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apoc.spatial.Geocode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package apoc.spatial;
import apoc.util.JsonUtil;
import apoc.util.Util;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService;
import org.neo4j.logging.Log;
import org.neo4j.procedure.*;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static apoc.ApocConfig.apocConfig;
import static;
import static apoc.util.Util.toDouble;
import static apoc.util.Util.toLong;
import static java.lang.String.valueOf;
import static java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis;
public class Geocode {
public static final int MAX_RESULTS = 100;
public static final String PREFIX = "apoc.spatial.geocode";
public static final String GEOCODE_PROVIDER_KEY = "provider";
public GraphDatabaseService db;
public TerminationGuard terminationGuard;
public Log log;
interface GeocodeSupplier {
Stream geocode(String params, long maxResults);
Stream reverseGeocode(Double latitude, Double longitude);
private static class Throttler {
private final TerminationGuard terminationGuard;
private long throttleInMs;
private static long lastCallTime = 0L;
private static long DEFAULT_THROTTLE = 5*1000; // 5 seconds
private static long MAX_THROTTLE = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour
public Throttler(TerminationGuard terminationGuard, long throttle) {
this.terminationGuard = terminationGuard;
throttle = Math.min(throttle, MAX_THROTTLE);
if (throttle < 0) throttle = DEFAULT_THROTTLE;
this.throttleInMs = throttle;
private void waitForThrottle() {
long msSinceLastCall = currentTimeMillis() - lastCallTime;
while (msSinceLastCall < throttleInMs) {
try {
long msToWait = throttleInMs - msSinceLastCall;
Thread.sleep(Math.min(msToWait, 1000));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
msSinceLastCall = currentTimeMillis() - lastCallTime;
lastCallTime = currentTimeMillis();
private static class SupplierWithKey implements GeocodeSupplier {
private static final String[] FORMATTED_KEYS = new String[]{"formatted", "formatted_address", "address", "description", "display_name"};
private static final String[] LAT_KEYS = new String[]{"lat", "latitude"};
private static final String[] LNG_KEYS = new String[]{"lng", "longitude", "lon"};
private Throttler throttler;
private String configBase;
private String urlTemplate;
private String urlTemplateReverse;
public SupplierWithKey(Configuration config, TerminationGuard terminationGuard, String provider) {
this.configBase = provider;
if (!config.containsKey(configKey("url"))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'url' for geocode provider: " + provider);
if (!config.containsKey(configKey("reverse.url"))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'reverse.url' for reverse-geocode provider: " + provider);
urlTemplate = config.getString(configKey("url"));
if (!urlTemplate.contains("PLACE")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'PLACE' in url template: " + urlTemplate);
urlTemplateReverse = config.getString(configKey("reverse.url"));
if (!urlTemplateReverse.contains("LAT") || !urlTemplateReverse.contains("LNG")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'LAT' or 'LNG' in url template: " + urlTemplateReverse);
if (urlTemplate.contains("KEY") && !config.containsKey(configKey("key"))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'key' for geocode provider: " + provider);
if (urlTemplateReverse.contains("KEY") && !config.containsKey(configKey("key"))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing 'key' for reverse-geocode provider: " + provider);
String key = config.getString(configKey("key"));
urlTemplate = urlTemplate.replace("KEY", key);
urlTemplateReverse = urlTemplateReverse.replace("KEY", key);
this.throttler = new Throttler(terminationGuard, apocConfig().getInt(configKey("throttle"), (int) Throttler.DEFAULT_THROTTLE));
public Stream geocode(String address, long maxResults) {
if (address.isEmpty()) {
return Stream.empty();
String url = urlTemplate.replace("PLACE", Util.encodeUrlComponent(address));
Object value = JsonUtil.loadJson(url).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (value instanceof List) {
return findResults((List>) value, maxResults);
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
Object results = ((Map) value).get("results");
if (results instanceof List) {
return findResults((List>) results, maxResults);
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse geocoding results " + value);
public Stream reverseGeocode(Double latitude, Double longitude) {
if (latitude == null || longitude == null) {
return Stream.empty();
String url = urlTemplateReverse.replace("LAT", latitude.toString()).replace("LNG", longitude.toString());
