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org.nd4j.nativeblas.Nd4jCpu Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Targeted by JavaCPP version 1.5.1-1: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
package org.nd4j.nativeblas;
import java.nio.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.annotation.*;
public class Nd4jCpu extends org.nd4j.nativeblas.Nd4jCpuHelper {
static { Loader.load(); }
@Name("std::vector >") public static class IntVectorVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public IntVectorVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public IntVectorVector(int[] ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public IntVectorVector() { allocate(); }
public IntVectorVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef IntVectorVector put(@ByRef IntVectorVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public boolean empty(@Cast("size_t") long i) { return size(i) == 0; }
public native @Index(function = "at") long size(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public void clear(@Cast("size_t") long i) { resize(i, 0); }
public native @Index(function = "at") void resize(@Cast("size_t") long i, @Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native int get(@Cast("size_t") long i, @Cast("size_t") long j);
public native IntVectorVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, @Cast("size_t") long j, int value);
public int[][] get() {
int[][] array = new int[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE][];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = new int[size(i) < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size(i) : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
array[i][j] = get(i, j);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.deepToString(get());
public IntVectorVector put(int[] ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (size(i) != array[i].length) { resize(i, array[i].length); }
for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
put(i, j, array[i][j]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector >") public static class LongVectorVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public LongVectorVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public LongVectorVector(long[] ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public LongVectorVector() { allocate(); }
public LongVectorVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef LongVectorVector put(@ByRef LongVectorVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public boolean empty(@Cast("size_t") long i) { return size(i) == 0; }
public native @Index(function = "at") long size(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public void clear(@Cast("size_t") long i) { resize(i, 0); }
public native @Index(function = "at") void resize(@Cast("size_t") long i, @Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long get(@Cast("size_t") long i, @Cast("size_t") long j);
public native LongVectorVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, @Cast("size_t") long j, long value);
public long[][] get() {
long[][] array = new long[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE][];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = new long[size(i) < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size(i) : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
array[i][j] = get(i, j);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.deepToString(get());
public LongVectorVector put(long[] ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (size(i) != array[i].length) { resize(i, array[i].length); }
for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
put(i, j, array[i][j]);
return this;
@Name("std::vector") public static class NDArrayVector extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDArrayVector(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NDArrayVector(NDArray value) { this(1); put(0, value); }
public NDArrayVector(NDArray ... array) { this(array.length); put(array); }
public NDArrayVector() { allocate(); }
public NDArrayVector(long n) { allocate(n); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocate(@Cast("size_t") long n);
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef NDArrayVector put(@ByRef NDArrayVector x);
public boolean empty() { return size() == 0; }
public native long size();
public void clear() { resize(0); }
public native void resize(@Cast("size_t") long n);
@Index(function = "at") public native NDArray get(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native NDArrayVector put(@Cast("size_t") long i, NDArray value);
public native @ByVal Iterator insert(@ByVal Iterator pos, NDArray value);
public native @ByVal Iterator erase(@ByVal Iterator pos);
public native @ByVal Iterator begin();
public native @ByVal Iterator end();
@NoOffset @Name("iterator") public static class Iterator extends Pointer {
public Iterator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Iterator() { }
public native @Name("operator++") @ByRef Iterator increment();
public native @Name("operator==") boolean equals(@ByRef Iterator it);
public native @Name("operator*") @Const NDArray get();
public NDArray[] get() {
NDArray[] array = new NDArray[size() < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? (int)size() : Integer.MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] = get(i);
return array;
@Override public String toString() {
return java.util.Arrays.toString(get());
public NDArray pop_back() {
long size = size();
NDArray value = get(size - 1);
resize(size - 1);
return value;
public NDArrayVector push_back(NDArray value) {
long size = size();
resize(size + 1);
return put(size, value);
public NDArrayVector put(NDArray value) {
if (size() != 1) { resize(1); }
return put(0, value);
public NDArrayVector put(NDArray ... array) {
if (size() != array.length) { resize(array.length); }
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
put(i, array[i]);
return this;
@NoOffset @Name("std::pair") public static class IntIntPair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public IntIntPair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public IntIntPair(int firstValue, int secondValue) { this(); put(firstValue, secondValue); }
public IntIntPair() { allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Name("operator=") @ByRef IntIntPair put(@ByRef IntIntPair x);
@MemberGetter public native int first(); public native IntIntPair first(int first);
@MemberGetter public native int second(); public native IntIntPair second(int second);
public IntIntPair put(int firstValue, int secondValue) {
return this;
// Parsed from memory/MemoryType.h
// Created by raver119 on 07.05.19.
/** enum nd4j::memory::MemoryType */
public static final int
HOST = 0,
DEVICE = 10;
// Parsed from array/DataType.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #ifndef ND4J_DATATYPE_H
// #define ND4J_DATATYPE_H
/** enum nd4j::DataType */
public static final int
BOOL = 1,
FLOAT8 = 2,
HALF = 3,
HALF2 = 4,
FLOAT32 = 5,
INT8 = 7,
INT16 = 8,
INT32 = 9,
INT64 = 10,
UINT8 = 11,
UINT16 = 12,
UINT32 = 13,
UINT64 = 14,
QINT8 = 15,
QINT16 = 16,
BFLOAT16 = 17,
UTF8 = 50,
ANY = 100,
AUTO = 200;
// #endif
// Parsed from array/ConstantDataBuffer.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class ConstantDataBuffer extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ConstantDataBuffer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ConstantDataBuffer(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ConstantDataBuffer position(long position) {
return (ConstantDataBuffer)super.position(position);
public ConstantDataBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer primary, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer special, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long numEelements, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeOf) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(primary, special, numEelements, sizeOf); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer primary, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer special, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long numEelements, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeOf);
public ConstantDataBuffer(@Const @ByRef ConstantDataBuffer other) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(other); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef ConstantDataBuffer other);
public ConstantDataBuffer() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeOf();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length();
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer primary();
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer special();
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") ConstantDataBuffer put(@Const @ByRef ConstantDataBuffer other);
// Parsed from array/ConstantDescriptor.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class ConstantDescriptor extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ConstantDescriptor(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public ConstantDescriptor(DoublePointer values, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values, length); }
private native void allocate(DoublePointer values, int length);
public ConstantDescriptor(DoubleBuffer values, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values, length); }
private native void allocate(DoubleBuffer values, int length);
public ConstantDescriptor(double[] values, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values, length); }
private native void allocate(double[] values, int length);
public ConstantDescriptor(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer values, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values, length); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer values, int length);
public ConstantDescriptor(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer values, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values, length); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer values, int length);
public ConstantDescriptor(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] values, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values, length); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] values, int length);
public ConstantDescriptor(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer values) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer values);
public ConstantDescriptor(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer values) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer values);
public ConstantDescriptor(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] values) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] values);
public ConstantDescriptor(@StdVector DoublePointer values) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values); }
private native void allocate(@StdVector DoublePointer values);
public ConstantDescriptor(@StdVector DoubleBuffer values) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values); }
private native void allocate(@StdVector DoubleBuffer values);
public ConstantDescriptor(@StdVector double[] values) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(values); }
private native void allocate(@StdVector double[] values);
// equal to operator
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator ==") boolean equals(@Const @ByRef ConstantDescriptor other);
// less than operator
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator <") boolean lessThan(@Const @ByRef ConstantDescriptor other);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isInteger();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isFloat();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer integerValues();
public native @StdVector DoublePointer floatValues();
// Parsed from array/TadPack.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include "ConstantDataBuffer.h"
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class TadPack extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public TadPack(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public TadPack(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public TadPack position(long position) {
return (TadPack)super.position(position);
public TadPack(@ByRef ConstantDataBuffer shapes, @ByRef ConstantDataBuffer offets, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long numTads) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapes, offets, numTads); }
private native void allocate(@ByRef ConstantDataBuffer shapes, @ByRef ConstantDataBuffer offets, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long numTads);
public TadPack() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer primaryShapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer primaryOffsets();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer specialShapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer specialOffsets();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long numberOfTads();
public native int shapeInfoLength();
* These methods return either primary or special pointers depending on platform binaries were compiled for
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer platformShapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer platformOffsets();
// Parsed from execution/ErrorReference.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("sd") @NoOffset public static class ErrorReference extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ErrorReference(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ErrorReference(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ErrorReference position(long position) {
return (ErrorReference)super.position(position);
public ErrorReference() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native int errorCode();
public native @Cast("char*") String errorMessage();
public native void setErrorCode(int errorCode);
public native void setErrorMessage(@StdString BytePointer message);
public native void setErrorMessage(@StdString String message);
// Parsed from Environment.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 06.10.2017.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class Environment extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Environment(Pointer p) { super(p); }
* These 3 fields are mostly for CUDA/cuBLAS version tracking
public native int _blasMajorVersion(); public native Environment _blasMajorVersion(int setter);
public native int _blasMinorVersion(); public native Environment _blasMinorVersion(int setter);
public native int _blasPatchVersion(); public native Environment _blasPatchVersion(int setter);
public static native Environment getInstance();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isVerbose();
public native void setVerbose(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyVerbose);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isDebug();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isProfiling();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isDetectingLeaks();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isDebugAndVerbose();
public native void setDebug(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyDebug);
public native void setProfiling(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyProfile);
public native void setLeaksDetector(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyDetect);
public native int tadThreshold();
public native void setTadThreshold(int threshold);
public native int elementwiseThreshold();
public native void setElementwiseThreshold(int threshold);
public native int maxThreads();
public native void setMaxThreads(int max);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isUseMKLDNN();
public native void setUseMKLDNN(@Cast("bool") boolean useMKLDNN);
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int defaultFloatDataType();
public native void setDefaultFloatDataType(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean precisionBoostAllowed();
public native void allowPrecisionBoost(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyAllow);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isExperimentalBuild();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isCPU();
public native @StdVector Pair capabilities();
// Parsed from types/utf8string.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class utf8string extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public utf8string(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public utf8string(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public utf8string position(long position) {
return (utf8string)super.position(position);
public native @Cast("char*") BytePointer _buffer(); public native utf8string _buffer(BytePointer setter);
public native @Cast("unsigned int") int _length(); public native utf8string _length(int setter);
public utf8string() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public utf8string(@Cast("char*") String string, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(string, length); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("char*") String string, int length);
public utf8string(@Cast("char*") BytePointer string, int length) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(string, length); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("char*") BytePointer string, int length);
public utf8string(@StdString BytePointer string) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(string); }
private native void allocate(@StdString BytePointer string);
public utf8string(@StdString String string) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(string); }
private native void allocate(@StdString String string);
public utf8string(@Const @ByRef utf8string other) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(other); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef utf8string other);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") utf8string put(@Const @ByRef utf8string other);
// Parsed from NativeOps.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by agibsonccc on 2/21/16.
#ifndef thread_local
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112 && !defined __STDC_NO_THREADS__
# define thread_local _Thread_local
# elif defined _WIN32 && ( \
defined _MSC_VER || \
defined __ICL || \
defined __DMC__ || \
defined __BORLANDC__ )
# define thread_local __declspec(thread)
// note that ICC (linux) and Clang are covered by __GNUC__
# elif defined __GNUC__ || \
defined __SUNPRO_C || \
defined __xlC__
# define thread_local __thread
# else
# error "Cannot define thread_local"
# endif
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #ifdef _WIN32
// #define ND4J_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
// #else
// #define ND4J_EXPORT
// #endif
// #include
// #include
int tad_threshold = 1;
int element_threshold = 32;
bool debug = false;
bool verbose = false;
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
* This function returns last error code stored,
* @return non-zero if something bad happened
public native int lastErrorCode();
* This function returns last error message, if last error code > 0
* @return
public native @Cast("char*") String lastErrorMessage();
* @param p
* @param len
public native void tryPointer(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer extra, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer p, int len);
* @param num
public native void setElementThreshold(int num);
* @param num
public native void setTADThreshold(int num);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
public native void execIndexReduceScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execIndexReduceScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execIndexReduceScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfoBuffer
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
public native void execIndexReduce(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execIndexReduce(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execIndexReduce(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param y
* @param yShapeInfo
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
public native void execBroadcast(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execBroadcast(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execBroadcast(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
public native void execBroadcastBool(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execBroadcastBool(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execBroadcastBool(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
* @param opNum
* @param dx
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param y
* @param yShapeInfo
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param n
public native void execPairwiseTransform(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execPairwiseTransform(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execPairwiseTransform(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execPairwiseTransformBool(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execPairwiseTransformBool(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execPairwiseTransformBool(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
public native void execReduceFloat(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceFloat(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceFloat(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceSame(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceSame(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceSame(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceLong(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceLong(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduceLong(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
public native void execReduceFloat2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceFloat2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceFloat2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceSame2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceSame2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceSame2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceBool2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceBool2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceBool2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceLong2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceLong2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape);
public native void execReduceLong2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParamsVals
* @param y
* @param yShapeInfo
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
public native void execReduce3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduce3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduce3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParamsVals
* @param y
* @param yShapeInfo
public native void execReduce3Scalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduce3Scalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo);
public native void execReduce3Scalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParamsVals
* @param y
* @param yShapeInfo
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfoBuffer
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
public native void execReduce3Tad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOnlyShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yTadOnlyShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yTadOffsets);
public native void execReduce3Tad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOnlyShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yTadOnlyShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yTadOffsets);
public native void execReduce3Tad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOnlyShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yTadOnlyShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yTadOffsets);
public native void execReduce3All(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xTadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yTadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yOffsets);
public native void execReduce3All(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xTadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yTadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yOffsets);
public native void execReduce3All(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParamsVals,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xTadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yTadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yOffsets);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
* @param scalar
* @param extraParams
* @param n
public native void execScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execScalarBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execScalarBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execScalarBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalar, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dSscalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
public native void execSummaryStatsScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected);
public native void execSummaryStatsScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected);
public native void execSummaryStatsScalar(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
public native void execSummaryStats(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected);
public native void execSummaryStats(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected);
public native void execSummaryStats(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected);
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfoBuffer
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
public native void execSummaryStatsTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets);
public native void execSummaryStatsTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets);
public native void execSummaryStatsTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape,
@Cast("bool") boolean biasCorrected,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets);
* @param opNum
* @param dx
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param result
* @param resultShapeInfo
* @param extraParams
* @param n
public native void execTransformFloat(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformFloat(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformFloat(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformSame(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformSame(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformSame(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformBool(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformAny(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformAny(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformAny(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformStrict(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformStrict(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
public native void execTransformStrict(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams);
* @param extraPointers
* @param opNum
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param z
* @param zShapeInfo
* @param scalars
* @param extraParams
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
public native void execScalarTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfoZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsetsZ);
public native void execScalarTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfoZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsetsZ);
public native void execScalarTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfoZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsetsZ);
public native void execScalarBoolTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfoZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsetsZ);
public native void execScalarBoolTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfoZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsetsZ);
public native void execScalarBoolTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeInfo,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeInfo,
Pointer hScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer dScalars, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dScalarShapeInfo,
Pointer extraParams,
Pointer hDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hDimensionShape,
Pointer dDimension, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dDimensionShape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfoZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsetsZ);
public native void specialConcat(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int dimension,
int numArrays,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer data,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapeInfo,
Pointer result,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer resultShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadPointers,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer offsetPointers);
public native void specialConcat(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int dimension,
int numArrays,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer data,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapeInfo,
Pointer result,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer resultShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadPointers,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer offsetPointers);
public native void specialConcat(
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int dimension,
int numArrays,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer data,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapeInfo,
Pointer result,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] resultShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadPointers,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer offsetPointers);
* This method implementation exists only for cuda.
* The other backends should have dummy method for JNI compatibility reasons.
public native void initializeDevicesAndFunctions();
public native void initializeFunctions(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer functions);
* This method acquires memory chunk of requested size on host side
* @param pointer pointer that'll be used for allocation
* @param memorySize memory size, in bytes
* @param flags optional parameter
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer mallocHost(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long memorySize, int flags);
* This method acquires memory chunk of requested size on specified device
* @param pointer pointer that'll be used for allocation
* @param memorySize memory size, in bytes
* @param ptrToDeviceId pointer to deviceId. For cuda that's just and int, for OpenCL that's pointer to device_id, etc
* @param flags optional parameter
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer mallocDevice(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long memorySize, int deviceId, int flags);
* This method releases previously allocated host memory space
* @param pointer pointer that'll be freed
public native int freeHost(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer);
* This method releases previously allocated memory space on device
* @param pointer pointer that'll be freed
* @param ptrToDeviceId pointer to deviceId.
