org.nd4j.jita.handler.impl.CudaZeroHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ******************************************************************************
* *
* *
* * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* *
* *
* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
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* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* * under the License.
* *
* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* *****************************************************************************
package org.nd4j.jita.handler.impl;
import lombok.var;
import org.nd4j.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.nativeblas.OpaqueLaunchContext;
import org.nd4j.shade.guava.collect.HashBasedTable;
import org.nd4j.shade.guava.collect.Table;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.val;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.Allocator;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.concurrency.DeviceAllocationsTracker;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.enums.AllocationStatus;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.enums.CudaConstants;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.impl.AllocationPoint;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.impl.AllocationShape;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.impl.AtomicAllocator;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.pointers.CudaPointer;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.pointers.PointersPair;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.pointers.cuda.cublasHandle_t;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.pointers.cuda.cudaStream_t;
import org.nd4j.jita.allocator.pointers.cuda.cusolverDnHandle_t;
import org.nd4j.jita.conf.Configuration;
import org.nd4j.jita.conf.CudaEnvironment;
import org.nd4j.jita.flow.FlowController;
import org.nd4j.jita.flow.impl.GridFlowController;
import org.nd4j.jita.handler.MemoryHandler;
import org.nd4j.jita.memory.MemoryProvider;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.concurrency.AffinityManager;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.memory.MemoryWorkspace;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.performance.PerformanceTracker;
import org.nd4j.linalg.exception.ND4JIllegalStateException;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.buffer.BaseCudaDataBuffer;
import org.nd4j.linalg.jcublas.context.CudaContext;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.memory.MemcpyDirection;
import org.nd4j.linalg.profiler.OpProfiler;
import org.nd4j.nativeblas.NativeOps;
import org.nd4j.nativeblas.NativeOpsHolder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
* This Mover implementation uses following techs:
* 1. Unified Memory Architecture
* 2. Zero-Copy Pinned Memory (if available)
* 3. Pageable memory (if zero-copy pinned memory isn't supported by device)
* @author [email protected]
public class CudaZeroHandler implements MemoryHandler {
private static Configuration configuration = CudaEnvironment.getInstance().getConfiguration();
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CudaZeroHandler.class);
// simple counter to track allocated host-memory
protected final AtomicLong zeroUseCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
// another simple counter, to track allocated device memory on per-thread per-device basis
protected volatile DeviceAllocationsTracker deviceMemoryTracker;
// tracker for thread->device affinity
protected Map devicesAffinity = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private ReentrantReadWriteLock deviceLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
private AtomicInteger devPtr = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final AtomicBoolean wasInitialised = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final FlowController flowController;
private final AllocationStatus INITIAL_LOCATION;
private final List cublasHandles = new ArrayList<>();
private final AffinityManager affinityManager = Nd4j.getAffinityManager();
private final transient ThreadLocal tlContext = new ThreadLocal<>();
table for Thread, Device, Object allocations of device memory. Objects should be used to grab Allocation point from allocationsMap
// TODO: proper thread-safe implementation would be nice to have here :(
// FIXME: CopyOnWriteArrayList is BAD here. Really BAD. B A D.
// Table thread safety is guaranteed by reentrant read/write locks :(
//private Table> deviceAllocations = HashBasedTable.create();
//private final Map> deviceAllocations = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final List> deviceAllocations = new ArrayList<>();
map for Thread, Object allocations in zero memory.
