package.dist.libs.tinymce.tinymce.d.ts Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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interface StringPathBookmark {
start: string;
end?: string;
forward?: boolean;
interface RangeBookmark {
rng: Range;
forward?: boolean;
interface IdBookmark {
id: string;
keep?: boolean;
forward?: boolean;
interface IndexBookmark {
name: string;
index: number;
interface PathBookmark {
start: number[];
end?: number[];
isFakeCaret?: boolean;
forward?: boolean;
type Bookmark = StringPathBookmark | RangeBookmark | IdBookmark | IndexBookmark | PathBookmark;
type NormalizedEvent = E & {
readonly type: string;
readonly target: T;
readonly isDefaultPrevented: () => boolean;
readonly preventDefault: () => void;
readonly isPropagationStopped: () => boolean;
readonly stopPropagation: () => void;
readonly isImmediatePropagationStopped: () => boolean;
readonly stopImmediatePropagation: () => void;
type MappedEvent = K extends keyof T ? T[K] : any;
interface NativeEventMap {
'beforepaste': Event;
'blur': FocusEvent;
'beforeinput': InputEvent;
'click': MouseEvent;
'compositionend': Event;
'compositionstart': Event;
'compositionupdate': Event;
'contextmenu': PointerEvent;
'copy': ClipboardEvent;
'cut': ClipboardEvent;
'dblclick': MouseEvent;
'drag': DragEvent;
'dragdrop': DragEvent;
'dragend': DragEvent;
'draggesture': DragEvent;
'dragover': DragEvent;
'dragstart': DragEvent;
'drop': DragEvent;
'focus': FocusEvent;
'focusin': FocusEvent;
'focusout': FocusEvent;
'input': InputEvent;
'keydown': KeyboardEvent;
'keypress': KeyboardEvent;
'keyup': KeyboardEvent;
'mousedown': MouseEvent;
'mouseenter': MouseEvent;
'mouseleave': MouseEvent;
'mousemove': MouseEvent;
'mouseout': MouseEvent;
'mouseover': MouseEvent;
'mouseup': MouseEvent;
'paste': ClipboardEvent;
'selectionchange': Event;
'submit': Event;
'touchend': TouchEvent;
'touchmove': TouchEvent;
'touchstart': TouchEvent;
'touchcancel': TouchEvent;
'wheel': WheelEvent;
type EditorEvent = NormalizedEvent;
interface EventDispatcherSettings {
scope?: any;
toggleEvent?: (name: string, state: boolean) => void | boolean;
beforeFire?: (args: EditorEvent) => void;
interface EventDispatcherConstructor {
readonly prototype: EventDispatcher;
new (settings?: EventDispatcherSettings): EventDispatcher;
isNative: (name: string) => boolean;
declare class EventDispatcher {
static isNative(name: string): boolean;
private readonly settings;
private readonly scope;
private readonly toggleEvent;
private bindings;
constructor(settings?: EventDispatcherSettings);
fire>(name: K, args?: U): EditorEvent;
dispatch>(name: K, args?: U): EditorEvent;
on(name: K, callback: false | ((event: EditorEvent>) => void | boolean), prepend?: boolean, extra?: {}): this;
off(name?: K, callback?: (event: EditorEvent>) => void): this;
once(name: K, callback: (event: EditorEvent>) => void, prepend?: boolean): this;
has(name: string): boolean;
type UndoLevelType = 'fragmented' | 'complete';
interface BaseUndoLevel {
type: UndoLevelType;
bookmark: Bookmark | null;
beforeBookmark: Bookmark | null;
interface FragmentedUndoLevel extends BaseUndoLevel {
type: 'fragmented';
fragments: string[];
content: '';
interface CompleteUndoLevel extends BaseUndoLevel {
type: 'complete';
fragments: null;
content: string;
type NewUndoLevel = CompleteUndoLevel | FragmentedUndoLevel;
type UndoLevel = NewUndoLevel & {
bookmark: Bookmark;
interface UndoManager {
data: UndoLevel[];
typing: boolean;
add: (level?: Partial, event?: EditorEvent) => UndoLevel | null;
dispatchChange: () => void;
beforeChange: () => void;
undo: () => UndoLevel | undefined;
redo: () => UndoLevel | undefined;
clear: () => void;
reset: () => void;
hasUndo: () => boolean;
hasRedo: () => boolean;
transact: (callback: () => void) => UndoLevel | null;
ignore: (callback: () => void) => void;
extra: (callback1: () => void, callback2: () => void) => void;
type SchemaType = 'html4' | 'html5' | 'html5-strict';
interface ElementSettings {
block_elements?: string;
boolean_attributes?: string;
move_caret_before_on_enter_elements?: string;
non_empty_elements?: string;
self_closing_elements?: string;
text_block_elements?: string;
text_inline_elements?: string;
void_elements?: string;
whitespace_elements?: string;
transparent_elements?: string;
wrap_block_elements?: string;
interface SchemaSettings extends ElementSettings {
custom_elements?: string | Record;
extended_valid_elements?: string;
invalid_elements?: string;
invalid_styles?: string | Record;
schema?: SchemaType;
valid_children?: string;
valid_classes?: string | Record;
valid_elements?: string;
valid_styles?: string | Record;
verify_html?: boolean;
padd_empty_block_inline_children?: boolean;
interface Attribute {
required?: boolean;
defaultValue?: string;
forcedValue?: string;
validValues?: Record;
interface DefaultAttribute {
name: string;
value: string;
interface AttributePattern extends Attribute {
pattern: RegExp;
interface ElementRule {
attributes: Record;
attributesDefault?: DefaultAttribute[];
attributesForced?: DefaultAttribute[];
attributesOrder: string[];
attributePatterns?: AttributePattern[];
attributesRequired?: string[];
paddEmpty?: boolean;
removeEmpty?: boolean;
removeEmptyAttrs?: boolean;
paddInEmptyBlock?: boolean;
interface SchemaElement extends ElementRule {
outputName?: string;
parentsRequired?: string[];
pattern?: RegExp;
interface SchemaMap {
[name: string]: {};
interface SchemaRegExpMap {
[name: string]: RegExp;
interface CustomElementSpec {
extends?: string;
attributes?: string[];
children?: string[];
padEmpty?: boolean;
interface Schema {
type: SchemaType;
children: Record;
elements: Record;
getValidStyles: () => Record | undefined;
getValidClasses: () => Record | undefined;
getBlockElements: () => SchemaMap;
getInvalidStyles: () => Record | undefined;
getVoidElements: () => SchemaMap;
getTextBlockElements: () => SchemaMap;
getTextInlineElements: () => SchemaMap;
getBoolAttrs: () => SchemaMap;
getElementRule: (name: string) => SchemaElement | undefined;
getSelfClosingElements: () => SchemaMap;
getNonEmptyElements: () => SchemaMap;
getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements: () => SchemaMap;
getWhitespaceElements: () => SchemaMap;
getTransparentElements: () => SchemaMap;
getSpecialElements: () => SchemaRegExpMap;
isValidChild: (name: string, child: string) => boolean;
isValid: (name: string, attr?: string) => boolean;
isBlock: (name: string) => boolean;
isInline: (name: string) => boolean;
isWrapper: (name: string) => boolean;
getCustomElements: () => SchemaMap;
addValidElements: (validElements: string) => void;
setValidElements: (validElements: string) => void;
addCustomElements: (customElements: string | Record) => void;
addValidChildren: (validChildren: any) => void;
type Attributes$1 = Array<{
name: string;
value: string;
}> & {
map: Record;
interface AstNodeConstructor {
readonly prototype: AstNode;
new (name: string, type: number): AstNode;
create(name: string, attrs?: Record): AstNode;
declare class AstNode {
static create(name: string, attrs?: Record): AstNode;
name: string;
type: number;
attributes?: Attributes$1;
value?: string;
parent?: AstNode | null;
firstChild?: AstNode | null;
lastChild?: AstNode | null;
next?: AstNode | null;
prev?: AstNode | null;
raw?: boolean;
constructor(name: string, type: number);
replace(node: AstNode): AstNode;
attr(name: string, value: string | null | undefined): AstNode | undefined;
attr(name: Record | undefined): AstNode | undefined;
attr(name: string): string | undefined;
clone(): AstNode;
wrap(wrapper: AstNode): AstNode;
unwrap(): void;
remove(): AstNode;
append(node: AstNode): AstNode;
insert(node: AstNode, refNode: AstNode, before?: boolean): AstNode;
getAll(name: string): AstNode[];
children(): AstNode[];
empty(): AstNode;
isEmpty(elements: SchemaMap, whitespace?: SchemaMap, predicate?: (node: AstNode) => boolean): boolean;
walk(prev?: boolean): AstNode | null | undefined;
type Content = string | AstNode;
type ContentFormat = 'raw' | 'text' | 'html' | 'tree';
interface GetContentArgs {
format: ContentFormat;
get: boolean;
getInner: boolean;
no_events?: boolean;
save?: boolean;
source_view?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;
interface SetContentArgs {
format: string;
set: boolean;
content: Content;
no_events?: boolean;
no_selection?: boolean;
paste?: boolean;
load?: boolean;
initial?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;
interface GetSelectionContentArgs extends GetContentArgs {
selection?: boolean;
contextual?: boolean;
interface SetSelectionContentArgs extends SetContentArgs {
content: string;
selection?: boolean;
interface BlobInfoData {
id?: string;
name?: string;
filename?: string;
blob: Blob;
base64: string;
blobUri?: string;
uri?: string;
interface BlobInfo {
id: () => string;
name: () => string;
filename: () => string;
blob: () => Blob;
base64: () => string;
blobUri: () => string;
uri: () => string | undefined;
interface BlobCache {
create: {
(o: BlobInfoData): BlobInfo;
(id: string, blob: Blob, base64: string, name?: string, filename?: string): BlobInfo;
add: (blobInfo: BlobInfo) => void;
get: (id: string) => BlobInfo | undefined;
getByUri: (blobUri: string) => BlobInfo | undefined;
getByData: (base64: string, type: string) => BlobInfo | undefined;
findFirst: (predicate: (blobInfo: BlobInfo) => boolean) => BlobInfo | undefined;
removeByUri: (blobUri: string) => void;
destroy: () => void;
interface BlobInfoImagePair {
image: HTMLImageElement;
blobInfo: BlobInfo;
declare class NodeChange {
private readonly editor;
private lastPath;
constructor(editor: Editor);
nodeChanged(args?: Record): void;
private isSameElementPath;
interface SelectionOverrides {
showCaret: (direction: number, node: HTMLElement, before: boolean, scrollIntoView?: boolean) => Range | null;
showBlockCaretContainer: (blockCaretContainer: HTMLElement) => void;
hideFakeCaret: () => void;
destroy: () => void;
interface Quirks {
refreshContentEditable(): void;
isHidden(): boolean;
type DecoratorData = Record;
type Decorator = (uid: string, data: DecoratorData) => {
attributes?: {};
classes?: string[];
type AnnotationListener = (state: boolean, name: string, data?: {
uid: string;
nodes: any[];
}) => void;
type AnnotationListenerApi = AnnotationListener;
interface AnnotatorSettings {
decorate: Decorator;