public native int freeDevice(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer, int deviceId);
* @return
public native int ompGetMaxThreads();
* @return
public native int ompGetNumThreads();
* @param threads
public native void setOmpNumThreads(int threads);
* @param threads
public native void setOmpMinThreads(int threads);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isBlasVersionMatches(int major, int minor, int build);
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer createContext();
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer createStream();
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer createEvent();
* @param event
* @param stream
* @return
public native int registerEvent(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer event, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer stream);
* @param event
* @return
public native int destroyEvent(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer event);
* @param ptrToDeviceId
* @return
public native int setDevice(int deviceId);
* @return
public native int getDevice();
* @param stream
* @return
public native int streamSynchronize(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer stream);
* @param event
* @return
public native int eventSynchronize(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer event);
* @param ptrToDeviceId
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getDeviceFreeMemory(int deviceId);
* Returns amount of free memory for current device
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getDeviceFreeMemoryDefault();
* @param ptrToDeviceId
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getDeviceTotalMemory(int deviceId);
* @param ptrToDeviceId
* @return
public native int getDeviceMajor(int deviceId);
* This method returns amount of cached memory
* @param deviceId
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getCachedMemory(int deviceId);
* @param ptrToDeviceId
* @return
public native int getDeviceMinor(int deviceId);
* @param ptrToDeviceId
* @return
public native @Cast("char*") String getDeviceName(int deviceId);
* @param dst
* @param src
* @param size
* @param flags
* @param reserved
* @return
public native int memcpySync(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dst,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer src,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size,
int flags,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer reserved);
* @param dst
* @param src
* @param size
* @param flags
* @param reserved
* @return
public native int memcpyAsync(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dst,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer src,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size,
int flags,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer reserved);
* @param dst
* @param value
* @param size
* @param flags
* @param reserved
* @return
public native int memsetSync(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dst,
int value,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size,
int flags,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer reserved);
* @param dst
* @param value
* @param size
* @param flags
* @param reserved
* @return
public native int memsetAsync(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dst,
int value,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size,
int flags,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer reserved);
* @param dst
* @param src
* @param size
* @param flags
* @param reserved
* @return
public native int memcpyConstantAsync(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long dst,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer src,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size,
int flags,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer reserved);
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer getConstantSpace();
* @return
public native int getAvailableDevices();
* @param reallyEnable
public native void enableDebugMode(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyEnable);
* @param reallyEnable
public native void enableVerboseMode(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyEnable);
* @param gridSize
public native void setGridLimit(int gridSize);
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param dimension
* @param dimensionLength
* @param targetBuffer
* @param offsetsBuffer
public native OpaqueTadPack tadOnlyShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
IntPointer dimension,
int dimensionLength);
public native OpaqueTadPack tadOnlyShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
IntBuffer dimension,
int dimensionLength);
public native OpaqueTadPack tadOnlyShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
int[] dimension,
int dimensionLength);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getPrimaryShapeInfo(OpaqueTadPack pack);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getPrimaryOffsets(OpaqueTadPack pack);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getSpecialShapeInfo(OpaqueTadPack pack);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getSpecialOffsets(OpaqueTadPack pack);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getNumberOfTads(OpaqueTadPack pack);
public native int getShapeInfoLength(OpaqueTadPack pack);
public native void deleteTadPack(OpaqueTadPack ptr);
* PullRow special op
* @param extraPointers
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param z
* @param zShapeInfo
* @param n
* @param indexes
* @param tadShapeInfo
* @param tadOffsets
* @param zTadShapeInfo
* @param zTadOffsets
public native void pullRows(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dzShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indexes,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zTadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zTadOffsets);
public native void pullRows(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dzShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indexes,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zTadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zTadOffsets);
public native void pullRows(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dzShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] indexes,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zTadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zTadOffsets);
* @param extras
* @param dx
* @param dz
* @param n
* @param length
* @param propagate
public native void average(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dzShapeInfo,
int n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long length,
@Cast("bool") boolean propagate);
public native void average(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dzShapeInfo,
int n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long length,
@Cast("bool") boolean propagate);
public native void average(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dzShapeInfo,
int n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long length,
@Cast("bool") boolean propagate);
public native void accumulate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dzShapeInfo,
int n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
public native void accumulate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dzShapeInfo,
int n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
public native void accumulate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer z, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo,
Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dzShapeInfo,
int n,
@Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
* P2P enabler
* @param enable
public native void enableP2P(@Cast("bool") boolean enable);
public native void checkP2P();
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isP2PAvailable();
* Shuffle methods
* @param extras
* @param dx
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param dz
* @param zShapeInfo
* @param N
* @param shuffleMap
* @param tadShapeInfo
* @param tadOffsets
public native void shuffle(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer z, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer zShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dzShapeInfo,
int N,
IntPointer shuffleMap,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadOffsets);
public native void shuffle(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer z, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer zShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dzShapeInfo,
int N,
IntBuffer shuffleMap,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadOffsets);
public native void shuffle(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer x, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer xShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer z, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer zShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer dzShapeInfo,
int N,
int[] shuffleMap,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer tadOffsets);
* Type Conversions
* @param extras
* @param srcType
* @param x
* @param N
* @param dstType
* @param z
public native void convertTypes(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extras, int srcType, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, int dstType, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer z);
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isExperimentalEnabled();
* Aggregate
* @param extraPointers
* @param opNum
* @param arguments
* @param numArguments
* @param shapeArguments
* @param numShapeArguments
* @param indexArguments
* @param numIndexArguments
* @param intArrays
* @param numIntArrays
* @param realArguments
* @param numRealArguments
public native void execAggregate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("void**") PointerPointer arguments,
int numArguments,
@Cast("Nd4jLong**") PointerPointer shapeArguments,
int numShapeArguments,
IntPointer indexArguments,
int numIndexArguments,
@Cast("int**") PointerPointer intArrays,
int numIntArrays,
Pointer realArguments,
int numRealArguments,
@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void execAggregate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer arguments,
int numArguments,
@Cast("Nd4jLong**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer shapeArguments,
int numShapeArguments,
IntPointer indexArguments,
int numIndexArguments,
@ByPtrPtr IntPointer intArrays,
int numIntArrays,
Pointer realArguments,
int numRealArguments,
@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void execAggregate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer arguments,
int numArguments,
@Cast("Nd4jLong**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer shapeArguments,
int numShapeArguments,
IntBuffer indexArguments,
int numIndexArguments,
@ByPtrPtr IntBuffer intArrays,
int numIntArrays,
Pointer realArguments,
int numRealArguments,
@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void execAggregate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer arguments,
int numArguments,
@Cast("Nd4jLong**") @ByPtrPtr long[] shapeArguments,
int numShapeArguments,
int[] indexArguments,
int numIndexArguments,
@ByPtrPtr int[] intArrays,
int numIntArrays,
Pointer realArguments,
int numRealArguments,
@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void batchExecutor(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int numAggregates,
int opNum,
int maxArgs,
int maxShapes,
int maxIntArrays,
int maxIntArraySize,
int maxIdx,
int maxReals,
Pointer ptrToArguments,
@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void execAggregateBatch(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int numAggregates,
int opNum,
int maxArgs,
int maxShapes,
int maxIntArrays,
int maxIntArraySize,
int maxIdx,
int maxReals,
Pointer ptrToArguments,
@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
* Random operations
* @param extraPointers
* @param opNum
* @param state
* @param z
* @param zShapeBuffer
* @param extraArguments
public native void execRandom(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
public native void execRandom(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
public native void execRandom(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
* @param extraPointers
* @param opNum
* @param state
* @param x
* @param xShapeBuffer
* @param y
* @param yShapeBuffer
* @param z
* @param zShapeBuffer
* @param extraArguments
public native void execRandom3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeBuffer,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeBuffer,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeBuffer,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeBuffer,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
public native void execRandom3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeBuffer,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeBuffer,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeBuffer,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeBuffer,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
public native void execRandom3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeBuffer,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeBuffer,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeBuffer,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeBuffer,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
* @param extraPointers
* @param opNum
* @param state
* @param x
* @param xShapeBuffer
* @param z
* @param zShapeBuffer
* @param extraArguments
public native void execRandom2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeBuffer,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeBuffer,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
public native void execRandom2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeBuffer,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeBuffer,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
public native void execRandom2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
int opNum,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeBuffer,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeBuffer,
Pointer hZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hZShapeBuffer,
Pointer dZ, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dZShapeBuffer,
Pointer extraArguments);
* @param extraPointers
* @param seed
* @param bufferSize
* @param ptrToBuffer
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer initRandom(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
long seed,
long bufferSize,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrToBuffer);
* @param extraPointers
* @param seed
* @param ptrRandom
public native void refreshBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
long seed,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrRandom);
* @param extraPointers
* @param seed
* @param ptrRandom
public native void reSeedBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
long seed,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrRandom);
* @param ptrRandom
public native void destroyRandom(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrRandom);
* Grid operations
* @param extras
* @param opTypeA
* @param opNumA
* @param opTypeB
* @param opNumB
* @param N
* @param dx
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param dy
* @param yShapeInfo
* @param dz
* @param zShapeInfo
* @param extraA
* @param extraB
* @param scalarA
* @param scalarB
ND4J_EXPORT void execMetaPredicateShape(Nd4jPointer *extras,
const int opTypeA,
const int opNumA,
const int opTypeB,
const int opNumB,
Nd4jLong N,
void *hX, Nd4jLong *hXShapeBuffer,
void *dX, Nd4jLong *dXShapeBuffer,
void *hY, Nd4jLong *hYShapeBuffer,
void *dY, Nd4jLong *dYShapeBuffer,
void *hZ, Nd4jLong *hZShapeBuffer,
void *dZ, Nd4jLong *dZShapeBuffer,
void *extraA,
void *extraB,
double scalarA,
double scalarB);
* @param data
* @param shapeBuffer
* @param wordSize
* @param headerSize
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer numpyHeaderForNd4j(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer data,@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeBuffer,@Cast("Nd4jLong") long wordSize,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer headerSize);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer numpyHeaderForNd4j(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer data,@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeBuffer,@Cast("Nd4jLong") long wordSize,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer headerSize);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer numpyHeaderForNd4j(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer data,@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeBuffer,@Cast("Nd4jLong") long wordSize,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] headerSize);
* Load numpy from a header
* based on the cnpy parse from header method.
* @param data the header data to parse
* @return a pointer to a numpy cnpy:NpyArray struct
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer loadNpyFromHeader(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer data);
* Create a numpy array from an nd4j
* array
* @param data a pointer to the data
* @param shapeBuffer the shapebuffer for the nd4j array
* @param wordSize the word size (4 for float, 8 for doubles)
* @return a pointer to a numpy array
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer numpyFromNd4j(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer data,@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeBuffer,@Cast("Nd4jLong") long wordSize);
* @param npyArray
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeBufferForNumpy(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
* Get the shape buffer from a
* numpy array.
* **Warning** this allocates memory
* @param npyArray
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeBufferForNumpyHeader(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
* @param npyArray
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dataPointForNumpyHeader(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
* @param npyArray
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dataPointForNumpyStruct(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArrayStruct);
* @param npyArray
* @param fromFile
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer dataPointForNumpy(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
* Load a numpy array from a file
* and return it as an Nd4jPointer
* @param path
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer numpyFromFile(@StdString BytePointer path);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer numpyFromFile(@StdString String path);
////// NPZ //////
public native Pointer mapFromNpzFile(@StdString BytePointer path);
public native Pointer mapFromNpzFile(@StdString String path);
public native int getNumNpyArraysInMap(Pointer map);
public native @Cast("char*") String getNpyArrayNameFromMap(Pointer map, int index);
public native Pointer getNpyArrayFromMap(Pointer map, int index);
public native int dataTypeFromNpyHeader(Pointer header);
public native Pointer getNpyArrayData(Pointer npArray);
public native int getNpyArrayRank(Pointer npArray);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getNpyArrayShape(Pointer npArray);
public native char getNpyArrayOrder(Pointer npArray);
public native int getNpyArrayElemSize(Pointer npArray);
public native void deleteNPArrayStruct(Pointer npArray);
public native void deleteNPArrayMap(Pointer map);
* Get the element size for a numpy array
* @param npyArray the numpy array's address
* to get the length for
* @return
public native int elementSizeForNpyArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
* Get the element size for a numpy array
* @param npyArray the numpy array's address
* to get the length for
* @return
public native int elementSizeForNpyArrayHeader(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
public native void releaseNumpy(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer npyArray);
* Return the length of a shape buffer
* based on the pointer
* @param buffer the buffer pointer to check
* @return
public native int lengthForShapeBufferPointer(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer buffer);
* The pointer to get the address for
* @param address the address to get the pointer
* @return the pointer for the given address
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointerForAddress(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long address);
* This method takes single N-dimensional tensor, and copies its TADs to target arrays
* @param x
* @param xShapeInfo
* @param targets
* @param zShapeInfo
* @return
public native void tear(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer targets, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets);
public native void tear(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer targets, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets);
public native void tear(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer targets, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long encodeBitmap(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntPointer dz, float threshold);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long encodeBitmap(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntBuffer dz, float threshold);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long encodeBitmap(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, int[] dz, float threshold);
public native void decodeBitmap(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo);
public native void decodeBitmap(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo);
public native void decodeBitmap(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo);
public native void encodeThresholdP1(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntPointer dz, float threshold);
public native void encodeThresholdP1(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntBuffer dz, float threshold);
public native void encodeThresholdP1(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, int[] dz, float threshold);
public native void encodeThresholdP2Int(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, IntPointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntPointer dz);
public native void encodeThresholdP2Int(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, IntBuffer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntBuffer dz);
public native void encodeThresholdP2Int(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, int[] dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, int[] dz);
public native void encodeThresholdP3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, IntPointer offsets, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntPointer dz);
public native void encodeThresholdP3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, IntBuffer offsets, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, IntBuffer dz);
public native void encodeThresholdP3(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, int[] offsets, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, int[] dz);
public native void decodeThreshold(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo);
public native void decodeThreshold(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo);
public native void decodeThreshold(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long N, Pointer dz, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo);
public native void sort(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sort(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sort(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortByKey(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dyShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortByKey(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dyShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortByKey(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dyShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortByValue(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dyShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortByValue(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dyShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortByValue(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dyShapeInfo,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
IntPointer dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tadOffsets,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
IntBuffer dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tadOffsets,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTad(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
int[] dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadShapeInfo,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tadOffsets,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTadByKey(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dyShapeInfo,
IntPointer dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTadByKey(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dyShapeInfo,
IntBuffer dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTadByKey(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dyShapeInfo,
int[] dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTadByValue(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dyShapeInfo,
IntPointer dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTadByValue(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dyShapeInfo,
IntBuffer dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
public native void sortTadByValue(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers,
Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo,
Pointer dx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dxShapeInfo,
Pointer y, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo,
Pointer dy, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dyShapeInfo,
int[] dimension,
int dimensionLength,
@Cast("bool") boolean descending);
// special sort impl for sorting out COO indices and values
public native void sortCooIndices(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indices, Pointer values, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length, int rank);
public native void sortCooIndices(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indices, Pointer values, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length, int rank);
public native void sortCooIndices(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] indices, Pointer values, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length, int rank);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer mmapFile(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("char*") String fileName, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer mmapFile(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("char*") BytePointer fileName, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
public native void munmapFile(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ptrMap, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
public native void munmapFile(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ptrMap, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
public native void munmapFile(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ptrMap, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length);
// flatbuffers execution
public native OpaqueResultWrapper executeFlatGraph(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer flatBufferPointer);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getResultWrapperSize(OpaqueResultWrapper ptr);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer getResultWrapperPointer(OpaqueResultWrapper ptr);
public native @Cast("char*") String getAllCustomOps();
public native @Cast("char*") String getAllOperations();
// customOp executioner
public native int execCustomOp(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs, DoublePointer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer bArgs, int numBArgs, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
public native int execCustomOp(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs, DoubleBuffer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] bArgs, int numBArgs, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
public native int execCustomOp(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs, double[] tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer bArgs, int numBArgs, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
public native int execCustomOp(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs, DoublePointer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] bArgs, int numBArgs, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
public native int execCustomOp(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs, DoubleBuffer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer bArgs, int numBArgs, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
public native int execCustomOp(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs, double[] tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] bArgs, int numBArgs, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
public native int execCustomOp2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer opContext);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, DoublePointer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer iArgs, int numIArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, DoubleBuffer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer iArgs, int numIArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, double[] tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] iArgs, int numIArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, DoublePointer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer bArgs, int numBArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, DoubleBuffer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] bArgs, int numBArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, double[] tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer bArgs, int numBArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, DoublePointer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] bArgs, int numBArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, DoubleBuffer tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer bArgs, int numBArgs);
public native OpaqueShapeList calculateOutputShapes2(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long hash, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputShapes, double[] tArgs, int numTArgs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] iArgs, int numIArgs, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] bArgs, int numBArgs);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getShapeListSize(OpaqueShapeList list);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getShape(OpaqueShapeList list, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long i);
public native void deleteShapeList(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer shapeList);
public native int registerGraph(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long graphId, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer flatBufferPointer);
public native OpaqueVariablesSet executeStoredGraph(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long graphId, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, IntPointer inputIndices, int numInputs);
public native OpaqueVariablesSet executeStoredGraph(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long graphId, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, IntBuffer inputIndices, int numInputs);
public native OpaqueVariablesSet executeStoredGraph(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long graphId, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int[] inputIndices, int numInputs);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getVariablesSetSize(OpaqueVariablesSet set);
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int getVariablesSetStatus(OpaqueVariablesSet set);
public native OpaqueVariable getVariable(OpaqueVariablesSet set, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long i);
public native int getVariableId(OpaqueVariable variable);
public native int getVariableIndex(OpaqueVariable variable);
public native @Cast("char*") String getVariableName(OpaqueVariable variable);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getVariableShape(OpaqueVariable variable);
public native Pointer getVariableBuffer(OpaqueVariable variable);
public native int unregisterGraph(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long graphId);
public native void deleteCharArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer);
public native void deleteIntArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer);
public native void deleteLongArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer);
public native void deletePointerArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer);
public native void deleteVariablesSet(OpaqueVariablesSet pointer);
// GraphState creation
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer getGraphState(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long id);
public native void deleteGraphState(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state);
public native void deleteResultWrapper(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptr);
public native int estimateThreshold(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, int N, float threshold);
public native int estimateThreshold(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, int N, float threshold);
public native int estimateThreshold(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer x, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, int N, float threshold);
// this method executes op that requires scope to be present: if/while/cond/whatever
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int execCustomOpWithScope(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long opHash, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer scopes, int numScopes, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs);
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int execCustomOpWithScope(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long opHash, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer scopes, int numScopes, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs);
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int execCustomOpWithScope(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer state, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long opHash, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] scopes, int numScopes, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer inputShapes, int numInputs, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputBuffers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer outputShapes, int numOutputs);
//void fillUtf8String(Nd4jPointer *extraPointers, const char **string, int numStrings, Nd4jPointer buffer);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer createUtf8String(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("char*") String string, int length);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer createUtf8String(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("char*") BytePointer string, int length);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getUtf8StringLength(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptr);
public native @Cast("char*") BytePointer getUtf8StringBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptr);
public native void deleteUtf8String(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptr);
public native void scatterUpdate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, int opCode, int numOfSubArrs,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hXOffsets,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dXOffsets,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer hYOffsets,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dYOffsets,
IntPointer hIindexes, IntPointer dIindexes);
public native void scatterUpdate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, int opCode, int numOfSubArrs,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hXOffsets,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dXOffsets,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer hYOffsets,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dYOffsets,
IntBuffer hIindexes, IntBuffer dIindexes);
public native void scatterUpdate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, int opCode, int numOfSubArrs,
Pointer hX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hXOffsets,
Pointer dX, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dXOffsets,
Pointer hY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] hYOffsets,
Pointer dY, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dYOffsets,
int[] hIindexes, int[] dIindexes);
public native void inspectArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer specialBuffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer specialShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer debugInfo);
public native void inspectArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer specialBuffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer specialShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer debugInfo);
public native void inspectArray(@Cast("Nd4jPointer*") PointerPointer extraPointers, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer specialBuffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] specialShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer debugInfo);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer strides, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, char order, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long ews, @Cast("bool") boolean empty);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer strides, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, char order, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long ews, @Cast("bool") boolean empty);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] strides, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, char order, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long ews, @Cast("bool") boolean empty);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBufferLong(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer data, int length);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBufferLong(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer data, int length);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBufferLong(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] data, int length);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBufferDouble(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, DoublePointer data, int length);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBufferDouble(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, DoubleBuffer data, int length);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBufferDouble(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, double[] data, int length);
public native OpaqueConstantDataBuffer constantBuffer(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, ConstantDescriptor descriptor);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer getConstantDataBufferPrimary(OpaqueConstantDataBuffer dbf);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer getConstantDataBufferSpecial(OpaqueConstantDataBuffer dbf);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getConstantDataBufferLength(OpaqueConstantDataBuffer dbf);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getConstantDataBufferSizeOf(OpaqueConstantDataBuffer dbf);
public native void deleteShapeBuffer(OpaqueConstantDataBuffer ptr);
public native OpaqueContext createGraphContext(int nodeId);
public native OpaqueRandomGenerator getGraphContextRandomGenerator(OpaqueContext ptr);
public native void markGraphContextInplace(OpaqueContext ptr, @Cast("bool") boolean reallyInplace);
public native void setGraphContextCudaContext(OpaqueContext ptr, Pointer stream, Pointer reductionPointer, Pointer allocationPointer);
public native void setGraphContextInputArray(OpaqueContext ptr, int index, Pointer buffer, Pointer shapeInfo, Pointer specialBuffer, Pointer specialShapeInfo);
public native void setGraphContextOutputArray(OpaqueContext ptr, int index, Pointer buffer, Pointer shapeInfo, Pointer specialBuffer, Pointer specialShapeInfo);
public native void setGraphContextTArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, DoublePointer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextTArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, DoubleBuffer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextTArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, double[] arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextIArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextIArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextIArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextBArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, @Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setGraphContextBArguments(OpaqueContext ptr, @Cast("bool*") boolean[] arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void deleteGraphContext(OpaqueContext ptr);
public native OpaqueRandomGenerator createRandomGenerator(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootSeed/*=0*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long nodeSeed/*=0*/);
public native OpaqueRandomGenerator createRandomGenerator();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getRandomGeneratorRootState(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getRandomGeneratorNodeState(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr);
public native void setRandomGeneratorStates(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootSeed/*=0*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long nodeSeed/*=0*/);
public native void setRandomGeneratorStates(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr);
public native int getRandomGeneratorRelativeInt(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getRandomGeneratorRelativeLong(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index);
public native void deleteRandomGenerator(OpaqueRandomGenerator ptr);
public native @Cast("char*") String runLightBenchmarkSuit(@Cast("bool") boolean printOut);
public native @Cast("char*") String runFullBenchmarkSuit(@Cast("bool") boolean printOut);
public native OpaqueLaunchContext defaultLaunchContext();
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcScalarPointer(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcReductionPointer(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcAllocationPointer(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcExecutionStream(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcCopyStream(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcBlasHandle(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer lcSolverHandle(OpaqueLaunchContext lc);
// Parsed from memory/ExternalWorkspace.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::memory") @NoOffset public static class ExternalWorkspace extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ExternalWorkspace(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ExternalWorkspace(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ExternalWorkspace position(long position) {
return (ExternalWorkspace)super.position(position);
public ExternalWorkspace() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ExternalWorkspace(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrH, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeH, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrD, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeD) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(ptrH, sizeH, ptrD, sizeD); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrH, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeH, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptrD, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeD);
public native Pointer pointerHost();
public native Pointer pointerDevice();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeHost();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeDevice();
// #endif
// Parsed from memory/Workspace.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This class implements Workspace functionality in c++
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::memory") @NoOffset public static class Workspace extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Workspace(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Workspace(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Workspace position(long position) {
return (Workspace)super.position(position);
public Workspace(ExternalWorkspace external) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(external); }
private native void allocate(ExternalWorkspace external);
public Workspace(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long initialSize/*=0L*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long secondaryBytes/*=0L*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(initialSize, secondaryBytes); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long initialSize/*=0L*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long secondaryBytes/*=0L*/);
public Workspace() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getAllocatedSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getCurrentSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getCurrentOffset();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getSpilledSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getUsedSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getAllocatedSecondarySize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getCurrentSecondarySize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getCurrentSecondaryOffset();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getSpilledSecondarySize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getUsedSecondarySize();
public native void expandBy(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long primaryBytes, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long secondaryBytes/*=0L*/);
public native void expandBy(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long primaryBytes);
public native void expandTo(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long primaryBytes, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long secondaryBytes/*=0L*/);
public native void expandTo(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long primaryBytes);
// bool resizeSupported();
public native Pointer allocateBytes(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long numBytes);
public native Pointer allocateBytes(@Cast("nd4j::memory::MemoryType") int type, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long numBytes);
public native void scopeIn();
public native void scopeOut();
* This method creates NEW workspace of the same memory size and returns pointer to it
public native Workspace clone();
// Parsed from indexing/NDIndex.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #ifndef LIBND4J_NDINDEX_H
// #define LIBND4J_NDINDEX_H
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class NDIndex extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDIndex(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public NDIndex(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public NDIndex position(long position) {
return (NDIndex)super.position(position);
public NDIndex() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isAll();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isPoint();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isInterval();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer getIndices();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long stride();
public static native NDIndex all();
public static native NDIndex point(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long pt);
public static native NDIndex interval(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long start, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long end, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long stride/*=1*/);
public static native NDIndex interval(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long start, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long end);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static class NDIndexAll extends NDIndex {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDIndexAll(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public NDIndexAll(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public NDIndexAll position(long position) {
return (NDIndexAll)super.position(position);
public NDIndexAll() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isInterval();
@Namespace("nd4j") public static class NDIndexPoint extends NDIndex {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDIndexPoint(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NDIndexPoint(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long point) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(point); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long point);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isInterval();
@Namespace("nd4j") public static class NDIndexInterval extends NDIndex {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDIndexInterval(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NDIndexInterval(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long start, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long end, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long stride/*=1*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(start, end, stride); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long start, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long end, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long stride/*=1*/);
public NDIndexInterval(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long start, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long end) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(start, end); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long start, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long end);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isInterval();
// #endif //LIBND4J_NDINDEX_H
// Parsed from indexing/IndicesList.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include "NDIndex.h"
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class IndicesList extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public IndicesList(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public native int size();
public native NDIndex at(int idx);
public native void push_back(NDIndex idx);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isScalar();
// Parsed from graph/VariableType.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
/** enum nd4j::graph::VariableType */
public static final int
FLOW = 2,
// #endif
// Parsed from graph/ArgumentsList.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 24.01.18.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class ArgumentsList extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ArgumentsList(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ArgumentsList(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ArgumentsList position(long position) {
return (ArgumentsList)super.position(position);
public ArgumentsList() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
* This method returns number of argument pairs available
* @return
public native int size();
* This method returns Pair at specified index
* @param index
* @return
public native @ByRef Pair at(int index);
// Parsed from types/pair.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 24.01.18.
