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Top level element for a metadata submission to CrossRef. This element indicates the start and
end of the XML file. The version number is fixed to the version of the schema. Be sure to set the name space
attributes as shown above in order for the Xerces parser to process the instance correctly. For the purposes of
parsing, you may also set xsi:schemaLocation to
A copy of the schema is located on the CrossRef server at this URL and will remain constant for a given version
of the schema. This location permits you to have a constant location for the schema for parsing without relying
on a hardwired local directory on your development platform.
The container for information related to the DOI batch submission. This element uniquely
identifies the batch deposit to CrossRef and contains information that will be used as a reference in error
messages sent by the MDDB.
The container for the main body of a DOI record submission. The body contains a set of records
within a support content type. It is not possible to mix content types within a single registration file. It is
possible to include records for multiple journals, books, conferences, or stand alone components in a single
The container for all information about a single journal and the articles being registered
within the journal. journal is the core container for information about a single journal and articles submitted
for registration from thatjournal. Within a journal instance, you may register articles from a single issue,
detailed in journal_issue. If you want to register items from more than one issue, you must use multiple journal
instances, which can be done within a single batch submission. If you have articles that have not been assigned
to an issue, you may register them within a single journal instance. In this case, do not include a
journal_issue. You may chose to submit only top level journal_metadata and journal_issue metadata for any
journal or issue, allowing you to register DOIs for an entire journal, or any issue or volume within a journal.
The container for metadata that defines a journal.The full title by which a journal is commonly known or cited. full_title and abbrev_title must
both be submitted even if they are identical. Note: In version 4.1.0 and later, this element is allowed up to 10
times to allow for a) journal name changes over time, b) translated journal names (e.g. the Japanese name and
the English equivalent), and c) common author mis-spellings of a given journal name.
This element contains the common abbreviation or abbreviations used when citing this journal.
It is preferred, but not required, that periods be included after abbreviated words within the title. full_title
and abbrev_title must both be submitted, and they can be identical. If you do not know the abbreviated title for
a specific journal, please supply the full title in the abbrev_title element. Note: In version 4.1.0 and later,
this element is no longer required in journal_metadata because some journals do not have abbreviated journal
The container for metadata that defines a single issue of a journal. Special issue numbering
information for a journal should be placed in special_numbering. You may register a DOI for an entire issue by
including doi_data in journal_issue. The URI should resolve to the table of contents for the issue. contributors
is included in journal_issue to allow inclusion of editors of special issues. This element allows linking from a
reference such as: R.Glaser, L.Bond (Eds.), Testing: concepts and research, American Psychologist 36 (10-12)
(1981) (special issue). You should not include contributors for the regular editors of regular issues.
Issue level numbering for supplements or special issues. Text defining the type of
special issue (e.g. "suppl") should be included in this element along with the number.
The container for the journal volume and DOI assigned to an entire journal volume. You may
register a DOI for an entire volume by including doi_data in journal_volume.
Issue level numbering for supplements or special issues. Text defining the type of special
issue (e.g. "suppl") should be included in this element along with the number.
The container for all information about a single journal article. A journal article is required
to have title and doi_data. All other information is optional. When registering items that do not have titles,
use the appropriate heading from the journal section or table of contents (e.g. "Errata") in title.
journal_article allows for multiple titles per entity. In some cases it may be helpful to submit multiple
titles. For example, if an erratum carries title of the original article a nd the heading "Errata", both should
be submitted by using two titles elements.
The abstract element allows depositors to include abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS
XML in CrossRef deposits. The jats: namespace prefix must be included.
conference is the core container for information about a single
conference and its proceedings. If a conference proceedings spans multiple volumes,
each volume must be contained in a unique conference element.
You may choose to submit only top level contributors, event_metadata and proceedings_metadata for any
conference, or you may choose to submit these elements along with metadata for each conference_paper.
The CrossRef system currently uses the proceedings_title and conference_acronym in the query matching process.
This system can cause problems when the proceedings have a simple non-changing title (e.g Proceedings of SPIE)
and the conference event name, conference_name, is used to differentiate conference topics (e.g. Optoelectronic
Integrated Circuits II). To avoid this problem, CrossRef recommends that you make sure the conference_acronym
accurately reflects the event name (e.g OpIC II in this example).
event_metadata captures information about a conference event like sponsor, theme, and location.
