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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.quote;
import apoc.util.Util;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.*;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.QueryLanguage;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.procedure.QueryLanguageScope;
import org.neo4j.procedure.Context;
import org.neo4j.procedure.Description;
import org.neo4j.procedure.Name;
import org.neo4j.procedure.UserFunction;
public class Maps {
public Transaction tx;
@Description("Creates a `MAP` of the `LIST` keyed by the given property, with single values.")
public Map groupBy(
@Name(value = "values", description = "A list of map values to be grouped.") List values,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The key to group the map values by.") String key) {
Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(values.size());
for (Object value : values) {
Object id = getKey(key, value);
if (id != null) result.put(id.toString(), value);
return result;
@Description("Creates a `MAP` of the `LIST` values keyed by the given property, with the `LIST` values.")
public Map> groupByMulti(
@Name(value = "values", description = "A list of map values to be grouped.") List values,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The key to group the map values by.") String key) {
Map> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(values.size());
for (Object value : values) {
Object id = getKey(key, value);
if (id != null)
result.compute(id.toString(), (k, list) -> {
if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<>();
return list;
return result;
public Object getKey(@Name("key") String key, Object value) {
Object id = null;
if (value instanceof Map) {
id = ((Map) value).get(key);
if (value instanceof Entity) {
id = ((Entity) value).getProperty(key, null);
return id;
@Description("Returns a `MAP` of the given prop to the node of the given label.")
public Map fromNodes(
@Name(value = "label", description = "The node labels from which the map will be created.") String label,
@Name(value = "prop", description = "The property name to map the returned nodes by.") String property) {
Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(10000);
try (ResourceIterator nodes = tx.findNodes(Label.label(label))) {
while (nodes.hasNext()) {
Node node =;
Object key = node.getProperty(property, null);
if (key != null) {
result.put(key.toString(), node);
return result;
@Description("Creates a `MAP` from the given `LIST>` of key-value pairs.")
public Map fromPairs(
@Name(value = "pairs", description = "A list of pairs to create a map from.") List> pairs) {
return Util.mapFromPairs(pairs);
@Description("Creates a `MAP` from the keys and values in the given `LIST` values.")
public Map fromLists(
@Name(value = "keys", description = "A list of keys to create a map from.") List keys,
@Name(value = "values", description = "A list of values associated with the keys to create a map from.")
List values) {
return Util.mapFromLists(keys, values);
@Description("Returns a `LIST` indicated by the given keys (returns a null value if a given key is missing).")
public List values(
@Name(value = "map", description = "A map to extract values from.") Map map,
@Name(value = "keys", defaultValue = "[]", description = "A list of keys to extract from the given map.")
List keys,
value = "addNullsForMissing",
defaultValue = "false",
description = "Whether or not to return missing values as null values.")
boolean addNullsForMissing) {
if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList();
List values = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());
for (String key : keys) {
if (addNullsForMissing || map.containsKey(key)) values.add(map.get(key));
return values;
@Description("Creates a `MAP` from the alternating keys and values in the given `LIST`.")
public Map fromValues(
@Name(value = "values", description = "A list of keys and values listed pairwise to create a map from.")
List values) {
@Description("Merges the two given `MAP` values into one `MAP`.")
public Map merge(
@Name(value = "map1", description = "The first map to merge with the second map.")
Map first,
@Name(value = "map2", description = "The second map to merge with the first map.")
Map second) {
return Util.merge(first, second);
@Description("Merges all `MAP` values in the given `LIST>` into one `MAP`.")
public Map mergeList(
@Name(value = "maps", description = "A list of maps to merge.") List> maps) {
Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(maps.size());
for (Map map : maps) {
return result;
@Description("Returns a value for the given key.\n"
+ "If the given key does not exist, or lacks a default value, this function will throw an exception.")
public Object get(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to extract a value from.") Map map,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The key to extract.") String key,
@Name(value = "value", defaultValue = "null", description = "The default value of the given key.")
Object value,
value = "fail",
defaultValue = "true",
description =
"If a key is not present and no default is provided, it will either throw an exception if true, or return a null value")
boolean fail) {
if (fail && value == null && !map.containsKey(key))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key " + key + " is not of one of the existing keys " + map.keySet());
return map.getOrDefault(key, value);
@Description("Returns a `LIST` for the given keys.\n"
+ "If one of the keys does not exist, or lacks a default value, this function will throw an exception.")
public List mget(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to extract a list of values from.") Map map,
@Name(value = "keys", description = "The list of keys to extract.") List keys,
@Name(value = "values", defaultValue = "[]", description = "The default values of the given keys.")