persistent?: boolean;
interface Annotator {
register: (name: string, settings: AnnotatorSettings) => void;
annotate: (name: string, data: DecoratorData) => void;
annotationChanged: (name: string, f: AnnotationListenerApi) => void;
remove: (name: string) => void;
removeAll: (name: string) => void;
getAll: (name: string) => Record;
interface IsEmptyOptions {
readonly skipBogus?: boolean;
readonly includeZwsp?: boolean;
readonly checkRootAsContent?: boolean;
readonly isContent?: (node: Node) => boolean;
interface GeomRect {
readonly x: number;
readonly y: number;
readonly w: number;
readonly h: number;
interface Rect {
inflate: (rect: GeomRect, w: number, h: number) => GeomRect;
relativePosition: (rect: GeomRect, targetRect: GeomRect, rel: string) => GeomRect;
findBestRelativePosition: (rect: GeomRect, targetRect: GeomRect, constrainRect: GeomRect, rels: string[]) => string | null;
intersect: (rect: GeomRect, cropRect: GeomRect) => GeomRect | null;
clamp: (rect: GeomRect, clampRect: GeomRect, fixedSize?: boolean) => GeomRect;
create: (x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) => GeomRect;
fromClientRect: (clientRect: DOMRect) => GeomRect;
interface NotificationManagerImpl {
open: (spec: NotificationSpec, closeCallback: () => void, hasEditorFocus: () => boolean) => NotificationApi;
close: (notification: T) => void;
getArgs: (notification: T) => NotificationSpec;
interface NotificationSpec {
type?: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'success';
text: string;
icon?: string;
progressBar?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
interface NotificationApi {
close: () => void;
progressBar: {
value: (percent: number) => void;
text: (text: string) => void;
reposition: () => void;
getEl: () => HTMLElement;
settings: NotificationSpec;
interface NotificationManager {
open: (spec: NotificationSpec) => NotificationApi;
close: () => void;
getNotifications: () => NotificationApi[];
interface UploadFailure {
message: string;
remove?: boolean;
type ProgressFn = (percent: number) => void;
type UploadHandler = (blobInfo: BlobInfo, progress: ProgressFn) => Promise;
interface UploadResult$2 {
url: string;
blobInfo: BlobInfo;
status: boolean;
error?: UploadFailure;
type BlockPatternTrigger = 'enter' | 'space';
interface RawPattern {
start?: any;
end?: any;
format?: any;
cmd?: any;
value?: any;
replacement?: any;
trigger?: BlockPatternTrigger;
interface InlineBasePattern {
readonly start: string;
readonly end: string;
interface InlineFormatPattern extends InlineBasePattern {
readonly type: 'inline-format';
readonly format: string[];
interface InlineCmdPattern extends InlineBasePattern {
readonly type: 'inline-command';
readonly cmd: string;
readonly value?: any;
type InlinePattern = InlineFormatPattern | InlineCmdPattern;
interface BlockBasePattern {
readonly start: string;
readonly trigger: BlockPatternTrigger;
interface BlockFormatPattern extends BlockBasePattern {
readonly type: 'block-format';
readonly format: string;
interface BlockCmdPattern extends BlockBasePattern {
readonly type: 'block-command';
readonly cmd: string;
readonly value?: any;
type BlockPattern = BlockFormatPattern | BlockCmdPattern;
type Pattern = InlinePattern | BlockPattern;
interface DynamicPatternContext {
readonly text: string;
readonly block: Element;
type DynamicPatternsLookup = (ctx: DynamicPatternContext) => Pattern[];
type RawDynamicPatternsLookup = (ctx: DynamicPatternContext) => RawPattern[];
interface AlertBannerSpec {
type: 'alertbanner';
level: 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'success';
text: string;
icon: string;
url?: string;
interface ButtonSpec {
type: 'button';
text: string;
enabled?: boolean;
primary?: boolean;
name?: string;
icon?: string;
borderless?: boolean;
buttonType?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'toolbar';
interface FormComponentSpec {
type: string;
name: string;
interface FormComponentWithLabelSpec extends FormComponentSpec {
label?: string;
interface CheckboxSpec extends FormComponentSpec {
type: 'checkbox';
label: string;
enabled?: boolean;
interface CollectionSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'collection';
interface CollectionItem {
value: string;
text: string;
icon: string;
interface ColorInputSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'colorinput';
storageKey?: string;
interface ColorPickerSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'colorpicker';
interface CustomEditorInit {
setValue: (value: string) => void;
getValue: () => string;
destroy: () => void;
type CustomEditorInitFn = (elm: HTMLElement, settings: any) => Promise;
interface CustomEditorOldSpec extends FormComponentSpec {
type: 'customeditor';
tag?: string;
init: (e: HTMLElement) => Promise;
interface CustomEditorNewSpec extends FormComponentSpec {
type: 'customeditor';
tag?: string;
scriptId: string;
scriptUrl: string;
onFocus?: (e: HTMLElement) => void;
settings?: any;
type CustomEditorSpec = CustomEditorOldSpec | CustomEditorNewSpec;
interface DropZoneSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'dropzone';
interface GridSpec {
type: 'grid';
columns: number;
items: BodyComponentSpec[];
interface HtmlPanelSpec {
type: 'htmlpanel';
html: string;
onInit?: (el: HTMLElement) => void;
presets?: 'presentation' | 'document';
stretched?: boolean;
interface IframeSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'iframe';
border?: boolean;
sandboxed?: boolean;
streamContent?: boolean;
transparent?: boolean;
interface ImagePreviewSpec extends FormComponentSpec {
type: 'imagepreview';
height?: string;
interface InputSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'input';
inputMode?: string;
placeholder?: string;
maximized?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
type Alignment = 'start' | 'center' | 'end';
interface LabelSpec {
type: 'label';
label: string;
items: BodyComponentSpec[];
align?: Alignment;
for?: string;
interface ListBoxSingleItemSpec {
text: string;
value: string;
interface ListBoxNestedItemSpec {
text: string;
items: ListBoxItemSpec[];
type ListBoxItemSpec = ListBoxNestedItemSpec | ListBoxSingleItemSpec;
interface ListBoxSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'listbox';
items: ListBoxItemSpec[];
disabled?: boolean;
interface PanelSpec {
type: 'panel';
classes?: string[];
items: BodyComponentSpec[];
interface SelectBoxItemSpec {
text: string;
value: string;
interface SelectBoxSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'selectbox';
items: SelectBoxItemSpec[];
size?: number;
enabled?: boolean;
interface SizeInputSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'sizeinput';
constrain?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
interface SliderSpec extends FormComponentSpec {
type: 'slider';
label: string;
min?: number;
max?: number;
interface TableSpec {
type: 'table';
header: string[];
cells: string[][];
interface TextAreaSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'textarea';
placeholder?: string;
maximized?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
interface BaseToolbarButtonSpec {
enabled?: boolean;
tooltip?: string;
icon?: string;
text?: string;
onSetup?: (api: I) => (api: I) => void;
interface BaseToolbarButtonInstanceApi {
isEnabled: () => boolean;
setEnabled: (state: boolean) => void;
setText: (text: string) => void;
setIcon: (icon: string) => void;
interface ToolbarButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarButtonSpec {
type?: 'button';
onAction: (api: ToolbarButtonInstanceApi) => void;
shortcut?: string;
interface ToolbarButtonInstanceApi extends BaseToolbarButtonInstanceApi {
interface ToolbarGroupSetting {
name: string;
items: string[];
type ToolbarConfig = string | ToolbarGroupSetting[];
interface GroupToolbarButtonInstanceApi extends BaseToolbarButtonInstanceApi {
interface GroupToolbarButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarButtonSpec {
type?: 'grouptoolbarbutton';
items?: ToolbarConfig;
interface CardImageSpec {
type: 'cardimage';
src: string;
alt?: string;
classes?: string[];
interface CardTextSpec {
type: 'cardtext';
text: string;
name?: string;
classes?: string[];
type CardItemSpec = CardContainerSpec | CardImageSpec | CardTextSpec;
type CardContainerDirection = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
type CardContainerAlign = 'left' | 'right';
type CardContainerValign = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom';
interface CardContainerSpec {
type: 'cardcontainer';
items: CardItemSpec[];
direction?: CardContainerDirection;
align?: CardContainerAlign;
valign?: CardContainerValign;
interface CommonMenuItemSpec {
enabled?: boolean;
text?: string;
value?: string;
meta?: Record;
shortcut?: string;
interface CommonMenuItemInstanceApi {
isEnabled: () => boolean;
setEnabled: (state: boolean) => void;
interface CardMenuItemInstanceApi extends CommonMenuItemInstanceApi {
interface CardMenuItemSpec extends Omit {
type: 'cardmenuitem';
label?: string;
items: CardItemSpec[];
onSetup?: (api: CardMenuItemInstanceApi) => (api: CardMenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
onAction?: (api: CardMenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
interface ChoiceMenuItemSpec extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
type?: 'choiceitem';
icon?: string;
interface ChoiceMenuItemInstanceApi extends CommonMenuItemInstanceApi {
isActive: () => boolean;
setActive: (state: boolean) => void;
interface ContextMenuItem extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
text: string;
icon?: string;
type?: 'item';
onAction: () => void;
interface ContextSubMenu extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
type: 'submenu';
text: string;
icon?: string;
getSubmenuItems: () => string | Array;
type ContextMenuContents = string | ContextMenuItem | SeparatorMenuItemSpec | ContextSubMenu;
interface ContextMenuApi {
update: (element: Element) => string | Array;
interface FancyActionArgsMap {
'inserttable': {
numRows: number;
numColumns: number;
'colorswatch': {
value: string;
interface BaseFancyMenuItemSpec {
type: 'fancymenuitem';
fancytype: T;
initData?: Record;
onAction?: (data: FancyActionArgsMap[T]) => void;
interface InsertTableMenuItemSpec extends BaseFancyMenuItemSpec<'inserttable'> {
fancytype: 'inserttable';
initData?: {};
interface ColorSwatchMenuItemSpec extends BaseFancyMenuItemSpec<'colorswatch'> {
