {
const y = this, v = h.selectAll("div.additional-item").data(E);
const S = v.enter().append("div").merge(v).classed("legend-item", !0).classed("additional", !0).attr(
(I, k) =>
`legend-datagroup-${m.size() + k}-title`
let b, O = 1;
S.append("svg").classed("icon", !0).each(function(I) {
const k = R(this);
!b || b != I.type ? (b = I.type, O = 1) : O++, y.addAdditionalItem(k, I, O);
}), S.append("p").merge("p")), this.truncateLegendText();
d.exit().on("mouseover", null).on("click", null).on("mouseout", null).remove(), p && u.size() > 1 && this.addEventListeners();
sortDataGroups(t, e) {
if (t.sort(
(n, i) => e.indexOf( - e.indexOf(
), e.length < t.length) {
const n = t.length - e.length;
return t.slice(n).concat(t.slice(0, n));
return t;
addAdditionalItem(t, e, n) {
const { width: i, height: r } = wt.area;
if (e.type === Oe.RADIUS ?"width", `${r}px`).style("height", `${r}px`) :"width", `${i}px`).style("height", `${r}px`), e.type === Oe.RADIUS) {
const { iconData: a, fill: o, stroke: c } = wt.radius;
t.attr("fill", "none").selectAll("circle").data(a).enter().append("circle").classed("radius", !0).attr("role", it.IMG).attr("aria-label", "radius").attr("cx", (h) =>"cy", (h) =>"r", (h) => h.r).style("fill", e.fill ? e.fill : o).style("stroke", e.stroke ? e.stroke : c);
} else if (e.type === Oe.LINE) {
const a = wt.line;"line.line").empty() && t.append("line").classed(`line-${n}`, !0).attr("role", it.IMG).attr("aria-label", "line").attr("x1", 0).attr("y1", a.yPosition).attr("x2", i).attr("y2", a.yPosition).style("stroke", e.stroke ? e.stroke : a.stroke).style("stroke-width", a.strokeWidth);
} else if (e.type === Oe.AREA)"rect.area").empty() && t.append("rect").classed(`area-${n}`, !0).attr("role", it.IMG).attr("aria-label", "area").attr("width", i).attr("height", r).style(
n > 3 && !e.fill ? wt.area.fill : e.fill
).style("stroke", e.stroke);
else if (e.type === Oe.SIZE) {
const { iconData: a, fill: o, stroke: c } = wt.size;
t.attr("fill", "none").attr("role", it.IMG).attr("aria-label", "size").selectAll("rect").data(a).enter().append("rect").classed("size", !0).attr("width", (h) => h.width).attr("height", (h) => h.height).attr("y", () => 0).style("fill", e.fill ? e.fill : o).style("stroke", e.stroke ? e.stroke : c).style("stroke-width", 1);
} else if (e.type === Oe.QUARTILE) {
const { iconData: a } = wt.quartile;
t.selectAll("rect").attr("role", it.IMG).attr("aria-label", "quartile").data(a).enter().append("rect").attr("class", (c, l) => `quartile-${l === 0 ? "wrapper" : "line"}`).attr("x", (c) => c.x).attr("y", (c) => c.y).attr("width", (c) => c.width).attr("height", (c) => c.height);
} else if (e.type === Oe.ZOOM) {
const { iconData: a, color: o } = T(wt, "zoom"), c = t.attr("role", it.IMG).attr("aria-label", "zoom").selectAll("g.icon").data(a).enter();
c.append("g").attr("x", (l) => l.x).attr("y", (l) => l.y).attr("width", (l) => l.width).attr("height", (l) => l.height).append("polygon").attr(
"7.7 4.82 5.78 4.82 5.78 2.89 4.82 2.89 4.82 4.82 2.89 4.82 2.89 5.78 4.82 5.78 4.82 7.7 5.78 7.7 5.78 5.78 7.7 5.78 7.7 4.82"
).attr("fill", () => e.color ? e.color : o), c.append("path").attr(
).attr("fill", () => e.color ? e.color : o);
truncateLegendText() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), e = T(this.getOptions(), "legend", "truncation"), n = T(e, "type"), i = T(e, "threshold"), r = T(e, "numCharacter"), a = t.selectAll("div.legend-item p");
a.attr("id", function() {
return (this.parentNode.querySelector("div.checkbox") || this.parentNode).getAttribute("aria-labelledby");
}), n !== Ze.NONE ? a.html(function(o) {
const c = ue(;
return c.length > i && c.length !== r ? Cn(c, n, r) : c;
}) : a.html((o) => ue(;
addEventListeners() {
const t = this, e = this.getComponentContainer(), n = this.getOptions(), i = T(n, "legend"), r = T(i, "truncation");
e.selectAll("div.legend-item").on("mouseover", function(a) {, {
hoveredElement: R(this)
const o = R(this);"div.checkbox").classed("hovered", !0);
const c = o.datum(); > r.threshold && r.numCharacter < && r.type !== Ze.NONE &&, {
event: a,
hoveredElement: o,
}).on("mousemove", function(a) {
R(this).datum().name.length > r.threshold && r.type !== Ze.NONE &&, {
event: a
}).on("click", function() {, {
clickedElement: R(this)
const o = R(this).datum();
}).on("mouseout", function() {
const a = R(this);"div.checkbox").classed("hovered", !1), a.datum().name.length > r.threshold && r.type !== Ze.NONE &&,, {
hoveredElement: a
}), e.selectAll("div.legend-item div.checkbox").on("keyup", function(a) {
a.key && a.key === "Tab" &&, {
hoveredElement: R(this)
}), e.selectAll("div.legend-item div.checkbox").on("keydown", function(a, o) {
a.key && a.key === " " ? (a.preventDefault(), t.model.toggleDataLabel( : a.key && a.key === "Tab" &&, {
hoveredElement: R(this)
}), e.selectAll("g.additional-item").on("mouseover", function(a) {
const o = R(this), c = o.datum(); > r.threshold &&, {
event: a,
hoveredElement: o,
class _f extends ot {
constructor(t, e, n) {
super(t, e, n), this.type = "chart-clip", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.chartClipId = "chart-clip-id-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999), this.init();
init() {
this.model.set({ chartClipId: this.chartClipId }, { skipUpdate: !0 });
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
createClipPath() {
const t = this.parent, { cartesianScales: e } =;
if (!e) throw new Error("Service cartesianScales was undefined");
const n = e.getMainXScale(), i = e.getMainYScale(), [r, a] = n.range(), [o, c] = i.range();
if (!t)
throw new Error("svg is undefined");
this.chartClipPath = _.appendOrSelect(
).attr("id", this.chartClipId);
const l = _.appendOrSelect(this.chartClipPath, `rect.${this.type}`);
a - r > 0 && l.attr("x", r).attr("y", c).attr("width", a - r).attr("height", o - c), this.chartClipPath.merge(l).lower();
class p0 extends _f {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "canvas-chart-clip", this.chartClipId = "canvas-chart-clip-id-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999);
createClipPath() {
const t = this.parent, { width: e, height: n } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
this.chartClipPath = _.appendOrSelect(t, `clipPath.${this.type}`).attr(
const i = _.appendOrSelect(this.chartClipPath, `rect.${this.type}`);
i.attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", e).attr("height", n), this.chartClipPath.merge(i).lower();
var Fe, Ot;
(function(s) {
s.LEFT = "left", s.RIGHT = "right", s.TOP = "top", s.BOTTOM = "bottom";
})(Ot || (Ot = {}));
var Ka = (Fe = {}, Fe[Ot.LEFT] = function(s, t, e) {
return {
top: - Math.round(t.offsetHeight / 2) + Math.round(e.height / 2),
left: Math.round(s.left - t.offsetWidth)
}, Fe[Ot.RIGHT] = function(s, t, e) {
return {
top: - Math.round(t.offsetHeight / 2) + Math.round(e.height / 2),
left: Math.round(s.left + e.width)
}, Fe[Ot.TOP] = function(s, t, e) {
return {
top: Math.round( - t.offsetHeight),
left: s.left - Math.round(t.offsetWidth / 2) + Math.round(e.width / 2)
}, Fe[Ot.BOTTOM] = function(s, t, e) {
return {
top: Math.round( + e.height),
left: s.left - Math.round(t.offsetWidth / 2) + Math.round(e.width / 2)
}, Fe), Ja = typeof window < "u" ? window : {
innerHeight: 0,
scrollY: 0,
innerWidth: 0,
scrollX: 0
}, Ns = (
/** @class */
function() {
function s(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = {}), this.positions = Ka, this.positions = Object.assign({}, Ka, t);
return s.prototype.getRelativeOffset = function(t) {
for (var e = {
left: t.offsetLeft,
top: t.offsetTop
}; t.offsetParent && getComputedStyle(t.offsetParent).position === "static"; )
e.left += t.offsetLeft, += t.offsetTop, t = t.offsetParent;
return e;
}, s.prototype.getAbsoluteOffset = function(t) {
for (var e = t, n = {
top: 0,
left: 0
}; e.offsetParent; ) {
var i = getComputedStyle(e.offsetParent);
i.position === "static" && i.marginLeft && i.marginTop && (parseInt(i.marginTop, 10) && ( += parseInt(i.marginTop, 10)), parseInt(i.marginLeft, 10) && (n.left += parseInt(i.marginLeft, 10))), e = e.offsetParent;
var r = t.getBoundingClientRect(), a = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: - +,
left: r.left - a.left + n.left
}, s.prototype.findRelative = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this.getRelativeOffset(t), r = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return this.calculatePosition(i, r, e, n);
}, s.prototype.findAbsolute = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this.getAbsoluteOffset(t), r = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return this.calculatePosition(i, r, e, n);
}, s.prototype.findPosition = function(t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = this.getAbsoluteOffset.bind(this));
var r = i(t), a = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return this.calculatePosition(r, a, e, n);
}, s.prototype.findPositionAt = function(t, e, n) {
return this.calculatePosition(t, { top: 0, left: 0, height: 0, width: 0 }, e, n);
}, s.prototype.getPlacementBox = function(t, e) {
var n = t.offsetHeight +, i = t.offsetWidth + e.left;
return {
bottom: n,
left: e.left,
right: i
}, s.prototype.addOffset = function(t, e, n) {
return e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = 0), Object.assign({}, t, {
top: + e,
left: t.left + n
}, s.prototype.setElement = function(t, e) { = + "px", = e.left + "px";
}, s.prototype.findBestPlacement = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
var a = this;
i === void 0 && (i = this.defaultContainerFunction.bind(this)), r === void 0 && (r = this.findPosition.bind(this));
var o = {
var l = r(t, e, c), h = a.getPlacementBox(e, l), d = 0, u = 0, p = i(); < ? d = - : h.bottom > p.height && (d = h.bottom - p.height), h.left < p.left ? u = p.left - h.left : h.right > p.width && (u = h.right - p.width), d && !u ? u = 1 : u && !d && (d = 1);
var f = e.offsetHeight * e.offsetWidth, g = d * u, m = f - g, E = m / f;
return {
placement: c,
weight: E
return o.sort(function(c, l) {
return l.weight - c.weight;
}), o[0].placement;
}, s.prototype.findBestPlacementAt = function(t, e, n, i) {
var r = this;
i === void 0 && (i = this.defaultContainerFunction.bind(this));
var a = function(o, c, l) {
return r.findPositionAt(t, c, l);
return this.findBestPlacement(null, e, n, i, a);
}, s.prototype.defaultContainerFunction = function() {
return {
// we go with window here, because that's going to be the simple/common case
top: 0,
left: 0,
height: Ja.innerHeight,
width: Ja.innerWidth
}, s.prototype.calculatePosition = function(t, e, n, i) {
return this.positions[i] ? this.positions[i](t, n, e) : (console.error("No function found for placement, defaulting to 0,0"), { left: 0, top: 0 });
}, s;
new Ns();
class Cf extends ot {
constructor(t, e, n) {
super(t, e, n), this.type = "tooltip", this.renderType = st.HTML, this.isEventListenerAdded = !1, this.lastTriggeredEventType = "", this.positionService = new Ns(), this.handleShowTooltip = (i) => {
const r = || i.detail.items, a = R(;
let o;
const c = this.formatItems(this.getItems(i));
i.detail.content ? o = `${Qn(i.detail.content)}
` : o = Qn(this.getTooltipHTML(c));
const l = _.appendOrSelect(this.tooltip, "div.content-box");
if (T(this.getOptions(), "tooltip", "customHTML"))
if (i.detail.content) {
const h = `${Qn(
} else
this.model.getOptions().tooltip.customHTML(r, o, a)
l.selectAll(".datapoint-tooltip").each(function(h, d) {
const u = c[d];
c[d] && c[d].color && R(this).select(".tooltip-color").attr("class", "tooltip-color").style("background-color", u.color);
}), this.positionTooltip(i), this.tooltip.classed("hidden", !1).attr("aria-hidden", !1), this.lastTriggeredEventType = i.type;
}, this.handleHideTooltip = () => {
this.tooltip.classed("hidden", !0).attr("aria-hidden", !0);
}, this.init();
addTooltipEventListener() {, (t) => {
this.lastTriggeredEventType !== x.Toolbar.SHOW_TOOLTIP && this.tooltip.classed("hidden") === !1 && this.positionTooltip(t);
}),, this.handleShowTooltip),, this.handleHideTooltip),, this.handleHideTooltip),, this.handleShowTooltip),, this.handleHideTooltip);
removeTooltipEventListener() {, null),, this.handleShowTooltip),, this.handleHideTooltip),, this.handleHideTooltip),, this.handleShowTooltip),, this.handleHideTooltip);
getItems(t) {
return t.detail.items ? t.detail.items : [];
formatItems(t) {
const e = this.getOptions(), n = T(e, "tooltip", "truncation", "type"), i = T(e, "tooltip", "truncation", "threshold"), r = T(e, "tooltip", "truncation", "numCharacter");
return n !== Ze.NONE ? => {
const o = a.labelIcon ? 12 : 0;
return a.value = a.value ? this.valueFormatter(a.value, a.label) : a.value, a.label && a.label.length + o > i && (a.label = Cn(a.label, n, r)), a.value && a.value.length > i && (a.value = Cn(a.value, n, r)), a;
}) : => (a.value = a.value ? this.valueFormatter(a.value, a.label) : a.value, a));
getTooltipHTML(t) {
return '' +
(e) => `-
${e.class || e.color ? `` : ""}
${e.label || ""}
${e.labelIcon ? `${e.labelIcon}` : ""}
${e.value === void 0 || e.value === null ? "" : `${e.value}`}
).join("") + "
isDate(t) {
return t instanceof Date;
valueFormatter(t, e) {
const n = this.getOptions(), i = T(n, "tooltip", "valueFormatter"), {
code: r,
number: a,
date: o
} = T(n, "locale");
if (i)
return i(t, e);
if (this.isDate(t))
return o(t, r, { month: "short", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" });
try {
if (typeof t == "string" && /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z/.test(t)) {
const c = new Date(t);
return o(c, r, {
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
year: "numeric"
} catch {
return a(t, r);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = this.getOptions(), n = T(e, "tooltip", "enabled");
if (n) {
const i = R(, r = T(e, "style", "prefix");
this.tooltip = _.appendOrSelect(i, `div.${qt}--${r}--tooltip`),"max-width", null).attr("role", "tooltip"), this.isEventListenerAdded || (this.addTooltipEventListener(), this.isEventListenerAdded = !0), this.tooltip.classed("hidden", !0);
} else !n && this.isEventListenerAdded && (this.removeTooltipEventListener(), this.isEventListenerAdded = !1);
addOffsetByPlacement(t, e, n) {
const i = Object.assign({}, t);
return e == Ot.LEFT ? i.left -= n : e == Ot.RIGHT ? i.left += n : e == Ot.TOP ? -= n : e == Ot.BOTTOM && ( += n), i;
positionTooltip(t) {
const e =, n = e.offsetWidth, i = e.offsetHeight, r = this.tooltip.node(), a = this.getOptions(), o = T(a, "zoomBar", "top", "enabled"), c = !!T(t, "detail", "noWrap"), l = Array.isArray(T(t, "detail", "placements")), h = l ? T(t, "detail", "placements") : [Ot.RIGHT, Ot.LEFT, Ot.TOP, Ot.BOTTOM];
let d, { horizontalOffset: u } = Wr;
const { defaultOffset: p } = Wr;
if ("div.title-tooltip").classed("title-tooltip-nowrap", c), l) {
const m = T(t, "detail", "event", "target"), E =, !0);
d = this.positionService.findBestPlacementAt(
() => ({
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: n,
height: i
let y = this.positionService.findPosition(
() =>
y = this.addOffsetByPlacement(y, d, p), this.positionService.setElement(r, y);
let f = T(t, "detail", "mousePosition");
if (!f)
f = en(T(t, "detail", "event"), e);
else {
const m = T(a, "zoomBar", "top", "type"), E = Yt.height[m];
o && (f[1] += E + Yt.spacerHeight);
f[0] / n > 0.9 ? d = Ot.LEFT : f[0] / n < 0.1 ? d = Ot.RIGHT : d = this.positionService.findBestPlacementAt(
left: f[0],
top: f[1]
() => ({
top: void 0,
// properties were never set to optional (probably should)
left: void 0,
// ditto
width: n,
height: i
), d === Ot.LEFT && (u *= -1);
const g = this.positionService.findPositionAt(
left: f[0] + u,
top: f[1]
this.positionService.setElement(r, g);
const Qe = class Qe extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "grid-brush", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.selectionSelector = "rect.selection", this.frontSelectionSelector = "rect.frontSelection";
// needs to match the class name in _grid-brush.scss
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.parent, n = this.getComponentContainer({
isPresentational: !0
if (!e) throw new Error("SVG was not defined");
const i = _.appendOrSelect(
), r = _.appendOrSelect(i, `g.${this.type}`), a = _.appendOrSelect(r, this.selectionSelector), { width: o, height: c } = _.getSVGElementSize(i, {
useAttrs: !0
}), { cartesianScales: l } =, h = l.getMainXScaleType(), d = l.getMainXScale(), [u] = d.range();
n.attr("transform", `translate(${u},0)`);
const p = _.appendOrSelect(n, this.frontSelectionSelector);
if (d && h === Mt.TIME) {
let f = this.model.get("zoomDomain");
f === void 0 && (f =, f && this.model.set({ zoomDomain: f }, { animate: !1 }));
const g = (b) => {
const O = b[1] - b[0];
let I = "0," + O.toString();
const k = Math.floor(c / Qe.DASH_LENGTH), G = k * Qe.DASH_LENGTH;
for (let C = 0; C < k; C++)
I += "," + Qe.DASH_LENGTH;
I += "," + (c - G), k % 2 === 1 && (I += ",0"), I += "," + O.toString(), I += "," + c.toString(), p.attr("stroke-dasharray", I);
}, m = (b) => {
const O = b.selection;
O === null || O[0] === O[1] || (p.attr("x", parseFloat(a.attr("x")) + parseFloat(i.attr("x"))).attr("y", a.attr("y")).attr("width", a.attr("width")).attr("height", a.attr("height")).style("cursor", "pointer").style("display", null), g(O));
}, E = (b, O) => {
const I = rc().range([0, o]).domain(f);
let k = [I.invert(b), I.invert(O)];
k[0].valueOf() === k[1].valueOf() && (k =, (f[0].valueOf() !== k[0].valueOf() || f[1].valueOf() !== k[1].valueOf()) &&;
let y;
const v = (b) => {
const O = b.selection;
O !== null && (E(O[0], O[1]),, null),"display", "none"));
c != 0 && o != 0 && (y = Go().extent([
[0, 0],
[o - 1, c]
]).on("start brush end", m).on("end.brushed", v),;
const S =;
i.on("click", function(b) {
if (b.shiftKey) {
const O =, I = en(r.node(), O)[0];
let k = I - o * S / 2;
k < 0 && (k = 0);
let G = I + o * S / 2;
G > o && (G = o), E(k, G);
let Qa = Qe;
class f0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "zoom-bar", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.MIN_SELECTION_DIFF = 9e-10, this.brushSelector = "g.zoom-bar-brush", this.clipId = "zoomBarClip-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999), this.brush = Go(), this.highlightStrokeWidth = 1;
init() {, this.render.bind(this));
const t = T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "data");
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "zoom bar"
}), n =, i =, r = T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "type"), a = T(this.getOptions(), "axes", Y.BOTTOM, "highlights"), o = Yt.height[r], { width: c } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
if (c === 0)
let l = 0;
const h = this.model.get("axesMargins");
h && h.left && (l = h.left);
const d = _.appendOrSelect(e, "svg.zoom-container").attr("width", "100%").attr("height", o).attr("opacity", 1);
if (_.appendOrSelect(e, "rect.zoom-spacer").attr("x", 0).attr("y", o).attr("width", "100%").attr("height", Yt.spacerHeight).attr("opacity", 1).attr("fill", "none"), r === Ge.GRAPH_VIEW ? _.appendOrSelect(d, "rect.zoom-bg").attr("x", l).attr("y", 0).attr("width", c - l).attr("height", "100%").classed("zoom-bg-skeleton", n).style(
n ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
) : r === Ge.SLIDER_VIEW && _.appendOrSelect(d, "rect.zoom-slider-bg").attr("x", l).attr("y", o / 2 - 1).attr("width", c - l).attr("height", 2).classed("zoom-slider-bg-skeleton", n).style(
n ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
), n) {
this.renderSkeleton(d, l, c);
const { cartesianScales: u } =, p = u.getMainXScale(), f = u.getMainYScale(), g = u.getMainXScaleType();
if (p && g === Mt.TIME) {
let m =;
if (Eo(m) || m.length === 1)
this.xScale = p.copy(), this.yScale = f.copy();
const E =;
m = this.compensateDataForDefaultDomain(m, E);
const y = this.model.get("initialZoomDomain"), v = T(
v && v[0] && v[1] && (v[0] = new Date(v[0]), v[1] = new Date(v[1])), v && !(y && y[0].valueOf() === v[0].valueOf() && y[1].valueOf() === v[1].valueOf()) ? this.model.set(
// use a new object instead of newInitialZoomDomain
initialZoomDomain: tn([], v),
zoomDomain: v ? tn([], v) : E
{ skipUpdate: !0 }
) : v === null && y !== null && this.model.set(
initialZoomDomain: null,
zoomDomain: tn([], E)
{ skipUpdate: !0 }
), this.xScale.range([l, c]).domain(E), this.maxSelectionRange = this.xScale.range(), this.yScale.range([0, o - 6]).domain(ks(m, (O) => O.value));
const S = this.model.get("zoomDomain");
if (r === Ge.GRAPH_VIEW && (this.renderZoomBarArea(d, "path.zoom-graph-area-unselected", m, null), this.updateClipPath(e, this.clipId, 0, 0, 0, 0), this.renderZoomBarArea(d, "path.zoom-graph-area", m, this.clipId), this.renderZoomBarBaseline(d, l, c), a)) {
const O = a.highlightStartMapsTo, I = a.highlightEndMapsTo, k = a.color, G = a.labelMapsTo;, L) => {
_.appendOrSelect(d, `rect.highlight-${L}`).attr("height", o - 2 * this.highlightStrokeWidth).attr("y", this.highlightStrokeWidth).attr("x", this.xScale(C[O])).attr(
this.xScale(C[I]) - this.xScale(C[O])
k && k.scale[C[G]] ? k.scale[C[G]] : null
).style("fill-opacity", 0.1).style(
k && k.scale[C[G]] ? k.scale[C[G]] : null
).style("stroke-dasharray", "2, 2").attr("stroke-width", "1px");
this.addBrushEventListener(S, l, c);
const b = _.appendOrSelect(e, this.brushSelector).call(this.brush);
if (S !== void 0) if (S[0].valueOf() === S[1].valueOf()), this.xScale.range()), this.updateBrushHandle(this.getComponentContainer(), this.xScale.range());
else {
const O = => this.xScale(I));
O[1] - O[0] < this.MIN_SELECTION_DIFF || (, O), this.updateBrushHandle(this.getComponentContainer(), O));
i && (this.brush.filter(() => !1), b.selectAll("rect").attr("cursor", "auto"));
addBrushEventListener(t, e, n) {
const i = (o) => {
const c = o.selection;
c === null ? this.handleBrushedEvent(o, t, this.xScale, this.xScale.range()) : c[0] === c[1] || this.handleBrushedEvent(o, t, this.xScale, c);
}, r = T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "type"), a = Yt.height[r];
[e, 0],
[n, a]
]).on("start brush end", null).on("start brush end", i);
// brush event listener
handleBrushedEvent(t, e, n, i) {
const r = [n.invert(i[0]), n.invert(i[1])];
if (this.updateBrushHandle(this.getComponentContainer(), i), t.sourceEvent != null && (t.sourceEvent.type === "mousemove" || t.sourceEvent.type === "mouseup" || t.sourceEvent.type === "mousedown" || t.sourceEvent.type === "touchstart" || t.sourceEvent.type === "touchmove" || t.sourceEvent.type === "touchend")) {
(e === void 0 || e[0] !== r[0] || e[1] !== r[1]) &&, {
dispatchEvent: !1
let a;
t.type === "start" ? a = x.ZoomBar.SELECTION_START : t.type === "brush" ? a = x.ZoomBar.SELECTION_IN_PROGRESS : t.type === "end" && (a = x.ZoomBar.SELECTION_END,, {
newDomain: r
})),, {
selection: i,
newDomain: r
updateBrushHandle(t, e) {
const n = this, i = Yt.handleWidth, r = T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "type"), a = Yt.height[r], o = -i / 2, c = Yt.handleBarWidth, l = r === Ge.GRAPH_VIEW ? Yt.handleBarHeight : 6, h = -c / 2, d = (a - l) / 2;"rect.handle").data([{ type: "w" }, { type: "e" }]).attr("x", function(p) {
if (p.type === "w")
return Math.max(e[0] + o, n.maxSelectionRange[0]);
if (p.type === "e")
return Math.min(e[1] + o, n.maxSelectionRange[1] - i);
}).attr("y", 0).attr("width", i).attr("height", a).attr("cursor", "ew-resize").style("display", null);
const u ="rect.handle-bar").data([{ type: "w" }, { type: "e" }]);
u.enter().append("rect").attr("class", function(p) {
return "handle-bar handle-bar--" + p.type;
}), u.attr("x", function(p) {
if (p.type === "w")
return Math.max(
e[0] + h,
n.maxSelectionRange[0] - o + h
if (p.type === "e")
return Math.min(
e[1] + h,
n.maxSelectionRange[1] + o + h
}).attr("y", d).attr("width", c).attr("height", l).attr("cursor", "ew-resize"), r === Ge.SLIDER_VIEW && this.updateSliderSelectedArea(e), this.updateClipPath(
e[1] - e[0],
updateSliderSelectedArea(t) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "type"), n = Yt.height[e], r = this.getComponentContainer().select("svg.zoom-container");
_.appendOrSelect(r, "rect.zoom-slider-selected-area").attr("x", t[0]).attr("y", n / 2 - 1).attr("width", t[1] - t[0]).attr("height", 2);
renderZoomBarArea(t, e, n, i) {
const { cartesianScales: r } =, a = r.getMainXAxisPosition(), o = r.getMainYAxisPosition(), c = r.getMainXScaleType(), l = r.getMainYScaleType(), h = (E, y, v) => (S) => r.getValueFromScale(E, y, v, S), d = h(this.xScale, c, a), u = h(this.yScale, l, o), p = T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "type"), f = Yt.height[p], g = yr().x((E) => d(E)).y0(f).y1((E) => f - u(E)), m = _.appendOrSelect(t, e).datum(n).attr("d", g);
i && m.attr("clip-path", `url(#${i})`);
updateClipPath(t, e, n, i, r, a) {
const o = _.appendOrSelect(t, "clipPath").attr("id", e);
_.appendOrSelect(o, "rect").attr("x", n).attr("y", i).attr("width", r).attr("height", a);
// assume the domains in data are already sorted
compensateDataForDefaultDomain(t, e) {
if (!t || t.length < 2)
const n = Xl(t), i =, r =;
if (Number(e[0]) < Number(n[0][i])) {
const a = {};
a[i] = e[0], a[r] = 0, n.unshift(a);
if (Number(e[1]) > Number(n[n.length - 1][i])) {
const a = {};
a[i] = e[1], a[r] = 0, n.push(a);
return n;
renderZoomBarBaseline(t, e, n, i = !1) {
const r = T(
), a = Yt.height[r], o = Nn()([
[e, a],
[n, a]
_.appendOrSelect(t, "path.zoom-bg-baseline").attr("d", o).classed("zoom-bg-baseline-skeleton", i).style(
i ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
renderSkeleton(t, e, n) {
this.renderZoomBarArea(t, "path.zoom-graph-area-unselected", [], null), this.renderZoomBarArea(t, "path.zoom-graph-area", [], this.clipId), this.brush.on("start brush end", null), _.appendOrSelect(this.getComponentContainer(), this.brushSelector).html(null), T(this.getOptions(), "zoomBar", Y.TOP, "type") === Ge.GRAPH_VIEW && this.renderZoomBarBaseline(t, e, n, !0);
destroy() {
this.brush.on("start brush end", null),, this.render.bind(this));
class g0 extends ot {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t, e), this.type = "threshold", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.positionService = new Ns();
render(t = !1) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "axes"), n = [];
Object.keys(e).forEach((u) => {
if (Object.values(Y).includes(u)) {
const p = e[u];
p.thresholds && p.thresholds.length > 0 && n.push({
axisPosition: u,
thresholds: p.thresholds,
correspondingDatasets: p == null ? void 0 : p.correspondingDatasets,
mapsTo: p == null ? void 0 : p.mapsTo
const r = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "threshold lines",
withinChartClip: !0
}).selectAll("g.axis-thresholds").data(n, (u) => u.axisPosition);
r.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const o = r.enter().append("g").merge(r);
o.attr("class", (u) => `axis-thresholds ${u.axisPosition}`);
const c = o.selectAll("g.threshold-group").data(
(u) => => (p.axisPosition = u.axisPosition, p.datum = this.constructDatumObj(u, p), p))
c.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const l = c.enter().append("g");
l.append("line").attr("class", "threshold-line"), l.append("rect").attr("class", "threshold-hoverable-area"), l.merge(c).attr("class", "threshold-group");
const d = this;
o.each(function({ axisPosition: u }) {
const p =
), f =;
let g = null, m = null;
u === Y.LEFT || u === Y.RIGHT ? (m = p, g = : (g = p, m =;
const E = f === Mt.LABELS, [y, v] = g.range(), [S, b] = m.range(), { cartesianScales: O } =, I = O.getOrientation(), k = (D) => O.getDomainValue(D), G = (D) => O.getRangeValue(D), [C, L] = ye(
