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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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package org.neo4j.server.http.cypher;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.neo4j.bolt.BoltChannel;
import org.neo4j.bolt.dbapi.BoltGraphDatabaseManagementServiceSPI;
import org.neo4j.bolt.runtime.statemachine.MutableConnectionState;
import org.neo4j.bolt.runtime.statemachine.StatementMetadata;
import org.neo4j.bolt.runtime.statemachine.impl.BoltStateMachineContextImpl;
import org.neo4j.bolt.runtime.statemachine.impl.BoltStateMachineSPIImpl;
import org.neo4j.bolt.runtime.statemachine.impl.StatementProcessorProvider;
import org.neo4j.bolt.transaction.CleanUpConnectionContext;
import org.neo4j.bolt.transaction.InitializeContext;
import org.neo4j.bolt.transaction.TransactionManager;
import org.neo4j.bolt.transaction.TransactionNotFoundException;
import org.neo4j.bolt.transport.pipeline.ChannelProtector;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v41.messaging.RoutingContext;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v43.BoltStateMachineV43;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v44.runtime.TransactionStateMachineSPIProviderV44;
import org.neo4j.exceptions.KernelException;
import org.neo4j.internal.kernel.api.connectioninfo.ClientConnectionInfo;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type;
import org.neo4j.kernel.database.DefaultDatabaseResolver;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.query.QueryExecutionEngine;
import org.neo4j.logging.LogProvider;
import org.neo4j.logging.internal.SimpleLogService;
import org.neo4j.memory.HeapEstimator;
import org.neo4j.memory.MemoryTracker;
import org.neo4j.server.http.cypher.format.api.Statement;
import org.neo4j.server.http.cypher.format.api.TransactionUriScheme;
import org.neo4j.time.SystemNanoClock;
import org.neo4j.values.virtual.MapValue;
import static org.neo4j.configuration.GraphDatabaseSettings.UNSPECIFIED_TIMEOUT;
import static org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.ValueUtils.asParameterMapValue;
* Encapsulates executing statements in a transaction, committing the transaction, or rolling it back.
* Constructing a {@link TransactionHandle} does not immediately ask the kernel to create a
* {@link org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction}; instead a {@link org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction} is
* only created when the first statements need to be executed.
* At the end of each statement-executing method, the {@link org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction} is either
* suspended (ready to be resumed by a later operation), or committed, or rolled back.
* If you acquire instances of this class from {@link TransactionHandleRegistry}, it will prevent concurrent access to
* the same instance. Therefore the implementation assumes that a single instance will only be accessed from
* a single thread.
* All of the public methods on this class are "single-shot"; once you have called one method, the handle returns
* itself
* to the registry. If you want to use it again, you'll need to acquire it back from the registry to ensure exclusive
* use.
public class TransactionHandle implements TransactionTerminationHandle
public static final long SHALLOW_SIZE = HeapEstimator.shallowSizeOfInstance( TransactionHandle.class );
private final String databaseName;
private final QueryExecutionEngine engine;
private final TransactionRegistry registry;
private final TransactionUriScheme uriScheme;
private final TransactionManager transactionManager;
private final Type type;
private final Duration customTransactionTimeout;
private final long id;
private long expirationTimestamp = -1;
private final LogProvider userLogProvider;
private final BoltGraphDatabaseManagementServiceSPI boltSPI;
private String txManagerTxId;
private LoginContext loginContext;
private final ClientConnectionInfo clientConnectionInfo;
MemoryTracker memoryTracker;
AuthManager authManager;
private final SystemNanoClock clock;
private final boolean readByDefault;
TransactionHandle( String databaseName, QueryExecutionEngine engine,
TransactionRegistry registry, TransactionUriScheme uriScheme, boolean implicitTransaction, LoginContext loginContext,
ClientConnectionInfo clientConnectionInfo, long customTransactionTimeoutMillis, TransactionManager transactionManager,
LogProvider logProvider, BoltGraphDatabaseManagementServiceSPI boltSPI, MemoryTracker memoryTracker, AuthManager authManager,
SystemNanoClock clock, boolean readByDefault )
this.databaseName = databaseName;
this.engine = engine;
this.registry = registry;
this.uriScheme = uriScheme;
this.type = implicitTransaction ? Type.IMPLICIT : Type.EXPLICIT;
this.customTransactionTimeout = customTransactionTimeoutMillis != UNSPECIFIED_TIMEOUT ? Duration.ofMillis( customTransactionTimeoutMillis ) : null; = registry.begin( this );
this.transactionManager = transactionManager;
this.userLogProvider = logProvider;
this.boltSPI = boltSPI;
this.loginContext = loginContext;
this.clientConnectionInfo = clientConnectionInfo;
this.memoryTracker = memoryTracker;
this.authManager = authManager;
this.clock = clock;
this.readByDefault = readByDefault;
URI uri()
return uriScheme.txUri( id );
boolean isImplicit()
return type == Type.IMPLICIT;
long getExpirationTimestamp()
return expirationTimestamp;
* this is the id of the transaction from the user's perspective.
