jcuda.jcurand.JCurand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JCurand - Java bindings for CURAND, the NVIDIA CUDA random
* number generation library, to be used with JCuda
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Marco Hutter - http://www.jcuda.org
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package jcuda.jcurand;
import jcuda.*;
import jcuda.runtime.cudaStream_t;
* Java bindings for CURAND, the NVIDIA CUDA random number
* generation library.
* The documentation is taken from the CURAND header files.
public class JCurand
* The flag that indicates whether the native library has been
* loaded
private static boolean initialized = false;
* Whether a CudaException should be thrown if a method is about
* to return a result code that is not
private static boolean exceptionsEnabled = false;
/* Private constructor to prevent instantiation */
private JCurand()
// Initialize the native library.
* Initializes the native library. Note that this method
* does not have to be called explicitly, since it will
* be called automatically when this class is loaded.
public static void initialize()
if (!initialized)
initialized = true;
* Set the specified log level for the JCurand library.
* Currently supported log levels:
* LOG_QUIET: Never print anything
* LOG_ERROR: Print error messages
* LOG_TRACE: Print a trace of all native function calls
* @param logLevel The log level to use.
public static void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel)
private static native void setLogLevelNative(int logLevel);
* Enables or disables exceptions. By default, the methods of this class
* only set the {@link curandStatus} from the native methods.
* If exceptions are enabled, a CudaException with a detailed error
* message will be thrown if a method is about to set a result code
* that is not curandStatus.CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS
* @param enabled Whether exceptions are enabled
public static void setExceptionsEnabled(boolean enabled)
exceptionsEnabled = enabled;
* If the given result is not curandStatus.CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS
* and exceptions have been enabled, this method will throw a
* CudaException with an error message that corresponds to the
* given result code. Otherwise, the given result is simply
* returned.
* @param result The result to check
* @return The result that was given as the parameter
* @throws CudaException If exceptions have been enabled and
* the given result code is not curandStatus.CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS
private static int checkResult(int result)
if (exceptionsEnabled && result != curandStatus.CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS)
throw new CudaException(curandStatus.stringFor(result));
return result;
//=== Auto-generated part: ===============================================
* Create new random number generator.
* Creates a new random number generator of type rng_type
* and returns it in *generator.
* Legal values for rng_type are:
* When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT, the type chosen
* When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_DEFAULT,
* the type chosen is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32.
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32 are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for \p rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MT19937 are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_PHILOX4_32_10 are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL64 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBBLED_SOBOL32 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL64 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* @param generator - Pointer to generator
* @param rng_type - Type of generator to create
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
* CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if there was a problem setting up the GPU
* CURAND_STATUS_VERSION_MISMATCH if the header file version does not match the
* dynamically linked library version
* CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the value for rng_type is invalid
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator was created successfully
public static int curandCreateGenerator(curandGenerator generator, int rng_type)
return checkResult(curandCreateGeneratorNative(generator, rng_type));
private native static int curandCreateGeneratorNative(curandGenerator generator, int rng_type);
* Create new host CPU random number generator.
* Creates a new host CPU random number generator of type rng_type
* and returns it in *generator.
* Legal values for rng_type are:
* When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT, the type chosen
* When rng_type is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_DEFAULT,
* the type chosen is CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32.
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_XORWOW are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MRG32K3A are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32 are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for \p rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MT19937 are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_PHILOX4_32_10 are:
* - seed = 0
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL32 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SOBOL64 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL32 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* The default values for rng_type = CURAND_RNG_QUASI_SCRAMBLED_SOBOL64 are:
* - dimensions = 1
* - offset = 0
* @param generator - Pointer to generator
* @param rng_type - Type of generator to create
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
* CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if there was a problem setting up the GPU
* CURAND_STATUS_VERSION_MISMATCH if the header file version does not match the
* dynamically linked library version
* CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the value for rng_type is invalid
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator was created successfully
public static int curandCreateGeneratorHost(curandGenerator generator, int rng_type)
return checkResult(curandCreateGeneratorHostNative(generator, rng_type));
private native static int curandCreateGeneratorHostNative(curandGenerator generator, int rng_type);
* Destroy an existing generator.
* Destroy an existing generator and free all memory associated with its state.
* @param generator - Generator to destroy
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator was destroyed successfully
public static int curandDestroyGenerator(curandGenerator generator)
return checkResult(curandDestroyGeneratorNative(generator));
private native static int curandDestroyGeneratorNative(curandGenerator generator);
* Return the version number of the library.
* Return in *version the version number of the dynamically linked CURAND
* library. The format is the same as CUDART_VERSION from the CUDA Runtime.
* The only supported configuration is CURAND version equal to CUDA Runtime
* version.
