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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.neo4j.server.configuration;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.neo4j.annotations.service.ServiceProvider;
import org.neo4j.configuration.Description;
import org.neo4j.configuration.DocumentedDefaultValue;
import org.neo4j.configuration.Internal;
import org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParser;
import org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers;
import org.neo4j.configuration.SettingsDeclaration;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.config.Setting;
import org.neo4j.logging.FormattedLogFormat;
import org.neo4j.server.web.JettyThreadCalculator;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.GraphDatabaseSettings.default_log_format;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.GraphDatabaseSettings.logs_directory;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingConstraints.range;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingImpl.newBuilder;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.BOOL;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.BYTES;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.DURATION;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.INT;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.PATH;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.STRING;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.listOf;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.ofEnum;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.SettingValueParsers.setOfEnums;
public class ServerSettings implements SettingsDeclaration
public static final String DBMS_MOUNT_POINT = "/dbms";
@Description( "Maximum request header size" )
public static final Setting maximum_request_header_size =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.max_http_request_header_size", INT, 20480 ).build();
@Description( "Maximum response header size" )
public static final Setting maximum_response_header_size =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.max_http_response_header_size", INT, 20480 ).build();
@Description( "Number of Neo4j worker threads. This setting is only valid for REST, and does not influence bolt-server. " +
"It sets the amount of worker threads for the Jetty server used by neo4j-server. " +
"This option can be tuned when you plan to execute multiple, concurrent REST requests, " +
"with the aim of getting more throughput from the database. " +
"Your OS might enforce a lower limit than the maximum value specified here." )
@DocumentedDefaultValue( "Number of available processors, or 500 for machines which have more than 500 processors." )
public static final Setting webserver_max_threads =
newBuilder( "dbms.threads.worker_count", INT, Math.min( Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 500 ) )
.addConstraint( range( 1, JettyThreadCalculator.MAX_THREADS ) ).build();
@Description( "If execution time limiting is enabled in the database, this configures the maximum request execution time. " +
"Please use dbms.transaction.timeout instead." )
public static final Setting webserver_limit_execution_time =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.executiontime_limit.time", DURATION, null ).build();
private static final SettingValueParser MOUNT_POINTS = new SettingValueParser<>()
public ThirdPartyJaxRsPackage parse( String packageAndMountpoint )
String[] parts = packageAndMountpoint.split( "=" );
if ( parts.length != 2 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "config for " + + " is wrong: " + packageAndMountpoint );
String pkg = parts[0];
String mountPoint = parts[1];
return new ThirdPartyJaxRsPackage( pkg, mountPoint );
public String getDescription()
return "= string";
public Class getType()
return ThirdPartyJaxRsPackage.class;
@Description( "Comma-separated list of = for unmanaged extensions." )
public static final Setting> third_party_packages =
newBuilder( "dbms.unmanaged_extension_classes", listOf( MOUNT_POINTS ), emptyList() ).build();
@Description( "Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header sent over any HTTP or HTTPS " +
"connector. This defaults to '*', which allows broadest compatibility. Note " +
"that any URI provided here limits HTTP/HTTPS access to that URI only." )
public static final Setting http_access_control_allow_origin =
newBuilder( "", STRING, "*" ).build();
@Description( "Enable HTTP request logging." )
public static final Setting http_logging_enabled = newBuilder( "dbms.logs.http.enabled", BOOL, false ).build();
@Description( "Path to HTTP request log." )
public static final Setting http_log_path =
newBuilder( "dbms.logs.http.path", PATH, Path.of( "http.log" ) ).setDependency( logs_directory ).immutable().build();
@Description( "Log format to use for http logs." )
public static final Setting http_log_format =
newBuilder( "dbms.logs.http.format", ofEnum( FormattedLogFormat.class ), null ).setDependency( default_log_format ).build();
@Description( "Number of HTTP logs to keep." )
public static final Setting http_logging_rotation_keep_number =
newBuilder( "dbms.logs.http.rotation.keep_number", INT, 5 ).build();
@Description( "Size of each HTTP log that is kept." )
public static final Setting http_logging_rotation_size =
newBuilder( "dbms.logs.http.rotation.size", BYTES, ByteUnit.mebiBytes( 20 ) ).addConstraint( range( 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE ) ).build();
