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package.Map.d.ts Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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export default Map;
 * State of the current frame. Only `pixelRatio`, `time` and `viewState` should
 * be used in applications.
export type FrameState = {
     * The pixel ratio of the frame.
    pixelRatio: number;
     * The time when rendering of the frame was requested.
    time: number;
     * The state of the current view.
    viewState: import("./View.js").State;
     * Animate.
    animate: boolean;
     * CoordinateToPixelTransform.
    coordinateToPixelTransform: import("./transform.js").Transform;
     * Declutter trees by declutter group.
     * When null, no decluttering is needed because no layers have decluttering enabled.
    declutter: {
        [x: string]: import("rbush").default;
    } | null;
     * Extent (in view projection coordinates).
    extent: null | import("./extent.js").Extent;
     * Next extent during an animation series.
    nextExtent?: import("./extent.js").Extent | undefined;
     * Index.
    index: number;
     * LayerStatesArray.
    layerStatesArray: Array;
     * LayerIndex.
    layerIndex: number;
     * PixelToCoordinateTransform.
    pixelToCoordinateTransform: import("./transform.js").Transform;
     * PostRenderFunctions.
    postRenderFunctions: Array;
     * Size.
    size: import("./size.js").Size;
     * TileQueue.
    tileQueue: TileQueue;
     * UsedTiles.
    usedTiles: {
        [x: string]: {
            [x: string]: boolean;
     * ViewHints.
    viewHints: Array;
     * WantedTiles.
    wantedTiles: {
        [x: string]: {
            [x: string]: boolean;
     * The id of the map.
    mapId: string;
     * Identifiers of previously rendered elements.
    renderTargets: {
        [x: string]: boolean;
export type PostRenderFunction = (arg0: Map, arg1: FrameState | null) => any;
export type AtPixelOptions = {
     * Layer filter
     * function. The filter function will receive one argument, the
     * {@link module :ol/layer/Layer~Layer layer-candidate} and it should return a boolean value.
     * Only layers which are visible and for which this function returns `true`
     * will be tested for features. By default, all visible layers will be tested.
    layerFilter?: undefined | ((arg0: import("./layer/Layer.js").default) => boolean);
     * Hit-detection tolerance in css pixels. Pixels
     * inside the radius around the given position will be checked for features.
    hitTolerance?: number | undefined;
     * Check-Wrapped Will check for wrapped geometries inside the range of
     * +/- 1 world width. Works only if a projection is used that can be wrapped.
    checkWrapped?: boolean | undefined;
export type MapOptionsInternal = {
     * Controls.
    controls?: Collection | undefined;
     * Interactions.
    interactions?: Collection | undefined;
     * KeyboardEventTarget.
    keyboardEventTarget: HTMLElement | Document;
     * Overlays.
    overlays: Collection;
     * Values.
    values: {
        [x: string]: any;
export type MapObjectEventTypes = import("./ObjectEventType").Types | "change:layergroup" | "change:size" | "change:target" | "change:view";
 * *
export type MapEventHandler = import("./Observable").OnSignature & import("./Observable").OnSignature & import("./Observable").OnSignature, Return> & import("./Observable").OnSignature & import("./Observable").OnSignature & import("./Observable").CombinedOnSignature;
 * Object literal with config options for the map.
export type MapOptions = {
     * Controls initially added to the map. If not specified,
     * {@link module :ol/control/defaults.defaults} is used.
    controls?: Collection | import("./control/Control.js").default[] | undefined;
     * The ratio between
     * physical pixels and device-independent pixels (dips) on the device.
    pixelRatio?: number | undefined;
     * Interactions that are initially added to the map. If not specified,
     * {@link module :ol/interaction/defaults.defaults} is used.
    interactions?: Collection | import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default[] | undefined;
     * The element to
     * listen to keyboard events on. This determines when the `KeyboardPan` and
     * `KeyboardZoom` interactions trigger. For example, if this option is set to
     * `document` the keyboard interactions will always trigger. If this option is
     * not specified, the element the library listens to keyboard events on is the
     * map target (i.e. the user-provided div for the map). If this is not
     * `document`, the target element needs to be focused for key events to be
     * emitted, requiring that the target element has a `tabindex` attribute.
