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Linting support for the CodeMirror code editor
'use strict';
var view = require('@codemirror/view');
var state = require('@codemirror/state');
var elt = require('crelt');
class SelectedDiagnostic {
constructor(from, to, diagnostic) {
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
this.diagnostic = diagnostic;
class LintState {
constructor(diagnostics, panel, selected) {
this.diagnostics = diagnostics;
this.panel = panel;
this.selected = selected;
static init(diagnostics, panel, state) {
// Filter the list of diagnostics for which to create markers
let markedDiagnostics = diagnostics;
let diagnosticFilter = state.facet(lintConfig).markerFilter;
if (diagnosticFilter)
markedDiagnostics = diagnosticFilter(markedDiagnostics, state);
let ranges = view.Decoration.set(markedDiagnostics.map((d) => {
// For zero-length ranges or ranges covering only a line break, create a widget
return d.from == d.to || (d.from == d.to - 1 && state.doc.lineAt(d.from).to == d.from)
? view.Decoration.widget({
widget: new DiagnosticWidget(d),
diagnostic: d
: view.Decoration.mark({
attributes: { class: "cm-lintRange cm-lintRange-" + d.severity + (d.markClass ? " " + d.markClass : "") },
diagnostic: d,
inclusive: true
}).range(d.from, d.to);
}), true);
return new LintState(ranges, panel, findDiagnostic(ranges));
function findDiagnostic(diagnostics, diagnostic = null, after = 0) {
let found = null;
diagnostics.between(after, 1e9, (from, to, { spec }) => {
if (diagnostic && spec.diagnostic != diagnostic)
found = new SelectedDiagnostic(from, to, spec.diagnostic);
return false;
return found;
function hideTooltip(tr, tooltip) {
let from = tooltip.pos, to = tooltip.end || from;
let result = tr.state.facet(lintConfig).hideOn(tr, from, to);
if (result != null)
return result;
let line = tr.startState.doc.lineAt(tooltip.pos);
return !!(tr.effects.some(e => e.is(setDiagnosticsEffect)) || tr.changes.touchesRange(line.from, Math.max(line.to, to)));
function maybeEnableLint(state$1, effects) {
return state$1.field(lintState, false) ? effects : effects.concat(state.StateEffect.appendConfig.of(lintExtensions));
Returns a transaction spec which updates the current set of
diagnostics, and enables the lint extension if if wasn't already
function setDiagnostics(state, diagnostics) {
return {
effects: maybeEnableLint(state, [setDiagnosticsEffect.of(diagnostics)])
The state effect that updates the set of active diagnostics. Can
be useful when writing an extension that needs to track these.
const setDiagnosticsEffect = state.StateEffect.define();
const togglePanel = state.StateEffect.define();
const movePanelSelection = state.StateEffect.define();
const lintState = state.StateField.define({
create() {
return new LintState(view.Decoration.none, null, null);
update(value, tr) {
if (tr.docChanged && value.diagnostics.size) {
let mapped = value.diagnostics.map(tr.changes), selected = null, panel = value.panel;
if (value.selected) {
let selPos = tr.changes.mapPos(value.selected.from, 1);
selected = findDiagnostic(mapped, value.selected.diagnostic, selPos) || findDiagnostic(mapped, null, selPos);
if (!mapped.size && panel && tr.state.facet(lintConfig).autoPanel)
panel = null;
value = new LintState(mapped, panel, selected);
for (let effect of tr.effects) {
if (effect.is(setDiagnosticsEffect)) {
let panel = !tr.state.facet(lintConfig).autoPanel ? value.panel : effect.value.length ? LintPanel.open : null;
value = LintState.init(effect.value, panel, tr.state);
else if (effect.is(togglePanel)) {
value = new LintState(value.diagnostics, effect.value ? LintPanel.open : null, value.selected);
else if (effect.is(movePanelSelection)) {
value = new LintState(value.diagnostics, value.panel, effect.value);
return value;
provide: f => [view.showPanel.from(f, val => val.panel),
view.EditorView.decorations.from(f, s => s.diagnostics)]
Returns the number of active lint diagnostics in the given state.
