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* Copyright (c) "Neo4j"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
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package org.neo4j.messages;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* Collection of error and log messages (usable in product and test classes)
public class MessageUtil {
public enum Numerus {
NONE, // = 0 entities
SINGULAR, // = 1 entity
PLURAL; // >= 2 entities
public static Numerus of(int number) {
if (number < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Numerus of " + number + " is not defined.");
return switch (number) {
case 0 -> NONE;
case 1 -> SINGULAR;
default -> PLURAL;
// authentication
private static final String CREATE_NODE_WITH_LABELS_DENIED =
"Create node with labels '%s' on database '%s' is not allowed for %s.";
private static final String WITH_USER = "user '%s' with %s";
private static final String OVERRIDDEN_MODE = "%s overridden by %s";
private static final String RESTRICTED_MODE = "%s restricted to %s";
// alias
private static final String ALTER_TO_REMOTE =
"Failed to alter the specified database alias '%s': alter a local alias to a remote alias is not supported.";
// security
private static final String FAILED_TO_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY =
"Failed to read the symmetric key from the configured keystore";
// hints
// 1 = operatorDescription, 2 = hint serialization, 3 = details
private static final String HINT_ERROR = "Cannot use %1$s hint `%2$s` in this context: %3$s";
// 1 = missingThingDescription, 2 = foundThingDescription, 3 = entityDescription, 4 = entityName, 5 = additionalInfo
private static final String HINT_MISSING_PROPERTY_LABEL_DETAIL =
"Must use %1$s, that the hint is referring to, on %3$s either in the pattern"
+ " or in supported predicates in `WHERE` (either directly or as part of a top-level `AND` or `OR`), but %2$s found."
+ " %5$s"
+ " Note that %1$s must be specified on a non-optional %4$s.";
private static final String HINT_TEXT_INDEX_DETAIL = "The hint specifies using a text index but %s";
* authentication & authorization messages
public static String createNodeWithLabelsDenied(String labels, String database, String user) {
return String.format(CREATE_NODE_WITH_LABELS_DENIED, labels, database, user);
// security context
public static String authDisabled(String mode) {
return "AUTH_DISABLED with " + mode;
// username description
public static String withUser(String user, String mode) {
return String.format(WITH_USER, user, mode);
// mode names
public static String overriddenMode(String original, String wrapping) {
return String.format(OVERRIDDEN_MODE, original, wrapping);
public static String restrictedMode(String original, String wrapping) {
return String.format(RESTRICTED_MODE, original, wrapping);
public static String standardMode(Set roles) {
Set sortedRoles = new TreeSet<>(roles);
return roles.isEmpty() ? "no roles" : "roles " + sortedRoles;
* alias messages
public static String alterToLocalAlias(String alias) {
return String.format(ALTER_TO_REMOTE, alias);
* Security messages
public static String failedToFindEncryptionKeyInKeystore(String keyName) {
return String.format(
"%s. The key '%s' was not found in the given keystore file.", FAILED_TO_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY, keyName);
public static String failedToReadEncryptionKey(String... settings) {
return String.format(
"%s. Please verify the keystore configurations: %s.",
FAILED_TO_READ_ENCRYPTION_KEY, StringUtils.join(settings, ", "));
public static String failedToEncryptPassword() {
return "Failed to encrypt remote user password.";
public static String failedToDecryptPassword() {
return "Failed to decrypt remote user password.";
public static String invalidScheme(String url, List schemes) {
return String.format(
"The provided url '%s' has an invalid scheme. Please use one of the following schemes: %s.",
url, StringUtils.join(schemes, ", "));
public static String insecureScheme(String url, List schemes) {
return String.format(
"The provided url '%s' is not a secure scheme. Please use one of the following schemes: %s.",
url, StringUtils.join(schemes, ", "));
// hints
public static String createHintError(String operatorDescription, String hintSerialization, String details) {
return String.format(HINT_ERROR, operatorDescription, hintSerialization, details);
public static String createTextIndexHintError(String hintSerialization, Numerus foundPredicates) {
var predicatesString =
switch (foundPredicates) {
case NONE ->
// this should be caught semantic checking but let's provide a meaningful error message anyways
"no matching predicate was found.";
case SINGULAR -> "the predicate found cannot be used by a text index.";
case PLURAL -> "none of the predicates found can be used by a text index.";
String suggestion;
if (foundPredicates != Numerus.NONE) {
suggestion =
" You could try to convert the compared value to string by calling `toString()` on it or by testing whether it is a string using `STARTS WITH`.";
} else {
suggestion = "";
String documentation =
" For more information on when a text index is applicable, please consult the documentation on the use of text indexes.";
return createHintError(
"text index",
String.format(HINT_TEXT_INDEX_DETAIL, predicatesString + suggestion + documentation));
public static String createMissingPropertyLabelHintError(
String operatorDescription,
String hintSerialization,
String missingThingDescription,
String foundThingsDescription,
String entityDescription,
String entityName,
String additionalInfo) {
return createHintError(
"The variable '%1$s' is referencing an entity that is created in the same CREATE clause which is not allowed. "
+ "Please only reference variables created in earlier clauses.";
"The %1$s variable '%2$s' is referencing a %1$s that is created in the same CREATE clause which is not allowed. "
+ "Please only reference variables created in earlier clauses.";
public static String createSelfReferenceError(String name) {
public static String createSelfReferenceError(String name, String variableType) {
return String.format(SELF_REFERENCE_TO_VARIABLE_IN_CREATE_PATTERN_ERROR, variableType, name);