fancytype: 'colorswatch';
select?: (value: string) => boolean;
initData?: {
allowCustomColors?: boolean;
colors?: ChoiceMenuItemSpec[];
storageKey?: string;
type FancyMenuItemSpec = InsertTableMenuItemSpec | ColorSwatchMenuItemSpec;
interface MenuItemSpec extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
type?: 'menuitem';
icon?: string;
onSetup?: (api: MenuItemInstanceApi) => (api: MenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
onAction?: (api: MenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
interface MenuItemInstanceApi extends CommonMenuItemInstanceApi {
interface SeparatorMenuItemSpec {
type?: 'separator';
text?: string;
interface ToggleMenuItemSpec extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
type?: 'togglemenuitem';
icon?: string;
active?: boolean;
onSetup?: (api: ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
onAction: (api: ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
interface ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi extends CommonMenuItemInstanceApi {
isActive: () => boolean;
setActive: (state: boolean) => void;
type NestedMenuItemContents = string | MenuItemSpec | NestedMenuItemSpec | ToggleMenuItemSpec | SeparatorMenuItemSpec | FancyMenuItemSpec;
interface NestedMenuItemSpec extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
type?: 'nestedmenuitem';
icon?: string;
getSubmenuItems: () => string | Array;
onSetup?: (api: NestedMenuItemInstanceApi) => (api: NestedMenuItemInstanceApi) => void;
interface NestedMenuItemInstanceApi extends CommonMenuItemInstanceApi {
setTooltip: (tooltip: string) => void;
setIconFill: (id: string, value: string) => void;
type MenuButtonItemTypes = NestedMenuItemContents;
type SuccessCallback$1 = (menu: string | MenuButtonItemTypes[]) => void;
interface MenuButtonFetchContext {
pattern: string;
interface BaseMenuButtonSpec {
text?: string;
tooltip?: string;
icon?: string;
search?: boolean | {
placeholder?: string;
fetch: (success: SuccessCallback$1, fetchContext: MenuButtonFetchContext, api: BaseMenuButtonInstanceApi) => void;
onSetup?: (api: BaseMenuButtonInstanceApi) => (api: BaseMenuButtonInstanceApi) => void;
interface BaseMenuButtonInstanceApi {
isEnabled: () => boolean;
setEnabled: (state: boolean) => void;
isActive: () => boolean;
setActive: (state: boolean) => void;
setText: (text: string) => void;
setIcon: (icon: string) => void;
interface ToolbarMenuButtonSpec extends BaseMenuButtonSpec {
type?: 'menubutton';
onSetup?: (api: ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi) => (api: ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi) => void;
interface ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi extends BaseMenuButtonInstanceApi {
type ToolbarSplitButtonItemTypes = ChoiceMenuItemSpec | SeparatorMenuItemSpec;
type SuccessCallback = (menu: ToolbarSplitButtonItemTypes[]) => void;
type SelectPredicate = (value: string) => boolean;
type PresetTypes = 'color' | 'normal' | 'listpreview';
type ColumnTypes$1 = number | 'auto';
interface ToolbarSplitButtonSpec {
type?: 'splitbutton';
tooltip?: string;
icon?: string;
text?: string;
select?: SelectPredicate;
presets?: PresetTypes;
columns?: ColumnTypes$1;
fetch: (success: SuccessCallback) => void;
onSetup?: (api: ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi) => (api: ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi) => void;
onAction: (api: ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi) => void;
onItemAction: (api: ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi, value: string) => void;
interface ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi {
isEnabled: () => boolean;
setEnabled: (state: boolean) => void;
setIconFill: (id: string, value: string) => void;
isActive: () => boolean;
setActive: (state: boolean) => void;
setTooltip: (tooltip: string) => void;
setText: (text: string) => void;
setIcon: (icon: string) => void;
interface BaseToolbarToggleButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarButtonSpec {
active?: boolean;
interface BaseToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi extends BaseToolbarButtonInstanceApi {
isActive: () => boolean;
setActive: (state: boolean) => void;
interface ToolbarToggleButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarToggleButtonSpec {
type?: 'togglebutton';
onAction: (api: ToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi) => void;
shortcut?: string;
interface ToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi extends BaseToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi {
type Id = string;
interface TreeSpec {
type: 'tree';
items: TreeItemSpec[];
onLeafAction?: (id: Id) => void;
defaultExpandedIds?: Id[];
onToggleExpand?: (expandedIds: Id[], { expanded, node }: {
expanded: boolean;
node: Id;
}) => void;
defaultSelectedId?: Id;
interface BaseTreeItemSpec {
title: string;
id: Id;
menu?: ToolbarMenuButtonSpec;
interface DirectorySpec extends BaseTreeItemSpec {
type: 'directory';
children: TreeItemSpec[];
interface LeafSpec extends BaseTreeItemSpec {
type: 'leaf';
type TreeItemSpec = DirectorySpec | LeafSpec;
interface UrlInputSpec extends FormComponentWithLabelSpec {
type: 'urlinput';
filetype?: 'image' | 'media' | 'file';
enabled?: boolean;
picker_text?: string;
interface UrlInputData {
value: string;
meta: {
text?: string;
type BodyComponentSpec = BarSpec | ButtonSpec | CheckboxSpec | TextAreaSpec | InputSpec | ListBoxSpec | SelectBoxSpec | SizeInputSpec | SliderSpec | IframeSpec | HtmlPanelSpec | UrlInputSpec | DropZoneSpec | ColorInputSpec | GridSpec | ColorPickerSpec | ImagePreviewSpec | AlertBannerSpec | CollectionSpec | LabelSpec | TableSpec | TreeSpec | PanelSpec | CustomEditorSpec;
interface BarSpec {
type: 'bar';
items: BodyComponentSpec[];
interface DialogToggleMenuItemSpec extends CommonMenuItemSpec {
type?: 'togglemenuitem';
name: string;
type DialogFooterMenuButtonItemSpec = DialogToggleMenuItemSpec;
interface BaseDialogFooterButtonSpec {
name?: string;
align?: 'start' | 'end';
primary?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
icon?: string;
buttonType?: 'primary' | 'secondary';
interface DialogFooterNormalButtonSpec extends BaseDialogFooterButtonSpec {
type: 'submit' | 'cancel' | 'custom';
text: string;
interface DialogFooterMenuButtonSpec extends BaseDialogFooterButtonSpec {
type: 'menu';
text?: string;
tooltip?: string;
icon?: string;
items: DialogFooterMenuButtonItemSpec[];
interface DialogFooterToggleButtonSpec extends BaseDialogFooterButtonSpec {
type: 'togglebutton';
tooltip?: string;
icon?: string;
text?: string;
active?: boolean;
type DialogFooterButtonSpec = DialogFooterNormalButtonSpec | DialogFooterMenuButtonSpec | DialogFooterToggleButtonSpec;
interface TabSpec {
name?: string;
title: string;
items: BodyComponentSpec[];
interface TabPanelSpec {
type: 'tabpanel';
tabs: TabSpec[];
type DialogDataItem = any;
type DialogData = Record;
interface DialogInstanceApi {
getData: () => T;
setData: (data: Partial) => void;
setEnabled: (name: string, state: boolean) => void;
focus: (name: string) => void;
showTab: (name: string) => void;
redial: (nu: DialogSpec) => void;
block: (msg: string) => void;
unblock: () => void;
toggleFullscreen: () => void;
close: () => void;
interface DialogActionDetails {
name: string;
value?: any;
interface DialogChangeDetails {
name: keyof T;
interface DialogTabChangeDetails {
newTabName: string;
oldTabName: string;
type DialogActionHandler = (api: DialogInstanceApi, details: DialogActionDetails) => void;
type DialogChangeHandler = (api: DialogInstanceApi, details: DialogChangeDetails) => void;
type DialogSubmitHandler = (api: DialogInstanceApi) => void;
type DialogCloseHandler = () => void;
type DialogCancelHandler = (api: DialogInstanceApi) => void;
type DialogTabChangeHandler = (api: DialogInstanceApi, details: DialogTabChangeDetails) => void;
type DialogSize = 'normal' | 'medium' | 'large';
interface DialogSpec {
title: string;
size?: DialogSize;
body: TabPanelSpec | PanelSpec;
buttons?: DialogFooterButtonSpec[];
initialData?: Partial;
onAction?: DialogActionHandler;
onChange?: DialogChangeHandler;
onSubmit?: DialogSubmitHandler;
onClose?: DialogCloseHandler;
onCancel?: DialogCancelHandler;
onTabChange?: DialogTabChangeHandler;
interface UrlDialogInstanceApi {
block: (msg: string) => void;
unblock: () => void;
close: () => void;
sendMessage: (msg: any) => void;
interface UrlDialogActionDetails {
name: string;
value?: any;
interface UrlDialogMessage {
mceAction: string;
[key: string]: any;
type UrlDialogActionHandler = (api: UrlDialogInstanceApi, actions: UrlDialogActionDetails) => void;
type UrlDialogCloseHandler = () => void;
type UrlDialogCancelHandler = (api: UrlDialogInstanceApi) => void;
type UrlDialogMessageHandler = (api: UrlDialogInstanceApi, message: UrlDialogMessage) => void;
interface UrlDialogFooterButtonSpec extends DialogFooterNormalButtonSpec {
type: 'cancel' | 'custom';
interface UrlDialogSpec {
title: string;
url: string;
height?: number;
width?: number;
buttons?: UrlDialogFooterButtonSpec[];
onAction?: UrlDialogActionHandler;
onClose?: UrlDialogCloseHandler;
onCancel?: UrlDialogCancelHandler;
onMessage?: UrlDialogMessageHandler;
type ColumnTypes = number | 'auto';
type SeparatorItemSpec = SeparatorMenuItemSpec;
interface AutocompleterItemSpec {
type?: 'autocompleteitem';
value: string;
text?: string;
icon?: string;
meta?: Record;
type AutocompleterContents = SeparatorItemSpec | AutocompleterItemSpec | CardMenuItemSpec;
interface AutocompleterSpec {
type?: 'autocompleter';
trigger: string;
minChars?: number;
columns?: ColumnTypes;
matches?: (rng: Range, text: string, pattern: string) => boolean;
fetch: (pattern: string, maxResults: number, fetchOptions: Record) => Promise;
onAction: (autocompleterApi: AutocompleterInstanceApi, rng: Range, value: string, meta: Record) => void;
maxResults?: number;
highlightOn?: string[];
interface AutocompleterInstanceApi {
hide: () => void;
reload: (fetchOptions: Record) => void;
type ContextPosition = 'node' | 'selection' | 'line';
type ContextScope = 'node' | 'editor';
interface ContextBarSpec {
predicate?: (elem: Element) => boolean;
position?: ContextPosition;
scope?: ContextScope;
interface ContextFormLaunchButtonApi extends BaseToolbarButtonSpec {
type: 'contextformbutton';
interface ContextFormLaunchToggleButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarToggleButtonSpec {
type: 'contextformtogglebutton';
interface ContextFormButtonInstanceApi extends BaseToolbarButtonInstanceApi {
interface ContextFormToggleButtonInstanceApi extends BaseToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi {
interface ContextFormButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarButtonSpec {
type?: 'contextformbutton';
primary?: boolean;
onAction: (formApi: ContextFormInstanceApi, api: ContextFormButtonInstanceApi) => void;
interface ContextFormToggleButtonSpec extends BaseToolbarToggleButtonSpec {
type?: 'contextformtogglebutton';
onAction: (formApi: ContextFormInstanceApi, buttonApi: ContextFormToggleButtonInstanceApi) => void;
primary?: boolean;
interface ContextFormInstanceApi {
hide: () => void;
getValue: () => string;
interface ContextFormSpec extends ContextBarSpec {
type?: 'contextform';
initValue?: () => string;
label?: string;
launch?: ContextFormLaunchButtonApi | ContextFormLaunchToggleButtonSpec;
commands: Array;
interface ContextToolbarSpec extends ContextBarSpec {
type?: 'contexttoolbar';
items: string;
type PublicDialog_d_AlertBannerSpec = AlertBannerSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_BarSpec = BarSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_BodyComponentSpec = BodyComponentSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ButtonSpec = ButtonSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_CheckboxSpec = CheckboxSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_CollectionItem = CollectionItem;
type PublicDialog_d_CollectionSpec = CollectionSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ColorInputSpec = ColorInputSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ColorPickerSpec = ColorPickerSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_CustomEditorSpec = CustomEditorSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_CustomEditorInit = CustomEditorInit;
type PublicDialog_d_CustomEditorInitFn = CustomEditorInitFn;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogData = DialogData;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogSize = DialogSize;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogSpec = DialogSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogInstanceApi = DialogInstanceApi;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogFooterButtonSpec = DialogFooterButtonSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogActionDetails = DialogActionDetails;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogChangeDetails = DialogChangeDetails;
type PublicDialog_d_DialogTabChangeDetails = DialogTabChangeDetails;
type PublicDialog_d_DropZoneSpec = DropZoneSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_GridSpec = GridSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_HtmlPanelSpec = HtmlPanelSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_IframeSpec = IframeSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ImagePreviewSpec = ImagePreviewSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_InputSpec = InputSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_LabelSpec = LabelSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ListBoxSpec = ListBoxSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ListBoxItemSpec = ListBoxItemSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ListBoxNestedItemSpec = ListBoxNestedItemSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_ListBoxSingleItemSpec = ListBoxSingleItemSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_PanelSpec = PanelSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_SelectBoxSpec = SelectBoxSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_SelectBoxItemSpec = SelectBoxItemSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_SizeInputSpec = SizeInputSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_SliderSpec = SliderSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_TableSpec = TableSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_TabSpec = TabSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_TabPanelSpec = TabPanelSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_TextAreaSpec = TextAreaSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_TreeSpec = TreeSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_TreeItemSpec = TreeItemSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlInputData = UrlInputData;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlInputSpec = UrlInputSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogSpec = UrlDialogSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogFooterButtonSpec = UrlDialogFooterButtonSpec;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogInstanceApi = UrlDialogInstanceApi;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogActionDetails = UrlDialogActionDetails;
type PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogMessage = UrlDialogMessage;
declare namespace PublicDialog_d {
export { PublicDialog_d_AlertBannerSpec as AlertBannerSpec, PublicDialog_d_BarSpec as BarSpec, PublicDialog_d_BodyComponentSpec as BodyComponentSpec, PublicDialog_d_ButtonSpec as ButtonSpec, PublicDialog_d_CheckboxSpec as CheckboxSpec, PublicDialog_d_CollectionItem as CollectionItem, PublicDialog_d_CollectionSpec as CollectionSpec, PublicDialog_d_ColorInputSpec as ColorInputSpec, PublicDialog_d_ColorPickerSpec as ColorPickerSpec, PublicDialog_d_CustomEditorSpec as CustomEditorSpec, PublicDialog_d_CustomEditorInit as CustomEditorInit, PublicDialog_d_CustomEditorInitFn as CustomEditorInitFn, PublicDialog_d_DialogData as DialogData, PublicDialog_d_DialogSize as DialogSize, PublicDialog_d_DialogSpec as DialogSpec, PublicDialog_d_DialogInstanceApi as DialogInstanceApi, PublicDialog_d_DialogFooterButtonSpec as DialogFooterButtonSpec, PublicDialog_d_DialogActionDetails as DialogActionDetails, PublicDialog_d_DialogChangeDetails as DialogChangeDetails, PublicDialog_d_DialogTabChangeDetails as DialogTabChangeDetails, PublicDialog_d_DropZoneSpec as DropZoneSpec, PublicDialog_d_GridSpec as GridSpec, PublicDialog_d_HtmlPanelSpec as HtmlPanelSpec, PublicDialog_d_IframeSpec as IframeSpec, PublicDialog_d_ImagePreviewSpec as ImagePreviewSpec, PublicDialog_d_InputSpec as InputSpec, PublicDialog_d_LabelSpec as LabelSpec, PublicDialog_d_ListBoxSpec as ListBoxSpec, PublicDialog_d_ListBoxItemSpec as ListBoxItemSpec, PublicDialog_d_ListBoxNestedItemSpec as ListBoxNestedItemSpec, PublicDialog_d_ListBoxSingleItemSpec as ListBoxSingleItemSpec, PublicDialog_d_PanelSpec as PanelSpec, PublicDialog_d_SelectBoxSpec as SelectBoxSpec, PublicDialog_d_SelectBoxItemSpec as SelectBoxItemSpec, PublicDialog_d_SizeInputSpec as SizeInputSpec, PublicDialog_d_SliderSpec as SliderSpec, PublicDialog_d_TableSpec as TableSpec, PublicDialog_d_TabSpec as TabSpec, PublicDialog_d_TabPanelSpec as TabPanelSpec, PublicDialog_d_TextAreaSpec as TextAreaSpec, PublicDialog_d_TreeSpec as TreeSpec, PublicDialog_d_TreeItemSpec as TreeItemSpec, DirectorySpec as TreeDirectorySpec, LeafSpec as TreeLeafSpec, PublicDialog_d_UrlInputData as UrlInputData, PublicDialog_d_UrlInputSpec as UrlInputSpec, PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogSpec as UrlDialogSpec, PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogFooterButtonSpec as UrlDialogFooterButtonSpec, PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogInstanceApi as UrlDialogInstanceApi, PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogActionDetails as UrlDialogActionDetails, PublicDialog_d_UrlDialogMessage as UrlDialogMessage, };
type PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterSpec = AutocompleterSpec;
type PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterItemSpec = AutocompleterItemSpec;
type PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterContents = AutocompleterContents;
type PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterInstanceApi = AutocompleterInstanceApi;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextPosition = ContextPosition;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextScope = ContextScope;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormSpec = ContextFormSpec;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormInstanceApi = ContextFormInstanceApi;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormButtonSpec = ContextFormButtonSpec;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormButtonInstanceApi = ContextFormButtonInstanceApi;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormToggleButtonSpec = ContextFormToggleButtonSpec;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormToggleButtonInstanceApi = ContextFormToggleButtonInstanceApi;
type PublicInlineContent_d_ContextToolbarSpec = ContextToolbarSpec;
type PublicInlineContent_d_SeparatorItemSpec = SeparatorItemSpec;
declare namespace PublicInlineContent_d {
export { PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterSpec as AutocompleterSpec, PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterItemSpec as AutocompleterItemSpec, PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterContents as AutocompleterContents, PublicInlineContent_d_AutocompleterInstanceApi as AutocompleterInstanceApi, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextPosition as ContextPosition, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextScope as ContextScope, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormSpec as ContextFormSpec, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormInstanceApi as ContextFormInstanceApi, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormButtonSpec as ContextFormButtonSpec, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormButtonInstanceApi as ContextFormButtonInstanceApi, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormToggleButtonSpec as ContextFormToggleButtonSpec, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextFormToggleButtonInstanceApi as ContextFormToggleButtonInstanceApi, PublicInlineContent_d_ContextToolbarSpec as ContextToolbarSpec, PublicInlineContent_d_SeparatorItemSpec as SeparatorItemSpec, };
type PublicMenu_d_MenuItemSpec = MenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_MenuItemInstanceApi = MenuItemInstanceApi;
