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package org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray;
import net.ericaro.neoitertools.Generator;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.blas.params.MMulTranspose;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.executioner.OpExecutioner;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.shape.Shape;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.*;
import org.nd4j.linalg.profiler.OpProfiler;
import org.nd4j.linalg.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.nd4j.linalg.util.LongUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import static org.nd4j.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.nd4j.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
* @author Audrey Loeffel
* TODO :
* - Implement the INDArray methods
* - Sort the databuffers
* - Check at the creation if there are any 0 values and remove them
* - add indexesOrdering in constructor
* - BaseSparseNDArray should extend from BaseNDArray : remove the duplicate methods
* */
public class BaseSparseNDArrayCOO extends BaseSparseNDArray {
protected static final SparseFormat format = SparseFormat.COO;
protected transient volatile DataBuffer values;
protected transient volatile DataBuffer indices;
protected transient volatile boolean isSorted = false;
public BaseSparseNDArrayCOO(double[] values, int[][] indices, int[] shape) {
if (indices.length == 0 && values.length == 0) {
// make the room for one value
this.indices = Nd4j.createBuffer(shape.length);
this.values = Nd4j.createBuffer(1);
this.length = 0;
} else if (indices.length != 0 && values.length != 0) {
if (indices.length == shape.length && indices[0].length == values.length) {
this.indices = Nd4j.createBuffer(ArrayUtil.flattenF(indices));
} else if (indices.length == values.length && indices[0].length == shape.length) {
this.indices = Nd4j.createBuffer(ArrayUtil.flatten(indices));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sizes of values, indices and shape are incoherent.");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values array or indices array is empty");
if (values.length == 0) {
this.values = Nd4j.createBuffer(1);
this.length = 0;
} else {
this.values = Nd4j.createBuffer(values);
this.length = values.length;
int[] flags = new int[rank()];
long[] sparseOffsets = new long[rank()];
int[] hiddenDimension = new int[] {-1};
//this.numHiddenDimension = 0;
this.sparseInformation = Nd4j.getSparseInfoProvider().createSparseInformation(flags, sparseOffsets,
hiddenDimension, rank());
public BaseSparseNDArrayCOO(DataBuffer values, DataBuffer indices, int[] shape) {
checkArgument(values.length() * shape.length == indices.length());
this.values = Nd4j.createBuffer(values, 0, values.length());
this.indices = indices;
this.length = values.length();
int[] flags = new int[rank()];
long[] sparseOffsets = new long[rank()];
int[] hiddenDimension = new int[] {-1};
this.sparseInformation = Nd4j.getSparseInfoProvider().createSparseInformation(flags, sparseOffsets,
hiddenDimension, rank());
public BaseSparseNDArrayCOO(float[] values, int[][] indices, int[] shape) {
checkArgument(values.length == indices.length);
checkArgument(values.length == 0 || indices[0].length == shape.length);
this.values = Nd4j.createBuffer(values);
this.indices = Nd4j.createBuffer(ArrayUtil.flatten(indices));
this.length = values.length;
int[] flags = new int[rank()];
long[] sparseOffsets = new long[rank()];
int[] hiddenDimension = new int[] {-1};
this.sparseInformation = Nd4j.getSparseInfoProvider().createSparseInformation(flags, sparseOffsets,
hiddenDimension, rank());
public BaseSparseNDArrayCOO(DataBuffer values, DataBuffer indices, DataBuffer sparseInformation, int[] shape) {
this.values = Nd4j.createBuffer(values, 0, values.length());
this.indices = indices;
this.sparseInformation = sparseInformation;
this.length = countNNZ();
public BaseSparseNDArrayCOO(DataBuffer values, DataBuffer indices, long[] sparseOffsets, int[] flags,
int[] hiddenDimensions, int underlyingRank, int[] shape) {
this(values, indices, Nd4j.getSparseInfoProvider().createSparseInformation(flags, sparseOffsets,
hiddenDimensions, underlyingRank), shape);
public int toFlatArray(FlatBufferBuilder builder) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Count the number of value that are included in the ndarray (view) according to the sparse offsets and the shape
* @return nnz
* */
public long countNNZ() {
long count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) {
