org.hotwheel.json.impl.jackson.ObjectCodec Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.hotwheel.json.impl.jackson;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Abstract class that defines the interface that {@link JacksonParser} and
* {@link JsonGenerator} use to serialize and deserialize regular
* Java objects (POJOs aka Beans).
* The standard implementation of this class is
* com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
* defined in the "jackson-databind".
public abstract class ObjectCodec {
protected ObjectCodec() {
/* API for de-serialization (JSON-to-Object)
* Method to deserialize JSON content into a non-container
* type (it can be an array type, however): typically a bean, array
* or a wrapper type (like {@link Boolean}).
* Note: this method should NOT be used if the result type is a
* container ({@link java.util.Collection} or {@link java.util.Map}.
* The reason is that due to type erasure, key and value types
* can not be introspected when using this method.
public abstract T readValue(JacksonParser jp, Class valueType)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method to deserialize JSON content into a Java type, reference
* to which is passed as argument. Type is passed using so-called
* "super type token"
* and specifically needs to be used if the root type is a
* parameterized (generic) container type.
public abstract T readValue(JacksonParser jp, TypeReference> valueTypeRef)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method to deserialize JSON content into a POJO, type specified
* with fully resolved type object (so it can be a generic type,
* including containers like {@link java.util.Collection} and
* {@link java.util.Map}).
public abstract T readValue(JacksonParser jp, ResolvedType valueType)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method to deserialize JSON content as tree expressed
* using set of {@link TreeNode} instances. Returns
* root of the resulting tree (where root can consist
* of just a single node if the current event is a
* value event, not container).
public abstract T readTree(JacksonParser jp)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream,
* all with same specified value type.
public abstract Iterator readValues(JacksonParser jp, Class valueType)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream,
* all with same specified value type.
public abstract Iterator readValues(JacksonParser jp, TypeReference> valueTypeRef)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
* Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream,
* all with same specified value type.
public abstract Iterator readValues(JacksonParser jp, ResolvedType valueType)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
/* API for serialization (Object-to-JSON)
* Method to serialize given Java Object, using generator
* provided.
public abstract void writeValue(JsonGenerator jgen, Object value)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;
/* API for Tree Model handling
* Method for construct root level Object nodes
* for Tree Model instances.
public abstract TreeNode createObjectNode();
* Method for construct root level Array nodes
* for Tree Model instances.
public abstract TreeNode createArrayNode();
* Method for constructing a {@link JacksonParser} for reading
* contents of a JSON tree, as if it was external serialized
* JSON content.
public abstract JacksonParser treeAsTokens(TreeNode n);
* Convenience method for converting given JSON tree into instance of specified
* value type. This is equivalent to first constructing a {@link JacksonParser} to
* iterate over contents of the tree, and using that parser for data binding.
public abstract T treeToValue(TreeNode n, Class valueType)
throws JsonProcessingException;
/* Basic accessors
* Accessor for finding {@link JsonFactory} codec will use.
* @since 2.0
public abstract JsonFactory getJsonFactory();