// #ifndef LIBND4J_PAIR_H
// #define LIBND4J_PAIR_H
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class Pair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Pair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Pair(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Pair position(long position) {
return (Pair)super.position(position);
public Pair(int first/*=0*/, int second/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(first, second); }
private native void allocate(int first/*=0*/, int second/*=0*/);
public Pair() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native int first();
public native int second();
// #endif //LIBND4J_PAIR_H
// Parsed from NDArray.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// #ifndef NDARRAY_H
// #define NDARRAY_H
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include "NativeOpExecutioner.h"
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") NDArray subtract(float arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") NDArray subtract(@Cast("const float16") short arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") NDArray subtract(double arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") NDArray subtract(int arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") NDArray add(float arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") NDArray add(@Cast("const float16") short arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") NDArray add(double arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") NDArray add(int arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator *") NDArray multiply(float arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator *") NDArray multiply(@Cast("const float16") short arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator *") NDArray multiply(double arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator *") NDArray multiply(int arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator /") NDArray divide(float arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator /") NDArray divide(@Cast("const float16") short arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator /") NDArray divide(double arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator /") NDArray divide(int arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal NDArray mmul(@Const @ByRef NDArray arg0, @Const @ByRef NDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class NDArray extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDArray(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NDArray() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
* do not allocate memory, memory for array is passed from outside
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
* do not allocate memory, memory for array is passed from outside
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, shapeInfo, context, isBuffAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, shapeInfo, context, isBuffAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, shapeInfo, context, isBuffAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* do not allocate memory, memory for array is passed from outside
* we suppose the content of both (device and host) buffers is identical
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffDAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, bufferD, shapeInfo, context, isBuffAlloc, isBuffDAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffDAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, bufferD, shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffDAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, bufferD, shapeInfo, context, isBuffAlloc, isBuffDAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffDAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, bufferD, shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffDAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, bufferD, shapeInfo, context, isBuffAlloc, isBuffDAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffDAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, bufferD, shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, Pointer bufferD, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* copy constructor
public NDArray(@Const @ByRef NDArray other) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(other); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* move constructor
* constructor, create array stored at given workspace
public NDArray(LaunchContext context) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(context); }
private native void allocate(LaunchContext context);
* constructor creates new NDArray using shape information from "shapeInfo", set all elements in new array to zeros, if copyStrides is true then use stride values from "shapeInfo", else calculate strides independently
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* constructor creates new NDArray using shape information from "shapeInfo", set all elements in new array to be zeros, if copyStrides is true then use stride values from "shapeInfo", else calculate strides independently
* set dtype as array type
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, dtype, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, dtype); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, dtype, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, dtype); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, dtype, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shapeInfo, dtype); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
* this constructor creates new array using shape information contained in vector argument
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, dtype, context); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, dtype, context); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, dtype, context); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape);
* This constructor creates new array with elements copied from data and using shape information stored in shape, elements from data will be casted to dtype
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @StdVector DoublePointer data, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, data, dtype, context); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @StdVector DoublePointer data, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @StdVector DoublePointer data) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, data); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @StdVector DoublePointer data);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @StdVector DoubleBuffer data, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, data, dtype, context); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @StdVector DoubleBuffer data, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @StdVector DoubleBuffer data) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, data); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @StdVector DoubleBuffer data);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @StdVector double[] data, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, data, dtype, context); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @StdVector double[] data, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype/*=nd4j::DOUBLE*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
public NDArray(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @StdVector double[] data) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(order, shape, data); }
private native void allocate(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @StdVector double[] data);
* this constructor creates new array using given buffer (without memory allocation) and shape information stored in shape
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, order, shape, dtype, context, isBuffAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, order, shape, dtype); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, order, shape, dtype, context, isBuffAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, order, shape, dtype); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, order, shape, dtype, context, isBuffAlloc); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isBuffAlloc/*=false*/);
public NDArray(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer, order, shape, dtype); }
private native void allocate(Pointer buffer, byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
* This method returns new array with the same shape & data type
* @return
public native @ByVal NDArray like();
* This method returns new uninitialized array with the same shape & data type
* @return
public native @ByVal NDArray ulike();
* this constructor creates new NDArray with shape matching "other" array,
* doesn't copy "other" elements into new array !!!
public NDArray(@Const NDArray other, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(other, copyStrides, context); }
private native void allocate(@Const NDArray other, @Cast("const bool") boolean copyStrides/*=false*/, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/);
* this constructor creates scalar(and set its value = 0) or empty array depending on bool argument isScalar
public NDArray(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isScalar/*=true*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(dtype, context, isScalar); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, LaunchContext context/*=nd4j::LaunchContext::defaultContext()*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isScalar/*=true*/);
public NDArray(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(dtype); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
* This method blocks until asynchronous operation finishes
public native void synchronize(@Cast("char*") String msg);
public native void synchronize(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg);
* This method allows to set _isAttached flag
* @param reallyAttached
public native void setAttached(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyAttached);
public native void tickWriteHost();
public native void tickWriteDevice();
public native void tickReadHost();
public native void tickReadDevice();
public native void tickBothActual();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isActualOnHostSide();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isActualOnDeviceSide();
public native void makeBothBuffersActual();
public native void syncToHost();
public native void syncToDevice();
public native void syncShape();
* This method can be used on architectures that use special buffers
* @param writeList
* @param readList
// TODO: it would be nice to have NDArray::registerSpecialUse signature that accepts something else beyond initializer_list
// TODO: it would be nice to have NDArray::registerSpecialUse signature that accepts something else beyond initializer_list
* This method returns buffer pointer offset by given number of elements, wrt own data type
* @param offset
* @return
public native Pointer bufferWithOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset);
public native Pointer specialBufferWithOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset);
* copy assignment operator
* in particular, when _dataType != other._dataType and both shapes are the same, there will be allocation of new _buffer and _dataType acquires other._dataType
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") NDArray put(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* move assignment operator
* assignment operator, assigns the same scalar to all array elements
* operators for memory allocation and deletion
public native @Name("operator new") Pointer _new(@Cast("size_t") long i);
public native @Name("operator delete") void _delete(Pointer p);
public native void setContext(LaunchContext context);
* create a new array by replicating current array by repeats times along given dimension
* axis - axis along which to repeat elements
* repeats - number of repetitions
public native NDArray repeat(int axis, @StdVector IntPointer repeats);
public native NDArray repeat(int axis, @StdVector IntBuffer repeats);
public native NDArray repeat(int axis, @StdVector int[] repeats);
* This method fills this array with zeros
public native void nullify();
* This method returns quantized copy of given array
* @param array
* @return
public static native @ByVal NDArray quantize(@ByRef NDArray array);
* This method returns quantized copy of given array
* @param array
* @return
* fill target array by repeating current array
* axis - axis along which to repeat elements
* repeats - vector containing numbers of repetition for elements at given axis
public native void repeat(int axis, @StdVector IntPointer repeats, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void repeat(int axis, @StdVector IntBuffer repeats, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void repeat(int axis, @StdVector int[] repeats, @ByRef NDArray target);
* creates array which points on certain sub-range of this array, sub-range is defined by given indices
* cast array elements to given dtype
public native NDArray cast(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void cast(NDArray target, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
* returns _context
public native LaunchContext getContext();
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
* returns host buffer
public native Pointer getBuffer();
public native Pointer buffer();
* returns buffer offset (offset is the same for host and device buffers)
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getBufferOffset();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long bufferOffset();
* if _bufferD==nullptr return _buffer, else return _bufferD
public native Pointer specialBuffer();
public native Pointer getSpecialBuffer();
* returns device buffer if compilation is for cuda case, otherwise returns host buffer
public native Pointer getPlatformBuffer();
public native Pointer platformBuffer();
* returns _shapeInfo
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getShapeInfo();
* Returns True if it's legally empty NDArray, or false otherwise
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isEmpty();
* if _shapeInfoD==nullptr return _shapeInfo, else return _shapeInfoD
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer specialShapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getSpecialShapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer platformShapeInfo();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer getPlatformShapeInfo();
* permutes (in-place) the dimensions in array according to "dimensions" array
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@StdVector int[] dimensions);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Const IntPointer dimensions, int rank);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Const IntBuffer dimensions, int rank);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Const int[] dimensions, int rank);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer dimensions);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer dimensions);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] dimensions);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimensions, int rank);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimensions, int rank);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean permutei(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] dimensions, int rank);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isFinite();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasNaNs();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasInfs();
public native void copyBuffersContinuouslyFrom(@Const @ByRef NDArray other, @Cast("size_t") long sizeToCopyInBytes/*=0*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long offsetThis/*=0*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long offsetOther/*=0*/);
public native void copyBuffersContinuouslyFrom(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* permutes the dimensions in array according to "dimensions" array, new array points on _buffer of this array
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@StdVector int[] dimensions);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Const IntPointer dimensions, int rank);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Const IntBuffer dimensions, int rank);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Const int[] dimensions, int rank);
public native void permute(@Const IntPointer dimensions, int rank, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Const IntBuffer dimensions, int rank, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Const int[] dimensions, int rank, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@StdVector IntPointer dimensions, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@StdVector IntBuffer dimensions, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@StdVector int[] dimensions, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer dimensions);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer dimensions);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] dimensions);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimensions, int rank);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimensions, int rank);
public native @ByVal NDArray permute(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] dimensions, int rank);
public native void permute(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimensions, int rank, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimensions, int rank, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] dimensions, int rank, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer dimensions, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer dimensions, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void permute(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] dimensions, @ByRef NDArray target);
* This method streamlines given view or permuted array, and reallocates buffer
public native void streamline(char order/*='a'*/);
public native void streamline();
* prints information about array shape
* msg - message to print out
public native void printShapeInfo(@Cast("char*") String msg/*=nullptr*/);
public native void printShapeInfo();
public native void printShapeInfo(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg/*=nullptr*/);
* prints buffer elements
* msg - message to print out
* limit - number of array elements to print out
* sync - if true check whether host buffer is actual, if it is not then make it so
public native void printBuffer(@Cast("char*") String msg/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long limit/*=-1*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean sync/*=true*/);
public native void printBuffer();
public native void printBuffer(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long limit/*=-1*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean sync/*=true*/);
* print element by element consequently in a way they (elements) are stored in physical memory
public native void printLinearBuffer();
* prints _buffer (if host = true) or _bufferD (if host = false) as it is, that is in current state without checking buffer status
* prints buffer elements, takes into account offset between elements (element-wise-stride)
* msg - message to print out
* limit - number of array elements to print out
public native void printIndexedBuffer(@Cast("char*") String msg/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long limit/*=-1*/);
public native void printIndexedBuffer();
public native void printIndexedBuffer(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long limit/*=-1*/);
public native @StdString BytePointer asIndexedString(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long limit/*=-1*/);
public native @StdString BytePointer asIndexedString();
public native @StdString BytePointer asString(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long limit/*=-1*/);
public native @StdString BytePointer asString();
* this method assigns values of given array to this one
public native void assign(@Const NDArray other, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(@Const NDArray other);
* this method assigns values of given array to this one
* this method assigns given value to all elements in array
public native void assign(double value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(double value);
public native void assign(float value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(float value);
public native void assign(@Cast("const float16") short value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(@Cast("const float16") short value);
public native void assign(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long value);
public native void assign(int value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(int value);
public native void assign(@Cast("const uint8_t") byte value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(@Cast("const uint8_t") byte value);
public native void assign(@Cast("const bool") boolean value, @Cast("bool") boolean allowParallelism/*=true*/);
public native void assign(@Cast("const bool") boolean value);
* returns new copy of this array, optionally in different order
public native NDArray dup(byte newOrder/*='a'*/);
public native NDArray dup();
* returns sum of all elements of array
public native @ByVal NDArray sumNumber();
* returns mean number of array
public native @ByVal NDArray meanNumber();
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
* apply transpose operation to the copy of this array, that is this array remains unaffected
public native @ByVal NDArray transpose();
* perform transpose operation and store result in target, this array remains unaffected
* target - where to store result
public native void transpose(@ByRef NDArray target);
* apply in-place transpose operation to this array, so this array becomes transposed
public native void transposei();
* return array pointing on certain range of this array
* index - the number of array to be returned among set of possible arrays
* dimensions - array of dimensions to point on
public native NDArray tensorAlongDimension(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
public native NDArray tensorAlongDimension(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
public native NDArray tensorAlongDimension(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @StdVector int[] dimensions);
* returns the number of arrays pointing on specified dimension(s)
* dimensions - array of dimensions to point on
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector int[] dimensions);
* returns true if elements of two arrays are equal to within given epsilon value
* other - input array to compare
* eps - epsilon, this value defines the precision of elements comparison
public native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsTo(@Const NDArray other, double eps/*=1e-5*/);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsTo(@Const NDArray other);
* add given row vector to all rows of this array
* row - row vector to add
public native void addiRowVector(@Const NDArray row);
* add given row vector to all rows of this array, store result in target
* row - row vector to add
* target - where to store result
public native void addRowVector(@Const NDArray row, NDArray target);
* subtract given row vector from all rows of this array, store result in target
* row - row vector to subtract
* target - where to store result
public native void subRowVector(@Const NDArray row, NDArray target);
* multiply all rows of this array on given row vector, store result in target
* row - row vector to multiply on
* target - where to store result
public native void mulRowVector(@Const NDArray row, NDArray target);
* divide all rows of this array on given row vector, store result in target
* row - row vector to divide on
* target - where to store result
public native void divRowVector(@Const NDArray row, NDArray target);
* add given column vector to all columns of this array, store result in target
* column - column vector to add
* target - where to store result
public native void addColumnVector(@Const NDArray column, NDArray target);
* add given column vector to all columns of this array, this array becomes affected (in-place operation)
* column - column vector to add
public native void addiColumnVector(@Const NDArray column);
* multiply all columns of this array on given column vector, this array becomes affected (in-place operation)
* column - column vector to multiply on
public native void muliColumnVector(@Const NDArray column);
* returns number of bytes used by _buffer & _shapeInfo
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long memoryFootprint();
* these methods suited for FlatBuffers use
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer getShapeAsVector();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer getShapeInfoAsVector();
public native @Cast("int64_t*") @StdVector LongPointer getShapeInfoAsFlatVector();
public native @Cast("int64_t*") @StdVector LongPointer getShapeAsFlatVector();
* set new order and shape in case of suitable array length (in-place operation)
* order - order to set
* shape - shape to set
* if there was permute applied before or there are weird strides, then new buffer is allocated for array
public native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapei(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapei(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapei(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape);
* creates new array with corresponding order and shape, new array will point on _buffer of this array
* order - order to set
* shape - shape to set
* if permute have been applied before or there are weird strides, then new buffer is allocated for new array
public native @ByVal NDArray reshape(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape);
public native @ByVal NDArray reshape(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape);
public native @ByVal NDArray reshape(byte order, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape);
* calculate strides and set given order
* order - order to set
public native void updateStrides(byte order);
* change an array by repeating it the number of times given by reps (in-place operation)
* repeats - contains numbers of repetitions
public native void tilei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer repeats);
public native void tilei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer repeats);
public native void tilei(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] repeats);
* returns new array which is created by repeating of this array the number of times given by reps
* repeats - contains numbers of repetitions
public native @ByVal NDArray tile(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer repeats);
public native @ByVal NDArray tile(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer repeats);
public native @ByVal NDArray tile(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] repeats);
* change an array by repeating it the number of times given by reps (in-place operation)
* repeats - contains numbers of repetitions
* target - where to store result
public native void tile(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer repeats, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void tile(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer repeats, @ByRef NDArray target);
public native void tile(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] repeats, @ByRef NDArray target);
* change an array by repeating it the number of times to acquire the new shape which is the same as target shape
* target - where to store result
public native void tile(@ByRef NDArray target);
* returns an array which is result of broadcasting of this and other arrays
* other - input array
public native NDArray broadcast(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* check whether array is identity matrix
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isIdentityMatrix();
* check whether array is unitary matrix
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isUnitary();
* operator returns subarray with buffer pointing at this->_buffer with offset defined by given intervals
* idx - intervals of indexes which define the subarrays to point on, idx has form {dim0Start,dim0End, dim1Start,dim1End, ....} and length (2 * this->rankOf())
* when (dimStart == dimEnd) then whole range will be used for current dimension
* keepUnitiesInShape - if false then eliminate unities from resulting array shape, for example {1,a,1,b} -> {a,b}
* isStrided - if true then idx has length (3 * this->rankOf()) and contains additional stride numbers which correspond to stride between dimStart and dimEnd,
* so structure of idx is like {dim0Start,dim0End,dim0Stride, dim1Start,dim1End,dim1Stride, ....}
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer idx, @Cast("const bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isStrided/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer idx);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer idx, @Cast("const bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isStrided/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer idx);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] idx, @Cast("const bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/, @Cast("const bool") boolean isStrided/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] idx);
* evaluates subarray with buffer pointing at this->_buffer and offset defined by given sequential index subArrIdx and dimensions in dimsToExclude
* subArrIdx - index of current sub-array
* dimsToExclude - MUST BE SORTED, dimensions to evaluate sub-array along, i.e. when shape is [2,3,4,5] and dimsToExclude={0,2}, then there will be 8 sub-arrays with shape [3,5], and subArrIdx must be in range [0,7]
* if dimsToExclude is empty then idxRanges containing all zeros (means whole array) will be returned.
