jcuda.jcufft.JCufft Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JCufft - Java bindings for CUFFT, the NVIDIA CUDA FFT library,
* to be used with JCuda
* Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Marco Hutter - http://www.jcuda.org
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package jcuda.jcufft;
import jcuda.*;
import jcuda.runtime.*;
* Java bindings for CUFFT, the NVIDIA CUDA FFT library.
* Most comments are taken from the CUFFT library documentation
public class JCufft
* CUFFT transform direction
public static final int CUFFT_FORWARD = -1;
* CUFFT transform direction
public static final int CUFFT_INVERSE = 1;
* The flag that indicates whether the native library has been
* loaded
private static boolean initialized = false;
* Whether a CudaException should be thrown if a method is about
* to return a result code that is not cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS
private static boolean exceptionsEnabled = false;
/* Private constructor to prevent instantiation */
private JCufft()
// Initialize the native library.
* Initializes the native library. Note that this method
* does not have to be called explicitly by the user of
* the library: The library will automatically be
* loaded when this class is loaded.
public static void initialize()
if (!initialized)
initialized = true;
* Set the specified log level for the JCufft library.
* Currently supported log levels:
* LOG_QUIET: Never print anything
* LOG_ERROR: Print error messages
* LOG_TRACE: Print a trace of all native function calls
* @param logLevel The log level to use.
public static void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel)
private static native void setLogLevel(int logLevel);
* Enables or disables exceptions. By default, the methods of this class
* only return the cufftResult error code from the underlying CUDA function.
* If exceptions are enabled, a CudaException with a detailed error
* message will be thrown if a method is about to return a result code
* that is not cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS
* @param enabled Whether exceptions are enabled
public static void setExceptionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
exceptionsEnabled = enabled;
* If the given result is different to cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS and
* exceptions have been enabled, this method will throw a
* CudaException with an error message that corresponds to the
* given result code. Otherwise, the given result is simply
* returned.
* @param result The result to check
* @return The result that was given as the parameter
* @throws CudaException If exceptions have been enabled and
* the given result code is not cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS
private static int checkResult(int result)
if (exceptionsEnabled && result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(result));
return result;
* Writes the CUFFT version into the given argument.
* @param version The version
* @return The cufftResult code.
public static int cufftGetVersion(int version[])
return cufftGetVersionNative(version);
private static native int cufftGetVersionNative(int version[]);
* Creates a 1D FFT plan configuration for a specified signal size and data
* type.
* cufftResult cufftPlan1d( cufftHandle *plan, int nx, cufftType type, int batch );
* The batch input parameter tells CUFFT how many 1D transforms to configure.
* Input
* ----
* plan Pointer to a cufftHandle object
* nx The transform size (e.g., 256 for a 256-point FFT)
* type The transform data type (e.g., CUFFT_C2C for complex to complex)
* batch Number of transforms of size nx
* Output
* ----
* plan Contains a CUFFT 1D plan handle value
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE The nx parameter is not a supported size.
* CUFFT_INVALID_TYPE The type parameter is not supported.
* CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED Allocation of GPU resources for the plan failed.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully created the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
* NOTE: Batch sizes other than 1 for cufftPlan1d() have been
* deprecated as of CUDA 6.0RC. Use cufftPlanMany() for
* multiple batch execution.
public static int cufftPlan1d(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int type, int batch)
plan.setSize(nx, 0, 0);
return checkResult(cufftPlan1dNative(plan, nx, type, batch));
private static native int cufftPlan1dNative(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int type, int batch);
* Creates a 2D FFT plan configuration according to specified signal sizes
* and data type.
* cufftResult cufftPlan2d( cufftHandle *plan, int nx, int ny, cufftType type );
* This function is the same as cufftPlan1d() except that
* it takes a second size parameter, ny, and does not support batching.
* Input
* ----
* plan Pointer to a cufftHandle object
* nx The transform size in the X dimension (number of rows)
* ny The transform size in the Y dimension (number of columns)
* type The transform data type (e.g., CUFFT_C2R for complex to real)
* Output
* ----
* plan Contains a CUFFT 2D plan handle value
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE The nx or ny parameter is not a supported size.
