org.neo4j.driver.v1.Config Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2002-2017 "Neo Technology,"
* Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.neo4j.driver.v1;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.neo4j.driver.internal.cluster.RoutingSettings;
import org.neo4j.driver.internal.logging.JULogging;
import org.neo4j.driver.internal.retry.RetrySettings;
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException;
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.SessionExpiredException;
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.TransientException;
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.util.Immutable;
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.util.Resource;
import static org.neo4j.driver.v1.Config.TrustStrategy.trustAllCertificates;
* A configuration class to config driver properties.
* To create a config:
* {@code
* Config config = Config
* .build()
* .withLogging(new MyLogging())
* .toConfig();
* }
* @since 1.0
public class Config
/** User defined logging */
private final Logging logging;
private final boolean logLeakedSessions;
private final int maxIdleConnectionPoolSize;
* Connections that have been idle in the pool longer than this threshold will
* be tested for validity before being returned to the user.
private final long idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest;
/** Level of encryption we need to adhere to */
private final EncryptionLevel encryptionLevel;
/** Strategy for how to trust encryption certificate */
private final TrustStrategy trustStrategy;
private final int routingFailureLimit;
private final long routingRetryDelayMillis;
private final int connectionTimeoutMillis;
private final RetrySettings retrySettings;
private Config( ConfigBuilder builder)
this.logging = builder.logging;
this.logLeakedSessions = builder.logLeakedSessions;
this.idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest = builder.idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest;
this.maxIdleConnectionPoolSize = builder.maxIdleConnectionPoolSize;
this.encryptionLevel = builder.encryptionLevel;
this.trustStrategy = builder.trustStrategy;
this.routingFailureLimit = builder.routingFailureLimit;
this.routingRetryDelayMillis = builder.routingRetryDelayMillis;
this.connectionTimeoutMillis = builder.connectionTimeoutMillis;
this.retrySettings = builder.retrySettings;
* Logging provider
* @return the logging provider to use
public Logging logging()
return logging;
* Check if leaked sessions logging is enabled.
* @return {@code true} if enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean logLeakedSessions()
return logLeakedSessions;
* Max number of connections per URL for this driver.
* @return the max number of connections
public int connectionPoolSize()
return maxIdleConnectionPoolSize;
* Max number of idle connections per URL for this driver.
* @return the max number of connections
public int maxIdleConnectionPoolSize()
return maxIdleConnectionPoolSize;
* Pooled connections that have been idle in the pool for longer than this timeout
* will be tested before they are used again, to ensure they are still live.
* @return idle time in milliseconds
public long idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest()
return idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest;
* @return the configured connection timeout value in milliseconds.
public int connectionTimeoutMillis()
return connectionTimeoutMillis;
* @return the level of encryption required for all connections.
public EncryptionLevel encryptionLevel()
return encryptionLevel;
* @return the strategy to use to determine the authenticity of an encryption certificate provided by the Neo4j instance we are connecting to.
public TrustStrategy trustStrategy()
return trustStrategy;
* Return a {@link ConfigBuilder} instance
* @return a {@link ConfigBuilder} instance
public static ConfigBuilder build()
return new ConfigBuilder();
* @return A config with all default settings
public static Config defaultConfig()
RoutingSettings routingSettings()
return new RoutingSettings( routingFailureLimit, routingRetryDelayMillis );
RetrySettings retrySettings()
return retrySettings;
* Used to build new config instances
public static class ConfigBuilder
private Logging logging = new JULogging( Level.INFO );
private boolean logLeakedSessions;
private int maxIdleConnectionPoolSize = PoolSettings.DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE;
private long idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest = PoolSettings.DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME_BEFORE_CONNECTION_TEST;
private EncryptionLevel encryptionLevel = EncryptionLevel.REQUIRED;
private TrustStrategy trustStrategy = trustAllCertificates();
private int routingFailureLimit = 1;
private long routingRetryDelayMillis = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( 5 );
private int connectionTimeoutMillis = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( 5 );
private RetrySettings retrySettings = RetrySettings.DEFAULT;
private ConfigBuilder() {}
* Provide an alternative logging implementation for the driver to use. By default we use
* java util logging.