function diagnosticCount(state) {
let lint = state.field(lintState, false);
return lint ? lint.diagnostics.size : 0;
const activeMark = view.Decoration.mark({ class: "cm-lintRange cm-lintRange-active", inclusive: true });
function lintTooltip(view, pos, side) {
let { diagnostics } = view.state.field(lintState);
let found = [], stackStart = 2e8, stackEnd = 0;
diagnostics.between(pos - (side < 0 ? 1 : 0), pos + (side > 0 ? 1 : 0), (from, to, { spec }) => {
if (pos >= from && pos <= to &&
(from == to || ((pos > from || side > 0) && (pos < to || side < 0)))) {
stackStart = Math.min(from, stackStart);
stackEnd = Math.max(to, stackEnd);
let diagnosticFilter = view.state.facet(lintConfig).tooltipFilter;
if (diagnosticFilter)
found = diagnosticFilter(found, view.state);
if (!found.length)
return null;
return {
pos: stackStart,
end: stackEnd,
above: view.state.doc.lineAt(stackStart).to < stackEnd,
create() {
return { dom: diagnosticsTooltip(view, found) };
function diagnosticsTooltip(view, diagnostics) {
return elt("ul", { class: "cm-tooltip-lint" }, diagnostics.map(d => renderDiagnostic(view, d, false)));
Command to open and focus the lint panel.
const openLintPanel = (view$1) => {
let field = view$1.state.field(lintState, false);
if (!field || !field.panel)
view$1.dispatch({ effects: maybeEnableLint(view$1.state, [togglePanel.of(true)]) });
let panel = view.getPanel(view$1, LintPanel.open);
if (panel)
panel.dom.querySelector(".cm-panel-lint ul").focus();
return true;
Command to close the lint panel, when open.
const closeLintPanel = (view) => {
let field = view.state.field(lintState, false);
if (!field || !field.panel)
return false;
view.dispatch({ effects: togglePanel.of(false) });
return true;
Move the selection to the next diagnostic.
const nextDiagnostic = (view) => {
let field = view.state.field(lintState, false);
if (!field)
return false;
let sel = view.state.selection.main, next = field.diagnostics.iter(sel.to + 1);
if (!next.value) {
next = field.diagnostics.iter(0);
if (!next.value || next.from == sel.from && next.to == sel.to)
return false;
view.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: next.from, head: next.to }, scrollIntoView: true });
return true;
Move the selection to the previous diagnostic.
const previousDiagnostic = (view) => {
let { state } = view, field = state.field(lintState, false);
if (!field)
return false;
let sel = state.selection.main;
let prevFrom, prevTo, lastFrom, lastTo;
field.diagnostics.between(0, state.doc.length, (from, to) => {
if (to < sel.to && (prevFrom == null || prevFrom < from)) {
prevFrom = from;
prevTo = to;
if (lastFrom == null || from > lastFrom) {
lastFrom = from;
lastTo = to;
if (lastFrom == null || prevFrom == null && lastFrom == sel.from)
return false;
view.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: prevFrom !== null && prevFrom !== void 0 ? prevFrom : lastFrom, head: prevTo !== null && prevTo !== void 0 ? prevTo : lastTo }, scrollIntoView: true });
return true;
A set of default key bindings for the lint functionality.
