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The intermediate representations, such as the query graph
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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.ast.prettifier.ExpressionStringifier.backtick
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.LogicalVariable
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.RelTypeName
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.SemanticDirection
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.ShortestPathsPatternPart
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.expressions.VariableGrouping
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.macros.AssertMacros
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.NonEmptyList
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Repetition
import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.util.Rewritable
sealed trait PathVariable {
val variable: LogicalVariable
case class NodePathVariable(variable: LogicalVariable) extends PathVariable
case class RelationshipPathVariable(variable: LogicalVariable) extends PathVariable
* Part of a pattern that is connecting nodes (as in "connected components").
* This is a generalisation of relationships.
* The implicit contract holds that
* boundaryNodes == (left, right)
* boundaryNodesSet == Set(left, right)
sealed trait NodeConnection {
val left: LogicalVariable
val right: LogicalVariable
val nodes: Set[LogicalVariable]
val relationships: Set[LogicalVariable]
* The nodes connected by this node connection. That is, the outer-most nodes in this part of the pattern.
val boundaryNodes: (LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable)
lazy val boundaryNodesSet: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set(left, right)
def withLeft(left: LogicalVariable): NodeConnection
def withRight(right: LogicalVariable): NodeConnection
* All node/relationship/group variables along the path of this node connection, from left to right.
def pathVariables: Seq[PathVariable]
* Same as [[pathVariables]], but as a Set and without PathVariable wrapper class
final lazy val coveredIds: Set[LogicalVariable] =
def otherSide(node: LogicalVariable): LogicalVariable =
if (node == left) {
} else if (node == right) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Did not provide either side as an argument to otherSide. Rel: $this, argument: $node"
* @return A Cypher representation of this node connection
def solvedString: String
* This is a node connection that is not restricted by a selector.
sealed trait ExhaustiveNodeConnection extends NodeConnection {
* @return same as solvedString, but omitting the left node of the node connection
def solvedStringSuffix: String
override def withLeft(left: LogicalVariable): ExhaustiveNodeConnection
override def withRight(right: LogicalVariable): ExhaustiveNodeConnection
object ExhaustiveNodeConnection {
* A Cypher String from the given node connections forming a path pattern, left to right.
def solvedString(ncs: Seq[ExhaustiveNodeConnection]): String = {
(ncs.head.solvedString +:"")
final case class PatternRelationship(
variable: LogicalVariable,
boundaryNodes: (LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable),
dir: SemanticDirection,
types: Seq[RelTypeName],
length: PatternLength
) extends ExhaustiveNodeConnection {
def directionRelativeTo(node: LogicalVariable): SemanticDirection = if (node == left) dir else dir.reversed
override def pathVariables: Seq[PathVariable] =
Seq(NodePathVariable(left), RelationshipPathVariable(variable), NodePathVariable(right))
override val left: LogicalVariable = boundaryNodes._1
override val right: LogicalVariable = boundaryNodes._2
override val nodes: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set(left, right)
override val relationships: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set(variable)
override def withLeft(left: LogicalVariable): PatternRelationship = copy(boundaryNodes = (left, right))
override def withRight(right: LogicalVariable): PatternRelationship = copy(boundaryNodes = (left, right))
def inOrder: (LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable) = dir match {
case SemanticDirection.INCOMING => (right, left)
case _ => (left, right)
override def toString: String = solvedString(withTypes = true)
override def solvedString: String = solvedString(withTypes = false)
def solvedString(withTypes: Boolean): String =
override def solvedStringSuffix: String = solvedStringSuffix(withTypes = false)
private def solvedStringSuffix(withTypes: Boolean): String = {
val lArrow = if (dir == SemanticDirection.INCOMING) "<" else ""
val rArrow = if (dir == SemanticDirection.OUTGOING) ">" else ""
val typesStr =
if (!withTypes || types.isEmpty) {
} else {":", "|", "")
val lengthStr = length match {
case SimplePatternLength => ""
case VarPatternLength(1, None) => "*"
case VarPatternLength(x, None) => s"*$x.."