The official name of the conference. conference_name does not include "Proceedings of". For
example, "The 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science" is a correct conference name.
It is quite common for a conference name to include the conference number or subject. When any of these metadata
items appear in the conference name, they should be included in this element, and also in the respective
sub-element, conference_number or proceedings_subject.
The theme is the slogan or special emphasis of a conference in a particular year.
The popularly known as or jargon name (e.g. SIGGRAPH for "Special Interest Group on Computer
Graphics"). Authors commonly cite the conference acronym rather than the full conference or proceedings name, so
it is best to include this element when it is available. The conference acronym often includes the year of the
conference (e.g. SGML '97) or, less often, the conference number. It is preferred, but not required, that
submission of metadata exclude number or year information from the conference acronym. It is better to include
such information in conference_number, or conference_date, respectively.
The sponsoring organization(s) of a conference. Multiple sponsors may be given if a conference
is hosted by more than one organization.
The number of a conference. conference_number should include only the number of the conference
without any extra text. For example, "The 24th Annual
Conference on..." should be tagged as <conference_number>24</conference_number>. Roman numerals are
The city and country of the conference. If the conference is in the United States, the
appropriate state should also be provided, and the country may be omitted. If the conference is in Canada, the
province should be provided, and the country may be omitted. The specific venue or address within a city (e.g.
conference center, hotel, etc.) should not be provided.
The start and end dates of a conference event. conference_date may be used in three ways:
1. If publishers that do not have parsed date values, provide just text with the conference dates. The date text
should be taken from the proceedings title page.
2. If publishers have parsed date values, provide them in the attributes.
3. If both parsed date values and the date text are available, both should be provided. This is the preferred
tagging for conference_date. For example:
Jan. 15-17, 1997
proceedings_metadata captures information about conference proceedings.A container for all information that applies to a specific conference proceeding that is part
of a series. A conference proceedings published as a series can sometimes look just like a journal in that there
is no volume information (no volume title, no ISBN). In these cases the conference proceeding may be deposited
as a journal (which more accurately should have been called a 'series_publication'). To allow for the use of a
consistent XML heirarchy we will allow a proceedings_series_metadata root element to also describe such a
Note: this structure is organized to allow backward compatibility with previous schema versions by maintaining
the prior sequence of elements.
proceedings_title is the undifferentiated
title of a conference proceedings. It should generally be the title as it appears on
the cover of the printed proceedings. In some cases, proceedings_title may differ
from conference_name only in that the text "Proceedings of" often appears at the
start of the proceedings_title, and it this text should never be included in
conference_name. In other cases, the proceedings_title and conference_name may be
quite different.
The subject of the printed conference proceedings, e.g. "Computer
Graphics" is the subject matter of SIGGRAPH. This element is useful because an
author may cite a conference paper by the conference subject. For example,
"Proceedings of the 1999 ACM Conference on Computer Graphics"
The container for all information about a single conference paper.The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits. The jats:
namespace prefix must be included.
The container for all information about a single book. book is the
core container for information about a specific book. Books may be in the form of
edited books (i.e. a contributed volume with one or more editors), monographs
(single-authored works), or reference works (e.g. encyclopedias). If a book contains
multiple volumes, each volume must be contained in a unique book element. You may
chose to submit only top level contributors and book_metadata for any book, or you
may chose to submit these elements along with metadata for each content_item. A
content item is typically any entity that is listed on the table of contents such as
a chapter, section, etc. It is not necessary to submit metadata for all items listed
on the table of contents. You may chose to drop items of lesser significance such as
front and back matter. Book-level metadata is captured within book_metadata,
book_series_metadata, or book_set_metadata. If a books is a single-volume work, use
book_metadata. If the book is a volume from a multi-volume work that is also a
serial publication (and therefore has an ISSN), use book_series_metadata. If the
book is a volume of non-serial publication, then it is considered a set and you
should use book_set_metadata book_type should be set to "monograph" when the same
author or authors wrote the majority of the content. It should be set to
"edited_book" when a book primarily consists of contributed chapters, each chapter
written by different authors. It should be set to "reference" for major reference
works such as encyclopedias. Use "other" when the author of the content does not fit
any of the other categories.