- Ctrl-Shift-m (Cmd-Shift-m on macOS): [`openLintPanel`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lint.openLintPanel)
- F8: [`nextDiagnostic`](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lint.nextDiagnostic)
const lintKeymap = [
{ key: "Mod-Shift-m", run: openLintPanel, preventDefault: true },
{ key: "F8", run: nextDiagnostic }
const lintPlugin = view.ViewPlugin.fromClass(class {
constructor(view) {
this.view = view;
this.timeout = -1;
this.set = true;
let { delay } = view.state.facet(lintConfig);
this.lintTime = Date.now() + delay;
this.run = this.run.bind(this);
this.timeout = setTimeout(this.run, delay);
run() {
let now = Date.now();
if (now < this.lintTime - 10) {
this.timeout = setTimeout(this.run, this.lintTime - now);
else {
this.set = false;
let { state } = this.view, { sources } = state.facet(lintConfig);
if (sources.length)
Promise.all(sources.map(source => Promise.resolve(source(this.view)))).then(annotations => {
let all = annotations.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b));
if (this.view.state.doc == state.doc)
this.view.dispatch(setDiagnostics(this.view.state, all));
}, error => { view.logException(this.view.state, error); });
update(update) {
let config = update.state.facet(lintConfig);
if (update.docChanged || config != update.startState.facet(lintConfig) ||
config.needsRefresh && config.needsRefresh(update)) {
this.lintTime = Date.now() + config.delay;
if (!this.set) {
this.set = true;
this.timeout = setTimeout(this.run, config.delay);
force() {
if (this.set) {
this.lintTime = Date.now();
destroy() {
const lintConfig = state.Facet.define({
combine(input) {
return Object.assign({ sources: input.map(i => i.source).filter(x => x != null) }, state.combineConfig(input.map(i => i.config), {
delay: 750,
markerFilter: null,
tooltipFilter: null,
needsRefresh: null,
hideOn: () => null,
}, {
needsRefresh: (a, b) => !a ? b : !b ? a : u => a(u) || b(u)
Given a diagnostic source, this function returns an extension that
enables linting with that source. It will be called whenever the
editor is idle (after its content changed). If `null` is given as
source, this only configures the lint extension.
function linter(source, config = {}) {
return [
lintConfig.of({ source, config }),
Forces any linters [configured](https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#lint.linter) to run when the
editor is idle to run right away.
function forceLinting(view) {
let plugin = view.plugin(lintPlugin);
if (plugin)
function assignKeys(actions) {
let assigned = [];
if (actions)
actions: for (let { name } of actions) {
for (let i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
let ch = name[i];
if (/[a-zA-Z]/.test(ch) && !assigned.some(c => c.toLowerCase() == ch.toLowerCase())) {
continue actions;
return assigned;
function renderDiagnostic(view, diagnostic, inPanel) {
var _a;
let keys = inPanel ? assignKeys(diagnostic.actions) : [];
return elt("li", { class: "cm-diagnostic cm-diagnostic-" + diagnostic.severity }, elt("span", { class: "cm-diagnosticText" }, diagnostic.renderMessage ? diagnostic.renderMessage(view) : diagnostic.message), (_a = diagnostic.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map((action, i) => {
let fired = false, click = (e) => {
if (fired)
fired = true;
let found = findDiagnostic(view.state.field(lintState).diagnostics, diagnostic);
if (found)
action.apply(view, found.from, found.to);
let { name } = action, keyIndex = keys[i] ? name.indexOf(keys[i]) : -1;
let nameElt = keyIndex < 0 ? name : [name.slice(0, keyIndex),
elt("u", name.slice(keyIndex, keyIndex + 1)),
name.slice(keyIndex + 1)];
return elt("button", {
type: "button",
class: "cm-diagnosticAction",
onclick: click,
onmousedown: click,
"aria-label": ` Action: ${name}${keyIndex < 0 ? "" : ` (access key "${keys[i]})"`}.`
}, nameElt);
}), diagnostic.source && elt("div", { class: "cm-diagnosticSource" }, diagnostic.source));
class DiagnosticWidget extends view.WidgetType {
constructor(diagnostic) {
this.diagnostic = diagnostic;
eq(other) { return other.diagnostic == this.diagnostic; }
toDOM() {
return elt("span", { class: "cm-lintPoint cm-lintPoint-" + this.diagnostic.severity });