* CUFFT_INVALID_TYPE The type parameter is not supported.
* CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED Allocation of GPU resources for the plan failed.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully created the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftPlan2d(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int type)
plan.setSize(nx, ny, 0);
return checkResult(cufftPlan2dNative(plan, nx, ny, type));
private static native int cufftPlan2dNative(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int type);
* Creates a 3D FFT plan configuration according to specified signal sizes
* and data type.
* cufftResult cufftPlan3d( cufftHandle *plan, int nx, int ny, int nz, cufftType type );
* This function is the same as cufftPlan2d() except that
* it takes a third size parameter nz.
* Input
* ----
* plan Pointer to a cufftHandle object
* nx The transform size in the X dimension
* ny The transform size in the Y dimension
* nz The transform size in the Z dimension
* type The transform data type (e.g., CUFFT_R2C for real to complex)
* Output
* ----
* plan Contains a CUFFT 3D plan handle value
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE Parameter nx, ny, or nz is not a supported size.
* CUFFT_INVALID_TYPE The type parameter is not supported.
* CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED Allocation of GPU resources for the plan failed.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully created the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftPlan3d(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int nz, int type)
plan.setSize(nx, ny, nz);
return checkResult(cufftPlan3dNative(plan, nx, ny, nz, type));
private static native int cufftPlan3dNative(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int nz, int type);
* Creates a FFT plan configuration of dimension rank, with sizes
* specified in the array n.
* cufftResult cufftPlanMany(cufftHandle *plan, int rank, int *n,
* int *inembed, int istride, int idist,
* int *onembed, int ostride, int odist,
* cufftType type, int batch );
* The batch input parameter tells CUFFT how many transforms to
* configure in parallel. With this function, batched plans of
* any dimension may be created. Input parameters inembed, istride,
* and idist and output parameters onembed, ostride, and odist
* will allow setup of noncontiguous input data in a future version.
* Note that for CUFFT 3.0, these parameters are ignored and the
* layout of batched data must be side-by-side and not interleaved.
* Input
* ----
* plan Pointer to a cufftHandle object
* rank Dimensionality of the transform (1, 2, or 3)
* n An array of size rank, describing the size of each dimension
* inembed Unused: pass NULL
* istride Unused: pass 1
* idist Unused: pass 0
* onembed Unused: pass NULL
* ostride Unused: pass 1
* odist Unused: pass 0
* type Transform data type (e.g., CUFFT_C2C, as per other CUFFT calls)
* batch Batch size for this transform
* Output
* ----
* plan Contains a CUFFT plan handle
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE Parameter is not a supported size.
* CUFFT_INVALID_TYPE The type parameter is not supported
public static int cufftPlanMany(cufftHandle plan, int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type, int batch)
return checkResult(cufftPlanManyNative(plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, type, batch));
private static native int cufftPlanManyNative(cufftHandle plan, int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type, int batch);
public static int cufftMakePlan1d(
cufftHandle plan, int nx, int type,
int batch, /* deprecated - use cufftPlanMany */
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftMakePlan1dNative(plan, nx, type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftMakePlan1dNative(
cufftHandle plan, int nx, int type,
int batch, /* deprecated - use cufftPlanMany */
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftMakePlan2d(
cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int type,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftMakePlan2dNative(plan, nx, ny, type, workSize));
private static native int cufftMakePlan2dNative(
cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int type,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftMakePlan3d(
cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int nz, int type,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftMakePlan3dNative(plan, nx, ny, nz, type, workSize));
private static native int cufftMakePlan3dNative(
cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int nz, int type,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftMakePlanMany(
cufftHandle plan, int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type, int batch, long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftMakePlanManyNative(
plan, rank, n,
inembed, istride, idist,
onembed, ostride, odist,
type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftMakePlanManyNative(
cufftHandle plan, int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type, int batch, long workSize[]);