* @param version - CURAND library version
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the version number was successfully returned
public static int curandGetVersion(int version[])
return checkResult(curandGetVersionNative(version));
private native static int curandGetVersionNative(int version[]);
* Set the current stream for CURAND kernel launches.
* Set the current stream for CURAND kernel launches. All library functions
* will use this stream until set again.
* @param generator - Generator to modify
* @param stream - Stream to use or ::NULL for null stream
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if stream was set successfully
public static int curandSetStream(curandGenerator generator, cudaStream_t stream)
return checkResult(curandSetStreamNative(generator, stream));
private native static int curandSetStreamNative(curandGenerator generator, cudaStream_t stream);
* Set the seed value of the pseudo-random number generator.
* Set the seed value of the pseudorandom number generator.
* All values of seed are valid. Different seeds will produce different sequences.
* Different seeds will often not be statistically correlated with each other,
* but some pairs of seed values may generate sequences which are statistically correlated.
* @param generator - Generator to modify
* @param seed - Seed value
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the generator is not a pseudorandom number generator
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator seed was set successfully
public static int curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(curandGenerator generator, long seed)
return checkResult(curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeedNative(generator, seed));
private native static int curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeedNative(curandGenerator generator, long seed);
* Set the absolute offset of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
* Set the absolute offset of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
* All values of offset are valid. The offset position is absolute, not
* relative to the current position in the sequence.
* @param generator - Generator to modify
* @param offset - Absolute offset position
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator offset was set successfully
public static int curandSetGeneratorOffset(curandGenerator generator, long offset)
return checkResult(curandSetGeneratorOffsetNative(generator, offset));
private native static int curandSetGeneratorOffsetNative(curandGenerator generator, long offset);
* Set the ordering of results of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
* Set the ordering of results of the pseudo or quasirandom number generator.
* Legal values of order for pseudorandom generators are:
* Legal values of order for quasirandom generators are:
* @param generator - Generator to modify
* @param order - Ordering of results
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the ordering is not valid
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator ordering was set successfully
public static int curandSetGeneratorOrdering(curandGenerator generator, int order)
return checkResult(curandSetGeneratorOrderingNative(generator, order));
private native static int curandSetGeneratorOrderingNative(curandGenerator generator, int order);
* Set the number of dimensions.
* Set the number of dimensions to be generated by the quasirandom number
* generator.
* Legal values for num_dimensions are 1 to 20000.
* @param generator - Generator to modify
* @param num_dimensions - Number of dimensions
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if num_dimensions is not valid
* CURAND_STATUS_TYPE_ERROR if the generator is not a quasirandom number generator
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if generator ordering was set successfully
public static int curandSetQuasiRandomGeneratorDimensions(curandGenerator generator, int num_dimensions)
return checkResult(curandSetQuasiRandomGeneratorDimensionsNative(generator, num_dimensions));
private native static int curandSetQuasiRandomGeneratorDimensionsNative(curandGenerator generator, int num_dimensions);
* Generate 32-bit pseudo or quasirandom numbers.
* Use generator to generate num 32-bit results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 32-bit values with every bit random.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param num - Number of random 32-bit values to generate
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerate(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num)
return checkResult(curandGenerateNative(generator, outputPtr, num));
private native static int curandGenerateNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num);
* Generate 64-bit quasirandom numbers.
* Use generator to generate num 64-bit results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 64-bit values with every bit random.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param num - Number of random 64-bit values to generate
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateLongLong(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num)
return checkResult(curandGenerateLongLongNative(generator, outputPtr, num));
private native static int curandGenerateLongLongNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num);
* Generate uniformly distributed floats.
* Use generator to generate num float results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 32-bit floating point values between 0.0f and 1.0f,
* excluding 0.0f and including 1.0f.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param num - Number of floats to generate
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateUniform(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num)
return checkResult(curandGenerateUniformNative(generator, outputPtr, num));
private native static int curandGenerateUniformNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num);
* Generate uniformly distributed doubles.
* Use generator to generate num double results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 64-bit double precision floating point values between
* 0.0 and 1.0, excluding 0.0 and including 1.0.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param num - Number of doubles to generate
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
* CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateUniformDouble(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num)
return checkResult(curandGenerateUniformDoubleNative(generator, outputPtr, num));
private native static int curandGenerateUniformDoubleNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long num);
* Generate normally distributed floats.
* Use generator to generate num float results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 32-bit floating point values with mean mean and standard
* deviation stddev.
* Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators
* with a Box-Muller transform, and so require num to be even.
* Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution
* function to preserve dimensionality.