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt();
boolean isIn = true;
int idxNotFixed = 0;
for (int dim = 0; dim < idx.length; dim++) {
if (flags()[dim] == 1) {
if (sparseOffsets()[dim] != idx[dim]) {
isIn = false;
} else {
int lowerBound = sparseOffsets()[dim];
int upperBound = sparseOffsets()[dim] + shape()[idxNotFixed];
if (!(idx[dim] >= lowerBound && idx[dim] < upperBound)) {
isIn = false;
count = isIn ? count + 1 : count;
return count;
public INDArray assign(final INDArray arr) {
// TODO - set via native op
return this;
* Sort the indexes and the values buffers
* */
public void sort() {
if (!isSorted) {
isSorted = true;
* Translate the view index to the corresponding index of the original ndarray
* @param virtualIndexes the view indexes
* @return the original indexes
* */
public int[] translateToPhysical(int[] virtualIndexes) {
int[] physicalIndexes = new int[underlyingRank()];
int idxPhy = 0;
int hidden = 0;
for (int idxVir = 0; idxVir < virtualIndexes.length; idxVir++) {
if (hidden < getNumHiddenDimension() && hiddenDimensions()[hidden] == idxVir) {
} else {
while (idxPhy < underlyingRank() && isDimensionFixed(idxPhy)) {
physicalIndexes[idxPhy] = sparseOffsets()[idxPhy];
if (idxPhy < underlyingRank() && !isDimensionFixed(idxPhy)) {
physicalIndexes[idxPhy] = sparseOffsets()[idxPhy] + virtualIndexes[idxVir];
return physicalIndexes;
* Return if the dimension in argument is a fixed dimension.
* */
public boolean isDimensionFixed(int i) {
return flags()[i] == 1;
public INDArray putScalar(int i, double value) {
if (i < 0)
i += rank();
if (isScalar()) {
if (Nd4j.getExecutioner().getProfilingMode() != OpExecutioner.ProfilingMode.DISABLED && Nd4j.getExecutioner().getProfilingMode() != OpExecutioner.ProfilingMode.SCOPE_PANIC)
addOrUpdate(new int[] {0, 0}, value);
return this;
if (isRowVector()) {
addOrUpdate(new int[] {0, i}, value);
return this;
} else if (isColumnVector()) {
addOrUpdate(new int[] {i, 0}, value);
return this;
int[] indexes = ordering() == 'c' ? Shape.ind2subC(this, i) : Shape.ind2sub(this, i);
return putScalar(indexes, value);
public INDArray putScalar(int i, float value) {
return putScalar(i, (double) value); //todo - move in baseSparse?
public INDArray putScalar(int i, int value) {
return putScalar(i, (double) value); //todo
public INDArray putScalar(int[] indexes, double value) {
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
if (indexes[i] < 0)
indexes[i] += rank();
if (indexes.length == 1) {
return putScalar(indexes[0], value);
if (indexes.length != rank) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot use putScalar with indexes length " + indexes.length + " on rank " + rank);
addOrUpdate(indexes, value);
return this;
public INDArray putScalar(int row, int col, double value) {
return putScalar(new int[] {row, col}, value);
public INDArray putScalar(int dim0, int dim1, int dim2, double value) {
return putScalar(new int[] {dim0, dim1, dim2}, value);
public INDArray putScalar(int dim0, int dim1, int dim2, int dim3, double value) {
return putScalar(new int[] {dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3}, value);
public INDArray putRow(int row, INDArray toPut) {
if (isRowVector() && toPut.isVector()) {
return assign(toPut);
return put(new INDArrayIndex[] {NDArrayIndex.point(row), NDArrayIndex.all()}, toPut);
public INDArray putColumn(int column, INDArray toPut) {
if (isColumnVector() && toPut.isVector()) {
return assign(toPut);
return put(new INDArrayIndex[] {NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.point(column)}, toPut);
public INDArray put(INDArrayIndex[] indices, INDArray element) {
if (indices[0] instanceof SpecifiedIndex && element.isVector()) {
int cnt = 0;
while (indices[0].hasNext()) {
long idx = indices[0].next();
putScalar((int) idx, element.getDouble(cnt));
return this;
} else {
return get(indices).assign(element);
public INDArray put(INDArrayIndex[] indices, Number element) {
INDArray get = get(indices);
for (int i = 0; i < get.length(); i++)
get.putScalar(i, element.doubleValue());
return this;
public INDArray put(int[] indexes, INDArray element) {
if (!element.isScalar())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to insert anything but a scalar");
if (indexes.length != rank)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot use putScalar with indexes length " + indexes.length + " on rank " + rank);
addOrUpdate(indexes, element.getDouble(0));
return this;
public INDArray put(int i, int j, INDArray element) { // TODO in base ?