* @param logging the logging instance to use
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withLogging( Logging logging )
this.logging = logging;
return this;
* Enable logging of leaked sessions.
* Each {@link Session session} is associated with a network connection and thus is a
* {@link Resource resource} that needs to be explicitly closed. Unclosed sessions will result in socket
* leaks and could cause {@link OutOfMemoryError}s.
* Session is considered to be leaked when it is finalized via {@link Object#finalize()} while not being
* closed. This option turns on logging of such sessions and stacktraces of where they were created.
* Note: this option should mostly be used in testing environments for session leak investigations.
* Enabling it will add object finalization overhead.
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withLeakedSessionsLogging()
this.logLeakedSessions = true;
return this;
* The max number of sessions to keep open at once. Configure this
* higher if you want more concurrent sessions, or lower if you want
* to lower the pressure on the database instance.
* If the driver is asked to provide more sessions than this, it will
* block waiting for another session to be closed, with a timeout.
* @param size the max number of sessions to keep open
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withMaxSessions( int size )
return this;
* The max number of idle sessions to keep open at once. Configure this
* higher if you want more concurrent sessions, or lower if you want
* to lower the pressure on the database instance.
* @param size the max number of idle sessions to keep open
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withMaxIdleSessions( int size )
this.maxIdleConnectionPoolSize = size;
return this;
* Please use {@link #withConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout(long, TimeUnit)}.
* @param timeout minimum idle time in milliseconds
* @return this builder
* @see #withConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout(long, TimeUnit)
* @deprecated please use {@link #withConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout(long, TimeUnit)} method. This method
* will be removed in future release.
public ConfigBuilder withSessionLivenessCheckTimeout( long timeout )
withConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout( timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
return this;
* Pooled connections that have been idle in the pool for longer than this timeout
* will be tested before they are used again, to ensure they are still live.
* If this option is set too low, an additional network call will be
* incurred when acquiring a connection, which causes a performance hit.
* If this is set high, you may receive sessions that are backed by no longer live connections,
* which will lead to exceptions in your application. Assuming the
* database is running, these exceptions will go away if you retry acquiring sessions.
* Hence, this parameter tunes a balance between the likelihood of your
* application seeing connection problems, and performance.
* You normally should not need to tune this parameter.
* This feature is turned off by default. Value {@code 0} means connections will always be tested for
* validity and negative values mean connections will never be tested.
* @param value the minimum idle time in milliseconds
* @param unit the unit in which the duration is given
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withConnectionLivenessCheckTimeout( long value, TimeUnit unit )
this.idleTimeBeforeConnectionTest = unit.toMillis( value );
return this;
* Configure the {@link EncryptionLevel} to use, use this to control wether the driver uses TLS encryption or not.
* @param level the TLS level to use
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withEncryptionLevel( EncryptionLevel level )
this.encryptionLevel = level;
return this;
* Specify how to determine the authenticity of an encryption certificate provided by the Neo4j instance we are connecting to.
* This defaults to {@link TrustStrategy#trustOnFirstUse(File)}.
* See {@link TrustStrategy#trustCustomCertificateSignedBy(File)} for using certificate signatures instead to verify
* trust.
* This is an important setting to understand, because unless we know that the remote server we have an encrypted connection to
* is really Neo4j, there is no point to encrypt at all, since anyone could pretend to be the remote Neo4j instance.
* For this reason, there is no option to disable trust verification, if you find this cumbersome you should disable encryption using
* @param trustStrategy TLS authentication strategy
* @return this builder
public ConfigBuilder withTrustStrategy( TrustStrategy trustStrategy )
this.trustStrategy = trustStrategy;
return this;
* Specify how many times the client should attempt to reconnect to the routing servers before declaring the
* cluster unavailable.
* The routing servers are tried in order. If connecting any of them fails, they are all retried after
* {@linkplain #withRoutingRetryDelay a delay}. This process of retrying all servers is then repeated for the
* number of times specified here before considering the cluster unavailable.