A container for all information that applies to a monograph. It does
not include metadata about individual chapters. The language of the book should be
specified in the book_metadata language attribute. If a book contains items in
multiple languages this attribute should be set for the predominant language of the
book. Individual items may have their language specified in content_item. If all
content items are the same language, it is only necessary to specify the language of
the book in this element. The contributors are the author(s) or editor(s) of the
entire work. When using book_metadata, specify the title of the book within
book_metadata. edition_number, when given, should include only a number and not
additional text such as "edition" or "ed". publisher_item, when given, specifies
this information for the entire book or volume. This element also appears in
content_item. doi_data is required for each book or volume that you submit. It is
not possible to submit DOI information for individual chapters without assigning a
DOI to the entire work. Note: citation_list should only be used in book_metadata
instead of content_item when the reference list is a separate section of the book,
and content_items are not included in the deposit (e.g. you are depositing a book
with a bibliography, but not the chapters of the book) In very limited circumstances
a book may be deposited without an ISBN, in which case the noisbn element must be
supplied to explicitly declare that an ISBN is not accidentily omitted. Great care
should be taken when choossing to use noisbn since it may adversely effect matching.
This provision is primarily being made to allow for the deposit of DOIs for
historical volumes that are difficult to obtain ISBNs.
The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits. The jats:
namespace prefix must be included.
A container for all information that applies to an individual volume
of a book series. It does not include metadata about individual chapters. The
language of the book should be specified in the book_series_metadata language
attribute. If a book contains items in multiple languages this attribute should be
set for the predominant language of the book. Individual items may have their
language specified in content_item. If all content items are the same language, it
is only necessary to specify the language of the book in this element. The
contributors are the author(s) or editor(s) of the entire work. If a multi- volume
work has separate editors for each volume, those editors should be specified in this
element, and the series editors are listed in the series_metadata contributors.
Series titles should be specified within series_metadata. Volume titles (when
present) are captured in book_series_metadata. If the volumes of a series only have
volume numbers and not individual titles, you may specify the volume number within
volume_metadata, and no title is required. volume and edition_number, when given,
should include only a number and not additional text such as "volume" or "edition".
For example, you should submit "3", not "third edition". If a work spans multiple
volumes with a unique ISBN for each volume and the whole series, you should specify
the series ISBN in isbn in series_metadata and the volume ISBN in isbn in
book_series_metadata. WARNING: Care must be taken when submitting books with series.
If a series title is submitted and no book title is supplied but an ISBN is supplied
at the book_series_metadata level and not with the series title, the CrossRef system
will index a series title with no ISBN and an ISBN with no title. Please take care
to associate the ISBN at the correct level of the XML hierarchy. publisher_item,
when given, specifies this information for the entire book or volume. This element
also appears in content_item. doi_data is required for each book or volume that you
submit. It is not possible to submit DOI information for individual chapters without
assigning a DOI to the entire work. Note: citation_list should only be used in
book_series_metadata instead of content_item when the reference list is a separate
section of the book, and content_items are not included in the deposit (e.g. you are
depositing a book with a bibliography, but not the chapters of the book) Normally
book content that is published as a series is required to have a series title with
an ISSN and a book title and/or a book volume number along with a book ISBN. An
exception is when book chapters are published on line first prior to being assigned
to a specific book in which case only the series title (and ISSN) is known at time
of DOI registration. Element unassigned_content is used as a placeholder to force
recognition of this condition and thus prevent accidental omission of book level
title information.