type PublicMenu_d_NestedMenuItemContents = NestedMenuItemContents;
type PublicMenu_d_NestedMenuItemSpec = NestedMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_NestedMenuItemInstanceApi = NestedMenuItemInstanceApi;
type PublicMenu_d_FancyMenuItemSpec = FancyMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_ColorSwatchMenuItemSpec = ColorSwatchMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_InsertTableMenuItemSpec = InsertTableMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_ToggleMenuItemSpec = ToggleMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi = ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi;
type PublicMenu_d_ChoiceMenuItemSpec = ChoiceMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_ChoiceMenuItemInstanceApi = ChoiceMenuItemInstanceApi;
type PublicMenu_d_SeparatorMenuItemSpec = SeparatorMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_ContextMenuApi = ContextMenuApi;
type PublicMenu_d_ContextMenuContents = ContextMenuContents;
type PublicMenu_d_ContextMenuItem = ContextMenuItem;
type PublicMenu_d_ContextSubMenu = ContextSubMenu;
type PublicMenu_d_CardMenuItemSpec = CardMenuItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_CardMenuItemInstanceApi = CardMenuItemInstanceApi;
type PublicMenu_d_CardItemSpec = CardItemSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_CardContainerSpec = CardContainerSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_CardImageSpec = CardImageSpec;
type PublicMenu_d_CardTextSpec = CardTextSpec;
declare namespace PublicMenu_d {
export { PublicMenu_d_MenuItemSpec as MenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_MenuItemInstanceApi as MenuItemInstanceApi, PublicMenu_d_NestedMenuItemContents as NestedMenuItemContents, PublicMenu_d_NestedMenuItemSpec as NestedMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_NestedMenuItemInstanceApi as NestedMenuItemInstanceApi, PublicMenu_d_FancyMenuItemSpec as FancyMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_ColorSwatchMenuItemSpec as ColorSwatchMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_InsertTableMenuItemSpec as InsertTableMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_ToggleMenuItemSpec as ToggleMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi as ToggleMenuItemInstanceApi, PublicMenu_d_ChoiceMenuItemSpec as ChoiceMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_ChoiceMenuItemInstanceApi as ChoiceMenuItemInstanceApi, PublicMenu_d_SeparatorMenuItemSpec as SeparatorMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_ContextMenuApi as ContextMenuApi, PublicMenu_d_ContextMenuContents as ContextMenuContents, PublicMenu_d_ContextMenuItem as ContextMenuItem, PublicMenu_d_ContextSubMenu as ContextSubMenu, PublicMenu_d_CardMenuItemSpec as CardMenuItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_CardMenuItemInstanceApi as CardMenuItemInstanceApi, PublicMenu_d_CardItemSpec as CardItemSpec, PublicMenu_d_CardContainerSpec as CardContainerSpec, PublicMenu_d_CardImageSpec as CardImageSpec, PublicMenu_d_CardTextSpec as CardTextSpec, };
interface SidebarInstanceApi {
element: () => HTMLElement;
interface SidebarSpec {
icon?: string;
tooltip?: string;
onShow?: (api: SidebarInstanceApi) => void;
onSetup?: (api: SidebarInstanceApi) => (api: SidebarInstanceApi) => void;
onHide?: (api: SidebarInstanceApi) => void;
type PublicSidebar_d_SidebarSpec = SidebarSpec;
type PublicSidebar_d_SidebarInstanceApi = SidebarInstanceApi;
declare namespace PublicSidebar_d {
export { PublicSidebar_d_SidebarSpec as SidebarSpec, PublicSidebar_d_SidebarInstanceApi as SidebarInstanceApi, };
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarButtonSpec = ToolbarButtonSpec;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarButtonInstanceApi = ToolbarButtonInstanceApi;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarSplitButtonSpec = ToolbarSplitButtonSpec;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi = ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarMenuButtonSpec = ToolbarMenuButtonSpec;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi = ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarToggleButtonSpec = ToolbarToggleButtonSpec;
type PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi = ToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi;
type PublicToolbar_d_GroupToolbarButtonSpec = GroupToolbarButtonSpec;
type PublicToolbar_d_GroupToolbarButtonInstanceApi = GroupToolbarButtonInstanceApi;
declare namespace PublicToolbar_d {
export { PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarButtonSpec as ToolbarButtonSpec, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarButtonInstanceApi as ToolbarButtonInstanceApi, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarSplitButtonSpec as ToolbarSplitButtonSpec, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi as ToolbarSplitButtonInstanceApi, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarMenuButtonSpec as ToolbarMenuButtonSpec, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi as ToolbarMenuButtonInstanceApi, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarToggleButtonSpec as ToolbarToggleButtonSpec, PublicToolbar_d_ToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi as ToolbarToggleButtonInstanceApi, PublicToolbar_d_GroupToolbarButtonSpec as GroupToolbarButtonSpec, PublicToolbar_d_GroupToolbarButtonInstanceApi as GroupToolbarButtonInstanceApi, };
interface ViewButtonApi {
setIcon: (newIcon: string) => void;
interface ViewToggleButtonApi extends ViewButtonApi {
isActive: () => boolean;
setActive: (state: boolean) => void;
interface BaseButtonSpec {
text?: string;
icon?: string;
tooltip?: string;
buttonType?: 'primary' | 'secondary';
borderless?: boolean;
onAction: (api: Api) => void;
interface ViewNormalButtonSpec extends BaseButtonSpec {
text: string;
type: 'button';
interface ViewToggleButtonSpec extends BaseButtonSpec {
type: 'togglebutton';
active?: boolean;
onAction: (api: ViewToggleButtonApi) => void;
interface ViewButtonsGroupSpec {
type: 'group';
buttons: Array;
type ViewButtonSpec = ViewNormalButtonSpec | ViewToggleButtonSpec | ViewButtonsGroupSpec;
interface ViewInstanceApi {
getContainer: () => HTMLElement;
interface ViewSpec {
buttons?: ViewButtonSpec[];
onShow: (api: ViewInstanceApi) => void;
onHide: (api: ViewInstanceApi) => void;
type PublicView_d_ViewSpec = ViewSpec;
type PublicView_d_ViewInstanceApi = ViewInstanceApi;
declare namespace PublicView_d {
export { PublicView_d_ViewSpec as ViewSpec, PublicView_d_ViewInstanceApi as ViewInstanceApi, };
interface Registry$1 {
addButton: (name: string, spec: ToolbarButtonSpec) => void;
addGroupToolbarButton: (name: string, spec: GroupToolbarButtonSpec) => void;
addToggleButton: (name: string, spec: ToolbarToggleButtonSpec) => void;
addMenuButton: (name: string, spec: ToolbarMenuButtonSpec) => void;
addSplitButton: (name: string, spec: ToolbarSplitButtonSpec) => void;
addMenuItem: (name: string, spec: MenuItemSpec) => void;
addNestedMenuItem: (name: string, spec: NestedMenuItemSpec) => void;
addToggleMenuItem: (name: string, spec: ToggleMenuItemSpec) => void;
addContextMenu: (name: string, spec: ContextMenuApi) => void;
addContextToolbar: (name: string, spec: ContextToolbarSpec) => void;
addContextForm: (name: string, spec: ContextFormSpec) => void;
addIcon: (name: string, svgData: string) => void;
addAutocompleter: (name: string, spec: AutocompleterSpec) => void;
addSidebar: (name: string, spec: SidebarSpec) => void;
addView: (name: string, spec: ViewSpec) => void;
getAll: () => {
buttons: Record;
menuItems: Record;
popups: Record;
contextMenus: Record;
contextToolbars: Record;
icons: Record;
sidebars: Record;
views: Record;
interface AutocompleteLookupData {
readonly matchText: string;
readonly items: AutocompleterContents[];
readonly columns: ColumnTypes;
readonly onAction: (autoApi: AutocompleterInstanceApi, rng: Range, value: string, meta: Record) => void;
readonly highlightOn: string[];
interface AutocompleterEventArgs {
readonly lookupData: AutocompleteLookupData[];
interface RangeLikeObject {
startContainer: Node;
startOffset: number;
endContainer: Node;
endOffset: number;
type ApplyFormat = BlockFormat | InlineFormat | SelectorFormat;
type RemoveFormat = RemoveBlockFormat | RemoveInlineFormat | RemoveSelectorFormat;
type Format = ApplyFormat | RemoveFormat;
type Formats = Record;
type FormatAttrOrStyleValue = string | ((vars?: FormatVars) => string | null);
type FormatVars = Record;
interface BaseFormat {
ceFalseOverride?: boolean;
classes?: string | string[];
collapsed?: boolean;
exact?: boolean;
expand?: boolean;
links?: boolean;
mixed?: boolean;
block_expand?: boolean;
onmatch?: (node: Element, fmt: T, itemName: string) => boolean;
remove?: 'none' | 'empty' | 'all';
remove_similar?: boolean;
split?: boolean;
deep?: boolean;
preserve_attributes?: string[];
interface Block {
block: string;
list_block?: string;
wrapper?: boolean;
interface Inline {
inline: string;
interface Selector {
selector: string;
inherit?: boolean;
interface CommonFormat extends BaseFormat {
attributes?: Record;
styles?: Record;
toggle?: boolean;
preview?: string | false;
onformat?: (elm: Element, fmt: T, vars?: FormatVars, node?: Node | RangeLikeObject | null) => void;
clear_child_styles?: boolean;
merge_siblings?: boolean;
merge_with_parents?: boolean;
interface BlockFormat extends Block, CommonFormat {
interface InlineFormat extends Inline, CommonFormat {
interface SelectorFormat extends Selector, CommonFormat {
interface CommonRemoveFormat extends BaseFormat {
attributes?: string[] | Record;
styles?: string[] | Record;
interface RemoveBlockFormat extends Block, CommonRemoveFormat {
interface RemoveInlineFormat extends Inline, CommonRemoveFormat {
interface RemoveSelectorFormat extends Selector, CommonRemoveFormat {
interface Filter {
name: string;
callbacks: C[];
interface ParserArgs {
getInner?: boolean | number;
forced_root_block?: boolean | string;
context?: string;
isRootContent?: boolean;
format?: string;
invalid?: boolean;
no_events?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;
type ParserFilterCallback = (nodes: AstNode[], name: string, args: ParserArgs) => void;
interface ParserFilter extends Filter {
interface DomParserSettings {
allow_html_data_urls?: boolean;
allow_svg_data_urls?: boolean;