// CopyOnWriteArrayList performance to be investigated in this use case
// Map thread safety is guaranteed by exclusive writeLock in getDeviceId() method, because we can't use putIfAbsent on j7
// FIXME: at j7 -> j8 transition, this one could be changed to ConcurrentHashMap
private final Map> zeroAllocations = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private AtomicLong zeroCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
protected NativeOps nativeOps = NativeOpsHolder.getInstance().getDeviceNativeOps();
public CudaZeroHandler() {
this.INITIAL_LOCATION = configuration.getFirstMemory();
switch (configuration.getExecutionModel()) {
this.flowController = new GridFlowController();
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ExecutionModel: [" + configuration.getExecutionModel() + "]");
int numDevices = NativeOpsHolder.getInstance().getDeviceNativeOps().getAvailableDevices();
for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
deviceAllocations.add(new ConcurrentHashMap());
if (NativeOpsHolder.getInstance().getDeviceNativeOps().getDeviceMajor(0) < 3) {
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("CUDA backend requires compute capatibility of 3.0 and above to run.");
* This method gets called from Allocator, during Allocator/MemoryHandler initialization
* @param configuration
* @param allocator
public void init(@NonNull Configuration configuration, @NonNull Allocator allocator) {
this.configuration = configuration;
this.deviceMemoryTracker = new DeviceAllocationsTracker(this.configuration);
private void pickupHostAllocation(AllocationPoint point) {
int numBuckets = configuration.getNumberOfGcThreads();
long bucketId = RandomUtils.nextInt(0, numBuckets);
long reqMemory = point.getNumberOfBytes();
if (!zeroAllocations.containsKey(bucketId)) {
log.debug("Creating bucketID: " + bucketId);
synchronized (this) {
if (!zeroAllocations.containsKey(bucketId)) {
zeroAllocations.put(bucketId, new ConcurrentHashMap());
zeroAllocations.get(bucketId).put(point.getObjectId(), point.getObjectId());
* Allocate specified memory chunk on specified device/host
* @param targetMode valid arguments are DEVICE, ZERO
* @param shape
* @return
public PointersPair alloc(AllocationStatus targetMode, AllocationPoint point, AllocationShape shape,
boolean initialize) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* This method checks if specified device has free memory
* @param deviceId
* @param requiredMemory
* @return
public boolean pingDeviceForFreeMemory(Integer deviceId, long requiredMemory) {
return true;
* Copies specific chunk of memory from one storage to another
* Possible directions: HOST -> DEVICE, DEVICE -> HOST
* @param currentStatus
* @param targetStatus
* @param point
public void relocate(AllocationStatus currentStatus, AllocationStatus targetStatus, AllocationPoint point,
AllocationShape shape, CudaContext context) {
* Copies memory from device to host, if needed.
* Device copy is preserved as is.
* @param point
public void copyback(AllocationPoint point, AllocationShape shape) {
Technically that's just a case for relocate, with source as point.getAllocationStatus() and target HOST
//"copyback() called on shape: " + point.getShape());
// relocate(point.getAllocationStatus(), AllocationStatus.HOST, point, shape);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deprecated call");
* Copies memory from host buffer to device.
* Host copy is preserved as is.
* @param point
public void copyforward(AllocationPoint point, AllocationShape shape) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deprecated call");
* Copies memory from device to zero-copy memory
* @param point
* @param shape
public void fallback(AllocationPoint point, AllocationShape shape) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't fallback from [" + point.getAllocationStatus() + "]");
* This method frees memory chunk specified by pointer and location
* @param point Pointer
public void free(AllocationPoint point, AllocationStatus target) {
* This method returns initial allocation location. So, it can be HOST, or DEVICE if environment allows that.
* @return
public AllocationStatus getInitialLocation() {
* This method initializes specific device for current thread
* @param threadId
* @param deviceId
public void initializeDevice(Long threadId, Integer deviceId) {
CudaContext context = new CudaContext();
// context.initStream();
contextPool.put(threadId, context);
* Asynchronous version of memcpy
* PLEASE NOTE: This is device-dependent method, if it's not supported in your environment, blocking call will be used instead.
* @param dstBuffer
* @param srcPointer
* @param length
* @param dstOffset
public void memcpyAsync(DataBuffer dstBuffer, Pointer srcPointer, long length, long dstOffset) {
if (length < 1)
Preconditions.checkArgument(length <= (dstBuffer.length() * Nd4j.sizeOfDataType(dstBuffer.dataType())), "Length requested is bigger than target DataBuffer length");
val point = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) dstBuffer).getAllocationPoint();
CudaContext tContext = null;
if (dstBuffer.isConstant()) {
org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer dstPointer = new CudaPointer(point.getHostPointer().address() + dstOffset, 0L);
org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer srcPointerJ = new CudaPointer(srcPointer, length);