The abstract element allows depositors to
include abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in
CrossRef deposits. The jats: namespace prefix must be
A container for all information that applies to an individual volume
of a book set. It does not include metadata about individual chapters. A set is a
finite series, and does not have an ISSN The language of the book should be
specified in the book_set_metadata language attribute. If a book contains items in
multiple languages this attribute should be set for the predominant language of the
book. Individual items may have their language specified in content_item. If all
content items are the same language, it is only necessary to specify the language of
the book in this element. The contributors are the author(s) or editor(s) of the
entire work. If a multi- volume work has separate editors for each volume, those
editors should be specified in this element, and the series editors are listed in
the series_metadata contributors. When using book_set_metadata, specify the title of
the entire set and the isbn of the set. Specify the title of the volume in
volume_metadata. If the volumes of a set only have volume numbers and not individual
titles, you may specify the volume number within volume_metadata, and no title is
required. volume and edition_number, when given, should include only a number and
not additional text such as "volume" or "edition". For example, you should submit
"3", not "third edition". If a work spans multiple volumes with a unique ISBN for
each volume and the whole series, you should specify the series ISBN in isbn in
series_metadata and the volume ISBN in isbn in book_series_metadata. publisher_item,
when given, specifies this information for the entire book or volume. This element
also appears in content_item. doi_data is required for each book or volume that you
submit. It is not possible to submit DOI information for individual chapters without
assigning a DOI to the entire work. Note: citation_list should only be used in
book_series_metadata instead of content_item when the reference list is a separate
section of the book, and content_items are not included in the deposit (e.g. you are
depositing a book with a bibliography, but not the chapters of the
The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits.
The jats: namespace prefix must be included.
An entity in a book, such as a chapter, for which a DOI is being
registered. A content item is typically an entity listed on the table of contents.
There need not be a one-to-one correlation between content listings and content
items (e.g. you may choose not to register front and back matter items listed in the
table of contents). The language of a content_item only need be set if it differs
from the language of book_metadata. The component_type indicates the type of content
item you are registering. Please see the example of a book submission in this
documentation for a better understanding of how this attribute may be used in nested
tables of contents. level_sequence_number indicates the level of nesting for content
items. For example, you may use it to indicate when one content item, such as a
chapter, is actually inside another content item, such as a section. Please see the
example of a book submission in this documentation for a better understanding of how
this attribute may be used in nested tables of contents. Note: Because the CrossRef
schema uses a flat model to indicate hierarchically nested content items, there is
an implicit assumption that content items will be listed in the CrossRef submission
in the same order in which they appear in the table of contents. Please follow this
protocol when submitting DOI data for books. This order is not required for journal
and conference data. contributors for a content_item need not be listed if all items
in a book have the same contributors listed in book_metadata. In other words,
contributors must be listed for edited books, but they should not be listed for each
content_item in a monograph. The exception case is when a content item such as a
Preface or Forward for a monograph has a different author from that of the
monograph. In this case, the contributors should be given. The title of each content
item must be submitted. If, however, you are submitted data for a monograph that
simply has "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", etc., you should put this information in
component_number, not titles.
The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits. The jats:
namespace prefix must be included.
The container for metadata about a series publication. When a book,
conference proceeding, or report consists of multiple volumes, series_metadata is
used to describe information about the entire series. If a work spans multiple
volumes, you should use titles in series_metadata. If a work spans multiple volumes
with a unique title for each volume and the whole series, you should specify the
series title in titles in series_metadata and the volume title in titles in
book_series_metadata. If a unique ISBN has been assigned to the entire series (as
opposed to the individual volumes), it should given in series_metadata. You may
assign and register a DOI that encompasses an entire series by adding doi_data in
series_metadata. This element is optional for a series.
The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits. The jats:
namespace prefix must be included.
When a book consists of multiple volumes that are not part of a
serial publication (series), set_metadata is used to describe information about the
entire set.
The series number within a specific published conference discipline.
The series number is different from the volume number. A volume number is the number
of a book in a physically printed set and typically appears in sequence. The series
number is not tied to the physical manifestation of the printed volume and need not
be strictly in sequence. It is most commonly used in "Lectures" published by
Springer-Verlag. This element is available in series_metadata, however it should
only be used for conference proceedings, not for books.
The part number of a given volume. Deposited within
book_set_metadata. In some cases, a book set will have multiple parts, and then one
or more volumes within each part. The part number of a given volume should be
deposited in this element.
A container for information about the publisher of a book or
conference proceedings.