* The default value of this parameter is {@code 1}, which means that the the driver will not re-attempt to
* connect to the cluster when connecting has failed to each individual server in the list of routers. This
* default value is sensible under this assumption that if the attempt to connect fails for all servers, then
* the entire cluster is down, or the client is disconnected from the network, and retrying to connect will
* not bring it back up, in which case it is better to report the failure sooner.
* @param routingFailureLimit
* the number of times to retry each server in the list of routing servers
* @return this builder
* @deprecated in 1.2 because driver memorizes seed URI used during construction and falls back to it at
* runtime when all other known router servers failed to respond. Driver is also able to perform DNS lookup
* for the seed URI during rediscovery. This means updates of cluster members will be picked up if they are
* reflected in a DNS record. This configuration allowed driver to retry rediscovery procedure and postpone
* failure. Currently there exists a better way of doing retries via
* {@link Session#readTransaction(TransactionWork)} and {@link Session#writeTransaction(TransactionWork)}.
* Method will be removed in the next major release.
public ConfigBuilder withRoutingFailureLimit( int routingFailureLimit )
if ( routingFailureLimit < 1 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The failure limit may not be smaller than 1, but was: " + routingFailureLimit );
this.routingFailureLimit = routingFailureLimit;
return this;
* Specify how long to wait before retrying to connect to a routing server.
* When connecting to all routing servers fail, connecting will be retried after the delay specified here.
* The delay is measured from when the first attempt to connect was made, so that the delay time specifies a
* retry interval.
* For each {@linkplain #withRoutingFailureLimit retry attempt} the delay time will be doubled. The time
* specified here is the base time, i.e. the time to wait before the first retry. If that attempt (on all
* servers) also fails, the delay before the next retry will be double the time specified here, and the next
* attempt after that will be double that, et.c. So if, for example, the delay specified here is
* {@code 5 SECONDS}, then after attempting to connect to each server fails reconnecting will be attempted
* 5 seconds after the first connection attempt to the first server. If that attempt also fails to connect to
* all servers, the next attempt will start 10 seconds after the second attempt started.
* The default value of this parameter is {@code 5 SECONDS}.
* @param delay
* the amount of time between attempts to reconnect to the same server
* @param unit
* the unit in which the duration is given
* @return this builder
* @deprecated in 1.2 because driver memorizes seed URI used during construction and falls back to it at
* runtime when all other known router servers failed to respond. Driver is also able to perform DNS lookup
* for the seed URI during rediscovery. This means updates of cluster members will be picked up if they are
* reflected in a DNS record. This configuration allowed driver to retry rediscovery procedure and postpone
* failure. Currently there exists a better way of doing retries via
* {@link Session#readTransaction(TransactionWork)} and {@link Session#writeTransaction(TransactionWork)}.
* Method will be removed in the next major release.
public ConfigBuilder withRoutingRetryDelay( long delay, TimeUnit unit )
long routingRetryDelayMillis = unit.toMillis( delay );
if ( routingRetryDelayMillis < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(
"The retry delay may not be smaller than 0, but was %d %s.", delay, unit ) );
this.routingRetryDelayMillis = routingRetryDelayMillis;
return this;
* Specify socket connection timeout.
* A timeout of zero is treated as an infinite timeout and will be bound by the timeout configured on the
* operating system level. The connection will block until established or an error occurs.
* Timeout value should be greater or equal to zero and represent a valid {@code int} value when converted to
* {@link TimeUnit#MILLISECONDS milliseconds}.
* The default value of this parameter is {@code 5 SECONDS}.
* @param value the timeout duration
* @param unit the unit in which duration is given
* @return this builder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when given value is negative or does not fit in {@code int} when
* converted to milliseconds.
public ConfigBuilder withConnectionTimeout( long value, TimeUnit unit )
long connectionTimeoutMillis = unit.toMillis( value );
if ( connectionTimeoutMillis < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(
"The connection timeout may not be smaller than 0, but was %d %s.", value, unit ) );
int connectionTimeoutMillisInt = (int) connectionTimeoutMillis;
if ( connectionTimeoutMillisInt != connectionTimeoutMillis )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(
"The connection timeout must represent int value when converted to milliseconds %d.",
connectionTimeoutMillis ) );
this.connectionTimeoutMillis = connectionTimeoutMillisInt;
return this;
* Specify the maximum time transactions are allowed to retry via
* {@link Session#readTransaction(TransactionWork)} and {@link Session#writeTransaction(TransactionWork)}
* methods. These methods will retry the given unit of work on {@link ServiceUnavailableException},
* {@link SessionExpiredException} and {@link TransientException} with exponential backoff using initial
* delay of 1 second.
