org.n52.svalbard.encode.AbstractSensorMLEncoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.n52.svalbard.encode;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff;
import org.n52.janmayen.NcName;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Abstract {@link AbstractXmlEncoder} class to encode OGC SensorML
* @author Carsten Hollmann
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract class AbstractSensorMLEncoder
extends AbstractXmlEncoder
implements ProcedureEncoder {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractSensorMLEncoder.class);
private static final String OUTPUT_PREFIX = "output#";
// /**
// * Add special capabilities to abstract process:
// *
// * - featureOfInterest,
// * - sosOfferings,
// * - parentProcedures
// *
// * but only, if available.
// *
// * @param abstractProcess
// * SOS abstract process.
// */
// protected void addSpecialCapabilities(final AbstractProcess
// abstractProcess) {
// if (abstractProcess.isSetFeaturesOfInterestMap()) {
// final Set featureSet =
// convertFeaturesToSet(abstractProcess.getFeaturesOfInterestMap());
// mergeCapabilities(abstractProcess,
// SensorMLConstants.FEATURE_OF_INTEREST_FIELD_NAME, featureSet);
// } else {
// if (abstractProcess.isSetFeaturesOfInterest()) {
// final Map valueNamePairs =
// createValueNamePairs(SensorMLConstants.FEATURE_OF_INTEREST_FIELD_NAME,
// abstractProcess.getFeaturesOfInterest());
// mergeCapabilities(abstractProcess,
// }
// }
// if (abstractProcess.isSetOfferings()) {
// final Set offeringsSet =
// convertOfferingsToSet(abstractProcess.getOfferings());
// mergeCapabilities(abstractProcess,
// SensorMLConstants.OFFERING_FIELD_DEFINITION, null, offeringsSet);
// }
// if (abstractProcess.isSetParentProcedures()) {
// final Map valueNamePairs =
// createValueNamePairs(SensorMLConstants.PARENT_PROCEDURE_FIELD_NAME,
// abstractProcess.getParentProcedures());
// mergeCapabilities(abstractProcess,
// SensorMLConstants.PARENT_PROCEDURE_FIELD_DEFINITION, valueNamePairs);
// }
// }
// private void mergeCapabilities(final AbstractProcess process, final
// String capabilitiesName,
// final String definition, final Map valueNamePairs) {
// final Optional capabilities =
// process.findCapabilities(;
// if (capabilities.isPresent() &&
// capabilities.get().isSetAbstractDataRecord()) {
// final DataRecord dataRecord = capabilities.get().getDataRecord();
// // update present capabilities
// for (final SweField field : dataRecord.getFields()) {
// // update the definition if not present
// if (field.getDefinition() == null) {
// field.setDefinition(definition);
// }
// // update the name of present field
// if (field.getElement() instanceof SweText) {
// final SweText sweText = (SweText) field.getElement();
// final String value = sweText.getValue();
// if (valueNamePairs.containsKey(value)) {
// field.setName(valueNamePairs.get(value));
// // we don't need to add it any more
// valueNamePairs.remove(value);
// }
// }
// }
// // add capabilities not yet present
// final List additionalFields =
// createCapabilitiesFieldsFrom(definition, valueNamePairs);
// additionalFields.forEach(dataRecord::addField);
// } else {
// if (capabilities.isPresent()) {
// process.removeCapabilities(capabilities.get());
// }
// // create new capabilities
// process.addCapabilities(createCapabilitiesFrom(capabilitiesName,
// definition, valueNamePairs));
// }
// }
// protected void mergeCapabilities(final AbstractProcess process, final
// String capabilitiesName,
// final String definition, String fieldName, final Set
// sweTextFieldSet) {
// final Optional capabilities =
// process.findCapabilities(;
// if (capabilities.isPresent() &&
// capabilities.get().isSetAbstractDataRecord()) {
// final DataRecord dataRecord = capabilities.get().getDataRecord();
// // update present capabilities
// for (final SweField field : dataRecord.getFields()) {
// // update the definition if not present
// if (field.getDefinition() == null) {
// field.setDefinition(definition);
// }
// // update the name of present field
// if (field.getElement() instanceof SweText) {
// final SweText sweText = (SweText) field.getElement();
// // update the definition if not present
// if (!sweText.isSetDefinition()) {
// sweText.setDefinition(definition);
// }
// Set fieldsToRemove = Sets.newHashSet();
// for (SweText sweTextField : sweTextFieldSet) {
// if (sweText.getValue().equals(sweTextField.getValue())) {
// // we don't need to add it any more
// fieldsToRemove.add(sweTextField);
// }
// }
// if (CollectionHelper.isNotEmpty(fieldsToRemove)) {
// for (SweText st : fieldsToRemove) {
// sweTextFieldSet.remove(st);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // add capabilities not yet present
// createCapabilitiesFieldsFrom(definition, fieldName,
// sweTextFieldSet).forEach(dataRecord::addField);
// } else {
// if (capabilities.isPresent()) {
// process.removeCapabilities(capabilities.get());
// }
// // create new capabilities
// process.addCapabilities(createCapabilitiesFrom(capabilitiesName,
// definition, fieldName, sweTextFieldSet));
// }
// }
// /**
// * Convert SOS sosOfferings to map with key == identifier and value = name
// *
// * @param offerings
// * SOS sosOfferings
// * @return Map with identifier, name.