), B = R(this);
u === Y.TOP || u === Y.BOTTOM ? (B.selectAll("line.threshold-line").transition().call(
(D) =>{
transition: D,
name: "threshold-line-update",
animate: t
).attr("y1", b).attr("y2", S).attr(
({ datum: D }) => C(D) + (E ? p.step() / 2 : 0)
({ datum: D }) => C(D) + (E ? p.step() / 2 : 0)
).style("stroke", ({ fillColor: D }) => D), B.selectAll("rect.threshold-hoverable-area").attr("x", 0).attr("y", ({ datum: D }) => -C(D)).attr("width", Math.abs(S - b)).classed("rotate", !0)) : (B.selectAll("line.threshold-line").transition().call(
(D) =>{
transition: D,
name: "threshold-line-update",
animate: t
).attr("x1", y).attr("x2", v).attr(
({ datum: D }) => L(D) + (E ? p.step() / 2 : 0)
({ datum: D }) => L(D) + (E ? p.step() / 2 : 0)
).style("stroke", ({ fillColor: D }) => D), B.selectAll("rect.threshold-hoverable-area").attr("x", y).attr("y", ({ datum: D }) => L(D)).attr("width", Math.abs(v - y)).classed("rotate", !1));
}),, (u) => {
this.setThresholdLabelPosition(u.detail), this.label.classed("hidden", !1);
}),, () => {
this.label.classed("hidden", !0);
}), this.appendThresholdLabel(), this.addEventListeners();
getFormattedValue(t) {
const { value: e, axisPosition: n } = t, i = this.getOptions(), r =, { code: a, number: o } = T(i, "locale");
if (r === Mt.TIME) {
const c = [Y.LEFT, Y.RIGHT].includes(n), l =, h =, d = c ? h : l, u = T(i, "timeScale"), p = yi(
T(u, "timeInterval")
return Ei(e, 0, d.ticks(), p, u, i.locale);
return o(e, a);
appendThresholdLabel() {
const t = R(, e = T(this.getOptions(), "style", "prefix");
this.label = _.appendOrSelect(
).classed("hidden", !0);
setThresholdLabelPosition({ event: t, datum: e }) {
const n =, i = en(t, n), r = e.valueFormatter ? e.valueFormatter(e.value) : this.getFormattedValue(e);
this.label.html(ue(`${e.label || "Threshold"}: ${r}`)).style("background-color", e.fillColor);
const a = this.label.node(), o = this.positionService.findBestPlacementAt(
left: i[0],
top: i[1]
() => ({
top: void 0,
// other package lists this as non-optional
left: void 0,
// ditto
width: n.offsetWidth,
height: n.offsetHeight
), c = this.positionService.findPositionAt(
left: i[0],
top: i[1]
this.positionService.setElement(a, c);
// Constructs object to pass in scale functions
constructDatumObj(t, e) {
const n = {};
return t.correspondingDatasets && ( = T(t, "correspondingDatasets", 0)), n[t.mapsTo] = e.value, n;
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.getComponentContainer({ withinChartClip: !0 }).selectAll("rect.threshold-hoverable-area").on("mouseover mousemove", function(n) {
R(this.parentNode).select("line.threshold-line").classed("active", !0),, {
event: n,
hoveredElement: R(this),
datum: R(this).datum()
}).on("mouseout", function(n) {
R(this.parentNode).select("line.threshold-line").classed("active", !1),, {
event: n,
hoveredElement: R(this),
datum: R(this).datum()
class m0 extends ot {
constructor(t, e) {
super(t, e), this.type = "highlight", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.positionService = new Ns(), this.highlightStrokeWidth = 1;
render(t = !1) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "axes"), n = [];
Object.keys(e).forEach((u) => {
if (Object.values(Y).includes(u)) {
const p = e[u];
p.highlights && > 0 && n.push({
axisPosition: u,
highlightStartMapsTo: p.highlights.highlightStartMapsTo,
highlightEndMapsTo: p.highlights.highlightEndMapsTo,
labelMapsTo: p.highlights.labelMapsTo,
color: p.highlights.color
const r = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "highlight areas",
withinChartClip: !0
}).selectAll("g.axis-highlight").data(n, (u) => u.axisPosition);
r.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const o = r.enter().append("g").merge(r);
o.attr("class", (u) => `axis-highlight ${u.axisPosition}`);
const c = o.selectAll("g.highlight-group").data(
(u) => => (p.axisPosition = u.axisPosition, p.highlightStartMapsTo = u.highlightStartMapsTo, p.labelMapsTo = u.labelMapsTo, p.color = u.color, p.highlightEndMapsTo = u.highlightEndMapsTo, p))
c.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const l = c.enter().append("g");
l.append("rect").attr("class", "highlight-bar"), l.append("line").attr("class", "highlight-line"), l.merge(c).attr("class", "highlight-group");
const d = this;
o.each(function({ axisPosition: u }) {
const p =, f =, [g, m] = p.range(), [E, y] = f.range(), { cartesianScales: v } =, S = v.getOrientation(), b = (C) => v.getDomainValue(C), O = (C) => v.getRangeValue(C), [I, k] = ye(
), G = R(this);
u === Y.TOP || u === Y.BOTTOM ? G.selectAll("rect.highlight-bar").transition().call(
(C) =>{
transition: C,
name: "highlight-bar-update",
animate: t
).attr("y", Math.max(y + d.highlightStrokeWidth, 0)).attr("height", Math.max(E - 2 * d.highlightStrokeWidth, 0)).attr("x", ({ highlightStartMapsTo: C, ...L }) => I(L[C])).attr(
({ highlightStartMapsTo: C, highlightEndMapsTo: L, ...B }) => Math.max(I(B[L]) - I(B[C]), 0)
).style("stroke", ({ color: C, labelMapsTo: L, ...B }) => C && C.scale[B[L]] ? C.scale[B[L]] : null).style("stroke-dasharray", "2, 2").attr("stroke-width", d.highlightStrokeWidth + "px").style("fill-opacity", 0.1).style("fill", ({ color: C, labelMapsTo: L, ...B }) => C && C.scale[B[L]] ? C.scale[B[L]] : null) : G.selectAll("rect.highlight-bar").transition().call(
(C) =>{
transition: C,
name: "highlight-bar-update",
animate: t
).attr("x", g).attr("width", Math.max(m - g, 0)).attr("y", ({ highlightEndMapsTo: C, ...L }) => k(L[C])).attr(
({ highlightStartMapsTo: C, highlightEndMapsTo: L, ...B }) => Math.max(k(B[C]) - k(B[L]), 0)
).style("stroke", ({ color: C, labelMapsTo: L, ...B }) => C && C.scale[B[L]] ? C.scale[B[L]] : null).style("stroke-dasharray", "2, 2").attr("stroke-width", d.highlightStrokeWidth + "px").style("fill-opacity", 0.1).style("fill", ({ color: C, labelMapsTo: L, ...B }) => C && C.scale[B[L]] ? C.scale[B[L]] : null);
class v0 extends Cf {
getItems(t) {
if (t.detail.items)
return t.detail.items;
const { data: e } = t.detail;
if (!e || !e.length || !e[0])
return [];
const n = this.getOptions(), { cartesianScales: i } =, r = i.getDomainIdentifier(), a = i.isDualAxes(), { groupMapsTo: o } =, c = i.getDomainLabel();
let l = i.getRangeLabel();
const h = e[0][r];
let d;
if (e.length === 1) {
const u = e[0], p = i.getRangeIdentifier(u);
if (a) {
const g = i.getRangeAxisPosition({
datum: u,
groups: [u[o]]
l = i.getScaleLabel(g);
const f = u[p];
d = [
label: c,
value: h
...Array.isArray(f) && f.length === 2 ? [
label: "Start",
value: f[0]
label: "End",
value: f[1]
] : [
label: l,
value: u[p]
], t.detail.additionalItems && t.detail.additionalItems.forEach(
(g) => d.push({
label: g.label,
value: g.value
), d.push({
label: yt(n, "") || yt(n, "tooltip.groupLabel"),
value: u[o],
color: this.model.getFillColor(u[o]),
class: this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: u[o]
} else if (e.length > 1 && (d = [
label: c,
value: h
], d = d.concat( => {
const p = u[i.getRangeIdentifier(u)];
return {
label: u[o],
value: Array.isArray(p) && p.length === 2 ? `${p[0]} - ${p[1]}` : p,
color: this.model.getFillColor(u[o]),
class: this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: u[o]
}).sort((u, p) => p.value - u.value)
), !a && T(n, "tooltip", "showTotal") === !0)) {
const u = i.getRangeIdentifier();
label: yt(n, "") || yt(n, "tooltip.totalLabel") || "Total",
value: e.reduce(
(p, f) => p + f[u],
bold: !0
return d;
function to(s, t) {
let e;
if (t === void 0)
for (const n of s)
n != null && (e < n || e === void 0 && n >= n) && (e = n);
else {
let n = -1;
for (let i of s)
(i = t(i, ++n, s)) != null && (e < i || e === void 0 && i >= i) && (e = i);
return e;
function kf(s, t) {
let e;
if (t === void 0)
for (const n of s)
n != null && (e > n || e === void 0 && n >= n) && (e = n);
else {
let n = -1;
for (let i of s)
(i = t(i, ++n, s)) != null && (e > i || e === void 0 && i >= i) && (e = i);
return e;
function gi(s, t) {
let e = 0;
if (t === void 0)
for (let n of s)
(n = +n) && (e += n);
else {
let n = -1;
for (let i of s)
(i = +t(i, ++n, s)) && (e += i);
return e;
function Rf(s) {
return s.depth;
function If(s, t) {
return t - 1 - s.height;
function wl(s, t) {
return s.sourceLinks.length ? s.depth : t - 1;
function ts(s) {
return function() {
return s;
function eo(s, t) {
return Ms(s.source, t.source) || s.index - t.index;
function no(s, t) {
return Ms(, || s.index - t.index;
function Ms(s, t) {
return s.y0 - t.y0;
function mi(s) {
return s.value;
function Df(s) {
return s.index;
function Pf(s) {
return s.nodes;
function Nf(s) {
return s.links;
function so(s, t) {
const e = s.get(t);
if (!e) throw new Error("missing: " + t);
return e;
function io({ nodes: s }) {
for (const t of s) {
let e = t.y0, n = e;
for (const i of t.sourceLinks)
i.y0 = e + i.width / 2, e += i.width;
for (const i of t.targetLinks)
i.y1 = n + i.width / 2, n += i.width;
function $f() {
let s = 0, t = 0, e = 1, n = 1, i = 24, r = 8, a, o = Df, c = wl, l, h, d = Pf, u = Nf, p = 6;
function f() {
const w = { nodes: d.apply(null, arguments), links: u.apply(null, arguments) };
return g(w), m(w), E(w), y(w), b(w), io(w), w;
f.update = function(w) {
return io(w), w;
}, f.nodeId = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (o = typeof w == "function" ? w : ts(w), f) : o;
}, f.nodeAlign = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (c = typeof w == "function" ? w : ts(w), f) : c;
}, f.nodeSort = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (l = w, f) : l;
}, f.nodeWidth = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (i = +w, f) : i;
}, f.nodePadding = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (r = a = +w, f) : r;
}, f.nodes = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (d = typeof w == "function" ? w : ts(w), f) : d;
}, f.links = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (u = typeof w == "function" ? w : ts(w), f) : u;
}, f.linkSort = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (h = w, f) : h;
}, f.size = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (s = t = 0, e = +w[0], n = +w[1], f) : [e - s, n - t];
}, f.extent = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (s = +w[0][0], e = +w[1][0], t = +w[0][1], n = +w[1][1], f) : [[s, t], [e, n]];
}, f.iterations = function(w) {
return arguments.length ? (p = +w, f) : p;
function g({ nodes: w, links: V }) {
for (const [P, $] of w.entries())
$.index = P, $.sourceLinks = [], $.targetLinks = [];
const N = new Map(, $) => [o(P, $, w), P]));
for (const [P, $] of V.entries()) {
$.index = P;
let { source: X, target: F } = $;
typeof X != "object" && (X = $.source = so(N, X)), typeof F != "object" && (F = $.target = so(N, F)), X.sourceLinks.push($), F.targetLinks.push($);
if (h != null)
for (const { sourceLinks: P, targetLinks: $ } of w)
P.sort(h), $.sort(h);
function m({ nodes: w }) {
for (const V of w)
V.value = V.fixedValue === void 0 ? Math.max(gi(V.sourceLinks, mi), gi(V.targetLinks, mi)) : V.fixedValue;
function E({ nodes: w }) {
const V = w.length;
let N = new Set(w), P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), $ = 0;
for (; N.size; ) {
for (const X of N) {
X.depth = $;
for (const { target: F } of X.sourceLinks)
if (++$ > V) throw new Error("circular link");
N = P, P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function y({ nodes: w }) {
const V = w.length;
let N = new Set(w), P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), $ = 0;
for (; N.size; ) {
for (const X of N) {
X.height = $;
for (const { source: F } of X.targetLinks)
if (++$ > V) throw new Error("circular link");
N = P, P = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function v({ nodes: w }) {
const V = to(w, ($) => $.depth) + 1, N = (e - s - i) / (V - 1), P = new Array(V);
for (const $ of w) {
const X = Math.max(0, Math.min(V - 1, Math.floor(, $, V))));
$.layer = X, $.x0 = s + X * N, $.x1 = $.x0 + i, P[X] ? P[X].push($) : P[X] = [$];
if (l) for (const $ of P)
return P;
function S(w) {
const V = kf(w, (N) => (n - t - (N.length - 1) * a) / gi(N, mi));
for (const N of w) {
let P = t;
for (const $ of N) {
$.y0 = P, $.y1 = P + $.value * V, P = $.y1 + a;
for (const X of $.sourceLinks)
X.width = X.value * V;
P = (n - P + a) / (N.length + 1);
for (let $ = 0; $ < N.length; ++$) {
const X = N[$];
X.y0 += P * ($ + 1), X.y1 += P * ($ + 1);
function b(w) {
const V = v(w);
a = Math.min(r, (n - t) / (to(V, (N) => N.length) - 1)), S(V);
for (let N = 0; N < p; ++N) {
const P = Math.pow(0.99, N), $ = Math.max(1 - P, (N + 1) / p);
I(V, P, $), O(V, P, $);
function O(w, V, N) {
for (let P = 1, $ = w.length; P < $; ++P) {
const X = w[P];
for (const F of X) {
let et = 0, J = 0;
for (const { source: Q, value: j } of F.targetLinks) {
let Z = j * (F.layer - Q.layer);
et += D(Q, F) * Z, J += Z;
if (!(J > 0)) continue;
let ct = (et / J - F.y0) * V;
F.y0 += ct, F.y1 += ct, L(F);
l === void 0 && X.sort(Ms), k(X, N);
function I(w, V, N) {
for (let P = w.length, $ = P - 2; $ >= 0; --$) {
const X = w[$];
for (const F of X) {
let et = 0, J = 0;
for (const { target: Q, value: j } of F.sourceLinks) {
let Z = j * (Q.layer - F.layer);
et += A(F, Q) * Z, J += Z;
if (!(J > 0)) continue;
let ct = (et / J - F.y0) * V;
F.y0 += ct, F.y1 += ct, L(F);
l === void 0 && X.sort(Ms), k(X, N);
function k(w, V) {
const N = w.length >> 1, P = w[N];
C(w, P.y0 - a, N - 1, V), G(w, P.y1 + a, N + 1, V), C(w, n, w.length - 1, V), G(w, t, 0, V);
function G(w, V, N, P) {
for (; N < w.length; ++N) {
const $ = w[N], X = (V - $.y0) * P;
X > 1e-6 && ($.y0 += X, $.y1 += X), V = $.y1 + a;
function C(w, V, N, P) {
for (; N >= 0; --N) {
const $ = w[N], X = ($.y1 - V) * P;
X > 1e-6 && ($.y0 -= X, $.y1 -= X), V = $.y0 - a;
function L({ sourceLinks: w, targetLinks: V }) {
if (h === void 0) {
for (const { source: { sourceLinks: N } } of V)
for (const { target: { targetLinks: N } } of w)
function B(w) {
if (h === void 0)
for (const { sourceLinks: V, targetLinks: N } of w)
V.sort(no), N.sort(eo);
function D(w, V) {
let N = w.y0 - (w.sourceLinks.length - 1) * a / 2;
for (const { target: P, width: $ } of w.sourceLinks) {
if (P === V) break;
N += $ + a;
for (const { source: P, width: $ } of V.targetLinks) {
if (P === w) break;
N -= $;
return N;
function A(w, V) {
let N = V.y0 - (V.targetLinks.length - 1) * a / 2;
for (const { source: P, width: $ } of V.targetLinks) {
if (P === w) break;
N += $ + a;
for (const { target: P, width: $ } of w.sourceLinks) {
if (P === V) break;
N -= $;
return N;
return f;
var rr = Math.PI, ar = 2 * rr, _e = 1e-6, Vf = ar - _e;
function or() {
this._x0 = this._y0 = // start of current subpath
this._x1 = this._y1 = null, this._ = "";
function Ll() {
return new or();
or.prototype = Ll.prototype = {
constructor: or,
moveTo: function(s, t) {
this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +s) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +t);
closePath: function() {
this._x1 !== null && (this._x1 = this._x0, this._y1 = this._y0, this._ += "Z");
lineTo: function(s, t) {
this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = +s) + "," + (this._y1 = +t);
quadraticCurveTo: function(s, t, e, n) {
this._ += "Q" + +s + "," + +t + "," + (this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y1 = +n);
bezierCurveTo: function(s, t, e, n, i, r) {
this._ += "C" + +s + "," + +t + "," + +e + "," + +n + "," + (this._x1 = +i) + "," + (this._y1 = +r);
arcTo: function(s, t, e, n, i) {
s = +s, t = +t, e = +e, n = +n, i = +i;
var r = this._x1, a = this._y1, o = e - s, c = n - t, l = r - s, h = a - t, d = l * l + h * h;
if (i < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + i);
if (this._x1 === null)
this._ += "M" + (this._x1 = s) + "," + (this._y1 = t);
else if (d > _e) if (!(Math.abs(h * o - c * l) > _e) || !i)
this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = s) + "," + (this._y1 = t);
else {
var u = e - r, p = n - a, f = o * o + c * c, g = u * u + p * p, m = Math.sqrt(f), E = Math.sqrt(d), y = i * Math.tan((rr - Math.acos((f + d - g) / (2 * m * E))) / 2), v = y / E, S = y / m;
Math.abs(v - 1) > _e && (this._ += "L" + (s + v * l) + "," + (t + v * h)), this._ += "A" + i + "," + i + ",0,0," + +(h * u > l * p) + "," + (this._x1 = s + S * o) + "," + (this._y1 = t + S * c);
arc: function(s, t, e, n, i, r) {
s = +s, t = +t, e = +e, r = !!r;
var a = e * Math.cos(n), o = e * Math.sin(n), c = s + a, l = t + o, h = 1 ^ r, d = r ? n - i : i - n;
if (e < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + e);
this._x1 === null ? this._ += "M" + c + "," + l : (Math.abs(this._x1 - c) > _e || Math.abs(this._y1 - l) > _e) && (this._ += "L" + c + "," + l), e && (d < 0 && (d = d % ar + ar), d > Vf ? this._ += "A" + e + "," + e + ",0,1," + h + "," + (s - a) + "," + (t - o) + "A" + e + "," + e + ",0,1," + h + "," + (this._x1 = c) + "," + (this._y1 = l) : d > _e && (this._ += "A" + e + "," + e + ",0," + +(d >= rr) + "," + h + "," + (this._x1 = s + e * Math.cos(i)) + "," + (this._y1 = t + e * Math.sin(i))));
rect: function(s, t, e, n) {
this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +s) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +t) + "h" + +e + "v" + +n + "h" + -e + "Z";
toString: function() {
return this._;
function ro(s) {
return function() {
return s;
function Bf(s) {
return s[0];
function Gf(s) {
return s[1];
var Hf = Array.prototype.slice;
function Uf(s) {
return s.source;
function zf(s) {
function Ff(s) {
var t = Uf, e = zf, n = Bf, i = Gf, r = null;
function a() {
var o, c =, l = t.apply(this, c), h = e.apply(this, c);
if (r || (r = o = Ll()), s(r, +n.apply(this, (c[0] = l, c)), +i.apply(this, c), +n.apply(this, (c[0] = h, c)), +i.apply(this, c)), o) return r = null, o + "" || null;
return a.source = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (t = o, a) : t;
}, = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (e = o, a) : e;
}, a.x = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (n = typeof o == "function" ? o : ro(+o), a) : n;
}, a.y = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (i = typeof o == "function" ? o : ro(+o), a) : i;
}, a.context = function(o) {
return arguments.length ? (r = o ?? null, a) : r;
}, a;
function Wf(s, t, e, n, i) {
s.moveTo(t, e), s.bezierCurveTo(t = (t + n) / 2, e, t, i, n, i);
function Xf() {
return Ff(Wf);
function jf(s) {
return [s.source.x1, s.y0];
function Yf(s) {
return [, s.y1];
function qf() {
return Xf().source(jf).target(Yf);
class y0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "alluvial", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.gradient_id = "gradient-id-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "alluvial graphs", withinChartClip: !0 });
const { width: n, height: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(e, {
useAttrs: !0
if (n < 1 || i < 1)
const r = this.model.getOptions(), a = this.model.getDisplayData(), o = T(
let c = ee.minNodePadding;
r.alluvial.nodePadding > ee.minNodePadding && (c = r.alluvial.nodePadding);
const l = T(r, "alluvial", "nodeAlignment");
let h = wl;
l === Jt.LEFT ? h = Rf : l === Jt.RIGHT && (h = If);
const d = $f().nodeId((v) =>[
[2, 30],
[n - 2, i]
this.graph = d({
nodes: => Object.assign({}, v)),
links: => Object.assign({}, v))
}), this.graph.nodes = this.graph.nodes.filter((v) => v.value !== 0);
const u = {};
this.graph.nodes.forEach((v) => {
const S = v.x0;
v.category && (u[S] = v == null ? void 0 : v.category);
}), e.append("g").classed("header-arrows", !0).selectAll("g").data(Object.keys(u)).join("g").attr("transform", (v) => `translate(${v}, 0)`).append("text").attr(
(v, S) =>`alluvial-category-${S}`)
).style("font-size", "14px").text((v) => u[v] ? u[v] : "").attr("y", 20).attr("x", (v, S) => {
const b =
), { width: O } = _.getSVGElementSize(R(`text#${b}`), {
useBBox: !0
let I = 0;
return v + I >= O && (I = -O + 4), I;
const f = e.append("g").attr("fill", "none").selectAll("g").data(this.graph.links);
if (f.exit().remove(), o) {
const v = T(this.getOptions(), "color", "scale");
v && f.enter().append("linearGradient").attr("id", (S) => `${this.gradient_id}-link-${S.index}`).attr("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").call(
(S) => S.append("stop").attr("offset", "0%").attr("stop-color", (b) => v[])
(S) => S.append("stop").attr("offset", "100%").attr("stop-color", (b) => v[])
), f.exit().remove();
f.enter().append("path").classed("link", !0).attr("d", qf()).attr(
(v) =>`alluvial-line-${v.index}`)
).attr("class", (v) => r.alluvial.monochrome ? this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
dataGroupName: 0,
originalClassName: "link"
}) : this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
dataGroupName: v.source.index,
originalClassName: "link"
})).style("stroke", (v) => o ? `url(#${this.gradient_id}-link-${v.index})` : this.model.getFillColor(, null, {
})).attr("stroke-width", (v) => Math.max(1, v.width)).style("stroke-opacity", ee.opacity.default).attr(
(v) => `${} → ${} (${v.value}${r.alluvial.units ? " " + r.alluvial.units : ""})`
const g = e.append("g").selectAll("g").data(this.graph.nodes).enter().append("g").attr(
(v) =>`alluvial-node-${v.index}`)
).classed("node-group", !0).attr("transform", (v) => `translate(${v.x0}, ${v.y0})`);
g.append("rect").classed("node", !0).attr("height", (v) => v.y1 - v.y0).attr("width", (v) => v.x1 - v.x0).attr("fill", "black");
const m = g.append("g").attr(
(v) =>`alluvial-node-title-${v.index}`)
), { code: E, number: y } = T(r, "locale");
(v) =>`alluvial-node-text-${v.index}`)
).attr("class", "node-text").style("font-size", "12px").attr("text-anchor", "start").attr("fill", "white").attr("x", 4).attr("dy", 13).text((v) => `${} (${y(v.value, E)})`).attr("aria-label", (v) => `${} (${v.value})`), m.append("rect").classed("node-text-bg", !0).attr("width", (v, S) => {
const b =
), { width: O } = _.getSVGElementSize(R(`text#${b}`), {
useBBox: !0
return O + 8;
}).attr("height", 18).attr("stroke-width", 2).lower(), m.attr("transform", (v, S) => {
const b =
), { width: O } = _.getSVGElementSize(R(`text#${b}`), {
useBBox: !0
}), I = (v.y1 - v.y0) / 2 - 9;
let k = v.x1 - v.x0;
return v.x1 >= O ? k = k - (O + 16) : k += 4, `translate(${k}, ${I})`;
}), this.addLineEventListener(), this.addNodeEventListener();
addLineEventListener() {
const t = this.getOptions(), e = this, { number: n, code: i } = T(this.getOptions(), "locale"), r = xi((a, o = "mouseover") => {
const c = e.parent.selectAll("").transition().call(
(l) =>{
transition: l,
name: "alluvial-links-mouse-highlight"
o === "mouseout" ? (R(a).lower(),"stroke-opacity", ee.opacity.default)) :"stroke-opacity", function() {
return a === this ? (R(this).raise(), ee.opacity.selected) : ee.opacity.unfocus;
}, 33);
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", function(a, o) {
const c = R(this);
r(this, "mouseover"), c.classed("link-hovered", !0);
const l = getComputedStyle(this).getPropertyValue("stroke");, {
event: a,
element: c,
datum: o
}),, {
event: a,
hoveredElement: c,
items: [
value: (n(o.value, i) ? `${n(o.value, i)}` : "-") + (t.alluvial.units ? ` ${t.alluvial.units}` : ""),
color: l,
labelIcon: e.getRightArrowIcon()
}).on("mousemove", function(a, o) {, {
event: a,
element: R(this),
datum: o
}),, {
event: a
}).on("click", function(a, o) {, {
event: a,
element: R(this),
datum: o
}).on("mouseout", function(a, o) {
const c = R(this);
r(this, "mouseout"), c.classed("link-hovered", !1),, {
event: a,
element: c,
datum: o
}),, {
event: a,
hoveredElement: c
addNodeEventListener() {
const t = this, e = xi((n = [], i = "mouseover") => {
if (i === "mouseout" || n.length === 0) {
t.parent.selectAll("").classed("link-hovered", !1).data(this.graph.links, (a) => a.index).order().style("stroke-opacity", ee.opacity.default);
(a) =>{
transition: a,
name: "alluvial-link-mouse-highlight"
).style("stroke-opacity", function(a) {
return n.some((o) => o === a.index) ? (R(this).classed("link-hovered", !0).raise(), ee.opacity.selected) : ee.opacity.unfocus;
}, 66);
t.parent.selectAll(".node-group").on("mouseover", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this), a = [];
if (t.traverse({ link: "sourceLinks", node: "target" }, i, a), t.traverse({ link: "targetLinks", node: "source" }, i, a), a.length) {
const o = mn(r.attr("transform"));
if (r.attr("transform", `translate(${o.x - 2}, ${o.y})`), r.classed("node-hovered", !0).selectAll("rect.node").attr("width", 8), i.x0 - 2 === 0) {
const l =
), h =`g#${l}`), d = mn(h.attr("transform"));
h.attr("transform", `translate(${d.x + 4},${d.y})`);
const c =
);`text#${c}`).style("font-weight", "bold"), e(a, "mouseover"),, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
}).on("mousemove", function(n, i) {, {
event: n,
element: R(this),
datum: i
}),, {
event: n
}).on("click", function(n, i) {, {
event: n,
element: R(this),
datum: i
}).on("mouseout", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this), a = mn(r.attr("transform"));
if (r.classed("node-hovered", !1).attr("transform", `translate(${a.x + 2}, ${a.y})`).select("rect.node").attr("width", ee.nodeWidth), i.x0 - 2 === 0) {
const c =
), l =`g#${c}`), h = mn(l.attr("transform"));
l.attr("transform", `translate(${h.x - 4},${h.y})`);
const o =
);`text#${o}`).style("font-weight", "normal"), e([], "mouseout"),, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
}),, {
hoveredElement: r
// Traverse graph and get all connected links to node
traverse(t, e, n = []) {
e[].map((r) => (n.push(r.index), r[t.node])).forEach((r) => this.traverse(t, r, n));
getRightArrowIcon() {
return `
// Remove event listeners
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("path.line,.node-group").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("click", null).on("mouseout", null);
class E0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "grid", this.renderType = st.SVG;
render(t = !0) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "x", "enabled"), n = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "y", "enabled");
this.drawBackdrop(e, n), !(!e && !n) && (e && (_.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "g.x.grid"), this.drawXGrid(t)), n && (_.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "g.y.grid"), this.drawYGrid(t)));
drawXGrid(t) {
const e = this.parent, n = this.backdrop.attr("height"), i =, r = hr(i).tickSizeInner(-n).tickSizeOuter(0);
if (T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "x", "alignWithAxisTicks")) {
const c =, l = T(this.getOptions(), "axes", c, "ticks", "values");
l && r.tickValues(l);
} else {
const c = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "x", "numberOfTicks");
const o =".x.grid").attr("transform", `translate(${-this.backdrop.attr("x")}, ${n})`);
t ? o.transition().call(
(c) =>{
transition: c,
name: "grid-update",
animate: t
).call(r) :, this.cleanGrid(o);
drawYGrid(t) {
const e = this.parent, n = this.backdrop.attr("width"), i =, r = Bo(i).tickSizeInner(-n).tickSizeOuter(0);
if (T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "y", "alignWithAxisTicks")) {
const c =, l = T(this.getOptions(), "axes", c, "ticks", "values");
l && r.tickValues(l);
} else {
const c = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "y", "numberOfTicks");
const o =".y.grid").attr("transform", `translate(0, ${-this.backdrop.attr("y")})`);
t ? o.transition().call(
(c) =>{
transition: c,
name: "grid-update",
animate: t
).call(r) :, this.cleanGrid(o);
* Returns the threshold for the gridline tooltips based on the mouse location.