The city where the publisher of this work is located. publisher_place
gives the primary city location of the publisher. When the location is a major city
(e.g. New York, Amsterdam), no qualifying country, U.S. state, or Canadian province
need be given. If the city is not a major city, the appropriate country, U.S. state,
or Canadian province should be added.
The name of the publisher of a book or conference proceedings.
publisher_name is the imprint of the publication (what the author will likely cite),
not the organization registering the DOI, if for any reason they are different. When
registering a translation, the translation publisher, not the original publisher,
should be given.
A container for item identification numbers set by a publisher.
item_number within publisher_item may also be used to provide an article number when
a first_page is not available or applicable. In certain cases it may be deemed
in-appropriate to 'misuse' the first_page element to provide a value that has
meaning in an on-line only publication and does not convey an form of page number.
In these circumstances the attribute <item_number
item_number_type="article-number"> will instruct the CrossRef system to treat the
value of item_number in the same manner as first_page. This value then becomes a
critical part of the query process. If both <item_number
item_number_type="article-number"> and first_page are present, first_page will
take precedence.
A publisher identifier that can be used to uniquely identify the
entity being registered. This identifier is a publisher-assigned number that
uniquely identifies the entity being registered. This element should be used for
identifiers based on publisher internal standards. Use identifier for a publisher
identifier that is based on a public standard such as PII or SICI. If the
item_number and identifier are identical, there is no need to submit both. In this
case, the preferred element to use is identifier. Data may be alpha, numeric or a
combination. item_number has an optional attribute, item_number_type. It is assigned
by the publisher to provide context for the data in item_number. If item_number
contains only a publisher's tracking number, this attribute need not be supplied. If
the item_number contains other data, this attribute can be used to define the
content. For example, if a journal is published online (i.e. it has no page
numbers), and each article on the table of contents is assigned a sequential number,
this article number can be placed in item_number, and the item_number_type attribute
can be set to "article_number". Although CrossRef has not provided a set of
enumerated types for this attribute, please check with CrossRef before using this
attribute to determine if a standard attribute has already been defined for your
specific needs. If a dissertation DAI has been assigned, it should be deposited in
the identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "dai". If an institution
has its own numbering system, it should be deposited in item_number, and the
item_number_type should be set to "institution" If the report number of an item
follows Z39.23, the number should be deposited in the identifier element with the
id_type attribute set to "Z39.23". If a report number uses its own numbering system,
it should be deposited in the identifier element, and the id_type should be set to
"report-number" The designation for a standard should be placed inside the
identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "ISO-std-ref" or
"std-designation" (more generic label)
A public standard identifier that can be used to uniquely identify
the entity being registered. This identifier is a publisher-assigned number that
uniquely identifies the entity being registered. This element should be used for
identifiers based on public standards. Use item_number for a publisher identifier
that is based on a publisher's internal systems rather than on a public standard.
The supported standards are: PII - Publisher Item Identifier SICI - Serial Item and
Contribution Identifier DOI - Digital Object Identifier
dissertation is the top level element for deposit of metadata about
one or more dissertations. The dissertation element does not have publisher, or issn
elements. It is expected that the dissertation element will be used for deposit of
items that have not been published in books or journals. If a dissertation is
published as a book or within a serial, it should be deposited using the top-level
element for the appropriate publication type. If a DAI has been assigned, it should
be deposited in the identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "dai". If
an institution has its own numbering system, it should be deposited in item_number,
and the item_number_type should be set to "institution"
report-paper is the top level element for deposit of metadata about
one or more reports or working papers. component_list is included in report-paper to
handle items that have components but do not have content_item elements (i.e. a
report that is not divided into multiple chapters). If an item has content_item
elements, then component_list inside of content_item must be used rather than the
element available in report-paper
report-paper_metadata is used as a wrapper for the metadata related
to a Technical Report or Working Paper. report-paper_metadata is almost identical to
book_metadata. It differs only in that report-paper_metadata removes the volume
number and adds the elements institution and contract_number. Please see the
comments for book_metadata about the usage of most elements in report-
paper_metadata. Reports and Working Papers are often sponsored by either
universities or by a non-academic organization (corporate or government). Such
institutions are not typically considered "publishers" and so the item may be
deposited using the institution element. Multiple element instances are permitted so
the sponsoring institution and publishing institution can both be deposited as
authors may cite either. If the report number of an item follows Z39.23, the number
should be deposited in the identifier element with the id_type attribute set to
"Z39.23". If a report number uses its own numbering system, it should be deposited
in item_number.
