org.neo4j.gds.kspanningtree.KSpanningTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
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* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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package org.neo4j.gds.kspanningtree;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.BitSet;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.neo4j.gds.Algorithm;
import org.neo4j.gds.api.Graph;
import org.neo4j.gds.collections.ha.HugeDoubleArray;
import org.neo4j.gds.collections.ha.HugeLongArray;
import org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.progress.tasks.ProgressTracker;
import org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.queue.HugeLongPriorityQueue;
import org.neo4j.gds.spanningtree.Prim;
import org.neo4j.gds.spanningtree.PrimOperators;
import org.neo4j.gds.spanningtree.SpanningTree;
import org.neo4j.gds.termination.TerminationFlag;
import java.util.function.DoubleUnaryOperator;
* The algorithm computes the MST by traversing all nodes from a given
* startNodeId. It aggregates all transitions into a MinPriorityQueue
* and visits each (unvisited) connected node by following only the
* cheapest transition and adding it to a specialized form of undirected tree.
* After calculating the MST the algorithm cuts the tree at its k weakest
* relationships to form k spanning trees
public class KSpanningTree extends Algorithm {
private final Graph graph;
private final DoubleUnaryOperator minMax;
private final long startNodeId;
private final long k;
public KSpanningTree(
Graph graph,
DoubleUnaryOperator minMax,
long startNodeId,
long k,
ProgressTracker progressTracker,
TerminationFlag terminationFlag
) {
this.graph = graph;
this.minMax = minMax;
this.startNodeId = startNodeId;
this.k = k;
this.terminationFlag = terminationFlag;
public SpanningTree compute() {
Prim prim = new Prim(
SpanningTree spanningTree = prim.compute();
var outputTree = growApproach(spanningTree);
return outputTree;
private HugeLongPriorityQueue createPriorityQueue(long parentSize, boolean pruning) {
boolean minQueue = minMax == PrimOperators.MIN_OPERATOR;
//if pruning, we remove the worst (max if it's a minimization problem)
//therefore we flip the priority queue
if (pruning) {
minQueue = !minQueue;
HugeLongPriorityQueue priorityQueue = minQueue
? HugeLongPriorityQueue.min(parentSize)
: HugeLongPriorityQueue.max(parentSize);
return priorityQueue;
private double init(HugeLongArray parent, HugeDoubleArray costToParent, SpanningTree spanningTree) {
graph.forEachNode((nodeId) -> {
parent.set(nodeId, spanningTree.parent(nodeId));
costToParent.set(nodeId, spanningTree.costToParent(nodeId));
return true;
return spanningTree.totalWeight();
private SpanningTree growApproach(SpanningTree spanningTree) {
//this approach grows gradually the MST found in the previous step
//when it is about to get larger than K, we crop the current worst leaf if the new value to be added
// is actually better
if (spanningTree.effectiveNodeCount() < k)
return spanningTree;
HugeLongArray outDegree = HugeLongArray.newArray(graph.nodeCount());
HugeLongArray parent = HugeLongArray.newArray(graph.nodeCount());
HugeDoubleArray costToParent = HugeDoubleArray.newArray(graph.nodeCount());
init(parent, costToParent, spanningTree);
double totalCost = 0;
var priorityQueue = createPriorityQueue(graph.nodeCount(), false);
var toTrim = createPriorityQueue(graph.nodeCount(), true);
//priority-queue does not have a remove method
// so we need something to know if a node is still a leaf or not
BitSet exterior = new BitSet(graph.nodeCount());
//at any point, the tree has a root we mark its neighbors in this bitset to avoid looping to find them
BitSet rootNodeAdjacent = new BitSet(graph.nodeCount());
//we just save which nodes are in the final output and not (just to do clean-up; probably can be avoided)
BitSet included = new BitSet(graph.nodeCount());
priorityQueue.add(startNodeId, 0);
long root = startNodeId; //current root is startNodeId
long nodesInTree = 0;
while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
long node =;
double associatedCost = priorityQueue.cost(node);
long nodeParent = parent.get(node);
boolean nodeAdded = false;
if (nodesInTree < k) { //if we are smaller, we can just add it no problemo
nodeAdded = true;
} else {
var nodeToTrim = findNextValidLeaf(toTrim, exterior); //a leaf node with currently theworst cost
if (parent.get(node) == nodeToTrim) {
//we cannot add it, if we're supposed to remove its parent
//TODO: should be totally feasible to consider the 2nd worst then.
