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schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.system.s394117DF48FE37B6828A26E699B7D87A.physicalsystemtyped589type.xsb Maven / Gradle / Ivy

?z???#$_BI_language?A tag that identifies the language (e.g. english, french, etc.) for the overall document using a two-letters code as defined by ISO 639-1.
_BI_anyURI?An optional property that allows one to reference the process instance in an online ontology or dictionary. The value of the property must be a resolvable URI.physicalsystemtyped589typeIdLang
configurationcapabilities
documentationfeaturesOfInterest	validTimeclassificationidentificationinputslocation
attachedTohistory	extensioncontactslocalTimeFramesecurityConstraintstypeOflegalConstraints
identifier	boundedBytimePositionpositionoutputs
parametersconnectionsmodesmetaDataPropertypriorityLocation7_XT_MetaDataPropertyType@ value of this property is a text description of the object. gml:description uses gml:StringOrRefType as its content model, so it may contain a simple text string content, or carry a reference to an external description. The use of gml:description to reference an external description has been deprecated and replaced by the gml:descriptionReference property.0_XT_ReferenceType@ value of this property is a remote text description of the object. The xlink:href attribute of the gml:descriptionReference property references the external description.8_XT_CodeWithAuthorityType@, a special identifier is assigned to an object by the maintaining authority with the intention that it is used in references to the object For such cases, the codeSpace shall be provided. That identifier is usually unique either globally or within an application domain. gml:identifier is a pre-defined property for such identifiers.+_XT_CodeType@ gml:name property provides a label or identifier for the object, commonly a descriptive name. An object may have several names, typically assigned by different authorities. gml:name uses the gml:CodeType content model.  The authority for a name is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute.  The name may or may not be unique, as determined by the rules of the organization responsible for the codeSpace.  In common usage there will be one name per authority, so a processing application may select the name from its preferred codeSpace.4_XT_BoundingShapeType@ property describes the minimum bounding box or rectangle that encloses the entire feature.7_XT_LocationPropertyType@ property that allows one to extend a document using a schema in a different namespace from the current schema.keywordlistpropertytype10cdtypesShort keywords describing the context of this document to aid in discovery."identifierlistpropertytype0c7ftype?Identifiers useful for discovery of the process (e.g. short name, mission id, wing id, serial number, etc.)"classifierlistpropertytype2df7type?Classifiers useful for discovery of the process (e.g. process type, sensor type, intended application, etc.)validtime41deelemtypexThe time instance or time range during which this instance description is valid.?Overall security tagging of process description; individual tagging of properties can be done using extension element.E_XT_MD_LegalConstraints_PropertyType@ constraints applied to this description (e.g. copyrights, legal use, etc.)characteristicsfc6delemtype?Useful properties of this process that do not further qualify the output values (e.g. component dimensions, battery life, operational limits, etc).capabilities749belemtype?Properties that further clarify or quantify the output of the process (e.g. dynamic range, sensitivity, threshold, etc.). These can assist in the discovery of processes that meet particular requirements.contactlistpropertytype3984type?Persons or responsible parties that are relevant to this process (e.g. designer, manufacturer, expert, etc.) documentlistpropertytypeda31type?Additional external online documentation of relevance to this process (e.g. user's guides, product manuals, specification sheets, images, technical papers, etc.)eventlistpropertytype28betypedA collection of time-tagged events relevant to this process.?A reference to a base process from which this process inherits properties and constraints (e.g. original equipment manufacturer's model description, generic equation, etc.). The uniqueID of the referenced process must be provided using the xlink:title attribute while the URL to the process description must be provided by the xlink:href attribute.?
                            configurationdf00elemtypeqValue settings that further constrain the properties of the base process.featuresofinterest3278elemtypeA collection of features relevant to a process (e.g. the Gulf of Mexico, the White House, the set of all Fibonacci Numbers, etc.); can also support a sampling feature. The primary purpose of the Features of Interest is to support discovery.inputs5263elemtype?The list of data components (and their properties and semantics) that the process will accept as input; In the standard linear equation y=mx+b; x is the input, m and b are the parameters, and y is the output.outputs249celemtype?The list of data components (and their properties and semantics) that the process will accept as output; In the standard linear equation y=mx+b; x is the input, m and b are the parameters, and y is the output.parameters3324elemtype?The list of data components (and their properties and semantics) that the process will accept as parameters; In the standard linear equation y=mx+b; x is the input, m and b are the parameters, and y is the output.modes30baelemtype?A collection of parameters that can be set at once through the selection of a particular predefined mode.AReferences the physical component or system (e.g. platform) to which to which this component or system is attached.B
                            localreferenceframedaa0elemtypeCA spatial reference frame of the physical component itself; this reference frame is absolute and defines the relationship of the reference frame to the physical body of the component; position of the component relates this reference frame to some external reference frame. Note that units are specified in the position so they are not specified as part of the SpatialFrame.localtimeframe1d18elemtypeqSupports local time reference frames such as "time past mission start". Note that units are handled in timePosition so they are not specified in the TemporalFrame.!positionunionpropertytyped60ctype?Provides positional information relating the component's spatial reference frame to an external spatial reference frame. Positional information can be given by location, by full body state, by a time-tagged trajectory, or by a measuring or computational process.3_XT_TimePropertyType@ Time positions typically reference a local time frame to an external time frame. For example, a timer-start-time might be given relative to an "absolute" GPS time.!componentlistpropertytyped421type
The collection of processes that make up a process aggregation."connectionlistpropertytype9e34typeJThe explicit definition of data links between outputs, inputs, and parameters of the components within an aggregate process.MetaDataPropertyDescriptionDescriptionReference
IdentifierName	BoundedByLocation	ExtensionKeywordsIdentificationClassification	ValidTimeSecurityConstraintsLegalConstraintsCharacteristicsCapabilitiesContacts
AttachedToLocalReferenceFrameLocalTimeFramePositionTimePosition
ComponentsConnections sensorML/2.0/physical_system.xsd????????	


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