List values,
value = "fail",
defaultValue = "true",
description =
"If a key is not present and no default is provided, it will either throw an exception if true, or return a null value")
boolean fail) {
if (keys == null || map == null) return null;
int keySize = keys.size();
List result = new ArrayList<>(keySize);
int valuesSize = values == null ? -1 : values.size();
for (int i = 0; i < keySize; i++) {
result.add(get(map, keys.get(i), i < valuesSize ? values.get(i) : null, fail));
return result;
@Description("Returns a sub-map for the given keys.\n"
+ "If one of the keys does not exist, or lacks a default value, this function will throw an exception.")
public Map submap(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to extract a submap from.") Map map,
@Name(value = "keys", description = "The list of keys to extract into a submap.") List keys,
@Name(value = "values", defaultValue = "[]", description = "The default values of the given keys.")
List values,
value = "fail",
defaultValue = "true",
description =
"If a key is not present and no default is provided, it will either throw an exception if true, or return a null value.")
boolean fail) {
if (keys == null || map == null) return null;
int keySize = keys.size();
Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(keySize);
int valuesSize = values == null ? -1 : values.size();
for (int i = 0; i < keySize; i++) {
String key = keys.get(i);
result.put(key, get(map, key, i < valuesSize ? values.get(i) : null, fail));
return result;
@Description("Adds or updates the given entry in the `MAP`.")
public Map setKey(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The key to add or update the map with.") String key,
@Name(value = "value", description = "The value to set the given key to.") Object value) {
return Util.merge(map,, value));
@UserFunction(name = "", deprecatedBy = "")
@QueryLanguageScope(scope = {QueryLanguage.CYPHER_5})
@Description("Adds or updates the given entry in the `MAP`.")
public Map setEntry(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The key to add or update the map with.") String key,
@Name(value = "value", description = "The value to set the given key to.") Object value) {
return Util.merge(map,, value));
@Description("Adds or updates the given key/value pairs (e.g. [key1,value1],[key2,value2]) in a `MAP`.")
public Map setPairs(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "pairs", description = "A list of pairs to add or update the map with.")
List> pairs) {
return Util.merge(map, Util.mapFromPairs(pairs));
"Adds or updates the given keys/value pairs provided in `LIST` format (e.g. [key1, key2],[value1, value2]) in a `MAP`.")
public Map setLists(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "keys", description = "A list of keys to add or update the map with.") List keys,
value = "values",
description = "A list of values associated to the keys to add or update the map with.")
List values) {
return Util.merge(map, Util.mapFromLists(keys, values));
@Description("Adds or updates the alternating key/value pairs (e.g. [key1,value1,key2,value2]) in a `MAP`.")
public Map setValues(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "pairs", description = "A list of items listed pairwise to add or update the map with.")
List pairs) {
return Util.merge(map,;
@Description("Removes the given key from the `MAP` (recursively if recursive is true).")
public Map removeKey(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The key to remove from the map.") String key,
@Name(value = "config", defaultValue = "{}", description = "{ recursive = false :: BOOLEAN }")
Map config) {
if (!map.containsKey(key)) {
return map;
return removeKeys(map, Collections.singletonList(key), config);
@Description("Removes the given keys from the `MAP` (recursively if recursive is true).")
public Map removeKeys(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to be updated.") Map map,
@Name(value = "keys", description = "The keys to remove from the map.") List keys,
@Name(value = "config", defaultValue = "{}", description = "{ recursive = false :: BOOLEAN }")
Map config) {
Map res = new LinkedHashMap<>(map);
Map checkedConfig = config == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : config;
boolean removeRecursively = Util.toBoolean(checkedConfig.getOrDefault("recursive", false));
if (removeRecursively) {
for (Iterator> iterator = res.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry entry =;
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Map updatedMap =
removeKeys((Map) entry.getValue(), keys, checkedConfig);
if (updatedMap.isEmpty()) {
} else if (!updatedMap.equals(entry.getValue())) {
} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Collection) {
Collection values = (Collection) entry.getValue();
List updatedValues =
.map(value -> value instanceof Map
? removeKeys((Map) value, keys, checkedConfig)
: value)
.filter(value -> value instanceof Map ? !((Map) value).isEmpty() : true)
if (updatedValues.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return res;
@Description("Filters the keys and values contained in the given `LIST` values.")