class PanelItem {
constructor(view, diagnostic) {
this.diagnostic = diagnostic;
this.id = "item_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xffffffff).toString(16);
this.dom = renderDiagnostic(view, diagnostic, true);
this.dom.id = this.id;
this.dom.setAttribute("role", "option");
class LintPanel {
constructor(view) {
this.view = view;
this.items = [];
let onkeydown = (event) => {
if (event.keyCode == 27) { // Escape
else if (event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 33) { // ArrowUp, PageUp
this.moveSelection((this.selectedIndex - 1 + this.items.length) % this.items.length);
else if (event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) { // ArrowDown, PageDown
this.moveSelection((this.selectedIndex + 1) % this.items.length);
else if (event.keyCode == 36) { // Home
else if (event.keyCode == 35) { // End
this.moveSelection(this.items.length - 1);
else if (event.keyCode == 13) { // Enter
else if (event.keyCode >= 65 && event.keyCode <= 90 && this.selectedIndex >= 0) { // A-Z
let { diagnostic } = this.items[this.selectedIndex], keys = assignKeys(diagnostic.actions);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if (keys[i].toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) == event.keyCode) {
let found = findDiagnostic(this.view.state.field(lintState).diagnostics, diagnostic);
if (found)
diagnostic.actions[i].apply(view, found.from, found.to);
else {
let onclick = (event) => {
for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
if (this.items[i].dom.contains(event.target))
this.list = elt("ul", {
tabIndex: 0,
role: "listbox",
"aria-label": this.view.state.phrase("Diagnostics"),
this.dom = elt("div", { class: "cm-panel-lint" }, this.list, elt("button", {
type: "button",
name: "close",
"aria-label": this.view.state.phrase("close"),
onclick: () => closeLintPanel(this.view)
}, "×"));
get selectedIndex() {
let selected = this.view.state.field(lintState).selected;
if (!selected)
return -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++)
if (this.items[i].diagnostic == selected.diagnostic)
return i;
return -1;
update() {
let { diagnostics, selected } = this.view.state.field(lintState);
let i = 0, needsSync = false, newSelectedItem = null;
diagnostics.between(0, this.view.state.doc.length, (_start, _end, { spec }) => {
let found = -1, item;
for (let j = i; j < this.items.length; j++)
if (this.items[j].diagnostic == spec.diagnostic) {
found = j;
if (found < 0) {
item = new PanelItem(this.view, spec.diagnostic);
this.items.splice(i, 0, item);
needsSync = true;
else {
item = this.items[found];
if (found > i) {
this.items.splice(i, found - i);
needsSync = true;
if (selected && item.diagnostic == selected.diagnostic) {
if (!item.dom.hasAttribute("aria-selected")) {
item.dom.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
newSelectedItem = item;
else if (item.dom.hasAttribute("aria-selected")) {
while (i < this.items.length && !(this.items.length == 1 && this.items[0].diagnostic.from < 0)) {
needsSync = true;
if (this.items.length == 0) {
this.items.push(new PanelItem(this.view, {
from: -1, to: -1,
severity: "info",
message: this.view.state.phrase("No diagnostics")
needsSync = true;
if (newSelectedItem) {
this.list.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant", newSelectedItem.id);
key: this,
read: () => ({ sel: newSelectedItem.dom.getBoundingClientRect(), panel: this.list.getBoundingClientRect() }),
write: ({ sel, panel }) => {
let scaleY = panel.height / this.list.offsetHeight;
if (sel.top < panel.top)
this.list.scrollTop -= (panel.top - sel.top) / scaleY;
else if (sel.bottom > panel.bottom)
this.list.scrollTop += (sel.bottom - panel.bottom) / scaleY;
else if (this.selectedIndex < 0) {
if (needsSync)
sync() {
let domPos = this.list.firstChild;
function rm() {
let prev = domPos;
domPos = prev.nextSibling;
for (let item of this.items) {
if (item.dom.parentNode == this.list) {
while (domPos != item.dom)
domPos = item.dom.nextSibling;
else {
this.list.insertBefore(item.dom, domPos);
while (domPos)
moveSelection(selectedIndex) {
if (this.selectedIndex < 0)
let field = this.view.state.field(lintState);
