org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd.View Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd;
import org.nakedobjects.metamodel.adapter.NakedObject;
import org.nakedobjects.metamodel.commons.debug.DebugString;
import org.nakedobjects.metamodel.consent.Consent;
import org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd.viewer.drawing.Bounds;
import org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd.viewer.drawing.Location;
import org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd.viewer.drawing.Padding;
import org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd.viewer.drawing.Size;
import org.nakedobjects.plugins.dnd.viewer.util.Properties;
import org.nakedobjects.runtime.context.NakedObjectsContext;
public interface View extends Cloneable {
/** Horizontal padding (||) between two components */
public static final int HPADDING = NakedObjectsContext.getConfiguration()
.getInteger(Properties.PROPERTY_BASE + "hpadding", 3);
/** Vertical padding (=) between two components */
public static final int VPADDING = NakedObjectsContext.getConfiguration()
.getInteger(Properties.PROPERTY_BASE + "vpadding", 3);
void addView(View view);
* Determines if the user is able to change the held value.
Consent canChangeValue();
* Determines whether this view accepts keyboard focus. If so focusLost and focusReceived will be called.
boolean canFocus();
boolean contains(View view);
boolean containsFocus();
* Called when the popup menu is being populated for this view. Any content options that need to appear on
* the menu should be added to the menuOptions
void contentMenuOptions(UserActionSet menuOptions);
void debug(DebugString debug);
void debugStructure(DebugString debug);
* Called when a view is no longer needed and its resources can be disposed of. Dissociates this view from
* its parent, and removes itself from the list of views that need to be updated.
* @see #removeView(View)
void dispose();
* Called as mouse is dragged within and without this view. This only occurs when no content or view is
* being dragged.
void drag(InternalDrag drag);
void dragCancel(InternalDrag drag);
View dragFrom(Location location);
* Called as the content being dragged is dragged into this view. This only occurs when view contents are
* being dragged, and not when views themselves are being dragged.
void dragIn(ContentDrag drag);
* Called as the content being dragged is dragged out of this view. This only occurs when view contents
* are being dragged, and not when views themselves are being dragged.
void dragOut(ContentDrag drag);
Drag dragStart(DragStart drag);
* Called as the drag ends within and without this view. This only occurs when no content or view is being
* dragged.
void dragTo(InternalDrag drag);
* Called by the frame, or the parent view, when this view must redraw itself.
void draw(Canvas canvas);
* Called as another view's contents (the source) is dropped on this view's contents (the target). The
* source view can be obtained from the ViewDrag object.
void drop(ContentDrag drag);
* Called as another view (the source) is dropped on this view (the target). The source view can be
* obtained from the ViewDrag object.
void drop(ViewDrag drag);
* Indicates that editing has been completed and the entry should be saved. Will be called by the view
* manager when other action place within the parent.
* @param moveFocus
* flags that focus should be moved from this field after the entry has been processed.
* @param toNextField
* flags that the focus should be moved to the next field (if true
) or to the
* previous field (if false
). This parameter is ignored if the moveFocus parameter
* is false
void editComplete(boolean moveFocus, boolean toNextField);
* Called as the mouse crosses the bounds, and ends up inside, of this view. Is also called as the mouse
* returns into this view from a contained view.
void entered();
* Called as the mouse crosses the bounds, and ends up outside, of this view.
void exited();
* Called when the user clicks the mouse buttone within this view.
* @param click
* the location within the current view where the mouse click took place
void firstClick(Click click);
void focusLost();
void focusReceived();
Location getAbsoluteLocation();
int getBaseline();
* Returns the bounding rectangle that describes where (within it parent), and how big, this view is.
* @see #getSize()
* @see #getLocation()
* @return Bounds
Bounds getBounds();
* get the object that this view represents
Content getContent();
FocusManager getFocusManager();
int getId();
* Determines the location relative to this object's containing view
* @see #getBounds()
Location getLocation();
Size getMaximumSize();
Padding getPadding();
View getParent();
Size getRequiredSize(Size maximumSize);
* Determines the size of this view.