allow_conditional_comments?: boolean;
allow_html_in_named_anchor?: boolean;
allow_script_urls?: boolean;
allow_unsafe_link_target?: boolean;
blob_cache?: BlobCache;
convert_fonts_to_spans?: boolean;
convert_unsafe_embeds?: boolean;
document?: Document;
fix_list_elements?: boolean;
font_size_legacy_values?: string;
forced_root_block?: boolean | string;
forced_root_block_attrs?: Record;
inline_styles?: boolean;
pad_empty_with_br?: boolean;
preserve_cdata?: boolean;
root_name?: string;
sandbox_iframes?: boolean;
sandbox_iframes_exclusions?: string[];
sanitize?: boolean;
validate?: boolean;
interface DomParser {
schema: Schema;
addAttributeFilter: (name: string, callback: ParserFilterCallback) => void;
getAttributeFilters: () => ParserFilter[];
removeAttributeFilter: (name: string, callback?: ParserFilterCallback) => void;
addNodeFilter: (name: string, callback: ParserFilterCallback) => void;
getNodeFilters: () => ParserFilter[];
removeNodeFilter: (name: string, callback?: ParserFilterCallback) => void;
parse: (html: string, args?: ParserArgs) => AstNode;
interface StyleSheetLoaderSettings {
maxLoadTime?: number;
contentCssCors?: boolean;
referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
interface StyleSheetLoader {
load: (url: string) => Promise;
loadRawCss: (key: string, css: string) => void;
loadAll: (urls: string[]) => Promise;
unload: (url: string) => void;
unloadRawCss: (key: string) => void;
unloadAll: (urls: string[]) => void;
_setReferrerPolicy: (referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy) => void;
_setContentCssCors: (contentCssCors: boolean) => void;
type Registry = Registry$1;
interface EditorUiApi {
show: () => void;
hide: () => void;
setEnabled: (state: boolean) => void;
isEnabled: () => boolean;
interface EditorUi extends EditorUiApi {
registry: Registry;
styleSheetLoader: StyleSheetLoader;
type Ui_d_Registry = Registry;
type Ui_d_EditorUiApi = EditorUiApi;
type Ui_d_EditorUi = EditorUi;
declare namespace Ui_d {
export { Ui_d_Registry as Registry, PublicDialog_d as Dialog, PublicInlineContent_d as InlineContent, PublicMenu_d as Menu, PublicView_d as View, PublicSidebar_d as Sidebar, PublicToolbar_d as Toolbar, Ui_d_EditorUiApi as EditorUiApi, Ui_d_EditorUi as EditorUi, };
interface WindowParams {
readonly inline?: 'cursor' | 'toolbar' | 'bottom';
readonly ariaAttrs?: boolean;
readonly persistent?: boolean;
type InstanceApi = UrlDialogInstanceApi | DialogInstanceApi;
interface WindowManagerImpl {
open: (config: DialogSpec, params: WindowParams | undefined, closeWindow: (dialog: DialogInstanceApi) => void) => DialogInstanceApi;
openUrl: (config: UrlDialogSpec, closeWindow: (dialog: UrlDialogInstanceApi) => void) => UrlDialogInstanceApi;
alert: (message: string, callback: () => void) => void;
confirm: (message: string, callback: (state: boolean) => void) => void;
close: (dialog: InstanceApi) => void;
interface WindowManager {
open: (config: DialogSpec, params?: WindowParams) => DialogInstanceApi;
openUrl: (config: UrlDialogSpec) => UrlDialogInstanceApi;
alert: (message: string, callback?: () => void, scope?: any) => void;
confirm: (message: string, callback?: (state: boolean) => void, scope?: any) => void;
close: () => void;
interface ExecCommandEvent {
command: string;
ui: boolean;
value?: any;
interface BeforeGetContentEvent extends GetContentArgs {
selection?: boolean;
interface GetContentEvent extends BeforeGetContentEvent {
content: string;
interface BeforeSetContentEvent extends SetContentArgs {
content: string;
selection?: boolean;
interface SetContentEvent extends BeforeSetContentEvent {
content: string;
interface SaveContentEvent extends GetContentEvent {
save: boolean;
interface NewBlockEvent {
newBlock: Element;
interface NodeChangeEvent {
element: Element;
parents: Node[];
selectionChange?: boolean;
initial?: boolean;
interface FormatEvent {
format: string;
vars?: FormatVars;
node?: Node | RangeLikeObject | null;
interface ObjectResizeEvent {
target: HTMLElement;
width: number;
height: number;
origin: string;
interface ObjectSelectedEvent {
target: Node;
targetClone?: Node;
interface ScrollIntoViewEvent {
elm: HTMLElement;
alignToTop: boolean | undefined;
interface SetSelectionRangeEvent {
range: Range;
forward: boolean | undefined;
interface ShowCaretEvent {
target: Node;
direction: number;
before: boolean;
interface SwitchModeEvent {
mode: string;
interface ChangeEvent {
level: UndoLevel;
lastLevel: UndoLevel | undefined;
interface AddUndoEvent extends ChangeEvent {
originalEvent: Event | undefined;
interface UndoRedoEvent {
level: UndoLevel;
interface WindowEvent {
dialog: InstanceApi;
interface ProgressStateEvent {
state: boolean;
time?: number;
interface AfterProgressStateEvent {
state: boolean;
interface PlaceholderToggleEvent {
state: boolean;
interface LoadErrorEvent {
message: string;
interface PreProcessEvent extends ParserArgs {
node: Element;
interface PostProcessEvent extends ParserArgs {
content: string;
interface PastePlainTextToggleEvent {
state: boolean;
interface PastePreProcessEvent {
content: string;
readonly internal: boolean;
interface PastePostProcessEvent {
node: HTMLElement;
readonly internal: boolean;
interface EditableRootStateChangeEvent {
state: boolean;
interface NewTableRowEvent {
node: HTMLTableRowElement;
interface NewTableCellEvent {
node: HTMLTableCellElement;
interface TableEventData {
readonly structure: boolean;
readonly style: boolean;
interface TableModifiedEvent extends TableEventData {
readonly table: HTMLTableElement;
interface BeforeOpenNotificationEvent {
notification: NotificationSpec;
interface OpenNotificationEvent {
notification: NotificationApi;
interface EditorEventMap extends Omit {
'activate': {
relatedTarget: Editor | null;
'deactivate': {
relatedTarget: Editor;
'focus': {
blurredEditor: Editor | null;
'blur': {
focusedEditor: Editor | null;
'resize': UIEvent;
'scroll': UIEvent;
'input': InputEvent;
'beforeinput': InputEvent;
'detach': {};
'remove': {};
'init': {};
'ScrollIntoView': ScrollIntoViewEvent;
'AfterScrollIntoView': ScrollIntoViewEvent;
'ObjectResized': ObjectResizeEvent;
'ObjectResizeStart': ObjectResizeEvent;
'SwitchMode': SwitchModeEvent;
'ScrollWindow': Event;
'ResizeWindow': UIEvent;
'SkinLoaded': {};
'SkinLoadError': LoadErrorEvent;
'PluginLoadError': LoadErrorEvent;
'ModelLoadError': LoadErrorEvent;
'IconsLoadError': LoadErrorEvent;
'ThemeLoadError': LoadErrorEvent;
'LanguageLoadError': LoadErrorEvent;
'BeforeExecCommand': ExecCommandEvent;
'ExecCommand': ExecCommandEvent;
'NodeChange': NodeChangeEvent;
'FormatApply': FormatEvent;
'FormatRemove': FormatEvent;
'ShowCaret': ShowCaretEvent;
'SelectionChange': {};
'ObjectSelected': ObjectSelectedEvent;
'BeforeObjectSelected': ObjectSelectedEvent;
'GetSelectionRange': {
range: Range;
'SetSelectionRange': SetSelectionRangeEvent;
'AfterSetSelectionRange': SetSelectionRangeEvent;
'BeforeGetContent': BeforeGetContentEvent;
'GetContent': GetContentEvent;
'BeforeSetContent': BeforeSetContentEvent;
'SetContent': SetContentEvent;
'SaveContent': SaveContentEvent;
'RawSaveContent': SaveContentEvent;
'LoadContent': {
load: boolean;
element: HTMLElement;
'PreviewFormats': {};
'AfterPreviewFormats': {};
'ScriptsLoaded': {};
'PreInit': {};
'PostRender': {};
'NewBlock': NewBlockEvent;
'ClearUndos': {};
'TypingUndo': {};
'Redo': UndoRedoEvent;
'Undo': UndoRedoEvent;
'BeforeAddUndo': AddUndoEvent;
'AddUndo': AddUndoEvent;
'change': ChangeEvent;
'CloseWindow': WindowEvent;
'OpenWindow': WindowEvent;
'ProgressState': ProgressStateEvent;
'AfterProgressState': AfterProgressStateEvent;
'PlaceholderToggle': PlaceholderToggleEvent;
'tap': TouchEvent;
'longpress': TouchEvent;
'longpresscancel': {};
'PreProcess': PreProcessEvent;
'PostProcess': PostProcessEvent;
'AutocompleterStart': AutocompleterEventArgs;
'AutocompleterUpdate': AutocompleterEventArgs;
'AutocompleterEnd': {};
'PastePlainTextToggle': PastePlainTextToggleEvent;
'PastePreProcess': PastePreProcessEvent;
'PastePostProcess': PastePostProcessEvent;
'TableModified': TableModifiedEvent;
'NewRow': NewTableRowEvent;
'NewCell': NewTableCellEvent;
'SetAttrib': SetAttribEvent;
'hide': {};
'show': {};
'dirty': {};
'BeforeOpenNotification': BeforeOpenNotificationEvent;
'OpenNotification': OpenNotificationEvent;
interface EditorManagerEventMap {
'AddEditor': {
editor: Editor;
'RemoveEditor': {
editor: Editor;
'BeforeUnload': {
returnValue: any;
type EventTypes_d_ExecCommandEvent = ExecCommandEvent;
type EventTypes_d_BeforeGetContentEvent = BeforeGetContentEvent;
type EventTypes_d_GetContentEvent = GetContentEvent;
type EventTypes_d_BeforeSetContentEvent = BeforeSetContentEvent;
type EventTypes_d_SetContentEvent = SetContentEvent;
type EventTypes_d_SaveContentEvent = SaveContentEvent;
type EventTypes_d_NewBlockEvent = NewBlockEvent;
type EventTypes_d_NodeChangeEvent = NodeChangeEvent;
type EventTypes_d_FormatEvent = FormatEvent;
type EventTypes_d_ObjectResizeEvent = ObjectResizeEvent;
type EventTypes_d_ObjectSelectedEvent = ObjectSelectedEvent;
type EventTypes_d_ScrollIntoViewEvent = ScrollIntoViewEvent;
type EventTypes_d_SetSelectionRangeEvent = SetSelectionRangeEvent;
type EventTypes_d_ShowCaretEvent = ShowCaretEvent;
type EventTypes_d_SwitchModeEvent = SwitchModeEvent;
type EventTypes_d_ChangeEvent = ChangeEvent;
type EventTypes_d_AddUndoEvent = AddUndoEvent;
type EventTypes_d_UndoRedoEvent = UndoRedoEvent;
type EventTypes_d_WindowEvent = WindowEvent;
type EventTypes_d_ProgressStateEvent = ProgressStateEvent;
type EventTypes_d_AfterProgressStateEvent = AfterProgressStateEvent;
type EventTypes_d_PlaceholderToggleEvent = PlaceholderToggleEvent;
type EventTypes_d_LoadErrorEvent = LoadErrorEvent;
type EventTypes_d_PreProcessEvent = PreProcessEvent;
type EventTypes_d_PostProcessEvent = PostProcessEvent;
type EventTypes_d_PastePlainTextToggleEvent = PastePlainTextToggleEvent;
type EventTypes_d_PastePreProcessEvent = PastePreProcessEvent;
type EventTypes_d_PastePostProcessEvent = PastePostProcessEvent;
type EventTypes_d_EditableRootStateChangeEvent = EditableRootStateChangeEvent;
type EventTypes_d_NewTableRowEvent = NewTableRowEvent;
type EventTypes_d_NewTableCellEvent = NewTableCellEvent;
type EventTypes_d_TableEventData = TableEventData;
type EventTypes_d_TableModifiedEvent = TableModifiedEvent;
type EventTypes_d_BeforeOpenNotificationEvent = BeforeOpenNotificationEvent;
