org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.blas.JcublasLevel1 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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package org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.blas;
import lombok.val;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.nd4j.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.Allocator;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.impl.AtomicAllocator;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.pointers.cuda.cublasHandle_t;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.blas.impl.BaseLevel1;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.executioner.OpExecutionerUtil;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.reduce.same.ASum;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.reduce3.Dot;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms.pairwise.arithmetic.Axpy;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.DataTypeValidation;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.CublasPointer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.context.CudaContext;
import org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.ops.executioner.CudaExecutioner;
import org.nd4j.nativeblas.NativeOps;
import org.nd4j.nativeblas.NativeOpsHolder;
import org.nd4j.nativeblas.Nd4jBlas;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cudart.*;
import org.bytedeco.cuda.cublas.*;
import static org.bytedeco.cuda.global.cublas.*;
* @author Adam Gibson
public class JcublasLevel1 extends BaseLevel1 {
private Allocator allocator = AtomicAllocator.getInstance();
private Nd4jBlas nd4jBlas = (Nd4jBlas) Nd4j.factory().blas();
private NativeOps nativeOps = NativeOpsHolder.getInstance().getDeviceNativeOps();
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JcublasLevel1.class);
protected float sdsdot(long N, float alpha, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected double dsdot(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected float hdot(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
DataTypeValidation.assertSameDataType(X, Y);
// CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X, Y);
float ret = 1f;
// CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
// CublasPointer yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
val dot = new Dot(X, Y);
ret = dot.getFinalResult().floatValue();
return ret;
protected float sdot(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
DataTypeValidation.assertSameDataType(X, Y);
val ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X, Y);
float ret = 1f;
val xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
val yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
val handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
val cctx = new cublasContext(handle);
synchronized (handle) {
long result = cublasSetStream_v2(cctx, new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
if (result != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("cublasSetStream failed");
val resultPointer = new FloatPointer(0.0f);
result = cublasSdot_v2(cctx, (int) N, (FloatPointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX, (FloatPointer) yCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incY, resultPointer);
if (result != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("cublasSdot_v2 failed. Error code: " + result);
ret = resultPointer.get();
allocator.registerAction(ctx, null, X, Y);
return ret;
protected float hdot(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX, DataBuffer Y, int offsetY, int incY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected float sdot(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX, DataBuffer Y, int offsetY, int incY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected double ddot(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.DOUBLE, "Double dtype expected");
double ret;
val ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X, Y);
val xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
val yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
val handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
val cctx = new cublasContext(handle);
cublasSetStream_v2(cctx, new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
val resultPointer = new DoublePointer(0.0);
cublasDdot_v2(cctx, (int) N, (DoublePointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
(DoublePointer) yCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incY, resultPointer);
ret = resultPointer.get();
allocator.registerAction(ctx, null, X, Y);
return ret;
protected double ddot(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX, DataBuffer Y, int offsetY, int incY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected float snrm2(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X);
float ret;
CublasPointer cAPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
FloatPointer resultPointer = new FloatPointer(0.0f);
cublasSnrm2_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (FloatPointer) cAPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
ret = resultPointer.get();
allocator.registerAction(ctx, null, X);
return ret;
protected float hasum(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
val asum = new ASum(X);
float ret = asum.getFinalResult().floatValue();
return ret;
protected float sasum(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
ASum asum = new ASum(X);
float ret = asum.getFinalResult().floatValue();
return ret;
protected float hasum(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected float sasum(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected double dnrm2(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.DOUBLE, "Double dtype expected");
double ret;
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X);
CublasPointer cAPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
DoublePointer resultPointer = new DoublePointer(0.0f);
cublasDnrm2_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (DoublePointer) cAPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
ret = resultPointer.get();
allocator.registerAction(ctx, null, X);
return ret;
protected double dasum(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
ASum asum = new ASum(X);
double ret = asum.getFinalResult().doubleValue();
return ret;
protected double dasum(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected int isamax(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X);
int ret2;
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