@Description( "Timeout for idle transactions in the REST endpoint." )
public static final Setting transaction_idle_timeout =
newBuilder( "", DURATION, Duration.ofSeconds( 60 ) ).build();
@Description( "Value of the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) response header. " +
"This header tells browsers that a webpage should only be accessed using HTTPS instead of HTTP. It is attached to every HTTPS response. " +
"Setting is not set by default so 'Strict-Transport-Security' header is not sent. " +
"Value is expected to contain directives like 'max-age', 'includeSubDomains' and 'preload'." )
public static final Setting http_strict_transport_security = newBuilder( "", STRING, null ).build();
@Deprecated( since = "4.2.0", forRemoval = true )
@Description( "Defines a whitelist of http paths where Neo4j authentication is not required. " +
"Deprecated, use" )
public static final Setting> http_auth_whitelist =
newBuilder( "", listOf( STRING ), List.of( "/", "/browser.*" ) ).build();
@Description( "Defines an allowlist of http paths where Neo4j authentication is not required." )
public static final Setting> http_auth_allowlist =
newBuilder( "", listOf( STRING ), List.of( "/", "/browser.*" ) ).build();
@Description( "Defines a blacklist of http paths that should not be accessed." )
public static final Setting> http_paths_blacklist =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.http_paths_blacklist", listOf( STRING ), emptyList() ).build();
@Description( "Defines the set of modules loaded into the Neo4j web server. " +
public static final Setting> http_enabled_modules =
newBuilder( "dbms.http_enabled_modules",
setOfEnums( ConfigurableServerModules.class ), EnumSet.allOf( ConfigurableServerModules.class ) ).build();
@Description( "Publicly discoverable bolt:// URI to use for Neo4j Drivers wanting to access the data in this " +
"particular database instance. Normally this is the same as the advertised address configured for the " +
"connector, but this allows manually overriding that default." )
@DocumentedDefaultValue( "Defaults to a bolt://-schemed version of the advertised address of the first found bolt connector." )
public static final Setting bolt_discoverable_address =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.discoverable_bolt_address", SettingValueParsers.URI, SettingValueParsers.URI.parse( "" ) ).build();
@Description( "Publicly discoverable neo4j:// URI to use for Neo4j Drivers wanting to access a cluster or a single instance." )
@DocumentedDefaultValue( "Defaults to empty on any deployment that is not a causal cluster core, and a " +
"neo4j://-schemed URI of the advertised address of the bolt connector." )
public static final Setting bolt_routing_discoverable_address =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.discoverable_bolt_routing_address", SettingValueParsers.URI, SettingValueParsers.URI.parse( "" ) ).build();
@SuppressWarnings( "unused" ) // accessed from the browser
@Description( "Commands to be run when Neo4j Browser successfully connects to this server. Separate multiple " +
"commands with semi-colon." )
public static final Setting browser_post_connect_cmd = newBuilder( "browser.post_connect_cmd", STRING, "" ).build();
@SuppressWarnings( "unused" ) // accessed from the browser
@Description( "Whitelist of hosts for the Neo4j Browser to be allowed to fetch content from." )
public static final Setting browser_remote_content_hostname_whitelist =
newBuilder( "browser.remote_content_hostname_whitelist", STRING, ",localhost" ).build();
@SuppressWarnings( "unused" ) // accessed from browser and other graph apps
@Description( "Configure client applications such as Browser and Bloom to send Product Analytics data." )
public static final Setting allow_telemetry =
newBuilder( "clients.allow_telemetry", BOOL, true ).build();
@Description( "The legacy data endpoint. This is kept for back-compatibility purpose." )
public static final Setting rest_api_path =
newBuilder( "", NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI, NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI.parse( "/db/data" ) ).build();
@Description( "The legacy manage endpoint. This is kept for back-compatibility purpose." )
public static final Setting management_api_path =
newBuilder( "", NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI, NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI.parse( "/db/manage" ) ).build();
@Description( "The start endpoint of database api." )
public static final Setting db_api_path =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.uris.db", NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI, NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI.parse( "/db" ) ).build();
@Description( "The start endpoint of the dbms api." )
public static final Setting dbms_api_path =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.uris.dbms", NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI, NORMALIZED_RELATIVE_URI.parse( "/dbms" ) ).build();
@Description( "URI to the browser home page" )
public static final Setting browser_path =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.uris.browser", SettingValueParsers.URI, SettingValueParsers.URI.parse( "/browser/" ) ).build();
@Description( "Toggle WADL generation. Matching the underlying jersey server config" )
public static final Setting wadl_enabled =
newBuilder( "unsupported.dbms.wadl_generation_enabled", BOOL, false ).build();