public static int cufftMakePlanMany64(
cufftHandle plan,
int rank,
long n[],
long inembed[],
long istride,
long idist,
long onembed[],
long ostride,
long odist,
int type,
long batch,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftMakePlanManyNative64(
plan, rank, n,
inembed, istride, idist,
onembed, ostride, odist,
type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftMakePlanManyNative64(
cufftHandle plan,
int rank,
long n[],
long inembed[],
long istride,
long idist,
long onembed[],
long ostride,
long odist,
int type,
long batch,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftGetSizeMany64(
cufftHandle plan,
int rank,
long n[],
long inembed[],
long istride,
long idist,
long onembed[],
long ostride,
long odist,
int type,
long batch,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftGetSizeMany64Native(
plan, rank, n,
inembed, istride, idist,
onembed, ostride, odist,
type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftGetSizeMany64Native(
cufftHandle plan,
int rank,
long n[],
long inembed[],
long istride,
long idist,
long onembed[],
long ostride,
long odist,
int type,
long batch,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftEstimate1d(int nx,
int type,
int batch, /* deprecated - use cufftPlanMany */
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftEstimate1dNative(nx, type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftEstimate1dNative(
int nx, int type,
int batch, /* deprecated - use cufftPlanMany */
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftEstimate2d(
int nx, int ny, int type,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftEstimate2dNative(nx, ny, type, workSize));
private static native int cufftEstimate2dNative(
int nx, int ny, int type,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftEstimate3d(
int nx, int ny, int nz, int type,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftEstimate3dNative(nx, ny, nz, type, workSize));
private static native int cufftEstimate3dNative(
int nx, int ny, int nz, int type,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftEstimateMany(
int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type,
int batch,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftEstimateManyNative(rank, n,
inembed, istride, idist,
onembed, ostride, odist, type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftEstimateManyNative(
int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type,
int batch,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftCreate(cufftHandle cufftHandle)
return checkResult(cufftCreateNative(cufftHandle));
private static native int cufftCreateNative(cufftHandle cufftHandle);
public static int cufftGetSize1d(cufftHandle handle,
int nx,
int type,
int batch,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftGetSize1dNative(handle, nx, type, batch, workSize));
private static native int cufftGetSize1dNative(cufftHandle handle,
int nx,
int type,
int batch,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftGetSize2d(cufftHandle handle,
int nx, int ny,
int type,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftGetSize2dNative(handle, nx, ny, type, workSize));
private static native int cufftGetSize2dNative(cufftHandle handle,
int nx, int ny,
int type,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftGetSize3d(cufftHandle handle,
int nx, int ny, int nz,
int type,
long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftGetSize3dNative(handle, nx, ny, nz, type, workSize));
private static native int cufftGetSize3dNative(cufftHandle handle,
int nx, int ny, int nz,
int type,
long workSize[]);
public static int cufftGetSizeMany(cufftHandle handle,
int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type, int batch, long workArea[])
return checkResult(cufftGetSizeManyNative(handle, rank, n,
inembed, istride, idist,
onembed, ostride, odist, type, batch, workArea));
private static native int cufftGetSizeManyNative(cufftHandle handle,
int rank, int n[],
int inembed[], int istride, int idist,
int onembed[], int ostride, int odist,
int type, int batch, long workArea[]);
public static int cufftGetSize(cufftHandle handle, long workSize[])
return checkResult(cufftGetSizeNative(handle, workSize));
private static native int cufftGetSizeNative(cufftHandle handle, long workSize[]);
public static int cufftSetWorkArea(cufftHandle plan, Pointer workArea)
return checkResult(cufftSetWorkAreaNative(plan, workArea));
private static native int cufftSetWorkAreaNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer workArea);
public static int cufftSetAutoAllocation(cufftHandle plan, int autoAllocate)
return checkResult(cufftSetAutoAllocationNative(plan, autoAllocate));
private static native int cufftSetAutoAllocationNative(cufftHandle plan, int autoAllocate);
* Frees all GPU resources associated with a CUFFT plan and destroys the
* internal plan data structure.
* cufftResult cufftDestroy( cufftHandle plan );
* This function should be called once a plan
* is no longer needed to avoid wasting GPU memory.
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object of the plan to be destroyed.
