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"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../../src/config/ThemeRoot.ts"],
"sourcesContent": ["import createLinkInHead from \"../util/createLinkInHead.js\";\nimport validateThemeRoot from \"../validateThemeRoot.js\";\nimport { getThemeRoot as getConfiguredThemeRoot } from \"../InitialConfiguration.js\";\nimport { getTheme } from \"./Theme.js\";\n\nlet currThemeRoot: string | undefined;\n\n/**\n * Returns the current theme root.\n *\n * @public\n * @since 1.14.0\n * @returns { string } the current theme root\n */\nconst getThemeRoot = (): string | undefined => {\n\tif (currThemeRoot === undefined) {\n\t\tcurrThemeRoot = getConfiguredThemeRoot();\n\t}\n\n\treturn currThemeRoot;\n};\n\n/**\n * Sets theme root for the current theme.\n * When set, the framework will validate the theme root and fetch the theme styles (CSS variables) from this location.\n *\n * **Note:** The feature is specific to custom themes, created with the `UI Theme Designer`.\n * The provided theme root is used only as a base to construct the actual location of the theme styles: `{themeRoot}/.../css_variables.css`.\n *\n * **Note:** Certain security restrictions will apply before fetching the theme assets.\n * Absolute URLs to a different origin than the current page will result in using the current page as an origin.\n * To allow specific origins, use <meta name=\"sap-allowedThemeOrigins\" content=\"\"> tag inside the <head> of the page.\n *\n * @public\n * @since 1.14.0\n * @param { string } themeRoot the new theme root\n * @returns { Promise }\n */\nconst setThemeRoot = (themeRoot: string): Promise | undefined => {\n\tif (currThemeRoot === themeRoot) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tcurrThemeRoot = themeRoot;\n\n\tif (!validateThemeRoot(themeRoot)) {\n\t\tconsole.warn(`The ${themeRoot} is not valid. Check the allowed origins as suggested in the \"setThemeRoot\" description.`); // eslint-disable-line\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\treturn attachCustomThemeStylesToHead(getTheme());\n};\n\nconst formatThemeLink = (theme: string) => {\n\treturn `${getThemeRoot()!}Base/baseLib/${theme}/css_variables.css`; // theme root is always set at this point.\n};\n\nconst attachCustomThemeStylesToHead = async (theme: string): Promise => {\n\tconst link = document.querySelector(`[sap-ui-webcomponents-theme=\"${theme}\"]`);\n\n\tif (link) {\n\t\tdocument.head.removeChild(link);\n\t}\n\n\tawait createLinkInHead(formatThemeLink(theme), { \"sap-ui-webcomponents-theme\": theme });\n};\n\nexport {\n\tgetThemeRoot,\n\tsetThemeRoot,\n\tattachCustomThemeStylesToHead,\n};\n"],
"names": ["createLinkInHead", "validateThemeRoot", "getConfiguredThemeRoot", "getTheme", "currThemeRoot", "getThemeRoot", "setThemeRoot", "themeRoot", "attachCustomThemeStylesToHead", "formatThemeLink", "theme", "link"]