    keyboardEventTarget?: string | Document | HTMLElement | undefined;
     * Layers. If this is not defined, a map with no layers will be rendered. Note
     * that layers are rendered in the order supplied, so if you want, for example,
     * a vector layer to appear on top of a tile layer, it must come after the tile
     * layer.
    layers?: import("./layer/Base.js").default[] | Collection | LayerGroup | undefined;
     * Maximum number tiles to load
     * simultaneously.
    maxTilesLoading?: number | undefined;
     * The minimum distance in pixels the
     * cursor must move to be detected as a map move event instead of a click.
     * Increasing this value can make it easier to click on the map.
    moveTolerance?: number | undefined;
     * Overlays initially added to the map. By default, no overlays are added.
    overlays?: Collection | import("./Overlay.js").default[] | undefined;
     * The container for the map, either the
     * element itself or the `id` of the element. If not specified at construction
     * time, {@link module :ol/Map~Map#setTarget} must be called for the map to be
     * rendered. If passed by element, the container can be in a secondary document.
     * For accessibility (focus and keyboard events for map navigation), the `target` element must have a
     * properly configured `tabindex` attribute. If the `target` element is inside a Shadow DOM, the
     * `tabindex` atribute must be set on the custom element's host element.
     * **Note:** CSS `transform` support for the target element is limited to `scale`.
    target?: string | HTMLElement | undefined;
     * The map's view.  No layer sources will be
     * fetched unless this is specified at construction time or through
     * {@link module :ol/Map~Map#setView}.
    view?: View | Promise | undefined;
 * @classdesc
 * The map is the core component of OpenLayers. For a map to render, a view,
 * one or more layers, and a target container are needed:
 *     import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
 *     import View from 'ol/View.js';
 *     import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile.js';
 *     import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM.js';
 *     const map = new Map({
 *       view: new View({
 *         center: [0, 0],
 *         zoom: 1,
 *       }),
 *       layers: [
 *         new TileLayer({
 *           source: new OSM(),
 *         }),
 *       ],
 *       target: 'map',
 *     });
 * The above snippet creates a map using a {@link module:ol/layer/Tile~TileLayer} to
 * display {@link module:ol/source/OSM~OSM} OSM data and render it to a DOM
 * element with the id `map`.
 * The constructor places a viewport container (with CSS class name
 * `ol-viewport`) in the target element (see `getViewport()`), and then two
 * further elements within the viewport: one with CSS class name
 * `ol-overlaycontainer-stopevent` for controls and some overlays, and one with
 * CSS class name `ol-overlaycontainer` for other overlays (see the `stopEvent`
 * option of {@link module:ol/Overlay~Overlay} for the difference). The map
 * itself is placed in a further element within the viewport.
 * Layers are stored as a {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection} in
 * layerGroups. A top-level group is provided by the library. This is what is
 * accessed by `getLayerGroup` and `setLayerGroup`. Layers entered in the
 * options are added to this group, and `addLayer` and `removeLayer` change the
 * layer collection in the group. `getLayers` is a convenience function for
 * `getLayerGroup().getLayers()`. Note that {@link module:ol/layer/Group~LayerGroup}
 * is a subclass of {@link module:ol/layer/Base~BaseLayer}, so layers entered in the
 * options or added with `addLayer` can be groups, which can contain further
 * groups, and so on.