case VarPatternLength(min, Some(max)) => s"*$min..$max"
sealed trait PatternLength {
def isSimple: Boolean
def intersect(patternLength: PatternLength): PatternLength
case object SimplePatternLength extends PatternLength {
def isSimple = true
override def intersect(patternLength: PatternLength): PatternLength = SimplePatternLength
final case class VarPatternLength(min: Int, max: Option[Int]) extends PatternLength {
def isSimple = false
override def intersect(patternLength: PatternLength): PatternLength = patternLength match {
case VarPatternLength(otherMin, otherMax) =>
val newMax = Seq(max, otherMax).flatten.reduceOption(_ min _)
VarPatternLength(min.max(otherMin), newMax)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("VarPatternLength may only be intersected with VarPatternLength")
object VarPatternLength {
def unlimited: VarPatternLength = VarPatternLength(1, None)
def fixed(length: Int): VarPatternLength = VarPatternLength(length, Some(length))
* Describes the connection between two juxtaposed nodes - one inside of a [[QuantifiedPathPattern]]
* and the other one outside.
case class NodeBinding(inner: LogicalVariable, outer: LogicalVariable) {
override def toString: String = s"(inner=$inner, outer=$outer)"
final case class QuantifiedPathPattern(
leftBinding: NodeBinding,
rightBinding: NodeBinding,
patternRelationships: NonEmptyList[PatternRelationship],
selections: Selections = Selections(),
repetition: Repetition,
nodeVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping],
relationshipVariableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping]
) extends ExhaustiveNodeConnection {
// all pattern nodes are part of a relationship because a QPP has always at least one relationship and is linear in shape
val patternNodes: Set[LogicalVariable] = patternRelationships.iterator.flatMap(_.boundaryNodesSet).toSet
// all variables are meant as singletons except those in the groupings
patternRelationships.head.left == leftBinding.inner,
s"${leftBinding.inner} is not the left node of the first relationship ${patternRelationships.head.left}"
patternRelationships.last.right == rightBinding.inner,
s"${rightBinding.inner} is not the right node of the last relationship ${patternRelationships.last.right}"
nodeVariableGroupings.forall(grouping => patternNodes.contains(grouping.singleton)),
s"Not all singleton node variables ${} were pattern nodes"
relationshipVariableGroupings.forall(grouping =>
s"Not all singleton relationship variables ${} were relationship names"
override val left: LogicalVariable = leftBinding.outer
override val right: LogicalVariable = rightBinding.outer
override val nodes: Set[LogicalVariable] = Set(left, right) ++
override val relationships: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override val boundaryNodes: (LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable) = (left, right)
val variableGroupings: Set[VariableGrouping] = nodeVariableGroupings ++ relationshipVariableGroupings
val groupVariables: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override def withLeft(left: LogicalVariable): QuantifiedPathPattern =
copy(leftBinding = leftBinding.copy(outer = left))
override def withRight(right: LogicalVariable): QuantifiedPathPattern =
copy(rightBinding = rightBinding.copy(outer = right))
override def pathVariables: Seq[PathVariable] = {
val rightTail: Seq[PathVariable] =
VariableGrouping.singletonToGroup(nodeVariableGroupings, patternRelationships.last.right)
.map(NodePathVariable) ++: Seq(NodePathVariable(right))
NodePathVariable(left) +: patternRelationships.iterator.foldRight(rightTail) {
case (rel, acc) =>
VariableGrouping.singletonToGroup(nodeVariableGroupings, rel.left)
.map(NodePathVariable) ++:
VariableGrouping.singletonToGroup(relationshipVariableGroupings, rel.variable)
.map(RelationshipPathVariable) ++:
override def toString: String =
s"QPP($leftBinding, $rightBinding, $asQueryGraph, $repetition, $nodeVariableGroupings, $relationshipVariableGroupings)"
override def solvedStringSuffix: String =
s" (${ExhaustiveNodeConnection.solvedString(patternRelationships.toIndexedSeq)})${repetition.solvedString} (${backtick(})"
override def solvedString: String =
val dependencies: Set[LogicalVariable] = selections.predicates.flatMap(_.dependencies)
* Creates a QueryGraph representation of the Quantified Path Pattern and collects all dependent selections eg.