public Map clean(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to clean.") Map map,
@Name(value = "keys", description = "The list of property keys to be removed.") List keys,
@Name(value = "values", description = "The list of values to be removed.") List values) {
HashSet keySet = new HashSet<>(keys);
HashSet valueSet = new HashSet<>(values);
LinkedHashMap res = new LinkedHashMap<>(map.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (keySet.contains(entry.getKey())
|| value == null
|| valueSet.contains(value)
|| valueSet.contains(value.toString())) continue;
res.put(entry.getKey(), value);
return res;
@Description("Adds the data `MAP` on each level of the nested tree, where the key-value pairs match.")
public Map updateTree(
@Name(value = "tree", description = "The map to be updated.") Map tree,
@Name(value = "key", description = "The name of the key to match on.") String key,
value = "data",
description =
"A list of pairs, where the first item is the value to match with the given key, and the second is a map to add to the tree.")
List> data) {
Map> map = new HashMap<>(data.size());
for (List datum : data) {
if (datum.size() < 2 || !((datum.get(1) instanceof Map)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong data list entry: " + datum);
map.put(datum.get(0), (Map) datum.get(1));
return visit(tree, (m) -> {
Map entry = map.get(m.get(key));
if (entry != null) {
return m;
Map visit(Map tree, Function, Map> mapper) {
Map result = mapper.apply(new LinkedHashMap<>(tree));
result.entrySet().forEach(e -> {
if (e.getValue() instanceof List) {
List list = (List) e.getValue();
List newList =
.map(v -> {
if (v instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) v;
return visit(map, mapper);
return v;
} else if (e.getValue() instanceof Map) {
Map map = (Map) e.getValue();
e.setValue(visit(map, mapper));
return result;
@Description("Flattens nested items in the given `MAP`.\n"
+ "This function is the reverse of the `` function.")
public Map flatten(
@Name(value = "map", description = "A nested map to flatten.") Map map,
value = "delimiter",
defaultValue = ".",
description = "The delimiter used to separate the levels of the flattened map.")
String delimiter) {
Map flattenedMap = new HashMap<>();
flattenMapRecursively(flattenedMap, map, "", delimiter == null ? "." : delimiter);
return flattenedMap;
private void flattenMapRecursively(
Map flattenedMap, Map map, String prefix, String delimiter) {
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
(Map) entry.getValue(),
prefix + entry.getKey() + delimiter,
} else {
flattenedMap.put(prefix + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
@Description("Unflattens items in the given `MAP` to nested items.\n"
+ "This function is the reverse of the `` function.")
public Map unflatten(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to unflatten.") Map map,
value = "delimiter",
defaultValue = ".",
description = "The delimiter used to separate the levels of the flattened map.")
String delimiter) {
return unflattenMapRecursively(map, StringUtils.isBlank(delimiter) ? "." : delimiter);
private Map unflattenMapRecursively(Map inputMap, String delimiter) {
Map resultMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : inputMap.entrySet()) {
unflatEntry(resultMap, entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), delimiter);
return resultMap;
public static void unflatEntry(Map map, Object value, String key, String delimiter) {
final String[] keys = key.split(quote(delimiter), 2);
final String firstPart = keys[0];
if (keys.length == 1) {
map.put(firstPart, value);
} else {
final Map currentMap =
(Map) map.computeIfAbsent(firstPart, k -> new HashMap());
unflatEntry(currentMap, value, keys[1], delimiter);
@Description("Returns a `LIST` of key/value pairs.\n"
+ "The pairs are sorted by alphabetically by key, with optional case sensitivity.")
public List> sortedProperties(
@Name(value = "map", description = "The map to extract the properties from.") Map map,
value = "ignoreCase",
defaultValue = "true",
description = "Whether or not to take the case into account when sorting.")
boolean ignoreCase) {
List> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<>();
List keys = new ArrayList<>(map.keySet());
if (ignoreCase) {
Collections.sort(keys, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
} else {
for (String key : keys) {
sortedProperties.add(Arrays.asList(key, map.get(key)));
return sortedProperties;