* Calculated based on the mouse position between the two closest gridlines or edges of chart.
getGridlineThreshold(t) {
const e = this.parent, n = e.selectAll(".x.grid .tick").nodes().sort((h, d) => Number(fe(h).tx) - Number(fe(d).tx));
let i = -1;
if (!n.length)
n.forEach((h) => {
t[0] >= +fe(h).tx && i++;
const r = i + 1 < n.length ? i + 1 : n.length, a = n[i], o = n[r];
let c;
if (!a)
c = +fe(o).tx;
else if (o)
c = +fe(o).tx - +fe(a).tx;
else {
const h ="rect.chart-grid-backdrop").node();
c = _.getSVGElementSize(h).width - +fe(a).tx;
const { threshold: l } = this.getOptions().tooltip.gridline;
return c * l;
* Returns the active gridlines based on the gridline threshold and mouse position.
* @param position mouse positon
getActiveGridline(t) {
const e = T(this.getOptions, "tooltip", "gridline", "threshold"), n = e || this.getGridlineThreshold(t);
return this.parent.selectAll(".x.grid .tick").filter(function() {
const a = fe(this), o = {
min: Number(a.tx) - n,
max: Number(a.tx) + n
return o.min <= t[0] && t[0] <= o.max;
drawBackdrop(t, e) {
const n = this.parent, i =, r =, [a, o] = i.range(), [c, l] = r.range();
this.backdrop = _.appendOrSelect(n, "svg.chart-grid-backdrop").attr(
const h = _.appendOrSelect(
t || e ? "rect.chart-grid-backdrop.stroked" : "rect.chart-grid-backdrop"
this.backdrop.merge(h).attr("x", a).attr("y", l).attr("width", Math.abs(o - a)).attr("height", Math.abs(c - l)).lower(), h.attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%");
cleanGrid(t) {
class S0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "area", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.gradient_id = "gradient-id-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999), this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail;
(n) =>{
transition: n,
name: "legend-hover-area"
).attr("opacity", (n) => !== e.datum().name ? me.opacity.unselected : me.opacity.selected);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-area"
).attr("opacity", me.opacity.selected);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "area graphs", withinChartClip: !0 }), n = this.getOptions();
let i = [0, 0];
const { cartesianScales: r } =, a = r.getOrientation(), o = yr().curve( => {
const O = r.getRangeIdentifier(), I = b[O];
return I != null;
}), c = this.model.getGroupedData(this.configs.groups), l = T(n, "bounds"), h = l && c && c.length === 1;
!h && l && console.warn(
`Bounds can only be shown when having 1 single datagroup, you've supplied ${c.length}`
let d = 0;
const u = (b, O) => {
T(n, "axes", b, "includeZero") === !1 && O[0] > 0 && O[1] > 0 && (d = O[0]);
}, p = (b) => h ? r.getBoundedScaledValues(b)[0] : r.getRangeValue(d), f = (b) => h ? r.getBoundedScaledValues(b)[1] : r.getRangeValue(b);
a === Ft.VERTICAL ? (i = r.getMainYScale().domain(), u(r.getMainYAxisPosition(), i), o.x((b) => r.getDomainValue(b)).y0((b) => p(b)).y1((b) => f(b))) : (i = r.getMainXScale().domain(), u(r.getMainXAxisPosition(), i), o.x0((b) => p(b)).x1((b) => f(b)).y((b) => r.getDomainValue(b)));
const g = T(n, "color", "gradient", "enabled"), m = c && c.length === 1 && g;
c.length > 1 && g && console.error("Gradients can only be enabled when having 1 single dataset");
const E = e.selectAll("path.area").data(c, (b) =>, y = R(;
if (E.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), !c.length)
if (m) {
const b =
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
dataGroupName: c[0].name
let O;
if (b)
O = getComputedStyle(b, null).getPropertyValue(
else {
const I = T(this.model.getOptions(), "color", "scale");
if (I !== null) {
const k = Object.keys(I);
O = I[k[0]];
svg: this.parent,
`${c[0].name.replace(" ", "")}_${this.gradient_id}`
x1: "0%",
x2: "0%",
y1: "0%",
y2: "100%",
stops: ta.getStops(i, O)
} else
this.parent.selectAll("defs linearGradient").empty() || this.parent.selectAll("defs linearGradient").each(function() {
const v = this, S = E.enter().append("path");
m ? S.merge(E).style(
(b) => `url(#${
`${" ", "")}_${this.gradient_id}`
).attr("class", "area").attr(
(b) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
originalClassName: "area"
).attr("d", (b) => {
const { data: O } = b;
return o(O);
}) : (S.attr("opacity", 0).merge(E).attr("class", "area").attr(
(b) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "area"
).style("fill", (b) => v.model.getFillColor(, null,
(b) =>{
transition: b,
name: "area-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", h ? 1 : me.opacity.selected).attr("d", (b) => {
const { data: O } = b;
return o(O);
}), h && S.attr("fill-opacity", me.opacity.selected).style("stroke", (b) => v.model.getStrokeColor(, null,"stroke-dasharray", "2, 2").attr("stroke-width", 0.7 + "px"));
destroy() {
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
class x0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "line", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail;
(n) =>{
transition: n,
name: "legend-hover-line"
).attr("opacity", (n) => !== e.datum().name ? ge.opacity.unselected : ge.opacity.selected);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-line"
).attr("opacity", ge.opacity.selected);
init() {
const { events: t } =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "lines", withinChartClip: !0 }), { cartesianScales: n, curves: i } =, r = (f) => n.getDomainValue(f), a = (f) => n.getRangeValue(f), [o, c] = ye(
), l = this.getOptions(), h = Nn().x(o).y(c).curve(i.getD3Curve()).defined((f) => {
const g = n.getRangeIdentifier(f), m = f[g];
return m != null;
let d = [];
if (this.configs.stacked) {
const f = Object.keys(l.axes).some((E) => l.axes[E].percentage), { groupMapsTo: g } =;
d = this.model.getStackedData({
groups: this.configs.groups,
percentage: f
}).map((E) => {
const y =, v =;
return {
name: T(E, 0, g),
data: => ({
[g]: S[g],
[v]: S[1]
hidden: !lu(E, (S) => S[0] !== S[1])
} else
d = this.model.getGroupedData(this.configs.groups);
const u = e.selectAll("path.line").data(d, (f) =>;
u.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), u.enter().append("path").classed("line", !0).attr("opacity", 0).merge(u).data(d, (f) =>
(f) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "line"
).style("stroke", (f) => this.model.getStrokeColor(, null,"role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "line").attr("aria-label", (f) => {
const { data: g } = f;
return => {
const E =;
return m[E];
(f) =>{
transition: f,
name: "line-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", (f) => f.hidden ? 0 : 1).attr("d", (f) => {
const { data: g } = f;
return h(g);
destroy() {
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
const ao = 5;
function Zf(s, t) {
return s > t - ao && s < t + ao;
class Al extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "ruler", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.isXGridEnabled = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "x", "enabled"), this.isYGridEnabled = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "y", "enabled"), this.isEventListenerAdded = !1;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "ruler", "enabled");
this.drawBackdrop(), e && !this.isEventListenerAdded ? this.addBackdropEventListeners() : !e && this.isEventListenerAdded && this.removeBackdropEventListeners();
removeBackdropEventListeners() {
this.isEventListenerAdded = !1, this.backdrop.on("mousemove mouseover mouseout", null);
formatTooltipData(t) {
return t;
showRuler(t, [e, n]) {
const i = this.parent, r =, a = this.model.getDisplayData(), o =, [c, l] = o.range(), h = r === Ft.HORIZONTAL ? n : e, d = _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.ruler").attr("aria-label", "ruler"), u = _.appendOrSelect(d, "line.ruler-line"), p = i.selectAll("[role=graphics-symbol]"), f = => ({
originalData: m
})).filter((m) => Zf(m.domainValue, h));
if (this.pointsWithinLine && f.length === this.pointsWithinLine.length && => m.domainValue).join() === => m.domainValue).join())
return this.pointsWithinLine = f,, {
mousePosition: [e, n]
this.pointsWithinLine = f;
const g = this.pointsWithinLine.reduce((m, E) => {
if (m.length === 0)
return m.push(E), m;
const y = m[0].domainValue, v = Math.abs(h - E.domainValue), S = Math.abs(h - y);
return v > S || (v < S ? m = [E] : m.push(E)), m;
}, []);
if (g.length > 0) {
const m = => S.originalData).filter((S) => {
const b =, O = S[b];
return O != null;
}), E =
(S) => S.domainValue
), y = p.filter((S) => {
const b =;
return E.includes(b);
this.elementsToHighlight && this.elementsToHighlight.size() > 0 && !$o(this.elementsToHighlight, y) && this.hideRuler(), y.dispatch("mouseover"), this.elementsToHighlight = y,, {
event: t,
mousePosition: [e, n],
hoveredElement: u,
data: this.formatTooltipData(m)
}), d.attr("opacity", 1);
const v = g[0];
r === "horizontal" ? u.attr("x1", l).attr("x2", c).attr("y1", v.domainValue).attr("y2", v.domainValue) : u.attr("y1", l).attr("y2", c).attr("x1", v.domainValue).attr("x2", v.domainValue);
} else
hideRuler() {
const t = this.parent, e = _.appendOrSelect(t, "g.ruler");
t.selectAll("[role=graphics-symbol]").dispatch("mouseout"),, e.attr("opacity", 0);
* Adds the listener on the X grid to trigger multiple point tooltips along the x axis.
addBackdropEventListeners() {
this.isEventListenerAdded = !0;
const t = this, e =, n = this.model.getDisplayData();
let i = function(r) {
const a = en(r, t.parent.node());
t.showRuler(r, a);
if (n.length > 100) {
const r = n.length % 50 * 12.5;
i = jl(
function(a) {
const { mousePosition: o } = this;
t.showRuler(a, o);
this.backdrop.on("mousemove mouseover", i).on("mouseout", this.hideRuler.bind(this));
drawBackdrop() {
const t = this.parent;
this.backdrop = _.appendOrSelect(t, "svg.chart-grid-backdrop");
class Sr extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "scatter", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleChartHolderOnHover = () => {
if (!this.parent) throw new Error("Parent not defined");
(t) => {
var e;
return (e = == null ? void 0 : e.setupTransition({
transition: t,
name: "chart-holder-hover-scatter"
).attr("opacity", 1);
}, this.handleChartHolderOnMouseOut = () => {
if (!this.parent) throw new Error("Parent not defined");
(t) => {
var e;
return (e = == null ? void 0 : e.setupTransition({
transition: t,
name: "chart-holder-mouseout-scatter"
).attr("opacity", 0);
}, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.getOptions().data;
if (!this.parent) throw new Error("Parent not defined");
(i) => {
var r;
return (r = == null ? void 0 : r.setupTransition({
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-scatter"
).attr("opacity", (i) => i[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
if (!this.parent) throw new Error("Parent not defined");
(t) => {
var e;
return (e = == null ? void 0 : e.setupTransition({
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-scatter"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const { events: t } =;
if (!t) throw new Error("Services events are undefined.");
), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
const { fadeInOnChartHolderMouseover: e } = this.configs;
e && (t.addEventListener(x.Chart.MOUSEOVER, this.handleChartHolderOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Chart.MOUSEOUT, this.handleChartHolderOnMouseOut));
filterBasedOnZoomDomain(t) {
const { cartesianScales: e } =;
if (!e) throw new Error("Services cartesianScales are undefined.");
const n = e.getDomainIdentifier(t), i = this.model.get("zoomDomain");
return i !== void 0 ? t.filter(
(r) => r[n].getTime() >= i[0].getTime() && r[n].getTime() <= i[1].getTime()
) : t;
getScatterData() {
const t = this.getOptions(), { stacked: e } = this.configs;
let n;
if (e) {
const i = Object.keys(t.axes).some((r) => t.axes[r].percentage);
n = this.model.getStackedData({
groups: this.configs.groups,
percentage: i
} else {
const { cartesianScales: i } =;
if (!i) throw new Error("Services cartesianScales are undefined.");
n = this.model.getDisplayData(this.configs.groups).filter((r) => {
const a = i.getRangeIdentifier(r);
return r[a] !== void 0 && r[a] !== null;
return this.filterBasedOnZoomDomain(n);
render(t) {
if (!(T(this.getOptions(), "points", "enabled") || T(this.getOptions(), "bubble", "enabled")))
const n = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "scatter points", withinChartClip: !0 }), i = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: r } =, { cartesianScales: a } =;
if (!a) throw new Error("Services cartesianScales are undefined.");
const o = a.getDomainIdentifier(), c = n.selectAll("").data(
(d) => `${d[r]}-${d[o]}`
c.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const h = c.enter().append("circle").classed("dot", !0).attr("opacity", 0).merge(c);
this.styleCircles(h, t), this.addEventListeners();
// A value is an anomaly if is above all defined domain and range thresholds
isDatapointThresholdAnomaly(t) {
const { handleThresholds: e } = this.configs;
if (!e)
return !1;
const { cartesianScales: n } =;
if (!n) throw new Error("Cartesian scales service is undefined");
const i = n.getOrientation(), [r, a] = ye(
), [o, c] = ye(
(d) => n.getDomainValue(d),
(d) => n.getRangeValue(d),
), l = o(t), h = c(t);
return a && r ? h <= a.scaleValue && l >= r.scaleValue : a ? h <= a.scaleValue : r ? l >= r.scaleValue : !1;
styleCircles(t, e) {
const n = this.getOptions(), { filled: i, fillOpacity: r } = n.points, { cartesianScales: a } =;
if (!a) throw new Error("Cartesian scales service is undefined");
const { groupMapsTo: o } =, c = (p) => a.getDomainValue(p), l = (p) => a.getRangeValue(p), [h, d] = ye(
), { fadeInOnChartHolderMouseover: u } = this.configs;
t.raise().classed("dot", !0).attr("class", (p) => {
const f = a.getDomainIdentifier(p), m = this.model.getIsFilled(p[o], p[f], p, i) ? [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE] : [tt.STROKE];
return this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: m,
dataGroupName: p[o],
originalClassName: "dot"
}) || "";
}).classed("threshold-anomaly", (p) => this.isDatapointThresholdAnomaly(p)).classed("filled", (p) => {
const f = a.getDomainIdentifier(p);
return this.model.getIsFilled(p[o], p[f], p, i);
}).classed("unfilled", (p) => {
const f = a.getDomainIdentifier(p);
return !this.model.getIsFilled(p[o], p[f], p, i);
(p) => {
var f;
return (f = == null ? void 0 : f.setupTransition({
transition: p,
name: "scatter-update-enter",
animate: e
).attr("cx", h).attr("cy", d).attr("r", n.points.radius).style("fill", (p) => {
const f = a.getDomainIdentifier(p);
if (this.model.getIsFilled(p[o], p[f], p, i))
return this.model.getFillColor(p[o], p[f], p);
}).style("stroke", (p) => {
const f = a.getDomainIdentifier(p);
return this.model.getStrokeColor(p[o], p[f], p);
}).attr("fill-opacity", i ? r : 1).attr("opacity", u ? 0 : 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "point").attr("aria-label", (p) => {
const f = a.getRangeIdentifier(p);
return p[f];
}), this.addEventListeners();
// Extended in bubble graphs
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
getTooltipAdditionalItems(t) {
return null;
addEventListeners() {
const t = this, { groupMapsTo: e } = t.getOptions().data;
if (!this.parent) throw new Error("Parent not defined");
this.parent.selectAll("circle").on("mouseover", function(n, i) {
var a, o;
const r = R(this);
r.classed("hovered", !0).attr(
(c) => t.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: c[e],
originalClassName: r.attr("class")
).style("fill", (c) => {
var h;
const l = (h = == null ? void 0 : h.getDomainIdentifier(c);
return t.model.getFillColor(c[e], c[l], c);
}).classed("unfilled", !1), (a = == null || a.dispatchEvent(x.Tooltip.SHOW, {
event: n,
hoveredElement: r,
data: [i],
additionalItems: t.getTooltipAdditionalItems(i)
}), (o = == null || o.dispatchEvent(x.Scatter.SCATTER_MOUSEOVER, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
}).on("mousemove", function(n, i) {
var a, o;
const r = R(this);
(a = == null || a.dispatchEvent(x.Scatter.SCATTER_MOUSEMOVE, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
}), (o = == null || o.dispatchEvent(x.Tooltip.MOVE, {
event: n
}).on("click", function(n, i) {
var r;
(r = == null || r.dispatchEvent(x.Scatter.SCATTER_CLICK, {
event: n,
element: R(this),
datum: i
}).on("mouseout", function(n, i) {
var a, o, c;
const r = R(this);
if (r.classed("hovered", !1), !t.configs.filled) {
const { filled: l } = t.getOptions().points, h = (a = == null ? void 0 : a.getDomainIdentifier(i), d = t.model.getIsFilled(
r.classed("unfilled", !d).style("fill", (u) => d || l ? t.model.getFillColor(u[e], u[h], u) : null);
(o = == null || o.dispatchEvent(x.Scatter.SCATTER_MOUSEOUT, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
}), (c = == null || c.dispatchEvent(x.Tooltip.HIDE, {
hoveredElement: r
destroy() {
var e;
(e = this.parent) == null || e.selectAll("circle").on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const { events: t } =;
if (!t) throw new Error("Services events undefined");
), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut), t.removeEventListener(x.Chart.MOUSEOVER, this.handleChartHolderOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Chart.MOUSEOUT, this.handleChartHolderOnMouseOut);
class Ml extends ot {
constructor(t, e, n) {
super(t, e, n), this.type = "axes", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.truncation = {
[Y.LEFT]: !1,
[Y.RIGHT]: !1,
[Y.TOP]: !1,
[Y.BOTTOM]: !1
}, n && (this.configs = n), this.margins = this.configs.margins;
render(t = !0) {
const { position: e } = this.configs, n = this.getOptions(), i = T(n, "axes", e, "visible"), r = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "axes"
}), { width: a, height: o } = _.getSVGElementSize(r, {
useAttrs: !0
}), c = _.appendOrSelect(r, `g.axis.${e}`);
let l, h;
if (e === Y.BOTTOM || e === Y.TOP ? (l = this.configs.axes[Y.LEFT] ? this.margins.left : 0, h = this.configs.axes[Y.RIGHT] ? a - this.margins.right : a) : (l = o - this.margins.bottom, h =, ! throw new Error("Services cartesianScales undefined");
const d =;
this.scaleType === Mt.LABELS || this.scaleType === Mt.LABELS_RATIO ? d.rangeRound([l, h]) : d.range([l, h]);
let u;
switch (e) {
case Y.LEFT:
u = Bo;
case Y.BOTTOM:
u = hr;
case Y.RIGHT:
u = vu;
case Y.TOP:
u = mu;
c.attr("aria-label", `${e} axis`);
const p = !"g.ticks").empty();
let f = _.appendOrSelect(c, "g.ticks");
p || (f.attr("role", `${it.GRAPHICS_OBJECT} ${it.GROUP}`), f.attr("aria-label", `${e} ticks`));
const g = _.appendOrSelect(c, "g.ticks.invisible").style("opacity", "0").style("pointer-events", "none").attr("aria-hidden", !0).attr("aria-label", `invisible ${e} ticks`), m = T(n, "axes", e), E = this.scaleType === Mt.TIME || m.scaleType === Mt.TIME, y = e === Y.LEFT || e === Y.RIGHT, v = this.model.get("zoomDomain");
if (v && E && !y && d.domain(v), !i) {
f.attr("aria-hidden", !0);
const S = T(m, "scaleType"), b = T(n, "data", "loading"), O = T(m, "ticks", "number"), I = T(m, "ticks", "values"), k = T(m, "truncation", "type"), G = T(m, "truncation", "threshold"), C = T(m, "truncation", "numCharacter"), L = O !== null, B = T(n, "timeScale"), D = _.appendOrSelect(g, "g.tick"), A = _.appendOrSelect(D, "text").text("0"), w = _.getSVGElementSize(A.node(), {
useBBox: !0
const V = this.scaleType || m.scaleType || Mt.LINEAR, N = u(d).tickSizeOuter(0);
if (d.ticks) {
let j;
if (L ? j = O : (j = qe.ticks.number, y && (j = this.getNumberOfFittingTicks(
))), d.ticks().length === 1 && d.ticks()[0] === 0 && (j = 0), N.ticks(j), E)
if (!d.ticks(j).length)
else {
const Z = T(n, "timeScale", "addSpaceOnEdges"), ut = T(n, "axes", e, "domain"), ht = d.copy();
Z && !ut && ht.nice(j);
const Et = ht.ticks(j);
Z && Et.length > 2 && !ut && (Et.splice(Et.length - 1, 1), Et.splice(0, 1)), N.tickValues(Et);
let P;
const $ = T(m, "ticks", "formatter"), { code: X, number: F } = T(n, "locale");
if (E) {
const j = yi(
T(n, "timeScale", "timeInterval")
$ === null ? P = (Z, ut) => Ei(Z, ut, N.tickValues(), j, B, n.locale) : P = (Z, ut) => {
const ht = Ei(
return $(Z, ut, ht);
} else
$ === null ? V === Mt.LINEAR && (P = (j) => F(j, X)) : P = $;
const [et, J] =;
let ct;
if (I) {
if (E)
I.forEach((j, Z) => {
j.getTime === void 0 && (I[Z] = new Date(j));
}), ct = I.filter((j) => {
const Z = j.getTime();
return Z >= new Date(et).getTime() && Z <= new Date(J).getTime();
else if (S === Mt.LABELS) {
const j =;
ct = I.filter((Z) => j.includes(Z));
} else
ct = I.filter(
(j) => j >= et && j <= J
switch (e) {
case Y.LEFT:
f.attr("transform", `translate(${this.margins.left}, 0)`);
case Y.BOTTOM:
f.attr("transform", `translate(0, ${o - this.margins.bottom})`);
case Y.RIGHT:
f.attr("transform", `translate(${a - this.margins.right}, 0)`);
case Y.TOP:
f.attr("transform", `translate(0, ${})`);
const Q = this.model.isDataEmpty();
if (m.title) {
const j = _.appendOrSelect(c, "text.axis-title").html(
Q || b ? "" : ue(m.title)
), Z = T(m, "titleOrientation");
let ut;
switch (e) {
case Y.LEFT:
Z === Yr.RIGHT ? j.attr("transform", "rotate(90)").attr("y", 0).attr("x", d.range()[0] / 2).attr("dy", "-0.5em").style("text-anchor", "middle") : j.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)").attr("y", 0).attr("x", -(d.range()[0] / 2)).attr("dy", "0.75em").style("text-anchor", "middle");
case Y.BOTTOM:
`translate(${this.margins.left / 2 + d.range()[1] / 2}, ${o + 4})`
).style("text-anchor", "middle");
case Y.RIGHT:
Z === Yr.LEFT ? j.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)").attr("y", a).attr("x", -(d.range()[0] / 2)).style("text-anchor", "middle") : j.attr("transform", "rotate(90)").attr("y", -a).attr("x", d.range()[0] / 2).attr("dy", "0.75em").style("text-anchor", "middle");
case Y.TOP:
ut = _.getSVGElementSize(j, {
useBBox: !0
}).height, j.attr(
`translate(${this.margins.left / 2 + d.range()[1] / 2}, ${ut / 2})`
).style("text-anchor", "middle");
if (E) {
const j = yi(
T(n, "timeScale", "timeInterval")
), Z = B.showDayName, ut = f;
t && (f = f.transition().call(
(Et) =>{
transition: Et,
name: "axis-update",
animate: t
)), f =, ut.selectAll(".tick").data(N.tickValues(), d).order().select("text").style("font-weight", (Et, Ut) => Yl(Et, Ut, N.tickValues(), j, Z) ? "bold" : "normal");
} else
!t || !p ? f = : f = f.transition().call(
(j) =>{
transition: j,
name: "axis-update",
animate: t
if (, e === Y.BOTTOM || e === Y.TOP) {
let j = !1;
const Z = T(m, "ticks", "rotation");
if (Z === zs.ALWAYS)
j = !0;
else if (Z === zs.NEVER)
j = !1;
else if (!Z || Z === zs.AUTO)
if (d.step)
j = g.selectAll("g.tick text").nodes().some(
(ht) => _.getSVGElementSize(ht, {
useBBox: !0
}).width >= d.step()
else {
j = !1;
const ut = g.append("text").text("A"), ht = _.getSVGElementSize(ut.node(), {
useBBox: !0
let Et;
g.selectAll("g.tick").each(function() {
const Ut = R(this), H = parseFloat(T(fe(this), "tx"));
H !== null && Et + Ut.text().length * ht * 0.8 >= H && (j = !0), Et = H;
}), ut.remove();
j ? (L || (N.ticks(
this.getNumberOfFittingTicks(a, w, qe.ticks.horizontalSpaceRatio)
),,, c.selectAll("g.ticks g.tick text").attr("transform", "rotate(-45)").attr("text-anchor", e === Y.TOP ? "start" : "end")) : c.selectAll("g.ticks g.tick text").attr("transform", null).attr("text-anchor", null);
if (b ? c.attr("opacity", 0) : c.attr("opacity", 1), f.selectAll("g.tick").attr("aria-label", (j) => j), g.selectAll("g.tick").attr("aria-label", (j) => j), k !== Ze.NONE && S === Mt.LABELS && !I) {
const j =;
if (j.length > 0) {
const Z =`g.axis.${e} g.ticks g.tick`).html();
c.selectAll("g.ticks g.tick").html(Z);
const ut = this;
c.selectAll("g.tick text").data(j).text(function(ht) {
return ht.length > G ? (ut.truncation[e] = !0, Cn(ht, k, C)) : ht;
}), this.getInvisibleAxisRef().selectAll("g.tick text").data(j).text(function(ht) {
return ht.length > G ? Cn(ht, k, C) : ht;
}), c.selectAll("g.ticks").html(this.getInvisibleAxisRef().html()), c.selectAll("g.tick text").data(j);
addEventListeners() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), { position: e } = this.configs, n = _.appendOrSelect(t, `g.axis.${e}`), i = this.getOptions(), r = T(i, "axes", e), a = T(r, "scaleType"), o = T(r, "truncation", "threshold"), c = this;
n.selectAll("g.tick text").on("mouseover", function(l, h) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: h
}), a === Mt.LABELS && h.length > o &&, {
event: l,
hoveredElement: R(this),
content: h
}).on("mousemove", function(l, h) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: h
}), a === Mt.LABELS && h.length > o &&, {
event: l
}).on("click", function(l, h) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: h
}).on("mouseout", function(l, h) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: h
}), a === Mt.LABELS &&;
getInvisibleAxisRef() {
const { position: t } = this.configs;
return this.getComponentContainer().select(`g.axis.${t} g.ticks.invisible`);
getTitleRef() {
const { position: t } = this.configs;
return this.getComponentContainer().select(`g.axis.${t} text.axis-title`);
getNumberOfFittingTicks(t, e, n) {
const i = Math.floor(t / (e * n));