 * @fires import("./MapBrowserEvent.js").MapBrowserEvent
 * @fires import("./MapEvent.js").MapEvent
 * @fires import("./render/Event.js").default#precompose
 * @fires import("./render/Event.js").default#postcompose
 * @fires import("./render/Event.js").default#rendercomplete
 * @api
declare class Map extends BaseObject {
     * @param {MapOptions} [options] Map options.
    constructor(options?: MapOptions | undefined);
     * @type {MapEventHandler}
    on: MapEventHandler;
     * @type {MapEventHandler}
    once: MapEventHandler;
     * @type {MapEventHandler}
    un: MapEventHandler;
     * @private
     * @type {boolean}
    private renderComplete_;
     * @private
     * @type {boolean}
    private loaded_;
    /** @private */
    private boundHandleBrowserEvent_;
     * @type {number}
     * @private
    private maxTilesLoading_;
     * @private
     * @type {number}
    private pixelRatio_;
     * @private
     * @type {ReturnType}
    private postRenderTimeoutHandle_;
     * @private
     * @type {number|undefined}
    private animationDelayKey_;
     * @private
    private animationDelay_;
     * @private
     * @type {import("./transform.js").Transform}
    private coordinateToPixelTransform_;
     * @private
     * @type {import("./transform.js").Transform}
    private pixelToCoordinateTransform_;
     * @private
     * @type {number}
    private frameIndex_;
     * @private
     * @type {?FrameState}
    private frameState_;
     * The extent at the previous 'moveend' event.
     * @private
     * @type {import("./extent.js").Extent}
    private previousExtent_;
     * @private
     * @type {?import("./events.js").EventsKey}
    private viewPropertyListenerKey_;
     * @private
     * @type {?import("./events.js").EventsKey}
    private viewChangeListenerKey_;
     * @private
     * @type {?Array}
    private layerGroupPropertyListenerKeys_;
     * @private
     * @type {!HTMLElement}
    private viewport_;
     * @private
     * @type {!HTMLElement}
    private overlayContainer_;
     * @private
     * @type {!HTMLElement}
    private overlayContainerStopEvent_;
     * @private
     * @type {MapBrowserEventHandler}
    private mapBrowserEventHandler_;
     * @private
     * @type {number}
    private moveTolerance_;
     * @private
     * @type {HTMLElement|Document}
    private keyboardEventTarget_;
     * @private
     * @type {?Array}
    private targetChangeHandlerKeys_;
     * @private
     * @type {HTMLElement|null}
    private targetElement_;
     * @private
     * @type {ResizeObserver}
    private resizeObserver_;
     * @type {Collection}
     * @protected
    protected controls: Collection;
     * @type {Collection}
     * @protected
    protected interactions: Collection;
     * @type {Collection}
     * @private
    private overlays_;
     * A lookup of overlays by id.
     * @private
     * @type {Object}
    private overlayIdIndex_;
     * @type {import("./renderer/Map.js").default|null}
     * @private
    private renderer_;
     * @private
     * @type {!Array}
    private postRenderFunctions_;
     * @private
     * @type {TileQueue}
    private tileQueue_;
     * Add the given control to the map.
     * @param {import("./control/Control.js").default} control Control.
     * @api
    addControl(control: import("./control/Control.js").default): void;
     * Add the given interaction to the map. If you want to add an interaction
     * at another point of the collection use `getInteractions()` and the methods
     * available on {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection}. This can be used to
     * stop the event propagation from the handleEvent function. The interactions
     * get to handle the events in the reverse order of this collection.
     * @param {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default} interaction Interaction to add.
     * @api
    addInteraction(interaction: import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default): void;
     * Adds the given layer to the top of this map. If you want to add a layer
     * elsewhere in the stack, use `getLayers()` and the methods available on
     * {@link module:ol/Collection~Collection}.
     * @param {import("./layer/Base.js").default} layer Layer.
     * @api
    addLayer(layer: import("./layer/Base.js").default): void;
     * @param {import("./layer/Group.js").GroupEvent} event The layer add event.
     * @private
    private handleLayerAdd_;
     * Add the given overlay to the map.
     * @param {import("./Overlay.js").default} overlay Overlay.
     * @api
    addOverlay(overlay: import("./Overlay.js").default): void;
     * This deals with map's overlay collection changes.
     * @param {import("./Overlay.js").default} overlay Overlay.