boolean shouldMove = moveMakesSense(associatedCost, toTrim.cost(nodeToTrim), minMax);
if (shouldMove) {
nodeAdded = true;
double value = toTrim.cost(nodeToTrim);
long parentOfTrimmed = parent.get(nodeToTrim);
included.clear(nodeToTrim); //nodeToTrim is removed from the answer
clearNode(nodeToTrim, parent, costToParent);
totalCost -= value; //as well as its cost from the solution
if (root != nodeToTrim) { //we are not removing the actual root
//reduce degree of parent
outDegree.set(parentOfTrimmed, outDegree.get(parentOfTrimmed) - 1);
long affectedNode = -1;
double affectedCost = -1;
long parentOutDegree = outDegree.get(parentOfTrimmed);
if (parentOfTrimmed == root) { //if its parent is the root
rootNodeAdjacent.clear(nodeToTrim); //remove the trimmed child
if (parentOutDegree == 1) { //root becomes a leaf
assert rootNodeAdjacent.cardinality() == 1;
//get the single sole child of root
var rootChild = rootNodeAdjacent.nextSetBit(0);
affectedNode = root;
affectedCost = costToParent.get(rootChild);
} else {
if (parentOutDegree == 0) { //if parent becomes a leaf
affectedNode = parentOfTrimmed;
affectedCost = costToParent.get(parentOfTrimmed);
if (affectedNode != -1) { //if a node has been converted to a leaf
updateExterior(affectedNode, affectedCost, toTrim, exterior);
} else {
//the root is removed, long live the new root!
assert rootNodeAdjacent.cardinality() == 1;
//the new root is the single sole child of old root
var newRoot = rootNodeAdjacent.nextSetBit(0);
rootNodeAdjacent.clear(); //empty everything
//find the children of the new root (this can happen once per node)
fillChildren(newRoot, rootNodeAdjacent, parent, included);
root = newRoot;
//set it as root
clearNode(root, parent, costToParent);
//check if root is a degree-1 to add to exterior
if (outDegree.get(root) == 1) {
//get single child
var rootChild = rootNodeAdjacent.nextSetBit(0);
priorityQueue.add(root, costToParent.get(rootChild));
if (nodeAdded) {
included.set(node); // include it in the solution (for now!)
totalCost += associatedCost; //add its associated cost to the weight of tree
if (nodeParent == root) { //if it's parent is the root, update the bitset
if (node != root) { //this only happens for startNode to be fair
//the node's parent gets an update in degree
outDegree.set(nodeParent, outDegree.get(nodeParent) + 1);
exterior.clear(nodeParent); //and remoed from exterior if included
//then the node (being a leaf) is added to the trimming priority queu
toTrim.add(node, associatedCost);
exterior.set(node); //and the exterior
relaxNode(node, priorityQueue, parent, spanningTree);
} else {
clearNode(node, parent, costToParent);
//post-processing step: anything not touched is reset to -1
pruneUntouchedNodes(parent, costToParent, included);
return new SpanningTree(root, graph.nodeCount(), k, parent, costToParent::get, totalCost);
private void pruneUntouchedNodes(HugeLongArray parent, HugeDoubleArray costToParent, BitSet included) {
graph.forEachNode(nodeId -> {
if (!included.get(nodeId)) {
clearNode(nodeId, parent, costToParent);
return true;
private void clearNode(long node, HugeLongArray parent, HugeDoubleArray costToParent) {
parent.set(node, -1);
costToParent.set(node, -1);
private boolean moveMakesSense(double cost1, double cost2, DoubleUnaryOperator minMax) {
if (minMax == PrimOperators.MAX_OPERATOR) {
return cost1 > cost2;
} else {
return cost1 < cost2;
private void updateExterior(long affectedNode, double affectedCost, HugeLongPriorityQueue toTrim, BitSet exterior) {
if (!toTrim.containsElement(affectedNode)) {
toTrim.add(affectedNode, affectedCost); //add it to pq
} else {
//it is still in the queue, but it is not a leaf anymore, so it's value is obsolete
toTrim.set(affectedNode, affectedCost);
exterior.set(affectedNode); //and mark it in the exterior
private long findNextValidLeaf(HugeLongPriorityQueue toTrim, BitSet exterior) {
while (!exterior.get( { //not valid frontier nodes anymore, just ignore
toTrim.pop(); //as we said, pq does not have a direct remove method
private void fillChildren(long newRoot, BitSet rootNodeAdjacent, HugeLongArray parent, BitSet included) {
graph.forEachRelationship(newRoot, (s, t) -> {
//relevant are only those nodes which are currently
//in the k-tree
if (parent.get(t) == s && included.get(t)) {
return true;
private void relaxNode(
long node,
HugeLongPriorityQueue priorityQueue,
HugeLongArray parent,
SpanningTree spanningTree
) {
graph.forEachRelationship(node, (s, t) -> {
if (parent.get(t) == s) {
//TODO: work's only on mst edges for now (should be doable to re-find an k-MST from whole graph)
if (!priorityQueue.containsElement(t)) {
priorityQueue.add(t, spanningTree.costToParent(t));
return true;