* @see #getBounds()
Size getSize();
ViewSpecification getSpecification();
ViewState getState();
View[] getSubviews();
* returns the topmost decorator in the chain, or the view itself if not decorated.
View getView();
ViewAxis getViewAxis();
Viewer getViewManager();
Feedback getFeedbackManager();
Workspace getWorkspace();
boolean hasFocus();
View identify(Location mouseLocation);
* Flags that the views do not properly represent the content, and hence it needs rebuilding. Contrast
* this with invalidateLayout(), which deals with an a complete view, but one that is not showing
* properly.
* @see #invalidateLayout()
void invalidateContent();
* Flags that the views are possibly not displaying the content fully - too small, wrong place etc -
* although views exists for all the content. Contrast this with invalidateContent(), which deals with an
* incomplete view.
* @see #invalidateContent()
void invalidateLayout();
* Called when the user presses any key on the keyboard while this view has the focus.
* @param key
void keyPressed(KeyboardAction key);
* Called when the user releases any key on the keyboard while this view has the focus.
void keyReleased(int keyCode, int modifiers);
* Called when the user presses a non-control key (i.e. data entry keys and not shift, up-arrow etc). Such
* a key press will result in a prior call to keyPressed
and a subsequent call to
* keyReleased
void keyTyped(char keyCode);
void layout(Size maximumSize);
* Limits the bounds of this view (normally when being moved or dropped) so it never extends beyond the
* bounds of a view of the specified size.
void limitBoundsWithin(Size size);
void markDamaged();
void markDamaged(Bounds bounds);
* Called as the mouse button is pressed down within this view. Does nothing; should be overriden when
* needed. the position relative to the top-left of this view
void mouseDown(Click click);
* Called as the mouse is moved around within this view. Does nothing; should be overriden when needed.
* @param location
* the position relative to the top-left of this view
void mouseMoved(Location location);
* Called as the mouse button is released within this view (assuming that it was pressed in this view).
* Does nothing; should be overriden when needed.
void mouseUp(Click click);
* Called when an action generates a result, allowing this view to decide what to do with it.
* @param at
* the location where the action took place
void objectActionResult(NakedObject result, Location at);
* Called as the drag of this view's content starts.
View pickupContent(Location location);
* Called as the drag of this view starts.
View pickupView(Location location);
void print(Canvas canvas);
* Refreshes this view by reaccessing its content and redisplaying it.
void refresh();
* Removes the specifed view from the subviews contained by this view.
void removeView(View view);
void replaceView(View toReplace, View replacement);
* Called when the user double-clicked this view. This method will have been preceded by a call to
* click
void secondClick(Click click);
void setBounds(Bounds bounds);
void setFocusManager(FocusManager focusManager);
* Specifies the location of this view, relative to its enclosing view.
void setLocation(Location point);
void setParent(View view);
public void setMaximumSize(final Size size);
void setSize(Size size);
void setView(View view);
* Identifies the subview that contains the specified location within its bounds. Returns null if no
* subview exists for that location.
View subviewFor(Location location);
* Called when the user triple-clicks the mouse buttone within this view. This method will have been
* preceded by a call to doubleClick
void thirdClick(Click click);
* notification that the content of this view has changed
void update(NakedObject object);
void updateView();
* Determines if the user is invoking an action relating to this view, rather than to whatever this view
* represents.
* @param mouseLocation
* @return true if the user is targeting the view itself, false if the user is targeting what is being
* represented
ViewAreaType viewAreaType(Location mouseLocation);
* Called when the popup menu is being populated for this view. Any view options that need to appear on
* the menu should be added to the menuOptions
void viewMenuOptions(UserActionSet menuOptions);
void drag(ContentDrag contentDrag);
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