* keepUnitiesInShape - if false then eliminate unities from resulting array shape, for example {1,a,1,b} -> {a,b}
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long subArrIdx, @StdVector IntPointer dimsToExclude, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long subArrIdx, @StdVector IntPointer dimsToExclude);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long subArrIdx, @StdVector IntBuffer dimsToExclude, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long subArrIdx, @StdVector IntBuffer dimsToExclude);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long subArrIdx, @StdVector int[] dimsToExclude, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal @Name("operator ()") NDArray apply(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long subArrIdx, @StdVector int[] dimsToExclude);
* processes whole set of sub-arrays
* evaluates shapeInfo of sub-arrays (all sub-arrays have the same shapeInfo) and their buffer offsets (each sub-array has its own unique offset from original this-buffer)
* dimsToExclude - MUST BE SORTED, dimensions to evaluate sub-array along, i.e. when shape is [2,3,4,5] and dimsToExclude={0,2}, then there will be 8 sub-arrays with shape [3,5]
* if dimsToExclude.size() = array rank it means sub-array is whole array and copy of original_shapeInfo will be returned and one zero offset
* subArrShapeInfo - output argument, contains shapeInfo common for all sub-arrays
* subArrOffsets - output argument, contains successive sub-arrays offsets from original this-buffer
* keepUnitiesInShape - if false then eliminate unities from sub-array shapeInfo, for example {1,a,1,b} -> {a,b}
public native void getSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@StdVector IntPointer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer subArrOffsets, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
public native void getSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@StdVector IntPointer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer subArrOffsets);
public native void getSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@StdVector IntBuffer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer subArrOffsets, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
public native void getSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@StdVector IntBuffer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer subArrOffsets);
public native void getSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@StdVector int[] dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] subArrOffsets, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
public native void getSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@StdVector int[] dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] subArrOffsets);
* addition operator: array + other
* other - input array to add
public native @ByVal @Name("operator +") NDArray add(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* addition operator: array + scalar
* scalar - input scalar to add
* friend functions which implement addition operator: scalar + array
* scalar - input scalar to add
//friend NDArray nd4j::operator+(const T scalar, const NDArray& arr);
* addition unary operator array += other
* other - input array to add
public native @Name("operator +=") void addPut(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* subtraction unary operator array -= other
* other - input array to add
public native @Name("operator -=") void subtractPut(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* subtraction operator: array - other
* other - input array to subtract
public native @ByVal @Name("operator -") NDArray subtract(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* subtraction operator: array - scalar
* scalar - input scalar to subtract
* negative operator, it changes sign of all array elements on opposite
public native @ByVal @Name("operator -") NDArray subtract();
* friend functions which implement subtraction operator: scalar - array
* scalar - input scalar to subtract
//friend NDArray nd4j::operator-(const float scalar, const NDArray& arr);
* pairwise multiplication operator: array * other
* other - input array to multiply on
public native @ByVal @Name("operator *") NDArray multiply(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* multiplication operator: array * scalar
* scalar - input scalar to multiply on
* pairwise multiplication unary operator array *= other
* other - input array to multiply on
public native @Name("operator *=") void multiplyPut(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* multiplication unary operator array *= scalar
* scalar - input scalar to multiply on
* pairwise division operator: array / other
* other - input array to divide on
public native @ByVal @Name("operator /") NDArray divide(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* division operator: array / scalar
* scalar - input scalar to divide each array element on
* pairwise division unary operator: array /= other
* other - input array to divide on
public native @Name("operator /=") void dividePut(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* division unary operator: array /= scalar
* scalar - input scalar to divide on
* friend function which implements mathematical multiplication of two arrays
* left - input array
* right - input array
* return vector containing _buffer as flat binary array
public native @StdVector BytePointer asByteVector();
* makes array to be identity matrix (not necessarily square), that is set all diagonal elements = 1, rest = 0
public native void setIdentity();
* swaps the contents of tow arrays,
* PLEASE NOTE: method doesn't take into account the shapes of arrays, shapes may be different except one condition: arrays lengths must be the same
public native void swapUnsafe(@ByRef NDArray other);
* return vector with buffer which points on corresponding diagonal elements of array
* type - means of vector to be returned: column ('c') or row ('r')
public native NDArray diagonal(byte type );
* fill target matrix with given value in one or two directions from main diagonal:
* - down from main diagonal starting at subdiagonal number "lower" if direction = 'd' (down) or 'b' (both)
* - up from main diagonal starting at superdiagonal number "upper"if direction = 'u' (up) or 'b' (both)
* direction - in what direction to fill matrix. There are 3 possible directions:
* 'u' - fill up, mathematically this corresponds to lower triangular matrix, subdiagonal "lower" unaffected
* 'l' - fill down, mathematically this corresponds to upper triangular matrix, superdiagonal "upper" remains unaffected
* 'b' - fill in both directions, both "lower" and "upper" are taken into account
* rest of target elements are equal to this array elements
* target and this array should have same shapes, except when this_rank = 1 (in that case should be target_rank = 2)
* change an array by repeating it the number of times in order to acquire new shape equal to the input shape
* shape - contains new shape to broadcast array to
* target - optional argument, if target != nullptr the resulting array will be placed in target, in opposite case tile operation is done in place
public native @ByVal NDArray tileToShape(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
public native @ByVal NDArray tileToShape(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
public native @ByVal NDArray tileToShape(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
public native void tileToShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape, NDArray target/*=nullptr*/);
public native void tileToShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape, NDArray target/*=nullptr*/);
public native void tileToShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape, NDArray target/*=nullptr*/);
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
public native NDArray asT(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void linspace(double start);
public native void linspace(double start, double step);
* calculates the trace of an array, that is sum of elements on main diagonal = sum array[i, i, i, ...]
public native double getTrace();
public native ResultSet multipleTensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector IntPointer indices, @StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
public native ResultSet multipleTensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector IntBuffer indices, @StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
public native ResultSet multipleTensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector int[] indices, @StdVector int[] dimensions);
public native ResultSet allTensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
public native ResultSet allTensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
public native ResultSet allTensorsAlongDimension(@StdVector int[] dimensions);
//ResultSet allTensorsAlongDims(const std::vector& dimensions) const;
public native ResultSet allExamples();
* set _shapeInfo
public native void setShapeInfo(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const nd4j::DataType") int dtype);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Const @ByRef ShapeDescriptor descriptor);
public native void setShapeInfo(@Const @ByRef ConstantDataBuffer shapeBuffer);
* returns absolute offset which corresponds to given sequential index
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long i);
* returns reference on array element with given index
* returns array element with given index
* i - element index in array
* default destructor
* set _shapeInfo
* returns the value of "dim" dimension
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sizeAt(int dim);
* returns order of array
public native char ordering();
* return _isView
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isView();
* returns shape portion of shapeInfo
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeOf();
* returns strides portion of shapeInfo
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stridesOf();
* returns rank of array
public native int rankOf();
* returns length of array
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long lengthOf();
* returns number of rows in array
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long rows();
* returns number of columns in array
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long columns();
* returns size of array elements type
public native @Cast("size_t") long sizeOfT();
* returns element-wise-stride
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long ews();
// returns true if arrays have same shape
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isSameShape(@Const NDArray other);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isSameShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isSameShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isSameShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] shape);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean areSameShapeAndType(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
* returns true if these two NDArrays have same rank, dimensions, strides, ews and order
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isSameShapeStrict(@Const NDArray other);
* returns true if buffer && shapeInfo were defined (non nullptr)
public native @Cast("bool") boolean nonNull();
* returns array element with given index from linear buffer
* i - element index in array
* returns element with given indexes from 2D array
* i - number of row
* j - number of column
* returns element with given indexes from 3D array
* i - height
* j - width
* k - depth
* returns element with given indexes from DD array
* returns array-scalar containing element of this array with given index
* i - element index in array
public native @ByVal NDArray e(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long i);
* assigns given scalar to array element by given index, regards array buffer as linear
* i - element index in array
* value - scalar value to assign
public native void p(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long i, @Const @ByRef NDArray value);
* assigns given scalar to 2D array element by given indexes
* i - number of row
* j - number of row
* value - scalar value to assign
* assigns given scalar to 3D array element by given indexes
* i - height
* j - width
* k - depth
* value - scalar value to assign
* creates array which points on certain sub-range of this array, sub-range is defined by given indices
* returns true if array is 2D
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isMatrix();
* returns true if array is vector
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isVector();
* returns true if array is column vector
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isColumnVector();
* returns true if array is row vector
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isRowVector();
* returns true if all dimensions of array except one are unities, for example: [1,1,n,1], [n,1,1], [n], ...
* posOfNonUnityDim - one dimension with value > 1
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isCommonVector(@ByRef IntPointer posOfNonUnityDim);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isCommonVector(@ByRef IntBuffer posOfNonUnityDim);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isCommonVector(@ByRef int[] posOfNonUnityDim);
* returns true if array is scalar
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isScalar();
* Returns data type of this array
* @return
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dataType();
* This method returns true if value is from Integer space
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isZ();
* This method returns true if array is from Real space
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isR();
* This method returns true if array is from Boolean space
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isB();
* This method returns true if array contains Complex numbers
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isC();
* This method returns true if array contains String
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isS();
* inline accessing operator for matrix, i - absolute index
//FORCEINLINE NDArray operator()(const Nd4jLong i) const;
* inline modifying operator for matrix, i - absolute index
//FORCEINLINE NDArray& operator()(const Nd4jLong i);
* inline accessing operator for 2D array, i - row, j - column
//FORCEINLINE NDArray operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j) const;
* inline modifying operator for 2D array, i - row, j - column
//FORCEINLINE NDArray& operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j);
* inline accessing operator for 3D array, i - height, j - width, k - depth
//FORCEINLINE NDArray operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j, const Nd4jLong k) const;
* inline modifying operator for 3D array, i - height, j - width, k - depth
//FORCEINLINE NDArray& operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j, const Nd4jLong k);
* inline modifying operator for 4D array, i - height, j - width, k - depth
//FORCEINLINE NDArray& operator()(const Nd4jLong t, const Nd4jLong u, const Nd4jLong v, const Nd4jLong w);
* inline accessing operator for 4D array, i - height, j - width, k - depth
//FORCEINLINE NDArray operator()(const Nd4jLong t, const Nd4jLong u, const Nd4jLong v, const Nd4jLong w) const;
* inline modifying operator for ND array
* idx - array with corresponding indexes, for example {2,10,0,5,...,8}, number of indexes should be equal to array rank
//FORCEINLINE NDArray& operator()(const Nd4jLong* idx);
* inline accessing operator for ND array
* idx - array with corresponding indexes, for example {2,10,0,5,...,8}, number of indexes should be equal to array rank
//FORCEINLINE NDArray operator()(const Nd4jLong* idx) const;
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isAttached();
public native NDArray detach();
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator ==") boolean equals(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator !=") boolean notEquals(@Const @ByRef NDArray other);
// accessing operator for matrix, i - absolute index
NDArray NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong i) const {
if (i >= shape::length(_shapeInfo))
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(i): input index is out of array length !");
auto ews = shape::elementWiseStride(_shapeInfo);
char order = ordering();
if(ews == 1 && order == 'c') {
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (i * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
} else if(ews > 1 && order == 'c') {
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (i * ews * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
} else {
Nd4jLong idx[MAX_RANK];
shape::ind2subC(rankOf(), shapeOf(), i, idx);
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), idx, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
// modifying operator for matrix, i - absolute index
NDArray& NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong i) {
if (i >= shape::length(_shapeInfo))
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(i): input index is out of array length !");
auto ews = shape::elementWiseStride(_shapeInfo);
auto order = ordering();
if(ews == 1 && order == 'c') {
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (i * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
// FIXME: bad
return result;
} else if(ews > 1 && order == 'c') {
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (i * ews * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
} else {
Nd4jLong idx[MAX_RANK];
shape::ind2subC(rankOf(), shapeOf(), i, idx);
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), idx, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
// accessing operator for 2D matrix, i - row, j - column
NDArray NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j) const {
if (rankOf() != 2 || i >= shapeOf()[0] || j >= shapeOf()[1])
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(i,j): one of input indexes is out of array length or rank!=2 !");
Nd4jLong coords[2] = {i, j};
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), coords, rankOf());
// TODO: do we really want a view here?
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
// modifying operator for 2D matrix, i - row, j - column
NDArray& NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j) {
if (rankOf() != 2 || i >= shapeOf()[0] || j >= shapeOf()[1])
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(i,j): one of input indexes is out of array length or rank!=2 !");
Nd4jLong coords[2] = {i, j};
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), coords, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
//FIXME: bad, will crash!
return result;
// accessing operator for 3D array, i - row, j - column
NDArray NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j, const Nd4jLong k) const {
if (rankOf() != 3 || i >= shapeOf()[0] || j >= shapeOf()[1] || j >= shapeOf()[2])
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(i,j,k): one of input indexes is out of array length or rank!=3 !");
Nd4jLong coords[3] = {i, j, k};
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), coords, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
// modifying operator for 3D array
NDArray& NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong i, const Nd4jLong j, const Nd4jLong k) {
if (rankOf() != 3 || i >= shapeOf()[0] || j >= shapeOf()[1] || k >= shapeOf()[2])
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(i,j,k): one of input indexes is out of array length or rank!=3 !");
Nd4jLong coords[3] = {i, j, k};
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), coords, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
//FIXME: bad, will crash!
return result;
NDArray NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong t, const Nd4jLong u, const Nd4jLong v, const Nd4jLong w) const {
if (rankOf() != 4 || t >= shapeOf()[0] || u >= shapeOf()[1] || v >= shapeOf()[2] || w >= shapeOf()[3])
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(t,u,v,w): one of input indexes is out of array length or rank!=4 !");
Nd4jLong coords[4] = {t, u, v, w};
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), coords, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
NDArray& NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong t, const Nd4jLong u, const Nd4jLong v, const Nd4jLong w) {
if (rankOf() != 4 || t >= shapeOf()[0] || u >= shapeOf()[1] || v >= shapeOf()[2] || w >= shapeOf()[3])
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(t,u,v,w): one of input indexes is out of array length or rank!=4 !");
Nd4jLong coords[4] = {t, u, v, w};
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), coords, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
NDArray NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong* idx) const {
for(int i = 0; i < rankOf(); ++i)
if (idx[i] >= sizeAt(i))
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(const Nd4jLong* idx): input index is out of dimension length !");
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), idx, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
NDArray& NDArray::operator()(const Nd4jLong* idx) {
for(int i = 0; i < rankOf(); ++i)
if (idx[i] >= sizeAt(i))
throw std::invalid_argument("NDArray::operator(const Nd4jLong* idx): input index is out of dimension length !");
auto xOffset = shape::getOffset(0, shapeOf(), stridesOf(), idx, rankOf());
auto cast = reinterpret_cast(_buffer) + (xOffset * this->sizeOfT());
NDArray result(cast, nd4j::ShapeBuilders::createScalarShapeInfo(this->dataType(), this->getWorkspace()));
return result;
// still the definition of inline function must be in header file
// returns true if these two NDArrays have same _shapeInfo
// still the definition of inline function must be in header file
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
// #if defined(__CUDACC__) //&& defined(BUILD_TESTS)
// for CUDA we need stil stuff inline
// #include "cuda/NDArrayLambda.hpp"
// #endif
// #endif
// Parsed from array/NDArrayList.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This class describes collection of NDArrays
// @author raver119!