* Default value is 30 seconds.
* @param value the timeout duration
* @param unit the unit in which duration is given
* @return this builder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when given value is negative
public ConfigBuilder withMaxTransactionRetryTime( long value, TimeUnit unit )
long maxRetryTimeMs = unit.toMillis( value );
if ( maxRetryTimeMs < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format(
"The max retry time may not be smaller than 0, but was %d %s.", value, unit ) );
this.retrySettings = new RetrySettings( maxRetryTimeMs );
return this;
* Create a config instance from this builder.
* @return a {@link Config} instance
public Config toConfig()
return new Config( this );
* Control the level of encryption to require
public enum EncryptionLevel
/** With this level, the driver will only connect to the server if it can do it without encryption. */
/** With this level, the driver will only connect to the server it if can do it with encryption. */
* Control how the driver determines if it can trust the encryption certificates provided by the Neo4j instance it is connected to.
public static class TrustStrategy
public enum Strategy
private final Strategy strategy;
private final File certFile;
private TrustStrategy( Strategy strategy )
this( strategy, null );
private TrustStrategy( Strategy strategy, File certFile )
this.strategy = strategy;
this.certFile = certFile;
* Return the strategy type desired.
* @return the strategy we should use
public Strategy strategy()
return strategy;
public File certFile()
return certFile;
* Use {@link #trustCustomCertificateSignedBy(File)} instead.
* @param certFile the trusted certificate file
* @return an authentication config
public static TrustStrategy trustSignedBy( File certFile )
return new TrustStrategy( Strategy.TRUST_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES, certFile );
* Only encrypted connections to Neo4j instances with certificates signed by a trusted certificate will be accepted.
* The file specified should contain one or more trusted X.509 certificates.
* The certificate(s) in the file must be encoded using PEM encoding, meaning the certificates in the file should be encoded using Base64,
* and each certificate is bounded at the beginning by "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", and bounded at the end by "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".
* @param certFile the trusted certificate file
* @return an authentication config
public static TrustStrategy trustCustomCertificateSignedBy( File certFile )
return new TrustStrategy( Strategy.TRUST_CUSTOM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES, certFile );
* Trust strategy for certificates that can be verified through the local system store.
* @return an authentication config
public static TrustStrategy trustSystemCertificates()
return new TrustStrategy( Strategy.TRUST_SYSTEM_CA_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES );
* Trust strategy for certificates that can be verified through the local system store.
* @return an authentication config
* @since 1.1
public static TrustStrategy trustAllCertificates()
return new TrustStrategy( Strategy.TRUST_ALL_CERTIFICATES );
* Automatically trust a Neo4j instance the first time we see it - but fail to connect if its encryption certificate ever changes.
* This is similar to the mechanism used in SSH, and protects against man-in-the-middle attacks that occur after the initial setup of your application.
* Known Neo4j hosts are recorded in a file, {@code certFile}.
* Each time we reconnect to a known host, we verify that its certificate remains the same, guarding against attackers intercepting our communication.
* Note that this approach is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks the very first time you connect to a new Neo4j instance.
* If you do not trust the network you are connecting over, consider using {@link #trustCustomCertificateSignedBy(File)} signed certificates} instead, or manually adding the
* trusted host line into the specified file.
* @param knownHostsFile a file where known certificates are stored.
* @return an authentication config
* @deprecated in 1.1 in favour of {@link #trustAllCertificates()}
public static TrustStrategy trustOnFirstUse( File knownHostsFile )
return new TrustStrategy( Strategy.TRUST_ON_FIRST_USE, knownHostsFile );