return No(i, 2, qe.ticks.number);
destroy() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), { position: e } = this.configs;
_.appendOrSelect(t, `g.axis.${e}`).selectAll("g.tick text").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
class Kf extends Ml {
constructor(t, e, n) {
super(t, e, n);
render(t = !0) {
super.render(t), super.destroy();
const e = this.configs.position, n = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "axes"
}), i = _.appendOrSelect(n, `g.axis.${e}`), r = this;
i.selectAll("g.tick").each(function(a, o) {
const c = R(this);
c.classed("tick-hover", !0).attr("tabindex", o === 0 ? 0 : -1);
const l ="text"), { width: h, height: d } = _.getSVGElementSize(l, {
useBBox: !0
}), u = _.appendOrSelect(c, "rect.axis-holder");
let p = 0, f = 0;
switch (e) {
case Y.LEFT:
p = -h + Number(l.attr("x")), f = -(d / 2);
case Y.RIGHT:
p = Math.abs(Number(l.attr("x"))), f = -(d / 2);
case Y.TOP:
p = -(h / 2), f = -d + Number(l.attr("y")) / 2, r.truncation[e] && (p = 0, u.attr("transform", "rotate(-45)"));
case Y.BOTTOM:
p = -(h / 2), f = d / 2 - 2, r.truncation[e] && (p = -h, u.attr("transform", "rotate(-45)"));
u.attr("x", p - qe.hover.rectanglePadding).attr("y", f).attr("width", h + qe.hover.rectanglePadding * 2).attr("height", d).lower();
}), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), { position: e } = this.configs, n = _.appendOrSelect(t, `g.axis.${e}`), i = this.getOptions(), r = T(i, "axes", e), a = T(r, "scaleType"), o = T(r, "truncation", "threshold"), c = this;
n.selectAll("g.tick.tick-hover").on("mouseover", function(l) {
const h = R(this).select("text"), d = h.datum();, {
event: l,
element: h,
datum: d
}), a === Mt.LABELS && d.length > o &&, {
event: l,
element: h,
datum: d
}).on("mousemove", function(l) {
const h = R(this).select("text"), d = h.datum();, {
event: l,
element: h,
datum: d
}),, {
event: l
}).on("click", function(l) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this).select("text"),
datum: R(this).select("text").datum()
}).on("mouseout", function(l) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this).select("text"),
datum: R(this).select("text").datum()
}), a === Mt.LABELS &&;
}).on("focus", function(l) {
const h = { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 };
if ( {;
const d =;
h.clientX = d.x, h.clientY = d.y;
}, {
event: { ...l, ...h },
element: R(this),
datum: R(this).select("text").datum()
}).on("blur", function(l) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: R(this).select("text").datum()
}).on("keydown", function(l) {
l.key && l.key === "Escape" && (,, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: R(this).select("text").datum()
})), e === Y.LEFT || e === Y.RIGHT ? l.key && l.key === "ArrowUp" ? c.goNext(this, l) : l.key && l.key === "ArrowDown" && c.goPrevious(this, l) : l.key && l.key === "ArrowLeft" ? c.goPrevious(this, l) : l.key && l.key === "ArrowRight" && c.goNext(this, l);
// Focus on the next HTML element sibling
goNext(t, e) {
t.nextElementSibling && t.nextElementSibling.tagName !== "path" && t.nextElementSibling.dispatchEvent(new Event("focus")), e.preventDefault();
// Focus on the previous HTML element sibling
goPrevious(t, e) {
t.previousElementSibling && t.previousElementSibling.tagName !== "path" && t.previousElementSibling.dispatchEvent(new Event("focus")), e.preventDefault();
destroy() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), { position: e } = this.configs;
_.appendOrSelect(t, `g.axis.${e}`).selectAll("g.tick.tick-hover").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null).on("focus", null).on("blur", null);
class b0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "2D-axes", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.children = {}, this.thresholds = [], this.margins = {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
render(t = !1) {
const e = {}, n = Object.keys(Y), i = T(this.getOptions(), "axes");
n.forEach((o) => {
i[Y[o]] && (e[Y[o]] = !0);
}), this.configs.axes = e, n.forEach((o) => {
const c = Y[o];
if (this.configs.axes[c] && !this.children[c]) {
const l = {
position: c,
axes: this.configs.axes,
margins: this.margins
}, h = this.model.axisFlavor === ec.DEFAULT ? new Ml(this.model,, l) : new Kf(this.model,, l);
h.setModel(this.model), h.setServices(, h.setParent(this.parent), this.children[c] = h;
}), Object.keys(this.children).forEach((o) => {
const r = {};
Object.keys(this.children).forEach((o) => {
const c = this.children[o], l = c.configs.position, h = c.getInvisibleAxisRef(), { width: d, height: u } = _.getSVGElementSize(h, { useBBox: !0 });
let p;
switch (c.getTitleRef().empty() ? p = 0 : (p = _.getSVGElementSize(c.getTitleRef(), {
useBBox: !0
}).height, (l === Y.LEFT || l === Y.RIGHT) && (p += 5)), l) {
case Y.TOP: = u + p;
case Y.BOTTOM:
r.bottom = u + p;
case Y.LEFT:
r.left = d + p;
case Y.RIGHT:
r.right = d + p;
}),, Object.keys(r).some(
(o) => this.margins[o] !== r[o]
) && (this.margins = Object.assign(this.margins, r), this.model.set({ axesMargins: this.margins }, { skipUpdate: !0 }),, Object.keys(this.children).forEach((o) => {
const c = this.children[o];
c.margins = this.margins;
}), this.render(!0));
class Jf extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "skeleton";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "data", "loading");
e ? this.renderSkeleton(e) : this.removeSkeleton();
renderSkeleton(t) {
if (this.configs.skeleton === Hn.GRID)
else if (this.configs.skeleton === Hn.VERT_OR_HORIZ)
else if (this.configs.skeleton === Hn.PIE)
else if (this.configs.skeleton === Hn.DONUT)
throw new Error(`"${this.configs.skeleton}" is not a valid Skeleton type.`);
renderGridSkeleton(t) {
this.setScales(), this.drawBackdrop(t), this.drawXGrid(t), this.drawYGrid(t), t && this.setShimmerEffect("shimmer-lines");
renderVertOrHorizSkeleton(t) {
const e =;
this.setScales(), this.drawBackdrop(t), e === Ft.VERTICAL && this.drawYGrid(t), e === Ft.HORIZONTAL && this.drawXGrid(t), this.setShimmerEffect("shimmer-lines");
renderPieSkeleton(t) {
const e = this.computeOuterRadius();
this.drawRing(e, 0, t), t && this.setShimmerEffect("shimmer-areas");
renderDonutSkeleton(t) {
const e = this.computeOuterRadius(), n = this.computeInnerRadius();
this.drawRing(e, n, t), t && this.setShimmerEffect("shimmer-areas");
setScales() {
const t =, e =;
this.xScale = ke().domain([0, 1]).range(t), this.yScale = ke().domain([0, 1]).range(e);
drawBackdrop(t) {
const e = this.parent, { width: n, height: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(e, {
useAttrs: !0
this.backdrop = _.appendOrSelect(e, "svg.chart-skeleton.DAII").attr("width", n).attr("height", i);
const r = _.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "rect.chart-skeleton-backdrop");
r.attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%");
const [a] = this.xScale.range(), [, o] = this.yScale.range();
this.backdrop.merge(r).attr("x", a).attr("y", o), r.classed("shimmer-effect-lines", t).classed("empty-state-lines", !t).style(
t ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
drawXGrid(t) {
const e = +this.backdrop.attr("width"), n = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "x", "numberOfTicks"), i = this.xScale.ticks(n).map((o) => o * e), r = _.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "g.x.skeleton"), a = r.selectAll("line").data(i);
a.enter().append("line").merge(a).attr("x1", (o) => o).attr("x2", (o) => o).attr("y1", 0).attr("y2", "100%"), r.selectAll("line").classed("shimmer-effect-lines", t).classed("empty-state-lines", !t).style(
t ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
drawYGrid(t) {
const e = +this.backdrop.attr("height"), n = this.backdrop.attr("width"), i = T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "y", "numberOfTicks"), r = this.xScale.ticks(i).map((c) => c * e), a = _.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "g.y.skeleton"), o = a.selectAll("line").data(r);
o.enter().append("line").merge(o).attr("x1", 0).attr("x2", n).attr("y1", (c) => c).attr("y2", (c) => c), a.selectAll("line").classed("shimmer-effect-lines", t).classed("empty-state-lines", !t).style(
t ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
drawRing(t, e, n = !0) {
const i = this.parent, { width: r, height: a } = _.getSVGElementSize(i, {
useAttrs: !0
}), o = _.appendOrSelect(i, "svg.chart-skeleton").attr("width", r).attr("height", a), c = e === 0 ? "pie" : "donut", l = T(this.getOptions(), c, "alignment");
_.appendOrSelect(o, "rect.chart-skeleton-area-container").attr("width", r).attr("height", a).attr("fill", "none");
const h = Dn().innerRadius(e).outerRadius(t).startAngle(0).endAngle(Math.PI * 2), d = t + Math.abs(vt.radiusOffset), u = t + (Math.min(r, a) - t * 2) / 2, p = _.appendOrSelect(o, "path").attr("class", "skeleton-area-shape").attr("transform", `translate(${d}, ${u})`).attr("d", h).classed("shimmer-effect-areas", n).classed("empty-state-areas", !n).style(
n ? `url(#${"shimmer-areas")})` : null
let f = t + vt.xOffset;
l === Jt.CENTER ? f = r / 2 : l === Jt.RIGHT && (f = r - t - vt.xOffset);
const g = t + vt.yOffset;
p.attr("transform", `translate(${f}, ${g})`);
// same logic in pie
computeOuterRadius() {
const { width: t, height: e } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
return Math.min(t, e) / 2 + vt.radiusOffset;
// same logic in donut
computeInnerRadius() {
return this.computeOuterRadius() * (3 / 4);
setShimmerEffect(t) {
const r = "stop-bg-shimmer", a = "stop-shimmer", o =".chart-skeleton"), { width: c } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
}), l = 0, h = c, d = _.appendOrSelect(o, "defs").lower(), u = _.appendOrSelect(d, "linearGradient").attr("id","class", t).attr("x1", l - 3 * 0.2 * c).attr("x2", h).attr("y1", 0).attr("y2", 0).attr("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("gradientTransform", "translate(0, 0)"), p = `
u.html(p), f();
function f() {
u.attr("gradientTransform", `translate(${l - 3 * 0.2 * c}, 0)`).transition().duration(2e3).delay(1e3).ease(xu).attr("gradientTransform", `translate(${h + 3 * 0.2 * c}, 0)`).on("end", f);
removeSkeleton() {".chart-skeleton").remove();
class T0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "boxplot", this.renderType = st.SVG;
render(t) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "box plots", withinChartClip: !0 }), n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =, r = this.model.getDataGroupNames(), a =, o =, [c, l] = a.range(), [h, d] = o.range(), u = l - c, p = h - d;
if (u === 0)
const { cartesianScales: f } =, g = f.getOrientation(), m = g === Ft.VERTICAL, [E, y] = ye(
(L) =>,
(L) =>,
), v = Math.floor((m ? u : p) / r.length), S = Math.min(v / 2, 16), b = this.model.getBoxplotData(), O = e.selectAll(".box-group").data(b);
const I = O.enter().append("g").attr("class", "box-group"), k = O.merge(I);
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "vertical-line start"
).attr("stroke-width", jt.strokeWidth.default).attr("fill", "none").transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-verticalstartline",
animate: t
).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]), D = B, A = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.min), w = f.getRangeValue(L.quartiles.q_25);
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: w }, g);
}), I.append("path").merge("path.vertical-line.end")).attr(
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "vertical-line end"
).attr("stroke-width", jt.strokeWidth.default).attr("fill", "none").transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-verticalendline",
animate: t
).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]), D = B, A = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.max), w = f.getRangeValue(L.quartiles.q_75);
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: w }, g);
}), I.append("path").merge("")).attr(
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "box"
).attr("fill-opacity","stroke-width", jt.strokeWidth.default).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "box").attr("aria-label", (L) => L[i]).transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-quartiles",
animate: t
).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]) - S / 2, D = B + S, A = f.getRangeValue(
Math[m ? "max" : "min"](L.quartiles.q_75, L.quartiles.q_25)
), w = A + Math.abs(
f.getRangeValue(L.quartiles.q_75) - f.getRangeValue(L.quartiles.q_25)
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: w }, g);
}), I.append("path").merge("path.highlight-area")).attr("class", "highlight-area").attr("opacity", 0).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]) - S / 2, D = B + S, A = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.min), w = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.max);
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: w }, g);
}), I.append("path").merge("path.whisker.start")).attr(
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "whisker start"
).attr("stroke-width", jt.strokeWidth.thicker).attr("fill", "none").transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-startingwhisker",
animate: t
).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]) - S / 4, D = B + S / 2, A = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.min), w = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.min);
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: w }, g);
}), I.append("path").merge("path.median")).attr("fill", "none").attr(
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "median"
).attr("stroke-width", 2).transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-median",
animate: t
).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]) - S / 2, D = B + S, A = f.getRangeValue(L.quartiles.q_50);
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: A }, g);
}), I.append("path").merge("path.whisker.end")).attr(
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "whisker end"
).attr("stroke-width", jt.strokeWidth.thicker).attr("fill", "none").transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-endingwhisker",
animate: t
).attr("d", (L) => {
const B = f.getDomainValue(L[i]) - S / 4, D = B + S / 2, A = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.max), w = f.getRangeValue(L.whiskers.max);
return $t({ x0: B, x1: D, y0: A, y1: w }, g);
const G = k.selectAll("circle.outlier").data(
(L) => => ({
min: L.whiskers.min,
max: L.whiskers.max,
[i]: L[i],
value: B
const C = G.enter().append("circle");
() => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "outlier"
).attr("fill-opacity","cx", E).transition().call(
(L) =>{
transition: L,
name: "boxplot-update-circles",
animate: t
).attr("cy", y), this.addBoxEventListeners(), this.addCircleEventListeners();
addBoxEventListeners() {
const t = this, e = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: n } =;
this.parent.selectAll("path.highlight-area").on("mouseover", function(i, r) {
const a = R(this);
R(this.parentNode).select("").classed("hovered", !0).attr("fill-opacity",,, {
event: i,
hoveredElement: a,
items: [
label: T(e, "locale", "translations", "group") || T(e, "tooltip", "groupLabel") || "Group",
value: r[n],
class: t.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP]
label: "Minimum",
value: r.whiskers.min
label: "Q1",
value: r.quartiles.q_25
label: "Median",
value: r.quartiles.q_50
label: "Q3",
value: r.quartiles.q_75
label: "Maximum",
value: r.whiskers.max
label: "IQR",
value: r.quartiles.q_75 - r.quartiles.q_25
}),, {
event: i,
element: a,
datum: r
}).on("mousemove", function(i, r) {
const a = R(this);, {
event: i,
element: a,
datum: r
}),, {
event: i
}).on("click", function(i, r) {, {
event: i,
element: R(this),
datum: r
}).on("mouseout", function(i, r) {
const a = R(this);
R(this.parentNode).select("").classed("hovered", !1).attr("fill-opacity",,, {
event: i,
element: a,
datum: r
}),, {
hoveredElement: a
addCircleEventListeners() {
const t = this, e = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: n } =, i =;
this.parent.selectAll("circle").on("mouseover", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);
o.classed("hovered", !0).attr("fill-opacity","unfilled", !1),, {
event: r,
hoveredElement: o,
items: [
label: T(e, "locale", "translations", "group") || T(e, "tooltip", "groupLabel") || "Group",
value: a[n],
class: t.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP]
label: "Outlier",
value: a[i]
}),, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}).on("mousemove", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}),, {
event: r
}).on("click", function(r, a) {, {
event: r,
element: R(this),
datum: a
}).on("mouseout", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);
o.classed("hovered", !1).attr("fill-opacity",,, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}),, {
hoveredElement: o
class O0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "zero-line", this.renderType = st.SVG;
render(t) {
const e ={
groups: this.configs.groups
}), n =, [i, r] = n.domain(), a = i > 0 && r < 0 || i < 0 && r > 0, o = this.getComponentContainer({
isPresentational: !0
if (!a) {
const [c, l] =;
let h = +n(0) + 0.5;
h || (h = n.range()[0]);
const d = ql(
x0: c,
x1: l,
y0: h,
y1: h
_.appendOrSelect(o, "line.domain").transition().call(
(p) =>{
transition: p,
name: "zero-line-update",
animate: t
).attr("y1", d.y0).attr("y2", d.y1).attr("x1", d.x0).attr("x2", d.x1);
class w0 extends Sr {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "bubble", this.renderType = st.SVG;
getRadiusScale(t) {
const e = this.getOptions(), { radiusMapsTo: n } = e.bubble, i =, r = => l[n]).filter((l) => l), a = _.getHTMLElementSize(, o = r.length > 0, c = o ? ks(r) : [1, 1];
return ke().domain(c).range(o ? e.bubble.radiusRange(a, i) : [4, 4]);
styleCircles(t, e) {
const n = this.getOptions(), { radiusMapsTo: i } = n.bubble, r = this.getRadiusScale(t), { groupMapsTo: a } =, { cartesianScales: o } =, c = (u) => o.getDomainValue(u), l = (u) => o.getRangeValue(u), [h, d] = ye(
t.raise().classed("dot", !0).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-label", (u) => {
const p = o.getRangeIdentifier(u);
return u[p];
(u) =>{
transition: u,
name: "bubble-update-enter",
animate: e
).attr("cx", h).attr("cy", d).attr("r", (u) => r(u[i] || 1)).attr(
(u) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
dataGroupName: u[a],
originalClassName: "dot"
).style("fill", (u) => {
const p =;
return this.model.getFillColor(u[a], u[p], u);
}).style("stroke", (u) => {
const p =;
return this.model.getStrokeColor(u[a], u[p], u);
}).attr("fill-opacity", n.bubble.fillOpacity).attr("opacity", 1);
getTooltipAdditionalItems(t) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "bubble");
return [
label: T(e, "radiusLabel"),
value: t[T(e, "radiusMapsTo")]
class L0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "bullet", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.getOptions().data;
(i) =>{
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-simple-bar"
).attr("opacity", (i) => i[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-simple-bar"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t) {
const e = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: n } =, i = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "bullet graphs", withinChartClip: !0 }), r = this.model.getDisplayData(this.configs.groups), a =, o =, [c, l] = a.range(), [, h] = a.domain(), d = () => {
const g = [];
r.forEach((y) => {
y.ranges ? y.ranges.forEach((v, S) => {
v != null && v < h && g.push({
datum: y,
value: v,
order: S + 1
}) : g.push({
datum: y,
order: 1
const m = _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.range-boxes").selectAll("path.range-box").data(g, (y) => `${y[n]}-${y.order}`);
m.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), m.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(m).attr("class", (y) => `range-box order-${y.order}`).transition().call(
(y) =>{
transition: y,
name: "bullet-range-box-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("d", (y) => {
let S, b, O, I;
return y.order === 1 ? (S = - 16 / 2, b = S + 16, O = l - 2, I = c + 1) : (S = - 16 / 2, b = S + 16, O =, I = l), $t(
{ x0: S, x1: b, y0: O, y1: I },
}).attr("opacity", 1);
}, u = () => {
const g = _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.bars").selectAll("").data(r, (E) => E[n]);
g.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), g.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(g).classed("bar", !0).transition().call(
(E) =>{
transition: E,
name: "bullet-bar-update-enter",
animate: t
(E) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: E[n],
originalClassName: "bar"
).style("fill", (E) => {
const y =;
return this.model.getFillColor(E[n], E[y], E);
}).attr("d", (E) => {
const v = - 4, S = v + 8, b = + 1, O =;
return $t(
{ x0: v, x1: S, y0: b, y1: O },
}).attr("opacity", 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "bar").attr("aria-label", (E) => E.value);
}, p = () => {
const g = _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.markers").selectAll("path.marker").data(
r.filter((E) => T(E, "marker") !== null),
(E) => E[n]
g.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), g.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(g).classed("marker", !0).transition().call(
(E) =>{
transition: E,
name: "bullet-marker-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("d", (E) => {
const v = - 12, S = v + 24, b =;
return $t(
{ x0: v, x1: S, y0: b, y1: b },
}).attr("opacity", 1);
}, f = () => {
let g = [];
r.filter((y) => T(y, "marker") !== null).forEach((y) => {
const v = y.marker, S = y[o];
g = g.concat([
{ datum: y, value: v * 0.25, barValue: S },
{ datum: y, value: v * 0.5, barValue: S },
{ datum: y, value: v * 0.75, barValue: S }
const m = _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.quartiles").selectAll("path.quartile").data(g, (y) => y[n]);
m.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), m.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(m).attr("class", (y) => `quartile ${y.value <= y.barValue ? "over-bar" : ""}`).transition().call(
(y) =>{
transition: y,
name: "bullet-quartile-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("d", ({ datum: y, value: v }) => {
let S = 4;
y.ranges && y.ranges.indexOf(v) !== -1 && (S = 8);
const b = - S / 2, O = b + S, I =;
return $t(
{ x0: b, x1: O, y0: I, y1: I },
}).attr("opacity", 1);
d(), u(), p(), f(), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this, e = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: n } =, i =, { code: r, number: a } = T(e, "locale");
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", function(o, c) {
const l = R(this);
l.classed("hovered", !0),, {
event: o,
element: l,
datum: c
const h = T(e, "bullet", "performanceAreaTitles"), d = t.model.getMatchingRangeIndexForDatapoint(c);, {
event: o,
hoveredElement: l,
items: [
label: T(e, "locale", "translations", "group") || T(e, "tooltip", "groupLabel") || "Group",
value: c[n],
class: t.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: c[n]
label: "Value",
value: c[i]
label: "Target",
value: c.marker
label: "Percentage",
value: `${a(Math.floor(c[i] / c.marker * 100), r)}%`
label: "Performance",
value: h[d]
}).on("mousemove", function(o, c) {, {
event: o,
element: R(this),
datum: c
}),, {
event: o
}).on("click", function(o, c) {, {
event: o,
element: R(this),
datum: c
}).on("mouseout", function(o, c) {
const l = R(this);
l.classed("hovered", !1),, {
event: o,
element: l,
datum: c
}),, {
hoveredElement: l
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
function Qf(s) {
return s;
function tg(s) {
if (s == null) return Qf;
var t, e, n = s.scale[0], i = s.scale[1], r = s.translate[0], a = s.translate[1];
return function(o, c) {
c || (t = e = 0);
var l = 2, h = o.length, d = new Array(h);
for (d[0] = (t += o[0]) * n + r, d[1] = (e += o[1]) * i + a; l < h; ) d[l] = o[l], ++l;
return d;
function eg(s, t) {
for (var e, n = s.length, i = n - t; i < --n; ) e = s[i], s[i++] = s[n], s[n] = e;
function ng(s, t) {
return typeof t == "string" && (t = s.objects[t]), t.type === "GeometryCollection" ? { type: "FeatureCollection", features: {
return oo(s, e);
}) } : oo(s, t);
function oo(s, t) {
var e =, n = t.bbox, i = == null ? {} :, r = xr(s, t);
return e == null && n == null ? { type: "Feature", properties: i, geometry: r } : n == null ? { type: "Feature", id: e, properties: i, geometry: r } : { type: "Feature", id: e, bbox: n, properties: i, geometry: r };
function xr(s, t) {
var e = tg(s.transform), n = s.arcs;
function i(h, d) {
d.length && d.pop();
for (var u = n[h < 0 ? ~h : h], p = 0, f = u.length; p < f; ++p)
d.push(e(u[p], p));
h < 0 && eg(d, f);
function r(h) {
return e(h);
function a(h) {
for (var d = [], u = 0, p = h.length; u < p; ++u) i(h[u], d);
return d.length < 2 && d.push(d[0]), d;
function o(h) {
for (var d = a(h); d.length < 4; ) d.push(d[0]);
return d;
function c(h) {
function l(h) {