Object value = JsonUtil.loadJson(url).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (value instanceof List) {
return findResults((List>) value, 1);
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
Object results = ((Map) value).get("results");
if (results instanceof List) {
return findResults((List>) results, 1);
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse reverse-geocoding results " + value);
private Stream findResults(List> results, long maxResults) {
return -> {
String description = findFirstEntry(data, FORMATTED_KEYS);
Map location = (Map) data.get("geometry");
if (location.containsKey("location")) {
location = (Map) location.get("location");
String lat = findFirstEntry(location, LAT_KEYS);
String lng = findFirstEntry(location, LNG_KEYS);
return new GeoCodeResult(toDouble(lat), toDouble(lng), description, data);
private String findFirstEntry(Map map, String[] keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
return valueOf(map.get(key));
return "";
private String configKey(String name) {
return configBase + "." + name;
private static class OSMSupplier implements GeocodeSupplier {
public static final String OSM_URL = "";
private static final String OSM_URL_REVERSE_GEOCODE = OSM_URL + "/reverse?format=jsonv2&";
private static final String OSM_URL_GEOCODE = OSM_URL + "/search.php?format=json&q=";
private Throttler throttler;
public OSMSupplier(Configuration config, TerminationGuard terminationGuard) {
this.throttler = new Throttler(terminationGuard, toLong(config.getString("osm.throttle", Long.toString(Throttler.DEFAULT_THROTTLE))));
public Stream geocode(String address, long maxResults) {
if (address.isEmpty()) {
return Stream.empty();
Object value = JsonUtil.loadJson(OSM_URL_GEOCODE + Util.encodeUrlComponent(address)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (value instanceof List) {
return ((List>) value).stream().limit(maxResults).map(data ->
new GeoCodeResult(toDouble(data.get("lat")), toDouble(data.get("lon")), valueOf(data.get("display_name")), data));
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse geocoding results " + value);
public Stream reverseGeocode(Double latitude, Double longitude) {
if (latitude == null || longitude == null) {
return Stream.empty();
Object value = JsonUtil.loadJson(OSM_URL_REVERSE_GEOCODE + String.format("lat=%s&lon=%s", latitude, longitude)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map data = (Map) value;
return Stream.of(new GeoCodeResult(toDouble(data.get("lat")), toDouble(data.get("lon")), valueOf(data.get("display_name")), (Map)data.get("address")));
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse reverse-geocoding results " + value);
private static class GoogleSupplier implements GeocodeSupplier {
private final Throttler throttler;
private Configuration config;
private static final String BASE_GOOGLE_API_URL = "";
private static final String REVERSE_GEOCODE_URL = BASE_GOOGLE_API_URL + "?%s&latlng=";
private static final String GEOCODE_URL = BASE_GOOGLE_API_URL + "?%s&address=";
public GoogleSupplier(Configuration config, TerminationGuard terminationGuard) {
this.throttler = new Throttler(terminationGuard, toLong(config.getString("google.throttle", Long.toString(Throttler.DEFAULT_THROTTLE))));
this.config = config;
private String credentials(Configuration config) {
if (config.containsKey("google.client") && config.containsKey("google.signature")) {
return "client=" + config.getString("google.client") + "&signature=" + config.getString("google.signature");
} else if (config.containsKey("google.key")) {
return "key=" + config.getString("google.key");
} else {
return "auth=free"; // throw new RuntimeException("apoc.spatial.geocode: No google client or key specified in apoc.conf config file");
public Stream geocode(String address, long maxResults) {
if (address.isEmpty()) {
return Stream.empty();
Object value = JsonUtil.loadJson(String.format(GEOCODE_URL, credentials(this.config)) + Util.encodeUrlComponent(address)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) value;
if (map.get("status").equals("OVER_QUERY_LIMIT")) throw new IllegalStateException("QUOTA_EXCEEDED from geocode API: "+map.get("status")+" message: "+map.get("error_message"));
Object results = map.get("results");
if (results instanceof List) {
return ((List>) results).stream().limit(maxResults).map(data -> {
Map location = (Map) ((Map) data.get("geometry")).get("location");
return new GeoCodeResult(toDouble(location.get("lat")), toDouble(location.get("lng")), valueOf(data.get("formatted_address")), data);
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse geocoding results " + value);
public Stream reverseGeocode(Double latitude, Double longitude) {
if (latitude == null || longitude == null) {
return Stream.empty();
