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import "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/ssr-dom.js";
import UI5ElementMetadata from "./UI5ElementMetadata.js";
import type { Slot, SlotValue, State, PropertyValue, Metadata } from "./UI5ElementMetadata.js";
import EventProvider from "./EventProvider.js";
import type { TemplateFunction, TemplateFunctionResult } from "./renderer/executeTemplate.js";
import type { AccessibilityInfo, PromiseResolve, ComponentStylesData, ClassMap } from "./types.js";
type Renderer = (templateResult: TemplateFunctionResult, container: HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, options: RendererOptions) => void;
type RendererOptions = {
* An object to use as the `this` value for event listeners. It's often
* useful to set this to the host component rendering a template.
host?: object;
type ChangeInfo = {
type: "property" | "slot";
name: string;
reason?: string;
child?: SlotValue;
target?: UI5Element;
newValue?: PropertyValue;
oldValue?: PropertyValue;
type InvalidationInfo = ChangeInfo & {
target: UI5Element;
type ChildChangeListener = (param: InvalidationInfo) => void;
type SlotChangeListener = (this: HTMLSlotElement, ev: Event) => void;
* @class
* Base class for all UI5 Web Components
* @extends HTMLElement
* @public
declare abstract class UI5Element extends HTMLElement {
__id?: string;
_suppressInvalidation: boolean;
_changedState: Array;
_invalidationEventProvider: EventProvider;
_componentStateFinalizedEventProvider: EventProvider;
_inDOM: boolean;
_fullyConnected: boolean;
_childChangeListeners: Map;
_slotsAssignedNodes: WeakMap>;
_slotChangeListeners: Map;
_domRefReadyPromise: Promise & {
_deferredResolve?: PromiseResolve;
_doNotSyncAttributes: Set;
_state: State;
_internals: ElementInternals;
_getRealDomRef?: () => HTMLElement;
static template?: TemplateFunction;
static _metadata: UI5ElementMetadata;
static renderer: Renderer;
initializedProperties: Map;
_rendered: boolean;
_initShadowRoot(): void;
* Note: this "slotchange" listener is for slots, rendered in the component's shadow root
_onShadowRootSlotChange(e: Event): void;
* Returns a unique ID for this UI5 Element
* @deprecated - This property is not guaranteed in future releases
* @protected
get _id(): string;
render(): object;
* Do not call this method from derivatives of UI5Element, use "onEnterDOM" only
* @private
connectedCallback(): Promise;
* Do not call this method from derivatives of UI5Element, use "onExitDOM" only
* @private
disconnectedCallback(): void;
* Called every time before the component renders.
* @public
onBeforeRendering(): void;
* Called every time after the component renders.
* @public
onAfterRendering(): void;
* Called on connectedCallback - added to the DOM.
* @public
onEnterDOM(): void;
* Called on disconnectedCallback - removed from the DOM.
* @public
onExitDOM(): void;
* @private
_startObservingDOMChildren(): void;
* @private
_stopObservingDOMChildren(): void;
* Note: this method is also manually called by "compatibility/patchNodeValue.js"
* @private
_processChildren(): Promise;
* @private
_updateSlots(): Promise;
* Removes all children from the slot and detaches listeners, if any
* @private
_clearSlot(slotName: string, slotData: Slot): void;
* Attach a callback that will be executed whenever the component is invalidated
* @param callback
* @public
attachInvalidate(callback: (param: InvalidationInfo) => void): void;
* Detach the callback that is executed whenever the component is invalidated
* @param callback
* @public
detachInvalidate(callback: (param: InvalidationInfo) => void): void;
* Callback that is executed whenever a monitored child changes its state
* @param slotName the slot in which a child was invalidated
* @param childChangeInfo the changeInfo object for the child in the given slot
* @private
_onChildChange(slotName: string, childChangeInfo: ChangeInfo): void;
* Do not override this method in derivatives of UI5Element
* @private
attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldValue: string | null, newValue: string | null): void;
formAssociatedCallback(): void;
static get formAssociated(): boolean;
* @private
_updateAttribute(name: string, newValue: PropertyValue): void;
* Returns a singleton event listener for the "change" event of a child in a given slot
* @param slotName the name of the slot, where the child is
* @private
_getChildChangeListener(slotName: string): ChildChangeListener;
* Returns a singleton slotchange event listener that invalidates the component due to changes in the given slot
* @param slotName the name of the slot, where the slot element (whose slotchange event we're listening to) is
* @private
_getSlotChangeListener(slotName: string): SlotChangeListener;
* @private
_attachSlotChange(slot: HTMLSlotElement, slotName: string, invalidateOnChildChange: boolean): void;
* @private
_detachSlotChange(child: HTMLSlotElement, slotName: string): void;
* Whenever a slot element is slotted inside a UI5 Web Component, its slotchange event invalidates the component
* Note: this "slotchange" listener is for slots that are children of the component (in the light dom, as opposed to slots rendered by the component in the shadow root)
* @param slotName the name of the slot, where the slot element (whose slotchange event we're listening to) is
* @private
_onSlotChange(slotName: string): void;
* A callback that is executed each time an already rendered component is invalidated (scheduled for re-rendering)
* @param changeInfo An object with information about the change that caused invalidation.