var d = h.type, u;
switch (d) {
case "GeometryCollection":
return { type: d, geometries: };
case "Point":
u = r(h.coordinates);
case "MultiPoint":
u =;
case "LineString":
u = a(h.arcs);
case "MultiLineString":
u =;
case "Polygon":
u = c(h.arcs);
case "MultiPolygon":
u =;
return null;
return { type: d, coordinates: u };
return l(t);
function sg(s, t) {
var e = {}, n = {}, i = {}, r = [], a = -1;
t.forEach(function(l, h) {
var d = s.arcs[l < 0 ? ~l : l], u;
d.length < 3 && !d[1][0] && !d[1][1] && (u = t[++a], t[a] = l, t[h] = u);
}), t.forEach(function(l) {
var h = o(l), d = h[0], u = h[1], p, f;
if (p = i[d])
if (delete i[p.end], p.push(l), p.end = u, f = n[u]) {
delete n[f.start];
var g = f === p ? p : p.concat(f);
n[g.start = p.start] = i[g.end = f.end] = g;
} else
n[p.start] = i[p.end] = p;
else if (p = n[u])
if (delete n[p.start], p.unshift(l), p.start = d, f = i[d]) {
delete i[f.end];
var m = f === p ? p : f.concat(p);
n[m.start = f.start] = i[m.end = p.end] = m;
} else
n[p.start] = i[p.end] = p;
p = [l], n[p.start = d] = i[p.end = u] = p;
function o(l) {
var h = s.arcs[l < 0 ? ~l : l], d = h[0], u;
return s.transform ? (u = [0, 0], h.forEach(function(p) {
u[0] += p[0], u[1] += p[1];
})) : u = h[h.length - 1], l < 0 ? [u, d] : [d, u];
function c(l, h) {
for (var d in l) {
var u = l[d];
delete h[u.start], delete u.start, delete u.end, u.forEach(function(p) {
e[p < 0 ? ~p : p] = 1;
}), r.push(u);
return c(i, n), c(n, i), t.forEach(function(l) {
e[l < 0 ? ~l : l] || r.push([l]);
}), r;
function ig(s) {
for (var t = -1, e = s.length, n, i = s[e - 1], r = 0; ++t < e; ) n = i, i = s[t], r += n[0] * i[1] - n[1] * i[0];
return Math.abs(r);
function rg(s) {
return xr(s, ag.apply(this, arguments));
function ag(s, t) {
var e = {}, n = [], i = [];
function r(c) {
switch (c.type) {
case "GeometryCollection":
case "Polygon":
case "MultiPolygon":
function a(c) {
c.forEach(function(l) {
l.forEach(function(h) {
(e[h = h < 0 ? ~h : h] || (e[h] = [])).push(c);
}), n.push(c);
function o(c) {
return ig(xr(s, { type: "Polygon", arcs: [c] }).coordinates[0]);
return n.forEach(function(c) {
if (!c._) {
var l = [], h = [c];
for (c._ = 1, i.push(l); c = h.pop(); )
l.push(c), c.forEach(function(d) {
d.forEach(function(u) {
e[u < 0 ? ~u : u].forEach(function(p) {
p._ || (p._ = 1, h.push(p));
}), n.forEach(function(c) {
delete c._;
}), {
type: "MultiPolygon",
arcs: {
var l = [], h;
if (c.forEach(function(g) {
g.forEach(function(m) {
m.forEach(function(E) {
e[E < 0 ? ~E : E].length < 2 && l.push(E);
}), l = sg(s, l), (h = l.length) > 1)
for (var d = 1, u = o(l[0]), p, f; d < h; ++d)
(p = o(l[d])) > u && (f = l[0], l[0] = l[d], l[d] = f, u = p);
return l;
}).filter(function(c) {
return c.length > 0;
class A0 extends Al {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "ruler-binned", this.renderType = st.SVG;
showRuler(t, [e, n]) {
const i = this.parent, r = this.model.getOptions(), { cartesianScales: a } =, o = a.getOrientation(), c = a.getRangeScale(), [l, h] = c.range(), d = a.getDomainScale(), u = d.invert(
o === Ft.VERTICAL ? e : n
), p = _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.ruler").attr("aria-label", "ruler"), f = _.appendOrSelect(p, "line.ruler-line"), m = i.selectAll("[role=graphics-symbol]").filter((E) => {
if (parseFloat(yt(E, "data.x0")) <= u && parseFloat(yt(E, "data.x1")) >= u)
return !0;
if (m.size() > 0) {
this.elementsToHighlight && this.elementsToHighlight.size() > 0 && !$o(this.elementsToHighlight, m) && this.hideRuler(), m.dispatch("mouseover"), this.elementsToHighlight = m;
const E = R(m.nodes()[0]).datum(), y = parseFloat(yt(E, "data.x0")), v = parseFloat(yt(E, "data.x1")), S = this.model.getActiveDataGroupNames(), b = S.reverse().map((I) => ({
label: I,
value: yt(E, `data.${I}`),
class: this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: I
})).filter((I) => I.value !== 0);
if (b.length > 0) {, {
event: t,
mousePosition: [e, n],
hoveredElement: f,
items: [
label: yt(r, "bins.rangeLabel") || "Range",
value: `${y} – ${v}`
...T(r, "tooltip", "showTotal") === !0 ? [
label: yt(r, "") || yt(r, "tooltip.totalLabel") || "Total",
value: S.reduce(
(k, G) => k + parseFloat(yt(E, `data.${G}`)),
] : []
}), p.attr("opacity", 1);
const I = d((y + v) / 2);
o === "horizontal" ? f.attr("x1", h).attr("x2", l).attr("y1", I).attr("y2", I) : f.attr("y1", h).attr("y2", l).attr("x1", I).attr("x2", I);
} else
} else
class M0 extends Al {
formatTooltipData(t) {
return t.reverse();
const _0 = (s, t) => {
const e = s.x, n = s.y, i = t.x, r = t.y, a = Is();
return a.moveTo(e, n), a.lineTo(i, r), a.toString();
}, C0 = (s, t, e = 0.5) => {
const n = s.x, i = s.y, r = t.x, a = t.y, o = Is();
return o.moveTo(n, i), o.lineTo(n + (r - n) * e, i), o.lineTo(n + (r - n) * e, a), o.lineTo(r, a), o.toString();
}, k0 = (s, t, e, n, i, r) => {
const a = s.x, o = s.y, c = t.x, l = t.y, h = Is();
return h.moveTo(a, o), h.bezierCurveTo(e, n, i, r, c, l), h.toString();
}, R0 = {
d: "M7 0v8L0 4z",
height: 8,
width: 7.5,
id: "arrowLeft"
}, I0 = {
d: "M0 0v8l7-4z",
height: 8,
width: 7.5,
id: "arrowRight"
}, D0 = {
d: "M5.32 9.513a4.75 4.75 0 100-9.5 4.75 4.75 0 000 9.5z",
height: 10,
width: 10,
id: "circle"
}, P0 = {
d: "M5.03517654-1e-7l4.99999996 5-4.99999996 5-5-5L2.4517844 2.58339204z",
height: 10,
width: 10,
id: "diamond"
}, N0 = {
d: "M0 .44974747h8v8H0v-3.6830331z",
height: 9,
width: 8,
id: "square"
}, $0 = {
d: "M0 0h1.5v8H0z",
height: 8,
width: 2,
id: "tee"
class V0 extends Mf {
constructor(t, e, n) {
super(t, e, n), this.type = "color-legend", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.gradient_id = `gradient-id-${Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999999)}`, this.handleAxisCompleteEvent = () => {
const i = this.getComponentContainer(), { width: r } = _.getSVGElementSize(i, {
useAttrs: !0
}), a = T(this.getOptions(), "data", "loading");
if (r > wt.color.barWidth && !a) {
const o = T(this.getOptions(), "heatmap", "colorLegend", "title"), { cartesianScales: c } =, h = c.getMainXScale().range();
if (h[0] > 1 && ("g.legend").attr("transform", `translate(${h[0]}, 0)`), o)) {
const { width: d } = _.getSVGElementSize("g.legend-title").select("text"),
{ useBBox: !0 }
), u = h[0] - d - 9;
u > 1 ?"g.legend-title").attr("transform", `translate(${u}, 0)`) : ("g.legend").attr("transform", `translate(${h[0]}, 16)`),"g.legend-title").attr("transform", `translate(${h[0]}, 0)`));
} else"g.legend-title").attr("transform", "translate(0, 0)");
}, this.chartType = n.chartType;
init() {
this.chartType === "heatmap" &&, this.handleAxisCompleteEvent);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = this.getOptions(), n = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "legend"
}), { width: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(n, {
useAttrs: !0
}), r = T(e, "color", "gradient", "colors"), a = T(e, this.chartType, "colorLegend", "type");
let o = T(e, "color", "pairing", "option");
const c = T(e, "heatmap", "colorLegend", "title");
if (T(this.getOptions(), "data", "loading")) {
const h = !Eo(r), d = Zl(this.model.getDisplayData()), u = !(i <= wt.color.barWidth), p = u ? wt.color.barWidth : i, f = _.appendOrSelect(n, "g.legend"), g = _.appendOrSelect(f, "g.legend-axis");
if (c) {
const C = _.appendOrSelect(n, "g.legend-title");
_.appendOrSelect(C, "text").text(c).attr("dy", "0.7em"), f.attr("transform", "translate(0, 16)");
const m = d[0] < 0 && d[1] > 0 ? "diverge" : "mono";
(o < 1 && o > 4 && m === "mono" || o < 1 && o > 2 && m === "diverge") && (o = 1);
let E = [];
const y = m === "diverge" ? 17 : 11;
if (h)
E = r;
for (let C = 1; C < y + 1; C++)
a === Fs.LINEAR ? `stop-color-${m}-${o}-${C}` : `fill-${m}-${o}-${C}`
const v = So(d[0], d[1]), S = Su(v, 3), b = ke().domain(d).range([0, p]), O = hr(b).tickSize(0).tickValues(S), { code: I, number: k } = T(e, "locale");
O.tickFormat((C) => k(C, I));
let G;
switch (a) {
case Fs.LINEAR:
this.drawLinear(E, f, p);
G = this.drawQuantize(
), b.range([G, p]);
throw Error("Entered color legend type is not supported.");
g.attr("transform", `translate(0,${wt.color.axisYTranslation})`).call(O),".domain").remove(),"g.tick:last-of-type text").style("text-anchor", u ? "middle" : "end"),"g.tick:first-of-type text").style(
u && this.chartType !== "choropleth" ? "middle" : "start"
// Renders gradient legend
drawLinear(t, e, n) {
const i = 100 / (t.length - 1);
_.appendOrSelect(e, "linearGradient").attr("id", `${this.gradient_id}-legend`).selectAll("stop").data(t).enter().append("stop").attr("offset", (o, c) => `${c * i}%`).attr("class", (o, c) => t[c]).attr("stop-color", (o) => o), _.appendOrSelect(e, "rect").attr("width", n).attr("height", wt.color.barHeight).style("fill", `url(#${this.gradient_id}-legend)`);
* Renders quantized legend
* @returns number (range start)
drawQuantize(t, e, n, i, r) {
!n && e === "diverge" && t.splice(t.length / 2, 1);
const a = cr().domain(t).range([0, r]);
return _.appendOrSelect(i, "g.quantized-rect").selectAll("rect").data(a.domain()).join("rect").attr("x", (c) => a(c)).attr("y", 0).attr("width", Math.max(0, a.bandwidth() - 1)).attr("height", wt.color.barHeight).attr("class", (c) => c).attr("fill", (c) => c), (!n && e) === "mono" ? a.bandwidth() - 1 : 0;
destroy() {
this.chartType === "heatmap" &&, this.handleAxisCompleteEvent);
class B0 extends Af {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "meter-title", this.renderType = st.SVG;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !1) {
const e = T(this.model.getDisplayData(), 0), n = this.getOptions(), i = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "meter title"
}), { groupMapsTo: r } =, a = n.locale.translations.meter.title;
if (T(n, "meter", "proportional"))
this.displayTotal(), this.displayBreakdownTitle();
else {
const h = i.selectAll("text.meter-title").data(a ? [a] : [e[r]]);
h.enter().append("text").classed("meter-title", !0).merge(h).attr("x", 0).attr("y", "1em").text((d) => d), h.exit().remove(), this.appendPercentage();
const c = this.getMaxTitleWidth(), l = _.appendOrSelect(i, "text.meter-title");
c > 0 && l.node().getComputedTextLength() > c && this.truncateTitle(l, c);
displayBreakdownTitle() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), e = this.getOptions(), n = this.model.getMaximumDomain(
), i = T(e, "meter", "proportional", "total"), r = T(e, "meter", "proportional", "unit") ? T(e, "meter", "proportional", "unit") : "";
let a;
if (n === i)
a = null;
else {
const h = i !== null ? i - n : n, d = T(e, "meter", "proportional", "breakdownFormatter"), { code: u, number: p } = T(e, "locale");
a = d !== null ? d({
datasetsTotal: n,
total: i
}) : `${p(n, u)} ${r} used (${p(h, u)} ${r} available)`;
const o = t.selectAll("text.proportional-meter-title").data([a]);
o.enter().append("text").classed("proportional-meter-title", !0).merge(o).attr("x", 0).attr("y", "1em").text((h) => h), o.exit().remove();
const c = this.getMaxTitleWidth(), l = _.appendOrSelect(t, "text.proportional-meter-title");
c > 0 && l.node().getComputedTextLength() > c && this.truncateTitle(l, c);
// show the total for prop meter
displayTotal() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), e = this.getOptions(), n = T(e, "meter", "proportional", "total"), i = n ? T(e, "meter", "proportional", "total") : this.model.getMaximumDomain(this.model.getDisplayData()), r = T(e, "meter", "proportional", "unit") ? T(e, "meter", "proportional", "unit") : "", a = T(e, "meter", "proportional", "totalFormatter"), { code: o, number: c } = T(e, "locale"), l = a !== null ? a(i) : `${c(n, o)} ${r} total`, h = _.getHTMLElementSize(this.parent.node()).width, d = t.selectAll("text.proportional-meter-total").data([l]);
d.enter().append("text").classed("proportional-meter-total", !0).merge(d).attr(
this.model.getStatus() && typeof h != "string" ? h - : h
).attr("y", "1em").attr("text-anchor", "end").text((u) => u), d.exit().remove();
* Appends the corresponding status based on the value and the peak.
displayStatus() {
const t = this, e = this.getComponentContainer(), n = _.getHTMLElementSize(this.parent.node()).width || 0, i = this.model.getStatus(), r = _t.status.indicatorSize / 2, a = _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.status-indicator").attr("class", i !== null ? `status-indicator status--${i}` : "").attr("transform", `translate(${n - r}, 0)`), o = i ? [i] : [], c = a.selectAll("circle.status").data(o);
c.enter().append("circle").merge(c).attr("class", "status").attr("r", r).attr("cx", 0).attr("cy", 8);
const l = a.selectAll("path.innerFill").data(o);
l.enter().append("path").merge(l).attr("d", t.getStatusIconPathString(i)).attr("transform", `translate(-${r}, 0)`).attr("class", "innerFill"), l.exit().remove(), c.exit().remove();
* Appends the associated percentage to the end of the title
appendPercentage() {
const t = T(this.model.getDisplayData(), 0, "value"), { code: e, number: n } = T(this.getOptions(), "locale"), i = this.getComponentContainer(), r = _.appendOrSelect(i, "text.meter-title"), a = T(this.getOptions(), "meter", "statusBar", "percentageIndicator", "enabled") === !0 ? [t] : [], o = i.selectAll("text.percent-value").data(a), c = _t.statusBar.paddingRight;
o.enter().append("text").classed("percent-value", !0).merge(o).text((l) => `${l != null ? n(l, e) : 0}%`).attr("x", +r.attr("x") + r.node().getComputedTextLength() + c).attr("y", r.attr("y")), o.exit().remove();
* Uses the parent class truncate logic
* @param title d3 selection of title element that will be truncated
* @param maxWidth the max width the title can take
truncateTitle(t, e) {
super.truncateTitle(t, e);
const n = _.appendOrSelect(this.parent, "tspan"), i = _t.statusBar.paddingRight, r = Math.ceil(n.node().getComputedTextLength());
_.appendOrSelect(this.parent, "text.percent-value").attr(
+t.attr("x") + t.node().getComputedTextLength() + r + i
// computes the maximum space a title can take
getMaxTitleWidth() {
const t = T(this.getOptions(), "meter", "proportional"), e = _.getHTMLElementSize(this.parent.node()).width;
if (t !== null) {
const n = _.appendOrSelect(this.parent, "text.proportional-meter-total").node(), i = _.getSVGElementSize(n, {
useBBox: !0
return e - i -;
} else {
const n = _.appendOrSelect(this.parent, "text.percent-value"), i = _t.statusBar.paddingRight, r = n.node().getComputedTextLength(), a = _.appendOrSelect(this.parent, "g.status-indicator").node(), o = _.getSVGElementSize(a, { useBBox: !0 }).width + _t.status.paddingLeft;
return e - r - i - o;
* Get the associated status icon for the data
* @param status the active status for the meter chart
getStatusIconPathString(t) {
switch (t) {
case Ws.SUCCESS:
return "M6.875 11.3125 3.75 8.1875 4.74375 7.25 6.875 9.34375 11.50625 4.75 12.5 5.7375 Z";
case Ws.DANGER:
return "M10.7 11.5 4.5 5.3 5.3 4.5 11.5 10.7 Z";
case Ws.WARNING:
return "M7.9375,11.125 C7.41973305,11.125 7,11.544733 7,12.0625 C7,12.580267 7.41973305,13 7.9375,13 C8.45526695,13 8.875,12.580267 8.875,12.0625 C8.875,11.544733 8.45526695,11.125 7.9375,11.125 M7.3125, 3 8.5625, 3 8.5625, 9.875 7.3125, 9.875, 7.3125, 3 Z";
class br extends ot {
// Gets the correct width for bars based on options & configurations
getBarWidth() {
const t = this.getOptions();
if (t.bars.width)
return t.bars.width;
const e = this.model.getDisplayData().length, n =, i = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
if (!n.step) {
const r = T(t, "bars", "spacingFactor");
return Math.min(t.bars.maxWidth, i * r / e);
return Math.min(t.bars.maxWidth, n.step() / 2);
isOutsideZoomedDomain(t, e) {
if (this.model.getDisplayData().length <= 1)
return !1;
const i = this.model.get("zoomDomain");
if (i !== void 0) {
const r =;
return t < r(i[0]) || e > r(i[1]);
return !1;
class G0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "circle-pack", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail;
(n) =>{
transition: n,
name: "legend-hover-circlepack"
).attr("opacity", (n) => === e.datum().name ? 1 : un.circles.fillOpacity);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-circlepack"
).attr("opacity", 1);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "circle packs",
withinChartClip: !0
}), { width: n, height: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
if (n < 1 || i < 1)
let r = this.model.getDisplayData();
const a = this.model.hasParentNode(), o = this.model.getHierarchyLevel(), c = this.getOptions(), l = T(c, "canvasZoom", "enabled");
a && T(r, 0, "children") && (r = T(r, 0, "children"));
const h = Pn({ children: r }).sum((g) => g.value).sort((g, m) => m.value - g.value), u = dd().size([n, i]).padding((g) => g.depth >= 1 ? un.padding.children + 3 : un.padding.mainGroup + 3)(h).descendants().splice(1).filter((g) => g.depth <= o), p = e.selectAll("circle.node").data(u);
p.exit().attr("width", 0).attr("height", 0).remove();
const f = p.enter().append("circle").classed("node", !0);
f.merge(p).attr("class", (g) => {
const m = l && o === 3 ? this.getZoomClass(g) : "";
return this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: g.children ? `node ${m}` : `node node-leaf ${m}`
}).style("fill", (g) => this.model.getFillColor(, null,"stroke", (g) => this.model.getFillColor(, null,"cx", (g) => g.x).attr("cy", (g) => g.y).transition("circlepack-leaf-update-enter").call(
(g) =>{
transition: g,
name: "circlepack-leaf-update-enter"
).attr("r", (g) => g.r).attr("opacity", 1).attr("fill-opacity", un.circles.fillOpacity), l === !0 && this.focal && (, f, Gn), this.setBackgroundListeners()), a || this.addLegendListeners(), this.addEventListeners();
// turn off the highlight class on children circles
unhighlightChildren(t) {
const e = =>;
this.parent.selectAll("circle.node").filter((n) => e.some((i) => i === && n.depth > 1).style("stroke", (n) => this.model.getFillColor(, null,;
// highlight the children circles with a stroke
highlightChildren(t) {
const e = =>;
this.parent.selectAll("circle.node").filter((n) => e.some((i) => i === && n.depth > 1).style("stroke", un.circles.hover.stroke);
getZoomClass(t) {
return this.model.getHierarchyLevel() === 3 && this.focal && ( === || this.focal.children.some((e) => === ? "focal" : "non-focal";
addLegendListeners() {
const { events: t } =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
removeBackgroundListeners() {
R("click", () => null);
setBackgroundListeners() {
const t = R(, e = this, n = this.parent.selectAll("circle.node");
t.on("click", () => {
e.focal = null, e.model.updateHierarchyLevel(2), t.classed("zoomed-in", !1),, Gn);
// Zoom icon to be appended to the label in the tooltip
getZoomIcon() {
return `
// add event listeners for tooltip on the circles
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.parent.selectAll("circle.node").on("mouseover", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !0);
const r = t.model.getHierarchyLevel(), a = r > 2 && !i.classed("focal"), o = T(t.model.getOptions(), "canvasZoom", "enabled");
let c = !1;
if (!a) {
let l = [], h = [], d = null;
if (n.children) {
n.depth > 1 && o && (c = !0, i.classed("clickable", !0)), l = => {
if (f !== null)
return typeof == "number" ? {
} : {
labelIcon: o && r <= 2 ? t.getZoomIcon() : null,
value: f.value
const p = t.model.getOptions();
h = [
label: yt(p, "") || yt(p, "tooltip.totalLabel") || "Total",
value: n.value,
bold: !0
], t.highlightChildren(n.children);
} else
d = n.value;
const u = getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue("fill");, {
event: e,
hoveredElement: i,
items: [
color: u,
labelIcon: c && o && r <= 2 ? t.getZoomIcon() : null,
value: d
}, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}).on("mousemove", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
event: e
}).on("mouseout", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !1), n.children && t.unhighlightChildren(n.children),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
hoveredElement: i
}).on("click", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this), r = i.classed("non-focal"), a = T(t.model.getOptions(), "canvasZoom", "enabled");
if (a && t.model.getHierarchyLevel() > 2) {
const o = t.parent.selectAll("circle.node");
R("zoomed-in", !1), t.focal = null, t.model.updateHierarchyLevel(2),, Gn);
} else if (n.depth === 2 && n.children && !r && a) {
const o = t.parent.selectAll("circle.node");
R("zoomed-in", !0), t.focal = n, t.model.updateHierarchyLevel(3),, o, Gn), e.stopPropagation();
}, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("circle.node").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null).on("click", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut), this.removeBackgroundListeners();
function og(s, t) {
const e = yo(this._current, s);
return (n) => (this._current = e(n), t(this._current));
class lg extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "pie", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.isRendering = !1, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.getOptions().data;
(i) =>{
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-bar"
(i) =>[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-bar"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
getInnerRadius() {
return vt.innerRadius;
render(t = !0) {
const e = this, n = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "pie graph"
}), i = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: r } =, { valueMapsTo: a } = i.pie;
this.isRendering = !0;
const o = this.model.getDisplayData().filter((A) => A[a] > 0), c = this.computeRadius();
this.arc = Dn().innerRadius(this.getInnerRadius()).outerRadius(c), this.hoverArc = Dn().innerRadius(this.getInnerRadius()).outerRadius(c + vt.hoverArc.outerRadiusOffset);
const h = Dd().value((A) => A[a]).sort(T(i, "pie", "sortFunction")).padAngle(vt.padAngle)(o), u = _.appendOrSelect(n, "g.slices").attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("data-name", "slices").selectAll("path.slice").data(h, (A) =>[r]);
u.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), u.enter().append("path").classed("slice", !0).attr("opacity", 0).merge(u).attr(
(A) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
originalClassName: "slice"
).style("fill", (A) => e.model.getFillColor([r], null,"d", this.arc).transition().call(
(A) =>{
transition: A,
name: "pie_slice_enter_update",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "slice").attr(
(A) => `${A[a]}, ${Us([a], o, a) + "%"}`
).attrTween("d", function(A) {
return og.bind(this)(A, e.arc);
}).on("end", () => {
e.isRendering = !1;
const { code: g, number: m } = T(i, "locale"), E = i.pie.labels.enabled, y = E ? h.filter((A) =>[a] > 0) : [], S = _.appendOrSelect(n, "g.labels").attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("data-name", "labels").selectAll("text.pie-label").data(y, (A) =>[r]);
S.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const b = S.enter().append("text").classed("pie-label", !0), O = [];
b.merge(S).style("text-anchor", "middle").text((A) => i.pie.labels.formatter ? i.pie.labels.formatter({
percentageValue: Us([a],
}) : m(
Us([a], o, a),
) + "%").datum(function(A) {
const w = c + 7, V = (A.endAngle - A.startAngle) / 2 + A.startAngle, N = V / Math.PI * 180, P = this.getComputedTextLength();
return A.textOffsetX = P / 2, A.textOffsetY = N > 90 && N < 270 ? 10 : 0, A.xPosition = (A.textOffsetX + w) * Math.sin(V), A.yPosition = (A.textOffsetY + w) * -Math.cos(V), A;
}).attr("transform", function(A, w) {
const V = y.length, N = (A.endAngle - A.startAngle) * (180 / Math.PI);
if (w >= V - 2 && N < vt.callout.minSliceDegree) {
let P, $;
return A.index === V - 1 ? (P = A.xPosition + vt.callout.offsetX + vt.callout.textMargin + A.textOffsetX, $ = A.yPosition - vt.callout.offsetY, A.direction = Xs.RIGHT, O.push(A)) : (P = A.xPosition - vt.callout.offsetX - A.textOffsetX - vt.callout.textMargin, $ = A.yPosition - vt.callout.offsetY, A.direction = Xs.LEFT, O.push(A)), `translate(${P}, ${$})`;
return `translate(${A.xPosition}, ${A.yPosition})`;
}), this.renderCallouts(O);
const I = T(i, "donut") ? "donut" : "pie", k = T(i, I, "alignment"), { width: G } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.getParent(), {
useAttrs: !0
}), C = E ? vt.xOffset : 0, L = E ? vt.yOffset : 0;
let B = c + C;
k === Jt.CENTER ? B = G / 2 : k === Jt.RIGHT && (B = G - c - vt.xOffset);
let D = c + L;
O.length > 0 && (D += vt.yOffsetCallout), n.attr("x", B + 7).attr("y", D), this.addEventListeners();
renderCallouts(t) {
const e = _.appendOrSelect(this.getComponentContainer(), "g.callouts").attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("data-name", "callouts"), n = e.selectAll("g.callout").data(t);
const i = n.enter().append("g").classed("callout", !0).attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("aria-roledescription", "label callout");
i.merge(n).datum(function(o) {
const { xPosition: c, yPosition: l, direction: h } = o;
return h === Xs.RIGHT ? (o.startPos = {
x: c,
y: l + o.textOffsetY
}, o.endPos = {
x: c + vt.callout.offsetX,