type EventTypes_d_OpenNotificationEvent = OpenNotificationEvent;
type EventTypes_d_EditorEventMap = EditorEventMap;
type EventTypes_d_EditorManagerEventMap = EditorManagerEventMap;
declare namespace EventTypes_d {
export { EventTypes_d_ExecCommandEvent as ExecCommandEvent, EventTypes_d_BeforeGetContentEvent as BeforeGetContentEvent, EventTypes_d_GetContentEvent as GetContentEvent, EventTypes_d_BeforeSetContentEvent as BeforeSetContentEvent, EventTypes_d_SetContentEvent as SetContentEvent, EventTypes_d_SaveContentEvent as SaveContentEvent, EventTypes_d_NewBlockEvent as NewBlockEvent, EventTypes_d_NodeChangeEvent as NodeChangeEvent, EventTypes_d_FormatEvent as FormatEvent, EventTypes_d_ObjectResizeEvent as ObjectResizeEvent, EventTypes_d_ObjectSelectedEvent as ObjectSelectedEvent, EventTypes_d_ScrollIntoViewEvent as ScrollIntoViewEvent, EventTypes_d_SetSelectionRangeEvent as SetSelectionRangeEvent, EventTypes_d_ShowCaretEvent as ShowCaretEvent, EventTypes_d_SwitchModeEvent as SwitchModeEvent, EventTypes_d_ChangeEvent as ChangeEvent, EventTypes_d_AddUndoEvent as AddUndoEvent, EventTypes_d_UndoRedoEvent as UndoRedoEvent, EventTypes_d_WindowEvent as WindowEvent, EventTypes_d_ProgressStateEvent as ProgressStateEvent, EventTypes_d_AfterProgressStateEvent as AfterProgressStateEvent, EventTypes_d_PlaceholderToggleEvent as PlaceholderToggleEvent, EventTypes_d_LoadErrorEvent as LoadErrorEvent, EventTypes_d_PreProcessEvent as PreProcessEvent, EventTypes_d_PostProcessEvent as PostProcessEvent, EventTypes_d_PastePlainTextToggleEvent as PastePlainTextToggleEvent, EventTypes_d_PastePreProcessEvent as PastePreProcessEvent, EventTypes_d_PastePostProcessEvent as PastePostProcessEvent, EventTypes_d_EditableRootStateChangeEvent as EditableRootStateChangeEvent, EventTypes_d_NewTableRowEvent as NewTableRowEvent, EventTypes_d_NewTableCellEvent as NewTableCellEvent, EventTypes_d_TableEventData as TableEventData, EventTypes_d_TableModifiedEvent as TableModifiedEvent, EventTypes_d_BeforeOpenNotificationEvent as BeforeOpenNotificationEvent, EventTypes_d_OpenNotificationEvent as OpenNotificationEvent, EventTypes_d_EditorEventMap as EditorEventMap, EventTypes_d_EditorManagerEventMap as EditorManagerEventMap, };
type Format_d_Formats = Formats;
type Format_d_Format = Format;
type Format_d_ApplyFormat = ApplyFormat;
type Format_d_BlockFormat = BlockFormat;
type Format_d_InlineFormat = InlineFormat;
type Format_d_SelectorFormat = SelectorFormat;
type Format_d_RemoveFormat = RemoveFormat;
type Format_d_RemoveBlockFormat = RemoveBlockFormat;
type Format_d_RemoveInlineFormat = RemoveInlineFormat;
type Format_d_RemoveSelectorFormat = RemoveSelectorFormat;
declare namespace Format_d {
export { Format_d_Formats as Formats, Format_d_Format as Format, Format_d_ApplyFormat as ApplyFormat, Format_d_BlockFormat as BlockFormat, Format_d_InlineFormat as InlineFormat, Format_d_SelectorFormat as SelectorFormat, Format_d_RemoveFormat as RemoveFormat, Format_d_RemoveBlockFormat as RemoveBlockFormat, Format_d_RemoveInlineFormat as RemoveInlineFormat, Format_d_RemoveSelectorFormat as RemoveSelectorFormat, };
type StyleFormat = BlockStyleFormat | InlineStyleFormat | SelectorStyleFormat;
type AllowedFormat = Separator | FormatReference | StyleFormat | NestedFormatting;
interface Separator {
title: string;
interface FormatReference {
title: string;
format: string;
icon?: string;
interface NestedFormatting {
title: string;
items: Array;
interface CommonStyleFormat {
name?: string;
title: string;
icon?: string;
interface BlockStyleFormat extends BlockFormat, CommonStyleFormat {
interface InlineStyleFormat extends InlineFormat, CommonStyleFormat {
interface SelectorStyleFormat extends SelectorFormat, CommonStyleFormat {
type EntityEncoding = 'named' | 'numeric' | 'raw' | 'named,numeric' | 'named+numeric' | 'numeric,named' | 'numeric+named';
interface ContentLanguage {
readonly title: string;
readonly code: string;
readonly customCode?: string;
type ThemeInitFunc = (editor: Editor, elm: HTMLElement) => {
editorContainer: HTMLElement;
iframeContainer: HTMLElement;
height?: number;
iframeHeight?: number;
api?: EditorUiApi;
type SetupCallback = (editor: Editor) => void;
type FilePickerCallback = (callback: (value: string, meta?: Record) => void, value: string, meta: Record) => void;
type FilePickerValidationStatus = 'valid' | 'unknown' | 'invalid' | 'none';
type FilePickerValidationCallback = (info: {
type: string;
url: string;
}, callback: (validation: {
status: FilePickerValidationStatus;
message: string;
}) => void) => void;
type PastePreProcessFn = (editor: Editor, args: PastePreProcessEvent) => void;
type PastePostProcessFn = (editor: Editor, args: PastePostProcessEvent) => void;
type URLConverter = (url: string, name: string, elm?: string | Element) => string;
type URLConverterCallback = (url: string, node: Node | string | undefined, on_save: boolean, name: string) => string;
interface ToolbarGroup {
name?: string;
items: string[];
type ToolbarMode = 'floating' | 'sliding' | 'scrolling' | 'wrap';
type ToolbarLocation = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'auto';
interface BaseEditorOptions {
a11y_advanced_options?: boolean;
add_form_submit_trigger?: boolean;
add_unload_trigger?: boolean;
allow_conditional_comments?: boolean;
allow_html_data_urls?: boolean;
allow_html_in_named_anchor?: boolean;
allow_script_urls?: boolean;
allow_svg_data_urls?: boolean;
allow_unsafe_link_target?: boolean;
anchor_bottom?: false | string;
anchor_top?: false | string;
auto_focus?: string | true;
automatic_uploads?: boolean;
base_url?: string;
block_formats?: string;
block_unsupported_drop?: boolean;
body_id?: string;
body_class?: string;
br_in_pre?: boolean;
br_newline_selector?: string;
browser_spellcheck?: boolean;
branding?: boolean;
cache_suffix?: string;
color_cols?: number;
color_cols_foreground?: number;
color_cols_background?: number;
color_map?: string[];
color_map_foreground?: string[];
color_map_background?: string[];
color_default_foreground?: string;
color_default_background?: string;
content_css?: boolean | string | string[];
content_css_cors?: boolean;
content_security_policy?: string;
content_style?: string;
content_langs?: ContentLanguage[];
contextmenu?: string | string[] | false;
contextmenu_never_use_native?: boolean;
convert_fonts_to_spans?: boolean;
convert_unsafe_embeds?: boolean;
convert_urls?: boolean;
custom_colors?: boolean;
custom_elements?: string | Record;
custom_ui_selector?: string;
custom_undo_redo_levels?: number;
default_font_stack?: string[];
deprecation_warnings?: boolean;
directionality?: 'ltr' | 'rtl';
doctype?: string;
document_base_url?: string;
draggable_modal?: boolean;
editable_class?: string;
editable_root?: boolean;
element_format?: 'xhtml' | 'html';
elementpath?: boolean;
encoding?: string;
end_container_on_empty_block?: boolean | string;
entities?: string;
entity_encoding?: EntityEncoding;
extended_valid_elements?: string;
event_root?: string;
file_picker_callback?: FilePickerCallback;
file_picker_types?: string;
file_picker_validator_handler?: FilePickerValidationCallback;
fix_list_elements?: boolean;
fixed_toolbar_container?: string;
fixed_toolbar_container_target?: HTMLElement;
font_css?: string | string[];
font_family_formats?: string;
font_size_classes?: string;
font_size_legacy_values?: string;
font_size_style_values?: string;
font_size_formats?: string;
font_size_input_default_unit?: string;
forced_root_block?: string;
forced_root_block_attrs?: Record;
formats?: Formats;
format_noneditable_selector?: string;
height?: number | string;
help_accessibility?: boolean;
hidden_input?: boolean;
highlight_on_focus?: boolean;
icons?: string;
icons_url?: string;
id?: string;
iframe_aria_text?: string;
iframe_attrs?: Record;
images_file_types?: string;
images_replace_blob_uris?: boolean;
images_reuse_filename?: boolean;
images_upload_base_path?: string;
images_upload_credentials?: boolean;
images_upload_handler?: UploadHandler;
images_upload_url?: string;
indent?: boolean;
indent_after?: string;
indent_before?: string;
indent_use_margin?: boolean;
indentation?: string;
init_instance_callback?: SetupCallback;
inline?: boolean;
inline_boundaries?: boolean;
inline_boundaries_selector?: string;
inline_styles?: boolean;
invalid_elements?: string;
invalid_styles?: string | Record;
keep_styles?: boolean;
language?: string;
language_load?: boolean;
language_url?: string;
line_height_formats?: string;
max_height?: number;
max_width?: number;
menu?: Record;
menubar?: boolean | string;
min_height?: number;
min_width?: number;
model?: string;
model_url?: string;
newdocument_content?: string;
newline_behavior?: 'block' | 'linebreak' | 'invert' | 'default';
no_newline_selector?: string;
noneditable_class?: string;
noneditable_regexp?: RegExp | RegExp[];
nowrap?: boolean;
object_resizing?: boolean | string;
pad_empty_with_br?: boolean;
paste_as_text?: boolean;
paste_block_drop?: boolean;
paste_data_images?: boolean;
paste_merge_formats?: boolean;
paste_postprocess?: PastePostProcessFn;
paste_preprocess?: PastePreProcessFn;
paste_remove_styles_if_webkit?: boolean;
paste_tab_spaces?: number;
paste_webkit_styles?: string;
placeholder?: string;
preserve_cdata?: boolean;
preview_styles?: false | string;
promotion?: boolean;
protect?: RegExp[];
readonly?: boolean;
referrer_policy?: ReferrerPolicy;
relative_urls?: boolean;
remove_script_host?: boolean;
remove_trailing_brs?: boolean;
removed_menuitems?: string;
resize?: boolean | 'both';
resize_img_proportional?: boolean;
root_name?: string;
sandbox_iframes?: boolean;
sandbox_iframes_exclusions?: string[];
schema?: SchemaType;
selector?: string;
setup?: SetupCallback;
sidebar_show?: string;
skin?: boolean | string;
skin_url?: string;
smart_paste?: boolean;
statusbar?: boolean;
style_formats?: AllowedFormat[];
style_formats_autohide?: boolean;
style_formats_merge?: boolean;
submit_patch?: boolean;
suffix?: string;
table_tab_navigation?: boolean;
target?: HTMLElement;
text_patterns?: RawPattern[] | false;
text_patterns_lookup?: RawDynamicPatternsLookup;
theme?: string | ThemeInitFunc | false;
theme_url?: string;
toolbar?: boolean | string | string[] | Array;
toolbar1?: string;
toolbar2?: string;
toolbar3?: string;
toolbar4?: string;
toolbar5?: string;
toolbar6?: string;
toolbar7?: string;