* There may be slight numerical differences between results generated
* on the GPU with generators created with ::curandCreateGenerator()
* and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with
* ::curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of
* differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition,
* future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math
* library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different
* numerical values.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param n - Number of floats to generate
* @param mean - Mean of normal distribution
* @param stddev - Standard deviation of normal distribution
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple
* of two for pseudorandom generators
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateNormal(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, float mean, float stddev)
return checkResult(curandGenerateNormalNative(generator, outputPtr, n, mean, stddev));
private native static int curandGenerateNormalNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, float mean, float stddev);
* Generate normally distributed doubles.
* Use generator to generate num double results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 64-bit floating point values with mean mean and standard
* deviation stddev.
* Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators
* with a Box-Muller transform, and so require num to be even.
* Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution
* function to preserve dimensionality.
* There may be slight numerical differences between results generated
* on the GPU with generators created with ::curandCreateGenerator()
* and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with
* ::curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of
* differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition,
* future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math
* library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different
* numerical values.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param n - Number of doubles to generate
* @param mean - Mean of normal distribution
* @param stddev - Standard deviation of normal distribution
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple
* of two for pseudorandom generators
* CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateNormalDouble(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, double mean, double stddev)
return checkResult(curandGenerateNormalDoubleNative(generator, outputPtr, n, mean, stddev));
private native static int curandGenerateNormalDoubleNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, double mean, double stddev);
* Generate log-normally distributed floats.
* Use generator to generate num float results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 32-bit floating point values with log-normal distribution based on
* an associated normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.
* Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators
* with a Box-Muller transform, and so require num to be even.
* Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution
* function to preserve dimensionality.
* The normally distributed results are transformed into log-normal distribution.
* There may be slight numerical differences between results generated
* on the GPU with generators created with ::curandCreateGenerator()
* and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with
* ::curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of
* differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition,
* future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math
* library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different
* numerical values.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param n - Number of floats to generate
* @param mean - Mean of associated normal distribution
* @param stddev - Standard deviation of associated normal distribution
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple
* of two for pseudorandom generators
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateLogNormal(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, float mean, float stddev)
return checkResult(curandGenerateLogNormalNative(generator, outputPtr, n, mean, stddev));
private native static int curandGenerateLogNormalNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, float mean, float stddev);
* Generate log-normally distributed doubles.
* Use generator to generate num double results into the device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 64-bit floating point values with log-normal distribution based on
* an associated normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation stddev.
* Normally distributed results are generated from pseudorandom generators
* with a Box-Muller transform, and so require num to be even.
* Quasirandom generators use an inverse cumulative distribution
* function to preserve dimensionality.
* The normally distributed results are transformed into log-normal distribution.
* There may be slight numerical differences between results generated
* on the GPU with generators created with ::curandCreateGenerator()
* and results calculated on the CPU with generators created with
* ::curandCreateGeneratorHost(). These differences arise because of
* differences in results for transcendental functions. In addition,
* future versions of CURAND may use newer versions of the CUDA math
* library, so different versions of CURAND may give slightly different
* numerical values.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param n - Number of doubles to generate
* @param mean - Mean of normal distribution
* @param stddev - Standard deviation of normal distribution
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension, or is not a multiple
* of two for pseudorandom generators
* CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateLogNormalDouble(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, double mean, double stddev)
return checkResult(curandGenerateLogNormalDoubleNative(generator, outputPtr, n, mean, stddev));
private native static int curandGenerateLogNormalDoubleNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, double mean, double stddev);
* Construct the histogram array for a Poisson distribution.
* Construct the histogram array for the Poisson distribution with lambda lambda.
* For lambda greater than 2000, an approximation with a normal distribution is used.
* @param lambda - lambda for the Poisson distribution
* @param discrete_distribution - pointer to the histogram in device memory
* @return
* - CURAND_STATUS_ALLOCATION_FAILED if memory could not be allocated
* - CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU does not support double precision
* - CURAND_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED if there was a problem setting up the GPU
* - CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the distribution pointer was null
* - CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* - CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if lambda is non-positive or greater than 400,000
* - CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the histogram was generated successfully
* (Note: This function actually belongs to the device API of CURAND,
* and may not be used sensibly from Java)
public static int curandCreatePoissonDistribution(double lambda, curandDiscreteDistribution discrete_distribution)
return checkResult(curandCreatePoissonDistributionNative(lambda, discrete_distribution));
private static native int curandCreatePoissonDistributionNative(double lambda, curandDiscreteDistribution discrete_distribution);
* Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution (e.g. Poisson).
* Destroy the histogram array for a discrete distribution created by curandCreatePoissonDistribution.
* @param discrete_distribution - pointer to device memory where the histogram is stored
* @return
* - CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the histogram was never created
* - CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the histogram was destroyed successfully
* (Note: This function actually belongs to the device API of CURAND,
* and may not be used sensibly from Java)
public static int curandDestroyDistribution(curandDiscreteDistribution discrete_distribution)
return checkResult(curandDestroyDistributionNative(discrete_distribution));
private static native int curandDestroyDistributionNative(curandDiscreteDistribution discrete_distribution);
* Generate Poisson-distributed unsigned ints.