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_SHUTDOWN_FAILED CUFFT library failed to shut down.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully destroyed the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftDestroy(cufftHandle plan)
return checkResult(cufftDestroyNative(plan));
private static native int cufftDestroyNative(cufftHandle plan);
* Associates a CUDA stream with a CUFFT plan.
* cufftResult cufftSetStream( cufftHandle plan, cudaStream_t stream );
* All kernel launches made during plan execution are now done through
* the associated stream, enabling overlap with activity in other
* streams (for example, data copying). The association remains until
* the plan is destroyed or the stream is changed with another call
* to cufftSetStream().
* Input
* plan The cufftHandle object to associate with the stream
* stream A valid CUDA stream created with cudaStreamCreate() (or 0
* for the default stream)
* Return Values
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS The stream was successfully associated with the plan.
public static int cufftSetStream(cufftHandle plan, cudaStream_t stream)
return checkResult(cufftSetStreamNative(plan, stream));
private static native int cufftSetStreamNative(cufftHandle plan, cudaStream_t stream);
* Configures the layout of CUFFT output in FFTW-compatible modes.
* When FFTW compatibility is desired, it can be configured for padding
* only, for asymmetric complex inputs only, or to be fully compatible.
* Input
* plan The cufftHandle object to associate with the stream
* mode The cufftCompatibility option to be used:
* Disable any FFTW compatibility mode.
* Support FFTW data padding. (Default)
* Waive the C2R symmetry requirement.
* Should be used with asymmetric input.
* Enable full FFTW compatibility.
* Return Values
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.
public static int cufftSetCompatibilityMode(cufftHandle plan, int mode)
return checkResult(cufftSetCompatibilityModeNative(plan, mode));
private static native int cufftSetCompatibilityModeNative(cufftHandle plan, int mode);
//=== Single precision ===================================================
* Executes a CUFFT complex-to-complex transform plan.
* cufftResult cufftExecC2C( cufftHandle plan, cufftComplex *idata, cufftComplex *odata, int direction );
* CUFFT uses as input data the GPU memory pointed to by the idata parameter. This
* function stores the Fourier coefficients in the odata array. If idata and
* odata are the same, this method does an in-place transform.
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object for the plan to update
* idata Pointer to the input data (in GPU memory) to transform
* odata Pointer to the output data (in GPU memory)
* direction The transform direction: CUFFT_FORWARD or CUFFT_INVERSE
* Output
* ----
* odata Contains the complex Fourier coefficients
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE The idata, odata, and/or direction parameter is not valid.
* CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED CUFFT failed to execute the transform on GPU.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftExecC2C(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer cOdata, int direction)
return checkResult(cufftExecC2CNative(plan, cIdata, cOdata, direction));
private static native int cufftExecC2CNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer cOdata, int direction);
* Convenience method for {@link JCufft#cufftExecC2C(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer, int)}.
* Accepts arrays for input and output data and automatically performs the host-device
* and device-host copies.
* @see jcuda.jcufft.JCufft#cufftExecC2C(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer, int)
public static int cufftExecC2C(cufftHandle plan, float cIdata[], float cOdata[], int direction)
int cudaResult = 0;
boolean inPlace = (cIdata == cOdata);
// Allocate space for the input data on the device
Pointer hostCIdata = Pointer.to(cIdata);
Pointer deviceCIdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Set the output device data to be equal to the input
// device data for in-place transforms, or allocate
// the output device data if the transform is not
// in-place
Pointer hostCOdata = null;
Pointer deviceCOdata = null;
if (inPlace)
hostCOdata = hostCIdata;
deviceCOdata = deviceCIdata;
hostCOdata = Pointer.to(cOdata);
deviceCOdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copy the host input data to the device
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceCIdata, hostCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Execute the transform
int result = cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS;
result = JCufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, deviceCIdata, deviceCOdata, direction);
catch (CudaException e)
if (!inPlace)
result = cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(result));
return result;
// Copy the device output data to the host
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(hostCOdata, deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Free the device data
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCIdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!inPlace)
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCOdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return result;
* Executes a CUFFT real-to-complex (implicitly forward) transform plan.