return put(new int[] {i, j}, element);
public INDArray put(int i, int j, Number element) { // TODO in base
return putScalar(new int[] {i, j}, element.doubleValue());
public INDArray put(int i, INDArray element) { // TODO remove and use basendarray method
if (!element.isScalar())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element must be a scalar");
return putScalar(i, element.getDouble(0));
* Add a new element in the ndarray or update the value if there is already a non-null element at this position
* @param indexes the indexes of the element to be added
* @param value the value of the element to be added
* */
public void addOrUpdate(int[] indexes, double value) {
int[] physicalIndexes = isView() ? translateToPhysical(indexes) : indexes;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt();
if (Arrays.equals(idx, physicalIndexes)) {
// There is already a non-null value at this index
// -> update the current value, the sort is maintained
if (value == 0) {
} else {
values.put(i, value);
// If the value is 0 and there is no existing non-null value at the given index
if (value == 0) {
/* It's a new non-null element. We add the value and the indexes at the end of their respective databuffers.
* The buffers are no longer sorted !
* /!\ We need to reallocate the buffers if they are full
while (!canInsert(values, 1)) {
long size = (long) Math.ceil((values.capacity() * THRESHOLD_MEMORY_ALLOCATION));
values.put(length, value);
while (!canInsert(indices, physicalIndexes.length)) {
long size = (long) Math.ceil((indices.capacity() * THRESHOLD_MEMORY_ALLOCATION));
for (int i = 0; i < physicalIndexes.length; i++) {
indices.put(length * rank() + i, physicalIndexes[i]);
isSorted = false;
* Return if there is enough allocated memory space to add data of a given length in the databuffer
* @param buffer a databuffer in which we want to add data
* @param length the length of the data
* @return a boolean if the insertion is possible
* */
public boolean canInsert(DataBuffer buffer, int length) {
return buffer.capacity() - buffer.length() >= length;
public DataBuffer shiftLeft(DataBuffer buffer, int from, int offset, long datalength) {
for (int i = from; i < datalength; i++) {
buffer.put(i - offset, buffer.getDouble(i));
return buffer;
* Remove an element of the ndarray
* @param idx the index of the element to be removed
* @return the ndarray
* */
public INDArray removeEntry(int idx) {
values = shiftLeft(values, idx + 1, 1, length());
indices = shiftLeft(indices, (int) (idx * shape.length() + shape.length()), (int) shape.length(),
return this;
* Returns a subset of this array based on the specified
* indexes
* @param indexes the indexes in to the array
* @return a view of the array with the specified indices
public INDArray get(INDArrayIndex... indexes) {
if (indexes.length == 1 && indexes[0] instanceof NDArrayIndexAll || (indexes.length == 2 && (isRowVector()
&& indexes[0] instanceof PointIndex && indexes[0].offset() == 0
&& indexes[1] instanceof NDArrayIndexAll
|| isColumnVector() && indexes[1] instanceof PointIndex && indexes[0].offset() == 0
&& indexes[0] instanceof NDArrayIndexAll)))
return this;
indexes = NDArrayIndex.resolve(shapeInfoDataBuffer(), indexes);
ShapeOffsetResolution resolution = new ShapeOffsetResolution(this);
if (indexes.length < 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid index found of zero length");
int[] shape = LongUtils.toInts(resolution.getShapes());
int numSpecifiedIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
if (indexes[i] instanceof SpecifiedIndex)
if (shape != null && numSpecifiedIndex > 0) {
Generator>> gen = SpecifiedIndex.iterateOverSparse(indexes);
INDArray ret = Nd4j.createSparseCOO(new double[] {}, new int[][] {}, shape);
int count = 0;
int maxValue =;
while (count < maxValue) {
try {
List> next =;
List coordsCombo = new ArrayList<>();
List cooIdx = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < next.size(); i++) {
if (next.get(i).size() != 2)
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal entry returned");
* if the coordinates are in the original array
* -> add it in the new sparse ndarray
* else
* -> do nothing
* */
int[] idx = Ints.toArray(coordsCombo);
if (!isZero(idx)) {
double val = getDouble(idx);
ret.putScalar(filterOutFixedDimensions(resolution.getFixed(), cooIdx), val);
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return ret;
int numNewAxis = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++)
if (indexes[i] instanceof NewAxis)
if (numNewAxis != 0) {
INDArray ret = subArray(resolution);
return ret;
public int[] filterOutFixedDimensions(int[] flags, List idx) {
checkArgument(flags.length == idx.size());
int lastIdx = idx.size() - 1;
for (int i = lastIdx; i >= 0; i--) {
if (flags[i] == 1) {
return Ints.toArray(idx);
* Return the index of the value corresponding to the indexes
* @param indexes
* @return index of the value
* */
public int reverseIndexes(int... indexes) {
int[] idx = translateToPhysical(indexes);
return indexesBinarySearch(0, length(), idx);
* Return the position of the idx array into the indexes buffer between the lower and upper bound.