// #ifndef NDARRAY_LIST_H
// #define NDARRAY_LIST_H
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class NDArrayList extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NDArrayList(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public NDArrayList(int height, @Cast("bool") boolean expandable/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(height, expandable); }
private native void allocate(int height, @Cast("bool") boolean expandable/*=false*/);
public NDArrayList(int height) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(height); }
private native void allocate(int height);
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dataType();
public native NDArray read(int idx);
public native NDArray readRaw(int idx);
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int write(int idx, NDArray array);
public native NDArray pick(@StdVector IntPointer indices);
public native NDArray pick(@StdVector IntBuffer indices);
public native NDArray pick(@StdVector int[] indices);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isWritten(int index);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape();
public native NDArray stack();
public native void unstack(NDArray array, int axis);
public native @ByRef IntIntPair id();
public native @StdString @ByRef @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name();
//nd4j::memory::Workspace* workspace();
public native LaunchContext context();
public native NDArrayList clone();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean equals(@ByRef NDArrayList other);
public native int elements();
public native int height();
public native int counter();
// #endif
// Parsed from array/ResultSet.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// This class is suited for execution results representation.
// PLESE NOTE: It will delete all stored NDArrays upon destructor call
// Created by raver119 on 07.09.17.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include // forward declaration of template class NDArray
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class ResultSet extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ResultSet(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ResultSet(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ResultSet position(long position) {
return (ResultSet)super.position(position);
// default constructor
public ResultSet() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ResultSet(@Const @ByRef ResultSet other) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(other); }
private native @NoException void allocate(@Const @ByRef ResultSet other);
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") @NoException ResultSet put(@Const @ByRef ResultSet other);
// move constructor
// move assignment operator
public native int size();
public native NDArray at(@Cast("const unsigned long") long idx);
public native @Name("operator []") NDArray get(@Cast("const unsigned long") long idx);
public native void push_back(NDArray array);
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int status();
public native void setStatus(@Cast("Nd4jStatus") int status);
public native void purge();
public native void setNonRemovable();
// Parsed from graph/RandomGenerator.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #ifndef LIBND4J_GRAPH_RNG_H
// #define LIBND4J_GRAPH_RNG_H
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #else
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class RandomGenerator extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RandomGenerator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public RandomGenerator(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public RandomGenerator position(long position) {
return (RandomGenerator)super.position(position);
public RandomGenerator(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootSeed/*=0*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long nodeSeed/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(rootSeed, nodeSeed); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootSeed/*=0*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long nodeSeed/*=0*/);
public RandomGenerator() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
* This method allows to change graph-level state in runtime.
* PLEASE NOTE: this method will change state of node as well.
public native void setStates(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootSeed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long nodeState/*=0*/);
public native void setStates(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootSeed);
* This method returns T value between from and to
* This method returns T value between 0 and MAX_T
* These two methods are made for JVM
* @param index
* @return
public native int relativeInt(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long relativeLong(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index);
public native void rewindH(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long steps);
* These methods set up only node states, with non-changed root ones
public native void setSeed(int seed);
public native void setSeed(@Cast("uint64_t") long seed);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long rootState();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long nodeState();
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") public static native @Cast("uint32_t") int rotl(@Cast("const uint32_t") int x, int k);
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long rotl(@Cast("const uint64_t") long x, int k);
// #endif
// Parsed from graph/Variable.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class Variable extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Variable(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Variable(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Variable position(long position) {
return (Variable)super.position(position);
public Variable(@Cast("bool") boolean placeHolder) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(placeHolder); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("bool") boolean placeHolder);
public Variable(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") String name, int id, int idx/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(arrayw, name, id, idx); }
private native void allocate(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") String name, int id, int idx/*=0*/);
public Variable(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") String name, int id) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(arrayw, name, id); }
private native void allocate(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") String name, int id);
public Variable(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name, int id, int idx/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(arrayw, name, id, idx); }
private native void allocate(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name, int id, int idx/*=0*/);
public Variable(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name, int id) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(arrayw, name, id); }
private native void allocate(NDArray arrayw, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name, int id);
public Variable(NDArray array/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("char*") String name/*=nullptr*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(array, name); }
private native void allocate(NDArray array/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("char*") String name/*=nullptr*/);
public Variable() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public Variable(NDArray array/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name/*=nullptr*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(array, name); }
private native void allocate(NDArray array/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name/*=nullptr*/);
public native Variable clone();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasNDArray();
public native NDArray getNDArray();
public native void setNDArray(NDArray array);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasNDArrayList();
public native NDArrayList getNDArrayList();
public native void setNDArrayList(NDArrayList list);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isExternal();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isReadOnly();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isEmpty();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isRemovable();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isPlaceholder();
public native @Cast("nd4j::graph::VariableType") int variableType();
public native void setVariableType(@Cast("nd4j::graph::VariableType") int variableType);
* This method returns InputType of this variable
//InputType variableType() {
// return _variableType;
public native void markExternal(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyExternal);
public native void markReadOnly(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyReadOnly);
public native void markRemovable(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyRemovable);
public native int id();
public native int index();
public native void setIndex(int index);
public native void setId(int id);
public native void setId(int id, int idx);
public native @StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer getName();
public native void setName(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer shape();
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
// #endif //LIBND4J_VARIABLE_H
// Parsed from graph/VariablesSet.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 15/11/17.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class VariablesSet extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public VariablesSet(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public VariablesSet(@Cast("Nd4jStatus") int status/*=ND4J_STATUS_OK*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(status); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jStatus") int status/*=ND4J_STATUS_OK*/);
public VariablesSet() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int status();
public native int size();
public native void push_back(Variable variable);
public native Variable at(int index);
// Parsed from graph/FlowPath.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 16/11/17.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class FlowPath extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public FlowPath(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public FlowPath(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public FlowPath position(long position) {
return (FlowPath)super.position(position);
public FlowPath() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native void setInnerTime(int nodeId, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setOuterTime(int nodeId, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long innerTime(int nodeId);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long outerTime(int nodeId);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isNodeActive(int nodeId);
public native void markNodeActive(int nodeId, @Cast("bool") boolean isActive);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean wasExecuted(int nodeId);
public native void markExecuted(int nodeId, @Cast("bool") boolean wasExecuted);
public native int branch(int nodeId);
public native void markBranch(int nodeId, int index);
// Frame-related methods
public native void registerFrame(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native void forgetFrame(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isFrameActive(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native void markFrameActive(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId, @Cast("bool") boolean isActive);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isRewindPlanned(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native void planRewind(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId, @Cast("bool") boolean reallyRewind);
public native int getRewindPosition(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native void setRewindPosition(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId, int position);
public native void setRewindPositionOnce(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId, int position);
public native void incrementNumberOfCycles(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getNumberOfCycles(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long frameId);
public native GraphProfile profile();
// #endif //LIBND4J_FLOWPATH_H
// Parsed from graph/Intervals.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by [email protected] on 24.10.2017.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class Intervals extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Intervals(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Intervals(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Intervals position(long position) {
return (Intervals)super.position(position);
// default constructor
public Intervals() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
// constructor
public Intervals(@Const @ByRef LongVectorVector content ) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(content); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef LongVectorVector content );
// accessing operator
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector @Name("operator []") LongPointer get(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long i);
// returns size of _content
public native int size();
// Parsed from graph/Stash.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #ifndef LIBND4J_STASH_H
// #define LIBND4J_STASH_H
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class KeyPair extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public KeyPair(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public KeyPair(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public KeyPair position(long position) {
return (KeyPair)super.position(position);
public KeyPair(int node/*=0*/, @Cast("char*") String name/*=nullptr*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(node, name); }
private native void allocate(int node/*=0*/, @Cast("char*") String name/*=nullptr*/);
public KeyPair() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public KeyPair(int node/*=0*/, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name/*=nullptr*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(node, name); }
private native void allocate(int node/*=0*/, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name/*=nullptr*/);
public native @Cast("bool") @Name("operator <") boolean lessThan(@Const @ByRef KeyPair other);
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class Stash extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Stash(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public Stash(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public Stash position(long position) {
return (Stash)super.position(position);
public Stash() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
//void storeArray(nd4j::graph::Block& block, const char *name, nd4j::NDArray *array);
public native void storeArray(int nodeId, @Cast("char*") String name, NDArray array);
public native void storeArray(int nodeId, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name, NDArray array);
//bool checkStash(nd4j::graph::Block& block, const char *name);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean checkStash(int nodeId, @Cast("char*") String name);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean checkStash(int nodeId, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
//nd4j::NDArray* extractArray(nd4j::graph::Block& block, const char *name);
public native NDArray extractArray(int nodeId, @Cast("char*") String name);
public native NDArray extractArray(int nodeId, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
public native void clear();
// #endif //LIBND4J_STASH_H
// Parsed from graph/GraphState.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 23.01.18.
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class GraphState extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public GraphState(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public GraphState(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long id) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(id); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long id);
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long id();
* This method adds scope to this state tracker
* @param scopeId
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int registerScope(int scopeId);
* This method cheks if scope with given ID exists
* @param scopeId - ID of the scope
* @return - TRUE if scope exists, FALSE otherwise
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasScope(int scopeId);
* This method removes specified scope from this state tracker
* @param scopeId
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int forgetScope(int scopeId);
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
* This method adds given op to the end of specified scope
* @param scopeId
* @param opNum
* @param type
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int attachOpToScope(int scopeId, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long opNum, int type, @ByVal ArgumentsList inputs);
* This method adds return statement to specified scope
* PLEASE NOTE: should be used only in body scopes
* @param scopeId
* @param nodeId
* @param args
* @return
public native @Cast("Nd4jStatus") int defineReturn(int scopeId, int nodeId, @ByVal ArgumentsList args);
* This method returns current variable space of this state holder
* @return
public native VariableSpace variableSpace();
// Parsed from graph/VariableSpace.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class VariableSpace extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public VariableSpace(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public VariableSpace(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public VariableSpace position(long position) {
return (VariableSpace)super.position(position);
public VariableSpace() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") VariableSpace put(@Const @ByRef VariableSpace other);
public native int numberOfPlaceholders();
public native @Cast("nd4j::graph::Variable**") @StdVector PointerPointer getPlaceholders();
public native void setWorkspace(Workspace workspace);
public native LaunchContext launchContext();
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasExternalVariable(int it);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasExternalVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasExternalVariable(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer symbol);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasVariable(int id);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasVariable(int id, int idx);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasVariable(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer symbol);
public native Variable getVariable(int id);
public native Variable getVariable(int id, int idx);
public native Variable getVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair);
public native Variable getVariable(@StdString @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer symbol);
public native @Cast("nd4j::graph::Variable**") @StdVector PointerPointer getVariables();
public native void putVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, NDArray array);
public native void putVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, Variable variable);
public native void putVariable(int id, Variable variable);
public native void putVariable(int id, NDArray array);
public native void putVariable(int id, int idx, NDArray array);
public native void putVariable(int id, int idx, Variable array);
public native void dropVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair);
public native void dropVariable(int id, int idx);
public native void trackList(NDArrayList list);
public native void putOutputVariable(Variable variable);
public native void replaceVariable(Variable variable);
// memory-related statistics
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long externalMemory();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long internalMemory();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long totalMemory();
public native int externalEntries();
public native int internalEntries();
public native int totalEntries();
public native VariableSpace clone();
public native @Cast("nd4j::graph::Variable**") @StdVector PointerPointer handles();
public native VariableSpace asT();
public native void injectVariable(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, Variable variable);
public native Stash getStash();
public native @Cast("nd4j::graph::Variable**") @StdVector PointerPointer getExternalVariables();
public native void setFlowPath(FlowPath timers);
public native FlowPath flowPath();
// Parsed from helpers/helper_generator.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #ifdef _MSC_VER
// include for uint64_t on MSVC
// #include
// #elif ANDROID
// #include
// #ifndef UINT64_C
// #if defined(__LP64__)
// #define UINT64_C(c) c ## UL
// #else
// #define UINT64_C(c) c ## ULL
// #endif //LP64
// #endif // UINT64
// #endif // MSVC/ANDROID
// #ifdef __GNUC__
// #include
// #endif
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #else
@Namespace("nd4j::random") @NoOffset public static class RandomBuffer extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public RandomBuffer(Pointer p) { super(p); }
* This method allocates buffer of size * sizeof(Nd4jLong)
* @param size
* @return
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
public RandomBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("uint64_t*") LongPointer buffer) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(seed, size, buffer); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("uint64_t*") LongPointer buffer);
public RandomBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("uint64_t*") LongBuffer buffer) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(seed, size, buffer); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("uint64_t*") LongBuffer buffer);
public RandomBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("uint64_t*") long[] buffer) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(seed, size, buffer); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("uint64_t*") long[] buffer);
public native @Cast("uint64_t*") LongPointer getBuffer();
public native @Cast("uint64_t*") LongPointer getDeviceBuffer();
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getSeed();
public native void setSeed(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getAllocatedSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset();
public native void setOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset);
public native void reSeed(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long amplifier);
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long getElement(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long position);
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long next64(@Cast("uint64_t") long shiftedSeed);
public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long rotl(@Cast("const uint64_t") long x, @Cast("uint64_t") long k);
public static native @Cast("uint64_t") long safeShift(@Cast("uint64_t") long x, @Cast("uint64_t") long y);
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long seedConv(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long seed);
public native void incrementGeneration();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getNextIndex();
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long getNextElement();
* This method skips X elements from buffer
* @param numberOfElements number of elements to skip
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
public native void rewindH(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long numberOfElements);
* This method returns random int in range [0..MAX_INT]
* @return
public native int nextInt();
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long nextUInt64();
* This method returns random int in range []
* @param to
* @return
public native int nextInt(int to);
* This method returns random int in range []
* @param from
* @param to
* @return
public native int nextInt(int from, int to);
* This method returns random T in range of [0..1]
* @return
* This method returns random T in range of []
* @param to
* @return
* This method returns random T in range []
* @param from
* @param to
* @return
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long relativeUInt64(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index);
* relative methods are made as workaround for lock-free concurrent execution
public native int relativeInt(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index);
* This method returns random int within []
* @param index
* @param to
* @return
public native int relativeInt(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, int to);
* This method returns random int within []
* @param index
* @param to
* @param from
* @return
public native int relativeInt(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, int from, int to);
* This method returns random T within [0..1]
* @param index
* @return
* This method returns random T within []
* @param index
* @param to
* @return
* This method returns random T within []
* @param index
* @param from
* @param to
* @return
@Namespace("nd4j::random") @NoOffset public static class IGenerator extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public IGenerator(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public native RandomBuffer getBuffer();
public native void setOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getElementAbsolute(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long position);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getElementRelative(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long position);
public native void refreshBuffer();
@Namespace("nd4j::random") @NoOffset public static class Xoroshiro128 extends IGenerator {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Xoroshiro128(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Xoroshiro128(RandomBuffer buffer) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(buffer); }
private native void allocate(RandomBuffer buffer);
public native void refreshBuffer();
// Parsed from graph/profiling/GraphProfile.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include "NodeProfile.h"
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class GraphProfile extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public GraphProfile(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public GraphProfile(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public GraphProfile position(long position) {
return (GraphProfile)super.position(position);
public GraphProfile() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
* These methods just adding amount of bytes to various counters
public native void addToTotal(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native void addToActivations(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native void addToTemporary(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native void addToObjects(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
* This method allows to set graph construction (i.e. deserialization) time in nanoseconds
public native void setBuildTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long nanos);
* This method sets graph execution time in nanoseconds.