* cufftResult cufftExecR2C( cufftHandle plan, cufftReal *idata, cufftComplex *odata );
* CUFFT uses as input data the GPU memory pointed to by the idata
* parameter. This function stores the non-redundant Fourier coefficients
* in the odata array. If idata and odata are the same, this method does
* an in-place transform (See CUFFT documentation for details on real
* data FFTs.)
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object for the plan to update
* idata Pointer to the input data (in GPU memory) to transform
* odata Pointer to the output data (in GPU memory)
* direction The transform direction: CUFFT_FORWARD or CUFFT_INVERSE
* Output
* ----
* odata Contains the complex Fourier coefficients
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE The idata, odata, and/or direction parameter is not valid.
* CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED CUFFT failed to execute the transform on GPU.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftExecR2C(cufftHandle plan, Pointer rIdata, Pointer cOdata)
return checkResult(cufftExecR2CNative(plan, rIdata, cOdata));
private static native int cufftExecR2CNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer rIdata, Pointer cOdata);
* Convenience method for {@link JCufft#cufftExecR2C(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)}.
* Accepts arrays for input and output data and automatically performs the host-device
* and device-host copies.
* @see jcuda.jcufft.JCufft#cufftExecR2C(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)
public static int cufftExecR2C(cufftHandle plan, float rIdata[], float cOdata[])
int cudaResult = 0;
boolean inPlace = (rIdata == cOdata);
// Allocate space for the input data on the device
Pointer hostRIdata = Pointer.to(rIdata);
Pointer deviceRIdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceRIdata, rIdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Allocate the output device data
Pointer hostCOdata = null;
Pointer deviceCOdata = null;
if (inPlace)
hostCOdata = hostRIdata;
deviceCOdata = deviceRIdata;
hostCOdata = Pointer.to(cOdata);
deviceCOdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copy the host input data to the device
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceRIdata, hostRIdata, rIdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Execute the transform
int result = cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS;
result = JCufft.cufftExecR2C(plan, deviceRIdata, deviceCOdata);
catch (CudaException e)
if (!inPlace)
result = cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(cudaResult));
return result;
// Copy the device output data to the host
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(hostCOdata, deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Free the device data
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceRIdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!inPlace)
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCOdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return result;
* Executes a CUFFT complex-to-real (implicitly inverse) transform plan.
* cufftResult cufftExecC2R( cufftHandle plan, cufftComplex *idata, cufftReal *odata );
* CUFFT uses as input data the GPU memory pointed to by the idata
* parameter. The input array holds only the non-redundant complex
* Fourier coefficients. This function stores the real output values in the
* odata array. If idata and odata are the same, this method does an inplace
* transform. (See CUFFT documentation for details on real data FFTs.)
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object for the plan to update
* idata Pointer to the complex input data (in GPU memory) to transform
* odata Pointer to the real output data (in GPU memory)
* Output
* ----
* odata Contains the real-valued output data
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE The idata and/or odata parameter is not valid.
* CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED CUFFT failed to execute the transform on GPU.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftExecC2R(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer rOdata)
return checkResult(cufftExecC2RNative(plan, cIdata, rOdata));
private static native int cufftExecC2RNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer rOdata);
* Convenience method for {@link JCufft#cufftExecC2R(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)}.
* Accepts arrays for input and output data and automatically performs the host-device
* and device-host copies.
* @see jcuda.jcufft.JCufft#cufftExecC2R(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)
public static int cufftExecC2R(cufftHandle plan, float cIdata[], float rOdata[])
int cudaResult = 0;
boolean inPlace = (cIdata == rOdata);
// Allocate space for the input data on the device
Pointer hostCIdata = Pointer.to(cIdata);
Pointer deviceCIdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Allocate the output device data
Pointer hostROdata = null;
Pointer deviceROdata = null;
if (inPlace)
hostROdata = hostCIdata;
deviceROdata = deviceCIdata;
hostROdata = Pointer.to(rOdata);
deviceROdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceROdata, rOdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copy the host input data to the device
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceCIdata, hostCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Execute the transform
int result = cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS;
result = JCufft.cufftExecC2R(plan, deviceCIdata, deviceROdata);
catch (CudaException e)
if (!inPlace)
result = cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(cudaResult));
return result;
// Copy the device output data to the host
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(hostROdata, deviceROdata, rOdata.length * Sizeof.FLOAT, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Free the device data
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCIdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!inPlace)
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceROdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return result;
//=== Double precision ===================================================
* Executes a CUFFT complex-to-complex transform plan for double precision
* values.