IntPointer resultPointer = new IntPointer(new int[] {0});
cublasIsamax_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (FloatPointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
ret2 = resultPointer.get();
allocator.registerAction(ctx, null, X);
return ret2 - 1;
protected int isamax(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected int idamax(long N, INDArray X, int incX) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.DOUBLE, "Double dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(null, X);
int ret2;
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
IntPointer resultPointer = new IntPointer(new int[] {0});
cublasIdamax_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (DoublePointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
ret2 = resultPointer.get();
allocator.registerAction(ctx, null, X);
return ret2 - 1;
protected int idamax(long N, DataBuffer X, int offsetX, int incX) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected void sswap(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
CublasPointer yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
cublasSswap_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (FloatPointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
(FloatPointer) yCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incY);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, Y, X);
protected void scopy(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
CublasPointer yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
cublasScopy_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (FloatPointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
(FloatPointer) yCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incY);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, Y, X);
protected void scopy(long N, DataBuffer x, int offsetX, int incrX, DataBuffer y, int offsetY, int incrY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected void saxpy(long N, float alpha, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
//Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
// CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
Nd4j.getExecutioner().exec(new Axpy(X, Y, Y, alpha));
protected void haxpy(long N, float alpha, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
// CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
// CublasPointer xAPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
// CublasPointer xBPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
// cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
((CudaExecutioner) Nd4j.getExecutioner()).exec(new Axpy(X, Y, Y, alpha));
protected void haxpy(long N, float alpha, DataBuffer x, int offsetX, int incrX, DataBuffer y, int offsetY,
int incrY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected void saxpy(long N, float alpha, DataBuffer x, int offsetX, int incrX, DataBuffer y, int offsetY,
int incrY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected void dswap(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
CublasPointer yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
cublasDswap_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (DoublePointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
(DoublePointer) yCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incY);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, Y, X);
protected void dcopy(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
CublasPointer yCPointer = new CublasPointer(Y, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
cublasDcopy_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, (DoublePointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX,
(DoublePointer) yCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incY);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, Y, X);
protected void dcopy(long N, DataBuffer x, int offsetX, int incrX, DataBuffer y, int offsetY, int incrY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected void daxpy(long N, double alpha, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY) {
//CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(Y, X);
// logger.info("incX: {}, incY: {}, N: {}, X.length: {}, Y.length: {}", incX, incY, N, X.length(), Y.length());
Nd4j.getExecutioner().exec(new Axpy(X, Y, Y, alpha));
protected void daxpy(long N, double alpha, DataBuffer x, int offsetX, int incrX, DataBuffer y, int offsetY,
int incrY) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not yet implemented");
protected void srotg(float a, float b, float c, float s) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void srotmg(float d1, float d2, float b1, float b2, INDArray P) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void srot(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY, float c, float s) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void srotm(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY, INDArray P) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void drotg(double a, double b, double c, double s) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void drotmg(double d1, double d2, double b1, double b2, INDArray P) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void drot(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY, double c, double s) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void drotm(long N, INDArray X, int incX, INDArray Y, int incY, INDArray P) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected void sscal(long N, float alpha, INDArray X, int incX) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.FLOAT, "Float dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(X);
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
cublasSscal_v2(new cublasContext(handle),(int) N, new FloatPointer(alpha),
(FloatPointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, X);
protected void dscal(long N, double alpha, INDArray X, int incX) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(X.dataType() == DataType.DOUBLE, "Double dtype expected");
CudaContext ctx = allocator.getFlowController().prepareAction(X);
CublasPointer xCPointer = new CublasPointer(X, ctx);
cublasHandle_t handle = ctx.getCublasHandle();
synchronized (handle) {
cublasSetStream_v2(new cublasContext(handle), new CUstream_st(ctx.getCublasStream()));
cublasDscal_v2(new cublasContext(handle), (int) N, new DoublePointer(alpha),
(DoublePointer) xCPointer.getDevicePointer(), incX);
allocator.registerAction(ctx, X);
public boolean supportsDataBufferL1Ops() {
return false;
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