schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.system.s3CA567B61847770712CB2EAAB87EE0AF.associationattributegroupattributegroup.xsb Maven / Gradle / Ivy
?z?? http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2 AssociationAttributeGroup unqualified?
XLink components are the standard method to support hypertext referencing in XML. An XML Schema attribute group, gml:AssociationAttributeGroup, is provided to support the use of Xlinks as the method for indicating the value of a property by reference in a uniform manner in GML.
?XLink components are the standard method to support hypertext referencing in XML. An XML Schema attribute group, gml:AssociationAttributeGroup, is provided to support the use of Xlinks as the method for indicating the value of a property by reference in a uniform manner in GML.