let selection = findDiagnostic(field.diagnostics, this.items[selectedIndex].diagnostic);
if (!selection)
selection: { anchor: selection.from, head: selection.to },
scrollIntoView: true,
effects: movePanelSelection.of(selection)
static open(view) { return new LintPanel(view); }
function svg(content, attrs = `viewBox="0 0 40 40"`) {
return `url('data:image/svg+xml,')`;
function underline(color) {
return svg(` `, `width="6" height="3"`);
const baseTheme = view.EditorView.baseTheme({
".cm-diagnostic": {
padding: "3px 6px 3px 8px",
marginLeft: "-1px",
display: "block",
whiteSpace: "pre-wrap"
".cm-diagnostic-error": { borderLeft: "5px solid #d11" },
".cm-diagnostic-warning": { borderLeft: "5px solid orange" },
".cm-diagnostic-info": { borderLeft: "5px solid #999" },
".cm-diagnostic-hint": { borderLeft: "5px solid #66d" },
".cm-diagnosticAction": {
font: "inherit",
border: "none",
padding: "2px 4px",
backgroundColor: "#444",
color: "white",
borderRadius: "3px",
marginLeft: "8px",
cursor: "pointer"
".cm-diagnosticSource": {
fontSize: "70%",
opacity: .7
".cm-lintRange": {
backgroundPosition: "left bottom",
backgroundRepeat: "repeat-x",
paddingBottom: "0.7px",
".cm-lintRange-error": { backgroundImage: underline("#d11") },
".cm-lintRange-warning": { backgroundImage: underline("orange") },
".cm-lintRange-info": { backgroundImage: underline("#999") },
".cm-lintRange-hint": { backgroundImage: underline("#66d") },
".cm-lintRange-active": { backgroundColor: "#ffdd9980" },
".cm-tooltip-lint": {
padding: 0,
margin: 0
".cm-lintPoint": {
position: "relative",
"&:after": {
content: '""',
position: "absolute",
bottom: 0,
left: "-2px",
borderLeft: "3px solid transparent",
borderRight: "3px solid transparent",
borderBottom: "4px solid #d11"
".cm-lintPoint-warning": {
"&:after": { borderBottomColor: "orange" }
".cm-lintPoint-info": {
"&:after": { borderBottomColor: "#999" }
".cm-lintPoint-hint": {
"&:after": { borderBottomColor: "#66d" }
".cm-panel.cm-panel-lint": {
position: "relative",
"& ul": {
maxHeight: "100px",
overflowY: "auto",
"& [aria-selected]": {
backgroundColor: "#ddd",
"& u": { textDecoration: "underline" }
"&:focus [aria-selected]": {
background_fallback: "#bdf",
backgroundColor: "Highlight",
color_fallback: "white",
color: "HighlightText"
"& u": { textDecoration: "none" },
padding: 0,
margin: 0
"& [name=close]": {
position: "absolute",
top: "0",
right: "2px",
background: "inherit",
border: "none",
font: "inherit",
padding: 0,
margin: 0
function severityWeight(sev) {
return sev == "error" ? 4 : sev == "warning" ? 3 : sev == "info" ? 2 : 1;
class LintGutterMarker extends view.GutterMarker {
constructor(diagnostics) {
this.diagnostics = diagnostics;
this.severity = diagnostics.reduce((max, d) => severityWeight(max) < severityWeight(d.severity) ? d.severity : max, "hint");
toDOM(view) {
let elt = document.createElement("div");
elt.className = "cm-lint-marker cm-lint-marker-" + this.severity;
let diagnostics = this.diagnostics;
let diagnosticsFilter = view.state.facet(lintGutterConfig).tooltipFilter;
if (diagnosticsFilter)
diagnostics = diagnosticsFilter(diagnostics, view.state);
if (diagnostics.length)
elt.onmouseover = () => gutterMarkerMouseOver(view, elt, diagnostics);
return elt;
function trackHoverOn(view, marker) {
let mousemove = (event) => {
let rect = marker.getBoundingClientRect();
if (event.clientX > rect.left - 10 /* Hover.Margin */ && event.clientX < rect.right + 10 /* Hover.Margin */ &&
event.clientY > rect.top - 10 /* Hover.Margin */ && event.clientY < rect.bottom + 10 /* Hover.Margin */)
for (let target = event.target; target; target = target.parentNode) {
if (target.nodeType == 1 && target.classList.contains("cm-tooltip-lint"))
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
if (view.state.field(lintGutterTooltip))
view.dispatch({ effects: setLintGutterTooltip.of(null) });
window.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
function gutterMarkerMouseOver(view, marker, diagnostics) {
function hovered() {
let line = view.elementAtHeight(marker.getBoundingClientRect().top + 5 - view.documentTop);
const linePos = view.coordsAtPos(line.from);
if (linePos) {
view.dispatch({ effects: setLintGutterTooltip.of({