y: l - vt.callout.offsetY + o.textOffsetY
}, o.intersectPointX = o.endPos.x - vt.callout.horizontalLineLength) : (o.startPos = {
x: c,
y: l + o.textOffsetY
}, o.endPos = {
x: c - vt.callout.offsetX,
y: l - vt.callout.offsetY + o.textOffsetY
}, o.intersectPointX = o.endPos.x + vt.callout.horizontalLineLength), o;
}), i.append("line").classed("vertical-line", !0).merge(e.selectAll("line.vertical-line")).datum(function() {
return R(this.parentNode).datum();
}).style("stroke-width", "1px").attr("x1", (o) => o.startPos.x).attr("y1", (o) => o.startPos.y).attr("x2", (o) => o.intersectPointX).attr("y2", (o) => o.endPos.y), i.append("line").classed("horizontal-line", !0).merge(e.selectAll("line.horizontal-line")).datum(function() {
return R(this.parentNode).datum();
}).style("stroke-width", "1px").attr("x1", (o) => o.intersectPointX).attr("y1", (o) => o.endPos.y).attr("x2", (o) => o.endPos.x).attr("y2", (o) => o.endPos.y);
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.parent.selectAll("path.slice").on("mouseover", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
t.isRendering || i.classed("hovered", !0).transition("pie_slice_mouseover").call(
(o) =>{
transition: o,
name: "pie_slice_mouseover"
).attr("d", t.hoverArc),, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
const { groupMapsTo: r } = t.getOptions().data, { valueMapsTo: a } = t.getOptions().pie;, {
event: e,
hoveredElement: i,
items: [
}).on("mousemove", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
event: e
}).on("click", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}).on("mouseout", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
nu(() => {
t.isRendering || i.classed("hovered", !1).transition("pie_slice_mouseout").call(
(r) =>{
transition: r,
name: "pie_slice_mouseout"
).attr("d", t.arc);
}, 100),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
hoveredElement: i
// Helper functions
computeRadius() {
const { width: t, height: e } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
}), n = this.getOptions(), i = Math.min(t, e) / 2;
return n.pie.labels.enabled ? i + vt.radiusOffset : i;
class H0 extends lg {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "donut", this.renderType = st.SVG;
render(t = !0) {
const e = this;
if (this.model.isDataEmpty()) {
ariaLabel: "donut graph"
const n = _.appendOrSelect(
ariaLabel: "donut graph"
), i = this.getOptions(), r = this.computeRadius(), a = T(i, "donut", "center", "label");
_.appendOrSelect(n, "text.donut-figure").attr("text-anchor", "middle").style("dominant-baseline", () => a === null || a === "" ? "central" : "initial").style("font-size", () =>
(o) =>{
transition: o,
name: "donut-figure-enter-update",
animate: t
).tween("text", function() {
return e.centerNumberTween(R(this));
}), a !== null && a !== "" && _.appendOrSelect(n, "text.donut-title").attr("text-anchor", "middle").style("font-size", () =>"y",;
getInnerRadius() {
return this.computeRadius() * (3 / 4);
centerNumberTween(t) {
const e = this.getOptions();
let n = T(e, "donut", "center", "number");
n === null && (n = this.model.getDisplayData().reduce((o, c) => o + c[e.pie.valueMapsTo], 0));
const i = parseInt(t.text().replace(/[, ]+/g, ""), 10) || 0;
let r;
i % 1 === 0 && n % 1 === 0 ? r = Kl : r = So;
const a = r(i, n);
return (o) => {
const { numberFormatter: c } =;
if (c)
else {
const { code: l, number: h } = T(e, "locale");
t.text(h(Math.floor(a(o)), l));
const lo = "4,10 8,6 12,10", co = "12,6 8,10 4,6";
class U0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "gauge", this.renderType = st.SVG;
getValue() {
var n;
return ((n = this.model.getData().find((i) => === "value")) == null ? void 0 : n.value) ?? null;
getValueRatio() {
return No(this.getValue(), 0, 100) / 100;
getDelta() {
var n;
return ((n = this.model.getData().find((i) => === "delta")) == null ? void 0 : n.value) ?? null;
getArcRatio() {
const t = this.getOptions();
return T(t, "gauge", "type") === Un.FULL ? 1 : 0.5;
getArcSize() {
return this.getArcRatio() * Math.PI * 2;
getStartAngle() {
const t = this.getArcSize();
return t === 2 * Math.PI ? 0 : -t / 2;
// use provided arrow direction or default to using the delta
getArrow(t) {
const e = this.getOptions();
switch (T(e, "gauge", "deltaArrow", "direction")) {
case qr.UP:
return lo;
case qr.DOWN:
return co;
return t > 0 ? lo : co;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "gauge graph"
}).attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%"), n = this.getOptions(), i = this.getValue(), r = this.getValueRatio(), a = this.getArcSize(), o = this.getStartAngle(), c = r * a, l = o + c, h = o + a, d = this.computeRadius(), u = this.getInnerRadius();
this.backgroundArc = Dn().innerRadius(u).outerRadius(d).startAngle(l).endAngle(h), this.arc = Dn().innerRadius(u).outerRadius(d).startAngle(o).endAngle(l), _.appendOrSelect(e, "path.arc-background").attr("d", this.backgroundArc);
const p = e.selectAll("path.arc-foreground").data([i]);
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: "value",
originalClassName: "arc-foreground"
).style("fill", () => T(this.getOptions(), "color", "scale", "value")).attr("d", this.arc).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "value").attr("aria-label", (y) => y), this.drawValueNumber(), this.drawDelta(), p.exit().remove();
const g = T(n, "gauge", "alignment"), { width: m } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.getParent(), {
useAttrs: !0
let E = d;
g === Jt.CENTER ? E = m / 2 : g === Jt.RIGHT && (E = m - d), e.attr("x", E).attr("y", d), this.addEventListeners();
* draws the value number associated with the Gauge component in the center
drawValueNumber() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer(), e = this.getOptions(), n = T(e, "gauge", "type"), i = this.getValue(), r = this.getDelta(), a = this.computeRadius(), o = T(e, "gauge", "valueFontSize"), c = T(e, "gauge", "deltaFontSize"), l = T(e, "gauge", "numberSpacing"), h = T(e, "gauge", "showPercentageSymbol");
let d = 0;
n === Un.FULL && !r ? d = c(a) : n === Un.SEMI && r && (d = -(c(a) + l));
const u = _.appendOrSelect(t, "g.gauge-numbers").attr(
`translate(0, ${d})`
), p = o(a), f = _.appendOrSelect(u, "g.gauge-value-number"), { code: g, number: m } = T(e, "locale"), E = T(e, "gauge", "numberFormatter"), y = f.selectAll("text.gauge-value-number").data([i]);
y.enter().append("text").attr("class", "gauge-value-number").merge(y).style("font-size", `${p}px`).attr("text-anchor", "middle").text((G) => {
let C;
return G != null ? C = Number(G.toFixed(2)) % 1 !== 0 ? G.toFixed(2) : G.toFixed() : C = 0, E ? E(C) : m(Number(C), g);
const { width: v } = _.getSVGElementSize(
_.appendOrSelect(t, "text.gauge-value-number"),
{ useBBox: !0 }
), S = p / 2, b = h ? "%" : "", O = _.appendOrSelect(f, "text.gauge-value-symbol").style("font-size", `${S}px`).attr("x", v / 2).text(b), { width: I, height: k } = _.getSVGElementSize(O, {
useBBox: !0
O.attr("y", `-${k / 2}px`), f.attr("transform", `translate(-${I / 2}, 0)`);
* adds the delta number for the gauge
drawDelta() {
const t = this, e = this.getComponentContainer(), n = this.getOptions(), i = this.getDelta(), { code: r, number: a } = T(n, "locale");
if (i) {
const o = this.computeRadius(), c = i ? T(n, "gauge", "deltaFontSize") : () => 0, l = i ? T(n, "gauge", "numberFormatter") : () => null, h = T(n, "gauge", "deltaArrow", "size"), d = T(n, "gauge", "numberSpacing"), u = T(n, "gauge", "showPercentageSymbol"), p = _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.gauge-numbers"), f = _.appendOrSelect(p, "g.gauge-delta").attr(
`translate(0, ${c(o) + d})`
), g = _.appendOrSelect(f, "text.gauge-delta-number"), m = u ? "%" : ""; === null ? [] : [i]), g.enter().append("text").classed("gauge-delta-number", !0).merge(g).attr("text-anchor", "middle").style("font-size", `${c(o)}px`).text((S) => {
let b;
return S != null ? b = Number(S.toFixed(2)) % 1 !== 0 ? S.toFixed(2) : S.toFixed() : b = 0, l ? `${l(b)}${m}` : `${a(Number(b), r)}${m}`;
const { width: E } = _.getSVGElementSize(
_.appendOrSelect(e, ".gauge-delta-number"),
{ useBBox: !0 }
), y = T(n, "gauge", "deltaArrow", "enabled"), v = f.selectAll("svg.gauge-delta-arrow").data(i !== null && y ? [i] : []);
v.enter().append("svg").merge(v).attr("class", "gauge-delta-arrow").attr("x", -h(o) - E / 2).attr("y", -h(o) / 2 - c(o) * 0.35).attr("width", h(o)).attr("height", h(o)).attr("viewBox", "0 0 16 16").each(function() {
const S = R(this);
_.appendOrSelect(S, "rect.gauge-delta-arrow-backdrop").attr("width", "16").attr("height", "16").attr("fill", "none");
const b = T(n, "gauge", "status");
_.appendOrSelect(S, "polygon.gauge-delta-arrow").attr("class", b !== null ? `gauge-delta-arrow status--${b}` : "").attr("points", t.getArrow(i));
}), v.exit().remove(), g.exit().remove();
} else {
const o ="g.gauge-delta");
o.empty() || o.remove();
getInnerRadius() {
const t = this.computeRadius(), e = T(this.getOptions(), "gauge", "arcWidth");
return t - e;
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.parent.selectAll("path.arc-foreground").on("mouseover", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}).on("mousemove", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}).on("click", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}).on("mouseout", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
// Helper functions
computeRadius() {
const t = this.getOptions(), e = T(t, "gauge", "type"), { width: n, height: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
return e === Un.SEMI ? Math.min(n / 2, i) : Math.min(n / 2, i / 2);
class z0 extends br {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "grouped-bar", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.padding = 5, this.defaultStepFactor = 70, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.getOptions().data;
(i) =>{
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-bar"
).attr("opacity", (i) => i[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-bar"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t) {
const e = this.model.getDisplayData(this.configs.groups), n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =;
const r = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "grouped bar graphs", withinChartClip: !0 }), a = Jl( => {
const p =;
return u[p] && typeof u[p].toString == "function" ? u[p].toString() : u[p];
), o = r.selectAll("g.bars").data(a, (u) => u);
o.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const l = o.enter().append("g").classed("bars", !0).attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("data-name", "bars").merge(o);
(u) =>{
transition: u,
name: "bar-group-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("transform", (u) => {
const f = - this.getGroupWidth() / 2;
return === Ft.VERTICAL ? `translate(${f}, 0)` : `translate(0, ${f})`;
const h = l.selectAll("").data(
(u) => this.getDataCorrespondingToLabel(u),
(u) => u[i]
h.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), h.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(h).classed("bar", !0).transition().call(
(u) =>{
transition: u,
name: "bar-update-enter",
animate: t
(u) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: u[i],
originalClassName: "bar"
).style("fill", (u) => {
const p =;
return this.model.getFillColor(u[i], u[p], u);
}).attr("d", (u) => {
const p = this.groupScale(u[i]), f = this.getBarWidth(), g = p, m = p + f, E ={ datum: u }), y =, v =, y), S =, b = - f / 2, O = b + f;
if (!this.isOutsideZoomedDomain(b, O))
return $t(
{ x0: g, x1: m, y0: v, y1: S },
}).attr("opacity", 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "bar").attr("aria-label", (u) => u.value), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !0),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
event: e,
hoveredElement: i,
data: [n]
}).on("mousemove", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
event: e
}).on("click", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}).on("mouseout", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !1),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
hoveredElement: i
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
getDataCorrespondingToLabel(t) {
return this.model.getDisplayData(this.configs.groups).filter((n) => {
const i =;
return n[i].toString() === t;
getGroupWidth() {
const t = this.model.getGroupedData(this.configs.groups), e = this.getTotalGroupPadding();
return this.getBarWidth() * t.length + e;
getDomainScaleStep() {
const t =, e = this.model.getGroupedData(this.configs.groups);
let n = this.defaultStepFactor;
if (typeof t.step == "function")
n = t.step();
else if (e.length > 0) {
const i = e.find((r) => {
var a;
return ((a = == null ? void 0 : a.length) > 1;
if (i) {
const r =[0]);
n = Math.abs(
t([1][r]) - t([0][r])
return n;
getTotalGroupPadding() {
const t = this.model.getGroupedData(this.configs.groups);
return t.length === 1 ? 0 : Math.min(5, 5 * (this.getDomainScaleStep() / this.defaultStepFactor)) * (t.length - 1);
// Gets the correct width for bars based on options & configurations
getBarWidth() {
const t = this.getOptions(), e = T(t, "bars", "width"), n = T(t, "bars", "maxWidth");
if (e !== null && (n === null || e <= n))
return e;
const r = this.model.getGroupedData(this.configs.groups).length, a = this.getTotalGroupPadding();
return Math.min(
(this.getDomainScaleStep() - a) / r
setGroupScale() {
const t = this.model.getActiveDataGroupNames(this.configs.groups);
this.groupScale = cr().domain(t).rangeRound([0, this.getGroupWidth()]);
class F0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "heatmap", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.matrix = {}, this.xBandwidth = 0, this.yBandwidth = 0, this.translationUnits = {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, this.handleAxisOnHover = (t) => {
const { detail: e } = t, { datum: n } = e, i = this.model.getUniqueRanges(), r = this.model.getUniqueDomain(), a =, o =, c =, l =;
let h = "", d = null, u = null, p = null;
this.matrix[n] !== void 0 ? (h = a, i.forEach((f) => {
if (typeof this.matrix[n][f].value == "number") {
const g = this.matrix[n][f].value;
if (d === null) {
d = g, u = g, p = g;
d += g, u = g < u ? g : u, p = g > p ? g : p;
})) : (h = o, r.forEach((f) => {
if (typeof this.matrix[f][n].value == "number") {
const g = this.matrix[f][n].value;
if (d === null) {
d = g, u = g, p = g;
d += g, u = g < u ? g : u, p = g > p ? g : p;
})), c(n) !== void 0 ?"g.multi-cell.column-highlight").classed("highlighter-hidden", !1).attr("transform", `translate(${c(n)}, ${Si(l.range())})`) : l(n) !== void 0 &&"g.multi-cell.row-highlight").classed("highlighter-hidden", !1).attr("transform", `translate(${Si(c.range())},${l(n)})`),, {
event: e.event,
hoveredElement: R(t.detail.element),
items: [
label: h,
value: n,
bold: !0
label: "Min",
value: u !== null ? u : "-"
label: "Max",
value: p !== null ? p : "-"
label: "Average",
value: d !== null ? d / r.length : "-"
}, this.handleAxisMouseOut = (t) => {
this.parent.selectAll("g.multi-cell").classed("highlighter-hidden", !0),, {
event: t
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Axis.LABEL_MOUSEOVER, this.handleAxisOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Axis.LABEL_MOUSEOUT, this.handleAxisMouseOut), t.addEventListener(x.Axis.LABEL_FOCUS, this.handleAxisOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Axis.LABEL_BLUR, this.handleAxisMouseOut);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "heatmap", withinChartClip: !0 });
const { cartesianScales: n } =;
if (this.matrix = this.model.getMatrix(), e.html(""), T(this.getOptions(), "data", "loading"))
const i = n.getMainXScale(), r = n.getMainYScale(), a = n.getDomainIdentifier(), o = n.getRangeIdentifier(), c = this.model.getUniqueDomain(), l = this.model.getUniqueRanges(), h = this.model.getMatrixAsArray(), d = i.range(), u = r.range();
this.xBandwidth = Math.abs((d[1] - d[0]) / c.length), this.yBandwidth = Math.abs((u[1] - u[0]) / l.length);
const p ="heatmap-pattern-stripes");
e.append("defs").append("pattern").attr("id", p).attr("width", 3).attr("height", 3).attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("patternTransform", "rotate(45)").append("rect").classed("pattern-fill", !0).attr("width", 0.5).attr("height", 8);
const f = e.selectAll().data(h).enter().append("g").attr("class", (g) => `heat-${g.index}`).classed("cell", !0).attr(
(g) => `translate(${i(g[a])}, ${r(g[o])})`
(g) => this.model.getColorClassName({
value: g.value,
originalClassName: `heat-${g.index}`
).classed("heat", !0).classed("null-state", (g) => g.index === -1 || g.value === null).attr("width", this.xBandwidth).attr("height", this.yBandwidth).style("fill", (g) => {
const m =;
return g.index === -1 || g.value === null ? `url(#${p})` : this.model.getFillColor(Number(g.value), g[m], g);
}).attr("aria-label", (g) => g.value);
this.createOuterBox("g.cell-highlight", this.xBandwidth, this.yBandwidth), this.createOuterBox(
Math.abs(u[1] - u[0])
), this.createOuterBox(
Math.abs(d[1] - d[0]),
), this.determineDividerStatus() && ("stroke-width", "1px"),"g.cell-highlight").classed("cell-2", !0)), this.addEventListener();
* Generates a box using lines to create a hover effect
* The lines have drop shadow in their respective direction
* @param parentTag - tag name
* @param xBandwidth - X length
* @param yBandwidth - y length
createOuterBox(t, e, n) {
const i = _.appendOrSelect(this.parent, t).classed("shadows", !0).classed("highlighter-hidden", !0);
_.appendOrSelect(i, "").attr("x1", -1).attr("x2", e + 1), _.appendOrSelect(i, "line.left").attr("x1", 0).attr("y1", -1).attr("x2", 0).attr("y2", n + 1), _.appendOrSelect(i, "line.down").attr("x1", -1).attr("x2", e + 1).attr("y1", n).attr("y2", n), _.appendOrSelect(i, "line.right").attr("x1", e).attr("x2", e).attr("y1", -1).attr("y2", n + 1);
determineDividerStatus() {
const t = T(this.getOptions(), "heatmap", "divider", "state");
return t !== js.OFF && (t === js.AUTO && Xr.minCellDividerDimension <= this.xBandwidth && Xr.minCellDividerDimension <= this.yBandwidth || t === js.ON);
addEventListener() {
const t = this, { cartesianScales: e } =, n = this.getOptions(), i = yt(n, "") || yt(n, "tooltip.totalLabel") || "Total", r = e.getDomainIdentifier(), a = e.getRangeIdentifier(), o = e.getDomainLabel(), c = e.getRangeLabel();
this.parent.selectAll("g.cell").on("mouseover", function(l, h) {
const d = R(this), u ="rect.heat");
if (!u.classed("null-state")) {
const f = mn(d.attr("transform"));"g.cell-highlight").attr(
`translate(${f.x + t.translationUnits.x}, ${f.y + t.translationUnits.y})`
).classed("highlighter-hidden", !1),, {
event: l,
element: u,
datum: h
}),, {
event: l,
items: [
label: o,
value: h[r]
label: c,
value: h[a]
label: i,
value: h.value,
}).on("mousemove", function(l, h) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: h
}),, {
event: l
}).on("click", function(l, h) {, {
event: l,
element: R(this),
datum: h
}).on("mouseout", function(l, h) {
const u = R(this).select("rect.heat"), p = u.classed("null-state");"g.cell-highlight").classed("highlighter-hidden", !0), p || (, {
event: l,
element: u,
datum: h
}),, {
event: l,
hoveredElement: u
// Remove event listeners
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("rect.heat").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("click", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleAxisOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleAxisMouseOut);
class W0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "histogram", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =;
(r) =>{
transition: r,
name: "legend-hover-bar"
).attr("opacity", (r) => r[i] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-bar"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "histogram bars"
}), n = this.model.getOptions(), { groupIdentifier: i } = n, { groupMapsTo: r } =, a = this.model.getBinnedStackedData(), o =, c = e.selectAll("g.bars").data(a, (h) => yt(h, `0.${r}`));
c.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), c.enter().append("g").classed("bars", !0).attr("role", it.GROUP);
const l = e.selectAll("g.bars").selectAll("").data((h) => h);
l.exit().remove(), l.enter().append("path").merge(l).classed("bar", !0).attr(i, (h, d) => d).transition().call(
(h) =>{
transition: h,
name: "histogram-bar-update-enter",
animate: t
(h) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: h[r],
originalClassName: "bar"
).style("fill", (h) => this.model.getFillColor(h[r], null, h)).attr("d", (h) => {
const d = yt(h, "data");
if (!d)
const u = o(d.x1) - o(d.x0) - 1, p =, f = p + u, g =[0]);
let m =[1]);
return Math.abs(m - g) > 0 && Math.abs(m - g) > n.bars.dividerSize && ( === Ft.VERTICAL ? m += 1 : m -= 1), $t(
{ x0: p, x1: f, y0: g, y1: m },
}).attr("opacity", 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "bar").attr("aria-label", (h) => T(h, "data", h[r])), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this.model.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: e } =, { code: n, number: i } = T(t, "locale"), r = this;
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", function(a, o) {
const c = R(this);
c.classed("hovered", !0);
const l = i(parseFloat(yt(o, "data.x0")), n), h = i(parseFloat(yt(o, "data.x1")), n), d =, u =;, {
event: a,
hoveredElement: c,
items: [
label: yt(t, "bins.rangeLabel") || "Range",
value: `${l} – ${h}`
label: t.tooltip.groupLabel || "Group",
value: o[e],
class: r.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: o[e]
label: u,
value: yt(o, `data.${o[e]}`)
}).on("mousemove", function(a) {, {
event: a
}).on("mouseout", function() {
R(this).classed("hovered", !1),;
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
class X0 extends Sr {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "lollipop", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleScatterOnHover = (t) => {
const e = t.detail, n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =;
this.parent.selectAll("line.line").attr("stroke-width", (r) => r[i] !== e.datum[i] ? ge.weight.unselected : ge.weight.selected);
}, this.handleScatterOnMouseOut = () => {
this.parent.selectAll("line.line").attr("stroke-width", ge.weight.unselected);
}, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =;
(r) =>{
transition: r,
name: "legend-hover-line"
).attr("opacity", (r) => r[i] !== e.datum().name ? ge.opacity.unselected : ge.opacity.selected);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-line"
).attr("opacity", ge.opacity.selected);
init() {
const { events: t } =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "lines", withinChartClip: !0 }), n = this.model.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =, { cartesianScales: r } =, a = r.getMainXScale(), o = r.getMainYScale(), c = r.getDomainIdentifier(), l = (E) => r.getDomainValue(E), h = (E) => r.getRangeValue(E), d = r.getOrientation(), [u, p] = ye(
), f = e.selectAll("line.line").data(
(E) => `${E[i]}-${E[c]}`
f.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const m = f.enter().append("line").attr("opacity", 0).merge(f).classed("line", !0).attr(
(E) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.STROKE],
dataGroupName: E[i],
originalClassName: "line"
(E) =>{
transition: E,
name: "lollipop-line-update-enter",
animate: t
).style("stroke", (E) => this.model.getFillColor(E[i], E[c], E)).attr("opacity", 1);
d === Ft.HORIZONTAL ? m.attr("y1", p).attr("y2", p).attr("x1", a.range()[0]).attr("x2", (E) => u(E) - n.points.radius) : m.attr("x1", u).attr("x2", u).attr("y1", o.range()[0]).attr("y2", (E) => p(E) + n.points.radius), this.addScatterPointEventListeners();
// listen for when individual datapoints are hovered
addScatterPointEventListeners() {
destroy() {
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut), t.removeEventListener(x.Scatter.SCATTER_MOUSEOVER, this.handleScatterOnHover), t.removeEventListener(
class j0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "meter", this.renderType = st.SVG;
getStackedBounds(t, e) {
let n = 0;
return, a) => a !== 0 ? (n += e(r.value), {
width: Math.abs(e(r.value) - _t.dividerWidth),
x: n - e(r.value)
}) : (n = e(r.value), {
width: Math.abs(e(r.value) - _t.dividerWidth),
x: 0
render(t = !0) {
const e = this, n = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "meter lines"
}), i = this.getOptions(), r = T(i, "meter", "proportional"), a = this.model.getDisplayData(), o = this.model.getStatus(), { width: c } = _.getSVGElementSize(n, {
useAttrs: !0
}), { groupMapsTo: l } =;
let h;
if (T(i, "meter", "proportional") === null)
h = 100;
else {
const v = T(i, "meter", "proportional", "total");
h = v || this.model.getMaximumDomain(this.model.getDisplayData());
const d = ke().domain([0, h]).range([0, c]), u = this.getStackedBounds(a, d), p = T(i, "meter", "height");
_.appendOrSelect(n, "rect.container").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", c).attr(
p || (r ? _t.height.proportional : _t.height.default)