long getId()
return id;
public boolean terminate()
transactionManager.interrupt( txManagerTxId );
return true;
boolean isPeriodicCommit( String statement )
return engine.isPeriodicCommit( statement );
void ensureActiveTransaction() throws KernelException
if ( txManagerTxId == null )
StatementMetadata executeStatement( Statement statement, boolean periodicCommit ) throws KernelException, TransactionNotFoundException
if ( periodicCommit )
var programResultReference = transactionManager.runProgram(
loginContext, databaseName, statement.getStatement(),
asParameterMapValue( statement.getParameters() ), Collections.emptyList(),
readByDefault, Collections.emptyMap(),
Long.toString( id ) );
txManagerTxId = programResultReference.transactionId();
return programResultReference.statementMetadata();
return transactionManager.runQuery( txManagerTxId, statement.getStatement(), asParameterMapValue( statement.getParameters() ) );
void forceRollback() throws TransactionNotFoundException
transactionManager.rollback( txManagerTxId );
transactionManager.cleanUp( new CleanUpConnectionContext( Long.toString( id ) ) );
void suspendTransaction()
expirationTimestamp = registry.release( id, this );
void commit() throws KernelException, TransactionNotFoundException
transactionManager.commit( txManagerTxId );
registry.forget( id );
transactionManager.cleanUp( new CleanUpConnectionContext( Long.toString( id ) ) );
void rollback()
transactionManager.rollback( txManagerTxId );
catch ( TransactionNotFoundException ex )
//ignore - Transaction already rolled back by release mechanism.
registry.forget( id );
transactionManager.cleanUp( new CleanUpConnectionContext( Long.toString( id ) ) );
public LoginContext getLoginContext()
return loginContext;
boolean hasTransactionContext()
return txManagerTxId != null;
void closeTransactionForPeriodicCommit() throws TransactionNotFoundException
transactionManager.rollback( txManagerTxId );
void reopenAfterPeriodicCommit() throws KernelException
This is an ugly temporary measure to enable the HTTP server to use the Bolt Implementation of TransactionManager.
This will be removed completely when a global transaction aware TransactionManager is implemented.
private void setUpStatementProcessor()
var boltChannel = new DummyBoltChannel( Long.toString( id ), clientConnectionInfo );
var transactionStateMachineSPIProvider =
new TransactionStateMachineSPIProviderV44( boltSPI, boltChannel, clock, memoryTracker );
var boltStateMachineSPI = new BoltStateMachineSPIImpl( new SimpleLogService( userLogProvider ),
new BasicAuthentication( authManager ), transactionStateMachineSPIProvider, boltChannel );
var boltStateMachine = new BoltStateMachineV43( boltStateMachineSPI, boltChannel, clock,
fixedHttpDatabaseResolver(), MapValue.EMPTY, memoryTracker, transactionManager );
var statementProcessorReleaseManager = new BoltStateMachineContextImpl( boltStateMachine, boltChannel, boltStateMachineSPI,
new MutableConnectionState(), clock, fixedHttpDatabaseResolver(),
memoryTracker, transactionManager );
var statementProcessorProvider =
new StatementProcessorProvider( transactionStateMachineSPIProvider, clock, statementProcessorReleaseManager,
new RoutingContext( true, Collections.emptyMap() ),
memoryTracker );
transactionManager.initialize( new InitializeContext( Long.toString( getId() ), statementProcessorProvider ) );
* Since the selected database comes from the URI we have a custom resolver that simply returns it.
private DefaultDatabaseResolver fixedHttpDatabaseResolver()
return new DefaultDatabaseResolver()
public String defaultDatabase( String ignored )
return databaseName;
public void clearCache()
//not needed
public void beginTransaction() throws KernelException
txManagerTxId = transactionManager.begin( loginContext, databaseName, Collections.emptyList(), readByDefault,
Collections.emptyMap(), customTransactionTimeout,
Long.toString( id ) );
public TransactionManager transactionManager()
return transactionManager;
public String getTxManagerTxId()
return txManagerTxId;
private class DummyBoltChannel extends BoltChannel
private final ClientConnectionInfo info;
DummyBoltChannel( String id, ClientConnectionInfo info )
super( id, info.protocol(), new EmbeddedChannel(), ChannelProtector.NULL ); = info;
public ClientConnectionInfo info()
return info;