public native void setExecutionTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long nanos);
public native void startEvent(@Cast("char*") String name);
public native void startEvent(@Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
public native void recordEvent(@Cast("char*") String name);
public native void recordEvent(@Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
public native void deleteEvent(@Cast("char*") String name);
public native void deleteEvent(@Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
* This method saves time as delta from last saved time
public native void spotEvent(@Cast("char*") String name);
public native void spotEvent(@Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
* This method returns pointer to NodeProfile by ID
* PLEASE NOTE: this method will create new NodeProfile if there's none
public native NodeProfile nodeById(int id, @Cast("char*") String name/*=nullptr*/);
public native NodeProfile nodeById(int id);
public native NodeProfile nodeById(int id, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name/*=nullptr*/);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean nodeExists(int id);
* This method merges values from other profile report
* @param other
public native void merge(GraphProfile other);
public native void assign(GraphProfile other);
* These methods are just utility methods for time
public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long currentTime();
public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long relativeTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void printOut();
// #endif
// Parsed from graph/profiling/NodeProfile.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class NodeProfile extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public NodeProfile(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public NodeProfile(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public NodeProfile position(long position) {
return (NodeProfile)super.position(position);
public NodeProfile() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public NodeProfile(int id, @Cast("char*") String name) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(id, name); }
private native void allocate(int id, @Cast("char*") String name);
public NodeProfile(int id, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(id, name); }
private native void allocate(int id, @Cast("char*") BytePointer name);
public native void setBuildTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setPreparationTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setExecutionTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setTotalTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setShapeFunctionTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setArrayTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setInputTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setActivationsSize(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native void setTemporarySize(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native void setObjectsSize(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native void setTotalSize(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long bytes);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getActivationsSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getTemporarySize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getObjectsSize();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getTotalSize();
public native @StdString @ByRef @Cast({"char*", "std::string*"}) BytePointer name();
public native void merge(NodeProfile other);
public native void assign(NodeProfile other);
public native void printOut();
// #endif
// Parsed from graph/Context.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #ifndef LIBND4J_CONTEXT_H
// #define LIBND4J_CONTEXT_H
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #ifdef HAVE_MKLDNN
// #endif
// CUDA-specific includes
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
* This class defines input desired for any given node/operation within graph
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class Context extends ContextPrototype {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public Context(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public Context(ContextPrototype prototype, VariableSpace variableSpace) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(prototype, variableSpace); }
private native void allocate(ContextPrototype prototype, VariableSpace variableSpace);
public Context(int nodeId, VariableSpace variableSpace/*=nullptr*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(nodeId, variableSpace); }
private native void allocate(int nodeId, VariableSpace variableSpace/*=nullptr*/);
public Context(int nodeId) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(nodeId); }
private native void allocate(int nodeId);
public Context(int nodeId, VariableSpace variableSpace, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(nodeId, variableSpace, isInplace); }
private native void allocate(int nodeId, VariableSpace variableSpace, @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace);
// default destructor
// these methods are for execution timing
public native void setOuterTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native void setInnerTime(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long time);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOuterTime();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getInnerTime();
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dataType();
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dataType(int index);
public native void setDataType(int index, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int type);
// these methods are related to Workspace abstraction
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasWorkspaceProvided();
public native void attachWorkspace(Workspace workspace);
public native void forgetWorkspace();
// these methods return full-time workspace
public native Workspace getWorkspace();
public native Workspace workspace();
public native Workspace fWorkspace();
// this method returns workspace for temporary allocations
public native Workspace tWorkspace();
// this method returns workspace for object allocations
public native Workspace oWorkspace();
public native void setVariableSpace(VariableSpace variableSpace);
public native RandomBuffer getRNG();
public native void setRNG(RandomBuffer rng);
public native VariableSpace getVariableSpace();
public native LaunchContext launchContext();
// these fields define, if we can execute specific node in-place, without generating new array
// these variables are only for Divergent Nodes
public native int getBranch();
public native void setBranch(int branch);
// #ifdef HAVE_MKLDNN
// #endif
* @return
public native Stash getStash();
public native void trackList(NDArrayList list);
* This method returns variable for a given input index for this block
* @param idx
* @return
public native Variable getVariable(int idx);
public native Variable variable(int idx);
* This method is shortcut to getVariable(int idx);
* + it check fastpath for array availability (preferred)
* @return
public native NDArray getNDArray(int idx);
public native NDArray array(int idx);
* This method fetches variable from VariableSpace DIRECTLY
* @param p
* @return
public native Variable variable(int node, int index);
public native Variable variable(@ByRef IntIntPair p);
public native void pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArray array, @Cast("bool") boolean removable/*=true*/);
public native void pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArray array);
public native void pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, NDArray array, @Cast("bool") boolean removable/*=true*/);
public native void pushNDArrayToVariableSpace(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, NDArray array);
public native void pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArrayList list, @Cast("bool") boolean track/*=true*/);
public native void pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(int nodeId, int index, NDArrayList list);
public native void pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, NDArrayList list, @Cast("bool") boolean track/*=true*/);
public native void pushNDArrayListToVariableSpace(@ByRef IntIntPair pair, NDArrayList list);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isValueAvailable(int idx/*=0*/);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isValueAvailable();
public native Variable ensureVariable(int idx/*=0*/);
public native Variable ensureVariable();
public native @Cast("unsigned long") long width();
// methods used in java interop
* This method checks, if Context uses fastpath variable access
* @return
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isFastPath();
// #ifndef __JAVACPP_HACK__
// #endif
public native void setInputArray(int index, NDArray array, @Cast("bool") boolean removable/*=false*/);
public native void setInputArray(int index, NDArray array);
public native void setInputArray(int index, Pointer buffer, Pointer shapeInfo, Pointer specialBuffer, Pointer specialShapeInfo);
public native void setOutputArray(int index, NDArray array, @Cast("bool") boolean removable/*=false*/);
public native void setOutputArray(int index, NDArray array);
public native void setOutputArray(int index, Pointer buffer, Pointer shapeInfo, Pointer specialBuffer, Pointer specialShapeInfo);
public native void setTArguments(DoublePointer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setTArguments(DoubleBuffer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setTArguments(double[] arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setIArguments(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setIArguments(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setIArguments(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setBArguments(@Cast("bool*") BooleanPointer arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setBArguments(@Cast("bool*") boolean[] arguments, int numberOfArguments);
public native void setCudaContext(@Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer cudaStream, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer reductionPointer, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer allocationPointer);
// #endif //LIBND4J_BLOCK_H
// Parsed from graph/ContextPrototype.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class ContextPrototype extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ContextPrototype(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ContextPrototype(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ContextPrototype position(long position) {
return (ContextPrototype)super.position(position);
public ContextPrototype(OpDescriptor opDescriptor/*=nullptr*/, int nodeId/*=1*/, @Cast("bool") boolean inPlace/*=false*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(opDescriptor, nodeId, inPlace); }
private native void allocate(OpDescriptor opDescriptor/*=nullptr*/, int nodeId/*=1*/, @Cast("bool") boolean inPlace/*=false*/);
public ContextPrototype() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public native int getNodeId();
public native int nodeId();
// this method returns true, if inputs are defined
public native @Cast("bool") boolean hasVariablesFilled();
public native void setOpDescriptor(OpDescriptor opDescriptor);
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dataType();
public native @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dataType(int index);
public native void setDataType(int index, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int type);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isInplace();
public native void markInplace(@Cast("bool") boolean reallyInplace);
public native void pickInput(int input);
public native void pickInput(int input, int index);
public native void pickInput(@ByRef IntIntPair p);
public native void fillInputs(@StdVector IntPointer inputs);
public native void fillInputs(@StdVector IntBuffer inputs);
public native void fillInputs(@StdVector int[] inputs);
public native @StdVector IntIntPair inputs();
public native @StdVector DoublePointer getTArguments();
public native @StdVector IntPointer getIArguments();
public native @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer getBArguments();
public native @StdVector IntPointer getAxis();
public native @Cast("size_t") long numT();
public native @Cast("size_t") long numI();
public native @Cast("size_t") long numB();
public native IntIntPair input(int idx);
public native int opNum();
public native void setOpNum(int opNum);
public native @Cast("bool") boolean isUseMKLDNN();
public native void setUseMKLDNN(@Cast("bool") boolean useMKLDNN);
* This method returns number of inputs available in this block
* @return
public native @Cast("unsigned long") long width();
// just a clone
public native ContextPrototype clone();
public native @ByRef RandomGenerator randomGenerator();
public native @Const @ByRef RandomGenerator getRng();
public native void setRng(@Const @ByRef RandomGenerator anotherRng);
public native void setRandomGenerator(@Const @ByRef RandomGenerator anotherRng);
public native @Cast("uint64_t") long randomSeed();
public native void setRandomSeed(@Cast("uint64_t") long seed);
// Parsed from graph/ResultWrapper.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Created by raver119 on 11/06/18.
// #include
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j::graph") @NoOffset public static class ResultWrapper extends org.nd4j.nativeblas.ResultWrapperAbstraction {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ResultWrapper(Pointer p) { super(p); }
public ResultWrapper(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptr) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(size, ptr); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long size, @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer ptr);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long size();
public native @Cast("Nd4jPointer") Pointer pointer();
// Parsed from helpers/shape.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* shape.h
* Created on: Dec 28, 2015
* Author: agibsonccc
// #ifndef SHAPE_H_
// #define SHAPE_H_
// #include
// #include
// #include "../dll.h"
// #include "../nd4jmalloc.h"
// #include "../templatemath.h"
// #include "../helpers/logger.h"
// #include "../pointercast.h"
// #include "../cnpy/cnpy.h"
// #include
public static final int MAX_DIMENSION = 0x7fffffff;
public static final int MAX_NUM_THREADS = 1024;
public static final int MAX_RANK = 32;
public static final int MAX_SHAPEINFOLENGTH = 2*MAX_RANK+4;
public static final int MAX_COORD = 3;
public static final int PREALLOC_SIZE = 33554432;
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #else
// #define INLINEDEF inline
// #endif
// #include "../pairwise_util.h"
// #include
// #include
* Shape information approximating
* the information on an ndarray
@Namespace("shape") @NoOffset public static class ShapeInformation extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public ShapeInformation(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public ShapeInformation(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public ShapeInformation position(long position) {
return (ShapeInformation)super.position(position);
public ShapeInformation(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape_/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride_/*=nullptr*/, char order_/*=0*/, int rank_/*=0*/, int offset_/*=0*/, int elementWiseStride_/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shape_, stride_, order_, rank_, offset_, elementWiseStride_); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape_/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride_/*=nullptr*/, char order_/*=0*/, int rank_/*=0*/, int offset_/*=0*/, int elementWiseStride_/*=0*/);
public ShapeInformation() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
public ShapeInformation(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape_/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride_/*=nullptr*/, char order_/*=0*/, int rank_/*=0*/, int offset_/*=0*/, int elementWiseStride_/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shape_, stride_, order_, rank_, offset_, elementWiseStride_); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape_/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride_/*=nullptr*/, char order_/*=0*/, int rank_/*=0*/, int offset_/*=0*/, int elementWiseStride_/*=0*/);
public ShapeInformation(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape_/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride_/*=nullptr*/, char order_/*=0*/, int rank_/*=0*/, int offset_/*=0*/, int elementWiseStride_/*=0*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(shape_, stride_, order_, rank_, offset_, elementWiseStride_); }
private native void allocate(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape_/*=nullptr*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride_/*=nullptr*/, char order_/*=0*/, int rank_/*=0*/, int offset_/*=0*/, int elementWiseStride_/*=0*/);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape(); public native ShapeInformation shape(LongPointer setter);
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride(); public native ShapeInformation stride(LongPointer setter);
public native char order(); public native ShapeInformation order(char setter);
public native int rank(); public native ShapeInformation rank(int setter);
public native int offset(); public native ShapeInformation offset(int setter);
public native int elementWiseStride(); public native ShapeInformation elementWiseStride(int setter);
* Indexing information
* for bounds checking
@Namespace("shape") public static class CurrentIndexing extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Default native constructor. */
public CurrentIndexing() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public CurrentIndexing(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public CurrentIndexing(Pointer p) { super(p); }
private native void allocate();
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public CurrentIndexing position(long position) {
return (CurrentIndexing)super.position(position);
public native int numElementsPerThread(); public native CurrentIndexing numElementsPerThread(int setter);
public native int blockStartingIndex(); public native CurrentIndexing blockStartingIndex(int setter);
public native int startingThreadIndex(); public native CurrentIndexing startingThreadIndex(int setter);
public native int endingThreadIndex(); public native CurrentIndexing endingThreadIndex(int setter);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(int shape1Rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape1, int shape2Rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(int shape1Rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape1, int shape2Rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(int shape1Rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape1, int shape2Rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer detachShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer originalShape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer detachShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer originalShape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] detachShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] originalShape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer copyShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer originalShape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer copyShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer originalShape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] copyShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] originalShape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo2, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo3);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo2, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo3);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean shapeEquals(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo2, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo3);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(int shape1Rank,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape1,int shape2Rank,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(int shape1Rank,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape1,int shape2Rank,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(int shape1Rank,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape1,int shape2Rank,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo1,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo1,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo1,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride1,int rank1,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride2,int rank2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride1,int rank1,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride2,int rank2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideEquals(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride1,int rank1,@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride2,int rank2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsSoft(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsSoft(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsSoft(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsTypesAndShapesSoft(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsTypesAndShapesSoft(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsTypesAndShapesSoft(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsStrict(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsStrict(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeB);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean equalsStrict(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeA, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeB);
// returns true if ranks, shapes and strides are the same
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean haveSameShapeAndStrides(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean haveSameShapeAndStrides(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean haveSameShapeAndStrides(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo2);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean haveSameShapeAndStrides(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo2, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo3);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean haveSameShapeAndStrides(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo2, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo3);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean haveSameShapeAndStrides(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo1, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo2, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo3);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int sizeAt(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int dim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int sizeAt(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int dim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int sizeAt(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int dim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void traceNew(int id);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadIndexForLinear(int linearIndex, int tadLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tadLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, IntPointer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tadLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, IntBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tadLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, int[] dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean canReshape(int oldRank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer oldShape, int newRank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer newShape, @Cast("bool") boolean isFOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean canReshape(int oldRank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer oldShape, int newRank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer newShape, @Cast("bool") boolean isFOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean canReshape(int oldRank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] oldShape, int newRank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] newShape, @Cast("bool") boolean isFOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapeC(int oldRank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer oldShapeInfo, int newRank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer newShape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer newShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapeC(int oldRank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer oldShapeInfo, int newRank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer newShape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer newShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean reshapeC(int oldRank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] oldShapeInfo, int newRank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] newShape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] newShapeInfo);
* Get the shape info buffer
* for the given rank and shape.
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Get the shape info buffer
* for the given rank and shape.
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBufferFortran(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBufferFortran(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBufferFortran(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBufferFortran(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer output);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBufferFortran(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer output);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBufferFortran(int rank, @Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] output);
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ret);
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void updateStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void updateStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void updateStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void updateStrides(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeOnly, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stridesOnly, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void updateStrides(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeOnly, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stridesOnly, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void updateStrides(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeOnly, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stridesOnly, byte order);
// check whether input dimensions are permuted, not permuted dimensions order have to be 0,....,rank-1
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank, int startNum);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank, int startNum);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank, int startNum);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank, int startNum, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank, int startNum, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStridesFortran(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank, int startNum, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ret);
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank, int startNum);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank, int startNum);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank, int startNum);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank, int startNum, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank, int startNum, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] calcStrides(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank, int startNum, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ret);
* @param toCopy the shape to copy
* @return a copy of the original struct
@Namespace("shape") public static native ShapeInformation shapeCopy( ShapeInformation toCopy);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideDescendingCAscendingF(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideDescendingCAscendingF(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean strideDescendingCAscendingF(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isContiguous(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isContiguous(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isContiguous(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* copy-past from java hasDefaultStridesForShape function
* check whether array is not permuted and has contiguous elements in memory
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean areStridesDefault(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean areStridesDefault(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean areStridesDefault(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* Compute the element wise stride
* for a given shape/stride configuration
* @param rank the rank of the shape/stride
* @param shape the shape
* @param stride the stride
* @param isFOrder 0 or 1 for whether the array is f
* ordered or not
* @return 0 if there is no element wise stride the
* element wise stride of reshape(1,length) otherwise
@Namespace("shape") public static native int computeElementWiseStride(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride, int isFOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int computeElementWiseStride(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride, int isFOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int computeElementWiseStride(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride, int isFOrder);
* Compute the element wise stride
* for a given shape/stride configuration
* @param rank the rank of the shape/stride
* @param shape the shape
* @param stride the stride
* @param isFOrder 0 or 1 for whether the array is f
* ordered or not
* @return 0 if there is no element wise stride the
* element wise stride of reshape(1,length) otherwise
@Namespace("shape") public static native int computeElementWiseStride(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride, int isFOrder, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int computeElementWiseStride(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride, int isFOrder, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int computeElementWiseStride(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride, int isFOrder, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfoOnlyShapeAndStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimension, int dimensionLength,@Cast("bool") boolean reverseCopyStride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfoOnlyShapeAndStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength,@Cast("bool") boolean reverseCopyStride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfoOnlyShapeAndStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dimension, int dimensionLength,@Cast("bool") boolean reverseCopyStride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfoOnlyShapeAndStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimension, int dimensionLength,@Cast("bool") boolean reverseCopyStride, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfoOnlyShapeAndStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength,@Cast("bool") boolean reverseCopyStride, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfoOnlyShapeAndStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dimension, int dimensionLength,@Cast("bool") boolean reverseCopyStride, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* @param length
* @param shape
* @param rearrange
* @return
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer doPermuteSwap(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, IntPointer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer doPermuteSwap(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, IntBuffer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] doPermuteSwap(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int[] rearrange);
* In place permute swap
* @param length
* @param shape
* @param rearrange
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteSwap(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong**") PointerPointer shape, IntPointer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer permuteShapeBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer, IntPointer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer permuteShapeBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer, IntBuffer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] permuteShapeBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer, int[] rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permuteShapeBufferInPlace(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer, IntPointer rearrange, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer out);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permuteShapeBufferInPlace(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer, IntBuffer rearrange, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer out);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permuteShapeBufferInPlace(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer, int[] rearrange, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] out);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer, @Const IntPointer rearrange, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer, @Const IntPointer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer, @Const IntBuffer rearrange, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer, @Const IntBuffer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer, @Const int[] rearrange, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer, @Const int[] rearrange);
* Rearrange the permute indexes
* according to which dimensions are specified.
* For example, dimension is implicitly:
* 0,1,2
* If you want to do a reduce along dimensions 0 and 1,
* you need to permute the indexes to be:
* 2,0,1
* which will give us the ability to ierate along an element
* wise stride.
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer createPermuteIndexes(int originalRank, IntPointer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer createPermuteIndexes(int originalRank, IntBuffer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] createPermuteIndexes(int originalRank, int[] dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer computeResultShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer originalShapeBuffer, IntPointer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer computeResultShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer originalShapeBuffer, IntBuffer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] computeResultShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] originalShapeBuffer, int[] dimension,int dimensionLength);
* This method does inplace transpose of given shapeBuffer
* @param shapeBuffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native void transposeInplace(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void transposeInplace(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void transposeInplace(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer);
* Get the ordering for the device
* @param length
* @param shape
* @param stride
* @param elementStride
* @return
@Namespace("shape") public static native char getOrder(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride, int elementStride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native char getOrder(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride, int elementStride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native char getOrder(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride, int elementStride);
* Ensure that every value in the re arrange
* array is unique
* @param arr
* @param shape
* @param arrLength
* @param shapeLength
* @return
* Permute the shape information
* @param info the shape information to permute
* @param rearrange the order to re arrange
* @param rank the rank of the rearrange array
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@Cast("shape::ShapeInformation**") PointerPointer info, IntPointer rearrange, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@ByPtrPtr ShapeInformation info, IntPointer rearrange, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@ByPtrPtr ShapeInformation info, IntBuffer rearrange, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@ByPtrPtr ShapeInformation info, int[] rearrange, int rank);
* Returns whether the
* given shape is a vector or not
* @param shape the shape of the array
* @param rank the rank of cthe shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank);
* When 1 dimension is the whole length of the
* array
@Namespace("shape") public static native int oneDimEqualToLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int oneDimEqualToLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int oneDimEqualToLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int oneDimEqualToLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int oneDimEqualToLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int oneDimEqualToLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isLikeVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @ByRef IntPointer posOfNonUnityDim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isLikeVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @ByRef IntBuffer posOfNonUnityDim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isLikeVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @ByRef int[] posOfNonUnityDim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isCommonVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @ByRef IntPointer posOfNonUnityDim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isCommonVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @ByRef IntBuffer posOfNonUnityDim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isCommonVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @ByRef int[] posOfNonUnityDim);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isRowVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isRowVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isRowVector(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isColumnVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isColumnVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isColumnVector(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* Returns whether the
* given shape is a vector or not
* @param shape the shape of the array
* @param rank the rank of the shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isMatrix(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isMatrix(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isMatrix(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isMatrix(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isMatrix(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isMatrix(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* Returns the shape portion of an information
* buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeOf(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeOf(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeOf(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Return a copy of a buffer.
* This buffer allocates memory
* that must be freed elsewhere.
* Return a copy of a buffer.
* This buffer allocates memory
* that must be freed elsewhere.
* Return a copy of a buffer.
* This buffer allocates memory
* that must be freed elsewhere.