pos: line.from,
above: false,
create() {
return {
dom: diagnosticsTooltip(view, diagnostics),
getCoords: () => marker.getBoundingClientRect()
}) });
marker.onmouseout = marker.onmousemove = null;
trackHoverOn(view, marker);
let { hoverTime } = view.state.facet(lintGutterConfig);
let hoverTimeout = setTimeout(hovered, hoverTime);
marker.onmouseout = () => {
marker.onmouseout = marker.onmousemove = null;
marker.onmousemove = () => {
hoverTimeout = setTimeout(hovered, hoverTime);
function markersForDiagnostics(doc, diagnostics) {
let byLine = Object.create(null);
for (let diagnostic of diagnostics) {
let line = doc.lineAt(diagnostic.from);
(byLine[line.from] || (byLine[line.from] = [])).push(diagnostic);
let markers = [];
for (let line in byLine) {
markers.push(new LintGutterMarker(byLine[line]).range(+line));
return state.RangeSet.of(markers, true);
const lintGutterExtension = view.gutter({
class: "cm-gutter-lint",
markers: view => view.state.field(lintGutterMarkers),
const lintGutterMarkers = state.StateField.define({
create() {
return state.RangeSet.empty;
update(markers, tr) {
markers = markers.map(tr.changes);
let diagnosticFilter = tr.state.facet(lintGutterConfig).markerFilter;
for (let effect of tr.effects) {
if (effect.is(setDiagnosticsEffect)) {
let diagnostics = effect.value;
if (diagnosticFilter)
diagnostics = diagnosticFilter(diagnostics || [], tr.state);
markers = markersForDiagnostics(tr.state.doc, diagnostics.slice(0));
return markers;
const setLintGutterTooltip = state.StateEffect.define();
const lintGutterTooltip = state.StateField.define({
create() { return null; },
update(tooltip, tr) {
if (tooltip && tr.docChanged)
tooltip = hideTooltip(tr, tooltip) ? null : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tooltip), { pos: tr.changes.mapPos(tooltip.pos) });
return tr.effects.reduce((t, e) => e.is(setLintGutterTooltip) ? e.value : t, tooltip);
provide: field => view.showTooltip.from(field)
const lintGutterTheme = view.EditorView.baseTheme({
".cm-gutter-lint": {
width: "1.4em",
"& .cm-gutterElement": {
padding: ".2em"
".cm-lint-marker": {
width: "1em",
height: "1em"
".cm-lint-marker-info": {
content: svg(` `)
".cm-lint-marker-warning": {
content: svg(` `),
".cm-lint-marker-error": {
content: svg(` `)
const lintExtensions = [
view.EditorView.decorations.compute([lintState], state => {
let { selected, panel } = state.field(lintState);
return !selected || !panel || selected.from == selected.to ? view.Decoration.none : view.Decoration.set([
activeMark.range(selected.from, selected.to)
view.hoverTooltip(lintTooltip, { hideOn: hideTooltip }),
const lintGutterConfig = state.Facet.define({
combine(configs) {
return state.combineConfig(configs, {
hoverTime: 300 /* Hover.Time */,
markerFilter: null,
tooltipFilter: null
Returns an extension that installs a gutter showing markers for
each line that has diagnostics, which can be hovered over to see
the diagnostics.
function lintGutter(config = {}) {
return [lintGutterConfig.of(config), lintGutterMarkers, lintGutterExtension, lintGutterTheme, lintGutterTooltip];
Iterate over the marked diagnostics for the given editor state,
calling `f` for each of them. Note that, if the document changed
since the diagnostics were created, the `Diagnostic` object will
hold the original outdated position, whereas the `to` and `from`
arguments hold the diagnostic's current position.
function forEachDiagnostic(state$1, f) {
let lState = state$1.field(lintState, false);
if (lState && lState.diagnostics.size)
for (let iter = state.RangeSet.iter([lState.diagnostics]); iter.value; iter.next())
f(iter.value.spec.diagnostic, iter.from, iter.to);
exports.closeLintPanel = closeLintPanel;
exports.diagnosticCount = diagnosticCount;
exports.forEachDiagnostic = forEachDiagnostic;
exports.forceLinting = forceLinting;
exports.lintGutter = lintGutter;
exports.lintKeymap = lintKeymap;
exports.linter = linter;
exports.nextDiagnostic = nextDiagnostic;
exports.openLintPanel = openLintPanel;
exports.previousDiagnostic = previousDiagnostic;
exports.setDiagnostics = setDiagnostics;
exports.setDiagnosticsEffect = setDiagnosticsEffect;
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