* cufftResult cufftExecZ2Z( cufftHandle plan, cufftDoubleComplex *idata, cufftDoubleComplex *odata, int direction );
* CUFFT uses as input data the GPU memory pointed to by the idata parameter. This
* function stores the Fourier coefficients in the odata array. If idata and
* odata are the same, this method does an in-place transform.
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object for the plan to update
* idata Pointer to the input data (in GPU memory) to transform
* odata Pointer to the output data (in GPU memory)
* direction The transform direction: CUFFT_FORWARD or CUFFT_INVERSE
* Output
* ----
* odata Contains the complex Fourier coefficients
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE The idata, odata, and/or direction parameter is not valid.
* CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED CUFFT failed to execute the transform on GPU.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftExecZ2Z(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer cOdata, int direction)
return checkResult(cufftExecZ2ZNative(plan, cIdata, cOdata, direction));
private static native int cufftExecZ2ZNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer cOdata, int direction);
* Convenience method for {@link JCufft#cufftExecZ2Z(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer, int)}.
* Accepts arrays for input and output data and automatically performs the host-device
* and device-host copies.
* @see jcuda.jcufft.JCufft#cufftExecZ2Z(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer, int)
public static int cufftExecZ2Z(cufftHandle plan, double cIdata[], double cOdata[], int direction)
int cudaResult = 0;
boolean inPlace = (cIdata == cOdata);
// Allocate space for the input data on the device
Pointer hostCIdata = Pointer.to(cIdata);
Pointer deviceCIdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Set the output device data to be equal to the input
// device data for in-place transforms, or allocate
// the output device data if the transform is not
// in-place
Pointer hostCOdata = null;
Pointer deviceCOdata = null;
if (inPlace)
hostCOdata = hostCIdata;
deviceCOdata = deviceCIdata;
hostCOdata = Pointer.to(cOdata);
deviceCOdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copy the host input data to the device
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceCIdata, hostCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Execute the transform
int result = cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS;
result = JCufft.cufftExecZ2Z(plan, deviceCIdata, deviceCOdata, direction);
catch (CudaException e)
if (!inPlace)
result = cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(cudaResult));
return result;
// Copy the device output data to the host
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(hostCOdata, deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Free the device data
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCIdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!inPlace)
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCOdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return result;
* Executes a CUFFT real-to-complex (implicitly forward) transform plan
* for double precision values.
* cufftResult cufftExecD2Z( cufftHandle plan, cufftDoubleReal *idata, cufftDoubleComplex *odata );
* CUFFT uses as input data the GPU memory pointed to by the idata
* parameter. This function stores the non-redundant Fourier coefficients
* in the odata array. If idata and odata are the same, this method does
* an in-place transform (See CUFFT documentation for details on real
* data FFTs.)
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object for the plan to update
* idata Pointer to the input data (in GPU memory) to transform
* odata Pointer to the output data (in GPU memory)
* direction The transform direction: CUFFT_FORWARD or CUFFT_INVERSE
* Output
* ----
* odata Contains the complex Fourier coefficients
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE The idata, odata, and/or direction parameter is not valid.
* CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED CUFFT failed to execute the transform on GPU.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftExecD2Z(cufftHandle plan, Pointer rIdata, Pointer cOdata)
return checkResult(cufftExecD2ZNative(plan, rIdata, cOdata));
private static native int cufftExecD2ZNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer rIdata, Pointer cOdata);
* Convenience method for {@link JCufft#cufftExecD2Z(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)}.
* Accepts arrays for input and output data and automatically performs the host-device
* and device-host copies.