@Namespace("shape") public static native void copyTo(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer from, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer to, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indexes);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void copyTo(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer from, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer to, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indexes);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void copyTo(int length, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] from, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] to, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] indexes);
* Permute the given strides
* in the given rearrange order
* @param toPermute the buffer to permute
* @param shapeRank the length of the buffer to permute
* @param rearrange the rearrange order (must be 0 based indexes
* and all must be filled in)
* @return the rearranged array
//ND4J_EXPORT _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong *permutedStrides(Nd4jLong *toPermute, int shapeRank, Nd4jLong *rearrange);
* Return the slice (shape + 1 in pointer arithmetic)
* @param shape the shape to take the slice of
* @return the shape array - the first entry
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer slice(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer slice(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] slice(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int slices(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int slices(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int slices(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer sliceOfShapeBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceIdx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer sliceOfShapeBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceIdx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] sliceOfShapeBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceIdx, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer);
* Returns the length of the
* shape information buffer:
* rank * 2 + 3
* @param rank the rank to get the shape
* info length for
* @return rank * 2 + 4
@Namespace("shape") public static native int shapeInfoLength(int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int shapeInfoLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int shapeInfoLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int shapeInfoLength(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("size_t") long shapeInfoByteLength(int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("size_t") long shapeInfoByteLength(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("size_t") long shapeInfoByteLength(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("size_t") long shapeInfoByteLength(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* Returns the rank portion of
* an information buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rank(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rank(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rank(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rank(@Const IntPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rank(@Const IntBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rank(@Const int[] shapeInfo);
// returns pointer on elementWiseStride
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ews(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ews(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ews(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* returns pointer on elementWiseStride
* Converts a raw int buffer of the layout:
* rank
* shape
* stride
* offset
* elementWiseStride
* where shape and stride are both straight int pointers
@Namespace("shape") public static native ShapeInformation infoFromBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native ShapeInformation infoFromBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native ShapeInformation infoFromBuffer(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Returns the stride portion of an information
* buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Compute the length of the given shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isEmpty(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isEmpty(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean isEmpty(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long length(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* Returns the offset portion of an information buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long offset(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @ByRef LongPointer extra(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @ByRef LongBuffer extra(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @ByRef long[] extra(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Returns the ordering
* for this shape information buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native char order(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native char order(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native char order(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Returns the type
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long type(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long type(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long type(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* Returns the element wise stride for this information
* buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long elementWiseStride(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long elementWiseStride(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long elementWiseStride(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Returns the element wise stride for this information
* buffer
* relative to a dimension and ordering for a reduction index
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long reductionIndexElementWiseStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer, IntPointer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long reductionIndexElementWiseStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer, IntBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long reductionIndexElementWiseStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer, int[] dimension, int dimensionLength);
* Returns whether
* the given shape info buffer
* represents a scalar shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isScalar(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer info);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isScalar(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer info);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isScalar(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] info);
* Returns whether
* the given shape information
* represents a scalar
* shape or not
@Namespace("shape") public static native int isScalar(ShapeInformation info);
* Return a copy of this array with the
* given index omitted
* @param data the data to copy
* @param indexes the index of the item to remove
* @param dataLength the length of the data array
* @param indexesLength the length of the data array
* @return the new array with the omitted
* item
* Return a copy of this array with the
* given index omitted
* @param data the data to copy
* @param indexes the index of the item to remove
* @param dataLength the length of the data array
* @param indexesLength the length of the data array
* @return the new array with the omitted
* item
* Iterate over a given set of indexes
* the begin and end indexes are 0 based.
* 1 padding is automatically assumed for the ending.
* For example if you want to iterate over 0 to 4
* it will go to 4 rather than 3.
* indexes should be the indexes to exclude
* indexes length should be the length of indexes
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer everyIndexBut(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indexes,int indexesLength,int begin,int end);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer everyIndexBut(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indexes,int indexesLength,int begin,int end);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] everyIndexBut(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] indexes,int indexesLength,int begin,int end);
* Computes the offset for accessing
* a global element given the shape information
* and the offset to be read.
//#ifdef __CUDACC__
// __device__
// ND4J_EXPORT int tadOffset(shape::ShapeInformation *xInfo, int offset);
* Returns a shape
* forces the given length to be 2.
* @param shape the shape to modify
* @param dimension the dimension (row or column)
* for the shape to be returned as
* @return the new shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ensureVectorShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ensureVectorShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ensureVectorShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer createScalarShapeInfo();
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer createScalarShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer createScalarShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] createScalarShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ret);
* Generate an int buffer
* up to the given length
* at the specified increment
* Range between from and two with an
* increment of 1
* Keep the given indexes
* in the data
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer keep(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer data, IntPointer index, int indexLength, int dataLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer keep(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer data, IntBuffer index, int indexLength, int dataLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] keep(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] data, int[] index, int indexLength, int dataLength);
* Generate reverse copy of the data
* @param data
* @param length
* @return
* @param arr1
* @param arr1Length
* @param arr2
* @param arr2Length
* @return
* @param numArrays
* @param numTotalElements
* @param arr
* @param lengths
* @return
* Get the length per slice of the
* given shape and the dimension
* @param rank the rank of the shape
* @param shape the shape of to get
* the length per slice for
* @param dimension the dimension to
* get the length per slice for
* @param dimensionLength the length of the dimension array
* @return the length per slice of the given shape
* along the given dimension
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long lengthPerSlice(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, IntPointer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long lengthPerSlice(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, IntBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long lengthPerSlice(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int[] dimension, int dimensionLength);
* calculates the offset for a tensor
* @param index
* @param arr
* @param tensorShape
* @return
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceOffsetForTensor(int rank,
int index,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer tensorShape,
int tensorShapeLength,
IntPointer dimension,
int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceOffsetForTensor(int rank,
int index,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer tensorShape,
int tensorShapeLength,
IntBuffer dimension,
int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceOffsetForTensor(int rank,
int index,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] tensorShape,
int tensorShapeLength,
int[] dimension,
int dimensionLength);
* calculates the offset for a tensor
* @param index
* @param arr
* @param tensorShape
* @return
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long sliceOffsetForTensor(int index,int tensorLength,int lengthPerSlice2);
* Computes the tensor along dimension
* offset
* @param index the index to get the offset for the tad for
* @param rank the rank of the shapes and strides
* @param info the shape information to use for tad
* @param dimension the dimensions to use for computing the tensor along dimensions
// ND4J_EXPORT _CUDA_HD int offset(int index,
// int rank,
// shape::ShapeInformation *info,
// Nd4jLong *dimension,
// int dimensionLength);
* Computes the number
* of tensors along
* a given dimension
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(int rank,
int length,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape,
IntPointer dimension,
int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(int rank,
int length,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape,
IntBuffer dimension,
int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(int rank,
int length,
@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape,
int[] dimension,
int dimensionLength);
* Computes the number
* of tensors along
* a given dimension
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, IntPointer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, IntBuffer dimension, int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long tensorsAlongDimension(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, int[] dimension, int dimensionLength);
* Returns the tensor along dimension
* for the given block index
* @param blockSize
* @param blockIdx
* @param i
* @return
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadForBlockIndex(int blockSize, int blockIdx, int i);
* Computes the number of tads per block
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadsPerBlock(int blockSize, int tads);
// ND4J_EXPORT _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong *tadShapeInfo(int index, Nd4jLong *xShapeInfo, Nd4jLong *dimension,
// int dimensionLength);
* Returns a shape buffer
* for the shape information metadata.
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer toShapeBuffer( ShapeInformation info);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer toShapeBuffer( ShapeInformation info, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer toShapeBuffer( ShapeInformation info, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ret);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] toShapeBuffer( ShapeInformation info, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ret);
* Returns the number of elements per thread
//#ifdef __CUDACC__
// __device__
// int numElementsPerThread(int N);
* Returns the block starting index
//#ifdef __CUDACC__
// __device__
// int blockStartingIndex(int N);
* Returns the thread starting index
//#ifdef __CUDACC__
// __device__
// int threadStartingIndex(int N, int stride, int offset);
* Returns the thread ending index
//#ifdef __CUDACC__
// __device__
// int threadEndingIndex(int N, int stride, int offset);
* Returns indexing information
* for the current kernel invocation
//#ifdef __CUDACC__
// __device__
// CurrentIndexing *currentIndex(int N, int offset, int stride);
/** Given an linear index, element wise stride
* and the length of each tad
* map a linear index to a tad
* @param i the index to map
* @param the element wise stride for the tads
* @param numElementsPerTad the number of elements
* per tad
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadIndex(int i, int elementWiseStride, int numElementsPerTad);
* Map a tad to a
* reduction index.
* @param tadIndexForOriginal the original tad index for the
* split up problem (eg: split is dimension 3 mapping to a 2,3 problem)
* @param tadsForReduced the number of tads for the shrunk down problem (eg: 2,3)
* @param tadsForOriginal the number of tads for the smaller problem (eg: 3)
@Namespace("shape") public static native int reductionIndexForTad(int tadIndexForOriginal, int tadsForReduced,
int tadsForOriginal);
* Computes the number of tads
* per reduce index for the
* reduction tad.
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadsPerReduceIndex(int tadsForReduce, int tadsForOriginal);
* Maps a linear index to a reduction index
* @param i the linear index to map
* @param elementWiseStride the element wise stride
* for the multiple problem
* @param tadNum the number of tads for the shrunken problem
* @param originalTadNum the tad number for the reduced version of the problem
@Namespace("shape") public static native int reductionIndexForLinear(int i, int elementWiseStride, int numElementsPerTad,
int tadNum, int originalTadNum);
* Returns the prod of the data
* up to the given length
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long prodLong(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer data, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long prodLong(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer data, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long prodLong(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] data, int length);
* Returns the rear most left over item not present in
* the dimension array. This assumes that the dimension array is sorted.
* For example, given a dimension array of:
* 0,2
* and
* 12,4,2,1 in data
* You end up with 1 (data[3])
* since the first item won't match
* the last item of the dimension array
// ND4J_EXPORT _CUDA_HD int rearMostLeftOverItem(Nd4jLong *data,int length,Nd4jLong *dimension,int dimensionLength);
* Get an offset for retrieval
* from a data buffer
* based on the given
* shape stride and given indices
* @param baseOffset the offset to start from
* @param shape the shape of the array
* @param stride the stride of the array
* @param indices the indices to iterate over
* @return the double at the specified index
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long baseOffset, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indices, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long baseOffset, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indices, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long baseOffset, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] stride, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] indices, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indices, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long baseOffset/*=0*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer indices);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indices, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long baseOffset/*=0*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer indices);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] indices, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long baseOffset/*=0*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] indices);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("uint*") @StdVector IntPointer indices);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("uint*") @StdVector IntBuffer indices);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("uint*") @StdVector int[] indices);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer createShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer createShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] createShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride, int rank);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer createShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer createShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer buffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] createShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride, int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] buffer);
* Convert a linear index to the corresponding coordinates
* for example if shape is {2, 4}, then index 5 corresponds to following coordinates
* -> [1, 1] in case of c order
* -> [1, 2] in case of f order
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void index2coords(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] coords);
* Convert coordinates to the corresponding linear index (sequence number in other words)
* for example if shape is {2, 4}, then:
* in case of c order and coordinates [1, 1] index 5 is returned
* in case of f order and coordinates [1, 2] index 5 is returned
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long coords2index(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long coords2index(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long coords2index(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long coords2index(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer coords);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long coords2index(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] coords, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long coords2index(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] coords);
* increment n-dimensional array by one iteration by changing coord appropriately
* for example we have array with shape {2, 3}:
* - if input coord = {0,1}, then output coord = {0,2}
* - if input coord = {0,2}, then output coord = {1,0}
* so the aim is to produce following subsequence of coord: {0,0}, {0,1}, {0,2}, {1,0}, {1,1}, {1,2}
/* calculates an array buffer offset for given "index" using following formula: offset = coord_0*stride_0 + coord_1*stride_1 + ... + coord_{rank-1}*stride_{rank-1}
* arrLen - array length
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("uint") int getIndexOffset(@Cast("uint") int index, @Cast("const uint*") IntPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("uint") int arrLen);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("uint") int getIndexOffset(@Cast("uint") int index, @Cast("const uint*") IntBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("uint") int arrLen);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("uint") int getIndexOffset(@Cast("uint") int index, @Cast("const uint*") int[] shapeInfo, @Cast("uint") int arrLen);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getIndexOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getIndexOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getIndexOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getIndexOrderOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getIndexOrderOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long getIndexOrderOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long indexOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer lShapeInfo, @Cast("const uint*") IntPointer uShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("const bool") boolean useUnsigned);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long indexOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer lShapeInfo, @Cast("const uint*") IntBuffer uShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("const bool") boolean useUnsigned);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long indexOffset(@Cast("Nd4jLong") long index, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] lShapeInfo, @Cast("const uint*") int[] uShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long arrLen, @Cast("const bool") boolean useUnsigned);
* Compute the real linear indices for the given shape and stride
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer computeIndices(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer stride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer computeIndices(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer stride);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] computeIndices(int rank, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] stride);
* Compute the real linear indices for the
* given shape buffer. Shape,stride and rank are derived
* from the buffer
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer computeIndices( @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer computeIndices( @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] computeIndices( @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") String msg, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") String msg, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") String msg, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") String msg, int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer strides);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg, int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer strides);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") String msg, int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] strides);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg, int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer strides);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") String msg, int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer strides);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printShapeInfoLinear(@Cast("char*") BytePointer msg, int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] strides);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printIntArray(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer arr, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printIntArray(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer arr, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printIntArray(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] arr, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printIntArray(@Const IntPointer arr, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printIntArray(@Const IntBuffer arr, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printIntArray(@Const int[] arr, int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printArray(FloatPointer arr,int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printArray(FloatBuffer arr,int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void printArray(float[] arr,int length);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeBufferOfNpy(int rank, @Cast("unsigned int*") IntPointer shape,@Cast("bool") boolean fortranOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBufferOfNpy(int rank, @Cast("unsigned int*") IntBuffer shape,@Cast("bool") boolean fortranOrder);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBufferOfNpy(int rank, @Cast("unsigned int*") int[] shape,@Cast("bool") boolean fortranOrder);
// ND4J_EXPORT _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong *shapeBufferOfNpyBuffer(char *buffer);
// this function checks the consistence of dimensions with array rank (negative dimensions, too large dimensions, too big number of dimensions)
// also sort input array of dimensions, this operation is also necessary for creating TAD object
@Namespace("shape") public static native void checkDimensions(int rank, @StdVector IntPointer dimensions);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void checkDimensions(int rank, @StdVector IntBuffer dimensions);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void checkDimensions(int rank, @StdVector int[] dimensions);
// function calculates linear index of array min, min is sub-array of max, index to be returned is min-array's index and corresponds to maxIdx of max array
// dimsToExclude - should be sorted in increasing order
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayIndex(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayIndex(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayIndex(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayIndex(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayIndex(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo, @Const int[] dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayIndex(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo);
// function calculates absolute offset of min array, min is sub-array of max, offset to be returned corresponds to maxIdx of max array
// dimsToExclude - should be sorted in increasing order
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo, @Const int[] dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong") long subArrayOffset(@Cast("const Nd4jLong") long maxIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo);
// max array is outer for min array, min array is sub-array of max array
// function calculates the coordinates of min array (and saves them into minIdxs) given coordinates of max array (already stored in maxIdxs)
// dimsToExclude - should be sorted in increasing order
// dimsLen - length of dimsToExclude, if not set (= -1), then it is calculated as maxRank - minRank
@Namespace("shape") public static native void maxIndToMinInd(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxIdxs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void maxIndToMinInd(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxIdxs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void maxIndToMinInd(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxIdxs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void maxIndToMinInd(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxIdxs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void maxIndToMinInd(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] maxIdxs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] minIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo, @Const int[] dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/, int dimsLen/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void maxIndToMinInd(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] maxIdxs, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] minIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo);
// calculate indexes of max-array, these output indexes correspond to one minIdx index of min-array which is sub-array of max-array
// dimsToExclude - should be sorted in increasing order
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayIndexes(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayIndexes(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayIndexes(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayIndexes(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayIndexes(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] maxIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo, @Const int[] dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayIndexes(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] maxIdxs, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo);
// calculate offsets of max-array, these offsets correspond to one minIdx index of min-array which is sub-array of max-array
// maxOffsets - will contain calculated offsets of max-array, buffer for maxOffsets should be allocated beforehand
// dimsToExclude - should be sorted in increasing order
// memBuff - auxiliary memory buffer (size = 2 * max_rank) for coordinates and increments storing, should be allocated beforehand
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayOffsets(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer memBuff, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayOffsets(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer minShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer memBuff);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayOffsets(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer memBuff, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayOffsets(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer minShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer memBuff);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayOffsets(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] maxOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] memBuff, @Const int[] dimsToExclude/*=nullptr*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int outerArrayOffsets(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] maxOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long minIdx, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] maxShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] minShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] memBuff);
// calculates offsets for entities (elements or sub-arrays), shape in context of sub-array means dimensions excluded from outer array
// rank is equal to size of shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer strides, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer offsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer strides, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer offsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer strides, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer offsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer strides, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer offsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] strides, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] offsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(int rank, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] strides, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] offsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer offsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer offsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer offsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer offsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] offsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] offsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer yOffsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer yOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer yOffsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer yOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] yOffsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] yOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer yOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer zOffsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer yOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer zShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongPointer zOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer yOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer zOffsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer yOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer zShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef LongBuffer zOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] yOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] zOffsets, byte order/*='c'*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] xShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] xOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] yShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] yOffsets, @Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] zShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*&") @ByPtrRef long[] zOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void shapeOldScalar(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*const") LongPointer buffer, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void shapeOldScalar(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*const") LongBuffer buffer, byte order);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void shapeOldScalar(@Cast("nd4j::DataType") int dtype, @Cast("Nd4jLong*const") long[] buffer, byte order);
// deduce element-wise stride
// if array is scalar or unit length vector then ews = 1
// if array is common vector then ews = stride of non-unity dimension
// if strides are normal set ews = 1, otherwise ews = 0
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len);
// deduce order and element-wise stride
// if array is scalar or unit length vector then ews = 1 and order is preserved
// if array is common vector then ews = stride of non-unity dimension and order is preserved
// if strides are normal/contiguous then ews = 1 and corresponding order is set, otherwise ews = 0 and order is preserved
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setOrderAndEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setOrderAndEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setOrderAndEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setOrderAndEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setOrderAndEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong") long len/*=-1*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void setOrderAndEws(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo);
* processes whole set of sub-arrays
* evaluates shapeInfo of sub-arrays (all sub-arrays have the same shapeInfo) and their buffer offsets (each sub-array has its own unique offset from original this-buffer)
* arguments:
* wholeShapeInfo - original shapeInfo of whole array
* numOfSubArrs - number of sub-arrays, size of subArrOffsets is equal to numOfSubArrs
* dimsSize - size of dimsToExclude, if dimsSize = array rank or dimsSize = 0 it means sub-array is whole array, copy of wholeShapeInfo and one zero offset will be returned
* dimsToExclude - MUST BE SORTED, dimensions to evaluate sub-array along, i.e. when shape is [2,3,4,5] and dimsToExclude={0,2}, then there will be 8 sub-arrays with shape [3,5]
* subArrShapeInfo - output argument, contains shapeInfo common for all sub-arrays
* subArrOffsets - output argument, contains successive sub-arrays offsets from original this-buffer
* keepUnitiesInShape - if false then eliminate unities from sub-array shapeInfo, for example {1,a,1,b} -> {a,b}
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer wholeShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long numOfSubArrs, int dimsSize, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer subArrOffsets, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongPointer wholeShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long numOfSubArrs, int dimsSize, @Const IntPointer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer subArrOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer wholeShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long numOfSubArrs, int dimsSize, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer subArrOffsets, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer wholeShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long numOfSubArrs, int dimsSize, @Const IntBuffer dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer subArrOffsets);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] wholeShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long numOfSubArrs, int dimsSize, @Const int[] dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] subArrOffsets, @Cast("bool") boolean keepUnitiesInShape/*=false*/);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void calcSubArrShapeAndOffsets(@Cast("const Nd4jLong*") long[] wholeShapeInfo, @Cast("const Nd4jLong") long numOfSubArrs, int dimsSize, @Const int[] dimsToExclude, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] subArrShapeInfo, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] subArrOffsets);
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
* Length of a tad given
* the shape information
* Tad element wise stride:
* given the inner most dimension (the sorted dimension of the last)
* the element wise stride of the tad (disregarding order) is the
* last dimension's stride.