), _.appendOrSelect(n, "line.rangeIndicator").attr("x1", c).attr("x2", c).attr("y1", 0).attr(
p || (r ? _t.height.proportional : _t.height.default)
const f = n.selectAll("rect.value").data(u), g = o != null && !e.model.isUserProvidedColorScaleValid() && !r ? `value status--${o}` : "value";
f.enter().append("rect").classed("value", !0).merge(f).attr("x", (v) => v.x).attr("y", 0).attr("height", () => p || (r ? _t.height.proportional : _t.height.default)).attr(
(v) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: v[l],
originalClassName: g
(v) =>{
transition: v,
name: "meter-bar-update",
animate: t
).attr("width", (v) => v.value > h ? d(h) : Math.max(v.width, 2)).style("fill", (v) => e.model.getFillColor(v[l], null, v)).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "value").attr("aria-label", (v) => v.value), f.exit().remove();
const m = T(i, "meter", "peak");
let E = m;
m !== null && (m > h ? E = h : m < a[0].value && (E = a[0].value > h ? h : a[0].value));
const y = n.selectAll("line.peak").data(E == null ? [] : [E]);
y.enter().append("line").classed("peak", !0).merge(y).attr("y1", 0).attr("y2", () => p || (r ? _t.height.proportional : _t.height.default)).transition().call(
(v) =>{
transition: v,
name: "peak-line-update",
animate: t
).attr("x1", (v) => d(v)).attr("x2", (v) => d(v)).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "peak").attr("aria-label", (v) => v), y.exit().remove(),, this.addEventListeners();
// add event listeners for tooltips on proportional meter bars
addEventListeners() {
const t = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: e } =, n = this, i = T(t, "meter", "proportional");
this.parent.selectAll("rect.value").on("mouseover", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}), i && (o.classed("hovered", !0),, {
event: r,
hoveredElement: o,
items: [
label: a[e],
value: a.value
}).on("mousemove", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}), i &&, {
event: r
}).on("click", function(r, a) {, {
event: r,
element: R(this),
datum: a
}).on("mouseout", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}), i && (o.classed("hovered", !1),, {
hoveredElement: o
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("rect.value").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null).on("click", null);
class Y0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "radar", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.getLabelDimensions = (t) => {
const e = _.appendOrSelect(this.getComponentContainer(), "g.tmp-tick"), n = _.appendOrSelect(e, "text").text(t), { width: i, height: r } = _.getSVGElementSize(n.node(), { useBBox: !0 });
return e.remove(), { width: i, height: r };
}, this.normalizeFlatData = (t) => {
const e = this.getOptions(), { angle: n, value: i } = T(e, "radar", "axes"), r = T(e, "data", "groupMapsTo"), a = au( => => ({
[n]: o,
[r]: c,
[i]: null
return tn(a, t);
}, this.normalizeGroupedData = (t) => {
const e = this.getOptions(), { angle: n, value: i } = T(e, "radar", "axes"), r = T(e, "data", "groupMapsTo");
return{ name: a, data: o }) => {
const c = => ({
[r]: a,
[n]: l,
[i]: null
return { name: a, data: tn(c, o) };
}, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail;
this.parent.selectAll("g.blobs path").transition("legend-hover-blob").call(
(n) =>{
transition: n,
name: "legend-hover-blob"
).style("fill-opacity", (n) => !== e.datum().name ? Te.opacity.unselected : Te.opacity.selected).style("stroke-opacity", (n) => !== e.datum().name ? Te.opacity.unselected : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
this.parent.selectAll("g.blobs path").transition("legend-mouseout-blob").call(
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-blob"
).style("fill-opacity", Te.opacity.selected).style("stroke-opacity", 1);
init() {
const { events: t } =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "radar graph"
}), { width: n, height: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(e, {
useAttrs: !0
}), r = this.model.getData(), a = this.model.getGroupedData(), o = this.getOptions(), c = T(o, "data", "groupMapsTo"), l = T(o, "radar", "axes", "value"), { angle: h, value: d } = T(o, "radar", "axes"), { xLabelPadding: u, yLabelPadding: p, yTicksNumber: f, minRange: g, xAxisRectHeight: m } = Te;
this.uniqueKeys = Array.from(new Set( => H[h]))), this.uniqueGroups = Array.from(new Set( => H[c]))), this.fullDataNormalized = this.normalizeFlatData(r), this.groupedDataNormalized = this.normalizeGroupedData(a);
const y = 2 * (this.getLabelDimensions(this.uniqueKeys[0]).height + p), b = (Math.min(n, i) - y) / 2;
if (b <= 0)
const O = cr().domain( => H[h])).range([0, 2 * Math.PI].map((H) => H - Math.PI / 2)), I = Si( => H[d])), k = ke().domain([
I >= 0 ? 0 : I,
jr( => H[d]))
]).range([g, b]).nice(f), G = k.ticks(f), C = (H, U, W) => this.model.getFillColor(H, U, W), L = $d().angle((H) => O(H[h]) + Math.PI / 2).radius((H) => k(H[d])).curve(ac), B = => {
const U = this.getLabelDimensions(H).width, W = oc(
return U + W;
}), A = {
x: jr(B) + u,
y: i / 2
}, V = _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.y-axes").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("path").data(G, (H) => H), N = (H) => => ({ [h]: U, [d]: H }));
(H) => H.append("path").attr("opacity", 0).attr("transform", `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y})`).attr("fill", "none").call(
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_y_axes_enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr("d", (W) => L(N(W)))
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_y_axes_update",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr("transform", `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y})`).attr("d", (W) => L(N(W)))
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_y_axes_exit",
animate: t
).attr("d", (W) => L(N(W))).attr("opacity", 0).remove()
), _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.x-axes").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("line").data(this.uniqueKeys, (H) => H).join(
(H) => H.append("line").attr("opacity", 0).attr("class", (U) => `x-axis-${He(U)}`).attr("stroke-dasharray", "0").attr("x1", (U) => bt(O(U), 0, A).x).attr("y1", (U) => bt(O(U), 0, A).y).attr("x2", (U) => bt(O(U), 0, A).x).attr("y2", (U) => bt(O(U), 0, A).y).call(
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_x_axes_enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr("x1", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[0], A).x).attr("y1", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[0], A).y).attr("x2", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[1], A).x).attr("y2", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[1], A).y)
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_x_axes_update",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr("x1", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[0], A).x).attr("y1", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[0], A).y).attr("x2", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[1], A).x).attr("y2", (W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[1], A).y)
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_x_axes_exit",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 0).remove()
), _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.x-labels").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("text").data(this.uniqueKeys).join(
(H) => H.append("text").text((U) => U).attr("opacity", 0).attr(
(U) => bt(O(U), k.range()[1] + u, A).x
(U) => bt(O(U), k.range()[1] + u, A).y
).style("text-anchor", (U) => ea(O(U)).textAnchor).style(
(U) => ea(O(U)).dominantBaseline
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_x_labels_enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1)
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_x_labels_update",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr(
(W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[1] + u, A).x
(W) => bt(O(W), k.range()[1] + u, A).y
).end().finally(() => {
const W = T(o, "radar", "alignment"), zt = this.getAlignmentXOffset(W, e, this.getParent());
e.attr("x", zt);
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_x_labels_exit",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 0).remove()
), _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.blobs").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("path").data(this.groupedDataNormalized, (H) =>
(H) => H.append("path").attr(
(U) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "blob"
).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-label", (U) =>"opacity", 0).attr(
t ? () => `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y}) scale(${1 + Math.random() * 0.35})` : `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y})`
).style("fill", (U) => C(, null,"fill-opacity", Te.opacity.selected).style("stroke", (U) => C(, null, => {
const W = U.transition().call(
(zt) =>{
transition: zt,
name: "radar_blobs_enter",
animate: t
t && W.delay(() => Math.random() * 30).attr("transform", `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y})`), W.attr("opacity", 1).attr("d", (zt) => L(;
(H) => (H.attr(
(U) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL, tt.STROKE],
originalClassName: "blob"
).style("fill", (U) => C(, null,"stroke", (U) => C(, null,,
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_blobs_update",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1).attr("transform", `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y})`).attr("d", (W) => L(
), H),
(H) => => {
const W = U.transition().call(
(zt) =>{
transition: zt,
name: "radar_blobs_exit",
animate: t
t && W.delay(() => Math.random() * 30).attr(
() => `translate(${A.x}, ${A.y}) scale(${1 + Math.random() * 0.35})`
), W.attr("opacity", 0).remove();
), _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.dots").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("circle").data(this.fullDataNormalized.filter((H) => T(H, d) !== null)).join(
(H) => H.append("circle").attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-label", (U) => U[l]),
(H) => H,
(H) => H.remove()
(H) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: H[c],
originalClassName: He(H[h])
).attr("cx", (H) => bt(O(H[h]), k(H[d]), A).x).attr("cy", (H) => bt(O(H[h]), k(H[d]), A).y).attr("r", 0).attr("opacity", 0).style("fill", (H) => C(H[c])), _.appendOrSelect(e, "g.x-axes-rect").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("rect").data(this.uniqueKeys).join(
(H) => H.append("rect"),
(H) => H,
(H) => H.remove()
).attr("x", A.x).attr("y", A.y - m / 2).attr("width", k.range()[1]).attr("height", m).style("fill", "red").style("fill-opacity", 0).attr("transform", (H) => `rotate(${lc(O(H))}, ${A.x}, ${A.y})`);
const { code: ut, number: ht } = T(o, "locale");
_.appendOrSelect(e, "g.y-labels").attr("role", it.GROUP).selectAll("text").data(ks(G)).join(
(H) => H.append("text").attr("opacity", 0).text((U) => ht(U, ut)).attr(
(U) => bt(-Math.PI / 2, k(U), A).x + p
).attr("y", (U) => bt(-Math.PI / 2, k(U), A).y).style("text-anchor", "start").style("dominant-baseline", "middle").call(
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_y_labels_enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 1)
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_y_labels_update",
animate: t
).text((W) => W).attr("opacity", 1).attr(
(W) => bt(-Math.PI / 2, k(W), A).x + p
).attr("y", (W) => bt(-Math.PI / 2, k(W), A).y)
(H) =>
(U) => U.transition().call(
(W) =>{
transition: W,
name: "radar_y_labels_exit",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", 0).remove()
), this.addEventListeners();
getAlignmentXOffset(t, e, n) {
const i = _.getSVGElementSize(e, {
useBBox: !0
}), { width: r } = _.getSVGElementSize(n, {
useAttrs: !0
let a = 0;
return t === Jt.CENTER ? a = Math.floor((r - i.width) / 2) : t === Jt.RIGHT && (a = r - i.width), a;
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll(".x-axes-rect > rect").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
addEventListeners() {
const t = this, {
axes: { angle: e }
} = T(this.getOptions(), "radar");
this.parent.selectAll(".x-axes-rect > rect").on("mouseover", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this);, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
const a =`.x-axes .x-axis-${He(i)}`), o = t.parent.selectAll(`.dots circle.${He(i)}`), c = t.model.getActiveDataGroupNames(), l = t.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: h } =, d = T(l, "radar", "axes", "value");
a.classed("hovered", !0).attr("stroke-dasharray", "4 4"), o.classed("hovered", !0).attr(
(p) => c.indexOf(p[h]) !== -1 ? 1 : 0
).attr("r", Te.dotsRadius);
const u = t.fullDataNormalized.filter(
(p) => p[e] === i && c.indexOf(p[h]) !== -1
);, {
event: n,
hoveredElement: r,
items: u.filter((p) => typeof p[d] == "number").map((p) => ({
label: p[h],
value: p[d],
color: t.model.getFillColor(p[h], null, p),
class: t.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: p[h]
}).on("mousemove", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this);, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
}),, {
event: n
}).on("click", function(n, i) {, {
event: n,
element: R(this),
datum: i
}).on("mouseout", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this), a =`.x-axes .x-axis-${He(i)}`), o = t.parent.selectAll(`.dots circle.${He(i)}`);
a.classed("hovered", !1).attr("stroke-dasharray", "0"), o.classed("hovered", !1).attr("opacity", 0).attr("r", 0),, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: i
class q0 extends br {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "simple-bar", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.getOptions().data;
(i) =>{
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-simple-bar"
).attr("opacity", (i) => i[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-simple-bar"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t) {
const e = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: n } =, i = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "bar graphs",
withinChartClip: !0
}), r = this.model.getDisplayData(this.configs.groups), a =, o = i.selectAll("").data(r, (l) => l[n]);
o.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), o.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(o).classed("bar", !0).attr("width", this.getBarWidth.bind(this)).transition().call(
(l) =>{
transition: l,
name: "bar-update-enter",
animate: t
(l) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: l[n],
originalClassName: "bar"
).style("fill", (l) => {
const h =;
return this.model.getFillColor(l[n], l[h], l);
}).attr("d", (l) => {
const h =, d = this.getBarWidth(), u = l[h], p = - d / 2, f = p + d;
let g, m;
if (Array.isArray(u) && u.length === 2)
g =[0]), m =[1]);
else {
const v =[0];
g =, v)), m =;
const E = Math.abs(m - g);
if (E !== 0 && E < 2 && (u > 0 && a === Ft.VERTICAL || u < 0 && a === Ft.HORIZONTAL ? m = g - 2 : m = g + 2), !this.isOutsideZoomedDomain(p, f))
return $t({ x0: p, x1: f, y0: g, y1: m }, a);
}).attr("opacity", 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "bar").attr("aria-label", (l) => l.value), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !0),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
event: e,
hoveredElement: i,
data: [n]
}).on("mousemove", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}),, {
event: e
}).on("click", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}).on("mouseout", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !1),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
hoveredElement: i
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
class Z0 extends Jf {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "skeleton-lines";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = T(this.getOptions(), "data", "loading"), n = !T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "x", "enabled") && !T(this.getOptions(), "grid", "y", "enabled") && !T(this.getOptions(), "axes", "bottom", "visible") && !T(this.getOptions(), "axes", "left", "visible");
e && !n ? super.renderGridSkeleton(e) : e && n ? this.renderSparklineSkeleton(e) : this.removeSkeleton();
renderSparklineSkeleton(t) {
this.setScales(), this.drawBackdrop(t), this.drawSparkline(t), this.updateBackdropStyle(), t && this.setShimmerEffect("shimmer-lines");
drawSparkline(t) {
const e = this.backdrop.attr("width"), n = [100], i = _.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "g.y.skeleton"), r = i.selectAll("line").data(n);
r.enter().append("line").merge(r).attr("x1", 0).attr("x2", e).attr("y1", (a) => a).attr("y2", (a) => a), i.selectAll("line").classed("shimmer-effect-lines", t).classed("empty-state-lines", !t).style(
t ? `url(#${"shimmer-lines")})` : null
updateBackdropStyle() {
const t = this.parent;
this.backdrop = _.appendOrSelect(t, "svg.chart-skeleton.DAII"), _.appendOrSelect(this.backdrop, "rect.chart-skeleton-backdrop").classed("shimmer-effect-lines", !1).classed("shimmer-effect-sparkline", !0).style("stroke", null);
class K0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "area-stacked", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =;
(r) =>{
transition: r,
name: "legend-hover-area"
).attr("opacity", (r) => T(r, 0, i) !== e.datum().name ? me.opacity.unselected : me.opacity.selected);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-area"
).attr("opacity", me.opacity.selected);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "stacked area graphs",
withinChartClip: !0
}), n = this, i = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: r } =, a = Object.keys(i.axes).some((f) => i.axes[f].percentage), o = this.model.getStackedData({
percentage: a,
groups: this.configs.groups
}), c = T(o, 0, 0), l ={ datum: c }), h ={ datum: c }), d =, u = e.selectAll("path.area").data(o, (f) => T(f, 0, r));
this.areaGenerator = yr().x(
(f) =>
).y0((f) => d(f[0])).y1((f) => d(f[1])).curve(, u.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), u.enter().append("path").attr("opacity", 0).merge(u).data(o, (f) => T(f, 0, r)).attr("class", "area").attr(
(f) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: T(f, 0, r),
originalClassName: "area"
).style("fill", (f) => n.model.getFillColor(T(f, 0, r), null, f)).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "area").attr("aria-label", (f) => T(f, 0, r)).transition().call(
(f) =>{
transition: f,
name: "area-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("opacity", me.opacity.selected).attr("d", this.areaGenerator);
class J0 extends br {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "stacked-bar", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.model.getOptions().data;
(i) =>{
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-bar"
).attr("opacity", (i) => i[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-bar"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "stacked bar graphs", withinChartClip: !0 }), n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =, r = this.model.getStackedData({
groups: this.configs.groups,
divergent: !0
}), a = this.model.getActiveDataGroupNames(), o = e.selectAll("g.bars").data(r, (l) => T(l, 0, i));
o.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), o.enter().append("g").classed("bars", !0).attr("role", it.GROUP).attr("data-name", "bars");
const c = e.selectAll("g.bars").selectAll("").data(
(l) => l,
(l) =>
c.exit().remove(), c.enter().append("path").merge(c).classed("bar", !0).transition().call(
(l) =>{
transition: l,
name: "bar-update-enter",
animate: t
(l) => this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: l[i],
originalClassName: "bar"
(l) => this.model.getFillColor(l[i],,
).attr("d", (l) => {
const h =, d = this.getBarWidth(), u = - d / 2, p = u + d, f =[0]);
let g =[1]);
if (!this.isOutsideZoomedDomain(u, p)) {
if (Math.abs(g - f) > 0 && Math.abs(g - f) > n.bars.dividerSize) {
const m = l[0] < 0 && l[1] <= 0;
m && a.length > 1 ? === Ft.VERTICAL ? g += l[1] === 0 ? 2 : 1 : g -= 1 : m || ( === Ft.VERTICAL ? g += 1 : g -= 1);
return $t(
{ x0: u, x1: p, y0: f, y1: g },
}).attr("opacity", 1).attr("role", it.GRAPHICS_SYMBOL).attr("aria-roledescription", "bar").attr("aria-label", (l) => l[1] - l[0]), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: e } =, n = this;
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", function(i, r) {
const a = R(this);
a.classed("hovered", !0),, {
event: i,
element: a,
datum: r
let c = n.model.getDisplayData(n.configs.groups).find((l) => {
const h =, d =;
return l[d] ===[r[e]] && l[h].toString() === && l[e] === r[e];
if (c === void 0) {
const l =, h =;
c = {
[e]: r[e]
}, {
event: i,
hoveredElement: a,
data: [c]
}).on("mousemove", function(i, r) {
const a = R(this);, {
event: i,
element: a,
datum: r
}),, {
event: i
}).on("click", function(i, r) {, {
event: i,
element: R(this),
datum: r
}).on("mouseout", function(i, r) {
const a = R(this);
a.classed("hovered", !1),, {
event: i,
element: a,
datum: r
}),, {
hoveredElement: a
getBarWidth() {
const t = this.getOptions();
if (T(t, "bars", "width"))
return t.bars.width;
const e =, n = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
}).width, i = this.model.getStackKeys().length, r = T(t, "bars", "spacingFactor");
return e.step ? Math.min(t.bars.maxWidth, e.step() / 2) : Math.min(t.bars.maxWidth, n * r / i);
destroy() {
this.parent.selectAll("").on("mouseover", null).on("mousemove", null).on("mouseout", null);
const t =;
t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.removeEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
class Q0 extends Sr {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "scatter-stacked", this.renderType = st.SVG;
render(t) {
if (!T(this.getOptions(), "points", "enabled"))
const n = this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "scatter points", withinChartClip: !0 }), i = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: r } =, a = Object.keys(i.axes).some((p) => i.axes[p].percentage), o = this.model.getStackedData({
groups: this.configs.groups,
percentage: a
}), c = n.selectAll("g.dots").data(o, (p) => T(p, 0, r));
c.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const h = c.enter().append("g").classed("dots", !0).attr("role", it.GROUP).merge(c).selectAll("").data((p) => p);
h.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const u = h.enter().append("circle").classed("dot", !0).attr("opacity", 0).merge(h).datum((p) => {
const f = p[r], g =, m =;
return {
[r]: f,
[m]: p[1]
this.styleCircles(u, t), this.addEventListeners();
getTooltipData(t, e) {
const n = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: i } =, r = Object.keys(n.axes).some((c) => n.axes[c].percentage), a = this.model.getStackedData({
groups: this.configs.groups,
percentage: r
}), o = [];
return a.forEach((c, l) => {
c.forEach((h, d) => {
const u = h[i], p =;
let f =[u];
const g = h[1], m =, E =;
f != null && t === && e === && (r && (f = this.model.getStackedData({
groups: this.configs.groups
})[l][d].data[u]), f !== null && o.push({
[i]: u,
[m]: p,
[E]: f
}), this.model.getDisplayData(this.configs.groups).filter((c) => {
const l =, h =;
return o.find((d) => d[i] == c[i] && d[l] == c[l] && d[h] == c[h]) !== void 0;
const We = 6;
class ty extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "tree", this.renderType = st.SVG;
getLongestLabel(t) {
let e = "";
return t.forEach((n) => {
const i = n.children ? this.getLongestLabel(n.children) : "";
(i.length > e.length || > e.length) && (e = i.length > ? i :;
}), e;
getMockLabelWidth(t, e) {
const n = t.append("text").attr("dy", "0.31em").attr("x", 0).attr("text-anchor", "end").text(e), { width: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(n.node(), {
useBBox: !0
return n.remove(), i;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "tree diagram"
const { width: n, height: i } = _.getSVGElementSize(this.parent, {
useAttrs: !0
if (n < 1 || i < 1)
const r = this.model.getOptions(), a = this.model.getDisplayData(), o = T(r, "tree", "rootTitle") || "Tree", c = this.getMockLabelWidth(e, o), l = this.getLongestLabel(a), h = this.getMockLabelWidth(e, l), d = {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: c > 0 ? c + We : 30 - We
}, u = Pn({
name: o,
children: a
}), p = 10, f = n / 6, g = (O) => {
const I = u.descendants().reverse(), k = u.links();
let G = u, C = u;
u.eachBefore((P) => {
P.x < G.x && (G = P), P.x > C.x && (C = P);
const L = C.x - G.x, B = e.transition().call(
(P) =>{
transition: P,
name: "tree-update-viewbox",
animate: !0
).attr("viewBox", [-d.left, G.x, n, L].join(" ")), D = b.selectAll("g").data(I, (P) =>, A = this, w = D.enter().append("g").attr("transform", () => `translate(${O.y0},${O.x0})`).attr(
(P) => P.depth !== 0 && P.children && P.children.length > 0 ? "clickable" : null
).on("mouseover", function(P, $) {, {
event: P,
element: R(this),
datum: $
}).on("click", function(P, $) {
$.depth !== 0 && ($.children = $.children ? null : $._children, g($)),, {