* @see jcuda.jcufft.JCufft#cufftExecD2Z(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)
public static int cufftExecD2Z(cufftHandle plan, double rIdata[], double cOdata[])
int cudaResult = 0;
boolean inPlace = (rIdata == cOdata);
// Allocate space for the input data on the device
Pointer hostRIdata = Pointer.to(rIdata);
Pointer deviceRIdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceRIdata, rIdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Allocate the output device data
Pointer hostCOdata = null;
Pointer deviceCOdata = null;
if (inPlace)
hostCOdata = hostRIdata;
deviceCOdata = deviceRIdata;
hostCOdata = Pointer.to(cOdata);
deviceCOdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copy the host input data to the device
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceRIdata, hostRIdata, rIdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Execute the transform
int result = cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS;
result = JCufft.cufftExecD2Z(plan, deviceRIdata, deviceCOdata);
catch (CudaException e)
if (!inPlace)
result = cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(cudaResult));
return result;
// Copy the device output data to the host
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(hostCOdata, deviceCOdata, cOdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Free the device data
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceRIdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!inPlace)
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCOdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return result;
* Executes a CUFFT complex-to-real (implicitly inverse) transform plan
* for double precision values.
* cufftResult cufftExecZ2D( cufftHandle plan, cufftDoubleComplex *idata, cufftDoubleReal *odata );
* CUFFT uses as input data the GPU memory pointed to by the idata
* parameter. The input array holds only the non-redundant complex
* Fourier coefficients. This function stores the real output values in the
* odata array. If idata and odata are the same, this method does an inplace
* transform. (See CUFFT documentation for details on real data FFTs.)
* Input
* ----
* plan The cufftHandle object for the plan to update
* idata Pointer to the complex input data (in GPU memory) to transform
* odata Pointer to the real output data (in GPU memory)
* Output
* ----
* odata Contains the real-valued output data
* Return Values
* ----
* CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED CUFFT library failed to initialize.
* CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN The plan parameter is not a valid handle.
* CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE The idata and/or odata parameter is not valid.
* CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED CUFFT failed to execute the transform on GPU.
* CUFFT_SUCCESS CUFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.
* JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR If an internal JCufft error occurred
public static int cufftExecZ2D(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer rOdata)
return checkResult(cufftExecZ2DNative(plan, cIdata, rOdata));
private static native int cufftExecZ2DNative(cufftHandle plan, Pointer cIdata, Pointer rOdata);
* Convenience method for {@link JCufft#cufftExecZ2D(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)}.
* Accepts arrays for input and output data and automatically performs the host-device
* and device-host copies.
* @see jcuda.jcufft.JCufft#cufftExecZ2D(cufftHandle, Pointer, Pointer)
public static int cufftExecZ2D(cufftHandle plan, double cIdata[], double rOdata[])
int cudaResult = 0;
boolean inPlace = (cIdata == rOdata);
// Allocate space for the input data on the device
Pointer hostCIdata = Pointer.to(cIdata);
Pointer deviceCIdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Allocate the output device data
Pointer hostROdata = null;
Pointer deviceROdata = null;
if (inPlace)
hostROdata = hostCIdata;
deviceROdata = deviceCIdata;
hostROdata = Pointer.to(rOdata);
deviceROdata = new Pointer();
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMalloc(deviceROdata, rOdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Copy the host input data to the device
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(deviceCIdata, hostCIdata, cIdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Execute the transform
int result = cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS;
result = JCufft.cufftExecZ2D(plan, deviceCIdata, deviceROdata);
catch (CudaException e)
if (!inPlace)
result = cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (result != cufftResult.CUFFT_SUCCESS)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException(cufftResult.stringFor(cudaResult));
return result;
// Copy the device output data to the host
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaMemcpy(hostROdata, deviceROdata, rOdata.length * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (!inPlace)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Free the device data
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceCIdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!inPlace)
cudaResult = JCuda.cudaFree(deviceROdata);
if (cudaResult != cudaError.cudaSuccess)
if (exceptionsEnabled)
throw new CudaException("JCuda error: "+cudaError.stringFor(cudaResult));
return cufftResult.JCUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return result;
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