toolbar8?: string;
toolbar9?: string;
toolbar_groups?: Record;
toolbar_location?: ToolbarLocation;
toolbar_mode?: ToolbarMode;
toolbar_sticky?: boolean;
toolbar_sticky_offset?: number;
typeahead_urls?: boolean;
ui_mode?: 'combined' | 'split';
url_converter?: URLConverter;
url_converter_scope?: any;
urlconverter_callback?: URLConverterCallback;
valid_children?: string;
valid_classes?: string | Record;
valid_elements?: string;
valid_styles?: string | Record;
verify_html?: boolean;
visual?: boolean;
visual_anchor_class?: string;
visual_table_class?: string;
width?: number | string;
xss_sanitization?: boolean;
license_key?: string;
disable_nodechange?: boolean;
forced_plugins?: string | string[];
plugin_base_urls?: Record;
service_message?: string;
[key: string]: any;
interface RawEditorOptions extends BaseEditorOptions {
external_plugins?: Record;
mobile?: RawEditorOptions;
plugins?: string | string[];
interface NormalizedEditorOptions extends BaseEditorOptions {
external_plugins: Record;
forced_plugins: string[];
plugins: string[];
interface EditorOptions extends NormalizedEditorOptions {
a11y_advanced_options: boolean;
allow_unsafe_link_target: boolean;
anchor_bottom: string;
anchor_top: string;
automatic_uploads: boolean;
block_formats: string;
body_class: string;
body_id: string;
br_newline_selector: string;
color_map: string[];
color_cols: number;
color_cols_foreground: number;
color_cols_background: number;
color_default_background: string;
color_default_foreground: string;
content_css: string[];
contextmenu: string[];
convert_unsafe_embeds: boolean;
custom_colors: boolean;
default_font_stack: string[];
document_base_url: string;
init_content_sync: boolean;
draggable_modal: boolean;
editable_class: string;
editable_root: boolean;
font_css: string[];
font_family_formats: string;
font_size_classes: string;
font_size_formats: string;
font_size_input_default_unit: string;
font_size_legacy_values: string;
font_size_style_values: string;
forced_root_block: string;
forced_root_block_attrs: Record;
format_noneditable_selector: string;
height: number | string;
highlight_on_focus: boolean;
iframe_attrs: Record;
images_file_types: string;
images_upload_base_path: string;
images_upload_credentials: boolean;
images_upload_url: string;
indent_use_margin: boolean;
indentation: string;
inline: boolean;
inline_boundaries_selector: string;
language: string;
language_load: boolean;
language_url: string;
line_height_formats: string;
menu: Record;
menubar: boolean | string;
model: string;
newdocument_content: string;
no_newline_selector: string;
noneditable_class: string;
noneditable_regexp: RegExp[];
object_resizing: string;
pad_empty_with_br: boolean;
paste_as_text: boolean;
preview_styles: string;
promotion: boolean;
readonly: boolean;
removed_menuitems: string;
sandbox_iframes: boolean;
sandbox_iframes_exclusions: string[];
toolbar: boolean | string | string[] | Array;
toolbar_groups: Record;
toolbar_location: ToolbarLocation;
toolbar_mode: ToolbarMode;
toolbar_persist: boolean;
toolbar_sticky: boolean;
toolbar_sticky_offset: number;
text_patterns: Pattern[];
text_patterns_lookup: DynamicPatternsLookup;
visual: boolean;
visual_anchor_class: string;
visual_table_class: string;
width: number | string;
xss_sanitization: boolean;
type StyleMap = Record;
interface StylesSettings {
allow_script_urls?: boolean;
allow_svg_data_urls?: boolean;
url_converter?: URLConverter;
url_converter_scope?: any;
interface Styles {
parse: (css: string | undefined) => Record;
serialize: (styles: StyleMap, elementName?: string) => string;
type EventUtilsCallback = (event: EventUtilsEvent) => void | boolean;
type EventUtilsEvent = NormalizedEvent & {
metaKey: boolean;
interface Callback$1 {
func: EventUtilsCallback;
scope: any;
interface CallbackList extends Array> {
fakeName: string | false;
capture: boolean;
nativeHandler: EventListener;
interface EventUtilsConstructor {
readonly prototype: EventUtils;
new (): EventUtils;
Event: EventUtils;
declare class EventUtils {
static Event: EventUtils;
domLoaded: boolean;
events: Record>>;
private readonly expando;
private hasFocusIn;
private count;
bind(target: any, name: K, callback: EventUtilsCallback, scope?: any): EventUtilsCallback;
bind(target: any, names: string, callback: EventUtilsCallback, scope?: any): EventUtilsCallback;
unbind(target: any, name: K, callback?: EventUtilsCallback): this;
unbind(target: any, names: string, callback?: EventUtilsCallback): this;
unbind(target: any): this;
fire(target: any, name: string, args?: {}): this;
dispatch(target: any, name: string, args?: {}): this;
clean(target: any): this;
destroy(): void;
cancel(e: EventUtilsEvent): boolean;
private executeHandlers;
interface SetAttribEvent {
attrElm: HTMLElement;
attrName: string;
attrValue: string | boolean | number | null;
interface DOMUtilsSettings {
schema: Schema;
url_converter: URLConverter;
url_converter_scope: any;
ownEvents: boolean;
keep_values: boolean;
update_styles: boolean;
root_element: HTMLElement | null;
collect: boolean;
onSetAttrib: (event: SetAttribEvent) => void;
contentCssCors: boolean;
referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy;
type Target = Node | Window;
type RunArguments = string | T | Array | null;
type BoundEvent = [
type Callback = EventUtilsCallback>;
type RunResult = T extends Array ? R[] : false | R;
interface DOMUtils {
doc: Document;
settings: Partial;
win: Window;
files: Record;
stdMode: boolean;
boxModel: boolean;
styleSheetLoader: StyleSheetLoader;
boundEvents: BoundEvent[];
styles: Styles;
schema: Schema;
events: EventUtils;
root: Node | null;
isBlock: {
(node: Node | null): node is HTMLElement;
(node: string): boolean;
clone: (node: Node, deep: boolean) => Node;
getRoot: () => HTMLElement;
getViewPort: (argWin?: Window) => GeomRect;
getRect: (elm: string | HTMLElement) => GeomRect;
getSize: (elm: string | HTMLElement) => {
w: number;
h: number;
getParent: {
(node: string | Node | null, selector: K, root?: Node): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null;
(node: string | Node | null, selector: string | ((node: Node) => node is T), root?: Node): T | null;
(node: string | Node | null, selector?: string | ((node: Node) => boolean | void), root?: Node): Node | null;
getParents: {
(elm: string | HTMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null, selector: K, root?: Node, collect?: boolean): Array;
(node: string | Node | null, selector: string | ((node: Node) => node is T), root?: Node, collect?: boolean): T[];
(elm: string | Node | null, selector?: string | ((node: Node) => boolean | void), root?: Node, collect?: boolean): Node[];
get: {
(elm: T): T;
(elm: string): HTMLElement | null;
getNext: (node: Node | null, selector: string | ((node: Node) => boolean)) => Node | null;
getPrev: (node: Node | null, selector: string | ((node: Node) => boolean)) => Node | null;
select: {
(selector: K, scope?: string | Node): Array;
(selector: string, scope?: string | Node): T[];
is: {
(elm: Node | Node[] | null, selector: string): elm is T;
(elm: Node | Node[] | null, selector: string): boolean;
add: (parentElm: RunArguments, name: string | Element, attrs?: Record, html?: string | Node | null, create?: boolean) => HTMLElement;
create: {
(name: K, attrs?: Record, html?: string | Node | null): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K];
(name: string, attrs?: Record, html?: string | Node | null): HTMLElement;
createHTML: (name: string, attrs?: Record, html?: string) => string;
createFragment: (html?: string) => DocumentFragment;
remove: {
(node: T | T[], keepChildren?: boolean): typeof node extends Array ? T[] : T;
(node: string, keepChildren?: boolean): T | false;
getStyle: {
(elm: Element, name: string, computed: true): string;
(elm: string | Element | null, name: string, computed?: boolean): string | undefined;
setStyle: (elm: string | Element | Element[], name: string, value: string | number | null) => void;
setStyles: (elm: string | Element | Element[], stylesArg: StyleMap) => void;
removeAllAttribs: (e: RunArguments) => void;
setAttrib: (elm: RunArguments, name: string, value: string | boolean | number | null) => void;
setAttribs: (elm: RunArguments, attrs: Record) => void;
getAttrib: (elm: string | Element | null, name: string, defaultVal?: string) => string;
getAttribs: (elm: string | Element) => NamedNodeMap | Attr[];
getPos: (elm: string | Element, rootElm?: Node) => {
x: number;
y: number;
parseStyle: (cssText: string) => Record;
serializeStyle: (stylesArg: StyleMap, name?: string) => string;
addStyle: (cssText: string) => void;
loadCSS: (url: string) => void;
hasClass: (elm: string | Element, cls: string) => boolean;
addClass: (elm: RunArguments, cls: string) => void;
removeClass: (elm: RunArguments, cls: string) => void;
toggleClass: (elm: RunArguments, cls: string, state?: boolean) => void;
show: (elm: string | Node | Node[]) => void;
hide: (elm: string | Node | Node[]) => void;
isHidden: (elm: string | Node) => boolean;
uniqueId: (prefix?: string) => string;
setHTML: (elm: RunArguments, html: string) => void;
getOuterHTML: (elm: string | Node) => string;
setOuterHTML: (elm: string | Node | Node[], html: string) => void;
decode: (text: string) => string;
encode: (text: string) => string;
insertAfter: {
(node: T | T[], reference: string | Node): T;
(node: RunArguments, reference: string | Node): RunResult;
replace: {
(newElm: Node, oldElm: T | T[], keepChildren?: boolean): T;
(newElm: Node, oldElm: RunArguments, keepChildren?: boolean): false | T;
rename: {
(elm: Element, name: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K];
(elm: Element, name: string): Element;
findCommonAncestor: (a: Node, b: Node) => Node | null;
run(this: DOMUtils, elm: T | T[], func: (node: T) => R, scope?: any): typeof elm extends Array ? R[] : R;
run(this: DOMUtils, elm: RunArguments, func: (node: T) => R, scope?: any): RunResult;
isEmpty: (node: Node, elements?: Record, options?: IsEmptyOptions) => boolean;
createRng: () => Range;
nodeIndex: (node: Node, normalized?: boolean) => number;
split: {
(parentElm: Node, splitElm: Node, replacementElm: T): T | undefined;
(parentElm: Node, splitElm: T): T | undefined;
bind: {
(target: Target, name: K, func: Callback, scope?: any): Callback;
(target: Target[], name: K, func: Callback, scope?: any): Callback[];
unbind: {