val profD = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer.memcpy(dstPointer, srcPointerJ, length);
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(point.getDeviceId(), profD, point.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_HOST);
} else {
// if we're copying something into host memory, but we're on device - we need to provide exact copy to device as well
Pointer rDP = new CudaPointer(point.getDevicePointer().address() + dstOffset);
if (tContext == null)
tContext = flowController.prepareAction(point);
var prof = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(rDP, srcPointer, length, CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, tContext.getSpecialStream()) == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("MemcpyAsync H2D failed: [" + srcPointer.address() + "] -> [" + rDP.address() + "]");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(point.getDeviceId(), prof, point.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_DEVICE);
flowController.registerAction(tContext, point);
// we optionally copy to host memory
if (point.getHostPointer() != null) {
Pointer dP = new CudaPointer((point.getHostPointer().address()) + dstOffset);
CudaContext context = flowController.prepareAction(point);
tContext = context;
prof = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dP, srcPointer, length, CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyHostToHost, context.getSpecialStream()) == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("MemcpyAsync H2H failed: [" + srcPointer.address() + "] -> [" + dP.address() + "]");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(point.getDeviceId(), prof, point.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_HOST);
if (point.getAllocationStatus() == AllocationStatus.HOST)
flowController.registerAction(context, point);
public void memcpyDevice(DataBuffer dstBuffer, Pointer srcPointer, long length, long dstOffset,
CudaContext context) {
AllocationPoint point = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) dstBuffer).getAllocationPoint();
Pointer dP = new CudaPointer((point.getDevicePointer().address()) + dstOffset);
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dP, srcPointer, length, CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, context.getOldStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
* Special memcpy version, addressing shapeInfoDataBuffer copies
* PLEASE NOTE: Blocking H->H, Async H->D
* @param dstBuffer
* @param srcPointer
* @param length
* @param dstOffset
public void memcpySpecial(DataBuffer dstBuffer, Pointer srcPointer, long length, long dstOffset) {
CudaContext context = getCudaContext();
AllocationPoint point = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) dstBuffer).getAllocationPoint();
Pointer dP = new CudaPointer((point.getHostPointer().address()) + dstOffset);
val profH = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dP, srcPointer, length, CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyHostToHost, context.getOldStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(point.getDeviceId(), profH, point.getNumberOfBytes(),MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_HOST);
if (point.getAllocationStatus() == AllocationStatus.DEVICE) {
Pointer rDP = new CudaPointer(point.getDevicePointer().address() + dstOffset);
val profD = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(rDP, dP, length, CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, context.getOldStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(point.getDeviceId(), profD, point.getNumberOfBytes(),MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_DEVICE);
* Synchronous version of memcpy.
* @param dstBuffer
* @param srcPointer
* @param length
* @param dstOffset
public void memcpyBlocking(DataBuffer dstBuffer, Pointer srcPointer, long length, long dstOffset) {
// internally it's just memcpyAsync + sync
CudaContext context = getCudaContext();
memcpyAsync(dstBuffer, srcPointer, length, dstOffset);
* Synchronous version of memcpy.
* @param dstBuffer
* @param srcBuffer
public void memcpy(DataBuffer dstBuffer, DataBuffer srcBuffer) {
//"Buffer MemCpy called");
//"Memcpy buffer: {} bytes ", dstBuffer.length() * dstBuffer.getElementSize());
CudaContext context = getCudaContext();
val dstPoint = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) dstBuffer).getAllocationPoint();
val srcPoint = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) srcBuffer).getAllocationPoint();
Pointer dP = null; //new CudaPointer(dstPoint.getPointers().getHostPointer().address());
Pointer sP = null;
MemcpyDirection direction = null;
val profDH = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (srcPoint.isActualOnDeviceSide()) {
sP = AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getPointer(srcBuffer, context);
dP = AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getPointer(dstBuffer, context);
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dP, sP, srcBuffer.length() * srcBuffer.getElementSize(),
CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, context.getOldStream()) == 0) {
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
direction = MemcpyDirection.DEVICE_TO_DEVICE;
} else {
sP = AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getHostPointer(srcBuffer);