Object value = JsonUtil.loadJson(String.format(REVERSE_GEOCODE_URL, credentials(this.config)) + Util.encodeUrlComponent(latitude+","+longitude)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (value instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) value;
if (map.get("status").equals("OVER_QUERY_LIMIT")) throw new IllegalStateException("QUOTA_EXCEEDED from geocode API: "+map.get("status")+" message: "+map.get("error_message"));
Object results = map.get("results");
if (results instanceof List) {
return ((List>) results).stream().limit(1).map(data -> {
Map location = (Map) ((Map) data.get("geometry")).get("location");
return new GeoCodeResult(toDouble(location.get("lat")), toDouble(location.get("lng")), valueOf(data.get("formatted_address")), data);
throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse reverse-geocoding results " + value);
private GeocodeSupplier getSupplier(Map configMap) {
return getSupplier(configMap, terminationGuard);
public static GeocodeSupplier getSupplier(Map configMap, TerminationGuard terminationGuard) {
final AbstractMap.SimpleEntry results = getSupplierEntry(terminationGuard, configMap);
return results.getKey();
public static AbstractMap.SimpleEntry getSupplierEntry(TerminationGuard terminationGuard, Map configMap) {
Configuration activeConfig = apocConfig().getConfig().subset(PREFIX);
// with configMap we overwrite the ApocConfig, if none of these is found, we choose the default one, 'osm'
final String provider = (String) configMap.getOrDefault(GEOCODE_PROVIDER_KEY,
activeConfig.getString(GEOCODE_PROVIDER_KEY, "osm"));
configMap.forEach((key, value) -> {
// we transform e.g. key `reverseUrl` to `reverse.url`, consistently to ApocConfig
final String dotCase = key.replaceAll("[A-Z][a-z]", ".$0").toLowerCase();
activeConfig.setProperty(provider + "." + dotCase, value);
String supplier = provider.toLowerCase();
final GeocodeSupplier geocodeSupplier = getGeocodeSupplier(terminationGuard, activeConfig, supplier);
// we return both GeocodeSupplier for real implementations and String supplier for mock tests
return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(geocodeSupplier, supplier);
private static GeocodeSupplier getGeocodeSupplier(TerminationGuard terminationGuard, Configuration activeConfig, String supplier) {
switch (supplier) {
case "google" : return new GoogleSupplier(activeConfig, terminationGuard);
case "osm" : return new OSMSupplier(activeConfig, terminationGuard);
default: return new SupplierWithKey(activeConfig, terminationGuard, supplier);
@Description("Returns the geographic location (latitude, longitude, and description) of the given address using a geocoding service (default: OpenStreetMap).\n" +
"This procedure returns at most one result.")
public Stream geocodeOnce(@Name("location") String address, @Name(value="config", defaultValue = "{}") Map config) {
return geocode(address, 1L, false, config);
@Description("Returns the geographic location (latitude, longitude, and description) of the given address using a geocoding service (default: OpenStreetMap).")
public Stream geocode(@Name("location") String address, @Name(value = "maxResults",defaultValue = "100") long maxResults, @Name(value = "quotaException",defaultValue = "false") boolean quotaException, @Name(value="config", defaultValue = "{}") Map config) {
if (address == null || address.isEmpty())
return Stream.empty();
else {
try {
return getSupplier(config).geocode(address, maxResults == 0 ? MAX_RESULTS : Math.min(Math.max(maxResults, 1), MAX_RESULTS));
} catch (IllegalStateException re) {
if (!quotaException && re.getMessage().startsWith("QUOTA_EXCEEDED")) return Stream.empty();
throw re;
@Description("Returns a textual address from the given geographic location (latitude, longitude) using a geocoding service (default: OpenStreetMap).\n" +
"This procedure returns at most one result.")
public Stream reverseGeocode(@Name("latitude") double latitude, @Name("longitude") double longitude, @Name(value = "quotaException",defaultValue = "false") boolean quotaException, @Name(value="config", defaultValue = "{}") Map config) {
try {
return getSupplier(config).reverseGeocode(latitude, longitude);
} catch(IllegalStateException re) {
if (!quotaException && re.getMessage().startsWith("QUOTA_EXCEEDED")) return Stream.empty();
throw re;
public static class GeoCodeResult {
public final Map location;
public final Map data;
public final Double latitude;
public final Double longitude;
public final String description;
public GeoCodeResult(Double latitude, Double longitude, String description, Map data) { = data;
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
this.description = description;
this.location = map("latitude", latitude, "longitude", longitude, "description", description);