org.neo4j.bolt.v1.runtime.internal.SessionStateMachine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2002-2016 "Neo Technology,"
* Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB [http://neotechnology.com]
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.neo4j.bolt.v1.runtime.internal;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.neo4j.bolt.security.auth.Authentication;
import org.neo4j.bolt.security.auth.AuthenticationException;
import org.neo4j.bolt.security.auth.AuthenticationResult;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v1.runtime.Session;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v1.runtime.StatementMetadata;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v1.runtime.spi.RecordStream;
import org.neo4j.bolt.v1.runtime.spi.StatementRunner;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.security.AuthorizationViolationException;
import org.neo4j.kernel.GraphDatabaseQueryService;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.Statement;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.KernelException;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.Status;
import org.neo4j.kernel.api.security.AccessMode;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.ThreadToStatementContextBridge;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.coreapi.InternalTransaction;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.coreapi.PropertyContainerLocker;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.GraphDatabaseFacade;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.logging.LogService;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.query.Neo4jTransactionalContext;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.query.QuerySession;
import org.neo4j.udc.UsageData;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type.explicit;
import static org.neo4j.kernel.api.KernelTransaction.Type.implicit;
import static org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.Status.Security.CredentialsExpired;
* State-machine based implementation of {@link Session}. With this approach,
* the discrete states a session can be in are explicit. Each state describes which actions from the context
* interface are legal given that particular state, and how those actions behave given the current state.
public class SessionStateMachine implements Session, SessionState
* The session state machine, this is the heart of how a session operates. This enumerates the various discrete
* states a session can be in, and describes how it behaves in those states.
enum State
* Before the session has been initialized.
public State init( SessionStateMachine ctx, String clientName, Map authToken )
AuthenticationResult authResult = ctx.spi.authenticate( authToken );
ctx.accessMode = authResult.getAccessMode();
ctx.credentialsExpired = authResult.credentialsExpired();
ctx.result( authResult.credentialsExpired() );
ctx.spi.udcRegisterClient( clientName );
ctx.setQuerySourceFromClientNameAndPrincipal( clientName, authToken.get( Authentication.PRINCIPAL ) );
return IDLE;
catch ( AuthenticationException e )
return error( ctx, new Neo4jError( e.status(), e.getMessage(), e ) );
catch ( Throwable e )
return error( ctx, e );
protected State onNoImplementation( SessionStateMachine ctx, String command )
ctx.error( new Neo4jError( Status.Request.Invalid, "No operations allowed until you send an " +
"INIT message." ) );
return halt( ctx );
* No open transaction, no open result.
public State beginTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
assert ctx.currentTransaction == null;
ctx.currentTransaction = ctx.spi.beginTransaction( explicit, ctx.accessMode );
public State runStatement( SessionStateMachine ctx, String statement, Map params )
ctx.currentResult = ctx.spi.run( ctx, statement, params );
ctx.result( ctx.currentStatementMetadata );
//if the call to run failed we must remain in state ERROR
if ( ctx.state == ERROR )
return ERROR;
catch ( Throwable e )
return error( ctx, e );
public State beginImplicitTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
assert ctx.currentTransaction == null;
// NOTE: If we move away from doing implicit transactions this
// way, we need a different way to kill statements running in implicit
// transactions, because we do that by calling #terminate() on this tx.
ctx.currentTransaction = ctx.spi.beginTransaction( implicit, ctx.accessMode );
public State reset( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return IDLE;
public State rollbackTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return error( ctx, new Neo4jError( Status.Request.Invalid,
"rollback cannot be done when there is no open transaction in the session." ) );
* Open transaction, no open stream
* This is when the client has explicitly requested a transaction to be opened.
public State runStatement( SessionStateMachine ctx, String statement, Map params )
return IDLE.runStatement( ctx, statement, params );
public State commitTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
KernelTransaction tx = ctx.currentTransaction;
ctx.currentTransaction = null;
catch ( Throwable e )
return error( ctx, e );
ctx.currentTransaction = null;
return IDLE;
public State rollbackTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
KernelTransaction tx = ctx.currentTransaction;
ctx.currentTransaction = null;
return IDLE;
catch ( Throwable e )
return error( ctx, e );
public State reset( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return rollbackTransaction( ctx );
* A result stream is ready for consumption, there may or may not be an open transaction.