report-paper_series_metadata is used as a wrapper for the metadata
related to a Technical Report or Working Paper that is part of a series.
report-paper_series_metadata is almost identical to book_series_metadata. It differs
only in that report-paper_metadata removes the volume number and adds the elements
institution and contract_number. Please see the comments for book_series_metadata
about the usage of most elements in report- paper_series_metadata. Reports and
Working Papers are often sponsored by either universities or by a non-academic
organization (corporate or government). Such institutions are not typically
considered "publishers" and so the item may be deposited using the institution
element. Multiple element instances are permitted so the sponsoring institution and
publishing institution can both be deposited as authors may cite either. If the
report number of an item follows Z39.23, the number should be deposited in the
identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "Z39.23". If a report number
uses its own numbering system, it should be deposited in
The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits.
The jats: namespace prefix must be included.
standard is the top level element for deposit of metadata about
standards developed by Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) or Consortia.
CrossRef does not determine if a new DOI should be created for each revision or
reaffirmation of a standard. The decision will be left to the individual standards
organizations. As of schema version 4.3.3, CrossRef recommends that the full
standard designation be placed in the as_published element (within
standard_designator). For backwards compatibility, the full designation may also be
included in the identifier element with the id_type attribute set to "ISO-std-ref".
In addition, CrossRef requires that the publisher of the standard be included in
standards_body_name, and the acronym within standards_acronym. The as_published and
standards_acronym elements will be combined to identify a standard for query
matching. component_list is included in standard to handle items that have
components but do not have content_item elements (i.e. a standard that is not
divided into multiple chapters). If an item has content_item elements, then
component_list inside of content_item must be used rather than the parent standard
Standard_metadata is used as a wrapper for the metadata related to a
Standard that is not part of a series. standard_metadata is similar to
book_metadata. It differs in that standard_metadata adds the elements institution
and approval_date. contributors contains the author(s) of the standard. In most
cases, it is expected that the organization element will be used rather than
person_name element for standards. However in some cases, standards are cited by
their individual authors. In such cases, individual authors should be deposited with
person_name, and the SDO or consortia name should be deposited with the organization
element in contributors and also the standards_body_name element in standards_body
Note that when the organization element is used in contributors, it should have the
name of the committee (when appropriate) that developed the standard, not the name
of the Standards Development Organization (SDO) or consortia. The SDO or consortia
name should be placed in the publisher or standards_body element (as appropriate)
Standards more often have version numbers than edition numbers. However the
edition_number element can be used for deposit of the version number of a standard
approval_date should be used for the date that a standard has been accepted or
re-affirmed if different from the date of publication. Both may be provided even if
identical Within publisher_item, the designation should be placed inside the
item_number element, and the id_type should be set to "designation" to indicate a
standard designation. Standards are typically sponsored or hosted by SDOs or
Consortia. In some cases standards are published by a traditional publisher rather
than by the owning organization. Such cases may be deposited with one or more
The abstract element allows depositors to include
abstracts extracted from NLM or JATS XML in CrossRef deposits. The jats:
namespace prefix must be included.