* Use generator to generate n unsigned int results into device memory at
* outputPtr. The device memory must have been previously allocated and must be
* large enough to hold all the results. Launches are done with the stream
* set using ::curandSetStream(), or the null stream if no stream has been set.
* Results are 32-bit unsigned int point values with Poisson distribution,
* with lambda lambda.
* @param generator - Generator to use
* @param outputPtr - Pointer to device memory to store CUDA-generated results, or
* Pointer to host memory to store CPU-generated results
* @param n - Number of unsigned ints to generate
* @param lambda - lambda for the Poisson distribution
* @return
* - CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* - CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* - CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* - CURAND_STATUS_LENGTH_NOT_MULTIPLE if the number of output samples is
* not a multiple of the quasirandom dimension
* - CURAND_STATUS_DOUBLE_PRECISION_REQUIRED if the GPU or sm does not support double precision
* - CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if lambda is non-positive or greater than 400,000
* - CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the results were generated successfully
public static int curandGeneratePoisson(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, double lambda)
return checkResult(curandGeneratePoissonNative(generator, outputPtr, n, lambda));
private static native int curandGeneratePoissonNative(curandGenerator generator, Pointer outputPtr, long n, double lambda);
* Setup starting states.
* Generate the starting state of the generator. This function is
* automatically called by generation functions such as
* ::curandGenerate() and ::curandGenerateUniform().
* It can be called manually for performance testing reasons to separate
* timings for starting state generation and random number generation.
* @param generator - Generator to update
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED if the generator was never created
* CURAND_STATUS_PREEXISTING_FAILURE if there was an existing error from
* a previous kernel launch
* CURAND_STATUS_LAUNCH_FAILURE if the kernel launch failed for any reason
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the seeds were generated successfully
public static int curandGenerateSeeds(curandGenerator generator)
return checkResult(curandGenerateSeedsNative(generator));
private native static int curandGenerateSeedsNative(curandGenerator generator);
* Get direction vectors for 32-bit quasirandom number generation.
* Get a pointer to an array of direction vectors that can be used
* for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will
* reference an array of direction vectors in host memory.
* The array contains vectors for many dimensions. Each dimension
* has 32 vectors. Each individual vector is an unsigned int.
* Legal values for set are:
* - CURAND_DIRECTION_VECTORS_32_JOEKUO6 (20,000 dimensions)
* @param vectors - Address of pointer in which to return direction vectors
* @param set - Which set of direction vectors to use
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the choice of set is invalid
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
public static int curandGetDirectionVectors32(int[][][] vectors, int set)
return checkResult(curandGetDirectionVectors32Native(vectors, set));
private native static int curandGetDirectionVectors32Native(int[][][] vectors, int set);
* Get scramble constants for 32-bit scrambled Sobol' .
* Get a pointer to an array of scramble constants that can be used
* for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will
* reference an array of unsinged ints in host memory.
* The array contains constants for many dimensions. Each dimension
* has a single unsigned int constant.
* @param constants - Address of pointer in which to return scramble constants
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
public static int curandGetScrambleConstants32(int[][] constants)
return checkResult(curandGetScrambleConstants32Native(constants));
private native static int curandGetScrambleConstants32Native(int[][] constants);
* Get direction vectors for 64-bit quasirandom number generation.
* Get a pointer to an array of direction vectors that can be used
* for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will
* reference an array of direction vectors in host memory.
* The array contains vectors for many dimensions. Each dimension
* has 64 vectors. Each individual vector is an unsigned long long.
* Legal values for set are:
* - CURAND_DIRECTION_VECTORS_64_JOEKUO6 (20,000 dimensions)
* @param vectors - Address of pointer in which to return direction vectors
* @param set - Which set of direction vectors to use
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE if the choice of set is invalid
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
public static int curandGetDirectionVectors64(long[][][] vectors, int set)
return checkResult(curandGetDirectionVectors64Native(vectors, set));
private native static int curandGetDirectionVectors64Native(long[][][] vectors, int set);
* Get scramble constants for 64-bit scrambled Sobol' .
* Get a pointer to an array of scramble constants that can be used
* for quasirandom number generation. The resulting pointer will
* reference an array of unsinged long longs in host memory.
* The array contains constants for many dimensions. Each dimension
* has a single unsigned long long constant.
* @param constants - Address of pointer in which to return scramble constants
* @return
* CURAND_STATUS_SUCCESS if the pointer was set successfully
public static int curandGetScrambleConstants64(long[][] constants)
return checkResult(curandGetScrambleConstants64Native(constants));
private native static int curandGetScrambleConstants64Native(long[][] constants);
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