* The object can have the following properties:
* - type: (property|slot) tells what caused the invalidation
* 1) property: a property value was changed either directly or as a result of changing the corresponding attribute
* 2) slot: a slotted node(nodes) changed in one of several ways (see "reason")
* - name: the name of the property or slot that caused the invalidation
* - reason: (children|textcontent|childchange|slotchange) relevant only for type="slot" only and tells exactly what changed in the slot
* 1) children: immediate children (HTML elements or text nodes) were added, removed or reordered in the slot
* 2) textcontent: text nodes in the slot changed value (or nested text nodes were added or changed value). Can only trigger for slots of "type: Node"
* 3) slotchange: a slot element, slotted inside that slot had its "slotchange" event listener called. This practically means that transitively slotted children changed.
* Can only trigger if the child of a slot is a slot element itself.
* 4) childchange: indicates that a UI5Element child in that slot was invalidated and in turn invalidated the component.
* Can only trigger for slots with "invalidateOnChildChange" metadata descriptor
* - newValue: the new value of the property (for type="property" only)
* - oldValue: the old value of the property (for type="property" only)
* - child the child that was changed (for type="slot" and reason="childchange" only)
* @public
onInvalidation(changeInfo: ChangeInfo): void;
updateAttributes(): void;
* Do not call this method directly, only intended to be called by js
* @protected
_render(): void;
* @private
_assignIndividualSlotsToChildren(): void;
* @private
_waitForDomRef(): Promise & {
_deferredResolve?: PromiseResolve | undefined;
* Returns the DOM Element inside the Shadow Root that corresponds to the opening tag in the UI5 Web Component's template
* *Note:* For logical (abstract) elements (items, options, etc...), returns the part of the parent's DOM that represents this option
* Use this method instead of "this.shadowRoot" to read the Shadow DOM, if ever necessary
* @public
getDomRef(): HTMLElement | undefined;
* Returns the DOM Element marked with "data-sap-focus-ref" inside the template.
* This is the element that will receive the focus by default.
* @public
getFocusDomRef(): HTMLElement | undefined;
* Waits for dom ref and then returns the DOM Element marked with "data-sap-focus-ref" inside the template.
* This is the element that will receive the focus by default.
* @public
getFocusDomRefAsync(): Promise;
* Set the focus to the element, returned by "getFocusDomRef()" (marked by "data-sap-focus-ref")
* @param focusOptions additional options for the focus
* @public
focus(focusOptions?: FocusOptions): Promise;
* @public
* @param name - name of the event
* @param data - additional data for the event
* @param cancelable - true, if the user can call preventDefault on the event object
* @param bubbles - true, if the event bubbles
* @returns false, if the event was cancelled (preventDefault called), true otherwise
fireEvent(name: string, data?: T, cancelable?: boolean, bubbles?: boolean): boolean;
_fireEvent(name: string, data?: T, cancelable?: boolean, bubbles?: boolean): boolean;
* Returns the actual children, associated with a slot.
* Useful when there are transitive slots in nested component scenarios and you don't want to get a list of the slots, but rather of their content.
* @public
getSlottedNodes(slotName: string): Array;
* Attach a callback that will be executed whenever the component's state is finalized
* @param callback
* @public
attachComponentStateFinalized(callback: () => void): void;
* Detach the callback that is executed whenever the component's state is finalized
* @param callback
* @public
detachComponentStateFinalized(callback: () => void): void;
* Determines whether the component should be rendered in RTL mode or not.
* Returns: "rtl", "ltr" or undefined
* @public
* @default undefined
get effectiveDir(): string | undefined;
* Used to duck-type UI5 elements without using instanceof
* @public
* @default true
get isUI5Element(): boolean;
get classes(): ClassMap;
* Returns the component accessibility info.
* @private
get accessibilityInfo(): AccessibilityInfo;
* Do not override this method in derivatives of UI5Element, use metadata properties instead
* @private
static get observedAttributes(): string[];
* @private
static _needsShadowDOM(): boolean;
* @private
static _generateAccessors(): void;
* Returns the metadata object for this UI5 Web Component Class
* @protected
static metadata: Metadata;
* Returns the CSS for this UI5 Web Component Class
* @protected
static styles: ComponentStylesData;
* Returns an array with the dependencies for this UI5 Web Component, which could be:
* - composed components (used in its shadow root or static area item)
* - slotted components that the component may need to communicate with
* @protected
static get dependencies(): Array;
static cacheUniqueDependencies(this: typeof UI5Element): void;
* Returns a list of the unique dependencies for this UI5 Web Component
* @public
static getUniqueDependencies(this: typeof UI5Element): Array;
* Returns a promise that resolves whenever all dependencies for this UI5 Web Component have resolved
static whenDependenciesDefined(): Promise>;
* Hook that will be called upon custom element definition
* @protected
static onDefine(): Promise;
* Registers a UI5 Web Component in the browser window object
* @public
static define(): Promise;
* Returns an instance of UI5ElementMetadata.js representing this UI5 Web Component's full metadata (its and its parents')
* Note: not to be confused with the "get metadata()" method, which returns an object for this class's metadata only
* @public
static getMetadata(): UI5ElementMetadata;
get validity(): ValidityState;
get validationMessage(): string;
checkValidity(): boolean;
reportValidity(): boolean;
* Always use duck-typing to cover all runtimes on the page.
declare const instanceOfUI5Element: (object: any) => object is UI5Element;
export default UI5Element;
export { instanceOfUI5Element, };
export type { ChangeInfo, Renderer, RendererOptions, };