config.messages_en.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
IFS.bytes = bytes
IFS.commonData = General information
IFS.directory = Directory
IFS.directoryDelete = Delete directory
IFS.docTitle = Document title
IFS.download = Download
IFS.download.userMsg = Download files
IFS.fileDelete = Delete file
IFS.fileName = Filename
IFS.fileSize = File size
IFS.fileType = File type
IFS.id = MyCoRe ID
IFS.location = Location of the file
IFS.mainFile = Main file
IFS.preview.image.link = Preview image (link)
IFS.resolveHandle = resolve handle
IFS.size = Size
IFS.startFile = Start file
IFS.total = Total number files/directories
MCRDericateServlet.error.noDerivateId = The Derivate - id cannot resolved.
MCRDericateServlet.error.noObjectId = The MyCoRe - Object - id cannot resolved.
MCRDerivate.error.Unkown = An exception occurred in the MyCoRe-Kernel that prevented it to finish your request properly. There is more information available below. Please send this additional information to the administrator of the system.
MCRDerivateServlet.error.noFile = The file cannot resolved.
basket.add = Add to basket...
basket.button.down = Down
basket.button.minus = Remove
basket.button.up = Up
basket.clear = Clear basket
basket.numEntries.many = Your basket currently contains {0} objects:
basket.numEntries.none = Your basket currently contains no objects.
basket.numEntries.one = Your basket currently contains one object:
basket.title.objects = Basket
buttons.derivate.addDerivate = Add derivate
buttons.derivate.delete = Delete this derivate
buttons.derivate.edit = Edit this derivate
buttons.details = Details >>
buttons.helpPopup.close = Close window
buttons.helpPopup.help = Formular help
buttons.object.access = Modify the access rights
buttons.object.delete = Delete this object
buttons.object.edit = Edit the object
buttons.startSearch = start Search >>
buttons.zipGen = generate ZIP
classedit.headline.addcateg = Edit Category
common.button.cancel = Cancel
common.button.debug = Debug
common.button.save = Save
common.headMessage = Fields with * are required.
common.titles.mainTitle = MyCoRe
component.base.buttons.helpPopup.close = Close window
component.base.buttons.helpPopup.help = Formular help
component.base.editor.PMUDdown = Move down
component.base.editor.PMUDminus = Remove field
component.base.editor.PMUDplus = Add another field
component.base.editor.PMUDup = Move up
component.base.editor.derivate.headline = Fields with * are required.
component.base.editor.derivate.label.cond = Please enter the label!
component.base.editor.derivate.label.help = Required!
Enter the inventory number as label.
component.base.editor.derivate.label.label = MyCoRe Label (*)
component.base.editor.derivate.title.help = Please enter a 'speaking' title of the data object.
component.base.editor.derivate.title.label = Title
component.base.editor.helpButton = ?
component.base.error.MCRObjectServlet.accessDenied = Access denied reading MCRObject with ID: {0}\nCurrent User: {1}\nRemote IP: {2}\n
component.base.error.MCRObjectServlet.invalidID = Invalid MCRObject-ID: {0}
component.base.error.MCRObjectServlet.noVersions = No versions available for {0}
component.base.error.MCRObjectServlet.notFound = MCRObject {0} was not found.
component.base.error.MCRObjectServlet.revisionNotFound = Revision {0} of {1} was not found.
component.base.error.MCRPersistentServlet.editorAccessDenied = This login is for this work with the editor not authorized!
component.base.page.deleted.text = The dataset was removed successfully.
component.base.page.deleted.title = Remove the data
component.base.webpage.notLoggedIn = Access denied. You do not have the privilege to access this page. Please authorise yourself by logging in.
component.common-parts.isf.deleteMsg = Did you really want to delete this file?
component.swf.page.deleted.title = Remove the data
component.swf.page.editor.acl.title = Modify the access rights
component.swf.page.editor.derivate.title = Modify a derivate
component.swf.page.error.delete.text = An error has occured during the removal of the data from the server. The data weren't removed. Please contact the system's administrator.
contactData.accountData = Account data
contactData.address = Address
contactData.address.office = office
contactData.address.private = private
contactData.allowed = allowed
contactData.birthday = Birthday
contactData.cell = Cell
contactData.city = City
contactData.contact = Contact information
contactData.country = Country
contactData.creationDate = Created the
contactData.creator = Creator of the account
contactData.denied = denied
contactData.department = Department
contactData.description = Description
contactData.disabled = disabled
contactData.email = E-mail
contactData.enabled = enabled
contactData.faculty = Faculty
contactData.fax = Fax
contactData.firstName = First name
contactData.groups = Groups
contactData.institute = Institute
contactData.institution = Institution
contactData.lastModified = Last modified
contactData.lastName = Last name
contactData.numID = Numerical ID
contactData.postalCode = Postal code
contactData.primaryGroup = Primary group
contactData.salutation = Salutation
contactData.state = State
contactData.status = Status
contactData.street = Street
contactData.telefon = Phone
contactData.update = Account updates
contactData.web = URL
derivate.addDerivate = Add derivate
derivate.mets.doStructure = Structure derivate
display.derivate.false = Hide derivate
display.derivate.true = Display derivate
editor.common.acl.access = Access
editor.common.acl.and = and
editor.common.acl.date = Date
editor.common.acl.group = Group
editor.common.acl.ip = IP
editor.common.acl.or = or
editor.common.acl.uog = User / Group
editor.common.acl.user = User
editor.common.addFile = Load max 3 files in the Workflow.
editor.common.button.cancel = [Cancel]
editor.common.button.save = [Save]
editor.common.derivate.title = Edit this data object label
editor.common.headMessage = Fields with * are required.
editor.common.heritable.no = no
editor.common.heritable.yes = yes
editor.common.la.cond = Please enter the label!
editor.common.la.helpp = Required!