dP = AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getPointer(dstBuffer, context);
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dP, sP, srcBuffer.length() * srcBuffer.getElementSize(),
CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, context.getOldStream()) == 0) {
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
direction = MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_DEVICE;
// it has to be blocking call
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(srcPoint.getDeviceId(), profDH / 2, dstPoint.getNumberOfBytes(), direction);
// PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(dstPoint.getDeviceId(), profDH / 2, dstPoint.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_DEVICE);
* PLEASE NOTE: Specific implementation, on systems without special devices can return HostPointer here
* @param buffer
* @return
public org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer getDevicePointer(DataBuffer buffer, CudaContext context) {
// TODO: It would be awesome to get rid of typecasting here
AllocationPoint dstPoint = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) buffer).getAllocationPoint();
// if that's device state, we probably might want to update device memory state
if (dstPoint.getAllocationStatus() == AllocationStatus.DEVICE) {
if (!dstPoint.isActualOnDeviceSide()) {
//relocate(AllocationStatus.HOST, AllocationStatus.DEVICE, dstPoint, dstPoint.getShape(), context);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pew-pew");
if (dstPoint.getDevicePointer() == null)
return null;
// return pointer. length is specified for constructor compatibility purposes. Offset is accounted at C++ side
val p = new CudaPointer(dstPoint.getDevicePointer(), buffer.length(), 0);
if (OpProfiler.getInstance().getConfig().isCheckLocality())
NativeOpsHolder.getInstance().getDeviceNativeOps().tryPointer(context.getOldStream(), p, 1);
switch (buffer.dataType()) {
case DOUBLE:
return p.asDoublePointer();
case FLOAT:
return p.asFloatPointer();
case UINT32:
case INT:
return p.asIntPointer();
case SHORT:
case UINT16:
case HALF:
case BFLOAT16:
return p.asShortPointer();
case UINT64:
case LONG:
return p.asLongPointer();
case UTF8:
case UBYTE:
case BYTE:
return p.asBytePointer();
case BOOL:
return p.asBooleanPointer();
return p;
* PLEASE NOTE: This method always returns pointer within OS memory space
* @param buffer
* @return
public org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer getHostPointer(DataBuffer buffer) {
AllocationPoint dstPoint = ((BaseCudaDataBuffer) buffer).getAllocationPoint();
// return pointer with offset if needed. length is specified for constructor compatibility purposes
if (dstPoint.getHostPointer() == null) {
return null;
synchronizeThreadDevice(Thread.currentThread().getId(), dstPoint.getDeviceId(), dstPoint);
CudaPointer p = new CudaPointer(dstPoint.getHostPointer(), buffer.length(), 0);
switch (buffer.dataType()) {
case DOUBLE:
return p.asDoublePointer();
case FLOAT:
return p.asFloatPointer();
case UINT32:
case INT:
return p.asIntPointer();
case SHORT:
case UINT16:
case BFLOAT16:
case HALF:
return p.asShortPointer();
case UINT64:
case LONG:
return p.asLongPointer();
return p;
public synchronized void relocateObject(DataBuffer buffer) {
AllocationPoint dstPoint = AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getAllocationPoint(buffer);
if (1 > 0)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pew-pew");
// we don't relocate non-DEVICE buffers (i.e HOST or CONSTANT)
if (dstPoint.getAllocationStatus() != AllocationStatus.DEVICE)
int deviceId = getDeviceId();
if (dstPoint.getDeviceId() >= 0 && dstPoint.getDeviceId() == deviceId ) {
val okDevice = dstPoint.isActualOnDeviceSide();
val okHost = dstPoint.isActualOnHostSide();
val odPtr = dstPoint.getDevicePointer();
val ohPtr = dstPoint.getHostPointer();
// FIXME: cross-thread access, might cause problems
if (dstPoint.getHostPointer() != null && !dstPoint.isActualOnHostSide())
if (dstPoint.getHostPointer() != null && !dstPoint.isActualOnHostSide())
throw new RuntimeException("Buffer synchronization failed");
if (buffer.isAttached() || dstPoint.isAttached()) {
// if this buffer is Attached, we just relocate to new workspace
MemoryWorkspace workspace = Nd4j.getMemoryManager().getCurrentWorkspace();
if (workspace == null) {
// if we're out of workspace, we should mark our buffer as detached, so gc will pick it up eventually
// host part is optional
if (dstPoint.getHostPointer() != null) {
//val pairH = alloc(AllocationStatus.HOST, dstPoint, dstPoint.getShape(), false);
//val pairD = alloc(AllocationStatus.DEVICE, dstPoint, dstPoint.getShape(), false);
////"New host pointer: {}; Old host pointer: {}", dstPoint.getHostPointer().address(), ohPtr.address());
CudaContext context = getCudaContext();
val profD = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (okDevice) {
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dstPoint.getDevicePointer(), odPtr, buffer.length() * buffer.getElementSize(), CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, context.getSpecialStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(dstPoint.getDeviceId(), profD / 2, dstPoint.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.DEVICE_TO_DEVICE);
} else {