// */
// protected Map convertOfferingsToMap(final
// Set offerings) {
// final Map valueNamePairs =
// Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(offerings.size());
// offerings.forEach(offering ->
// valueNamePairs.put(offering.getIdentifier(),
// offering.getOfferingName()));
// return valueNamePairs;
// }
// /**
// * Convert SOS sosOfferings to map with key == identifier and value = name
// * @param map
// * .values() SOS sosOfferings
// * @return Set with identifier, name.
// */
// protected Set convertFeaturesToSet(final Map map) {
// final Set featureSet =
// Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(map.values().size());
// for (final AbstractFeature abstractFeature : map.values()) {
// SweText sweText = new SweText();
// sweText.setValue(abstractFeature.getIdentifier());
// abstractFeature.getName().forEach(sweText::addName);
// if (abstractFeature.isSetDescription()) {
// sweText.setDescription(abstractFeature.getDescription());
// }
// featureSet.add(sweText);
// }
// return featureSet;
// }
// /**
// * Convert SOS sosOfferings to map with key == identifier and value = name
// *
// * @param offerings
// * SOS sosOfferings
// * @return Set with identifier, name.
// */
// protected Set convertOfferingsToSet(final Set
// offerings) {
// final Set offeringSet =
// Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(offerings.size());
// for (final SosOffering offering : offerings) {
// SweText sweText = new SweText();
// sweText.setValue(offering.getIdentifier());
// for (CodeType name : offering.getName()) {
// sweText.addName(name);
// }
// if (offering.isSetDescription()) {
// sweText.setDescription(offering.getDescription());
// }
// offeringSet.add(sweText);
// }
// return offeringSet;
// }
// protected Map createValueNamePairs(final String
// fieldName, final Set values) {
// final Map valueNamePairs =
// Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(values.size());
// if (values.size() == 1) {
// valueNamePairs.put(values.iterator().next(), fieldName);
// } else {
// int counter = 1;
// for (final String value : values) {
// valueNamePairs.put(value, fieldName + (counter++));
// }
// }
// return valueNamePairs;
// }
// /**
// * Creates a SOS capability object form data
// *
// * @param capabilitiesName
// * Element name
// * @param fieldDefinition
// * Field definition
// * @param valueNamePairs
// * Value map
// * @return SOS capability
// */
// protected SmlCapabilities createCapabilitiesFrom(final String
// capabilitiesName, final String fieldDefinition,
// final Map valueNamePairs) {
// final SmlCapabilities capabilities = new SmlCapabilities();
// capabilities.setName(capabilitiesName);
// final SweSimpleDataRecord simpleDataRecord = new SweSimpleDataRecord();
// final List fields =
// createCapabilitiesFieldsFrom(fieldDefinition, valueNamePairs);
// capabilities.setDataRecord(simpleDataRecord.setFields(fields));
// return capabilities;
// }
// private List createCapabilitiesFieldsFrom(final String
// fieldDefinition,
// final Map valueNamePairs) {
// final List fields =
// Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(valueNamePairs.size());
// final List values = Lists.newArrayList(valueNamePairs.keySet());
// Collections.sort(values);
// for (final String value : values) {
// final SweText text = new SweText();
// text.setDefinition(fieldDefinition);
// text.setValue(value);
// final String fieldName = valueNamePairs.get(value);
// final SweField field = new SweField(fieldName, text);
// fields.add(field);
// }
// return fields;
// }
// protected SmlCapabilities createCapabilitiesFrom(final String
// capabilitiesName, final String fieldDefinition, final String fieldName,
// final Set sweTextSet) {
// final SmlCapabilities capabilities = new SmlCapabilities();
// capabilities.setName(capabilitiesName);
// final SweSimpleDataRecord simpleDataRecord = new SweSimpleDataRecord();
// simpleDataRecord.setName(capabilitiesName);
// final List fields =
// createCapabilitiesFieldsFrom(fieldDefinition, fieldName, sweTextSet);
// capabilities.setDataRecord(simpleDataRecord.setFields(fields));
// return capabilities;
// }
// private List createCapabilitiesFieldsFrom(final String
// fieldElementDefinition, final String fieldName, final Set
// sweTextSet) {
// final List fields =
// Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(sweTextSet.size());
// final List values = Lists.newArrayList(sweTextSet);
// Collections.sort(values);
// for (final SweText text : values) {
// text.setDefinition(fieldElementDefinition);
// String name = fieldName;
// if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) {
// if (text.isSetName() && text.getName().isSetValue()) {
// name = text.getName().getValue();
// } else {