event: P,
element: R(this),
datum: $
}).on("mouseout", function(P, $) {, {
event: P,
element: R(this),
datum: $
w.append("circle").attr("r", 2.5).attr("class", (P) => P._children ? "parent" : "child").attr("stroke-width", 10), w.append("text").attr("dy", "0.31em").attr("x", (P) => P._children ? -We : We).attr("text-anchor", (P) => P._children ? "end" : "start").text((P) =>!0).attr("class", "text-stroke").lower(), D.merge(w).transition(B).attr("transform", (P) => `translate(${P.y},${P.x})`).attr("fill-opacity", 1).attr("stroke-opacity", 1), D.exit().transition(B).remove().attr("transform", () => `translate(${O.y},${O.x})`).attr("fill-opacity", 0).attr("stroke-opacity", 0);
const V = S.selectAll("path").data(k, (P) =>, N = V.enter().append("path").attr("d", () => {
const P = { x: O.x0, y: O.y0 };
return v({ source: P, target: P });
V.merge(N).transition(B).attr("d", v), V.exit().transition(B).remove().attr("d", () => {
const P = { x: O.x, y: O.y };
return v({ source: P, target: P });
}), u.eachBefore((P) => {
P.x0 = P.x, P.y0 = P.y;
}, m = u.descendants(), E = m[m.length - 1].depth, y = T(r, "tree", "type") === nc.DENDROGRAM ? Ih().size([
n - h - E * We - c
]) : Sd().nodeSize([p, f]).size([
n - h - E * We - c
]), v = zd().x((O) => O.y).y((O) => O.x);
u.x0 = f / 2, u.y0 = 0, u.descendants().forEach((O, I) => { = I, O._children = O.children;
}), y(u), e.attr("viewBox", [-d.left,, n, p]).style("user-select", "none");
const S = e.append("g").attr("class", "links"), b = e.append("g").attr("class", "nodes");
var cg = "#000000", ug = "#ffffff", hg = "#fcf4d6", dg = "#fddc69", pg = "#f1c21b", fg = "#d2a106", gg = "#b28600", mg = "#8e6a00", vg = "#684e00", yg = "#483700", Eg = "#302400", Sg = "#1c1500", xg = {
10: hg,
20: dg,
30: pg,
40: fg,
50: gg,
60: mg,
70: vg,
80: yg,
90: Eg,
100: Sg
}, bg = "#fff2e8", Tg = "#ffd9be", Og = "#ffb784", wg = "#ff832b", Lg = "#eb6200", Ag = "#ba4e00", Mg = "#8a3800", _g = "#5e2900", Cg = "#3e1a00", kg = "#231000", Rg = {
10: bg,
20: Tg,
30: Og,
40: wg,
50: Lg,
60: Ag,
70: Mg,
80: _g,
90: Cg,
100: kg
}, Ig = "#fff1f1", Dg = "#ffd7d9", Pg = "#ffb3b8", Ng = "#ff8389", $g = "#fa4d56", Vg = "#da1e28", Bg = "#a2191f", Gg = "#750e13", Hg = "#520408", Ug = "#2d0709", zg = {
10: Ig,
20: Dg,
30: Pg,
40: Ng,
50: $g,
60: Vg,
70: Bg,
80: Gg,
90: Hg,
100: Ug
}, Fg = "#fff0f7", Wg = "#ffd6e8", Xg = "#ffafd2", jg = "#ff7eb6", Yg = "#ee5396", qg = "#d02670", Zg = "#9f1853", Kg = "#740937", Jg = "#510224", Qg = "#2a0a18", tm = {
10: Fg,
20: Wg,
30: Xg,
40: jg,
50: Yg,
60: qg,
70: Zg,
80: Kg,
90: Jg,
100: Qg
}, em = "#f6f2ff", nm = "#e8daff", sm = "#d4bbff", im = "#be95ff", rm = "#a56eff", am = "#8a3ffc", om = "#6929c4", lm = "#491d8b", cm = "#31135e", um = "#1c0f30", hm = {
10: em,
20: nm,
30: sm,
40: im,
50: rm,
60: am,
70: om,
80: lm,
90: cm,
100: um
}, dm = "#edf5ff", pm = "#d0e2ff", fm = "#a6c8ff", gm = "#78a9ff", mm = "#4589ff", vm = "#0f62fe", ym = "#0043ce", Em = "#002d9c", Sm = "#001d6c", xm = "#001141", bm = {
10: dm,
20: pm,
30: fm,
40: gm,
50: mm,
60: vm,
70: ym,
80: Em,
90: Sm,
100: xm
}, Tm = "#e5f6ff", Om = "#bae6ff", wm = "#82cfff", Lm = "#33b1ff", Am = "#1192e8", Mm = "#0072c3", _m = "#00539a", Cm = "#003a6d", km = "#012749", Rm = "#061727", Im = {
10: Tm,
20: Om,
30: wm,
40: Lm,
50: Am,
60: Mm,
70: _m,
80: Cm,
90: km,
100: Rm
}, Dm = "#d9fbfb", Pm = "#9ef0f0", Nm = "#3ddbd9", $m = "#08bdba", Vm = "#009d9a", Bm = "#007d79", Gm = "#005d5d", Hm = "#004144", Um = "#022b30", zm = "#081a1c", Fm = {
10: Dm,
20: Pm,
30: Nm,
40: $m,
50: Vm,
60: Bm,
70: Gm,
80: Hm,
90: Um,
100: zm
}, Wm = "#defbe6", Xm = "#a7f0ba", jm = "#6fdc8c", Ym = "#42be65", qm = "#24a148", Zm = "#198038", Km = "#0e6027", Jm = "#044317", Qm = "#022d0d", tv = "#071908", ev = {
10: Wm,
20: Xm,
30: jm,
40: Ym,
50: qm,
60: Zm,
70: Km,
80: Jm,
90: Qm,
100: tv
}, nv = "#f2f4f8", sv = "#dde1e6", iv = "#c1c7cd", rv = "#a2a9b0", av = "#878d96", ov = "#697077", lv = "#4d5358", cv = "#343a3f", uv = "#21272a", hv = "#121619", dv = {
10: nv,
20: sv,
30: iv,
40: rv,
50: av,
60: ov,
70: lv,
80: cv,
90: uv,
100: hv
}, pv = "#f4f4f4", fv = "#e0e0e0", gv = "#c6c6c6", mv = "#a8a8a8", vv = "#8d8d8d", yv = "#6f6f6f", Ev = "#525252", Sv = "#393939", xv = "#262626", bv = "#161616", Tv = {
10: pv,
20: fv,
30: gv,
40: mv,
50: vv,
60: yv,
70: Ev,
80: Sv,
90: xv,
100: bv
}, Ov = "#f7f3f2", wv = "#e5e0df", Lv = "#cac5c4", Av = "#ada8a8", Mv = "#8f8b8b", _v = "#726e6e", Cv = "#565151", kv = "#3c3838", Rv = "#272525", Iv = "#171414", Dv = {
10: Ov,
20: wv,
30: Lv,
40: Av,
50: Mv,
60: _v,
70: Cv,
80: kv,
90: Rv,
100: Iv
}, uo = {
black: {
100: cg
blue: bm,
coolGray: dv,
cyan: Im,
gray: Tv,
green: ev,
magenta: tm,
orange: Rg,
purple: hm,
red: zg,
teal: Fm,
warmGray: Dv,
white: {
0: ug
yellow: xg
const Pv = (s) => {
if (!s)
return null;
for (const t of Object.keys(uo)) {
const e = uo[t];
for (const n of Object.keys(e))
if (e[+n] === s)
return n;
return null;
}, ho = function(s) {
const t = R(this.parentNode).select("rect.leaf"), e = s.backgroundColor ?? getComputedStyle(t.node(), null).getPropertyValue("fill"), n = xo(e);
let i;
if (n && (i = Pv(n ? n.hex() : null)), i == null) {
const r = Ql(n).l;
i = Math.abs(r * 100 - 100);
return i > 50 ? "white" : "black";
let Nv = 0;
class ey extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "treemap", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail;
(n) =>{
transition: n,
name: "legend-hover-treemap"
(n) => === e.datum().name ? 1 : 0.3
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-treemap"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const { events: t } =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "treemap"
const n = this.model.getDisplayData(), i = this.model.getOptions(), r = T(window, "location"), { width: a, height: o } = _.getSVGElementSize(e, {
useAttrs: !0
}), c = Pn({
name: i.title || "Treemap",
children: n
}).sum((g) => g.value).sort((g, m) => m.value - g.value), l = wd().size([a, o]).paddingInner(1).paddingOuter(0).round(!0)(
), h = e.selectAll("g[data-name='leaf']").data(l.leaves(), (g) =>;
h.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove();
const u = h.enter().append("g").attr("data-name", "leaf").attr("data-uid", () => Nv++).merge(h);
u.attr("data-name", "leaf").transition().call(
(g) =>{
transition: g,
name: "treemap-group-update",
animate: t
).attr("transform", (g) => `translate(${g.x0},${g.y0})`);
const p = u.selectAll("rect.leaf").data((g) => [g]);
p.exit().attr("width", 0).attr("height", 0).remove(), p.enter().append("rect").classed("leaf", !0).merge(p).attr("width", 0).attr("height", 0).attr("id", function() {
const g = R(this.parentNode).attr("data-uid");
return `${}-leaf-${g}`;
}).attr("class", (g) => {
for (; g.depth > 1; ) g = g.parent;
return this.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
originalClassName: "leaf"
(g) =>{
transition: g,
name: "treemap-leaf-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("width", (g) => g.x1 - g.x0).attr("height", (g) => g.y1 - g.y0).style("fill", (g) => {
for (; g.depth > 1; ) g = g.parent;
return this.model.getFillColor(, null,;
}), u.selectAll("clipPath").data(
(g) => !== !0 ? [] : [1],
(g) => g
(g) => g.append("clipPath").attr("id", function() {
const m = R(this.parentNode).attr("data-uid");
return `${}-clip-${m}`;
}).append("use").attr("xlink:href", function() {
const m = R(this.parentNode.parentNode).attr("data-uid"), E = `${}-leaf-${m}`;
return new URL(`#${E}`, r) + "";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
(g) => null,
(g) => g.remove()
), u.selectAll("text").data(
(g) => {
if ( !== !0)
return [];
let m = g;
for (; m.depth > 1; ) m = m.parent;
return [
backgroundColor: this.model.getFillColor(
(g) => g
(g) => {
const m = g.append("text").text((E) => E.text).style("fill", ho).attr("x", 7).attr("y", 18);
return r && m.attr("clip-path", function() {
const E = R(this.parentNode).attr("data-uid"), y = `${}-clip-${E}`;
return `url(${new URL(`#${y}`, r) + ""})`;
}), m;
(g) => g.text((m) => m.text).style("fill", ho),
(g) => g.remove()
), this.addEventListeners();
addEventListeners() {
const t = this;
this.parent.selectAll("rect.leaf").on("mouseover", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
let r = getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue("fill"), a = n;
for (; a.depth > 1; ) a = a.parent;
(o) =>{
transition: o,
name: "graph_element_mouseover_fill_update"
).style("fill", (o) => {
const c = t.model.getFillColor(, null,;
return c && (r = c), xo(r).darker(0.7).toString();
}),, {
event: e,
hoveredElement: i,
items: [
color: r,
bold: !0
}),, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}).on("mousemove", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
event: e
}).on("click", function(e, n) {, {
event: e,
element: R(this),
datum: n
}).on("mouseout", function(e, n) {
const i = R(this);
i.classed("hovered", !1);
let r = n;
for (; r.depth > 1; ) r = r.parent;
(a) =>{
transition: a,
name: "graph_element_mouseout_fill_update"
).style("fill", (a) => t.model.getFillColor(, null,,, {
event: e,
element: i,
datum: n
}),, {
hoveredElement: i
var $v = { value: function() {
} };
function _l() {
for (var s = 0, t = arguments.length, e = {}, n; s < t; ++s) {
if (!(n = arguments[s] + "") || n in e || /[\s.]/.test(n)) throw new Error("illegal type: " + n);
e[n] = [];
return new us(e);
function us(s) {
this._ = s;
function Vv(s, t) {
return s.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(e) {
var n = "", i = e.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0 && (n = e.slice(i + 1), e = e.slice(0, i)), e && !t.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + e);
return { type: e, name: n };
us.prototype = _l.prototype = {
constructor: us,
on: function(s, t) {
var e = this._, n = Vv(s + "", e), i, r = -1, a = n.length;
if (arguments.length < 2) {
for (; ++r < a; ) if ((i = (s = n[r]).type) && (i = Bv(e[i], return i;
if (t != null && typeof t != "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + t);
for (; ++r < a; )
if (i = (s = n[r]).type) e[i] = po(e[i],, t);
else if (t == null) for (i in e) e[i] = po(e[i],, null);
return this;
copy: function() {
var s = {}, t = this._;
for (var e in t) s[e] = t[e].slice();
return new us(s);
call: function(s, t) {
if ((i = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var e = new Array(i), n = 0, i, r; n < i; ++n) e[n] = arguments[n + 2];
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(s)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + s);
for (r = this._[s], n = 0, i = r.length; n < i; ++n) r[n].value.apply(t, e);
apply: function(s, t, e) {
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(s)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + s);
for (var n = this._[s], i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; ++i) n[i].value.apply(t, e);
function Bv(s, t) {
for (var e = 0, n = s.length, i; e < n; ++e)
if ((i = s[e]).name === t)
return i.value;
function po(s, t, e) {
for (var n = 0, i = s.length; n < i; ++n)
if (s[n].name === t) {
s[n] = $v, s = s.slice(0, n).concat(s.slice(n + 1));
return e != null && s.push({ name: t, value: e }), s;
const Gv = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
dispatch: _l
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Hv = /* @__PURE__ */ of(Gv), Uv = Hv.dispatch, vi = Math.PI / 180, zv = {
archimedean: Cl,
rectangular: t0
}, wn = 64, hs = 2048;
var Fv = function() {
var s = [256, 256], t = Wv, e = Xv, n = jv, i = fo, r = fo, a = Yv, o = qv, c = Cl, l = [], h = 1 / 0, d = Uv("word", "end"), u = null, p = Math.random, f = {}, g = n0;
f.canvas = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (g = xe(y), f) : g;
}, f.start = function() {
var y = m(g()), v = e0((s[0] >> 5) * s[1]), S = null, b = l.length, O = -1, I = [], k =, L) {
return C.text =, C, L), C.font =, C, L), =, C, L), C.weight =, C, L), C.rotate =, C, L), C.size =, C, L), C.padding =, C, L), C;
}).sort(function(C, L) {
return L.size - C.size;
return u && clearInterval(u), u = setInterval(G, 0), G(), f;
function G() {
for (var C =; - C < h && ++O < b && u; ) {
var L = k[O];
L.x = s[0] * (p() + 0.5) >> 1, L.y = s[1] * (p() + 0.5) >> 1, Zv(y, L, k, O), L.hasText && E(v, L, S) && (I.push(L),"word", f, L), S ? Jv(S, L) : S = [{ x: L.x + L.x0, y: L.y + L.y0 }, { x: L.x + L.x1, y: L.y + L.y1 }], L.x -= s[0] >> 1, L.y -= s[1] >> 1);
O >= b && (f.stop(),"end", f, I, S));
}, f.stop = function() {
u && (clearInterval(u), u = null);
for (const y of l)
delete y.sprite;
return f;
function m(y) {
const v = y.getContext("2d", { willReadFrequently: !0 });
y.width = y.height = 1;
const S = Math.sqrt(v.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data.length >> 2);
return y.width = (wn << 5) / S, y.height = hs / S, v.fillStyle = v.strokeStyle = "red", { context: v, ratio: S };
function E(y, v, S) {
s[0], s[1];
for (var b = v.x, O = v.y, I = Math.sqrt(s[0] * s[0] + s[1] * s[1]), k = c(s), G = p() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1, C = -G, L, B, D; (L = k(C += G)) && (B = ~~L[0], D = ~~L[1], !(Math.min(Math.abs(B), Math.abs(D)) >= I)); )
if (v.x = b + B, v.y = O + D, !(v.x + v.x0 < 0 || v.y + v.y0 < 0 || v.x + v.x1 > s[0] || v.y + v.y1 > s[1]) && (!S || Qv(v, S)) && !Kv(v, y, s[0])) {
for (var A = v.sprite, w = v.width >> 5, V = s[0] >> 5, N = v.x - (w << 4), P = N & 127, $ = 32 - P, X = v.y1 - v.y0, F = (v.y + v.y0) * V + (N >> 5), et, J = 0; J < X; J++) {
et = 0;
for (var ct = 0; ct <= w; ct++)
y[F + ct] |= et << $ | (ct < w ? (et = A[J * w + ct]) >>> P : 0);
F += V;
return !0;
return !1;
return f.timeInterval = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (h = y ?? 1 / 0, f) : h;
}, f.words = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (l = y, f) : l;
}, f.size = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (s = [+y[0], +y[1]], f) : s;
}, f.font = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (e = xe(y), f) : e;
}, f.fontStyle = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (i = xe(y), f) : i;
}, f.fontWeight = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (r = xe(y), f) : r;
}, f.rotate = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (a = xe(y), f) : a;
}, f.text = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (t = xe(y), f) : t;
}, f.spiral = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (c = zv[y] || y, f) : c;
}, f.fontSize = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (n = xe(y), f) : n;
}, f.padding = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (o = xe(y), f) : o;
}, f.random = function(y) {
return arguments.length ? (p = y, f) : p;
}, f.on = function() {
var y = d.on.apply(d, arguments);
return y === d ? f : y;
}, f;
function Wv(s) {
return s.text;
function Xv() {
return "serif";
function fo() {
return "normal";
function jv(s) {
return Math.sqrt(s.value);
function Yv() {
return (~~(random() * 6) - 3) * 30;
function qv() {
return 1;
function Zv(s, t, e, n) {
if (!t.sprite) {
var i = s.context, r = s.ratio;
i.clearRect(0, 0, (wn << 5) / r, hs / r);
var a = 0, o = 0, c = 0, l = e.length;
for (--n; ++n < l; ) {
t = e[n],, i.font = + " " + t.weight + " " + ~~((t.size + 1) / r) + "px " + t.font;
const L = i.measureText(t.text), B = -Math.floor(L.width / 2);
let D = (L.width + 1) * r, A = t.size << 1;
if (t.rotate) {
var h = Math.sin(t.rotate * vi), d = Math.cos(t.rotate * vi), u = D * d, p = D * h, f = A * d, g = A * h;
D = Math.max(Math.abs(u + g), Math.abs(u - g)) + 31 >> 5 << 5, A = ~~Math.max(Math.abs(p + f), Math.abs(p - f));
} else
D = D + 31 >> 5 << 5;
if (A > c && (c = A), a + D >= wn << 5 && (a = 0, o += c, c = 0), o + A >= hs) break;
i.translate((a + (D >> 1)) / r, (o + (A >> 1)) / r), t.rotate && i.rotate(t.rotate * vi), i.fillText(t.text, B, 0), t.padding && (i.lineWidth = 2 * t.padding, i.strokeText(t.text, B, 0)), i.restore(), t.width = D, t.height = A, t.xoff = a, t.yoff = o, t.x1 = D >> 1, t.y1 = A >> 1, t.x0 = -t.x1, t.y0 = -t.y1, t.hasText = !0, a += D;
for (var m = i.getImageData(0, 0, (wn << 5) / r, hs / r).data, E = []; --n >= 0; )
if (t = e[n], !!t.hasText) {
for (var y = t.width, v = y >> 5, S = t.y1 - t.y0, b = 0; b < S * v; b++) E[b] = 0;
if (a = t.xoff, a == null) return;
o = t.yoff;
for (var O = 0, I = -1, k = 0; k < S; k++) {
for (var b = 0; b < y; b++) {
var G = v * k + (b >> 5), C = m[(o + k) * (wn << 5) + (a + b) << 2] ? 1 << 31 - b % 32 : 0;
E[G] |= C, O |= C;
O ? I = k : (t.y0++, S--, k--, o++);
t.y1 = t.y0 + I, t.sprite = E.slice(0, (t.y1 - t.y0) * v);
function Kv(s, t, e) {
e >>= 5;
for (var n = s.sprite, i = s.width >> 5, r = s.x - (i << 4), a = r & 127, o = 32 - a, c = s.y1 - s.y0, l = (s.y + s.y0) * e + (r >> 5), h, d = 0; d < c; d++) {
h = 0;
for (var u = 0; u <= i; u++)
if ((h << o | (u < i ? (h = n[d * i + u]) >>> a : 0)) & t[l + u]) return !0;
l += e;
return !1;
function Jv(s, t) {
var e = s[0], n = s[1];
t.x + t.x0 < e.x && (e.x = t.x + t.x0), t.y + t.y0 < e.y && (e.y = t.y + t.y0), t.x + t.x1 > n.x && (n.x = t.x + t.x1), t.y + t.y1 > n.y && (n.y = t.y + t.y1);
function Qv(s, t) {
return s.x + s.x1 > t[0].x && s.x + s.x0 < t[1].x && s.y + s.y1 > t[0].y && s.y + s.y0 < t[1].y;
function Cl(s) {
var t = s[0] / s[1];
return function(e) {
return [t * (e *= 0.1) * Math.cos(e), e * Math.sin(e)];
function t0(s) {
var t = 4, e = t * s[0] / s[1], n = 0, i = 0;
return function(r) {
var a = r < 0 ? -1 : 1;
switch (Math.sqrt(1 + 4 * a * r) - a & 3) {
case 0:
n += e;
case 1:
i += t;
case 2:
n -= e;
i -= t;
return [n, i];
function e0(s) {
for (var t = [], e = -1; ++e < s; ) t[e] = 0;
return t;
function n0() {
return document.createElement("canvas");
function xe(s) {
return typeof s == "function" ? s : function() {
return s;
const s0 = /* @__PURE__ */ Tl(Fv);
class ny extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "wordcloud", this.renderType = st.SVG, this.handleLegendOnHover = (t) => {
const { hoveredElement: e } = t.detail, { groupMapsTo: n } = this.getOptions().data;
(i) =>{
transition: i,
name: "legend-hover-wordcloud"
).attr("opacity", (i) => i[n] !== e.datum().name ? 0.3 : 1);
}, this.handleLegendMouseOut = () => {
(t) =>{
transition: t,
name: "legend-mouseout-wordcloud"
).attr("opacity", 1);
init() {
const t =;
t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_HOVER, this.handleLegendOnHover), t.addEventListener(x.Legend.ITEM_MOUSEOUT, this.handleLegendMouseOut);
render(t = !0) {
const e = this, n = this.getComponentContainer({
ariaLabel: "word cloud"
}).attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%"), i = this.model.getDisplayData(), r = this.getFontSizeScale(i), a = this.getOptions(), { fontSizeMapsTo: o, wordMapsTo: c } = a.wordCloud, { groupMapsTo: l } =, { width: h, height: d } = _.getSVGElementSize(n, {
useAttrs: !0
if (h === 0 || d === 0)
const u = s0().size([h, d]).words( {
const g = f[o];
if (typeof f[o] != "number")
throw Error(
"Badly formatted WordCloud data. `value` should only be an integer or float"
return {
[l]: f[l],
text: f[c],
size: g,
value: g
).padding(5).rotate(0).fontSize((f) => r(f.size)).on("end", p);
function p(f) {
const g = _.appendOrSelect(n, "g.words");
g.attr("transform", `translate(${u.size()[0] / 2}, ${u.size()[1] / 2})`);
const m = g.selectAll("text").data(f, (y) => `${y[l]}-${y.text}`);
m.exit().attr("opacity", 0).remove(), m.enter().append("text").attr("opacity", 0).merge(m).style("font-size", (y) => `${y.size}px`).text(function(y) {
return y.text;
(y) => e.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.FILL],
dataGroupName: y[l],
originalClassName: `word ${y.size > 32 ? "light" : ""}`
).style("fill", (y) => e.model.getFillColor(y[l], y.text, y)).attr("text-anchor", "middle").transition().call(
(y) =>{
transition: y,
name: "wordcloud-text-update-enter",
animate: t
).attr("transform", (y) => `translate(${y.x}, ${y.y})`).attr("opacity", 1);
getFontSizeScale(t) {
const e = this.getOptions(), { fontSizeMapsTo: n } = e.wordCloud, i = => c[n]).filter((c) => c), r = _.getHTMLElementSize(, a = i.length > 0, o = a ? ks(i) : [1, 1];
return ke().domain(o).range(a ? e.wordCloud.fontSizeRange(r, t) : [4, 4]);
addEventListeners() {
const t = this.getOptions(), { groupMapsTo: e } =, n = this, i = xi((r) => {
const a = n.parent.selectAll("text.word").transition("wordcloud-word-mouse-highlight").call(
(o) =>{
transition: o,
name: "wordcloud-word-mouse-highlight"
r === null ? a.attr("opacity", 1) : a.attr("opacity", function() {
return r === this ? 1 : 0.3;
}, 6);
this.parent.selectAll("text.word").on("mouseover", function(r, a) {
const o = this;
i(o),, {
event: r,
element: R(this),
datum: a
}),, {
event: r,
hoveredElement: o,
items: [
label: t.tooltip.wordLabel,
value: a.text
label: t.tooltip.valueLabel,
value: a.value
label: yt(t, "") || yt(t, "tooltip.groupLabel") || "Group",
value: a[e],
class: n.model.getColorClassName({
classNameTypes: [tt.TOOLTIP],
dataGroupName: a[e]
}).on("mousemove", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);, {
element: o,
datum: a
}),, {
event: r
}).on("click", function(r, a) {, {
event: r,
element: R(this),
datum: a
}).on("mouseout", function(r, a) {
const o = R(this);
i(null),, {
event: r,
element: o,
datum: a
}),, {
hoveredElement: o
class i0 extends ot {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "geo", this.renderType = st.SVG;
render() {
const t = this.getComponentContainer({ withinChartClip: !0 }), { width: e, height: n } = _.getSVGElementSize(t, {
useAttrs: !0
if (e < 1 || n < 1)
const i = this.getProjection(), r = T(this.getOptions(), "geoData"), a = this.model.getCombinedData(), o = {}, c = {};
Object.keys(a).forEach((E) => {
typeof a[E].value == "number" ? o[E] = a[E] : c[E] = a[E];
const l = rg(r, Object.values(c)), h = ng(r, {
// We need to specify that we are converting geometry collections
type: "GeometryCollection",
geometries: Object.values(o)
}), d = i.fitSize([e, n], h), u = rh().projection(d);
_.appendOrSelect(t, "g.geo").selectAll("path").data(h.features).join("path").attr("d", u);
const f ="geo-pattern-stripes"), g = _.appendOrSelect(t, "defs");
_.appendOrSelect(g, "pattern").attr("id", f).attr("width", 5).attr("height", 10).attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("patternTransform", "rotate(45)").append("path").classed("pattern-fill", !0).attr(
[0, 0],
[0, 10]
const m = _.appendOrSelect(t, "g.missing-data");
_.appendOrSelect(m, "path").datum(l).attr("d", u).style("fill", `url(#${f})`);
* Retrieves the D3 geographic projection based on the options provided.
* This method selects a geographic projection from the available D3 projections
* based on the `projection` property in the `thematic` options. If the projection
* is not supported or is missing, an error is thrown.
* @returns {d3.GeoProjection} - The D3 geographic projection corresponding to the selected option.
* @throws {Error} If the projection is not supported or is missing.
getProjection() {
let t = null;
switch (T(this.getOptions(), "thematic", "projection")) {
case we.geoEqualEarth:
t = Oh();
case we.geoAlbers:
t = vh();
case we.geoConicEqualArea:
t = ll();
case we.geoConicEquidistant:
t = bh();
case we.geoEquirectangular:
t = Sh();
case we.geoMercator:
t = yh();
case we.geoNaturalEarth1:
t = wh();
throw new Error("Projection is not supported.");
return t;
class sy extends i0 {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.type = "choropleth";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
render(t = !0) {
const e = this.model.getCombinedData();
this.getComponentContainer({ ariaLabel: "map", withinChartClip: !0 }).select("g.geo").selectAll("path").classed("border", !0).attr("class", (r) => this.model.getColorClassName({
value: e[].value,
originalClassName: "border"
})), this.addCountryAreaEventListener();
addCountryAreaEventListener() {
const t = this, e = this.model.getCombinedData();
this.parent.selectAll("path.border").on("mouseover", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this);, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: e[]
}),, {
event: n,
hoveredElement: r,
items: [
value: e[].value
}).on("mousemove", function(n, i) {, {
event: n,
element: R(this),
datum: e[]
}),, {
event: n
}).on("click", function(n, i) {, {
event: n,
element: R(this),
datum: e[]
}).on("mouseout", function(n, i) {
const r = R(this);, {
event: n,
element: r,
datum: e[]
}),, {
event: n,
hoveredElement: r
export {
I0 as $,
v0 as A,
T0 as B,
p0 as C,
H0 as D,
F0 as E,
A0 as F,
E0 as G,
m0 as H,
W0 as I,
Z0 as J,
X0 as K,
Mf as L,
d0 as M,
B0 as N,
j0 as O,
lg as P,
Y0 as Q,
Al as R,
h0 as S,
Af as T,
ty as U,
ey as V,
ny as W,
Ml as X,
Kf as Y,
f0 as Z,
R0 as _,
Xa as a,
k0 as a0,
C0 as a1,
_0 as a2,
D0 as a3,
P0 as a4,
N0 as a5,
$0 as a6,
i0 as a7,
br as a8,
ot as a9,
ja as b,
Jc as c,
Cf as d,
_f as e,
Qa as f,
g0 as g,
y0 as h,
b0 as i,
x0 as j,
S0 as k,
Sr as l,
Jf as m,
O0 as n,
w0 as o,
L0 as p,
V0 as q,
sy as r,
G0 as s,
K0 as t,
Q0 as u,
M0 as v,
q0 as w,
z0 as x,
J0 as y,
U0 as z
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