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dstPoint.getDevicePointer(), ohPtr, buffer.length() * buffer.getElementSize(), CudaConstants.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, context.getSpecialStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(dstPoint.getDeviceId(), profD / 2, dstPoint.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_DEVICE);
// marking it as detached
// marking it as proper on device
} else {
// this call will automagically take care of workspaces, so it'll be either
//"Relocating to deviceId [{}], workspace [{}]...", deviceId, workspace.getId());
BaseCudaDataBuffer nBuffer = (BaseCudaDataBuffer) Nd4j.createBuffer(buffer.length());
Nd4j.getMemoryManager().memcpy(nBuffer, buffer);
if (dstPoint.getHostPointer() != null) {
// dstPoint.getPointers().setHostPointer(nBuffer.getAllocationPoint().getHostPointer());
if (buffer.isConstant()) {
// we can't relocate or modify buffers
throw new RuntimeException("Can't relocateObject() for constant buffer");
} else {
//"Free relocateObject: deviceId: {}, pointer: {}", deviceId, dstPoint.getPointers().getDevicePointer().address());
val context = getCudaContext();
if (dstPoint.getHostPointer() == null) {
((BaseCudaDataBuffer) buffer).lazyAllocateHostPointer();
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dstPoint.getHostPointer(), dstPoint.getDevicePointer(),
buffer.length() * buffer.getElementSize(), 2, context.getSpecialStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
//deviceMemoryTracker.subFromAllocation(Thread.currentThread().getId(), dstPoint.getDeviceId(), AllocationUtils.getRequiredMemory(dstPoint.getShape()));
// we replace original device pointer with new one
//alloc(AllocationStatus.DEVICE, dstPoint, dstPoint.getShape(), false);
val profD = PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperStartTransaction();
if (nativeOps.memcpyAsync(dstPoint.getDevicePointer(), dstPoint.getHostPointer(),
buffer.length() * buffer.getElementSize(), 1, context.getSpecialStream()) == 0)
throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("memcpyAsync failed");
PerformanceTracker.getInstance().helperRegisterTransaction(dstPoint.getDeviceId(), profD, dstPoint.getNumberOfBytes(), MemcpyDirection.HOST_TO_DEVICE);
* This method moves specific object from zero-copy memory to device memory
* @return
public boolean promoteObject(DataBuffer buffer) {
AllocationPoint dstPoint = AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getAllocationPoint(buffer);
if (1 > 0)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pew-pew");
if (dstPoint.getAllocationStatus() != AllocationStatus.HOST)
return false;
if (configuration.getMemoryModel() == Configuration.MemoryModel.DELAYED
&& dstPoint.getAllocationStatus() == AllocationStatus.HOST) {
// if we have constant buffer (aka shapeInfo or other constant stuff)
if (buffer.isConstant()) {
} else {
PointersPair pair = null; //memoryProvider.malloc(dstPoint.getShape(), dstPoint, AllocationStatus.DEVICE);
if (pair != null) {
Integer deviceId = getDeviceId();
//"Promoting object to device: [{}]", deviceId);
deviceAllocations.get(deviceId).put(dstPoint.getObjectId(), dstPoint.getObjectId());
//deviceMemoryTracker.addToAllocation(Thread.currentThread().getId(), deviceId, AllocationUtils.getRequiredMemory(dstPoint.getShape()));
} else
throw new RuntimeException("PewPew");
return true;
* This method returns total amount of memory allocated within system
* @return
public Table getAllocationStatistics() {
Table table = HashBasedTable.create();
table.put(AllocationStatus.HOST, 0, zeroUseCounter.get());
for (Integer deviceId : configuration.getAvailableDevices()) {
table.put(AllocationStatus.DEVICE, deviceId, getAllocatedDeviceMemory(deviceId));
return table;
* This method returns total amount of memory allocated at specified device
* @param device
* @return
public long getAllocatedDeviceMemory(Integer device) {
return deviceMemoryTracker.getAllocatedSize(device);
* This method returns total amount of host memory allocated within this MemoryHandler
* @return
public long getAllocatedHostMemory() {
return zeroUseCounter.get();
* This method returns total number of object allocated on specified device
* @param deviceId
* @return
public long getAllocatedDeviceObjects(Integer deviceId) {
return deviceAllocations.get(deviceId).size();
* This method returns number of allocated objects within specific bucket
* @param bucketId
* @return
public long getAllocatedHostObjects(Long bucketId) {
if (zeroAllocations.containsKey(bucketId))
return zeroAllocations.get(bucketId).size();
return 0L;
* This method returns total number of allocated objects in host memory
* @return
public long getAllocatedHostObjects() {
AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong(0);
for (Long threadId : zeroAllocations.keySet()) {
return counter.get();
* This method returns set of allocation tracking IDs for specific device
* @param deviceId
* @return
public Set getDeviceTrackingPoints(Integer deviceId) {
return deviceAllocations.get(deviceId).keySet();
* This method returns sets of allocation tracking IDs for specific bucket
* @param bucketId
* @return
public Set getHostTrackingPoints(Long bucketId) {
if (!zeroAllocations.containsKey(bucketId)) {
return new HashSet<>();
return zeroAllocations.get(bucketId).keySet();
* This method explicitly removes object from device memory.