* For a given singular dimension this will just be the only entry.
* For example, given the following c order shape/stride:
* 2,2,3,2
* 12,6,2,1
* The tad element wise stride for 3 will be 1.
* For zero it wil be 12
* For 2,3 it's 1
* Note here that the multi dimensional 2,3 case
* is equivalent to the singular 3 case.
* Note that this is for the dimension that ultimately
* ends up removed.
* Again: this may not preserve ordering of the tad
* but maybe used for reductions.
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadElementWiseStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shapeInfo, IntPointer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadElementWiseStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeInfo, IntBuffer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int tadElementWiseStride(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeInfo, int[] dimension,int dimensionLength);
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
* Computes the standard packed array strides for a given shape.
* @param shape the shape of a matrix:
* @param startNum the start number for the strides
* @return the strides for a matrix of n dimensions
// check whether input dimensions are permuted, not permuted dimensions order have to be 0,....,rank-1
* @param toCopy the shape to copy
* @return a copy of the original struct
* Get the shape info buffer
* for the given rank and shape.
* This is special method, it returns ONLY 2D shapebuffer.
* This method is used only for SoftMax
* Get the shape info buffer
* for the given rank and shape.
* Compute the real linear indices for the given shape and stride
* Compute the real linear indices for the given shape and stride
* @param length
* @param shape
* @param rearrange
* @return
* @param length
* @param shape
* @param rearrange
* @return
* Get the ordering for the device
* @param length
* @param shape
* @param stride
* @param elementStride
* @return
* Ensure that every value in the re arrange
* array is unique
* @param arr
* @param shape
* @param arrLength
* @param shapeLength
* @return
* Permute the shape information
* @param info the shape information to permute
* @param rearrange the order to re arrange
* @param rank the rank of the rearrange array
* Returns whether the
* given shape is a vector or not
* @param shape the shape of the array
* @param rank the rank of the shape
* Returns whether the
* given shape is a vector or not
* @param shape the shape of the array
* @param rank the rank of the shape
* Returns the shape portion of an information
* buffer
* Return a copy of a buffer.
* This buffer allocates memory
* that must be freed elsewhere.
* Return a copy of a buffer.
* This buffer allocates memory
* that must be freed elsewhere.
* Return a copy of a buffer.
* This buffer allocates memory
* that must be freed elsewhere.
* Permute the given strides
* in the given rearrange order
* @param toPermute the buffer to permute
* @param shapeRank the length of the buffer to permute
* @param rearrange the rearrange order (must be 0 based indexes
* and all must be filled in)
* @return the rearranged array
INLINEDEF _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong *permutedStrides(Nd4jLong *toPermute, int shapeRank, int *rearrange) {
Nd4jLong *strideCopy = copyOf(shapeRank, toPermute);
checkArrangeArray(rearrange, shapeRank, shapeRank);
Nd4jLong *newStride = doPermuteSwap(shapeRank, strideCopy, rearrange);
delete[] strideCopy;
return newStride;
* Return the slice (shape + 1 in pointer arithmetic)
* @param shape the shape to take the slice of
* @return the shape array - the first entry
* Returns the length of the
* shape information buffer:
* rank * 2 + 3
* @param rank the rank to get the shape
* info length for
* @return rank * 2 + 4
* Returns the rank portion of
* an information buffer
* Converts a raw int buffer of the layout:
* rank
* shape
* stride
* offset
* elementWiseStride
* where shape and stride are both straight int pointers
* Returns the stride portion of an information
* buffer
* Compute the length of the given shape
* Returns the offset
* portion of an information buffer
* Returns the ordering
* for this shape information buffer
* Returns type
* Returns the element wise stride for this information
* buffer
* Returns the element wise stride for this information
* buffer relative to a dimension and reduction index
* Returns whether
* the given shape info buffer
* represents a scalar shape
* Returns whether
* the given shape information
* represents a scalar
* shape or not
* Return a copy of this array with the
* given index omitted
* @param data the data to copy
* @param indexes the index of the item to remove
* @param dataLength the length of the data array
* @param indexesLength the length of the data array
* @return the new array with the omitted
* item
* Return a copy of this array with the
* given index omitted
* @param data the data to copy
* @param indexes the index of the item to remove
* @param dataLength the length of the data array
* @param indexesLength the length of the data array
* @return the new array with the omitted
* item
* Computes the offset for accessing
* a global element given the shape information
* and the offset to be read.
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
* Returns a shape
* forces the given length to be 2.
* @param shape the shape to modify
* @param dimension the dimension (row or column)
* for the shape to be returned as
* @return the new shape
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer ensureVectorShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer shape, int dimension);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer ensureVectorShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shape, int dimension);
@Namespace("shape") public static native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] ensureVectorShape(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shape, int dimension);
* Returns a shape
* forces the given length to be 2.
* @param shape the shape to modify
* @param dimension the dimension (row or column)
* for the shape to be returned as
* @return the new shape
* This method does STRICT comparison for two shape buffers
* @param shape
* @return
* This method does SOFT comparison for two shape buffers, we compare only rank & shapes
* @param shape
* @return
* Generate an int buffer
* up to the given length
* at the specified increment
* Generate a range
* beginning at from and ending at to
* incrementing by 1
* @param from the start
* @param to the end
* @return the int array starting at from and ending at to
* Keep the given indexes in the data
* @param data
* @param index
* @param indexLength
* @param dataLength
* @return
* Generate a reverse
* copy of the data
* @param arr1
* @param arr1Length
* @param arr2
* @param arr2Length
* @return
* @param numArrays
* @param numTotalElements
* @param arr
* @param lengths
* @return
* Get the length per slice of the
* given shape and the dimension
* @param rank the rank of the shape
* @param shape the shape of to get
* the length per slice for
* @param dimension the dimension to
* get the length per slice for
* @param dimensionLength the length of the dimension array
* @return the length per slice of the given shape
* along the given dimension
* calculates the offset for a tensor
* @param index
* @param arr
* @param tensorShape
* @return
* calculates the offset for a tensor
* @param index
* @param arr
* @param tensorShape
* @return
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
* Computes the number
* of tensors along
* a given dimension
* Computes the number
* of tensors along
* a given dimension
* Get an offset for retrieval
* from a data buffer
* based on the given
* shape stride and given indices
* @param baseOffset the offset to start from
* @param shape the shape of the array
* @param stride the stride of the array
* @param indices the indices to iterate over
* @return the double at the specified index
* Returns the tensor along dimension
* for the given block index
* @param blockSize
* @param blockIdx
* @param i
* @return
* Computes the number of tads per block
* Returns a shape buffer
* for the shape information metadata.
* Given an linear index, element wise stride
* and the length of each tad
* map a linear index to a tad
* @param i the index to map
* @param the element wise stride for the tads
* @param numElementsPerTad the number of elements
* per tad
* Map a tad to a
* reduction index.
* @param tadIndexForOriginal the original tad index for the
* split up problem (eg: split is dimension 3 mapping to a 2,3 problem)
* @param tadsForReduced the number of tads for the shrunk down problem (eg: 2,3)
* @param tadsForOriginal the number of tads for the smaller problem (eg: 3)
* Tad index for linear
* @param linearIndex
* @param tadLength
* @return
* Computes the number of tads
* per reduce index for the
* reduction tad.
* Maps a linear index to a reduction index
* @param i the linear index to map
* @param elementWiseStride the element wise stride
* for the multiple problem
* @param tadNum the number of tads for the shrunken problem
* @param originalTadNum the tad number for the reduced version of the problem
* Returns the prod of the data
* up to the given length
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rearMostLeftOverItem(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer data, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongPointer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rearMostLeftOverItem(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer data, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer dimension,int dimensionLength);
@Namespace("shape") public static native int rearMostLeftOverItem(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] data, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] dimension,int dimensionLength);
// #ifdef __CUDACC__
// #endif
// INLINEDEF _CUDA_HD Nd4jLong *shapeBufferOfNpyBuffer(char *buffer) {
// unsigned Nd4jLong *shape;
// unsigned int ndims, wordSize;
// bool fortranOrder;
// cnpy::parseNpyHeaderStr(std::string(buffer),wordSize,shape,ndims,fortranOrder);
// Nd4jLong * ret = shape::shapeBufferOfNpy(ndims,shape,fortranOrder);
// delete[] shape;
// return ret;
// }
// copy-past from java hasDefaultStridesForShape function
// INLINEDEF _CUDA_H bool reshapeC(const int oldRank, Nd4jLong* oldShape, const int newRank, Nd4jLong* newShapeOf, bool isFOrder, Nd4jLong* target) {
// int oldnd;
// Nd4jLong* olddims = shape::copyOf(oldRank, shape::shapeOf(oldShape));
// Nd4jLong* oldstrides = shape::copyOf(oldRank, shape::stride(oldShape));
// int np, op, last_stride;
// int oi, oj, ok, ni, nj, nk;
// Nd4jLong* newStrides = new Nd4jLong[newRank];
// oldnd = 0;
// /*
// * Remove axes with dimension 1 from the old array. They have no effect
// * but would need special cases since their strides do not matter.
// */
// for (oi = 0; oi < oldRank; oi++) {
// if (shape::shapeOf(oldShape)[oi] != 1) {
// olddims[oldnd] = shape::shapeOf(oldShape)[oi];
// oldstrides[oldnd] = shape::stride(oldShape)[oi];
// oldnd++;
// }
// }
// np = 1;
// for (ni = 0; ni < newRank; ni++) {
// np *= newShapeOf[ni];
// }
// op = 1;
// for (oi = 0; oi < oldnd; oi++) {
// op *= olddims[oi];
// }
// if (np != op) {
// /* different total sizes; no hope */
// delete[] olddims;
// delete[] oldstrides;
// delete[] newStrides;
// return false;
// }
// if (np == 0) {
// /* the current code does not handle 0-sized arrays, so give up */
// delete[] olddims;
// delete[] oldstrides;
// delete[] newStrides;
// return false;
// }
// /* oi to oj and ni to nj give the axis ranges currently worked with */
// oi = 0;
// oj = 1;
// ni = 0;
// nj = 1;
// while (ni < newRank && oi < oldnd) {
// np = newShapeOf[ni];
// op = olddims[oi];
// while (np != op) {
// if (np < op) {
// /* Misses trailing 1s, these are handled later */
// np *= newShapeOf[nj++];
// } else {
// op *= olddims[oj++];
// }
// }
// /* Check whether the original axes can be combined */
// for (ok = oi; ok < oj - 1; ok++) {
// if (isFOrder) {
// if (oldstrides[ok + 1] != olddims[ok] * oldstrides[ok]) {
// /* not contiguous enough */
// delete[] olddims;
// delete[] oldstrides;
// delete[] newStrides;
// return false;
// }
// } else {
// /* C order */
// if (oldstrides[ok] != olddims[ok + 1] * oldstrides[ok + 1]) {
// /* not contiguous enough */
// delete[] olddims;
// delete[] oldstrides;
// delete[] newStrides;
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
// /* Calculate new strides for all axes currently worked with */
// if (isFOrder) {
// newStrides[ni] = oldstrides[oi];
// for (nk = ni + 1; nk < nj; nk++) {
// newStrides[nk] = newStrides[nk - 1] * newShapeOf[nk - 1];
// }
// } else {
// /* C order */
// newStrides[nj - 1] = oldstrides[oj - 1];
// for (nk = nj - 1; nk > ni; nk--) {
// newStrides[nk - 1] = newStrides[nk] * newShapeOf[nk];
// }
// }
// ni = nj++;
// oi = oj++;
// }
// if (ni >= 1) {
// last_stride = newStrides[ni - 1];
// } else {
// last_stride = shape::elementWiseStride(oldShape);
// }
// if (isFOrder && ni >= 1) {
// last_stride *= newShapeOf[ni - 1];
// }
// for (nk = ni; nk < newRank; nk++) {
// newStrides[nk] = last_stride;
// }
// target[0] = newRank;
// int cnt = 1;
// for (int e = 0; e < newRank; e++)
// target[cnt++] = newShapeOf[e];
// for (int e = 0; e < newRank; e++)
// target[cnt++] = newStrides[e];
// target[shape::shapeInfoLength(newRank) - 3] = 0;
// target[shape::shapeInfoLength(newRank) - 2] = 0;
// target[shape::shapeInfoLength(newRank) - 1] = isFOrder ? 102 : 99;
// nd4j::ArrayOptions::setDataType(target, nd4j::ArrayOptions::dataType(oldShape));
// delete[] olddims;
// delete[] oldstrides;
// delete[] newStrides;
// return true;
// }
// INLINEDEF _CUDA_H bool reshapeC(const int oldRank, const Nd4jLong* oldShapeInfo, const int newRank, const Nd4jLong* newShape, const bool isFOrder, Nd4jLong* newShapeInfo) {
// // PLEASE NOTE !: reshaping not-permuted (ews=1) array in f order (except insertion/elimination of unities) will definitely cause allocation of new buffer for array elements
// // also this function takes into account identical shapes automatically, namely in that case oldShapeInfo is completely copied to newShapeInfo
// const int newOrder = isFOrder ? 102 : 99;
// const int oldOrder = oldShapeInfo[2 * oldRank + 3];
// newShapeInfo[0] = newRank;
// memcpy(newShapeInfo + 1, newShape, newRank * sizeof(Nd4jLong));
// Nd4jLong* newStrides = shape::stride(newShapeInfo);
// const Nd4jLong* oldShape = shape::shapeOf(const_cast(oldShapeInfo));
// const Nd4jLong* oldStrides = shape::stride(const_cast(oldShapeInfo));
// int oldStart(0), oldStop(1), newStart(0), newStop(1), newDim, oldDim;
// while (newStart < newRank && oldStart < oldRank) {
// newDim = newShape[newStart];
// oldDim = oldShape[oldStart];
// while (newDim != oldDim)
// if (newDim < oldDim) newDim *= newShape[newStop++];
// else oldDim *= oldShape[oldStop++];
// // ------ Check whether the original axes can be combined ------ //
// for (int i = oldStart; i < oldStop - 1; i++) {
// if(oldShape[i] == 1) { // ignore strides like {...,1,1,...}
// if(oldOrder == 102) ++oldStart;
// continue;
// }
// if(oldOrder == 102 && oldStrides[i + 1] != oldShape[i] * oldStrides[i])
// return false; // not contiguous enough
// if(oldOrder == 99 && oldStrides[i] != oldShape[i + 1] * oldStrides[i + 1])
// return false; // not contiguous enough
// }
// // ------ Calculate new strides for all axes currently worked with ------ //
// if(isFOrder) {
// newStrides[newStart] = oldStrides[oldStart];
// for (int i = newStart + 1; i < newStop; ++i)
// newStrides[i] = newStrides[i - 1] * newShape[i - 1];
// }
// else {
// newStrides[newStop - 1] = oldStrides[oldStop - 1];
// for (int i = newStop - 1; i > newStart; --i)
// newStrides[i - 1] = newStrides[i] * newShape[i];
// }
// newStart = newStop++;
// oldStart = oldStop++;
// }
// newShapeInfo[2 * newRank + 3] = shape::order(oldShapeInfo); // order
// newShapeInfo[2 * newRank + 2] = shape::elementWiseStride(oldShapeInfo); // ews
// newShapeInfo[2 * newRank + 1] = shape::type(oldShapeInfo); // type
// return true;
// }
// this function checks the consistence of dimensions with array rank (negative dimensions, too large dimensions, too big number of dimensions)
// also it sorts input array of dimensions, this operation is also necessary for creating TAD object
// max array is outer for min array, min array is sub-array of max array
// function calculates the coordinates of min array (and saves them into minIdxs) given coordinates of max array (already stored in maxIdxs)
// #endif /* SHAPE_H_ */
// Parsed from helpers/OpArgsHolder.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author Yurii Shyrma ([email protected] ), created on 15.07.2018
// #include
// #include
@Namespace("nd4j") @NoOffset public static class OpArgsHolder extends Pointer {
static { Loader.load(); }
/** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
public OpArgsHolder(Pointer p) { super(p); }
/** Native array allocator. Access with {@link Pointer#position(long)}. */
public OpArgsHolder(long size) { super((Pointer)null); allocateArray(size); }
private native void allocateArray(long size);
@Override public OpArgsHolder position(long position) {
return (OpArgsHolder)super.position(position);
// default constructor
public OpArgsHolder() { super((Pointer)null); allocate(); }
private native void allocate();
// copy constructor
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef OpArgsHolder other) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(other); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef OpArgsHolder other);
// constructor
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoublePointer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer bArgs/*=std::vector()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs, tArgs, iArgs, bArgs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoublePointer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer bArgs/*=std::vector()*/);
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs);
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoubleBuffer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector boolean[] bArgs/*=std::vector()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs, tArgs, iArgs, bArgs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoubleBuffer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector boolean[] bArgs/*=std::vector()*/);
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector double[] tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer bArgs/*=std::vector()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs, tArgs, iArgs, bArgs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector double[] tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer bArgs/*=std::vector()*/);
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoublePointer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector boolean[] bArgs/*=std::vector()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs, tArgs, iArgs, bArgs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoublePointer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector boolean[] bArgs/*=std::vector()*/);
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoubleBuffer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer bArgs/*=std::vector()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs, tArgs, iArgs, bArgs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector DoubleBuffer tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongBuffer iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer bArgs/*=std::vector()*/);
public OpArgsHolder(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector double[] tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector boolean[] bArgs/*=std::vector()*/) { super((Pointer)null); allocate(inArrs, tArgs, iArgs, bArgs); }
private native void allocate(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inArrs, @StdVector double[] tArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector long[] iArgs/*=std::vector()*/, @Cast("bool*") @StdVector boolean[] bArgs/*=std::vector()*/);
// move constructor
// assignment operator
public native @ByRef @Name("operator =") OpArgsHolder put(@Const @ByRef OpArgsHolder other);
// move assignment operator
public native @Const @ByRef NDArrayVector getInArrs();
public native @StdVector DoublePointer getTArgs();
public native @Cast("Nd4jLong*") @StdVector LongPointer getIArgs();
public native @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer getBArgs();
public native @Cast("bool*") @StdVector BooleanPointer getAllocInfo();
public native int getNumInArrs();
public native int getNumTArgs();
public native int getNumIArgs();
public native int getNumBArgs();
public native @ByVal OpArgsHolder createArgsHolderForBP(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inGradArrs, @Cast("const bool") boolean isInPlace/*=false*/);
public native @ByVal OpArgsHolder createArgsHolderForBP(@Const @ByRef NDArrayVector inGradArrs);
// Parsed from array/ShapeList.h
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// @author [email protected]
// #include
// #include
// #include