public State pullAll( SessionStateMachine ctx )
ctx.result( ctx.currentResult );
return discardAll( ctx );
catch ( Throwable e )
return error( ctx, e );
public State discardAll( SessionStateMachine ctx )
if ( !ctx.hasTransaction() )
return IDLE;
else if ( ctx.currentTransaction.transactionType() == implicit )
return IN_TRANSACTION.commitTransaction( ctx );
catch ( Throwable e )
return error( ctx, e );
ctx.currentResult = null;
public State reset( SessionStateMachine ctx )
// Do an extra reset, since discardAll may put us
// in the IN_TRANSACTION state
return discardAll( ctx ).reset( ctx );
/** An error has occurred, client must acknowledge it before anything else is allowed. */
public State reset( SessionStateMachine ctx )
// There may still be a transaction open, so do
// an extra reset on the outcome of ackFailure to ensure we go
// to idle state.
return ackFailure( ctx ).reset( ctx );
public State ackFailure( SessionStateMachine ctx )
if( ctx.hasTransaction() )
return IDLE;
protected State onNoImplementation( SessionStateMachine ctx, String command )
return ERROR;
* The state machine is in a temporary INTERRUPT state, and will ignore
* all messages until a RESET is received.
* When we are in the interrupted state, we need RESET messages
* to clear that state.
public State reset( SessionStateMachine ctx )
// If > 0 to guard against bugs making the counter negative
if( ctx.interruptCounter.get() > 0 )
if( ctx.interruptCounter.decrementAndGet() > 0 )
// This happens when the user sends multiple
// interrupts at the same time, we now demand
// an equivalent number of RESET until we go back
// to IDLE.
return IDLE;
public State interrupt( SessionStateMachine ctx )
protected State onNoImplementation( SessionStateMachine ctx, String command )
/** The state machine is permanently stopped. */
public State halt( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return STOPPED;
protected State onNoImplementation( SessionStateMachine ctx, String command )
return STOPPED;
// Operations that a session can perform. Individual states override these if they want to support them.
public State init( SessionStateMachine ctx, String clientName, Map authToken )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "initializing the session" );
public State runStatement( SessionStateMachine ctx, String statement, Map params )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "running a statement" );
public State pullAll( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "pulling full stream" );
public State discardAll( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "discarding remainder of stream" );
public State commitTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "committing transaction" );
public State rollbackTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "rolling back transaction" );
public State beginImplicitTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "beginning implicit transaction" );
public State beginTransaction( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "beginning implicit transaction" );
public State reset( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "resetting the current session" );
public State ackFailure( SessionStateMachine ctx )
return onNoImplementation( ctx, "acknowledging a failure" );
* If the session has been interrupted, this will be invoked before *each*
* message that is processed after interruption, until the interrupt counter
* is reset back to 0. This exists to ensure we cleanly reset any current
* state, meaning the default implementation is the same as reset.
public State interrupt( SessionStateMachine ctx )
reset( ctx );
protected State onNoImplementation( SessionStateMachine ctx, String command )
String msg = "'" + command + "' cannot be done when a session is in the '" + ctx.state.name() + "' state.";
return error( ctx, new Neo4jError( Status.Request.Invalid, msg ) );
public State halt( SessionStateMachine ctx )
if ( ctx.currentTransaction != null )
catch ( Throwable e )
ctx.error( Neo4jError.from( e ) );
return STOPPED;
State error( SessionStateMachine ctx, Throwable err )
if( err instanceof AuthorizationViolationException &&
ctx.credentialsExpired )
// TODO: This is *way* too high up the stack to create this message, this should
// happen much further down.