     * @private
    private addOverlayInternal_;
     * Detect features that intersect a pixel on the viewport, and execute a
     * callback with each intersecting feature. Layers included in the detection can
     * be configured through the `layerFilter` option in `options`.
     * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel.
     * @param {function(import("./Feature.js").FeatureLike, import("./layer/Layer.js").default, import("./geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default): T} callback Feature callback. The callback will be
     *     called with two arguments. The first argument is one
     *     {@link module:ol/Feature~Feature feature} or
     *     {@link module:ol/render/Feature~RenderFeature render feature} at the pixel, the second is
     *     the {@link module:ol/layer/Layer~Layer layer} of the feature and will be null for
     *     unmanaged layers. To stop detection, callback functions can return a
     *     truthy value.
     * @param {AtPixelOptions} [options] Optional options.
     * @return {T|undefined} Callback result, i.e. the return value of last
     * callback execution, or the first truthy callback return value.
     * @template T
     * @api
    forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel: import("./pixel.js").Pixel, callback: (arg0: import("./Feature.js").FeatureLike, arg1: import("./layer/Layer.js").default, arg2: import("./geom/SimpleGeometry.js").default) => T, options?: AtPixelOptions | undefined): T | undefined;
     * Get all features that intersect a pixel on the viewport.
     * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel.
     * @param {AtPixelOptions} [options] Optional options.
     * @return {Array} The detected features or
     * an empty array if none were found.
     * @api
    getFeaturesAtPixel(pixel: import("./pixel.js").Pixel, options?: AtPixelOptions | undefined): Array;
     * Get all layers from all layer groups.
     * @return {Array} Layers.
     * @api
    getAllLayers(): Array;
     * Detect if features intersect a pixel on the viewport. Layers included in the
     * detection can be configured through the `layerFilter` option.
     * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel.
     * @param {AtPixelOptions} [options] Optional options.
     * @return {boolean} Is there a feature at the given pixel?
     * @api
    hasFeatureAtPixel(pixel: import("./pixel.js").Pixel, options?: AtPixelOptions | undefined): boolean;
     * Returns the coordinate in user projection for a browser event.
     * @param {MouseEvent} event Event.
     * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} Coordinate.
     * @api
    getEventCoordinate(event: MouseEvent): import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate;
     * Returns the coordinate in view projection for a browser event.
     * @param {MouseEvent} event Event.
     * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} Coordinate.
    getEventCoordinateInternal(event: MouseEvent): import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate;
     * Returns the map pixel position for a browser event relative to the viewport.
     * @param {UIEvent|{clientX: number, clientY: number}} event Event.
     * @return {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} Pixel.
     * @api
    getEventPixel(event: UIEvent | {
        clientX: number;
        clientY: number;
    }): import("./pixel.js").Pixel;
     * Get the target in which this map is rendered.
     * Note that this returns what is entered as an option or in setTarget:
     * if that was an element, it returns an element; if a string, it returns that.
     * @return {HTMLElement|string|undefined} The Element or id of the Element that the
     *     map is rendered in.
     * @observable
     * @api
    getTarget(): HTMLElement | string | undefined;
     * Get the DOM element into which this map is rendered. In contrast to
     * `getTarget` this method always return an `Element`, or `null` if the
     * map has no target.
     * @return {HTMLElement} The element that the map is rendered in.
     * @api
    getTargetElement(): HTMLElement;
     * Get the coordinate for a given pixel.  This returns a coordinate in the
     * user projection.
     * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel position in the map viewport.
     * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} The coordinate for the pixel position.
     * @api
    getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel: import("./pixel.js").Pixel): import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate;
     * Get the coordinate for a given pixel.  This returns a coordinate in the
     * map view projection.
     * @param {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} pixel Pixel position in the map viewport.
     * @return {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} The coordinate for the pixel position.
    getCoordinateFromPixelInternal(pixel: import("./pixel.js").Pixel): import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate;
     * Get the map controls. Modifying this collection changes the controls
     * associated with the map.
     * @return {Collection} Controls.