* @param idx a set of coordinates
* @param lowerBound the lower bound of the position
* @param upperBound the upper bound of the position
* @return the position of the idx array into the indexes buffers, which corresponds to the position of
* the corresponding value in the values data.
* */
public int indexesBinarySearch(int lowerBound, int upperBound, int[] idx) {
int min = lowerBound;
int max = upperBound;
int mid = (max + min) / 2;
int[] midIdx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(mid).asInt();
if (Arrays.equals(idx, midIdx)) {
return mid;
if (ArrayUtil.lessThan(idx, midIdx)) {
max = mid;
if (ArrayUtil.greaterThan(idx, midIdx)) {
min = mid;
if (min == max) {
return -1;
return indexesBinarySearch(min, max, idx);
public INDArray getScalar(int... indices) {
return super.getScalar(indices);
public int getInt(int... indices) {
return super.getInt(indices);
public double getDouble(int... indices) {
int valIdx = reverseIndexes(indices);
if (valIdx == -1) {
return 0;
} else {
return values.getDouble(valIdx);
public float getFloat(int[] indices) {
return (float) getDouble(indices);
public double getDouble(int i) {
if (i >= length()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to get linear index >= " + length());
if (Nd4j.getExecutioner().getProfilingMode() != OpExecutioner.ProfilingMode.DISABLED && Nd4j.getExecutioner().getProfilingMode() != OpExecutioner.ProfilingMode.SCOPE_PANIC)
if (i == 0)
return data().getDouble(i);
int[] dimensions = ordering() == 'c' ? Shape.ind2subC(this, i) : Shape.ind2sub(this, i);
Shape.assertShapeLessThan(dimensions, shape());
return getDouble(dimensions);
public double getDouble(int i, int j) {
return getDouble(new int[] {i, j});
public float getFloat(int i) {
return (float) getDouble(i);
public float getFloat(int i, int j) {
return (float) getDouble(i, j);
public SparseFormat getFormat() {
return format;
public int underlyingRank() {
return Shape.underlyingRank(sparseInformation);
public DataBuffer data() {
return values;
* Return the indices buffer
* @return indices
* */
public DataBuffer getUnderlyingIndices() {
return indices;
* Return a copy of the indices included in the view.
* /!\ Change this DataBuffer won't change the ndarray!
* @return an array containing the virtual indexes of the values (think about views).
* */
public DataBuffer getIncludedIndices() {
if (isScalar()) {
return Nd4j.createBuffer(new int[] {0, 0});
List ind = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) {
boolean isIn = true;
int idxNotFixed = 0;
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt(); // TODO change for getIndicesOf(i)
for (int dim = 0; dim < idx.length; dim++) {
if (flags()[dim] == 1) {
if (sparseOffsets()[dim] != idx[dim]) {
isIn = false;
} else {
int lowerBound = sparseOffsets()[dim];
int upperBound = sparseOffsets()[dim] + shape()[idxNotFixed];
if (!(idx[dim] >= lowerBound && idx[dim] < upperBound)) {
isIn = false;
if (isIn) {
int notFixedDim = 0;
for (int dim = 0; dim < idx.length; dim++) {
if (flags()[dim] == 0) {
if (shape()[notFixedDim] == 1) {
} else {
ind.add(idx[dim] - sparseOffsets()[dim]);
return Nd4j.createBuffer(Ints.toArray(ind));
* Return the values buffer
* @return values
* */
public DataBuffer getUnderlyingValues() {
return values;
* Return a copy of the values included in the array.
* /!\ Change this DataBuffer won't change the ndarray!