// name = SensorMLConstants.DEFAULT_FIELD_NAME +
// Integer.toString(values.indexOf(text));
// }
// }
// final SweField field = new SweField(name, text);
// fields.add(field);
// }
// return fields;
// }
// /**
// * Create SOS component list from child SOS procedure descriptions
// *
// * @param childProcedures
// * Chile procedure descriptions
// * @return SOS component list
// * @throws EncodingException
// * If an error occurs
// */
// protected List createComponentsForChildProcedures(final
// Set childProcedures)
// throws EncodingException {
// final List smlComponents = Lists.newLinkedList();
// int childCount = 0;
// for (final SosProcedureDescription childProcedure : childProcedures) {
// childCount++;
// final SmlComponent component = new SmlComponent("component" +
// childCount);
// component.setTitle(childProcedure.getIdentifier());
// if
// (ProcedureRequestSettingProvider.getInstance().isEncodeFullChildrenInDescribeSensor()
// && childProcedure instanceof AbstractSensorML) {
// component.setProcess((AbstractSensorML) childProcedure);
// } else {
// try {
// //FIXME move this to operator
// if
// (BindingRepository.getInstance().isBindingSupported(BindingConstants.KVP_BINDING_ENDPOINT))
// {
// String version =
// ServiceOperatorRepository.getInstance().getSupportedVersions(SosConstants.SOS)
// .contains(Sos2Constants.SERVICEVERSION) ? Sos2Constants.SERVICEVERSION
// : Sos1Constants.SERVICEVERSION;
// String serviceURL = ServiceConfiguration.getInstance().getServiceURL();
// String pdf = childProcedure.getDescriptionFormat();
// component.setHref(SosHelper.getDescribeSensorUrl(version, serviceURL,
// childProcedure.getIdentifier(),
// BindingConstants.KVP_BINDING_ENDPOINT, pdf).toString());
// } else {
// component.setHref(childProcedure.getIdentifier());
// }
// } catch (MalformedURLException uee) {
// throw new EncodingException("Error while encoding DescribeSensor URL",
// uee);
// }
// }
// smlComponents.add(component);
// }
// return smlComponents;
// }
// /**
// * Get the output values from childs
// *
// * @param smlComponents
// * SOS component list
// * @return Child outputs
// */
// protected Collection extends SmlIo>> getOutputsFromChilds(final
// List smlComponents) {
// final Set> outputs = Sets.newHashSet();
// for (final SmlComponent sosSMLComponent : smlComponents) {
// if (sosSMLComponent.isSetProcess()) {
// if (sosSMLComponent.getProcess() instanceof SensorML) {
// final SensorML sensorML = (SensorML) sosSMLComponent.getProcess();
// if (sensorML.isSetMembers()) {
// for (final AbstractProcess abstractProcess : sensorML.getMembers()) {
// if (abstractProcess.isSetOutputs()) {
// outputs.addAll(abstractProcess.getOutputs());
// }
// }
// }
// } else if (sosSMLComponent.getProcess() instanceof AbstractProcess) {
// final AbstractProcess abstractProcess = (AbstractProcess)
// sosSMLComponent.getProcess();
// if (abstractProcess.isSetOutputs()) {
// outputs.addAll(abstractProcess.getOutputs());
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return outputs;
// }
// /**
// * Get featureOfInterests from components
// *
// * @param smlComponents
// * SOS component list
// * @return Child featureOfInterests
// */
// protected Collection getFeaturesFromChild(final
// List smlComponents) {
// final Set features = Sets.newHashSet();
// for (final SmlComponent sosSMLComponent : smlComponents) {
// if (sosSMLComponent.isSetProcess() &&
// sosSMLComponent.getProcess().isSetFeaturesOfInterest()) {
// features.addAll(sosSMLComponent.getProcess().getFeaturesOfInterest());
// }
// }
// return features;
// }
protected boolean isIdentical(final XmlObject xmlObject, final XmlOptions xmlOptions,
final XmlObject anotherXmlObject) {
try {
return new Diff(xmlObject.xmlText(xmlOptions), anotherXmlObject.xmlText(xmlOptions)).similar();
} catch (SAXException | IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Exception thrown: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
* Create a valvalue output element name
* @param counter
* Element counter
* @param outputNames
* Set with otput names
* @return Valvalue output element name
protected String getValidOutputName(final int counter, final Set outputNames) {
String outputName = OUTPUT_PREFIX + counter;
while (outputNames.contains(outputName)) {
outputName = OUTPUT_PREFIX + (counter + 1);
return NcName.makeValid(outputName);
// protected void extendOutputs(AbstractProcess abstractProcess) {
// if (abstractProcess.isSetPhenomenon()) {
// for (SmlIo output : abstractProcess.getOutputs()) {
// if
// (abstractProcess.hasPhenomenonFor(output.getIoValue().getDefinition())) {
// output.getIoValue().setName(
// abstractProcess.getPhenomenonFor(output.getIoValue().getDefinition()).getName());
// }
// }
// }
// }