     * @api
    getControls(): Collection;
     * Get the map overlays. Modifying this collection changes the overlays
     * associated with the map.
     * @return {Collection} Overlays.
     * @api
    getOverlays(): Collection;
     * Get an overlay by its identifier (the value returned by overlay.getId()).
     * Note that the index treats string and numeric identifiers as the same. So
     * `map.getOverlayById(2)` will return an overlay with id `'2'` or `2`.
     * @param {string|number} id Overlay identifier.
     * @return {import("./Overlay.js").default|null} Overlay.
     * @api
    getOverlayById(id: string | number): import("./Overlay.js").default | null;
     * Get the map interactions. Modifying this collection changes the interactions
     * associated with the map.
     * Interactions are used for e.g. pan, zoom and rotate.
     * @return {Collection} Interactions.
     * @api
    getInteractions(): Collection;
     * Get the layergroup associated with this map.
     * @return {LayerGroup} A layer group containing the layers in this map.
     * @observable
     * @api
    getLayerGroup(): LayerGroup;
     * Clear any existing layers and add layers to the map.
     * @param {Array|Collection} layers The layers to be added to the map.
     * @api
    setLayers(layers: Array | Collection): void;
     * Get the collection of layers associated with this map.
     * @return {!Collection} Layers.
     * @api
    getLayers(): Collection;
     * @return {boolean} Layers have sources that are still loading.
    getLoadingOrNotReady(): boolean;
     * Get the pixel for a coordinate.  This takes a coordinate in the user
     * projection and returns the corresponding pixel.
     * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate A map coordinate.
     * @return {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} A pixel position in the map viewport.
     * @api
    getPixelFromCoordinate(coordinate: import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate): import("./pixel.js").Pixel;
     * Get the pixel for a coordinate.  This takes a coordinate in the map view
     * projection and returns the corresponding pixel.
     * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} coordinate A map coordinate.
     * @return {import("./pixel.js").Pixel} A pixel position in the map viewport.
    getPixelFromCoordinateInternal(coordinate: import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate): import("./pixel.js").Pixel;
     * Get the map renderer.
     * @return {import("./renderer/Map.js").default|null} Renderer
    getRenderer(): import("./renderer/Map.js").default | null;
     * Get the size of this map.
     * @return {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} The size in pixels of the map in the DOM.
     * @observable
     * @api
    getSize(): import("./size.js").Size | undefined;
     * Get the view associated with this map. A view manages properties such as
     * center and resolution.
     * @return {View} The view that controls this map.
     * @observable
     * @api
    getView(): View;
     * Get the element that serves as the map viewport.
     * @return {HTMLElement} Viewport.
     * @api
    getViewport(): HTMLElement;
     * Get the element that serves as the container for overlays.  Elements added to
     * this container will let mousedown and touchstart events through to the map,
     * so clicks and gestures on an overlay will trigger {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent}
     * events.
     * @return {!HTMLElement} The map's overlay container.
    getOverlayContainer(): HTMLElement;
     * Get the element that serves as a container for overlays that don't allow
     * event propagation. Elements added to this container won't let mousedown and
     * touchstart events through to the map, so clicks and gestures on an overlay
     * don't trigger any {@link module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent}.
     * @return {!HTMLElement} The map's overlay container that stops events.
    getOverlayContainerStopEvent(): HTMLElement;
     * @return {!Document} The document where the map is displayed.
    getOwnerDocument(): Document;
     * @param {import("./Tile.js").default} tile Tile.
     * @param {string} tileSourceKey Tile source key.
     * @param {import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate} tileCenter Tile center.
     * @param {number} tileResolution Tile resolution.
     * @return {number} Tile priority.
    getTilePriority(tile: import("./Tile.js").default, tileSourceKey: string, tileCenter: import("./coordinate.js").Coordinate, tileResolution: number): number;
     * @param {UIEvent} browserEvent Browser event.