* MATCH (start) ((a:L)-[r]->(b)-[s]->(c))+ (end) =>
* MATCH (a)-[r]->(b), (b)-[s]->(c) WHERE a:L
lazy val asQueryGraph: QueryGraph =
.addPatternNodes(patternNodes.toList: _*)
sealed trait PathPattern {
* @return all quantified sub-path patterns contained in this path pattern
def allQuantifiedPathPatterns: Set[QuantifiedPathPattern]
* @return all node connection sub-path patterns contained in this path pattern
def allNodeConnections: Set[NodeConnection]
* List of path patterns making up a graph pattern.
case class PathPatterns(pathPatterns: List[PathPattern]) extends AnyVal {
* @return all quantified sub-path patterns contained in these path patterns
def allQuantifiedPathPatterns: Set[QuantifiedPathPattern] =
* @return all node connections in these path patterns
def allNodeConnections: Set[NodeConnection] =
* A path pattern made of either a single node or a list of node connections.
* It is exhaustive in that it represents all the paths matching this pattern.
* Node connections are stored as a list, preserving the order of the pattern as expressed in the query.
* Each connection contains a reference to the nodes it connects, effectively allowing us to reconstruct the alternating sequence of node and relationship patterns from this type.
* @tparam A In most cases, should be [[ExhaustiveNodeConnection]], but can be used to narrow down the type of node connections to [[PatternRelationship]] only.
sealed trait ExhaustivePathPattern[+A <: ExhaustiveNodeConnection] extends PathPattern
object ExhaustivePathPattern {
* A path pattern of length 0, made of a single node.
* @param variable the variable bound to the node pattern
final case class SingleNode[A <: ExhaustiveNodeConnection](variable: LogicalVariable)
extends ExhaustivePathPattern[A] {
override def allQuantifiedPathPatterns: Set[QuantifiedPathPattern] = Set.empty
override def allNodeConnections: Set[NodeConnection] = Set.empty
* A path pattern of length 1 or more, made of at least one node connection.
* @param connections the connections making up the path pattern, in the order in which they appear in the original query.
* @tparam A In most cases, should be [[ExhaustiveNodeConnection]], but can be used to narrow down the type of node connections to [[PatternRelationship]] only.
final case class NodeConnections[+A <: ExhaustiveNodeConnection](connections: NonEmptyList[A])
extends ExhaustivePathPattern[A] {
connections.toIndexedSeq.sliding(2).forall {
case Seq(_) => true
case Seq(a, b) => a.right == b.left
case _ => false
s"NodeConnections.connections seem to be out-of order: $connections"
override def allQuantifiedPathPatterns: Set[QuantifiedPathPattern] = {
connections.toSet[ExhaustiveNodeConnection].collect {
case qpp: QuantifiedPathPattern => qpp
override def allNodeConnections: Set[NodeConnection] =
* A path pattern, its predicates, and a selector limiting the number of paths to find.