Enter the inventory number as label. Das Feld dient ausschliesslich administrativen Zwecken.
editor.common.la.labelp = MyCoRe Label (*)
editor.common.link.title = Titel
editor.common.link.url = URL
editor.common.list.slang.de = de
editor.common.list.slang.en = en
editor.common.select = (select)
editor.common.select.cond = Select a value!
editor.common.subselect = Select
editor.common.validationMessage = Correct the marked fields!
editor.derivate.title.help = Please enter a 'speaking' title of the data object.
editor.derivate.title.label = Title
editor.fileDelete = Delete or replace with following file
editor.fileExists = Existing file on the server
editor.helpButton = ?
editor.search.all = all
editor.search.and = and
editor.search.ascending = ascending
editor.search.choose = (please select)
editor.search.connect = Combine all fields, by using
editor.search.contains = contains
editor.search.derivate = in the files:
editor.search.descending = descending
editor.search.document.esample = Example:
editor.search.document.esamplet = title contains Regenbogen
(objectType = "document") and ((title contains "Regenbogen") or (author contains "Kupferschmidt"))
editor.search.document.esyntax = Syntax:
editor.search.document.esyntaxt = field operator value
(field1 operator1 value1) and (field2 operator2 value2) [and (...) ...]
(field1 operator1 value1) or (field2 operator2 value2) [or (...) ...]
editor.search.document.labele = Enter search term in the syntax of MCRQL:
editor.search.fulltext = Full text
editor.search.inall.label = Search text:
editor.search.label = hits,
editor.search.length = Maximum is 1000 characters
editor.search.like = like (*,?)
editor.search.max = Maximal\n
editor.search.metadata = in the metadata:
editor.search.or = or
editor.search.perpage = \nper page
editor.search.phrase = phrase
editor.search.score = Relevance
editor.search.search = Search...
editor.search.searchall = all servers
editor.search.searchboth = this and selected servers:
editor.search.searchon = Search at:
editor.search.searchthis = this server
editor.search.sortby = sort by
editor.search.syntax = Syntax error in query expression
error.MCRLockServlet.lockedBy = The Object mit der ID {0} ist vor\u00FCbergehend gesperrt, da es von {1} bearbeitet wird.
error.intro = An exception occurred in the MyCoRe-Kernel that prevented it to finish your request properly. There is more information available below. Please send this additional information to the administrator of the system.
error.noInfo = There is no further information about this exception available!
error.requestURI = request URI: {0}
error.stackTrace = Stack trace
latestObjects.more = more >>
metaData.ID = MyCoRe ID
metaData.accessDenied = You don't have the necessary access rights on this object!
metaData.addChildObject = Add child object
metaData.createdAt = Created at
metaData.createdBy = Created by
metaData.date = yyyy-MM-dd
metaData.dateTime = yyyy-MM-dd : hh:mm:ss
metaData.dateYear = yyyy
metaData.dateYearMonth = MMMM yyyy
metaData.dateYearMonthDay = EE MMM d yyyy
metaData.edit = Edit
metaData.lastChanged = Last changed
metaData.link = Link to
metaData.modifiedBy = Last modified by
metaData.noTemplate = No metadata view defined!
metaData.notes = Notes
metaData.pageTitle = Object Metadata
metaData.staticURL = Static URL
metaData.versions = Version history
metaData.versions.action.A = created
metaData.versions.action.D = deleted
metaData.versions.action.M = modified
mycore.version = MyCoRe version: {0}
object.delObject = Delete this document
object.editObject = Edit this document
object.hasChildren = This object has children
object.locked = Document is locked
results.detailedSearch = Refine search
results.file = file:
results.lastChanged = last changed: {0}
results.nObjects = {0} objects found
results.newSearch = New Search
results.noObject = No objects found
results.oneObject = One object found
results.size = Size of result lists
share = Share/Save
subscribe = Subscribe to RSS feed
titles.pageTitle.error = Error{0} during processing
titles.pageTitle.results = Search results
titles.pageTitle.robots = Index over all documents - access for robots
users.confirm.deleteUser = Do you really want to remove the user?
users.confirm.groupDelete = Are you sure you want to delete this group?
users.confirm.groupNotEmpty = This group has active members. Do you still want to delete it?
users.confirm.removeUserFromGroup = Removed user from group?
users.error.cantDeleteUser = Can't delete user
users.error.notLoggedIn = Not logged in
users.login.error.BtnGoBack = Back
users.login.error.BtnRetry = Retry
users.login.error.header = Oops!
users.login.error.loginFailedHeader = Login failed
users.login.error.loginFailedMsg = There was a problem logging you in. Don't panic. You may choose to go back to the original page or try again.
users.manage.groups = Available groups
users.manage.users = Available users
users.user = User
webpage.notLoggedIn = Access forbidden. You do not have the privilege to acces this page. Pleace authorise yourself by logging in.
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