     * @param {string} [type] Type.
    handleBrowserEvent(browserEvent: UIEvent, type?: string | undefined): void;
     * @param {MapBrowserEvent} mapBrowserEvent The event to handle.
    handleMapBrowserEvent(mapBrowserEvent: MapBrowserEvent): void;
     * @protected
    protected handlePostRender(): void;
     * @private
    private handleSizeChanged_;
     * @private
    private handleTargetChanged_;
     * @private
    private handleTileChange_;
     * @private
    private handleViewPropertyChanged_;
     * @private
    private handleViewChanged_;
     * @private
    private handleLayerGroupChanged_;
     * @return {boolean} Is rendered.
    isRendered(): boolean;
     * Requests an immediate render in a synchronous manner.
     * @api
    renderSync(): void;
     * Redraws all text after new fonts have loaded
    redrawText(): void;
     * Request a map rendering (at the next animation frame).
     * @api
    render(): void;
     * Remove the given control from the map.
     * @param {import("./control/Control.js").default} control Control.
     * @return {import("./control/Control.js").default|undefined} The removed control (or undefined
     *     if the control was not found).
     * @api
    removeControl(control: import("./control/Control.js").default): import("./control/Control.js").default | undefined;
     * Remove the given interaction from the map.
     * @param {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default} interaction Interaction to remove.
     * @return {import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default|undefined} The removed interaction (or
     *     undefined if the interaction was not found).
     * @api
    removeInteraction(interaction: import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default): import("./interaction/Interaction.js").default | undefined;
     * Removes the given layer from the map.
     * @param {import("./layer/Base.js").default} layer Layer.
     * @return {import("./layer/Base.js").default|undefined} The removed layer (or undefined if the
     *     layer was not found).
     * @api
    removeLayer(layer: import("./layer/Base.js").default): import("./layer/Base.js").default | undefined;
     * @param {import("./layer/Group.js").GroupEvent} event The layer remove event.
     * @private
    private handleLayerRemove_;
     * Remove the given overlay from the map.
     * @param {import("./Overlay.js").default} overlay Overlay.
     * @return {import("./Overlay.js").default|undefined} The removed overlay (or undefined
     *     if the overlay was not found).
     * @api
    removeOverlay(overlay: import("./Overlay.js").default): import("./Overlay.js").default | undefined;
     * @param {number} time Time.
     * @private
    private renderFrame_;
     * Sets the layergroup of this map.
     * @param {LayerGroup} layerGroup A layer group containing the layers in this map.
     * @observable
     * @api
    setLayerGroup(layerGroup: LayerGroup): void;
     * Set the size of this map.
     * @param {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} size The size in pixels of the map in the DOM.
     * @observable
     * @api
    setSize(size: import("./size.js").Size | undefined): void;
     * Set the target element to render this map into.
     * For accessibility (focus and keyboard events for map navigation), the `target` element must have a
     *  properly configured `tabindex` attribute. If the `target` element is inside a Shadow DOM, the
     *  `tabindex` atribute must be set on the custom element's host element.
     * @param {HTMLElement|string} [target] The Element or id of the Element
     *     that the map is rendered in.
     * @observable
     * @api
    setTarget(target?: string | HTMLElement | undefined): void;
     * Set the view for this map.
     * @param {View|Promise} view The view that controls this map.
     * It is also possible to pass a promise that resolves to options for constructing a view.  This
     * alternative allows view properties to be resolved by sources or other components that load
     * view-related metadata.
     * @observable
     * @api
    setView(view: View | Promise): void;
     * Force a recalculation of the map viewport size.  This should be called when
     * third-party code changes the size of the map viewport.
     * @api
    updateSize(): void;
     * Recomputes the viewport size and save it on the view object (if any)
     * @param {import("./size.js").Size|undefined} size The size.
     * @private
    private updateViewportSize_;
import TileQueue from './TileQueue.js';
import Collection from './Collection.js';
import MapBrowserEvent from './MapBrowserEvent.js';
import LayerGroup from './layer/Group.js';
import View from './View.js';
import BaseObject from './Object.js';

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