* @return an array containing the values
* */
public DataBuffer getIncludedValues() {
List val = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length(); i++) {
boolean isIn = true;
int idxNotFixed = 0;
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt();
for (int dim = 0; dim < idx.length; dim++) {
if (flags()[dim] == 1) {
if (sparseOffsets()[dim] != idx[dim]) {
isIn = false;
} else {
int lowerBound = sparseOffsets()[dim];
int upperBound = sparseOffsets()[dim] + shape()[idxNotFixed];
if (!(idx[dim] >= lowerBound && idx[dim] < upperBound)) {
isIn = false;
if (isIn) {
return Nd4j.createBuffer(Doubles.toArray(val));
* Returns the indices of non-zero element of the vector
* @return indices in Databuffer
* */
public DataBuffer getVectorCoordinates() {
int idx;
if (isRowVector()) {
idx = 1;
} else if (isColumnVector()) {
idx = 0;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
int[] temp = new int[length()];
for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
temp[i] = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).getInt(idx);
return Nd4j.createBuffer(temp);
* Converts the sparse ndarray into a dense one
* @return a dense ndarray
public INDArray toDense() {
// TODO support view conversion
INDArray result = Nd4j.zeros(shape());
switch (data().dataType()) {
case DOUBLE:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt();
double value = values.getDouble(i);
result.putScalar(idx, value);
case FLOAT:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt();
float value = values.getFloat(i);
result.putScalar(idx, value);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return result;
public DataBuffer shapeInfoDataBuffer() {
return shapeInformation;
public INDArray subArray(ShapeOffsetResolution resolution) {
long[] offsets = resolution.getOffsets();
int[] shape = LongUtils.toInts(resolution.getShapes());
int[] stride = LongUtils.toInts(resolution.getStrides());
int[] flags = resolution.getFixed();
flags = updateFlags(flags, shape);
long offset = (int) (offset() + resolution.getOffset());
int newRank = shape.length;
long[] sparseOffsets = createSparseOffsets(offset);
int[] newAxis = createHiddenDimensions(resolution.getPrependAxis());
if (offset() + resolution.getOffset() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset of array can not be >= Integer.MAX_VALUE");
if (offsets.length != newRank)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid offset " + Arrays.toString(offsets));
if (stride.length != newRank)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid stride " + Arrays.toString(stride));
if (shape.length == rank() && Shape.contentEquals(shape, shapeOf())) {
if (ArrayUtil.isZero(offsets)) {
return this;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid subArray offsets");
DataBuffer newSparseInformation = Nd4j.getSparseInfoProvider().createSparseInformation(flags, sparseOffsets,
newAxis, underlyingRank());
return create(values, indices, newSparseInformation, Arrays.copyOf(shape, shape.length));
public INDArray subArray(ShapeOffsetResolution resolution, ShapeOffsetResolution resolutionWithoutNewAxis) {
return null;
* Compute the sparse offsets of the view we are getting, for each dimension according to the original ndarray
* @param offset the offset of the view
* @return an int array containing the sparse offsets
* */
private long[] createSparseOffsets(long offset) {
// resolve the offsets in the view dimension
int underlyingRank = sparseOffsets().length;
long[] newOffsets = new long[rank()];
List shapeList = Ints.asList(shape());
int penultimate = rank() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < penultimate; i++) {
long prod = + 1, rank()));
newOffsets[i] = offset / prod;
offset = offset - newOffsets[i] * prod;
newOffsets[rank() - 1] = offset % shape()[rank() - 1];
// Merge the offsets with the original sparseOffsets
long[] finalOffsets = new long[underlyingRank];
int dimNotFixed = 0;
for (int dim = 0; dim < underlyingRank; dim++) {
if (flags()[dim] == 1) {
finalOffsets[dim] = sparseOffsets()[dim];
} else {
finalOffsets[dim] = newOffsets[dimNotFixed] + sparseOffsets()[dim];
return finalOffsets;
private int[] createHiddenDimensions(int[] newAxis) {
if (newAxis == null || newAxis.length == 0) {
return hiddenDimensions();
if (getNumHiddenDimension() == 0) {
return newAxis;
int size = newAxis.length + hiddenDimensions().length;
int[] newHiddenDim = new int[size];
int newDim = 0;
int actualArrayIdx = 0;