database is the top level element for deposit of metadata about one
or more datasets or records in a database. Database structures allow for the
assignment of DOIs to entire databases at the aggregate level and at two lower
levels. The top level may be a physical/functional database or a logical abstration
acting as a collection much the same as a journal is a collection of articles. The
need to assign specific fields of metadata at each level depends on the nature of
the top most level (e.g. publication date may be appropriate at the top level for a
physical object but only at lower levels for an abstract top level object) The first
sub-level is the dataset which may be a basic record of the top level object or a
collection in its own right. In either case dataset must represent a physical
construct. A third level is provided in the component_list. NOTE: component_list in
<database> (rather than in dataset may be used as a second level when no third
level is required and the second level objects derive most of their qualities from
the parent. NOTE: This model is not intended to show relationships between different
dataset entries in the form of a relational database. However in the future it is
possible that multiple resolution may be used to express such
database_metadata contains metadata about the database. contributors
contains the author(s) of the database. In most cases, it is expected that the
organization element will be used rather than person_name element for the primary
database authoring information. contributors should not be confused with publisher
and institution. In many cases, databases are more likely to have one or both of the
latter elements rather than contributors at the top level (dataset elements are more
likely to have contributors). In most cases, the institution element may be the best
choice to deposit the database host organization because it includes the
institution_acronym element along with the name. The titles element is used to
capture the name of the database. The description element can be used to capture a
fuller description of the nature of the database than might be inferred from the
title. database_date should be used to capture the date that a database was first
created. Whenever updated records are deposited with CrossRef, the update_date
should be set to the date of the most recent CrossRef deposit. publisher_item may be
used to record an identifying number for the database other than the
dataset is used to capture information about one or more database
records or collections. The dataset_type attribute should be set to either "record"
or "collection" to indicate the type of deposit. The default value of this attribute
is "record". dataset entries are not intended to contain the entire database record
or collection. They are only intended to contain the metadata for each database
record or collection. The metadata can include: contributors: the author(s) of a
database record or collection titles: the title of a database record or collection
database_date: the creation date, publication date (if different from the creation
date) and the date of last update of the record publisher_item: the record number of
the dataset item. In this context, publisher_item can be used for the record number
of each item in the database. description: a brief summary description of the
contents of the database format: the format type of the dataset item if it includes
files rather than just text. Note the format element here should not be used to
describe the format of items deposited as part of the component_list doi_data: the
doi of the item. citation_list: a list of items (e.g. journal articles) cited by the
dataset item. For example, dataset entry from a taxonomy might cite the article in
which a species was first identified. component_list: a list of components included
in the dataset item such as supporting figures
The peer_review content type is intended for assigning DOIs to the reports and other artifacts
associated with the review of published content.
Recommendation provided by reviewerRevision round number, first submission is defined as revision round 0Posted-content is for the assignment of DOIs to content that may
subsequently be formally published, such as preprints. Non-DOI identifiers associated with the content
may be recorded in the item_number element. We encourage the inclussion of an
abstract. The relation program (rel:program) should be used to link this content
item to other DOIs including the DOI of the published version of record. Posted content
should not be used to assign DOIs to accepted manuscripts. A DOI may be assigned to
an accepted manuscript using the content type appropriate for early registration.
DOIs assigned to accepted manuscripts should be reused (e.g. reassigned to the
published article). Posted-content DOIs must be continuously supported by
maintaining their metadata and the URL at which the content is available.
Prepublication content items may be organized into groupings within a
given publisher. This element provides for naming the group. It is expected that
publishers will have a small number of groups each of which reflect a topic or
subject area.
Wrapper element for information about an organization that sponsored
or hosted an item but is not the publisher of the item. The institution element
should be used to deposit metadata about an organization that sponsored or hosted
the research or development of the published material but was not actually the
publisher of the information. The institution is distinctly different from the
publisher because it may not be a publishing organization. It is typically an
organization such as a university, corporation, government agency, NGO or consortia.
If the content was published by an organization other than the sponsor, the use of
both the publisher and institution elements is encouraged because authors may cite
either one in a reference, and the availability of both may allow for more precise
matching in queries.
The full name of an institution. Examples are: World Health
Organization; University of California, Davis. Corresponding institution_acronym
content for these organizations would be WHO and UCD,
The acronym of the institution. Note that authors often cite with
acronyms and this information can be important in matching a query Examples: WHO,
UCDavis, UCD Note: as shown above, an institution may be know by multiple acronyms,
in which case all common acronyms should be deposited.
institution_place gives
the primary city location of the institution. When the location is a major city
(e.g. New York, Amsterdam), no qualifying country or U.S. state need be given. If
the city is not a major city, the appropriate country and/or state or province
should be added.
institution_department is a department within an institution. A common use is the department
under which a
dissertation was completed. Note that the institution_department is repeatable. If
multiple departments are to be deposited, each one should be given in a unique
institution_department element. Example: Department of Psychology
The degree(s) awarded for a dissertation.The contract number under which a report or paper was