return error( ctx, new Neo4jError( CredentialsExpired,
String.format("The credentials you provided were valid, but must be changed before you can " +
"use this instance. If this is the first time you are using Neo4j, this is to " +
"ensure you are not using the default credentials in production. If you are not " +
"using default credentials, you are getting this message because an administrator " +
"requires a password change.%n" +
"Changing your password is easy to do via the Neo4j Browser.%n" +
"If you are connecting via a shell or programmatically via a driver, " +
"just issue a `CALL dbms.changePassword('new password')` statement in the current " +
"session, and then restart your driver with the new password configured."),
err ) );
return error( ctx, Neo4jError.from( err ) );
State error( SessionStateMachine ctx, Neo4jError err )
ctx.spi.reportError( err );
State outcome = ERROR;
if ( ctx.hasTransaction() )
switch( ctx.currentTransaction.transactionType() )
case explicit:
case implicit:
catch ( Throwable t )
ctx.spi.reportError( "While handling '" + err.status() + "', a second failure occurred when " +
"rolling back transaction: " + t.getMessage(), t );
ctx.currentTransaction = null;
ctx.error( err );
return outcome;
private final String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
/** A re-usable statement metadata instance that always represents the currently running statement */
private final StatementMetadata currentStatementMetadata = new StatementMetadata()
public String[] fieldNames()
return currentResult.fieldNames();
* This is incremented each time {@link #interrupt()} is called,
* and decremented each time a {@link #reset(Object, Callback)} message
* arrives. When this is above 0, all messages will be ignored.
* This way, when a reset message arrives on the network, interrupt
* can be called to "purge" all the messages ahead of the reset message.
private final AtomicInteger interruptCounter = new AtomicInteger();
/** The current session state */
private State state = State.UNINITIALIZED;
/** The current pending result, if present */
private RecordStream currentResult;
/** The current transaction, if present */
private KernelTransaction currentTransaction;
/** The current query source, if initialized */
private String currentQuerySource;
/** Callback poised to receive the next response */
private Callback currentCallback;
/** Callback attachment */
private Object currentAttachment;
/** The current session auth state to be used for starting transactions */
private AccessMode accessMode;
* If the current user has provided valid but needs-to-be-changed credentials,
* this flag gets set. This is not awesome - it'd be better to have a special
* access mode for this state, that would help disambiguate from being unauthenticated
* as well. Did things this way to minimize risk of introducing bugs this late
* in the 3.0 cycle. A further note towards adding a special AccessMode is that
* we need to set things up to change access mode anyway whenever the user changes
* credentials or is upgraded. As it is now, a new session needs to be created.
private boolean credentialsExpired;
/** These are the "external" actions the state machine can take */
private final SPI spi;
* This SPI encapsulates the "external" actions the state machine can take.
* It exists for three reasons:
* 1) It makes it very clear what side-effects the SSM can have
* 2) It decouples the SSM from the actual components performing these operations
* 3) It makes it *much* easier to test the SSM without having to re-implement
* the whole database as mocks.
* If you are adding new functionality to the SSM where the new function needs
* to reach out to some component outside the SSM, please add it here. And when
* you do, please consider the law of demeter - if you are simply adding
* "getQueryEngine" to the SPI, you're doing it wrong, then we might as well
* have the full components as fields.
interface SPI
String connectionDescriptor();
void reportError( Neo4jError err );
void reportError( String message, Throwable cause );
KernelTransaction beginTransaction( KernelTransaction.Type type, AccessMode mode );
void bindTransactionToCurrentThread( KernelTransaction tx );
void unbindTransactionFromCurrentThread();
RecordStream run( SessionStateMachine ctx, String statement, Map params )
throws KernelException;
AuthenticationResult authenticate( Map authToken ) throws AuthenticationException;
void udcRegisterClient( String clientName );
Statement currentStatement();
public SessionStateMachine( String connectionDescriptor, UsageData usageData, GraphDatabaseFacade db, ThreadToStatementContextBridge txBridge,
StatementRunner engine, LogService logging, Authentication authentication )
this( new StandardStateMachineSPI( connectionDescriptor, usageData, db, engine, logging, authentication, txBridge ));
public SessionStateMachine( SPI spi )
this.spi = spi;
this.accessMode = AccessMode.Static.NONE;
public String key()
return id;
public String connectionDescriptor()
return spi.connectionDescriptor();
private String querySource()
return currentQuerySource;
private void setQuerySourceFromClientNameAndPrincipal( String clientName, Object principal )
String principalName = principal == null ? "null" : principal.toString();
currentQuerySource = format( "bolt\t%s\t%s\t%s>", principalName, clientName, connectionDescriptor() );
public void init( String clientName, Map authToken, A attachment, Callback callback )
before( attachment, callback );
state = state.init( this, clientName, authToken );
finally { after(); }
public void run( String statement, Map params, A attachment,
Callback callback )
before( attachment, callback );
state = state.runStatement( this, statement, params );
finally { after(); }
public void pullAll( A attachment, Callback callback )
before( attachment, callback );
state = state.pullAll( this );
finally { after(); }
public void discardAll( A attachment, Callback callback )
before( attachment, callback );
state = state.discardAll( this );
finally { after(); }
public void ackFailure( A attachment, Callback callback )
before( attachment, callback );
state = state.ackFailure( this );
finally { after(); }
public void reset( A attachment, Callback callback )
before( attachment, callback );
state = state.reset( this );
finally { after(); }
public void interrupt()
// NOTE: This is a side-channel method call. You *cannot*
// mutate any of the regular state in the state machine
// from inside this method, it WILL lead to race conditions.