* @param threadId
* @param objectId
* @param copyback if TRUE, corresponding memory block on JVM side will be updated, if FALSE - memory will be just discarded
public void purgeDeviceObject(Long threadId, Integer deviceId, Long objectId, AllocationPoint point,
boolean copyback) {
if (point.getAllocationStatus() != AllocationStatus.DEVICE)
free(point, AllocationStatus.DEVICE);
if (!deviceAllocations.get(deviceId).containsKey(objectId))
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't happen ever");
forget(point, AllocationStatus.DEVICE);
if (deviceAllocations.get(deviceId).containsKey(objectId))
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't happen ever");
//deviceMemoryTracker.subFromAllocation(threadId, deviceId, AllocationUtils.getRequiredMemory(point.getShape()));
//environment.trackAllocatedMemory(deviceId, AllocationUtils.getRequiredMemory(point.getShape()));
* This method explicitly removes object from zero-copy memory.
* @param bucketId
* @param objectId
* @param copyback if TRUE, corresponding memory block on JVM side will be updated, if FALSE - memory will be just discarded
public void purgeZeroObject(Long bucketId, Long objectId, AllocationPoint point, boolean copyback) {
if (1 > 0)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Pew-pew");
forget(point, AllocationStatus.HOST);
// we call for caseless deallocation here
if (point.getHostPointer() != null) {
free(point, AllocationStatus.HOST);
//long reqMem = AllocationUtils.getRequiredMemory(point.getShape()) * -1;
public void forget(AllocationPoint point, AllocationStatus location) {
if (location == AllocationStatus.DEVICE) {
} else if (location == AllocationStatus.HOST) {
if (point.getHostPointer() != null)
* This method returns CUDA deviceId for current thread
* @return
public Integer getDeviceId() {
int deviceId = Nd4j.getAffinityManager().getDeviceForCurrentThread();
return deviceId;
/** Returns {@link #getDeviceId()} wrapped as a {@link Pointer}. */
public Pointer getDeviceIdPointer() {
return new CudaPointer(getDeviceId());
* This method returns set of available devices
* @return
public Set getAvailableDevices() {
return new HashSet<>(configuration.getAvailableDevices());
* This method returns ExternalContext wrapper (if applicable)
* @return
public CudaContext getDeviceContext() {
return getCudaContext();
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
protected cublasHandle_t getCudaCublasHandle(OpaqueLaunchContext lc) {
val deviceId = Nd4j.getAffinityManager().getDeviceForCurrentThread();
try {
if (cublasHandles.get(deviceId) == null) {
cublasHandles.add(deviceId, new cublasHandle_t(nativeOps.lcBlasHandle(lc)));
return cublasHandles.get(deviceId);
} finally {
* This method returns CudaContext for current thread. If context doesn't exist - it gets created first.
* @return
public CudaContext getCudaContext() {
var ctx = tlContext.get();
if (ctx == null) {
val lc = nativeOps.defaultLaunchContext();
ctx = CudaContext.builder()
.oldStream(new cudaStream_t(nativeOps.lcExecutionStream(lc)))
.specialStream(new cudaStream_t(nativeOps.lcCopyStream(lc)))
.solverHandle(new cusolverDnHandle_t(nativeOps.lcSolverHandle(lc)))
return ctx;
} else
return ctx;
public void resetCachedContext() {
* This method returns if this MemoryHandler instance is device-dependant (i.e. CUDA)
* @return TRUE if dependant, FALSE otherwise
public boolean isDeviceDependant() {
// this is always TRUE for current implementation
return true;
* This method causes memory synchronization on host side.
* Viable only for Device-dependant MemoryHandlers
* @param threadId
* @param deviceId
* @param point
public void synchronizeThreadDevice(Long threadId, Integer deviceId, AllocationPoint point) {
// we synchronize only if this AllocationPoint was used within device context, so for multiple consequent syncs only first one will be issued
public void registerAction(CudaContext context, INDArray result, INDArray... operands) {
flowController.registerAction(context, result, operands);
public FlowController getFlowController() {
return flowController;
public MemoryProvider getMemoryProvider() {
return null;
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