* @param pathPattern path pattern for which we want to find solutions
* @param selections so-called "pre-filters", predicates that are applied to the path pattern as part of the path finding algorithm
* @param selector path selector such as ANY k, SHORTEST k, or SHORTEST k GROUPS, defining the type of path finding algorithm as well as the number paths to find
final case class SelectivePathPattern(
pathPattern: NodeConnections[ExhaustiveNodeConnection],
selections: Selections,
selector: SelectivePathPattern.Selector
) extends PathPattern with NodeConnection {
override def allQuantifiedPathPatterns: Set[QuantifiedPathPattern] = pathPattern.allQuantifiedPathPatterns
override def allNodeConnections: Set[NodeConnection] = pathPattern.allNodeConnections
override val left: LogicalVariable = pathPattern.connections.head.left
override val right: LogicalVariable = pathPattern.connections.last.right
override val nodes: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override val relationships: Set[LogicalVariable] =
override val boundaryNodes: (LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable) = (left, right)
override def withLeft(left: LogicalVariable): SelectivePathPattern = copy(
pathPattern = pathPattern.copy(
connections = pathPattern.connections.head.withLeft(left) +: pathPattern.connections.tailOption
override def withRight(right: LogicalVariable): SelectivePathPattern = copy(
pathPattern = pathPattern.copy(
connections = pathPattern.connections.initOption :+ pathPattern.connections.last.withRight(right)
override def pathVariables: Seq[PathVariable] =
pathPattern.connections.foldLeft(Seq[PathVariable](NodePathVariable(left))) {
case (acc, nc) => acc ++ nc.pathVariables.tail
val dependencies: Set[LogicalVariable] = selections.predicates.flatMap(_.dependencies)
def solvedString: String =
s"${selector.solvedString} ${ExhaustiveNodeConnection.solvedString(pathPattern.connections.toIndexedSeq)}"
* Creates a QueryGraph representation of the Selective Path Pattern without the QPPs outer nodes and collects all dependent selections eg.
* MATCH SHORTEST (foo)-[x]->(start) ((a:L)-[r]->(b)-[s]->(c))+ (end)=>
* MATCH (foo)-[x]->(start), (a)-[r]->(b), (b)-[s]->(c) WHERE a:L
lazy val asQueryGraph: QueryGraph =
.empty) { (acc, nodeCon) =>
nodeCon match {
case patternRelationship: PatternRelationship =>
case innerQpp: QuantifiedPathPattern =>
val innerQppAsQueryGraph = innerQpp.asQueryGraph
// We do not need to take the outer nodes into consideration here
// since they are added in the pattern relationship part of the selective path pattern or are considered for analysis in the outer QueryGraph
.addPatternNodes(innerQppAsQueryGraph.patternNodes.diff(boundaryNodesSet).toList: _*)
lazy val varLengthRelationships: Seq[LogicalVariable] = pathPattern.connections.toIndexedSeq.collect {
case PatternRelationship(name, _, _, _, _: VarPatternLength) => name
object SelectivePathPattern {
* Defines the paths to find for each combination of start and end nodes.
sealed trait Selector {
* @return A Cypher representation of this selector
def solvedString: String
object Selector {
* Finds up to k paths arbitrarily.
case class Any(k: Long) extends Selector {
override def solvedString: String = s"ANY $k"
* Returns the shortest, second-shortest, etc. up to k paths.
* If there are multiple paths of same length, picks arbitrarily.
case class Shortest(k: Long) extends Selector {
override def solvedString: String = s"SHORTEST $k"
* Finds all shortest paths, all second shortest paths, etc. up to all Kth shortest paths.
case class ShortestGroups(k: Long) extends Selector {
override def solvedString: String = s"SHORTEST $k GROUPS"
//noinspection ZeroIndexToHead
final case class ShortestRelationshipPattern(
maybePathVar: Option[LogicalVariable],
rel: PatternRelationship,
single: Boolean
val expr: ShortestPathsPatternPart
) extends PathPattern with Rewritable {
def dup(children: Seq[AnyRef]): this.type =
def isFindableFrom(symbols: Set[LogicalVariable]): Boolean = symbols.contains(rel.left) && symbols.contains(rel.right)
def availableSymbols: Set[LogicalVariable] = maybePathVar.toSet ++ rel.coveredIds
override def allQuantifiedPathPatterns: Set[QuantifiedPathPattern] = Set.empty
override def allNodeConnections: Set[NodeConnection] = Set.empty
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