// Imagine this is always called from a separate thread, while
// the main session worker thread is actively working on mutating
// fields on the session.
// If there is currently a transaction running, terminate it
KernelTransaction tx = this.currentTransaction;
if(tx != null)
public void close()
before( null, null );
state = state.halt( this );
finally { after(); }
// Below are methods used from within the state machine, to alter state while its executing an action
public void beginImplicitTransaction()
state = state.beginImplicitTransaction( this );
public void beginTransaction()
state = state.beginTransaction( this );
public void commitTransaction()
state = state.commitTransaction( this );
public void rollbackTransaction()
state = state.rollbackTransaction( this );
public boolean hasTransaction()
return currentTransaction != null;
public QuerySession createSession( GraphDatabaseQueryService service, PropertyContainerLocker locker )
InternalTransaction transaction = service.beginTransaction( implicit, accessMode );
Neo4jTransactionalContext transactionalContext =
new Neo4jTransactionalContext( service, transaction, spi.currentStatement(), locker );
return new BoltQuerySession( transactionalContext, querySource() );
public State state()
return state;
public String toString()
return "Session[" + id + "," + state.name() + "]";
* Set the callback to receive the next response. This will receive one completion or one failure, and then be
* detached again. This exists both to ensure that each callback only gets called once, as well as to avoid
* repeating the callback and attachments in every method signature in the state machine.
private void before( Object attachment, Callback cb )
if ( cb != null )
cb.started( attachment );
if( interruptCounter.get() > 0 )
// Force into interrupted state. This is how we 'discover'
// that `interrupt` has been called.
// First reset, so we clean up any open resources
state = state.interrupt( this );
if ( hasTransaction() )
spi.bindTransactionToCurrentThread( currentTransaction );
assert this.currentCallback == null;
assert this.currentAttachment == null;
this.currentCallback = cb;
this.currentAttachment = attachment;
/** Signal to the currently attached client callback that the request has been processed */
private void after()
if ( currentCallback != null )
currentCallback.completed( currentAttachment );
currentCallback = null;
currentAttachment = null;
if ( hasTransaction() )
/** Forward an error to the currently attached callback */
private void error( Neo4jError err )
if ( err.status().code().classification() == Status.Classification.DatabaseError )
spi.reportError( err );
if ( currentCallback != null )
currentCallback.failure( err, currentAttachment );
/** Forward a result to the currently attached callback */
private void result( Object result ) throws Exception
if ( currentCallback != null )
currentCallback.result( result, currentAttachment );
* A message is being ignored, because the state machine is waiting for an error to be acknowledged before it
* resumes processing.
private void ignored()
if ( currentCallback != null )
currentCallback.ignored( currentAttachment );
private class BoltQuerySession extends QuerySession
private final String querySource;
public BoltQuerySession( Neo4jTransactionalContext transactionalContext, String querySource )
super( transactionalContext );
this.querySource = querySource;
public String toString()
return format( "bolt-session\t%s", querySource );