for (int oldDim = 0; oldDim < getNumHiddenDimension(); oldDim++) {
while ((newDim < newAxis.length) && (oldDim >=getNumHiddenDimension() || newAxis[newDim] <= hiddenDimensions()[oldDim])) {
newHiddenDim[actualArrayIdx] = newAxis[newDim] + oldDim;
newHiddenDim[actualArrayIdx] = hiddenDimensions()[oldDim] + newDim;
return newHiddenDim;
* Adjust the flags array according on the current context:
* - In case of a vector or a scalar, we need to keep flags to 0
* - There must always be at least 2 non-flags dimensions
* - We must keep the flags dimensions of the original array
* @param viewFlags the Fixed array calculate within the view
* @param newShape the shape of the view
* */
private int[] updateFlags(int[] viewFlags, int[] newShape) {
// Check if flags is well-formed
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < viewFlags.length; i++) {
if (viewFlags[i] == 0) {
for (int dim = 0; dim < viewFlags.length; dim++) {
if (viewFlags[dim] == 1) {
if (newShape[dim] == 1 && count < 2) {
viewFlags[dim] = 0;
// Take the original Fixed into account
int[] extendedFlags = new int[underlyingRank()];
int notFixedDim = 0;
for (int dim = 0; dim < underlyingRank(); dim++) {
int[] temp = flags();
if (flags()[dim] == 0) {
extendedFlags[dim] = viewFlags[notFixedDim];
} else {
extendedFlags[dim] = 1;
return extendedFlags;
private INDArray create(DataBuffer values, DataBuffer indices, DataBuffer sparseInfo, int[] newShape) {
return Nd4j.createSparseCOO(values, indices, sparseInfo, newShape);
public INDArray subArray(long[] offsets, int[] shape, int[] stride) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Returns the underlying indices of the element of the given index
* such as there really are in the original ndarray
* @param i the index of the element+
* @return a dataBuffer containing the indices of element
* */
public DataBuffer getUnderlyingIndicesOf(int i) {
int from = underlyingRank() * i;
//int to = from + underlyingRank();
int[] res = new int[underlyingRank()];
for(int j = 0; j< underlyingRank(); j++){
res[j] = indices.getInt(from + j);
///int[] arr = Arrays.copyOfRange(indices.asInt(), from, to);
return Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(res);
* Returns the indices of the element of the given index in the array context
* @param i the index of the element
* @return a dataBuffer containing the indices of element
* */
public DataBuffer getIndicesOf(int i) {
int from = underlyingRank() * i;
int to = from + underlyingRank(); //not included
int[] arr = new int[rank];
int j = 0; // iterator over underlying indices
int k = 0; //iterator over hiddenIdx
for (int dim = 0; dim < rank; dim++) {
if (k < hiddenDimensions().length && hiddenDimensions()[k] == j) {
arr[dim] = 0;
} else {
arr[dim] = indices.getInt(j);
return Nd4j.getDataBufferFactory().createInt(arr);
public boolean isZero(int... indexes) {
for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
int[] idx = getUnderlyingIndicesOf(i).asInt();
if (Arrays.equals(idx, translateToPhysical(indexes))) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isView() {
return Shape.offset(shapeInformation) > 0 || data().originalDataBuffer() != null; // TODO or if sparseOffset/flags != [0, ..,0]
public int getNumHiddenDimension() {
if (hiddenDimensions() == null || hiddenDimensions().length == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("HiddenDimension array is malformed");
return hiddenDimensions()[0] == -1 ? 0 : hiddenDimensions().length;
public boolean isSorted() {
return isSorted;
public DataBuffer getValues() {
return values;
public DataBuffer getIndices() {
return indices;
public INDArray putiColumnVector(INDArray columnVector) {
return null;
public INDArray putiRowVector(INDArray rowVector) {
return null;
public INDArray mmul(INDArray other, MMulTranspose mMulTranspose) {
return null;
* Perform an copy matrix multiplication
* @param other the other matrix to perform matrix multiply with
* @param result the result ndarray
* @param mMulTranspose the transpose status of each array
* @return the result of the matrix multiplication
public INDArray mmul(INDArray other, INDArray result, MMulTranspose mMulTranspose) {
return null;
public INDArray mmuli(INDArray other, MMulTranspose transpose) {
return null;
public INDArray mmuli(INDArray other, INDArray result, MMulTranspose transpose) {
return null;
public INDArray convertToFloats() {
return null;
public INDArray convertToDoubles() {
return null;